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#xQc #Battleship #Adept

Okay i'll play, if i'm free to play character, so we could have a trial run. Okay, i'm johan smith, he's pretty good okay. So let me explain okay, so whenever you get a hit right, you give the opponent one xp. Every round you get two free xp's and you can use abilities with that.

That's about it! Um wait! What okay! If you hit my ship, you give me an xp for next round. Okay got it, so you don't want to like sink all ships at once. Otherwise, you give me too much xp and i can. I can go super hard got it.

Does that like to keep people from cheating uh? No, no, no, no! Okay! Yeah, because you can use abilities. Okay, it says i'm ready. Yeah are you? Where are you right now you're playing your ships right? No, i'm not placing i'm just sitting here looking at johann and william, did you ready up? What's the thing i want? Is that, like i think, i'm literally nothing's happening? Maybe i should pick someone else, maybe nope? No nothing's happening i'm gon na leave, i forfeited again: okay, try again uh nine five one: four: okay, okay, now you're good. He i selected someone.

Okay, there we go: okay, uh click to rotate your ships; yeah, okay, okay, i'm ready; okay! Well, i'm not going to show you because we're doing like a picture, so i can't have to learn wait. What have you done? Click enter. Am i only supposed to do one at a time yeah. You only have one one turner yeah, so the ability, the ability uh - that is the bomb right on the left.

That's a mine! If i hit your mine uh, you get two free shots at random. It's not that good, a scan scans in a nine radius around one node that you've already hit before okay see. I gave you now. I give you an expedient and you get plus two also because of the beginning around them that that's a good spot to get a scanning, though you know cause you've got ta have to hit it.

No, no! No! It's any node! You you that you've fired at you can use it as a node bait. Okay. So that means oh okay. I see i said, there's three nodes: oh that's cool, so you could scan mid turn.

Okay, are you done uh yeah? Okay? Also, you can see my ships. What they look like on the right side of the monitor yeah, some people call this a waste of money. Some people are right. What are the minds doing again? Give you two free shots, uh at random.

So how do i use it? You uh your turn. You click it and you put it somewhere. That's it wait. Why is there a mine cause? I put it there? Oh you put them on your side.

The game gave me a hit on your one of your ships. Oh, i want to put a mine hold on. Well, you shouldn't tell me that you told me when you put one yeah, but it was obvious because uh your marker went up by one. I don't get it uh your marker, your node of scan.

I had three right. They went to four because i put one there. I don't understand what that means, your sonar right, your node, it says two on it. Were you scanned remember earlier.

Was it worth four earlier yeah, you said three when you scanned it now, it's four and now after that was four because i put a mine there. Does that make sense? Oh okay, yeah! What the yo big mind placement, i'm a genius! It's pretty good! Yeah just kind of toast we have, i think, we've almost all of them. Okay, what are these other abilities? You have ultimate, you have. This torpedo sends a torpedo and it will continue going forward in a straight line all the way through until i hit something okay, um, why you just put a bind down.
I saw it, you didn't see anything well. My marker went from two to three. You didn't see a thing: okay, wait what i wanted to go the other way, no interesting! When are you ready, yeah, i'm working on it? I've never played this game online. Like you, sir sorry um.

What what that is so unlucky. I want to be weird about it, but i'll give you a little bit of tip here so now, you're getting you're, giving me actually xp for free for no reason, because you already know what kind of boat that is so why finish it up now: okay, okay, I see what you mean. What nice two misses: okay, wait, mine's, not a what i heard it. No that's kind of weird i didn't do anything.

Is my game bugged or is it your turn? I don't know what kind of ship is this? Oh there's four in here, then it can only be it could only mean that it's two ships, two ships, perhaps or two stacked ones, so dumb i completely rather minds. This is so dumb, okay, well um! Well, that's! This is dumb the. What kim i'm confused a little bit here, though? Oh whoops, it's okay! I have so much xp, i'm about to unleash right. Okay, i should have known you and to put on the edge i don't know i have to win now or never pretty much.

Is that a mine there or not? I can't i can't. I can't remember it's always on the left. So it's unlike this, oh my god, i'm so dumb. Okay, no way impossible stop with the minds, man, okay! Oh! What does that mean? I have a three stack.

So it has to be distant um, it's not possible, though wait what oh hold up um three. How is that impossible? How is that even possible? Did i win yeah, you got lucky. No! That was skill. Please, okay! Well, i was giving you all the answers and i was trolling - oh my god, 303 to 69, okay, okay, oh, if you're gon na act i'll smoke it i'm gon na i'm gon na tap.

You in two turns then: okay, okay! Well, good luck with that! Good luck to you! Oh now, you're paying the win; okay, so ready um. Yes, so kim me good sign up for that game. Me too, stop with the minds man jesus. What do you mean? I do nothing? No minds! No lies! Oh my god.

What was that? Okay, fair enough salvo. How did you get that welt? Oh, what's mile uh torpedo, okay, uh-huh, but why um yeah? I i have to stop touching that area of the game. Then, because i mean it's upwards, really, okay, interesting! You know what zeros are actually the best scans in the game, because they clear more of a big area, man, the minds getting dumb, so i don't like them what's wrong with them. Oh no, snowing! Okay, there's a mine in that in that a quarter.
This has got to be, i think, of mine, then well with mine's. I'm i'm a mine up. Then good luck, okay! What up? What up! I knew that was gon na happen. What what up? What up counter mind that? How is that? That was even a thing! I am the lieutenant general of the 47th juice family.

The air just killed me really hard wait. Why can't i move enemy warships, we can win. We can't click anything commander. I don't know i'm trying to click a spot.

It won't. Let me i don't know how much longer i could only place a mine. You could only could only scan in airs that you tried to hit e-e yeah, but i'm not trying to scan i'm trying to hit. Oh, i don't know, oh cause, you you're, not! No.

I hit a mine and then it and then it backfired right, yeah yeah, oh my bad, are you hiding your ship is how it is dude. This placement is so dumb ha. My minefield, bruh pisses me off hello. I am the lieutenant general.

Oh, my god, we are currently engaged in a battle with enemy warships. We can win this, but our commander keeps telling us to shoot at empty water and mines. I don't know how much longer we can keep this up brah brah moment. What the is that? Okay, the mines, man, sorry, sorry, okay, oh you're, doing this in last game, give me xp now sorry um, so so what that's crazy then it has to be here so annoying xqc is my captain.

Troll despair, jesus christ, i'm losing every coin, flip it's getting so stupid, oh my god, i'm doing so bad! Now i stop. I stop it. I i like them um! I like them, though i know for a fact that the one and the one are both minds because you're kind of up, surely: okay, um, okay, okay, another fact that this is your last big ship. How is that even possible? Oh that's! Coin! Flip! Again, that's a lot of water.

Oh, this is not good. Okay, it has to be here day 456 in the empty ocean. Our captain keeps telling us to use sonor and find the minds. I'm not sure what the purpose of this mission is anymore.

I'm sure i'm going with a wild guess here. Wait you get to hit again. How do you get the hit again, i'm so confused wait what what wait? Why do you get to you hit the mine, i'm confused? I i don't know what happened. I don't even understand how you get to keep going when you hit the mine, then what well you actually wait.

You didn't get pointless, then no you hit the mine and then you got to go. That's all right! That's two out of three! I guess! Okay, i see how it is: okay, it's not, then yeah, no okay! I was gon na put it wouldn't be honest. I mean that was just kind of not gon na lie, always because it was an ability and not an actual torpedo. Me again.

No stop! I, like them, they're fun. Oh my god, all this exposed water, i'm seeing all of the crabs. I love crabs. Oh ho, i hecking move swimming with the crabs, good god holy chills, gully moly holy.
Oh my god. Oh my god, chill's on a stack, hey! You deserve it. Okay, again. Okay, that's how it is.

I should say for sonar. I'm controlling right now. Stop don't don't even try it! Oh yes, let's go! Oh my god! I spy just minds. Xqcn show me your schnoz stop.

Okay, i saw you i saw you. Do it, italy went up, it literally went up you're, not like my zach passed away a few days ago. He was a big fan of yours and this is a message for everybody struggling right now. You aren't alone and please reach out for help.

If you need it, this is for you zack, a single torpedo will take out our whole fleet. I can't heck and wait. I won't okay, oh my okay. That was very lucky.

For you another mind, i like the minds, it's some it's a mine and i know i know it's mine just off. Oh, it's digging! That's big! I wonder if it's a big ship, three small ships, four ships or just a bunch of mines, then that has to be okay. Okay, then that was actually a good call. I did right there, not bad, because what that does? Is that um it? It makes certain you have a mind there.

Oh no, no it doesn't. I'm zero head knight is it's 900 percent, it's impossible. Three ships left. That means bing.

What i'm losing my mind, there's too many minds. You you put into many mines. This is this. Is we're getting right now you, okay! Well, this is not very helpful.

Don't don't you damn? No more mines? Okay, so i guess bing, that's a small one! That's kind of a big deal so then pink thing. Okay. Why is that a question mark what you're a rat you? Oh, my, okay, that that okay, yeah you're literally getting all the already yeah. This is really done ouch, but even the plane filled somehow jesus, oh big, just one! Could that mean okay, well you're, annoying literally using abilities to win you're complaining about mine, so i'm not putting any reminds then watch new set of three.

Oh, this is three three yep: okay, you're a loser kim hurry up dog! Okay join um! I don't join anything yet it's kind of cool, okay, four one: zero, six, okay, try a new one; yeah, that's free the gator you're playing. It has a really bad old and bad costs, but his ships are kind of blessed. Oh yikes. What the is this? What map is math you like it? No, i i just bought this.

I don't like it. Okay, ready. Are you ready, you're? Sorry, i was doing some mathematicians. Okay, that's a bing! That's a thing! That's not a being really you're mining before yeah, okay, bing wow! So, okay, interesting, i think they might have been a big ass waste.

I'm just gon na keep it a book. What what okay dude? That's! Just! That's just straight lucky! That is a max luck! Okay, how dare cool? What the! How would i know that i was going to sync something there? Okay, next kim, i don't know what you're talking about okay um, that was awkward, the red dot they're saying the redness is six. I have no idea why one and three i can only miss twice on paper. Surely this is not a miss.
I was so lucky: okay, okay, and if you have four in here no way you went with both your small ones, it's got ta be a corner. One it's both your smalls, then stop wait what i thought it was the bigger one. That's unfortunate, um, okay, lucky it's got, ta be mine's in there or ah, no it's mines, because these are all one. Two, three, okay, that's gon na, be your stick.

Then. Then one of the top is your two and then one is just mines. The middle one gives me a and a short strike. If i were you when i would not stack pac-man mr k, how is cool? I do.

I do a reversal here and i would be not cool that kind of minute right there, boys five, you can still use your light, your normal torpedo, oof. That was rough. Really, that's the rng. I get two whole misses.

Okay. Well, i mean congratulations. You won loser! Well, i didn't want to do a coin flip right, god forbid. What what let's take the chance? Bruh look, how many coin flips! I have to take to find your one ship, dumbass semi, he's scared! It's okay! I like that you're scared! You should be okay, your scatter shot got a five strike and your four i like that you're scared.

You should be okay, one more then yep set up same map same map, come on. Mr scared, where's, your this is battleship world olympics. Okay, do you wan na provide after that or not yeah? Okay, like candy, can your turn shhh? How dare you? Why would you copy me? Oh, it's just um reverse psychology. You know, if you did it to me, you probably did to yourself.

What are you doing playing the game? That's this reminds me, are you familiar with the thought experiment, the shepherd's theseus in the field of identity metaphors? Naturally, the ship of theseus is an artifact in a museum over time. It's planks of wood rot and are replaced with new planks when no yo guess what if quizzes are quizzical what are tests? Oh no, yes, go to sleep literally dog, oh wow. I get a free hit, yep i've learned from you. I've learned them for the master, mind mary.

What is this rng that you get right now, i'm just insane um i thought was the dick. That's all your ships right there that's unfortunate, because i uh you left like a couple mines behind her okay, it's unfortunate because no one asked okay, fair enough now boom. This could be anything really. I want this.

Oh it's your stick, then, okay. What would sammy do something stupid? What hit quite flipped lucky, i never sleep on the couch. We don't even have a couch. How do you sleep on it? True, um, mother, sucker, it's got ta, be a mind, then you're weirdo huh, that's how it is.

Okay, we do now - oh my god, this is actually getting on my nerves. Now i'm going to start placing mines again. This makes no sense at all. This doesn't um come on all right.
I put a mine down somewhere - oh oh, my god, okay you're, just annoying. Aren't you yep big annoying eat you! Okay! Now, hopefully we get some good luck here. Oh wait. Could this mean it's your three juicer? No, it's not it's a mine! Oh! I think i see it.

This will help a lot. Why is it called an asteroid when it is outside the hemisphere but called a hemorrhoid when it's in your ass? What oh, i see it now, i'm so dumb. So, oh, that's the biggest ship man, two years, wtf minus 120 lul 30 months. I remember watching you play gta 4 funniest ever xqcl.

It would have to be like this wait. Bro just end the game you're, so it's so annoying annoying! It's insane! Well! I still have a coin for you, though yikes. No, you don't literally winning on abilities. I'm done.

I went through your overwatch player. Oh, they don't shut up your dog okay, oh my god that is so annoying. There's an accuracy. This is something you're, proud of or not huh.

Are you proud of your 51? Probably reading chat the whole time what literal stream sniper? How actually do you go to valerie because you're, actually so weird, oh you're, literally stream sniping because you couldn't handle the first loss? It's insane you're you're, lucky that you you they get to be honest, you're, so intelligent as i am right, please at least if you're going to stream snipe me, take your ad block off and watch these ads and subscribe. Thank you. Okay did that than that. No, what thank you.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “I played battleship against my girlfriend.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iTry says:

    not rommates anymore Pog

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mutsu Sei says:

    I trough It was World of Warship

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eXist says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sloththegreat says:

    "Back in 4 to 5 hours" Aware

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prästen Nataniel says:

    WHAT? XQC has a grill? unexpected what a plot twist

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nano says:

    silly mistake, why did mr. Editor put “girlfriend” instead of “roommate”

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dope says:

    Here before title is changed, original title is "I played Battleship with my girlfriend"

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan HA says:

    wow goblin/golumn has a gf, hope he keeps her as treasure aswell

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! james hale says:

    I was here at 34 seconds

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spicy weiner says:

    Xqc please buy me a pc so I'm not a console frog

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars omegartrd says:

    Yo wtf i thought she is just your roommate mr cow why did you lie to me

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eula's Simp says:

    it's girlfriend now not roommates. time flies by fast…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diezy says:

    They are roommates WeirdChamp

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Type Teu Diabetus says:

    And they were roomates

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soop says:

    Not just roommates feelsstrongman

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King Kobra says:

    To anyone seeing this .. have an amazing day ,and stay safe 🙏🏽

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