xQc carries Madison Beer in Fall Guys.
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#xQc #madisonbeer

Well, it's all working on. we're all good to go. What is your? um, what is your um, what is your biggest fear? My biggest fear? like uh. overall, so well what? Actually, you know.

Honestly, I'm really terrified of? Well, there's obviously deeper things that I'm scared of. but I'm really afraid of snakes. Okay I have a fear of snakes. Just snakes.

Yeah, I mean obviously I'm scared of other like you know, scary I'm scared of getting robbed and killed and I'm definitely scared of snakes I don't like snakes. What are you scared of anything? I'm scared of not doing enough before it's all over there. you go see that's like one More like is that's like a I I can give you one like that for sure I think that. go ahead.

that's that's accurate I mean that I get that. but I think you know but y I don't know. Oh, you're good. after that, we could probably give you some swag cuz that's going to.

it's kind of pathetic. Um, sorry though. So what is, uh, your swag in the game? It's like, are you saying my swag is pathetic? Kind of yeah, a little bit. Wow.

I What? What? You're wearing a dut backpack? It's I style. that just crazy. It's rare. Do you have any pets at home? Any animals? I Do I have a a puppy? I had I had two but my other puppy passed way.

It's so sad. What kind of breed is that I have right now I have a bernadoodle. he's amazing. his name is Presley so is it what again I forgot a bernadoodle.

he's a Bernie mountain dog mixed with a poodle. oh I don't know either of them. uh does it look like a rat or not? No, he's the opposite of a rat. He's the most gorgeous dog I've ever seen.

Do you have pets? um way I mean at home in Quebec um my family has I me they have are old family pets I have a cat named Leah and I have a dog named Bruno and it's a border coli and the cat's just a cat that's so cute. um cat. what color cat. it's like like mixed.

It's like a like yo let go sorry this guy. um it's like a cat cat. You know it's like mixed right? It's like it's like all the colors. it's like Gray white, black.

yeah it's like it has like part, almost like part. Tiger you know it's like it's got It's got like some brown orange parts to him. oh he's an orange cat. I hear that orange cats are like crazy cats.

oh my god did you fall off? I yes but I'm like that was so messed up. oh my God we're not going to make it. Oh no no no it do matter because I I have enough points on my own I think to um to carry us through. Damn no no no no no we chill.

we chill. Okay, fine. Oh I was so close. Have you ever had any um any jobs before like actual like jobs.

That said I was so young when I got started I was only like 12 so not anything real but I I I worked at like a frozen yogurt shop for more so for fun so no honestly that's chill I don't have no fix something. oh I hope it's not the puzzle one but the memory one I'm so bad at that one. oh I'm also so bad at this one. yeah that one is uh it's a lot.
I'm not reading off of notes. people say I'm read off notes I I'm I'm Jing out like this is like I always freestyle this if if if I if I have it's not like notes I don't have notes okay I'm not a note type guy. let go of me sorry go yeah know you know that you know what that is right? There're snipers. What's a sniper? It's people that that watch a stream and they they get into your games and they snipe it they they.

oh I'm so bad. Yeah sniping means like like you you do like a precise shot. You know like in real life like a like a gun like a sniper is like a precise shot. It's like they know when the queue and know who you are so they snipe you.

It's disastrous. Yeah horrible. This is disastrous. I'm literally doing so bad.

I'm not even past like the first area. oh my God no it's okay we we we got a lot of points for that, we got a lot of points. Oh my. God I am being bounced around I think you're still going to be good? There's no way there's no way there's no n this is good.

This is good. Holy oh my God this is oh my God this is fine. No get this is good. y oh my God this is so bad.

Oh my. God I can't do this area I've never been able to do this Okay. Go go go Ah go ah go good That's good. Yeah yeah.

overall less diving is oh my God oh my God this is good. oh my God this is yeah yeah just go slow and you're good. Yeah so overall div listen listen diving is crazy cuz it stops everything like it stops like your momentum and puts you like it makes you fall down so like so bad. I promise I'll be better though I don't care, we're Win Regardless holy these guys are all garbage.

We're going to win regardless. um yeah I saw um a clip or something on Twitter about you and Kasan because he's very this guy's very angry in the community of gaming. Whatever, how did you guys need that? Kon actually is the one who told me to start streaming so I have to give Kon credit where it's do but we met years ago. I've been friends with him for so long.

he's actually like he went to high school with my ex-boyfriend like I've known him for years and years. Um long before he started streaming and stuff. Interesting? Yeah yeah. I've known him forever.

Yeah I the party. me and my boyfriend. He's like, that's cool. Have you met him in person? Yeah Yes.

I met him at the party. um a month ago I think a month and a half ago. Yeah Kon's a good guy for real? Yeah yeah yeah yeah. he's chilling.

What do um, do do you hang out with him a lot? or like you just like a yeah I haven't seen him like too recently. but yeah I mean like honestly we used to hang out like every single day but I haven't seen him in a while. that very nice. um oh my God this ohen I I don't I don't um listen I got distracted.

go with the blades not against them my I I no no no I think we're done I think we're done okay Al me that that's okay. we can leave now. just leave, leave, show, and then do exit. That is quietly my fault I'm not kidding.
No yikes. Well, it was my fault the second round. so we're even now. Let's let's show everyone that we're good and we could have Redemption one more.

Oh man, that's embarrassing. That was absolutely rubbish. Um, how would you rate your level of Happiness Overall currently out of 10 I am at a 10 out of 10 I Can't complain honestly I Really? why why is that? I feel I feel happy I I Just released a song recently I've been you know doing this lately which everyone's been so nice and like welcoming I'm not. this sounds kind of up I guess to other Industries but I'm not really used to people being welcoming and nice to me so it's been really refreshing and it's been really nice nice and I don't know I just I I just feel happy and I feel I feel grateful.

Um and it's the weekend and it's summer. Feel good? Uh I do yeah? um happy like um 6.4 6, 6.4 um I like my highs high so I have like a higher expectation for them. you know it's like it I don't want makes sense Yeah yeah when things are like really really good I don't want to be like oh that's like a 12 that doesn't make sense like if I'm going to use the scale properly. um this is like that's a six um oh wow Fair um oh something I was going to elaborate about it cuz um about like welcoming and whatnot and some some yeah just like just like personal personal life stuff I like it I like being free of like responsibilities like I like I don't like responsibilities, they're boring I like waking up and be able to do what whatever I want and just that.

In recent times Abely I've had more to do and it's it's not. It's not fun cuz normally I all I do is wake up, play games, stream, and like you're on your own schedule. you're Your Own Boss whatever. Yeah, yeah and nobody's is anything you know.

and lately like I've had to like look at emails a lot, look at like like DMS it's it's just not. It's not what I'm used to, you know? So yeah I get that it can be overwhelming for sure. even if it's positive, exciting stuff, it can be like overwhelming. Yeah, it takes away from the day because I like just being here at the computer.

So what I was going to say? You know you said like oh, it's the weekend, it's the summer. These are two things that I'm going to be honest with you in the past like eight years. Really? Um, I I You kind of forget that these things kind of exist when you get the computer all the time and you do this. DJ you're on your own schedule like the weekend doesn't mean anything and the season don't don't mean much either cuz yeah I guess you don't go outside, you don't really feel it.

Yeah, so so the weekend is didn't really mean much I I notic that like going out was more fun on the weekends though. yeah definitely. I don't know I've always been someone that I've had like you know I've struggled with my mental health a lot and stuff. so I try to just like I don't know I try to be positive when I can because I used to be someone who was I don't want to say that I was like negative a lot but I just it wasn't my fault I went through a lot and I you know, struggled in my own right.
So now I just try to be like optimistic and positive and whatever. But yeah, you definitely should like stop and smell the flowers. You know life is is, life is short. it's not we.

We take it for granted, you know. and so I think that oh no. I take it a day at a time and I don't Mis Lael my experiences. You know what? I like Doing something is bad.

It's bad, but it's a right of passage. It's it's part of the book. You know all the all the all the boring bad stuff. It can be bad.

who cares? it's part of it. So I don't fight it, you know I don't I don't go against it and go oh my. God I'm so mad this is like that. You know? Yeah, one day at a time Agreed 100% we are chilling everything.

Everything makes you I know for sure there's so many things that at the time I was like why the did this have to happen this is terrible and then I now look back and realize it made me who I am today. So yeah well had to happen yeah especially for me. Sometimes like um I look at at like an era of time and I'm like oh man like that was really that was the golden that was like the Golden Age like that was like really really fun that and but at the time it didn't feel like that and I know like oh this other era oh wow that was like that was really good but when I was in it it didn't feel like that and I no was that like you're never in the Golden Era you're never satisfied in the moment. Yeah, exactly unless you let yourself enjoy it which is mostly perspect perception based.

Um yeah I I I Don't listen. These subjects are kind of like turning depressing but they're not meant to be like that like I hope you're like it's just life life I mean anyone? it's like I I've always spoken about this kind of stuff and I've had people be like she's always so serious about like her interviews and stuff. but honestly I think it's such it's such an important topic because I feel like people don't think that I don't know. They think that they they're alone in their struggles.

So I think it's important to talk about what the game quit, What the my game keeps crashing. What did it actually crash Crash? Yeah yeah. fully crashed I'm gone goner. Who do you know in the streaming space that that you've seen before like names throw me some names out that yeah let me think um oh man oh my God I'm feel I'm GNA sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Let me think oh my gosh um I don't know like people that I've like wanted to like people that I could say that I've watched for a while I mean I've watched you I've watched Kai I've watched um I'm of course I'm now going to like blank what is everyone typing I don't guys what is that being it I don't like. Here's the thing too is about different than like twitch than other. stuff is like they type stuff and I don't most of the time like like I didn't know what like POG meant till like 3 days ago. Yeah yeah and like when they type things like that I don't want to say it out loud because I don't know if it means something bad.
oh yeah yeah no no for sure I mean I'm yeah if they all say something in Unis it's probably not bad like it'sa you know okay true usually um like what are you guys saying yeah they're all like um okay I'm going ask a question yo chat when you get 7 TV These days you get all do you get BTV and and all the other ones. Is it like like a full package with 7 TV or you still have the game all manually? Yeah yeah. I if you get I think if you get 7 TV and you get like a like somebody to to be like the admin or like the editor so you to add emotes or whatnot you can probably do all that for you. My controller literally just didn't work.

this is so bugged for me. Wow oh my God o okay that's good. Yeah we went regardless. I Got first place so it doesn't matter.

oh oh my God yeah that's unlucky. Hey you're going to get push here. Wait a minute. That was good.

Yeah yeah it's good. So it's like thank you Yeah no no no other people make the mistake of diving too early and forget that diving makes you fall down really fast you Del L it's really good. got to wait. got to wait? Yeah yeah yeah.

how long do you usually stream for? You do like long streams right? um yeah usually just it's been very Rocky uh this month there a lot of lot of stuff going on so I I'm always like busy doing stuff which really sucks but um I I I try um to do a long hour like I like I'm normally like I normally do but sometimes like I need to do something for like 10 minutes or 20 minutes and I don't want to leave chat alone and I don't want to like turn off the stream. It just annoys me like having responsibilities sucks right? have to like go away from the camera for 10 or 20 minutes. Yeah yeah yeah. and and um when I started having to do like more like U um like adulting stuff with responsibilities and yeah, it's like I want to do that like three times in a stream Where I Leave the stream and I live them, leave them on their own.

It sucks like it's just trash. it's not who I am. it's not so like I end up just like taking some some time off which I very much just like cuz I don't like being away from what I like doing. you know, like my da rou like do you usually like stream every day? yeah always times I I turn days off which is like very uncharacteristic of me off how long have you been streaming every day for Before that it was like six years.

uh no. seven years. This year is the only year no days off. Oh I mean one sometimes two in like the year I think W in the years before right? Damn that's crazy.
Oh I'm I'm doing of course now I'm doing terrible. We were doing so good last time on this. well these guys are trolling. Also need to do the butt thing.

Oh wow. All right. Super clutch. I'm I'm I'm going let you focus.

get up, get up, get up, get up, you get up. Oh that's good. Um oh my God oh my God yeah it's just annoying. We I got I I got like we chill.

no we chill. Um yeah. that map is. uh, it's kind of annoying.

What's your favorite game to play to play these days? Um damn man, you kind of got me on this one. Kind of squeeze me up. Uh okay. Favorite game of all time Halo 3 currently Rocket League Oh people were typing in my chat.

you should play rocket League I've never played it though so I I would need to learn what kind of game is rocket League um it's a very unique genre. It's like a driving game but you're like a you're like cars that play soccer and you're trying to fun. It's really fun. It's a little bit like in my opinion back in the days.

that's how I would see. That's how I would see fall Guys like a fun game. but I mean of course it got competitive and what not. But yeah now people are crazy at the game.

Please stop holding before I Lose my mind People that hold I Have no friends like it's a known thing by the way. Completely agree. Big Loser Energy I'm here. Okay, holding on people helps you not uh uh, fall off way oh my God no I'm oh oh man no oh man oh man I fell I fell n it doesn't matter, it's just it's just unlucky.

um okay somebody asked um about like uh KDA thing. what is that the collab with K oh yeah, what was that like? Yeah, wait, hold on. let me exit out of this cuz it's making so much noise. um okay I get it, we lost.

Um yeah, that's hold on I'm just putting you back on my screen y that's actually that's super Bas feedback. That's what I actually hate about this game. In a lot of games these days is when a game is over. there's like 80 menus like I I just want to go to the next next Lobby brother like I don't know.

um literally um yo. this is X x on the be yo. Okay, my voice as well that is. anyone knows that boy I don't know.

he's just so anyone knows that boy I don't know. he's just so s.

By xQcOW

10 thoughts on “I played fall guys with madison beer. it was life-changing.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ethan says:

    why is xqc so bad at fall guys

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars heralct says:

    comments are shit

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roberto Reyes says:

    ✋captain obvious here. She is so beautiful

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarate says:

    ok guys listen up
    When Madison started to speak abiut the weekend thing / happiness and xQc started to speak about his "responsibilities" and schedule, I think he realized that this lifestyle is not very good
    Being at a computer all day for 10 years is not really coherent with the "not doing enough things before it's truly over".
    Now don't get me wrong, I spend my time studying, being on computer and working out sometimes. I touch a bit more grass than xQc but he is rich while i'm half broke.
    He HAS THE CHOICE to snap out whenever he wants, leave everything behind, and live the life he truly wanted at the beginning.
    His next arc will be very interesting.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars QozLii says:

    What is blud yappin about the whole video

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vera Kareem says:

    why does he talk so fast i dont understand him sometimes😭😭

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars damnthatscrazy says:

    anyone knows that boy?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Levan says:

    this guy is talking way to fast

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus says:

    Seems like a normal conversation between 2 none autistic people, why is chat being so cringe?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! speedy33 says:

    i love how shes trying to tell him about her deeper feer and he just goes "redy up"

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