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No, i uh i leave sometimes when i go to bed. I accidentally leave my switch on so like it's. We do that all the time it like looks like i played a lot, but, like i'm bad at this game, i promise uh stop what so yeah like guys. Sometimes i accidentally leave it on mine.

My nintendo switch is just charging on with your turns on should be good. I don't. I want generalizing, okay, and let me just make this weird: okay, but japanese, lobbies and margaret are are infinitely superior than american lobbies. It's not it's not even close.

It's not! It's! Not even you're going to japanese lobby, they all have the metacarts, they all the skips and every single player smuggles. If you're on the last lap at last 40 of the lap there's like eight bullet bobs, three stars. If i people are starting trying to fly and servers are crashing bars, three stars is insane wait ex. Can you explain uh smuggling game, so you get like last place or close level like 10th or 9th, and you get two items and you can maximize snuggling like you use an item, so you have a spare slot in your inventory.

Yeah you get a box now. You have two items plus an active item and you, you drive yourself to first place and you keep and or or third or fourth - and you keep your items right and you use items that you get when you're last as a fifth place and you go to First place like the rocket and stuff okay, it's it's the generator uh. Actually, i want to let you know me and my girlfriend now you might have one more joining and just to give me a minute any time we have like anything. That's like a list of stuff which is actually the default into the six consoles got ta clean.

The windows clean the laundry bunch of dishes satellite time we just you, got ta, throw in the beans thing. You know the beans i'm talking about. I didn't even throw you got ta, throw that into the list. I feel like it's um, you know.

Ah, oh, i think mr lang's still setting up his uh capture card. I'm still setting up my turning my switch on and then i'm ready. You haven't turned it on yet uh it's at a charge and it takes 15 minutes to charge up enough to turn on and once it's on you're good to go. What okay yeah guys! I got another seen a modern device.

Take 15 minutes bring them in yay. Oh guys, we might have a full mario kart squad like 10 people. This is good. No way wait, who's the i feel like um.

Well, i i don't want to yell at their names yeah. They actually can't make it. That's my favorite merry christmas. Everyone can you tell that we've the best thing about today is i got messages from people.

It was really awesome. Yeah. I got messages too. Wait.

Wait, you did, i didn't get it, i didn't get it. What no i'm sending you any messages? I got one. I got one oh, oh, i got. I only got one that was your mama all right, i'm just it's ray.

Did you get messages from uh from you can't say that i sent you a message: girls? Oh they weren't from girls and you're still happy about them. I'm shocked, man wait, it was, but it was a friend it was. It was: oh, it's just a friend, yeah yeah yeah. That's what i thought.
Oh my god yeah, but you have a lot of friends. Helped me mousey. No, it's just like kudos. Yeah he's got a lot of friends that are girls that are girls yeah.

I already said who it was: i'm just not gon na say it here, because i'm that's awkward. Why? Because it makes it awkward. No, it's a friend, you don't have to be ashamed that you know you have a lot of friends that are girls, and i don't i don't i i don't i'm all alone. Yeah, listen, you're all alone.

Keep it up, wait. What wait! Taikuna why'd! You react that way. I i well listen me and ray were friends. Usually he tells me when he's talking and i was like another name.

I don't recognize like how many ray how many men this happens. Every time ray will be like yeah. Well now i feel awkward because i feel like i'm exposing you, but i don't want to expose you. No, you don't have to explain it.

Don't worry. This is all meme guys. This is all meme yeah yeah, oh yeah, he's still single yeah he's he's, but if he weren't he'd be great, so you guys ready for the the the this was not even fun. Oh, oh, don't worry that won't happen in our lobby.

We're like all casual chilling. Um wait, bro, say: kuno is gon na smoke x x, i'm gon na love. It there's literally no way iron mouse. Is i'm a piece of? How do you answer that? Oh, that is not what i would have answered.

I'm just kidding i'm just kidding uh, i'm not i'm an anime girl is that is, is that a v tube yeah, i'm a cardboard cutout of a man: okay, uh-huh yeah, real live v, tuber, i'm a real life. Ah, that's cute. Just look at the. If you guys look at the share of, like all entertainment, you see how much like anime v tube, and i guess i i'll throw it in there, but hentai it's it's taking! Okay! It's your favorite thing! No one asked i'm just like, like it's becoming way.

More. Prominent, i have a feeling you just want to talk about hentai all the time, though it's okay, you definitely bring it up at everything. It does bring it up a lot. Absolutely strange, hey guys, we have like five people in here.

I think we just need um. It's just me getting started and you guys can start without me. I can just listen to you guys. Wait you guys, there's no way.

There would be four of you wow, i'm one of them with the green hair. That's yeah that leslie wow mouse me. There's a master chef, i think. No me that's kind of cute, usually when i know i'm going to be playing uh, that's a good evo.

What we're just um! What are we waiting for? I think you guys are good to start without me. I am oh. No! No, you just uh. Why why why why why my my switch is not turning, i mean it's just in here.

I think we're just waiting for doesn't mean buddha right, yeah and i think x is doing solo q until already oh okay, yeah yeah, i'm practicing. Okay, i'm gon na microwave soup. Then no, these crackers you're gon na microwave, it's gon na people right, i guess so. Yeah i mean uh, i think uh, mr lane's, setting up his perfect, be right.
Back and ray is doing some kind of charging thing yeah. I just got ta directly plug into the wall i to spend with their friends and family, no because they could make like quadruple money all within christmas wait did we make quadruple money on christmas. No, my brother uh, my brother, hopefully my brother's a doctor and he's making a lot more often because this is very profitable all right. We got five people and then we're just waiting for ray butter and then actually join when i guess they're ready, dude.

I'm sitting spam the items it's insane you're, getting stream sniped for sure you're getting stream sniped, oh god. How did i don't know how i won that holy that wasn't saying it? Oh yeah, i was i was sitting earlier. It was, oh god, i'm sorry that i swear to god. I'm gon na stop swearing and i swear too much.

No, no! No! It's okay continue to swear it's it's! My specialty! Okay, very nice. Very well, then very nice, very nice. So why do you know? Please? Please don't say that people don't get sweaty, so are you guys getting ready or um who went on again we're just waiting for mr lang and ray mr lang yep? That's it and once they're ready we're pretty much ready to start. There's uh! There's six people in here now: i'm not good at this game controller who's.

Do you have a controller i'm out of battery okay? Fair enough? Oh god are my controllers charged. So what do you get? What do you guys have for christmas, or what do you guys have any gifts? Something like that? I don't really. I don't really do gifts, something yeah i mean either. Just we just like eat some good food and just kind of hang out.

That's it. I gave a gift and i didn't receive gifts, good, oh yeah. What do you mean? Oh okay, is your video but you're, probably rich. You don't need gifts.

You can buy them yourself. Bro yeah you're, not wrong, she's, probably rich yeah. What the heck! What are you saying? I told her change your name to gold mouse because you're so uh, damn diamond house diamond mouse, yeah uh, no uh! No! No! No! You are rich, not me right. I am but a humble, humble, tiny veto where i i only.

I only stream for fun on the weekends yeah yeah for fun. I was looking for fun. I love streaming x if you were x, if you had to become a youtuber describe what your youtube - oh i'd max it out. I've always said this.

If i want to be shameless, i'd, be i'd, be shameless, shameless stacked out the wazoo yeah i'd be like this, like topless, like a white hair, super saiyan, looking guy with like scars and like vampire teeth and like yeah guys, no, no crystal you're going to stream. I kind of want to see that you can't be topless. Actually, no no you've been like he can get away with it. I'm sure there's an audience of girls who are looking for like a nice hot male yeah there there are, there are a bunch of them.
You should become one, but i would watch i mean i already watched but yeah. I can help you make your dreams come true, oh damn, with the plug. Okay, what i guess we got uh. We got six people in here now: who's who's still uh.

Who are we still waiting for i'm the person, probably most likely hi crystal? We made it all right, i'm ready guys join. We've got. We got seven people in here already everyone's here. No, this is it.

This is it make sure your cards are set up correctly. What leslie? Yes, you remember: the freaking uh, like everything that i uh the power clip that possibly yeah it's a sniper. Okay, you said nicely done your voice cranked, because you're uh just like right now. That is the that's the funny sound.

I was gon na make that interesting. Your voice, freaking like it is right now, is just hilarious. I love it. My voice is creaking.

Well, i'm not like. Oh okay, no you're, really going in on her, come on she's self-conscious and you're going to make it do it. No, i love it. Okay, okay, look, look leslie! I know how to get them back, get the s plus boost clip and make that your sub sound.

No, i'm not doing it, oh god, oh god, it's so bad ray is, i think, we're just waiting for uh, because it shows that you get excited about things and that's yeah. I was happy great yes who's, not here, yet i think we have almost everybody yeah, but i think seven of us. We should have nine total, so we're waiting on me and once again you guys are afraid to start without me anytime. You want okay, no, we want to wait for the whole thing to have a fair competition, just uh online and then join a friend, and i should be there, but i have.

No friends, though, is your voice shot? What do you mean? You have me? Okay, yeah you're, my friend yeah yeah. We just added each other. Remember: okay, but you you're not there in france, hello, maybe wait! Wait! You actually have no friends what's happening close it reopen, maybe close or reopen it uh. That was toxic.

What a toxic person like who is this there's a new person here natasha my neonates thanks for joining thanks for having me merry christmas, hi yeah! Merry christmas, hello, nice to meet you merry christmas, the anime girls are invading. Let's go home. I have my uh. The discord bubbles up and it's just kind of funny because it's like i see iron mouse pop up with her voice and then nian with her voice, and i saw the anime profile.

But it's just this doesn't really matter. You know hey. If you have your discord bubbles up, it's just kind of i'm gon na. Do that it's hard to explain! Oh yeah, i got you as like little squares.
I wonder if i could make it with no promotion as a brand new streamer. As a video, you know, i'm gon na create a new account. I'm gon na do a v2 avatar with a voice changer. I'm start start from the bottom, like all the way to the bottom, with zero viewers.

Just like, i think, oh, like a girl voice. That's just like how long does it take to ch? Can't you just plug it in and have it plugged in, and you would imagine it's just like a phone you plug in you turn it on. It's not yeah, it's weird. Sometimes it takes like an hour to turn on wait.

Okay, so if he's not here, we should have it. We'd still be missing. Two people. I ran me, i'm coming enough.

No, i they said they were gon na come but wait. You know how it is. It's not going to. I was told in 15 minutes no, it's going to be at least two hours.

What they're doing they're messing with me? Why don't you just drive to the store or buy a new switch it'll be faster than that honestly, i'm down to someone else, it's faster than charging it and you're. Calling me rich you're here talking about bikes, it's christmas call them out and then it'll get there in like 20 minutes, yeah you're all set wait bubbles. I can't do bubbles because i can i can link it. I have the i have the fixed ones and i'm only going to send it to x because uh he gave me a teddy bear nice.

Thank you man. Well, what do you mean uh instead of browser source for this one? It's the fixed ones. Wait. Is this fixed? This might not be fixed.

I don't know, oh my god. Just cut change your cap copy, so everybody's here but ray. I think, am i the only one out there. I think so is anyone else? Not here? No bro, you slacking bro yeah.

That's fine. I told you guys you can start whenever you want. Oh i'm on right. Now, i'm watching did we just start without him or because yeah he's doing him doing it.

You can join after one game. One game, one warm-up game 150 cc how many uh? Oh wait: wait, wait! Wait. It just turned on i'm good guys, uh yeah. Alright.

How long is it gon na stay on dude? It's christmas? What do you mean yeah, it's christmas yeah, because i thought we were doing a loser has to drink a shot. I can have fun shouldn't it, be first place drinks because then it makes first place worse and worse and it evens everything out. I like that strategy. Okay, first place, uh drinks, uh, some water, yeah or or if they actually want to drink, they can drink.

But like there's, no yeah put it on my nestles leslie here, yeah yeah - i'm here - i'm here everybody's here, except for i think oh yeah, i'm working on getting there right now. Yes, i'm on again. I think i already have you added, so you can just join straight away. Yeah, i'm i'm gon na have a drink to the doc directly rebecca.

No, i don't have drinks guys it's christmas, guys um. I didn't know that yeah, but you have to show uh the thing. Oh, i need find my team at the door yeah so since covet happened, or at least in canada, the way they like offset like restaurants being down bad is they'll actually allow them to just sell alcohol through breeds, and it's been a thing now for a while. Oh, i have no idea me, neither i don't yeah sure people don't cheat the system and do weird we're waiting for uh yeah right.
Where are you at buddy? I don't know he's um. You know, there's like masterchef anime version like dodgeball, anime version, basketball baseball. What's not like an anime, everybody gets high like so high and like all these animations like them like going super saiyan like super like cracked out the waters. Doing like did.

Oh, my god, this guy's gon na eat the whole pack of chips. Is there? Is there a? Is there a master chef where they just get high? That's not they don't get high, but they just messed up. Yes, you do know, we watched it. Wait there is, there's a show.

They just get. That's i'm sure some of those chefs - oh god. Oh god, where's uh, where's, all ray. Listen guys, wait for me to start like a short game.

Without me, no no we'll be fi. Oh he's. Having he's having troubles it says no signal. Did it turn on really look guys, i'm just gon na say we have two options here? No, no! It's not that it's just the um! It's not connecting to the dock! For a second yeah yeah guys.

We have two options. One is to either just start one without them and two is just everyone keep waiting to stress them out more, so i don't know what do you guys think anything not even saying we should do that. I'm just saying those are the options. I i mean, if you do one game it'll, it won't do any.

You know it's not bad right, yeah yeah, let's just start one with eight. We know say that again x. If we do one game, it's gon na knock it on anybody. Will it yeah and he can just join in the middle okay anyway, it's a warm up anyways.

Usually i actually got him joining me for a little bit play guys. I actually i got him all right. Okay, so i guess we're waiting. We just wait, then yeah uh.

What's the speed of the mapper uh 150. yeah yeah online 250.. So it's too cracked, it's too fast yeah, so how good um? How good is everyone at this game, like i'm, pretty good, i'm terrible, good nasty and you're? Probably a bit better than people, i appreciate all of you guys by the way. Thank you, i'm like better than leslie brained, um slow as molasses, i'm about as good as this good tycoon, i'm literally as good as this as i am at the fingerprint hack at the var, which means i'm terrible, we're really bad what so it's right in yeah, Yeah no goalies go easy on me too.

I'm kind of i'm bad wait. What? What a shame? Oh, no we're doing, voice vlogs, pretending to be an npc again, we'll need to start the race. Okay, i'm getting into the game and i'm loading it up. Let's wait for more players.
I appreciate you like that man we're doing it. Good luck. Let's wait for more good luck. This is like i'm on the main menu.

How do i join the year? No, no, hey! Let's! Please click online friends and then you join us. Hey leslie, this is online. What did you say remember in vegas when they asked um and asked the will to tell a story and then and then they stopped recording yeah yeah? I thought i thought sort of chat, but it was kind of like weird to explain because you just get you know it's kind of you had to be there. You have to be there.

I guess i'm joining you guys for now and i should be in the lobby now. I don't see him hey frosty, oh yeah there he is. Is he there he's here? I think i'm starting up thanks guys, i'm ready guys. This is for real for real one.

Big race yeah, i told you guys yeah story right. That was like uh. Where do you put your cameras like a really tame story? Can i say a story, a vegas that isn't like top right to tame right? Oh wait! I want to do the excite bike. One so we're all chilling and nobody's uh nobody's sweating, we're all just having a friendly christmas market.

I don't even remember controlling um maps. Oh no, not this one wait. How do i use items again? Oh no, the button! What button? Don't let him fool? You hold! The whole day whole day, hey, i got the boost, oh god, uh who's. Ramming me man, who's waluigi! Oh, wait! No! Wait! No! I know he.

Oh what's the point, i'm already doing battle. Are you doing bad? I'm coming cracking guys he's smurfing on us he's sweating. Already and we're just starving god - oh my god, i literally still have blue shell and blue shelling. Oh yes, you need a blue shell.

Somebody blue shell right now you could be the same character, a rocket. I can't control it right. Please give me a red shell right now, red shell right now. Oh my god! Well i'll just knock this out of the ring come on.

No, he has a. He has a little banana. I i have a back locker anybody, blue shell right. Shell hit the peak fight.

The blue shell hit me. Why did the blue shell hit me? Why does the blue shell hit me and not? Please, please, please, my controller's dying! Oh no! No! No! Please! Please! Please! Okay, we'll take that! No god, oh god. The second second is not bad. Second is not bad well, it did so well.

You said a warm-up warm-up. It was a practice run yes, warm-up. I'm gon na choose a map. I like yeah, that gives everybody a chance.

Yeah uh baby park baby park yep one. Oh god excited the baby is simple: if you're dog you're winning you're winning 100 wait, which map is like that baby park baby fork yep if you're like, if you're like 11th place, you get a rocket before you go to first place. What's the what's the name of the second one, the second person's map side bike? That's my favorite one! I like excited the bike. Yeah excite bike.
This is the one yeah you have to optimize your um, your mini jumps. Oh, we got it. This one's the sweatiest sweatiest one ever trust me yeah yeah. As long as i don't get last i'm okay with that there you go all right.

Oh sorry, guys forget i'm not enough. As long as i don't get last. Oh, i missed a thing. Yeah mine did too when i first started.

Wait x knows how to drift the inside he's crazy. How are you doing tricks guys he's sweaty no way? Oh, my god, butt has gone crazy, he's keeping up with him. I wait guys, i'm in fourth place. Why are you red shelling me you're red shelling me in fourth place? Oh my god, my item, i got robbed of everything i i got red shell blasted banana and then my item stolen fourth place.

No okay left two go go, there's only two laps, oh my god. What do you just hit me with? Oh, my god, just crack wait. What was that that was a football show, and i have an item i got one i have to. I have the ghost steals items right: yeah, oh my god, yeah i'm maxing up the mini boost.

Oh my god. I could do this. I could do this just just that was right inside oh, i threw i threw yeah you did. You should see what x in the air - oh my god, okay, yo axe, turn your monitor off man.

It's not fair guys, he's too good he's too good. We got ta hang up on him. Everybody smuggle save all your red shells when you're behind them just blast them. What the heck i mean uh, i said uh yeah yeah guys.

We have no choice. Look at how bad it is teach it to me. That's true, of course, i'm last i'm a powerball, of course. What power, what what? What hey? No i'm doing this at the bottom of the leaderboard stop being weird.

I haven't eaten food in two days because everything is closed and i have no food at home man. I've been getting del taco, you saw it bro. I ordered miso soup and looked like burgers on the group chat right now and look at my miso super order. Today, yeah means looking over like i'm, not even joking right now, you were like this is a fantastic best music.

I've ever had. I was like uh, i mean it's like they're like it looks like oil, no wait, my boob, i didn't you just got lucky. I can't believe it. Oh, it's only got you with a two block.

How many no don't forget about this one? What about this? What the it's, your fifth, what is freaking, five red? Oh, hey, guys, i'm actually winning for once in my abbey, like that, no bro! Please just give me this one. Oh my god, i suck, i said you know i had a. I had a banana yeah, but i sighted - oh my god, he's too good he's actually insane, i'm not good at driving eat this wow. No way i get red sheldon.

Second, no way, you know how sometimes i can't believe i got red shelled in seconds and no blue shell, no blue shirts. No, i could have won, i could have won. I'm sorry, it's not good! I'm not wondering he's a lesler. No wonder this is.
This is really here, i'm sorry! Oh, i just got blue stuff, oh god, okay, okay, just at least no! No! No! Please don't don't go in front of me and then shoot it guys. I'm in like fourth place. Please guys blue shelled red shell, green shell, blue shell, i'm just saying random colors. What have i done to you, though you ignore me every day you don't play games with me and, like please come on, you are trolling me man x got first place again.

I didn't know who was in first place at the time. That was my only chance. That's the question i tanked, like 15 red shells, okay, okay, i think the whole artillery challenge is funny. I got so many that was a cool map, actually he's actually farming us for raiding guys right, yeah, i'm this! This is going to go to my rating 100.

It's going straight to his rating there's rating in mario kart yeah for this rating yeah. If you do ranked, but like this one, there isn't, some of my snipers are ranked 999. Absolutely no lives. What's up man yo check your dms bro.

That's me so super ordered today oops that master chef now right. That is disgusting. What yeah they delivered that jesus saying it looked good and i was like we were so yeah i was like he's trolling right, like he's got to be trolling, it looks so bad. Just look.

It looks like actually just turning on otto. Why? Why did that hit me? I had to. I had to double drift right here. I got it, i got it, i got it, i'm so far in the lead.

Unless i get shelled right now, i'm good. I would never tell you like as long don't shout me right now. No chance i just got shelled who was going to such a terrible thing? Oh god guys! Please, please no shells! Oh i'm her bad when he catches - oh god, please, oh he's going to catch up, he's passed! No! No! Oh, my god! I threw. I was at first that blue shell.

Please give me a red or something dear god. One of these has been: if none of these it's actually going to be this game's a literal meme, please off and got racist every. I got double red shells in a triple red shell and then i just spent christmas guys no rainbow loads on christmas. Well, you got a double triple rochelle.

I got a double triple red cell and blasted them intervals, so you couldn't dodge them all. Wait. Wow and boot are tied right now. Okay, i'm getting new cars yeah because you know we're broke so we stay together.

Man i'm getting out there, i'm gon na try to get a throw carter, you're blind. Why you guys? Oh my god, oh what the oh dude. I am balling out! Dude. I got the mercedes man i could do.

I got the dude. Oh, my god, the by the way, whoever designed that oh thanks man, yeah yeah, all right, oh, is it was the camera uh? What's a button to drift, uh hold the right trigger you, just don't who breaks in this game. You know what look at that there. It is oh gus, wait.

What map is this game? Who breaks this? I got the amg black watch this. You really say that to me um, i'm, like i'm like a shark, i only swim forward. You know: don't sharks only swim forward. I thought they can go backwards right, yeah, wait, that's a myth.
Yeah i've been lied to my whole life, i'm pretty sure sharks can go backwards. They can like back up and they'll. Go sorry. Okay, start with just two minutes.

No shells please that wasn't me: oh wait. That was just a couple all right! Oh my god, dude! I was in second place now, i'm in seventh round yeah. I got ta, get ready, we're all having a truce right now, no, no shells right, no shells, no shells, no shells, okay, who the hell leslie yeah, yeah, guys no shells but like in the world. Oh god, what food i got bullet pillows bullet bill so far ahead.

Right now, i don't even know how we're gon na get him. I can't see it. I can't see you guys if someone gets a blue shell. Just use this.

Let me wait donkey kong me. Oh, of course, guys we need a blue shell, batman you're, just trying to snipe me might not be enough. I don't know it's uh he's just so far in the lead. I missed my strategy.

Then it didn't work out. No! No! No. I tried to do something getting crazy, but it didn't work out as long as i passed by leslie, i'm fine with everything else yeah. I guess as long as that, only it's kind of crazy, i'm not even joking! Well, you can just rejoin us.

That's the warm-up! It's fine guys, it's just a warm-up game, yeah guys, it's just a warm-up game and warm-up games. Are we gon na have just one just one this one, so it's the whole circuit. So it's a couple of maps before it's like over right yeah. It's only a few more.

You can actually join in the middle, i'm pretty sure yeah the real, the real game, oh god, who they slide through slide through baby. Now, i'm upgrading to the wild wiggler, i'm ready. Oh the regular. You got it huh.

You got the wriggler, isn't it auto unlocked? No? Oh i've had the wild wiggler she's a tryhard. The regular is insane it's the best car, so so the meta, the better build um. The japanese number one meta is a waluigi, regular and azore with either cloud or standard for uh parachute. Oh my god, okay yeah, i've done all over the waluigi.

That's that's the the meta! Well, now, i'm doing the most anti-medium building all right wait you're doing. What even is that it's a torpedo bowser, i don't know what it is: torpedo bowser, guys, there's no way we lose to torpedo bowser, there's literally no way, it's not possible, wait how's it going. I can't start a map here. I am, oh god, oh, my god, no chance i get red shelled in fifth place right now, i'm just gon na smuggle.

I think it's actually in person under water. Oh, never mind not first anymore. I don't know what smuggling is, but i feel like i'm playing better. If i say i'm doing it it.

Oh god he's going wacko he's going wacko nice hit with. Oh god guys guys. We need a blue shell. Wait, we don't need a blue spoon.
Give me the give me the thing like that: sucker are you kidding me guys guys come on yeah snipe him sniping uh, i i just i hit him. That was almost nuts something good, please all right. What are you doing man we're like? Are we not boys guys? We got ta team up on right now i got ta, get it right, keep up with me. You must get right.

I'm gon na get right out of the way get out of the way. I have a red shirt. Oh hold on. Let's boot up: let's do that guys? No, nothing! Please have a second.

I had to do it. Please i this car can't steer, can accelerate and then you go faster, wait ex. You were behind me, it's fine! Who did you laugh? Who did you laugh? No, i thought i got laughed by x because i never see him, but he was actually black. She got laughs that tanked my score really bad.

I've never done that bad before it was a bowser torpedo. It torpedoed your score, you're, not wrong. All right which map are you going ooh, there's a pretty rainbow. Oh no rainbow lot on christmas, i'm playing it's a pretty one playing ludwig.

He always chooses uh the mines, wario wario's gold, mine uh, if i chose youtube instead, oh what's this map yeah he's in a different car now yeah, but you can't stream naruto on that car. I bet yeah, so you guys were saying that people are streaming. Anime is that a thing yeah? Apparently myth is streaming all day, but isn't that, like you guys, i'm i'll watch swords? It's selective. It's not like, like it's very selective yeah, it's not like youtube where you actually get in trouble.

Well, it depends who's enforcing it. Oh, how about we work together? We just stay in the top two. We don't do it. You can't trust him.

You can't trust him. No! No! No trust me! Oh you just followed him right. Oh wait. Did he do that skip where you fall off yeah? What is this turning radius, it's so bad, um, okay, i'll just uh, oh well, i'm getting absolutely ratio of this game! Yo! Why you wrestling? I mean this place.

Man speak up. Who was it not me? I'm a second so got my neck feels like it's bending the wrong way, because i don't want you yeah, it's making me feel thick, i don't like it. I thought i was gon na fall off and and hit the skip, but it didn't work just pop right here: another red shell, spam dude you'll. This map come on civil rights and another blue shield, blue shell, blue shells just drop off.

This is a big throw. This is the throw of the century i shouldn't. Oh, this is bad guys x is gon na blue shell. Anybody he just drove wait.

Is that a skip was that a skiff blue shell incoming? Oh god, i've never seen it bro, it's too good guys. I don't like this: it's literally like a different planet. How does he know these tricks? It makes me never seen that before it's space, i don't think, there's nothing. I thought he just drove off he's too good.
I don't like this thing, there's three blue shells and then i'm hitting me zero wait. How do you dodge blue shells on this map? So you you you're four yeah you're moving off, you drive off and they vary like uh like forward away. So you gain distance and then you dodge the entire shell. You drive for it like off the map.

I didn't finish but guys, please. I don't know how i want to see a clip of you doing that. That sounds crazy. It's pretty crazy! All right this next one for sure, let's go baby, parker bike 100, this one for sure, i'm beating x, listen dude! I i i was forged by the snipers the most the most voracious breed of all four rashes um.

Now we're playing with all the friends 50k channel points that i'm going to beat you this round. Okay in your own channel, i have like 200k for your channel. Wait what's the channel, what's the vote going for me, i don't know. I don't even think i have votes going on, but i've i voted.

50K channel points. Okay, this is just bm for my mods one to four is first pla: okay, guys one to four one, the four really that's! The first vote come on guys, i'm not that bad, oh wow, okay, i'm not that bad, normally big bobby it's the top three or top two yeah. It should be top exactly like. No one ever expects me to win ever it's okay, i'm putting out here.

No, i didn't oh he's too good. Oh look at that bite by the way. Oh, my god, i disconnected my controller by accident. No wait! Are you? Okay, all right, okay, watch this watch this no way i get red shelled here.

First, all right! Oh no! I took the items please please i lost oh no, oh my god. Thank you ray. Thank you. You did me a favor.

What do you mean? Thank you that was like. I didn't owe you a big one. I bet 55 channel points, i'll probably earn them back. Okay, okay, okay, just get me back all right, yeah yeah, of course.

Oh that's snipe! You're! Crazy! Wait! Guys guys! Are you ganging up on me? The door is like good. I just died from like first to like fit everyone blasted me with everything: um, oh crap! No way i get red sheldon like fourth place right now, ridiculous. Oh you bumped me into the banana no chance disgusting, guys somebody stop x, uh! I just got double red shelled in fifth place. How am i supposed to get my channel points back? Please please, please.

Please yes, spam! The red shells - please! Oh that's over here! Oh my god is you're voting for yourself, but you're voting for your performance, so maybe yeah but you're doing well but you're doing well. You know you're living yourself. Now. You've got this man yeah yeah i'll.

Definitely win this one. You got what's this one, oh, this is the one that has the skills is insane on 250cc. It's so many turns yeah this one's tough and this that goes insane on and there's a lot of skips on the uh guys my 100k channel. Please i'm actually gon na have none left and i've been watching the stream for years here it comes wait.
What's the game, let's look, i'm drawing it's just the official channel points on this uh thing. Oh right here right here, i flew up. Oh, i thought wait. What i got baited by you know, messed up the skit.

You need uh, you need a marshmallow. I got red chocolate mushrooms. How dare you buddha um? I'm whispering around anyways here skip again, please please, please, okay, so good guys, my life is pain. That's not gon! Na work, anybody get those, oh god, um um, hey guys.

Anyone got a blue shell because i'm about to lose like 100k channel points. Oh my god, but i mean you just did the same, really i'd rather not! I can't see i can't see. I can't see nothing. No.

This is this. This is just right right now, please, please hit. I need double items. I need reds.

Listen, it's not what it seems like leslie, it's just probably lag, there's no way literally no way. No way i get a red sheldon. Second, oh, it's it's! So over guys. I just lost 100k channel points.

It's so bad where's, the blue shells at please. Oh wait! Come again! Yes, look! Look! This has got to hit him right, there's no way, there's literally no way. None of those that's impossible! That's got to hit him. I got like six red shells on him.

Where did it go crazy? I'm i don't know how many two at me like. What are you using? It's like no uh, the i don't know it has little wings. It looks cute. Not last.

Look x, you just took 100k channel points from there. Can you stream another 24 hours, yeah yeah, yeah yeah against me? Winning that game is there i mean weren't, they writers. I mean you kind of yes, they were right. I know i don't want to be that dude, but like they were kind of right, though they were right he's not baby park.

Please not baby park. Please not baby park. What's the one with the wilderness in the snow, can we do that? One? Next? Oh yeah! That's a sprint right. Wait! Wait this one's this one's, a toss-up! Anybody can win this one wait why it's not like baby park, but it's um.

There's like this weird, really weird part that mixes it up so like, even if you're really scared. Oh, i burnt out. Actually, you can't lose this one. No i'm gon na throw one down.

That's my goal. You have to win because i i flipped the bet this time. Oh, i bet my last. I bet my last 60 000 points on you winning this time.

Okay, you got ta, you got ta win this one save bet yeah, i get it get it uh i'll! Try my best man. I thought you won every single game. I thought hit myself. Oh! No! No! Sorry! Oh no! Oh guys! I'm in second, you guys, like i know it's christmas, but i i don't need you to give me any more.

I've been hit, like 10 shells yeah just i just had to oh you dodged it. Oh merry christmas thanks thanks guys i'll steal it like like, if you can't even did you just try to shoot me with that, you tried to shoot me with that for the next race. Oh god, oh my god wait. What was that wait? Huh guys guys shoot the red shirt you even just do with this.
You are cracked out of the. I don't even know what to say this guy is on a different level. I thought i was doing good and then he just kept everything sniper skipper. What i wanted for what he just did the crazy please jesus two bullet and you shot me.

Oh, i got like a red. Oh i got rubbed into you know whoever ready ray you're a literal gaming legend hero, please, okay, i got no. I got a second. I got ta me, i fell off.

I literally got boomboxed them. You boombox be at a different dimension to the top. It's the it's, the music boxing, the music box, that just stuns you with that one. I didn't know he was that good at this game.

I didn't know how many more races, maybe five baby parking - yeah theo from jojo - oh god, oh dear, can i join? Can i join you or not yeah. You can join up. There's a deal. Who's deal dio.

I got 10th place and i was like i thought. There's only nine of them. It's a friend's. It's a friend's lobby, only yeah.

It must be somebody's friend, okay, whose friend somebody's friend joined. It must be someone's friends. Oh it's me. I had to go.

Get beer no you're out your tea! Well, you're going to get beer where wait, tea is gone. Wait did you have beer delivered to you yeah? I got beer and white club over there. Oh hey, hey! You chose my map, oh yeah, and the white floor excite bike arena. This is it deal.

The is this guy bro who's theo, hello. Is it worth watching that now yeah, it's worth it, i feel like i'm not too far behind. I can't, i think i'll. Remember i'm gon na check it out better okay, i'll watch.

Oh my god i'll! Let you know how it is it's like one of my top three, oh god, it's been two. I spent some, oh, my god, all right. This is it this. Is it i'm sweating this time, there's no way i lose it yeah.

That was a wicked spectator. I'm just getting coins on my items. All right, you're gon na learn all my secret tricks. This is uh the new technique i developed to beat x in one race.

Okay, i got rammed off that was not part of it. Oh, my god x, you grab the double item and i pass the right button. Yeah i'm gon na have to so i get behind no, no you're you're, smart you're, smart, no idea! Oh good! One! There's a stranger here! Maybe it's miz! I messaged miz. I said miss you want to play mario kart.

No, it's probably not news. I think this is better. I was in oh not for me, please, oh my god, i'm dead, i'm dead come on. This is so bad for me.

I don't even know what i'm gon na i went from a second to last. Oh my god! No, no! No! No, i don't know guys he's somebody's friend because his friend's only lobbyists qcl. Well he's not my friend. I don't.
I don't have friends right now. I don't have friends all right baby park vapor park. What's another good racing song, it's like empty bed, 2.0, that song from that asked the gta spotify and it's full of raising songs. It's got the whole the whole stack tony.

You guys should check out uh tony's playlist now that he's he split his audio and he like brought back all of his baby park. Please sick, oh yeah, so i could play music feel, like my love, is an absolute jammer all right! Oh that's! From uh initial d, yeah initial d, killing my level yeah, it's good, oh baby, parker, all right guys. I bet every single channel point. I have oh, my god.

This is the only way. This is our chance. This deal. Guy, isn't i haven't gotten an item yet who is he i don't know? It's got to be like miz or something hence could be miz change his name.

I don't know the deal. Oh, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Wait! My star ran out in the middle of the juice, all right, oh god, no, i'm second, okay, who was that team? Oh, i should have won that the random blue shell. I can't believe that blue shell double hit. The blue shell double hit us yeah, and then it was over it's because i'm the worst, oh holy.

No, no, no! No! No! Okay! So do we make a new lobby um? Who the is it? We could yeah make a new lobby, it's friends only so they would like um everybody, your friends, everybody check your friends list. Dude where's. This guy check your friends list guys we had this issue last time where someone was like joining and we didn't have madden. That's not that's not football.

Why is there nine of us here and then there's a lobby? Oh wait. Am i leaking? Oh, he left. Oh. He left on his own thanks.

Oh my god. There's none of us in here on this chord, but there's none of us in game, so who's yeah, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, there's nine of us four yeah we're good guys. I lost every channel point i have in like three games of mario part. What do i do? Uh? Oh, wait on his channel on x's yeah yeah.

I thought he would eventually lose you just never she's like 18.. I got 18 points left with his stream open and farm up channel points. Yeah. Is that what you're doing last night i'm gon na have to please i had to because you guys kept losing an eight pack? Okay, listen! We were just we were getting unlucky every game.

Did you know that you were out more points? It wasn't because we're all much trash, that's why thank you kind of true. We are yeah yeah. I think i do subscribe. Yeah, i'm still subscribed.

You take a chunk of water. Put your like neck down your head down to your neck and hold your breath. So if you die, you actually get rid of hiccups. Wait! Wake up baby park, baby park bay park boys this is it it's my time um.

If i get first place, can you get your your mods to like give me 100k points for no reason. Um yeah yeah just give me a hunger. It's christmas. It's christmas guys! It's christmas, don't don't don't green shell people! I got red shells yeah! Please! Please leave anything for me.
Anything just one good item, please what i'm so dead, no because because in this one it's so punishing, you know what you mean it could be like second place. Some people are into that. You know i'm not going to judge people. I i mean yes, they are what i'm getting killed, i'm getting killed out here.

Oh my god. Second guys, i'm literally getting killed out here, i'm dying in the streets um to eighth in one round, i'm dying out in the streets guys. This is the real one that counts: isn't that one supposed to be complete, looking rng and extra stuff, first again yeah, but i didn't get blue shield and you get red shield like um. God bless.

I think it's because yeah, i think you guys were just trading red shells at the back yeah i like um, oh mouth, wario from uh bike, again, dude uh, i'm saying, okay, you know what i'm doing um all right, you're doing great! Merry christmas happy holidays! Everyone! Man, oh my god, merry christmas, guys, i'm i just lost 200k channel points. It's like you're, never getting them back, they're still sad farming on christmas. It not again i i who was it uh. I lost you.

Oh my god. It was like who voted it. Wasn't me: i voted for another one again again: excess mods. Can you do predictions for tarkov run? Survivals? Oh, no! No! No! No! No, my god! I do do tarkov survival predictions.

I can get my points back, quick! That's toxic! Wait! What do you mean? I didn't say he was gon na die, he's so toxic. I think he's going to live. I'm going to bet all my channel points on living. What do you mean? I don't even say he's going to die.

She doesn't snipers is what it is. What my streamer is, why would you throw a red shell backwards into me? You could have saved it. Oh, my god. I despise this map guys no more baby park.

I can't motivate again another okay. Okay, it's fine one, more lap! I have a chance. Please please please this: is it the one win? I should have saved it. I should have said i went to the eighth.

What are they gon na? Do right now? No wait. I won sucks. I hate this map. I got one win points.

I bet nine channel points and i beat x so now i have 18 channel points. Oh my god, i got 18 channel points, i'm back up to 18 after losing 200k. Let's go. Are you girls for the win? All right, i'm choosing sweet candy! That's good! I'm sorry, okay, oh my god, back up to 18..

This is it every time i got a box. I was first place anything i missed the box. I was like. I was like fifth or sixth place my disaster.

I i left my mouth because i got a really early red shell on x, like really early in the green shell. I actually chose rainbow road, so i i quit. Oh no rainbow road yeah! This like is minutes. It's like a two minute map yeah.
This is the short one. It's like it's not lapse, it's like um, the other thing, it's actually nice. I i'm ahead of you and you defend me from behind all right. He missed the item.

I got all the items. Oh wait. I hit myself with the shells. I threw the shell and then mushroomed and i hit myself.

Oh my god. Please please, please any item any any anything. No red shell, no red shell! Third place! No red shell third place. Please that's my dad! I just got inked come on.

No, don't wait, fell off that house in my favor hold on, so i don't understand. I fell off. The map came back. I understand so.

I fell off the map that the blue shell still hit me. I thought that's supposed to be. I went from 18 points to 109 because i bet you wouldn't win: okay, good job. This is it you're gon na keep breaking like that.

Okay he's not knocking the full truck. I lost 200 000. he's already got the crowd he's in my final form, but who's. He dancing with oh no he's he's turning in a freezer.

Here comes as long as it's not exciting. It's not like. If it's exciting, we all have a chance. We all have a chance.

Anybody could win this anybody anybody. What do you think inside bikes? Anyone? Definitely the best map anybody could win excite bike. Anybody. I just like that.

So many nice things i want to do the winter one yeah. Should we do a different map, spamming, excite bike in baby park, but they're fun. They are, but i feel like no, please. Please no ram no ram.

Oh no, the item's gone, i'm saving this. Oh, oh! I hit the wrong person. Oh, oh know! No! I guess i can't help but notice. Oh no, i haven't said anything in a while.

I think he's uh he's sweating, guys he's sweating hot. It begins. I see him sweating. There come.

I was busy making it through. Oh, you were busy making it wesley you wan na. No, i threw please please: okay, the bomb hit us bang backwards, boomerang pop and then a huge drift huge drift coming inside right here guys. We need a blue that wasn't me, i didn't do anything.

I got demolished guys somebody somebody x is gon na win. I have to do this. I have to do this bill. I had to run show for him.

I have to do this. Oh my god, somebody anybody, somebody do something. Somebody hey guys guys he's about to win. We need uh second place, i'm a knife man, oh god, please please, he's too good guys.

Oh god it is so close. Guys x is too good. We need something. This map holy, okay, guys.

What's the name of the map with the white snow wilderness, i'm going random, i'm going wrong, i'm going! Why is snow wilderness uh? I lose. I think you had it earlier. It's the one i showed earlier. It's the third row.

Fourth, third. Third juice for mount wario yeah, i'm going to mount warrior. Third, as well, there's a lot of skips. Okay, i feel, like my reaction.
Remember this one's being really good. Now so you're just getting you're getting warmed up. Well, we should we should drink the same amount. Next time we hang out it's just enhancement, no, no, not about enhancement one i missed the boom.

Wait. Oh first place water how's, the red shell go around you. That makes no sense. Why uh guys? Can we get a blue? We need.

A blue x is a huge in the lead again we need to. We need to i hate to say we need a team up, but we might need a team all right, because i lost 200 chances of me. It took me years. It took me years to build up those channel points years at times yeah, but i didn't think i had rippled addiction.

I thought i'd win. That's not me! Oh no! No! No! This is nathan. Just give me sweet canyon, please one sweet, sweet, canyon! Leslie! Can you sheesh right now? Are you still cooked uh still, my voice is about here. Leslie.

Let me hear it: oh jesus god, there's is if i can sheesh or if i can do buddha's the. If i can't do this, everyone got sick in the same amount of time. It's like in the in like four days yeah i heard the whole spell got. Sick 20 streamers got sick.

I was like, oh my god. I didn't have kobe, but i don't know man. I felt bad what happened. I did the i did a full cover test, i'm pretty happy yeah.

I have to stop. Oh okay, oh not this one. Oh no! This one looks hard. It's really hard! It's a pretty crazy map, though yeah there's a really lovely yeah.

He's out of battery wait, your controller guys guys go go. This is our chance. Battery guys is our battery. We changed dude.

This is our chance. Dude he's out of battery get him strike while he's wounded, who just greets that's like you know.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “I played mario kart against the top streamers”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G73DZ says:

    People doubting were just betting until his battery run out OMEGALUL

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gilang Lubis says:

    "I was forged by the snipers, the most feracious breeds of all"
    -xqc 2021

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Plaguevein says:

    Jesus Christ so many people complaining about Nyanners and Iron Mouse smh actual fucking virgins like nobody is forcing you to watch this if you don't want to,plus Mouse literally has a condition that makes her voice sound like that but of course half these people bitching are 12 y/o turbo autists who couldn't even find their way out of a paper bag so I shouldn't even be as appalled as I am by this behaviour.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TK says:

    Who are the absolute weirdo animegirl actors and why do they play with them?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nom says:

    This is like the older brother schooling his little brother Sykunno and his friends to assert dominance.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uranic says:

    some of the guys in chat and this comment section need to chill out. i get that iron mouse's voice was really intrusive to the stream for some, but she can't exactly help it given her conditions. x has also been really intrusive at times with minecraft monday (swearing and raging at other streamers in chat) and among us lobbies (monkaLaugh…), and he got a lot of hate for it, which was really unnecessary. don't be weird. DEFINITELY don't chat hop. be respectful. be sportsmanshiplike.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZyX says:

    Does ray say anything else than "fell off" "ratioed"

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Milan says:

    I really enjoy those longer videos with X and other big streamers when they play party games like Mario Party or Kart, Pico Park and all other games

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IThinkImTheRealCam says:

    This is awesome, I just got a mario kart 8 switch bundle and I've been having so much fun playing. And now my favorite streamers dropping this. Merry late Christmas everyone.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blake says:

    Ironmouse is so sweet. She paid off her parent’s house for Christmas!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mood says:

    shout out to the top streamers for playing with our small unpopular juicer

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KINGH says:

    Sykuno was a live representation of how every chatter feels when we lose channels point Sadge

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sjenkie says:

    I love how xQc just doesn't care about the talk and is just tryharding the game

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