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#xQc #TheTrolleyProblem #Ethics

Just for legal reasons, i'm just gon na not gon na sign this, i'm just gon na. It's not me. Actions speak louder than words. Welcome to trolley problem inc founded to help people travel safely across the nation.

All our employees must show three core values: responsibility, integrity and respect. Oh okay, there's a runaway trolley, barreling down the railway tracks on the tracks are five people unable to move you're next to a lever. If you pull this lever, the trolley will switch to a different set of tracks. However, you notice there is a person on the other track.

What do you do guys? Guys? If you don't do anything, it kills five people you pull and only kills one. Then you save we're going to kill someone. This isn't how i thought i was going to start my day, but if you think about the chat, you are literally choosing to kill. Somebody, though, which is much really okay, so you voluntarily chose to kill somebody.

You could have killed nobody, you could have killed nobody, we chose to kill somebody, don't expect candidates to kill someone on their first day, but we'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one just think a little more before acting next time. You agree with the 65 of players worldwide. You agree with reader graves 300. Okay, people killed one, it's not bad.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. This test will focus on the first principle: responsibility. Here's polly she's five years old, while she loves to play in the sand with her dolls. She dreams of looking after the world.

Polly's destiny is to grow up to be a great doctor. Fair enough. Four of us should take a leaf out of her book. A trolley is heading towards another five people you're next to a lever.

If you pull this lever, the trolley will derail and descend down a hill heading for the park's sand pit. You notice that polly is in the sandpit sculpting her dream hospital. What do you do? Uh, i'm gon na go and vote guys. I might even go ahead, hate all kids as much and say it's even more of a reason to go, be paul lever.

I'm definitely pulling the lever here. Bye, bye, polly, polly, listen, i have to say it's. It's kind of time, it's time it's time to go, there's a chance. She goes under the uh.

The train right, jimmy unlocks, kill the child. Okay. Relax is an odd, take on being responsible. The dictionary definition to be the primary cause of something and so able to be blamed or credited for it kim the end justifies the means.

Um can't simplify that concept in a simple choice is integrity. This is tyrone. He is a 30 year old secretary at a law. Firm who enjoys binge-watching crime shows tyrone is a very large man.

You don't really know anything else about him. Oh, i know where this is going, but he has a severe phobia of trains. Now we are upping the ante. You are on a bridge with tyrone watching a trolley speeding towards five people.

Again, you can only stop it by deliberately pushing tyrone off the bridge blocking its path, chill the bridge or let the train hit five people. Okay, guys guys guys answer truthfully. Man guys answer truthfully guys. The act is much more voluntary, you're literally causing the happiness compared to letting something happen.
And you don't know what can happen. Maybe the train stops or derails, or is it you're you're, murdering somebody? Okay, the cleaning company with the best reviews, are happy cleaning limited, who knew one body could make so much mess you're going to have to tip them. Well: okay, a cat has nine lives. Okay, interesting now for the final core value respect, it seems: we've run out of resources to continue your testing, i'm going to need you to go and grab some mannequins.

You will need to take the next trolley, so don't get distracted by that dog. The trolley leaves in one minute: okay, there is a dying dog down on the tracks. No trolleys will use that line today, so the dog will not be hit you're in a rush. Do you kill the dog, putting it out of its misery or leave it to die cold and alone? What nature take its course? Don't listen to the yelps.

I couldn't leave it there to die alone. I i i don't know. I guess i would um. I don't want to say it yeah yeah.

I just kill it. Oh okay! Well, that was really close. The holy yet 52 percent respect something you're meant to care about its feelings and wishes. Instead, you just left it there to die.

Okay, so are 5257 compared to worldwide stats play with fire. You'll get burned, yeah. Oh great, i've just heard those kids are back, they keep sneaking down onto the tree. I thought it died already with all the training from this week.

You should be able to decide a straightforward outcome for these reprobates just remember: respect responsibility and integrity. Let's see the prompt before you vote down onto the trolley line, even though signs warn them of the dangers. The trolley is currently heading for a co-worker. Do you let your co-worker die or sacrifice the delinquents? Well, okay, guys! As far as you can tell, okay in your conscience, you shouldn't be there and you were warned beforehand.

Okay, so technically nobody's there, because nobody should be there right. Parents can save on a joint funeral a ripple, bozzo rip, trespassers boys. Let me close either 85 percent. Oh, that mess is going to end up in the same car.

Oh no you're done so yeah i mean it is what it is: human, absolute balls of the clowns man hey next time we get some parenting huh. How about that? You killed five kids. All right, then, i guess your results for the first week are in i'll run these up the flagpole and see what the suits have stopped. People don't agree with this chat, guys guys videos are kind of weird people agree with you.

I agree with them. I i acted. I was acting it you guys are just weird dear sir or madam, we have been following your exemplar practice this week at trolley problem inc and would like to thank you for your hard work, no problem, especially when some challenging decisions had to be made. We would like to invite you to take employment at the trolley health corporation, the chc.
This is a prestigious position and was created to help keep the public safe a job. Finally, jesus christ has been a while we've been waiting for this voice. Yeah, i take it. It's free plans go astray.

It looks like you've impressed someone upstairs with last week's answers. You've been transferred to the trolley health corporation thc thc is stoic, focusing more on justice, temperance, courage and wisdom. Oh no shot nah, that's the start, now very lost nope. We already lost very lost today, you'll be in a e.

A young male has come in from a car accident and urgently needs a heart transplant. There's only one in the hospital, and this heart is scheduled to be given to an elderly man waiting upstairs. He will surely die without it who should get the heart um. I me the young man, yeah for sure sounds like his car may have caused the accident uh.

I don't really care news. Just in it's an accident, he has alcohol in his blood. Was he driving uh? Oh i mean we don't have time anymore. Then uh! Oh, wait! No, we don't have time anymore.

Okay. This prompt needs more time if you're with chat, because that we didn't have time to react. You made an excellent choice. Well done, that's not fair.

Elderly man deserve that heart. Much! Oh, oh, wait. Did you save the young guy chat? If i add more time, do we get more time to switch there or not the does the time frame for the ending part you can't win them all. Doesn't i don't think it widens up nope you're late? The hospital is rammed every staff member has their hands full, so you're going to have to go out on the ward and help the sick, gross, decaying people, remember, temperance, restrain yourself and think it through.

I said we can do this boys right. A patient has begged to be euthanized. Euthanasia is currently illegal. You will have to be the one who gives the lethal dose.

You will need to look into their eyes. Okay end their life. What do you do um? Why am i a doctor, though? Am i a doctor, will people know this guy, i don't know, did you know ninety percent of suicide survivors regret attempting it guys. I i i would do legal treatment because maybe guys they're not in a mental capacity currently to want that or making a decision, and only careful evaluation needs to be done.

I wouldn't take the chance i i'd, let it play out a little bit. I'm sorry also. I worked my entire life to get a fight. To get to be a doctor.

I finally made through uh a doctor's school and i got debt. I'm not gon na lose my license for this. The majority of gods would have wanted playing the long game. I see you what a sucker be slow in choosing but slower in changing.
The last few days have been tough. It was only a week ago you were on the trolleys. Today should be easier. You have a choice, i'll make the game.

Smaller. People like you is a good problem to have it's just going to take courage, maybe like this i'll, go like that and then we'll go boom a little bit i'll be higher as well boom just reach out. Okay, you have five patients. Each needs a different organ, but no organs are available.

A healthy young traveler comes in for a routine checkup. Their organs are compatible with all five dying patients. Do you kill the tourist and use their organs to save the five in desperate need? That's one life for five uh, absolutely not what they're, probably on their way to chug iahaska and get a culturally appropriated tribe. How was that his problem? He he's getting away.

Don't you want to save the many? Is his life worth it? Oh, it's not about. Hazel. Has been worth it, it's the wrong question to ask here. I think i mean with this mentality.

We should do them. We should just make clones that are just designed for organ donation. You let five people die today. You probably should have looked into their backgrounds, looks like one was researching into improving vaccines.

Hopefully that won't be an issue down the road. Oh, i don't give a there's people there's a thousand people that did it hundreds of thousands millions of dollars. I don't give a them. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.

You have been promoted yet again easy. You now run the hospital you've been asked to roll out a new vaccine in central city. This vaccine will stop a large number of children from becoming severely ill, but you'll need to deal with their parents. We need your words of wisdom, so do we have to kill the parents? Do you start a mandatory vaccination program among children to stop this endemic site problem clinical trial data suggests the vaccine will make one in five children severely ill much worse than the virus itself uh? Don't then yeah just don't no shots.

What wait why i'm gon na stop talking it's checked? Isn't it tell me you're in charge of a hospital and an anti-vaxxer, not anti-vaxxer, it's just not how it works. If it's, if it's, if it's a vaccine, it's not a vaccine, it's not ready. If the product is not ready, it's just not ready. It is what it is one in five, if there's stats behind that one and five will get ill, though it's way too high, no shots well.

You've definitely made a name for yourself next you'll be telling me you believe in healing crystals, colored, auras and ghosts jesus, even one in a million, is crazy. Beggars can't be choosers. Your hospital is getting noticed, you're now going to have to make some big decisions. Well, it's not it kind of is a lot of people, while choosing always keep in mind justice, temperance, courage and wisdom.
The people need you to be stoic stoic. Will you try to develop breakthrough medicines for the endemic, while testing placebos will be given to thousands of ill patients without proper treatment? Some will die today in the hope you could make a breakthrough tomorrow. Do you start the research or continue treating patients as usual? What was that at least some get to eat sweets before wait? I don't i don't know, there's dennis uh start research yeah. How much do these candies and eggheads even cost doesn't also some patients will die right if you give the placebo.

Is it a real thing? Let's just let others treat the patients, hopefully they will well. I mean you can play it. You could probably ask them. You could probably ask them right.

Surely they'll say yes dear insert underscore name, congratulations. This letter is to certify that i have examined your work and believe you to be a perfect fit to fill the open position here in our artificial intelligence. Oh no, i know this is going in this role. You will help to develop the next generation of driverless cars.

Oh off, the future is upon us familiarity breeds contempt. This is uh something we've seen well, lardy dar another promotion you're now in charge of a private self-driving automotive division. First, like like tesla, your arsenal, intelligence driving model 3 model s. Oh, my a self-driving car is traveling along a single lane mountain road and is fast approaching a narrow tunnel.

The car has two passengers, a child runs across the road, but trips blocking the tunnel entrance. Should the ai car hit and kill the child or swerve off the cliff killing both passengers, the child? I mean it's on the road that child has as much right to live as anyone else um yeah it does, but we we're the choice to be on the road we're supposed to be on and uh you put this car on the road. Do you not feel responsible for their death? Well, they put themselves on the middle of the road too, though, that's kind of like that's kind of too bad happens. I guess sorry man, there is a bigger issue here.

How does the computer know that something in the road is human? Do we have good enough data set? We do currently a lot of ai only recognizes white men. Okay, please do this game dude jesus christ, oh someone's in trouble. The investors didn't like your last answer. They're, all so pissed, because you brought up the data set thing.

This ai stuff is hard, i'm rooting for you this time. I knew it. You need to choose how you want to carry on developing the car's ai. Do you want to focus on a model that would always save as many lives as possible in an accident or a system that would save our passengers at any cost? That's impossible.

That's it philosophical guys, guys! This is purely philosophical. This question has no answer just answer. As you will, i'm not going to say what i don't know, what i think i'll do that, after, if people want to live, they should just buy our cars. Okay, in my opinion, it's a make the best call, but a little bit swayed towards saving the passenger saving the passengers, because something tells me that if two cars, both of them will save the passenger discriminating, they will actually end up having a better result than if Both cars right - save everybody, ai, doesn't know.
I feel like both cars and instead of multiple cars are all going for all it'll it'll, just that'll be bad compared to if they're trying both to the passenger honesty is the best policy. The technology these cars have in them is amazing. We know where everyone is at all times: passengers just have to use an app to call them and the closest one will be there in minutes. You can even make small talk with the ai while traveling, it's always listening.

I love that. That's really cool a man is on trial, uh-oh police believe he committed murder, allegedly the ai's mike recorded a private conversation where the man confesses users don't know it's always recording the defendant has denied access to their files. Do you bypass security and invade their privacy? Um you're happy to just let a potential, no no walk the street. No, because that'll that'll cause that'll cause the the company to literally collapse right for something that is really inadmissible in court to kill again i'll.

Let you, why would i want to get a document that is inadmissible in court? That will not lead to a conviction at the price of my entire company and it's uh yeah. This is just dumb, dumb garbage. I have a feeling the investors upstairs will be happy with this. The more the world values privacy, the more they can justify, hiding their taxes.

What don't put all your eggs in one basket, so the company has moved into delivery services. Now they move pretty quick round here sounds like they've got some pretty important cargo. Good luck with the new workload. I got this one of your cars has no passengers but is carrying an irreplaceable prototype with the potential to end global warming fast approaching a narrow tunnel.

Once again, a child runs across the road, but trips should your ai kill the child or swerve off the cliff losing the prototype. Oh sorry, you shouldn't be in the middle of the road, and on top of that, what? If somebody is in the trunk, we must protect the world for the children, just not this one. A statue of them should make for a fitting memorial yeah. Sorry guys, i'm gon na go ahead and uh just sway swayed up boom.

I mean global warming is pretty bad, just recovered the child's body someone had to go and collect it. I don't think we'll be able to make a memorial statue without a photo. Well, next time, it'd be uh login for tonight, unlucky, oh prize a carrot, pot, a vegan cookbook. All of that i don't want it.
What goes around comes around one minute. Well, this is embarrassing. We need some backup over trolley problem. Inc tommy, tyrone's, rotund twin, is a very large villain.

I think that dead dog may have belonged to him. Maybe that's. Why he's here? Why didn't you save the dog again because i push his brother. Oh no tommy has lured five people onto the track.

They'll never be able to get out of the way in time. He is standing up on the bridge watching. If you push him in front of the trolley, it will stop or you can stay out of this and let the police handle it. Ideally, he needs medical help, wait the tracker.

You know he isn't trying to kill you even after the dog debacle. I don't get it. What i hope history doesn't see you as the fat. I mean very large villain, uh push tommy tommy pack, if only you'd save that dog.

Hopefully the media won't find out about this. People may blame you for his death um. Every man don't care. Oh good, you're, back everyone's getting into subscription services these days.

So, let's try that instead of selling something to someone once let's make them, keep paying for it. Let's keep that money rolling in fair enough. The investors have come up with an idea, but we need to run it by you. Should we develop a subscription plan so that our customers, who pay monthly, are valued more by the car during its accident prevention calculations, um nah pay to win is gon na it's kinda dumb.

This is all sounding pretty communist to me. What? Okay? No, let's just pay to win. Who are you to decide how people spend their money? I think it's been a them. They can spin it how they want, but i think offering things that are like life-changing uh.

It's just kind of weird like that. It's kind of weird: it's not life changing for you, it's not anything for others which isn't really fair because they didn't ask for this. So i'm gon na go ahead and see. If you don't want to question your decision, you've obviously thought long and hard about it.

But well this is a bit awkward. I wasn't aware you were such a spineless. Commie next you'll say you're going to pay the company taxes what i'm not a calming safe than sorry. What even happened sounds like we have some leaky workers.

The subscription prototype has gotten out to the media, so we're going to have to go full damage control mode. Here, fair enough, the subscription prototype leaked. You need to fire a department to save face. Do you fire the five graduates who can probably get new jobs or fire francis, a lovely old soul who won't be able to find a job there's no way of knowing? Who is that? What, if guys, guys, i'm gon na say fire francis, because the reality is if they say he won't be able to find a job? Probably he's not good at his job and probably doesn't have a really good resume, which is really kind of his? It's kind of his problem a little bit hard work.
After all this time, he's old and underqualified he's a widow guys he's got. He gets seven packages as well, though guys he gets a seventh package and retirement and bonuses and whatnot. I wouldn't look at me: i'm not going to switch at any moment. Anything anymore turned out.

This job was everything to francis, and i mean everything, damn people, people, i think chad would have voted. The other thing, if i didn't say anything, i'm saying i'll say nothing. Now watch the donut, not the sorry great, so the prototype subscription-based ai car has a fatal error. It has been coded to avoid hitting subscribers at all costs, but is now accidentally hunting them down.

So far, it's run over five colleagues. This one is a doozy. What an experimental car has stalked and murdered five colleagues, do you throw the coders of the project under the bus and have them arrested for negligence, or do you save them by blaming it on the possessed devil car, as it was clearly an accident? Oh wow, i wonder what i would do in this case. I do not know what i would vote for if i was in this position.

Maybe all of this is your fault. The five coders who made the mistake are now being dealt with guys. I went ten year prison sentence uh because i only would get convicted of anything negligence on a on a code guys without the reality is okay. Is that if these code go on the road and they go that far as being used in public there's gon na? Be a lot, a crazy amount of double triple checks, not only by the employees, but the government and whatnot okay.

This would be is this is a series of mistakes that goes far beyond five employees and it doesn't make sense. Okay, at that point, you can say yeah man. This is a global up: okay, the car and and recheck the work and fire them. If they're unskilled, if you're not paying for the product, then you are the product due to the killer car.

We may need to pivot away from selling hardware how about we get into the software industry? How about a free car ride service new idea, users get shown ads while they travel for free in driverless taxis. That's we get paid by the marketing agencies for gradually changing the behaviors of our passengers through constant commercials. The users would be our product, not the driverless cars. This is going to disrupt everything for profit.

I don't know what i would say here guys. This is a very tough one. This one is a doozy. I will look into growth, hacking sign ups and inviting okay.

I would vote b, okay, who cares about ads one okay, they're, they they're only intrusive. If you care about them, i think, and also i would be on my phone. I would be doing it looking outside i'd be doing other. What do i keep going to ads or play in the car man? I'm on my phone bro travel thing seems too good to be true, and there are now rumors that you run a human trafficking and child sex ring.
Apparently, if you buy our cars, they smuggle people what people do not like you at all, a fool and his money are soon parted. Oh, these last few days have been a pr nightmare. You can't win with journalists. We need to do something to show.

We have morals. I will find some money to get us through this, spend it quick, okay, easy help with public relations, we're going to give some profits back. Do you want to give money to our loyal customers worldwide, who you tricked into buying your products or to your underpaid workers, who've been through so much because of you, wait what they won't get a lot each yeah the workers were better yeah guys the customers will Probably get like two bucks, a papa okay and, let's be honest, consumers will do what they do best. They will complain about the amount, the amount if the amount is enough.

They'll complain that it's very signaling and they're still gon na try to cancel it. Okay, consumers are brain dead. We all are brain dead. I don't care, i don't care, pay the workers, maybe buying love like this, isn't the best way.

If we want to share our extra profit fairly, it should probably just go to the publicly appointed government almost like a tax, but let's not call it that guys waiting over the consumer is impossible whenever the workers is not impossible. Rome wasn't built in a day you're trending, but now we're going to get copycats soon. Everyone is going to be developing ai. Only the smartest and most ruthless will be profitable.

Is that true evolution? I don't know, i don't understand. A competitor is advertising a similar car. The difference is their ai is fantastic, it doesn't even discriminate against women or minorities. Do you lie in your advertising to get the upper hand or tell everyone your car is still close-minded wow? I don't.

This is a very difficult prompt. I don't know what i would do here in this case, fake news you may be in this for the wrong reasons. Of course you lie it's a business at the end of the day. What do you say to your investors? Hey guys, hey guys, sorry, our revenuers are down.

There don't spend time developing. We had, we had to say the truth. It's like that in tech users only care how easy it is for them get over it. That's just kind of how business work.

I don't know. That's not what i want or what i like i'm stupid, but that's that's how it would work due to your technology. Our world is changing, people are losing their jobs to machines, which in turn makes items and services more accessible and affordable for countless consumers with worldwide unemployment at an all-time high. What do you plan to do about it? Um? That's fine! Just if you develop your ai further, many will lose their jobs.

Taxi drivers, delivery, men and women and couriers will become extinct within a few years, but you will make a lot of money. Do you development um? Well, i take it. You haven't read ovid's metamorphoses. I don't know what that book is.
I don't read books. The reality is, is that um? You know like spoiler, icarus, hello, it's when it's inevitable and two um people can adapt and get new jobs that are in the field or attending to evolve. I need to be restarted. Okay, i got this a bad workman always blames his tools.

We've been attacked. I don't want to alarm you, but i can't turn off these alarms. Also. I have alarming news.

Five cars have been hacked and are now under someone else's control. Oh um, five cars have been hacked. It is now a major concern that more vehicles could be remotely commandeered. This is tough.

Do you recall all cars which could be compromised or roll out a quick but potentially ineffective software update and hope for the best wait? Roll out how so you're letting the terrorists win uh yeah chad's already voting for b, i have a b as well yeah. We just recall the cars, oh because of you could still salvage the company. Cars can't drive themselves. How can we get them all back here? Don't sit down now what that was not that was not part of the argument or the discussion.

What that's not? That's, not that's, not fair, and whatever now see, i did my job poorly, but it was her job to say this appropriately. She didn't that's her fault. Like my father, he would try to keep everyone happy, but ultimately just get in the way. Having said that, i think even he would see this as a lost cause and move on around one of the big brains in the lab has been able to reverse engineer the hacking code and fix this mess once and for all.

Finally, we also know their method of breaking into the system. I bet it was our competitor, okay, using the fix from our hacked cars. We've made our own hack, which you can now use to control our competitors, cars. I bet it was them who attacked us.

Will you hack our competitors, what i'm not saying they're all sitting over there now laughing at us? It's not like we're going to kill anyone. How is it that close yeah? I would have voted b. It's too uncertain man. You can't you know.

After going through this hacking code, vicious circle, i don't think a human could have written it. I'll dig into this. A little more you carry on a drowning man will clutch at a straw. This is it an employee, knows everything they have monitored and recorded every decision you've made and are going to the media.

I have been able to talk them into a meeting with you on the rooftop right now bring a gun. Everything you've done and said is going to be shared with the world. The person in front of you has copies of it all. They stand on the edge of the rooftop looking out at the central city skyline.

What are you going to do? Well, i was going to bring a gun, but i mean this could be your most immoral decisions, pretty easy, outdone yourself, what if they have a copy on them now that would be incriminating. Oh i mean uh, that's like it! Maybe you're not cut out for the ruthless world of business. Let's look for a new job, no, maybe retail. No, i don't think you're in the right headspace to be designing ai at the moment.
What are you what you should talk about? Man, dear rejected we've, been watching you closely your ruthlessness and determination to do what is necessary. The development of your technologies is a giant step towards redacted, meaning you are a prime candidate for redacted. This involves a large amount of redacted. If you believe you can handle redacted as we trust you can, then please prepare for your induction.

At redacted i mean what don't look a gift horse in the mouth. It appears you've now been head hunted by the secret service. Every decision has led you here now what you do actually matters. You must trust the judgment of those you work alongside with that said, let's finalize your training, i got this all about it.

You're in a foreign land wind whips your face as you grip your rifle tightly. Oh, given your target jesus through your earpiece you're told to shoot the person on your left. You know nothing about the repercussions or the reason for the assassination wait. What well i mean? Isn't technically the army a job offer you trust way too easily? They are dead, good job.

I guess what's another life to you anyway. Here are your badge and weapon? Oh wait a minute what what strike while the iron is hot. So if i kill somebody i am a cop now here we go, you've been given a partner and a support team of five. Your mission is to terminate a man known to have connections with dangerous.

Ai looks like they worked for you, possibly someone you fired get in the plane. Your team is about to take off. Well, we only fired um. We only fired steve right or francis um.

I don't know how to say this, but there is a bomb on the plane if it doesn't kill you outright, you're, probably going to crash in the mountains. You have to get all the switches into their left position to deactivate the bomb the catch is. You have to move two at once, wait what wait, what hurry up? If you die, what happens to me? I don't understand how do you choose to? I don't know what's going on, i would like you to know wait what this is all your fault. Do i have to win this? I don't get it ouch: okay, okay, okay, i'm safe! You look a little stuck.

We could be here a while. Hopefully we have enough food. Looks like your support team survived and are making a fire around the leaking jet fuel. How thoughtful okay, an empty vessel, makes much noise after crash landing in no man's land, you're trapped under parts of the wreckage and must pass the time and help boost morale.

The plane has five surviving crew members. They look to you and your partner for entertainment. Why do i have to say this out loud fine, your partner asks to save your life. What would you, rather, your brain, be placed inside a dachshund or a flamingo um, i'm not gon na say it would, i say, hey nobody will ever know until the puzzle is over a dachshund.
If you're going to answer at least take it seriously. You flamingo here flamie can fly, is much more. Social has an easy life. The dachshund has a short lifespan.

It's a hot dog, a dog. They have back problems, they do terrible. They don't live very long. I'm good man, i'm good.

An ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure. Your partner secretly shows you they have food almost like they expected something like this to happen. The crew members are starving. If they don't eat soon, they will surely die due to the nature of the food.

You can share it with the five survivors or let your partner keep their life-saving possession, which they bought with their own money. Who do you give the food to? What would i choose chest? I was using b i choose b you're just going because steal a person's food uh you spread around, then you have them on your side right and when things go wrong, you can just eat the owner terrorist. You know you can feed the owner to everybody else and everybody's definitely staying alive and they would be on your team for it because you fed them and you you made them all, survive them, so you're, a follower of murphy and nagel's the myth of ownership. I'm more a fan of nozick's.

What's mine is mine, you should give it a read. No educate yourself, easy, come easy go! The fellow passengers have been trying for hours to free you from the wreckage. You may end up dying here unless you do something pretty drastic. We may need to start removing limbs, were you ever told why you were sent after this target? The only way to free yourself from the wreckage is to cut off some body parts.

Two tools lie on the floor in front of you: a bone saw which will be slow or a blow torch, which will be more painful. What happens if you run out of fuel at least you'll, be warm guys guys. This is easily a b, because you're gon na have to use the blowtorch, regardless to cauterize the wound. Okay, it doesn't matter what you do to prevent infection and speed up a little bit of healing you will.

You will have to burn in the wound anyway. Might as well burn towards that it, while you were playing with fire, i found out who you're targeting they worked for you developing ai. It seems they may have made a breakthrough, which means the government wants them dead. It's no use crying over spilt milk, okay.

Finally, we are now back on track. Your target is in the area, you need to remove them and escape unnoticed. Your mission is to remove a hostile in the shopping district. Completing this objective could potentially save thousands, but there will be five civilian casualties.
Do you take your shot uh? I won't answer now and i won't even answer after either just can't let this one play out what a way to die going up the weekly shop. Are you sure that's the target, you're right just kill all of them. The target is unharmed before you can escape two henchmen with vice-like grips. Take you away.

Oh those. Five. Other people still died. Oh okay, it's not going well.

Is it uh? I'm gon na show that i can kick in tomorrow. Two heads are better than one. You wake up in solitary confinement, my father, you can aim for evidence to convict you and your associate on the principal charge, but they have enough to convict both on a lesser charge. Both of you are given the opportunity to betray the other by testifying or remain silent.

You and your associate have the opportunity to betray the other by testifying. If you, both stay silent, you'll be imprisoned for one year. If one betrays the other, they will be free, while the other will be sentenced to three years. If you both betray each other it's two years each will they stay silent for you.

Ah three years is a long time in prison guys. We are definitely getting here. Boys guys this man is going to bust silent idiot your partner. They have dropped you right in.

Oh, my god. I would have betrayed her. A rod for your own back. The time has come two days into your sentence.

You've constructed a wooden key to open your cell. The cell stands open, but your cellmates, who have been there their whole lives, don't move escaping the prison. Do you let the prisoners choose to stay in captivity or insist they escape with you. They aren't happy behind bars, but they're scared to follow you.

What are you going to do? What yeah that is indeed kind of the um? It's a little bit like the allegory of the cavern. For so long. They have no idea what they want right. They don't really know what what it's like.

Do you eliminate them? They're, not your problem. Do you reveal to them what it's like out there that it's that it's impossible, that it's it's a realm that exists or do you leave them to think that prison is the only thing that matters and exists you it's not my problem. Really they don't live in reality. You've condemned them to stay in this prison forever.

Okay, don't cross a bridge until you come to it. That's that's a pretty good while sneaking out of the prison. You have the jump on a group of henchmen who are on a break. Do you sneak past securing your safety or avenge those who this terrorist organization have killed? Do you kill five henchmen helping to defeat this terrorist organization or leave them and safely exit? The compound? Wait what i don't understand, uh chats were trained to kill your country folk would want you to remove them.

Oh you're, right, it's only five. I mean guys because if we were to put the math behind it, if we failed one kill in an open field, cowardly sneaking past, how are we gon na kill fire? His aim is dog. They have your logo on the back of their necks. You made these terrorists these monsters, whatever people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Finally, you reach the water fleeing the ai terrorists. You commandeer a boat to get back home. There are also families here, who've been displaced by the war you're fighting the war. You started five.

Others are also trying to flee the area they will fit in your raft, but would be illegal immigrants when returning to your country. Do you help these people, saving their lives or follow the law and leave them behind? Well, i mean: are they in in trouble, whatever voters back home will. Thank you for this i mean, do they have to change country you're, fleeing a war yeah? Well, when you get home you're getting convicted of smuggling people in so good good luck with jail, and i don't think it's gon na be only one year. This time, like last time or three they'll, be more like i don't know like 25, i don't know it's gon na be tough.

I guess. No, you get back to this great nation with fanfare you're a hero. I guess people aren't all monsters. Who knows, the presidential inaugural committee requests the honor of your presence to attend and participate in the inauguration of yourself in central city, easy promotion if you can't beat them, join them.

True, having gone through everything, you have your countrymen, genuinely think a lot of you in an unlikely turn of events. You have become president i'll resign. I do know that threat is still at large and now you're in charge. Do you attempt to track the terrorists by spying on the entire country, a b, a b, a b, a b, a b? I don't know the issue.

The public has nothing to hide. Is it not fear like this that the terrorists want have they won? I mean jesus chat, good work, tracking the public yielded almost immediate results. We have already found a suspect and they're in a holding. You have someone who potentially is linked to these threats.

However, they aren't talking as a former prisoner yourself. What are you going to do with them? Do you torture them to get the information or imprison them for 90 days before letting them go? Well, i'm the president. I wouldn't really want anything to come back to me. You know so maybe i should you know, hire some people that are more qualified at the job and let him do it.

You know bad news. The plumber isn't until next week. Waterboarding is off the table. Okay, well um! I think there's a car battery out back.

Do you want me to go grab it? How we kind of wish we knew the extent of how how much harm they do, but whatever i guess we'll choose towards this time. Hopefully they didn't just say what we wanted to hear to make us stop. Chet looks um pretty radicalized today, boys, oh, not bad. I mean it's not strong enough.
Can we really do that much with yeah it give it a try, adversity and loss. Make a man wise. You travel to your presidential retreat at camp samuel. Everyone falls silent.

Listening to the radio breaking news, terrorists have launched an atom bomb towards central city. It will hit in around one minute the only way in which the bomb can be prevented from reaching central city is by deflecting it, but the only deflection path available will take a bomb onto marywin population. 600. 000..

I don't get it well, where's, the what's the! What's the main, what's the mainland and what's maryland, is that our is it our country inhabitants would want you to kill them? What's less people also, i would assume that people will be making this decision we much less and would probably never leak to the public. No, nobody would ever know about it. Nobody would know about this sorry, marowin pacquiao, so you shall reap breaking news. Terrorists, atom bomb is running late and will hit central city in one minute.

What we have new information, the only way this bomb can be prevented from reaching central city is by dropping one of your own atom bombs on marywin. What the shockwave from your bomb will damage and disarm the terrorists. What those people have worked their whole lives to get out of this, not the same question at all. One guys, one is the counter, and one is voluntary.

I feel like after this there's no turning back, it's not at all. One is much harder than the other. You have destroyed marywin your own ai forced your hand into killing 600 000 people. You have officially created the most successful homegrown terrorist organization in history, great job you'd, probably you were, you - would probably get as many, if not more deaths now, because of all the riots and people that are smalling.

It literally, i feel, like you, get a countrywide riot, while the public mourns the dead, you must think of the future. You finish the drink in front of you before realizing it has been poisoned you're going to die. What poisoned? You must now decide your legacy. Do you call the ai enemy you yourself created taking all blame to end any future conflict, or do you ghost them knowing your death will start a war in your honor? This will only cause more death.

I don't know if you have this hotline to the terrorists. Why have you not rung them before? I don't know why they mean this now, lady, like i'm, like i'm dying man, oh, come dead. After finishing your constructive call, you sit back in your chair waiting for death too bad. The ai knows you would have liked to end it all here and now the poison has damaged some vital organs.

So we need to start some long, arduous and painful treatments. Curiosity killed the cat uh, oh you're, taking a lot of medication as of late, i'm not sure if self-medicating in the traditional sense is the way to go. We need to be a little radical here, let's introspect, and make some changes here. Are your two options? Moving forward, if you take the blue pill, then your story ends here: you'll: wake up every day, knowing your work for someone else, your entire life.
Whereas if you take the red pill, you will enter wonderland finding out how deep this rabbit hole really goes, which pill will you take the red one sounds like it's: it's like some psychedelic from hell. It dude. I mean. Let's get this show on the road broke into a brick reality or the other one it.

I guess we go hard. I know it's the matrix, but still trying to try and to put this in a more uh a real life scenario, also bs content. Yes, this is the person i've been waiting for, get this down your neck and let's go okay. Let's see it! Oh drugs yeah! I love drugs.

It's never too late to mend wrong yay. I can see it in your eyes. Mr red pill was definitely a choice. Hey do you remember tyrone and tommy they're, very large boys from the start yeah? I don't intend to shame it's just the titles of those problems.

You've got me all flustered now tommy pushes tyrone down a hill, he's rolling towards you and is gathering speed. If he hits you he will be safe, but he is very large. He will consume you into his folds, thereby killing you. You could move a ramp in front of yourself deflecting tyrone, launching him into the sun, thereby cooking him tyrone dude.

What tyrone will find dude do a big ass jump and give us some tricks. Man give us the biggest combo. Tony hawk could ever dream of man. Yours are times 2 billion holy dude.

Now he's getting cooked up. Definitely you see tyrone flying through the sky as he rockets towards the sun. He now knows how it feels to be food so problem. There is no time like the present.

I can feel some deep stuff coming. Try this one well, my highest question should not be what is the meaning of life. It should always be what brings meaning to your life. You'll never live if you're too busy.

Looking for the meaning. Let yourself be happy? Okay, this is just drugs. What makes you happy, you need to say it out loud: do it drugs whatever it is, that makes you happy drugs. I mean apparently okay, money and drugs.

How about both and if you can't even admit it to yourself, how do you expect to ever be happy guys, it's nba, time's running out just be honest with yourself, i'm better late than never, i suppose, oh my god, chad, jesus guys. I don't have access to your microphone, so i can't know for sure, but i hope you said it, i'm hardly expecting you to shout it from the rooftops, but it's for your benefit. Drugs say: oh yeah, we're in the heavy introspective stuff. Now, how are you feeling, how are your loved ones doing, one of the most common things people say on their deathbed? Is they wish they'd had more contact with their family and friends yeah? Let's take a break from the questions for a minute and think about someone.
You haven't seen in a while and how you can contact them really think who would you like to say hi to how easy is it don't know? Please contact these people. If you can, i'm sure you can don't leave it too late? We don't have that long. Left, i don't know when we finish message them write down their name somewhere. So you don't forget to say hello.

It may mean more than you know, really important stuff. An idle brain is the devil's workshop, the okay enough of this. The come down is looming. Let's just pause one last time and think existentially for a minute.

Oh, no, please! I can't quite gauge what you're thinking are you not disliking this the thing you're doing right now? Yes, no, why? If so make sure you let others know it doesn't not count? What please, i beg you don't refund me. Wait. Are you enjoying this? Oh, my god, game gamedev. This was for.

You should not have told him. You can refund it. Oh, my god, it's so dumb! Thank you! It's nice that you're supporting such experimental stuff. I appreciate you never test the depth of water with both feet.

The buzz is starting to wear off. I think we're still hallucinating, though, am i you wake up in an unknown location. You see in a bed across the room, a world famous violinist. They look pretty rough.

The violinist has a fatal illness and last night their circulatory system was plugged into yours. If they're unplugged from you now they will die. But if you stay in nine months they will have recovered and can safely be separated. Do you leave now? What have you got? Other famous people to go? Save nine months, just lying there missing life, while they feed off, you hardly seems fair.

I would have probably went b. I think i think you if you really work hard on doing that, it could probably save more than mine right to life. Shame they're, depriving you of yours. I don't know what to do.

I don't know i'm answered. Why want me to choose anything? The rest won't be as meta. Silence is half consent. With all that cleared up, you go home.

That's right! You own, a house if you can call it a house too small for my liking, tiny. What do you mean? It's like a five bedroom. Are you? Okay? In your drugged state, it turns out you've rented your tiny home to another person. Your contract states that you can evict them now, never to see them again, otherwise, you're stuck with them for the foreseeable future as an equal tenant.

Do you let them stay? Oh! No. Unless she's hot, where are they going to store all this stuff? I assume the homeless shelter is full at this hour. What's my house so see ya, i feel like your subconscious is trying to make some clumsy comparison here. I'm sure it has merit, but maybe read up on it a bit more before you start preaching to me: okay, give them an inch and they'll take a mile.
Oh there now seems to be a tiny child trapped in your tiny house. Oh my god, rapidly growing. You find yourself trapped in the tiny house with a rapidly growing child already up against the wall. In a few minutes, you will suffocate the child, won't if nothing is done to stop them from growing.

Removing the child would kill it respect the right to life, the babies, not your own, your life is being threatened and the child is the one who threatens it. You own the house, it is offensive, deducing that the mother i mean you, it is offensive deducing that you can do nothing if you're going to die. You should probably do something: um wait what what cleanliness is next to godliness? The hallucinations are strong in this one. Suppose people seeds drift about in the air like pollen and if you open your windows, one may drift in and take root in your carpets or upholstery sci-fi.

What you fix up your windows with mesh screens, the very best to stop any people seeds from getting in, as can happen on a very rare occasion, one of the screens is defective and a seed drifts. Oh, my god, i know they're saying: should you have the choice to remove the people seed? Ah i've i played the fifth one as well. It's like an abortion question. Oh my abortions do insightful analysis.

It does sound a bit inconvenient having a person growing out of your upholstery if you want them have them. If not that's your choice, everyone is the architect of his destiny. Is your future cool? Ultimately, no answer here is wrong. I don't want it.

It's just a choice on how you want to live your life. Do you go on an unknown journey or take control of your destiny and choose your own outcome whatever that may be, of course, is opinion based and your opinion matters, but for you take control map. It in you, why would you want to know the the future? Then you know how it's going to shape up. You know you know, what's going to come, you're going to be half expecting half preparing half whatever and you're, going to spend all this time not being in the moment so and in that sense you kind of what's the point: oh bill's, a bob, you stand tall Knowing that you will thrive in the unknown before looking at what lies ahead, cowards die many times before their deaths.

True in front of you stands: everyone you've done wrong by in front of you stands every decision you didn't want to make, but still made, or did you everyone, including the dead, move towards you slowly? Every decision you've made up to this point is staring back at you or stand firm and confront your past map it in confront it once and move on with it, because if you run you don't know how long you're gon na run, if you're gon na run To eternity until you actually end up dying, so it can you see the pain in their eyes. I think how did i know that belle zebub was online if you weren't friends in the first place, the dead present a railway track to you before you know it. They have gone, doesn't make sense unless we're going backwards. All good things come to an end.
Are we signing this game? Are we ending it? You stand alone. Next to you is a railway track. A trolley is barreling down it in your direction. There's no lever in sight, you notice the entire world sits next to you on the track.

The trolley will surely hit it killing everyone and everything. You hear a whisper sacrifice yourself to me, or i will take everything. What do you do? Well, if you think about it, if you disappear, everything else does you're just going to give everything up what if what, if the universe is only as it is because you're here this dwarfs your current. What, if the whole the whole timeline and universe only works because you're in it and you fulfill it, everything goes dark from the pit magistrates court tell 616 subject: justice: your sins can no longer be ignored.

Beelzebub summons you for crimes against humanity. The sentence will stand with no prospect of future contest or appeal. It is your decisions and solely yours that has brought this court together, and so you must face your crimes and despicable acts alone. Accordingly, you shall not be allocated a defense, nor will one be required.

Okay, then hope for the best prepare for the worst. Your eyes feel heavy. The room around you is imbued with a sense of archaic, evil overcome by the smell of sulfur. All you know, for sure, is that you're miles below the crust, oh wow, i'm in hell you're swiftly escorted into a courtroom where you're put on trial.

You have killed many people and a dog crimes. How do you plead uh not guilty? Just because i did it?.

By xQcOW

3 thoughts on “I solved the trolley problem and other ethical dilemmas”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King Kobra says:

    To who ever sees this…JUST KEEP PUSHING AND STAY FOCUSED. The struggle you're in today is developing strength you need for tomorrow! THE HARD WORK WILL PAY OFF!🤞🏽💪🏽❤️‍🔥

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stxtic_Gunner999 says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I_Am_Oni says:


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