xQc talks to his fans on discord hoping to find a female juicer.
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#xQc #Interview #Female

My god your microphone hello yeah hello i want to be a chat leader for for you for 25 a week. I know okay well trial run right now okay okay yeah. Go go i'm not looking. At my chat.

Get more damn excuse. Me xcc offline stop being mean all this juicer bruh. Nice good nice excuse good keep going vip match bro pay him bro yeah. So basically what can happen is you can do what oh.

My god you're my wait is it just reading the chat for him microphone hello yeah. Hello. I want to be a chat today what game. I'm gonna do i'm gonna discord and you're gonna read the chat messages okay listen.

He said. It's gonna work him i'm on this real voice again cave listen listen i will drag one of you guys read the chat. Okay you will say nothing except reading the chat and then you say hello or goodbye. You will say nothing you will just read the chat.

Okay okay say nothing you will literally just read the chat here it is oh this is bad. This is bad dude. Let's see um let's get a sub. I'm trying to get a sub maybe.

It's gonna be a kimchi yo. What's up do i read. The chat now yes bl busta man man pog up failed chad voice. She failed kicked kicked failed uh.

Yeah. You can kick. Me dude. Oh.

He left again uh next up. What do we have i no rolls is kind of scary. That's kind of scary. He tried add him gigachat at him omega law capital d.

Colon chat monka w. Question. Mark pogue giga chad omega ball. I am a loser lil w.

Omega lil capital d colon pepe paynes tryhard7. Read this try hard happy. Toaster says that i don't know that emo execute. Yell.

Well this is kind of slow man you got to pick up the pizza a little bit and my fault my fault my fault xqcl white hard pepe laugh poop white hard xqct weird champ pay him farming emotes. Oh mega lol xqcl white heart. I like pepe pega pepe paga. Is in your moat.

Yeah. My fault. My fault. I'm kind of nervous.

Okay. So man you're. Doing all. Right.

Yeah. Omegle. Oh. Mega lol.

Do this irl pop. Friend little w. You missed. One.

The is this xqcl welcome to the jungle pepe pop friend pop friend do this irl that's what i said uh pugman xqc. So handsome you missed. It oh yeah. That guy said xqc is so hot and gorgeous do this irl alien dance alien dance man okay true xqc what the oh my god he did pretty good better guy thank you man thank you very much appreciate you bro xucl.

I love you so much a service. Sir i'm expecting a service. Hello oh. Force and force and force and force and force.

Enforcing. I.'m. A serial killer post champ. 1kw chat.

Force all right um sanest. Uh. Forsen subscriber. Most most stable aforsen a tier 3 subscriber that we've just met nice enjoyed that next up we got uh this guy uh.

Yeah. Yo. What's up all right uh yeah sorry my my man uh l steak puppet uh aiden ross better plus l oh zero girlfriends i mean sorry that's my bad uh l l. L.

Q c. W. No no nerd omega law uh oh chad uh plus uh picking subs. Uh.
Pepe. Pins. Uh uh. What is that uh.

It's okay. Um xqc is a nerd loser uh lqc uh uh. I saw a mox emo. I don't know true holy.

This guy's cringe nerd ming lee l. Qc. Uh aiden better. Yeah yeah.

I think you did your job man. Thank. You it was my bad. Yeah.

You're good man. You're good thank you for service man. Yeah. It's my bad my bed.

Twenty eight. Yeah. I love you xcc you're i i i i i love you you just said like eight times. I saw it in chat like you really read that one guy's dogs and aidan's chest.

There's a filter. There's like i have a filter on it like shows l's like lqc like it shows that like a lot what yeah. It's it's the the 17v thing. It's a it's it's an add on hey.

All you hear all you see is l. That's just l in it yeah. It's a third party thing you wouldn't know yo you're in iriri. Ah riri.

Hello you are currently in the voice chat hello pick up the phone hello yo. Pick up the. Oh oh oh. My god okay now um.

What else are we doing right now oh. It's telling wait what okay ner hello. Sir um omega lol read me try hard seven uh lemon uh hand. I don't know the emotes uh.

I love cass um. Omega lol nerd nerd. Why you saying nerdman why cute they use a spam nerd yeah you need to have some tv enabled you know 7tb. Oh my god no i don't have to enable wait what i need seven tv and then you have to go to your settings at the bottom.

And you have to go to um yeah. Yeah. And you go to battery settings. And you need to enable your gif emotes man.

Oh. I don't have it yeah. That's unlucky sorry. Though okay no it's okay okay.

Thank. You i will be excuse. Me. See you and have a good one.

See you soon okay okay. One more one more guys how about a girl. Juicer. Yes.

People. Say they don't exist. Okay girls. That watch them.

Exist. Uh. There's at least one all right. Where's sublime jack chill lounge.

Is your pug. What do you want man. What no. These other guys you're pulling just suck at this.

Yeah. Oh they're all dull man. It is what it is no no no no no i'll show you how it's done ready yeah. I'm ready we go pepe.

Laughs giga chad uh pog pog you pog you posca chrome blood trail posca girl in bloodshed brook. I'm not saying aye aye. Gigga check giga chat nerd a nerd read me wide hard. Seven lol lol.

Nerd. Scent. Heavy pains. Xqc mods nerd.

Gigachad nerd xqc is better than sent easy ayaya clap ayahya clap. Xqcl. Excuse l. X.

Ucl pog pog poro sad thanks man what so like i don't interrupt you when you're doing your job. Okay and whenever i was in the middle of doing my thing okay let me you're gonna stall now you gotta no well i was dude listen have you tried. Brian dts. When there's a big message it processes.

I'm trying to be authentic yeah. But then i'm trying to be authentic whenever. There's a big message. It processes you're just interrupting me for no reason you're just chastising.
My okay. The problem with you guys that you're not you're not david you're you're just scanning you can't scan it you just gotta go. This guy on megalo pepper payne's question mark mommy sent craig has him chad sent you through we're gonna check how many weird champions baby rangers you're amazing his voice we're champions bible times emoji no maintenance clm phil's nightmare. I don't know what's happening field statement okay.

I'll admit you're better at this kim. You're pretty good. I'm right pokemon queen. Why would you read that one ammo rant in the tub.

Wow. I don't i'm looking back i don't think anyone said pokemon queen. Where did you read that from okay. Next is there not a single girl that exists that you guys i can prove i can prove you guys that not only men a real woman juicer a hot girl zero.

I'm a girl okay yo yo hello all right i saw you i'm you you're my cat you know you have a mic. I see it you mute your mic and therefore means that your mic is active and ready to go now you have to break the ice. And you have to not be shy and just sit on me in the mic say it you guys guys girls are real they bought oh no hello yo. What what what is that name vape bots.

What is that what do you mean. What is what is it vape. What is that it's my name man. But what is it what is it vaybot.

It's my real name and then bot at the end so do you want me to read the chat. Wait why vado because of my real name. Oh. I guess.

It's like a combination. You know oh okay. I thought you were like um. No.

No no. No. No you don't watch um. He sounds good.

Watch. Uh videos. No no no. No.

That's cringe. Okay okay um. How about this ask me a question. Um.

What do you want to be in like adrenaline junkie on discord for gaul um. I don't know jesus christ bro like i want you what do we know about you you don't get to say no nothing and then reverse your car. What do you want from me at all i don't know i i don't know i don't think about that stuff. What is it it's like you're like it's most of your life's direction.

It's like what you're going to become you have the noise versions or anything no what i don't know it's like okay i guess i guess okay apparently. This is real. This is real girl ready yep. Hello.

Hello. Very good. Hello. Oh.

My god echo hey. Real. Actually. Real.

Okay. Um. Could. You um.

Give. Everyone on the chat. That um girls. Do girl.

Juices are real can you just tell them this is girl this is real life. This is actual girl okay. How do you i'm. 26.

Holy. Well you're old how what when at what age did you uh come across the stream um maybe like two years ago. I've i've been watching streamers for a long time. But you may be like two years ago.
Oh. That's really nice um did i fall off or not kinda. No. I'm joking.

You're. Killing. It oh that's so sweet keep it up. Oh.

Thank you are you how are you doing today. I'm doing pretty good my voice is bad i have a lot of energy. But it's gonna hurt because whenever i talk and i hear myself i feel like um. I feel like oh.

My god i'm the uh. I'm i'm showing and it feels like i'm the sound is like bad it feels like i'm tired. But i'm not just it doesn't feel right you know. It's kind of weird right maybe maybe go do something else go go play city skylines.

I've been doing that all day huh you know what thinking about doing playing playing the city guys. But um. I'm going once one street at a time putting like stop signs and give it like a street name and put like a like i hate caring about the development of the city. But then i was like man.

I'm i'm not six years old. I'm not gonna do that damn okay is that what you do i have been doing that today. Yeah. I'm a bit sick.

So i'm taking a day off. You know oh wait you gotta go with or not i thought so. But now i've had it twice. I was not ready for the third one well i did it twice because i travel a lot oh why because because for my job.

I have to travel a lot okay i mean don't leak like your your place of business. But what do you do like overall. I'm a photographer that's what i do oh like um like a professional like um. Yes.

That's my full time job. That's what i do that's just kind of cool yep. So why do photography is over like uh weddings like that or what no i do a lot of fashion and a lot of music a lot of music yeah. It's cool does it pay good yes.

It's very good it allows me to chill out a lot. Oh. Damn okay so you travel like um around the place. Like you go to cool countries.

Or not a lot. Yeah. I do i do i i jump. A lot from country to country.

Um. Yeah. It's a cool job man. Yeah.

It allows me to like go on holiday. A lot. Okay yeah. You have an accent.

What is it so i kind of like my parents. One is portuguese and the other one is russian. So i kind of grew up with them like talking between them and like accents. So i just don't have an accent.

It's just a mixture of things okay. Um big bigger part of portuguese people. In the chat. Come on you're interesting have you found your taxes yet or not have i bought my taxes.

Yeah. Yeah someone does that for me oh damn it seems like um you get all your life. All settled and uh. Things are gonna line up for you that's pretty good um.

Um. I'm gonna hear that there are juicers. And especially. Female juicers.

Who have their life together the other guy in in their room. You didn't know what you want to do in life. I know i can't lie i was cringing so hard man earlier at these guys like i don't know i think it's kind of i'm sorry. But i have to say it.
But i just came here to you know this um. Just represent for girls. A little bit. Okay.

Um. Yeah. I feel like um. At least cringe.

If you get an emotion. Like that it's kind of a weird moment. It's not like very positive. It's kind of mostly most negative.

But at least it makes you it's entertaining yeah exactly it's an intense experience at least you get something yeah exactly you said it you said it yourself okay. I'm gonna go to the next uh absolutely degenerate. But um yeah i don't want to wait all right have a great day everyone have a lovely day okay thank you goodbye bye bye bye x i'm content oh no you're not just stop the rooms are full mods. They were making new rooms that more people can join or is it going to crash the uh the the thing yet sid.

I don't i don't think. It's interesting. She's just weird. I'll give it a try.

Though um create new okay voiceover create channel voice. I got channel name discord like a year ago for the or mustard copy pasta. No joke is there any way the mods could look into this feels okay man raw hi felix. Happy thing is exploding the room is not gonna work screw you chat xqcl.

I can't see the rooms do you even see the one that i just created like what i'll make it private. Um. I'll add um sid. Say what's the discord in it's sid.

What sid and the chat suffering do discord stage. Guys. What the how do you spell. The name thank for the past two years you got me through hard times.

Love. You chat can i get a welcome to the jungle xqcl. Oh. My bro.

What the just why man. It should have worked you should have got an invite to it did you get it it's private private voice should be in here somewhere. Yeah. I got it i'm in it join it yo sit.

It swirl the way down all the way down. There you go ah you made it though. Let me meet you on purpose bro. You is muted.

She's got a macbook every time okay yo what up what's up you gotta you get a macbook don't you well actually not right now. My dad has it because we're going out. I have a flight today and he has it for his work. And he has like the the big.

The imac so i'm on his stuff right now hey watch out hey miss fancy you're going to fly. What are you writing something like that no why not you trying to make me rich no. Why not no why would i do that i mean you you got the money for it right so yeah sort of value so you can donate to the charity shouldn't have what your journey of your pockets. Yeah.

What okay okay now you're gonna explain. A chat. Um. Explain.

In um. 20. 000. Words.

Or less. Um. Um. Why.

Jack harlow. Is so good. Now. Well.

First. Let. Me start. With this let me start with this nobody knows about his old stuff.

His old stuff is so good he blew up because he had a huge glow up let me tell you that man is so fine. Oh. My god okay anyways he had a huge glow up. He his looks went up his music went down his old stuff is get i'm telling is what it's what it's a guess.
It's a guess. It's a guess jesus wait so wait. But you said that his new songs were good i do like his new songs. But his old songs are way better.

But he said his looks went up how bro look at him look at him. He looks like a suburban white boy. He looks fine as what bro you you you're such why is he so rent free in your head. Why you want to be him so bad well.

I mean he wants to beat me you want to be him so bad. I'm telling you he wants to be me so good i walk down the red carpet. I go i go to the academy awards. I go to the grammys my man sits back all the way look at what you're wearing right now.

What are you wearing what what what my outfit bro. I pull up to a middle school that's what they all got on you look like you you straight out of journeys out of what journeys. What is that look it up i got drip. This is i think it's a drip look no it's long teeth.

It goes way down stop look you're embarrassing yourself you're embarrassing yourself yo. I bought the club all eyes on me boom all on me about like this you look crazy. If i didn't know better. I would have eaten this never mind.

It's me six thousand 969 from future. I saw you win one meter on tombstone rip by no no um. You have anyone uh in the chat that's true you see yo yo yours is an offline chat and whatnot my girl lily that's that's my queen right there lily's bear lily's bear yeah. So you guys always take each other uh all day in a chat.

You know you can just damn her right shut up okay. Why why why why does it matter to you why are you why are you in our conversation. Why are you in our business. Okay well i mean it's that's the ch.

I mean i don't know it's it's the chat. But it's it's kind of like my chat so in a certain way like it kind of is my business of swagger or dances moves excuse me no you'll be hopping in our convo sometime. And i don't know how to feel about it okay. That's interesting um you and our business sanest female juicer here today well i have you know i'm actually very stable.

I'm probably one of your most successful chatters okay tell us about your job then what kind of job you got i tested my shoes. You said what i customized shoes okay you paint them and whatnot. Yeah. Okay are they good looking or not yeah.

I'm not going to say my website or not. But i have a website. Okay so okay and then you're taking a flight where you going florida why uh my dad's a photographer and he travels a lot and we just go with them bro. Everybody is a photographer tune around my dad's been a photographer for 45 years though kim photographer shoe painter influencer.

What the is happening influencer. I'm an influencer not just other people okay okay. I thought i had my wrap up. Interesting.
Um. Why are you in a blender. Jane flynn's the world on that no okay. I influence your chat.

You do not yeah. I do you know bro. You know how many people i put on jack harlow. Like three.

I i think the radio puts on jack arlo. I don't think you no no that's not you don't know what that means when you put somebody on it means you convert them into liking something okay. That's what the radio does no who the radio in the current day who uses the radio these days everybody that isn't at the computer literally what you go get your your hair. Done you go to the bus.

You take a taxi there's another video. I listen to music on with my headphones. When i'm out that's illegal bro what if i'm passenger that's fair that's just and that's social and weird. What okay hold on put.

The music on the aux cord or something. You're. Calling. Me.

Anti social. Well. I mean. I'm a streamer yeah.

I'm social. I'm extremely socially apt. I'm so sharp outside. I'm like no you're not okay you you you need to stop that stop lying for the chat.

I do not lie i tell the truth. I do not lie tell the truth obviously. I said. My truth okay okay.

Now are you um. You say you're the most successful juicer. You must be jack hollow is trash. Oh.

My god billionaire. I stand by that oh no stop whoa don't throw that number out there i didn't mean it like that okay because um. I i have billionaire viewers like um. What's him again yeah.

I got andrew tate. Watching the stream. He's like a multi uh. You don't like him why don't you like him.

I thought all the girls liked him actual stupid. I would slap his ball head. So hard jesus man somebody gets instead of fighting you jesus christ. Oh.

Yeah i lift i weight lift. Oh how much how much can you can you bench. 120. What okay.

Yeah. That's 45 right four okay so 45. Yeah okay. 45.

Bar. So uh minus. Some how much is zombie. Sidemen.

Uh 45. Minus or 120 minus 45. That's what 75 wait is that 75 the the 30. Almost the plates i almost a plate once we go to the.

Gym i could do 20 to 225. On each side so i was about two thirds of what you can do back in days. So if i if i could go to the gym. I could i break it i put a plate on who said.

I'm captain bro. I don't need a cap about anything what what why would i need a life for what. Do i need to lie for okay. Well.

Um. Yeah. Vero um. Thanks for um.

Coming. Out. Today. Let.

Me. Let. Me shut up. Let me shut up two more people.

My king airs exo. That's my boy. Let me shout out iq kev also my boy anybody else at smiles also my boy okay. That's it y'all.

Y.'all. Y.'all. I don't even know. Half of you you know what that means fan behavior.

Um. Do not really know what is that you show extreme acts of fan behavior towards me. I'll let you know that and i'll leave it at that yeah. I admire wherever i converse with us so what me out so what so what's the problem that that's yeah.
I'm gonna find everybody i i talk to you that's kind of cool. I don't know if i'd take it like that. But okay well um good luck on chat uh. Talking to your friends painting shoes somehow trying to roast anyone.

Oh my god okay one last person sorry people look at that it's it's this chord is just stacked now plug the cats please. 24 months sub getting close to four years xqcl. Ask the furry in afk unless. This is an ambulation voice dragon um loki bro.

You join you slam by lobbies and games. And you're zero content. Let me see all right here comes the cringe. I don't see you i don't see you yo dude.

There's no way you just call me cringe bro. That's it you're gonna come in and that's that's the type of thing. You're gonna say you can you come in and say. He used my basically my cheddar you know bro bro let i know what you're trying to convince me you're talking about you're talking to chat.

You're talking about you say you said i snipe in every game. But it's just people that put my name so it's that that is okay lingers. Like my steam. Yeah.

I used him let's check your recently played games. Let's see if you slam. Oh. My god okay okay.

How do i get um. How do i like it. I don't know okay. Then then i'm not going to like it i don't snipe your games.

Everyone puts my name okay. It was crowd gaming. There in this chat. See it you said.

What staff room click open chat staff room open chat. I i don't have perms. Right. Did did somebody link my profile bro found you don't forget to open the okay that's cringe bro um.

There's reasoning activity multiverses i didn't snipe in motivation late yesterday i just played it i didn't snipe you i didn't like you right okay. I swear on my life. I didn't see yes playoffs. 2.

Crab game fall guys rocket league rust. All of those i didn't snipe on rust. I was playing on i was playing on the rough server bro and sniper though right i didn't there's vod proof man so you have no good items and no nfcs. How are you going to get this with your china no nfts no hangry hippos.

No bro. Honestly i don't even like you as a streamer. I just kind of watched admiral status. He said.

What i watch aiden ross man and you got me banned earlier. I got unbanned. But loki and ross is just a better streamer okay so now what we're trying to do is that um trying to appeal the audience of twitter of you fell off a plus. The hood watches ayden ross trying to make it in a way that sounds unique right so trying to make it seem like you're not saying that and you're not as unoriginal right nobody falls for your travel.

Bro leveral. No no no nobody ain't flying for your trap. Little bro. I'm not your little bro little bro.
I don't know nobody's flying for your trap. Little bro no bro. I'm not your little you fell off. I didn't fall off you know who fell off wires bro.

I'm vip wires. Man okay. I'm not fell off bro. He fell off hardcore you know he just spams pro side.

Nowadays man okay. That's all he does man okay. This is like this is like um like two or three people nobody is a little like inside like jokes or whatever. Most of them don't even know what the you're mentioning nobody knows about them they're like they're like ghosts like there's dozens and hundreds out of plenty of people nobody knows your little inside jokes while you're nobody cares what do you mean nobody knows inside you tell us about yourself you have a job.

Yeah i have a job okay. What is it a multi level marketer. I uh cringe stop you're jumping out no i don't man why not because i spam your chat. All day.

Okay. What have you stopped saying would you get a job uh yeah. But i want to spam your chat kim. What what okay how are you going to sustain yourself.

I don't my mom does okay. How old are you ah 23. Okay. Yes.

Education isn't like that or not yeah not uh not college or anything. But yeah. I graduated high school man well i i didn't do high school in my country. But same secondary school.

Okay and give me any live expressions uh coming up or not uh. Yeah. I want to become a uh that's cap now you're going to say it again. But now he's just not trolling.

I know i'm not capping. I'm not coming. I want to become a an aiden ross vip. See i thought that's my next goal.

See i i can tell people we're gonna i can tell you we're gonna troll you just strolling. I'm not trolling. I'm not trolling dude that's my biggest goal in life right now man ain't normal people well you're gonna become in life man an interest vip the you know how big that is you get paid 2k every month. Okay what you want to be in life bro uh dude.

I don't know man. I'm chilling you're checking you're chilling. Because your mom is busting. No.

My mind was broke as well. She's this i live in bro. I live in ireland. Everyone is broke bro.

Okay. No one here is rich. But your family is sustaining. You.

Oh yeah. So while you're chilling. They're struggling. Yeah.

Okay. Now what methods. What plans depart you will you partake to carry and and and give them back. What they give you and help them sustain.

Um bro. What what are these questions man. Just. Ask me a regular question.

It's a regular question man that is not okay this guy in your chat is a weirdo bro hey dude. It's it's not a regular question bro you ask me like questions. I don't know the answer to myself man yeah. Because i feel like you're you're you're you're narrowing your vision.

Because you feel comfortable. Because oh oh well now. It's fine whatever the. But there's a point in time with a breaking point right where you won't be fine.
What are you gonna do to step up make sure things are fine when things aren't anymore. I'm gonna get a job. I'ma stop watching your dog stream and i'm gonna support my family bro. What the your stream isn't all that little bro okay.

Why are you little blowing me. I'm giving you successful advice for me first okay. No that's not advice you just up information. This is this is actual good advice man.

This is real chad okay. First of all first of all there's no way you just had an emote in a conversation bro. I do in real life. All the time there's no way you do that so.

What that is pepe things okay okay so so what whoa cage. I am aware right now bro. I'm so aware woe cage. Okay.

I wear what beads okay my bad jesus. Christ. That is that is a condensed cringe box. Okay.

So um. Okay okay. Everyone everyone came here to be cringed bro. Okay you need to understand that i don't have to condeco in a manner.

That isn't quite in real life to get anything did i say without stuttering okay. I don't need to go out there okay and conduct myself in ways that aren't cringe to go to place or do anything i sit at home. I play games so let's talk. I gave him somebody looks at me weird okay.

But there's a weird because i set an emote and they don't know what it is and then they cringe why do i care what do i get the random commoner brokey rookie. Yeah tate lives rent free in your head. If you're using his words bro. You use his language like it's yours bro tape made you okay that's a commentate doubly jesus did i say that in your chat.

I get banned bro what if i ban you permanently from here and in roswell's channel. What are you gonna eat because you're not you're not money ain't this channel. Yeah. But the buzz the miles over there will literally they will they will literally destroy the entire experience for twenty dollars.

I can bribe any mods over there for twenty dollars and they will they will wreck the chat permanently dude his mother tried to scam me bro no no don't bad me girl please uh this this is my entire life are you going to uh are you going to level up your life or not what do you mean okay do you go to the gym uh. No i'm actually gonna start going to the gym. Though i'm not gonna say anything are you like a low value male. No i'm a high value male.

Okay put your ball on the mic. No absolutely not absolutely not bro bro you can help contra by banning him no he's 23 year old living in i can tell that um. She'd say yes and you can attempt it put your mom on the mic. I'll talk to a little bit no she actually said no actually she's not here sure no she's not she's not like you know do you sound like like uh.

The guy you knock at door to go sell uh. Some cookies or some chocolate for school and uh. They say. Yeah my mom's not there.
And you're like shut up. Call your pants downstairs like if i can summer that mess bro. I my mom is not here. Okay.

I'm going to do go go search the house come back and say she's not here. What do you want to do kill um give me give me a denim. I nah bro. This is up eight years old bro bro.

It's crazy. It's good that some of you guys do you criticize swimmers for talking in emotes. Right that i didn't do in real life. Yeah you guys talk in twitter.

Tweets from random w. What did i say what did i say nah bro bro. Like holy man nah for real on god bro. Okay.

Well um. That was an eye opener into the eyes of a uh of a juicer vip. What most most well put successful vip physics in here get physics in here get physics in here that guy's mega cringe that's why i said it that guy literally unironically agree with some of the tape actions wait okay me and physics boat hate gamba so so no i'm just saying bro whenever you put on gamma bro bro that has been knocked out show him i closed that so fast bro no. I'm just saying.

When is when is gamble stopping bro actually uh today. When i hit max window. Real. Yeah.

I'm actually oh. It's going to say you got to play more book book. Though that that pays out he picked today um. So you didn't tap out huh.

So you didn't have out what do you mean. And if you saw that book paid today. I mean you didn't have out no. I i didn't i don't know okay now you're gone.

I see man is that scary. Thanks for coming on man dumbass. Okay. Um.

I am. A girl 100. If not you can ban me uh. Look for paws hashtag 3140 in discord kim.

It uh. I see lounging it's my turn at xqc this juicer has been here for almost four years. I'm not a girl. But we can have a nice convoy xqcl.

I don't see um pause. Oh. God. It's to be some.

Screamer or racist. Or. Some. Here.

I am. Hello. Are you sick. No.

The longest relationship. I've ever had hello yeah. Don't worry. It's yeah.

People sometimes are nervous here. Because i know there's a lot of people whatever so if you have to like pause for like okay. And that's not no puns. I didn't i've ever like paused for a minute and just chill you could do that it's fine um.

So you're not a dude right no no i'm not i'm not so female female. This is real actually real uh. How do you yes. I am.

How do you i will be 18. In three months. Okay um. Do you um you go to school like a job.

As well or what like i'm in my senior year this year. Okay yeah. I don't know how that works uh in america. I i don't know like what is that it's uh is that end of high school anyways.

I want like yeah like in the high school. It's like going to be like my last year. There before i graduate and then you didn't do what um i go to college i'm thinking of being a marine biologist yeah. I think i think um about 30 of the girls that i talked to um.
And said. They're going to go to college that's that that's what they're going to for uh towards. I don't know why but maybe. It's coincidence.

Something like that i i don't know what it is about that particular field. I don't know i just i just like animals and ocean animals okay. I'll give you your top three favorite animals. On top of your head um.

I like cats sharks and um. Snakes water cats water snakes uh. I'm you know like like just like just land land cats okay in the ocean. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah you want to be a membranologist. I said. What are top three ocean.

Animals top of your head. Okay sharks orcas and uh dolphins okay white orcas. They're dangerous. I i like orcas.

I didn't see like i saw that documentary on sea world. Which um. Which is bad. Yeah.

Yeah. They have orders over there right right. Yeah. Yeah.

Are you reading chat are you reading. The chat. No not um. Just.

A little bit yeah. And just a little bit. Oh yeah. I can't yeah.

It's usually. It's usually easier. When uh guests uh. Read the chat uh in the vod afterwards as well as it's gonna it kind of gets harder.

They're gonna get sidetracked you're getting an exception to me um okay um. What do you want to achieve in life. What is your life uh uh like like your vocation or whatever. I am.

My goal in life is to live a happy one a fulfilling one and to continue watching you you're my favorite streamer. I love you oh well much love i love you that's very nice i love chat. I love chat. They're so funny that's nice chad is um.

Very appreciative of your comments look at this thing so many um so many extra sales and appreciation that's very nice um. What do you think about um. Do you um. It's never.

The chat that you know like like the people who chat here a lot like the vips and the people who were like come on come on here. Who was your like your favorite chatter. My favorite chatter. If it's not in the pleasure.

Now i don't know none i i don't i don't i don't i don't know i just i view chat as like a whole person you know as a whole that's what i do that's what i do yes you want to see it yeah. It's like a body like a hive mind it's if it's being dumb. I guess they chat's dumb as yeah because it's most of the chats being like this like i can say some people are gonna feel attacked but they shouldn't because the body of the chat is act like some hoes so i get to say you guys i don't know so i get to say that so i get to roast them. Without them feeling like they're being targeted.

Yeah. See no they're all saying. One guy. That's disingenuous.

Yeah. I think i was there when you said that at one point. Too. I thought it was so funny.

But it's it's so true. Though okay um. How tall are you let me guys ready. I got this ready you are five foot five.
No no no i am five eight. Okay all right well that's about about wraps it up okay. Which one to verify from if um girls that watch stream are real wait. What's up you guys anything you want you wanna ask me something yes.

Um. I just wanna. Say. That today.

You look. Very. Handsome plantonically. Oh.

Thank. You oh yeah. Well no. I don't sleep.

I look. In. That scuff. Though.

I i i get um. No problem. Oh well thank you very much i appreciate it that's really nice thank you that's very sweet. This is a compliment.

I like comments. I think any people sometimes they're afraid to um uh to give comments. I'm about everybody receiving them give comments and show operations for other people you know sometimes like people that are like famous or whatever they'll be like uh yeah. This guy.

I don't know i don't know right and that's stupid other people need to submit and it's bad things overall. I think when nobody gets anywhere doing that it's done i watch and appreciate some like 200 200 200 euros trimmer like those okay. And i'm not saying. Yeah.

This guy. I know what about it okay so this is good. It's like a a social change. We have to make thanks for bringing that into light.

Very very good okay. No problem. And i'm not a paid actor um yeah okay ch uh check dams uh yep um yeah okay thanks for coming on thank you much love um thank you for having me bye bye bye that's sweet yeah she had the wrong scripture um. I don't know i can give you insight for your next debate.

If you pull me in just saying. No him a girl and got banned from the discord. A professional stand up comedian could be an interesting conversation in voice channel. Name is jamecrox hit me up again.

You are there's gonna get pepe pins. You can you will literally okay. I'm gonna do it just. Because let's do a shopping.

You will literally just get a hard mega baby benzene. What was you in it. What's the beginning. His name is james number 1129.

It would be so fun to chat. Add. Me that is not just christ. Hello.

Brother and i have a request to ask my tag is shams number 0001 f channel drag out sweep xqc i was above pause. I'm looking i can't find it hey xqc im. A big fan and have been watching for longer and subbed for almost two years. My sister are big fans.

And i can bring her on the mic here's my discord app. 60. 19. Number 1337.

I'll just get this gem guys oh well um. I i don't want to do don't know i think. It's lame. This guy is that this sounds like an empire are you imposter is that you ao x.

How you doing man great are you actually the guy. They don't know they're not yeah. I am. Okay why is your picture like george bush.

Some what is that a while ago. I thought it was mildly funny to name erto google. Asian george bush and this is what i found on google. It it doesn't make a whole lot of sense granted but but uh i did it regardless interesting okay that's just my name that's just the photo.
It doesn't it's not representative of me you know it's just you know just that yeah. Did you um did you go to humor school. What's what's humor school. I i just went to i don't know i went to regular college.

But i uh i don't know i've been doing stand up since i was like 17 okay so you go to like um like the the stamp comedy like uh bars or whatever. And you just wing. It yeah. Yeah.

I do open mics. So i do i i'm not winging. It it's not like improv. But it's like you know yeah.

But still waiting though like it's not like uh. What's not like i'm not kevin hart. I'm not like you know or like one of these like big comics definitely. No yeah okay.

So you have like your um. Like shows. All lined up you have like one main show and you do that over and over again. We have like multiple ones and you kind of tailor it around your audience.

In terms of like the routine itself. You mean. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. I guess. I don't know that's a good question.

It really does depend on like the specific audience like for for the most part um. I have the same type of routine because i'm kind of the only one that goes up and uh and does like one liner type stuff. I know chad's saying. I'm supposed to be funny.

But i haven't gotten it you know i'm just having a decent conversation as a human all right guys so let's let's let's keep it down. Shall. We you know yeah yeah um yeah. I feel like it's kind of hard to just be funny.

In a way that like appeals to people unless they're like in a setting. Where they like want to laugh you're totally right you're totally right so we're like one liners. What is that is it like um. Just one liner like just what do you call it what do we call why did the chicken did this and then you did yeah.

It's kind of like that type of thing. But it's like i don't know i don't know if anyone chat or you know it's like uh who stephen wright is or uh. Mitch hedberg. These are all like comedians who inspired me who their their whole shtick is pretty much they have like a one liner observational type of thing and they uh yeah.

They're saying who i know this chad's full of nine year olds. But they uh they're they're you know older comics who inspire me. But yeah pretty much it's just like a one liner type thing so like i'll i'll do one for you it's gonna bomb horribly. I know but i'll do it for you x.

Because i like you so much cool man. I'm listening all right um. I'm uh not many people know this about me. But i'm illegally blind which uh which means i can't see anything but i can't tell anyone now i know that was not hysterical granted.

But you have to be in a setting. Where the drinks are flowing the audience is staring. There's a whole lot of variables. There here with a a twitch chat.
Where i'm just a a voiceless body. It's probably a little harder to elicit that type of reaction. That's all i'm saying. That's all i'm saying okay.

Yeah. The way we were dying. I thought. I said quite because i thought you were getting to another like you were gonna like change it up into another joke or like it supports it at a one they're like not suddenly like a bunch of people you're saying and you're gonna ramp it up to where it made sense like a not like a little bit of a a structure.

No you know what like the one doesn't go that well and then you stack it you stack it and it kind of gets absurd and then it kind of goes boom. So i was like okay. Where's the second line. But um yeah.

I guess you just went straight into the back into like a conversation. Yeah. I guess kind of usually. I mean that's kind of the point of the one liner like a lot of people that do like long story type stuff you know ends up with that i don't mean to interrupt you by the way sorry.

There's a bit of a delay. So i'm not trying to be a dick and interrupt. You i gave an idea how about you um how many of us one liner. But twice like double one liner back to back so that for the first one it kind of the setting.

So we're gonna like oh wow. That's kind of weird and second one we're more open to the the to the gym let's see and then he's into it i see i see i got you i got you um let's think uh here. I'll do this one uh. I uh.

I like to uh. I i time uh you know oh crap wait. Am. I messing up.

I am. Messing. Up. Hold up.

Let's think. Let's think. Joe. Oh.

Yeah. I'm not like other people. I uh. I put my pants on one shoe at a time.

That's you know that's something that i've done for a while it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I'm just gonna breathe into the mic until. Laughter comes out of it um. Something that other people don't know about me is that i'm a i'm a recovering intervention addict.

Which means uh. I have a problem that there's no way to fix and for all the people in the chat saying that i'm reading these if i was reading these do you not think i would pick something a little funnier maybe to be reading the x in front of 70 000. People do you not think that maybe that would have come to mind. I'm not trying to get hostile.

That's not what this is about to be quite honest i'm more of a you know mellow type of human being you want me to do more or let me know when you want me to stop and get off stage. I know chat already wants me off stage. But you're the you know you're. The host chat is um.

The best. Um chat. Is the best depiction of what. The uh uh.

Current modern consumer uh is like so by that i mean chat. Wants things they don't want but in fact they are waiting for the things they don't want yet because they don't know they want it okay. I see so but they tell you to get off the stage. They don't they don't know what they want and give us one absolute banger all right i got you i got you let's see here.
Let's see um let me go into it's called a set list let me go into my set list. I don't like to uh this is what i do my uh. This is kind of sad. My brother died of a natural causes natural causes.

It's uh. It's pretty natural to die when you get hit by a semi truck going 80 miles an hour that's that's a pretty natural cause of uh of death uh uh clear my throat. There uh okay yeah. I i could do another you said just one these are all one line.

That's the thing is that they're all like disconnected because they're one liars like that you know i mean like i would just do like a bunch of these in a row and none of them really have anything to do with each. Other. If that makes sense okay so um. Do you um.

Okay listen. It's not don't we chat. Anything. It's a question because i don't know about the world of do they like pay for that um yeah chad's gonna find this funny that uh they do not not not a ton but uh.

But uh yeah you know i mean again. I'm not huge or whatever you do like uh in the world of stand of comedy. You'll do like a guest spot or you'll do like a a feature or something you're like what the terms are and that pretty much just. Means um.

Yeah. You know that that you know you go up. There. When before there's someone who's actually big and actually makes money so you know maybe you'll make like 20 25.

Here and there or whatever. It's not you know i have a real job too but uh yeah i went to two um actual comedy like uh like shows where they did you know it's like their room and the whole audience and they had a guy come in first. I was like this thing. This is like when you go to the movies.

And there's like something before the the the thing shows up or whenever you watch like a disney or pixar movie is that there's like a short before the movie starts right yes. It's kind of like that both times that'll get like that. And that guy just bombed. It it was so bad.

Yeah. Um. You're not there to see him sorry to interrupt. But you're not you're not there to see him you're there to see you know whoever you're there to see right so.

It's gonna be harder for you to like him yeah. But um. It was just generally bad and i'm pretty much open to this because i like uh. I i go i used to go to this place sometimes i go to like stand up stuff and uh improv.

I like it i think everybody's sick i just love improv so we go get drinks at improv spots and um. That was sick i enjoyed that a lot i think it probably i think it's really funny yeah. No i i took uh. I took some improv classes back when i was in college improv is really really fun you just have to get really good people in it you know that that know what they're doing and understand all like the minutia.
If you want to call. It. That and all like the little rules in it. Yeah.

Oh well thanks for coming on man. We appreciate your uh. We enjoyed our segment how about about whenever you buy the girls on stage. You have a one last exit line or something like that just kind of punches.

It out and you're like yeah. Yeah got him hi all right. I got you i got you um. You know i have a friend who's uh.

Who's who's pretty blind uh. You know pretty blind and uh one day. I remember i walked into my dorm room. And i saw them sitting in a chair and they were putting their hands.

Very fast over a cheese grater. I said what are you doing they thought it was a book they were moved to tears. I mean that's that's uh that's kind of that the how i end maybe is a little insensitive and a little you know mean spirited. But we love the blind don't we uh.

Thank you very much everybody for watching. I'm jmk rocks. You all have a good night and then they usually go what what give us more we love you uh uh can i can i marry you can i you know can i sleep with you usually. It's like an interruption like that type of thing.

Yeah. I mean when i'm streaming especially yes especially when i come in and i say hey guys. I'm gonna make some jokes. And i make three disability jokes.

And then um. One one incentive joke back to back that's usually what happens listen i'm not listen. It's you know it's uh. It's it's an ability i don't call it disability.

It's an ability think about in the in the bright side kiddos you know. But i understand that that may be a little uh insensitive to some of you but i don't know that's just not that i was joking. I got you i got you no not i mean i mean. That was literally the setting of humor.

We always set the tone okay this is the tone. If if let's say you're not the major expert. If you're coming with a joke again you try your best and make it a joke. Everybody knows everybody moves on i don't think that's a problem.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No people know what they're going.

To a comedy. Show for right. Yeah. All right well thanks for um.

Thanks for the joke. Man. We appreciate it man uh. Yeah.

Don't shoot you right yeah. I hope you don't get us together by chat or whatnot and what it's you know it's whatever hopefully they're nice. But yeah you're the man x really really appreciate everything that you do there bro. Thank you man.

I have a good one man take care brother all right you too dude. See ya. See you guys guys every funny comedian. I'm sure started as a little a little rough on the edges okay in some random bar.

That's just gonna how it is okay. It is what it is it doesn't stop. Hello. Hello.

They they. Hi. Xc. Oh.
My gosh. Hi. Hello. You have an accent.

Where are you from uh. You take the guys you're gonna be you're you're gonna you came no well i live in the uk. But i'm from ecuador. Oh okay um.

That's like um. Why is it called ecuador uh. Because it's in the center of the world. Well the the globe and the ecuadorian you know the creature passes through it right in front like right in the middle.

You know well some people confuse it sometimes because i mean you know the the name is oh. I'm getting so many dm's oh. My gosh. I'm sorry that's right no no try just being dumb.

It's a disney question. I just wanna. I just wondering okay if somebody who comes from there uh knows okay because it isn't the the the the uh. The ecuador like the the like the line in the middle.

Right. Yes. Yes. It is okay.

Yes. See so well the reason. Why it's called uh ecuador. You know the country is because um.

He told it the capital is right in the middle of earth. That's why yeah. It's given the name that's pretty cool boom. Yeah.

Very nice okay so um uh. How do you i'm. 23. Okay.

Um. Okay. So what do you do in life. Do you uh you have goals do something of course at the moment.

I just moved back to to the uk to continue my studies um and what well this is recent. I'm i'm well at the moment. I'm trying to get into architecture or something that has to do with it because uh beforehand. I've studied uh english literature.

But i mean the the degree that you get back in my country is not like you know the uh. The best here you have to have a different degree. Yeah yeah you have to like uh. Okay yeah.

Yes okay so i'm trying to get something out of it. Yes. Okay. So why choose the uk out of all other places.

I've been asked that question a lot actually yeah. I mean yeah. It's a good question um to be fair um. I chose the uk because i mean.

It's close to europe um uh. I don't know if since i've been a child. I've been fascinated by by the uk in general. I mean i know there of course.

There are other options uh that could be better. But yeah what like i mean okay what fascinates you about the other sorry what fascinates you about it history background in general uh culture. Just you know small policing countries pretty cool. You know so.

I love. It. I don't know cool. Okay.

Um. Yeah. So um. What um.

What what are you doing as an architect is that what you were studying you want to become an architect. What does that do oh. But uh yes. I want to become an architect somehow um would you like design houses and buildings whatnot yes well what i'm what i'm trying to decide now is if i want to you know you can become an architecture and be the interior designer and such and so on so i'm trying to like um like find a path that you know i really enjoy.

But okay cool. I'm not really yet okay. If you have like a like a jump down. Like that uh well at the moment.
I do i work online. Um yes and when i'm back at uni. I'm trying to i'll try to get an internship somehow so i will see it's kind of boring at the moment. But i am i don't know okay why i'm sorry i'm so nervous.

It's okay nobody i'm probably as simple as you are just um. I i can't play it off for chat trying to look like a chad um. Okay. Well i haven't even been reading chat.

No that's good um okay well that was um. That was an eye opener. Okay. Uh.

Wait. Wait just one thing. How long have you been doing. This report.

Um. Well. It's been about two years and a half then i i i i unfollowed accidentally like i don't know like a year and a half ago. Which made me really mad and then of course.

I followed again. But like lately. I just been watching i've been watching every day. I mean especially since covet don't don't oh.

That's chad that's cool no no yeah. Just don't forget about chat okay. Chat is like um. They they like to judge everybody for the things that they always makes them feel better about that yeah.

That's how it is okay okay. Some of these guys will build a channel like ha ha. This guy's so cringe bro. I wouldn't be i wouldn't be like that bro.

I wouldn't be like that yeah and then i'm not getting the show up in real life. Okay with the with their phones out okay and they're they're shaking. Like like a chicken. It's like i know right okay okay.

They can't they can't verbally. They have like they they bring they breathe heavily and enter the into the phone until it's all blurry and and they shake. And okay. That's how it is okay.

It's okay. Though oh holy these guys. It's okay they shouldn't yeah your phone's blowing up you're getting a lot of a lot of dims and i can hear yes and the problem is like right now i'm still unlocked. I don't know like i don't want to move at all i just wanna like yeah.

Okay uh do you watch the sun um. Not really what uh. I mean sometimes i suppose. But okay to be fair to be fair like um uh.

I go to bed. Quite early so all i'm waiting for oh okay. What i'm waiting is for you to go live. So i can actually have a you know some actually some to watch because then i get early.

Nobody's on yeah. I'm like bro. I i need my chooser now damn okay that's sweet okay do you watch anybody else a big shout out give a uh a big shout out to whatever else you watch anybody um. I like watching hot choppy sometimes okay sweet um who else porcelain skin.

Oh honestly you don't watch him no i do watch him i do watch forcing of course. Sometimes that's nice um. I mean you should just watch you i can't think of like many people okay just watch um. I don't know okay well that was nice well thanks for coming on and uh.

Joining us. Yeah. I yeah. I'm thankful for you for you having me.
Here. Oh. My gosh. Oh my gosh.

I'm about to pass out. Okay. You got this okay. That was good okay.

Well. I would have a great a great uh. How was your day and uh that's cute okay well goodbye to you lovely night youtube bye bye bye bye bye bye thanks yo what's up hi wait wait i see i see mods in here and a bunch of girls names is this like uh. The monster like uh oh.

This is weird oh what's up. Oh. My god okay uh workout. Where do you work at oh um.

It's already clinic in new york um. Okay. I mean you're not gonna get fired. Are you no i'm like during like lunch break.

So that's fine okay well that's what i i click for what i mean don't don't lick. It whatever. It is it's something general if it's something generally you could say like uh. What is it like a like a clinic for what oh no yeah.

It's just like a clinic of like specialists in um queens and forest hills. Okay yeah okay interesting okay it's okay it's okay they're like they don't watch this stuff. It's fine. Surely um.

Wait the uh yo better than you get a mic. I think this guy's a mod right. But isn't it yo what's up yup. What's going on.

But were you like gathering people in discord or whatever no. I was just checking people. Oh okay did you get the interviews no. I was just checking.

I think novo was moving them oh. That's nobody was doing it okay well that's a lot of people okay. Uh let's see about smiles either it smiles. Then what uh juicer moderator uh scanning.

It's okay i'm just kidding this guy. Though what the is happening. Oh okay. How is there guys in here.

I don't i don't know how these guys even got here. I think they just got um they got i just i just got dragged in i don't know what happened. I don't know what happened either what about lily you got a mic. Yeah.

I got a mike no lily. Oh maybe maybe. She's lagging. Oh.

What is that okay so um. What is doing here today you guys just hanging out. Oh. Then i disconnect don't talk.

You're still. Oh wow. Everybody got moved out interesting. Okay.

Um. Yeah. This is this is kind of awkward. Now.

It is this is very awkward um. Yeah. Um. Yeah.

I i suddenly unmuted it deleted. It. And now muted and then removed it and now demuted it you um hello hello. Nice to meet you if your shot attacks fine oh remute okay i'm lucky should i sit in here.

Mike okay um. That's fine. But it doesn't have about you give us a uh insight of what is it like to mod here man. Oh.

It's the best really how so it's just. The best community. Oh. Thanks.

That's nice you're welcome okay well thank you so much no problem also um. I saw some of the things that you guys put in chat. Like like the the the filters that should like that i don't talk about it because i don't wanna say out loud. But i see him and if you guys do a pretty good job and chat is actually like some hoes these days.
I think chat criticizes mods way too much okay they they help ship the community. Okay and they do pretty good okay then uh filter garbage okay um okay huh okay lily what's up how's it going hi how's it going sorry. About that hello are you eu. No.

Ill. Oh. Um wow. Impressive um.

Why was that an eel. I mean no offense. But look. Like everybody from eu is bad.

I mean look at contra right wow. That's um jesus christ. That is absolutely cooked. I'm kidding.

I'm kidding. I'm kidding contra. I'm sorry you know it's 1pm uh esd. Most of the chat ecu about like uh at least at least a third which is a pretty good ratio.

Plus. Hill. Wait are you literally like a city's friend yeah. Yeah.

That's me okay. How do you i'm. 19. Okay.

I go to school like that what yeah i go to college. Okay um. Okay. What do you say.

Oh my god. Stop pinging. Me. Um uh.

I study health science house science. Yeah. Yeah. So i'm actually in the pre track.

So. I'm like studying to be a physician. What's what's that what's that what is that fighting thing they know that is absolute garbanzo. I don't know what that is i know uh bro bro.

It's chatterino okay yeah. By the way i think he held you it should be um. Me yeah. I'm.

19. Oh. You're both that mean okay them yeah. I i mean you didn't have a is your life like uh on the tracks are you doing good yeah.

I mean you know i'm working. I'm about to you know leave in like two weeks to go back to fall semester in school um psychology okay every single girl that joined this one today had either a job or school or both and all were going somewhere in life and every guy that joined we had a degenerate uh failed stand up communists basement dwellers and emote farmers. Okay. We have not a single men with a job or something fulfilling that they're going somewhere.

What the is happening man true. But i feel like the girls are also sort of degenerates. I mean i'm a degenerate myself kind of i guess so you got a job and you're going to school. It's like more than anything eight percent of people could say true okay so so what are you going to study troll despair.

Me yeah psychology oh okay you want to become a psychologist for what um. I want to work with like children to you know help them. And stuff. Yeah.

Okay. Yeah. I i i yeah. Yeah.

That that that's pretty common um. Yeah. Why so do you study that already or not yeah. I do i'm in my junior year of college.

Okay what is a fact that it's kind of like a mind blowing or something that that is interesting or useful on top of your head. That's kind of cool that you know about do you want to tell chad or me um. Well it might be like a soy bag whatever go ahead. But um in school.
I learned that you know there's a certain part in the brain. Where um. You receive pain and like emotional pain. And it feels just as much as like if you get hit like really hard so like if someone if you hurt someone's feelings.

You have to be like very careful or like if they're sensitive you know if they're sewing. Oh yeah. It's this because it hurts a lot. Oh man it almost feels.

Like when a woman burnt. My hearts. I can feel. It okay.

Um yeah. Um. What about you uh. What what about you lily.

Um. What um. Yeah man um. What kind of job is there gonna land you again.

I forgot what you studied every uh. I'm i'm losing it so it's like um. Yeah. House house uh house theory.

What i don't know. He said. Like uh was it like house um. No i didn't say that what oh no i said physician assistant.

So it's like it's like a doctor. But not really yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

So whatever my. Major health science. Oh. I think.

I. Did. House. Science.

Um. Oh. Yeah. Thank.

You gentlemen. So. You basically. When you go to go to the doctor.

You get in you get in and they call your name who calls my name and then you give me like the intro doctor comes in right you give me you check my ej my blood pressure. What not you put me on a scale and whatnot you put it on the diamond on the thing and you give it to the doctor right now work with us. We exist pepe sometimes what i do um. I forget the uh at the doctor office that they are um.

The doctor and and i talked to them about your mother and they're like uh okay and they're just gonna walk out. And i feel like i'm. I'm like oh. Yeah.

I forgot this is another doctor. And it's kind of awkward uh. People. Did it too you're not no.

What the okay. Interesting thank you thanks um. All right man. Thank you um.

Do you feel like your life. Is on the tracks. Do you feel like you're going somewhere do you feel fulfillment. Oh.

Who are you oh my goodness both of you right okay. Yeah uh dude. I i have my life get. Together.

I don't know well you you type in chat. And you you have conversations with uh sydney in chat yeah. But yeah. But we're like real we're like real queens shout out cindy by the way.

She's my bae. She has a whole business and everything shout out her business. It's on come up for real right um christ okay. Um.

By xQcOW

10 thoughts on “I talked to all my female viewers on discord”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sora Kun says:

    the stand up comedian gonna go down the Joker path monkaW

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fishthefish Bro says:

    When you aren’t concentrating on the zoom call and the teacher asks you to read.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CenaRoyale says:

    the baj guy just read the chat, he didnt improvise LULW

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate says:

    "I talked to all my female viewers"

    Didn't know xQc was schizophrenic…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Woogie says:

    When XQC runs out of things to speak to a woman about he defaults immediately to taxes and I respect it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noxsiv says:

    I'm a real female juicer and I approve.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars codylmao says:

    "you're 26, holy shit you're old" born 1995

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bad Madi says:

    As a real female juicer, I would never participate in streams because his chat gets a little weird bruh. I'm happy lurking.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kwaite Funi says:

    Pretty wholesome
    Shoutout to chat

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars widepeepohappy : says:

    xqc really said house theory and house science so bad LUL

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