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#xQc #JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard

Explain the chat why this was happening, but this explains it so i just wan na watch this a bad taking good afternoon, mr depp good afternoon, um, yes, um hello, lxd about six years ago. Um! Nobody cares! No, i think i i i feel like i feel like if i feel like you, i feel i feel like somehow that you, you kind of, should care. This is kind of a big deal, though dude. What happens if you say some ass crack isn't true.

Right is there any repercussions? If you have proof that it's garbage - and it's not real, do things happen the way you think they should happen in our court of law in today's world, and this is a good, a good description of that misheard made well. Some quite heinous and um uh disturbing brought these disturbing criminal um acts. Um against uh me that uh that were not based in any species of truth um it was. It was a complete shock, uh that it would it it just didn't need to go in that direction as nothing, nothing of a kind that ever happened, though the relationship there were arguments and um things of that nature, but never did i myself reach the point of Um uh striking miss earl in any way, nor have i ever struck um any woman um in my life, and so i at the time because the news of this her accusation.

Why is the mean kappa wait? Where are you saying kappa, you guys guess it under oath in a court of law, okay, okay, okay, people could disprove that with anything whatever the. What is that the industry and then made its way through media and social media became quite global. Let's say quote-unquote fact: if you will and since i knew that there was no truth to it whatsoever, i felt it my responsibility to uh to stand up not only for myself in that instance, but stand up for my children who, at the time were uh 14 And 16., and so they were in high school and uh. Oh jesus, that's that's cooked up.

I thought it was diabolical that my children would have to go to um school and have their friends or people in the school approach them with the infamous people magazine cover with uh misheard with a guy yeah, that is, that is incredibly reasonable and considerate. Okay, i guess i feel like that is that is a completely valid concern and - and i feel like this - this wouldn't be overplayed or oh, my god, why you bringing us up in the court now. This makes a lot of sense, a dark bruise on her face. Um and then it just kept um the it kept multiplying it.

It just kept getting bigger and bigger. So it was my responsibility. I felt to not only attempt to clear my name um for the sake of for many reasons, but i wanted to clear my children of of this hard thing that they were having to read about their father. That was which was untrue, and also after many years of being in this industry um at the time it was probably i'd, probably been in the industry, 30 plus years 35 years.

Um never had any problems or anything like that, and i had met many people over the years. Many many of the people and had had the opportunity to talk to those people and to um even give advice to these people and i'm i'm not um. This is interesting. My goal is the truth.
My goal is the truth, because it killed me that people that i had spoken with that i'd met with over the years, who i, who maybe were in a not such a great position and they needed advice, and i gave them the best advice. I could um. All i could think of was that those people would would think that i um was a fraud and that i'd lie to them. That's so bad true, so i had to wait for my opportunity to um address the charges, which were, why he's not only nervous it's probably emotionally packed, and on top of that, i thought that he probably has to choose his words very night.

Very, very, very well because, even if he says one bad word in a correct context, the you know what they're gon na do. Defense lawyers are gon na spin that on him and say uh during your first testimony, you said that this happened. That way. What did you mean by that? Did that really happen? Oh, does that mean that you lied so you're lying on stand? If you say, if you, if you're lying right now, if you lie, then why would you mean that you're, lying now or you're gon na lie in the future and it's like it gets kind of up? I don't know and and then they just weren't true.

So i felt the responsibility of clearing the record as the only the only way that i could get that i could get to the point where i could speak. Um has really taken this full six years and it's been six years of trying times six years strange when one day your uh cinderella so to speak, and then in 0.6 seconds, you're quasimodo - and i i i didn't uh - deserve that. Nor did my children. Nor did the people who have believed in me for all these years.

I didn't want anybody any of those people to believe that i had done them wrong or lied to them, or that i was a fraud. I i i'm i pride myself on honesty. I pride myself on truth. Truth is the only thing i'm interested in other lies will get you nowhere, but um lies build upon lies and build upon.

Lies it's too much to cover. I i i'm obsessed with the truth and um. So today is my actually. My first opportunity that i've been able to speak adaptive side amber nah.

She did not about this um case been fool for the first time: oh shot, you're, saying some there, mr depp, how do you feel about the intimate details of your life being aired in this process? You guys watch that i was asleep as a father raising kids. You know when they were very very little. It was important to me very important to me to to try to music shield my children as much as possible from um looking at their father uh or their or their mom. For that matter.

As uh novelties, i didn't want my children to experience um hordes of paparazzi um, so i was always a very private person so for me to come up here and stand before you or sit before you all and spill the truth, um, it's quite exposing and um. It's unfortunate that it's not only exposing for myself, it's exposing for my family, it's exposing that's not what we're disposing for it's um. It never had to go in this direction, and so yes could they have chosen technically to make this more private of a hearing, uh without cameras and sure or not. I can't say that i'm embarrassed, because i know that i'm doing the right thing now.
Mr depp um i'd like to turn a bit to your upbringing. Uh we heard a bit from your sister christie. Yeah, i mean you must really care about uh uh clearing your name and having the truth hurt out there if you're, if you um, because then because yeah, it probably has to spill a lot of personal details that are kind of weird to say like if you Have a testimony about a situation and to say what you were doing at the time: it's it's very private and weird. But if you you most really care about the the truth, if you have to, if you're going to go publicly and say i i don't know like oh yeah, i was juicing it up.

I was jerking and uh. I was watching um said content on the tv and it's like okay yeah, you know you know nitrous is school, amber attorney on so is it your testimony that, right after you cut your finger off that you are right after i won't give you anything to argue With me, yet right after you sustained an injury to your finger, pac-man pac-man pac-man right after you suspect. Why is he missing a finger injury to your finger? Is it your testimony that you did not ask for cocaine and ecstasy right after you told the doctor about your finger injury? Is that your testimony um, regardless of what date you believe, works within the world time zone um? I it's been two years and i've enjoyed it, someone who has gone through uh opiate dependency, who has lost the ability uh to to produce dopamine and serotonin in their own body, because um, that's what the opiate does your body no longer needs to make the dopamine Or the serotonin, the dopamine and serotonin, as you know, i imagine, are um things that keep us um in in in in in yeah. It gives you some moods it gives us.

I appreciate that, but my question wasn't that my question was i'm just trying to scream. You told the doctor about your finger injury. You were asking for coke, it's entirely possible that you were asking for cocaine and ecstasy objection, yes or no speculation, i'll i'll. Allow that question answer it uh, oh, i don't get it he cut his finger.

Then then he asked for coca, more whitey stuff um is is, is uh. Yes, it's a reference to cocaine, but that doesn't there's nothing here. That says that i ingested the drug not saying there is, but you were asking for more cocaine and you were asking for more ecstasy, correct. Oh, he didn't cut his finger, she did and he's she said she didn't.

Oh, so why are they asking about the drugs? Then someone just it says i did not punch you. I was hitting you, that's gon na, be a question mark no and for the record this is an audio recording and we it's um quite lengthy. So we intend to play certain portions of it. Okay guys, this ought to be interesting.
You know, no objection makes perfect sense. Wait. How does that make sense, though, and that punch you? I was hitting you right. It doesn't matter how you ward it, though, if you're physically assaulting somebody you're physically assaulting somebody why? Why does that? Why does that warning? You need to be so precise about this.

I was okay. Entire audio is in evidence correct, yes, and the objection. Okay, all right, 343 in yep. If you'd like me to read the specific minutes now or we can provide it to council afterwards, okay, if you want it now or as you go i'll watch your thing, everything in a minute uh, the cops sounds kind of interesting uh.

We intend to play minute. 25 37 seconds through 26 28., just yeah just a disclaimer before watching this, because i'm interested in this - because i think it's kind of important, but i can't watch it. Okay, uh yeah, i'm probably gon na time you out or ban you. If you downplay um assaults or like uh harm um, especially physically from one person to another, even in other contexts or whatever, okay we're talking about real okay, i won't already be one chat that are down playing it at physical harm to somebody else.

I'm just not gon na, do it, i'm not gon na, say oh man, oh, but it was only a slap. It was only this. It was only that. Oh, she threw something at him, but it was.

It was only a piece of paper, or it was only a piece of plastic, i'm just no. It's just not gon na happen. So i think it's that's just weird. Don't sell people not that big of a deal is it um one hour and 57 minutes 21 seconds through one hour, 58 minutes 54 seconds 2 hours.

38 minutes 52 seconds through. Excuse me, 2 hours, 38, 52 seconds through two hours, 39. Oh lady, just get on with it jesus and then two hours 46 minutes, one second through two hours, 47 minutes 20 seconds. Those are four bucks.

Oh it's just audio. What did this give it? Last night of kicking me out the door with the hitting me and your memory is gone from uh. You kicking the bathroom door and hit me in the i wait, a minute door and kicking me out the door. I promise you gave me a little while ago.

I won't watch it still done if you, if you lost memory last night of kicking me out the door with the hitting me again and you've been, and your memory is gone from uh. You kicking the the bathroom door and hitting me in the skull. Wait. If you have those memory, uh uh, you know divots upset.

There was a lot going on and i was on an ambien like why. Why are you obsessing over the fact that guys, what does that mean being on an ambient? Is that, like some sort of like sessions like if you listen to like ambient music and you're relaxed? What is that? Oh, it's a dragon, remember the way is it drug? Is it a precision drug? What is it on an ambient bro? What is that? Is it like a perky? Is it like a perks sitting pillow? I said i was sorry i didn't deny it. I'm not talking about that. What i want hey, it's a sleeping thing: okay, interesting of a bad situation.
While it's happening before it gets worse in australia. When we had the big fight hold up guys guys, i thought i thought guys if you, if you fight some some of these medicine, that makes you sleepy you don't sleep, they can't they kind of they kind of hit. You hard don't know it gets worse in australia when we had the big fight where i lost the tip of my finger at least five bathrooms and two bedrooms. I went to two two to avoid talking to me to escape the fight.

You don't escape the fight. You escape the solution, you escape the solution, you escape figuring it out. We cannot work it out if you run away to the bathroom every time. Listen to me! Oh my god, guys! That's that's! That is insanity without a minute break.

I'm not not giving you a minute break, you do. Why is she admitting that she, she cut his finger off or whatever the right and then she's blaming him for not coming back to discuss finding the solution to said problem that caused that that is the most backwards? I think i've ever seen my life minute three. At the beginning of an argument, no there are rounds man and when it gets too hairy the ref splits them apart or whatever. But i'm all i'm saying is you you, you can't have a solution.

If the argument just keeps mounting and mounting and mounting and mounting, i go to the into the bathroom and sit on the floor, bam bam bam. Here you come, i come out fight, fight, fight, crazy escalated. I go split again. I go to another bathroom or a bedroom or something knock knock, knock, bang, bang! Bang! You kept coming to get me.

Sorry. I didn't need to launch a man. Sorry man, i like he's speaking on a metal piece. I do that as well.

I am very onomatopoeia feel the dialogue don't get mad at me, throws pots and that's a different, that's different! That's different! That's one does not negate the other. That's irrelevant. It's a complete non-sequitur, just because i've thrown pots and pans does not mean that you come and knock on the door. Just because there are vases does not mean that you come and knock on the door.

Really. I should just let you throw i'm not saying that you're saying that you're putting words in my mouth and then making non-sequitur, giving you a situation, no you're, trying to justify how you don't or do come to the door based on whether i throw possibilities it's irrelevant. I'm justifying how you you, you seem to think that there's this cowardice in me that runs away, and i don't fight for you and you're, justifying that by saying i throw pots and pans okay cool, i'm not the one yeah she's ill. She needs.
She needs a professional help that ass, though yeah i think there are clear, very simple social concept that she doesn't have. The grasp of that are very simple uh to most people that she doesn't have an idea about. Maybe entitlement kind of uh made it this way or maybe uh her upbringing or whatever, because that's like branded, i said no, i said to you: hey, tell travis what just happened. Oh you told me to do it.

You told me to you said: go do that. I said no tell him what you're saying i lied and that you punched me in the thing and you figured it out, and you said no, i didn't what the are you talking about and i watched you lie and by the way you i'm sorry that i Didn't uh uh hit you across the face in a proper slot, but i was hitting you. It was not punching you they you're, not punched. Don't tell me what it feels like to be punched.

You know a captioning not available like how she downplays with her tone. Um, physical harmony have a clothing, didn't get punched. Oh you didn't get punched like. I look how she's done playing.

Imagine you're you're talking to this person in real life, and she says that oh you little baby you're such a dude. I only i only smack in your face at full force. Dude. Oh, come on.

Man come on dude. You like this dude. Why don't you like getting assaulted dumb? I did not punch you. I did not deck you.

I was hitting you. I don't know what the motion of my actual hand was but you're fine. I did not hurt you. I did not punch you.

I was hitting you. How are you how? What am i supposed to do? Do this? I'm not sitting here bitching about it. Am i you are that's the difference between me and you you're a baby because you started you are such a baby girl, the up, johnny physical fights? Oh wow, that's hardcore physical, because, yes, you did so. You did the right thing.

The big thing, the you know. What you are admirable, mr depp, could you please explain to the jury what they just heard on those audio recordings? Damn here it comes um, a mental illness, your honor, what was displayed on the audio recordings was very much the tone and the aggression and the attitude um and the need for a fight from missouri. That was, i don't know if that was some need for attention, but um i don't that that was. That was a sound that i got you very used to the squabbling, the the you know, the raising of the voice to to essentially excommunicate anything that i had to say about the situation um.

But then - and i do remember the that incident - i believe that that's from the um when i was i was in the bathroom - i was in fact taking a shower and this was in penthouse 3 and she came banging on the door banging on the door banging On the door, i didn't answer, i was in the shower. I couldn't deal with it. I didn't want to deal with any more of of that sarcastic, demeaning, penthouse, three aggressive, violent, toxic, spew yeah, and so i was taking a shower and i didn't want to answer the door she kept banging and then i finally got out of the shower and i Opened the bathroom door about just that much now, i'm wondering what would happen if there's a bunch of harm like this happen and a bunch of if he's, if he's striked, uh back even a single time and she had any sort of physical marks on her, how How different would this would have been so i could have been done in case. You tried to burst in and i was right she did.
She tried, she was bathroom doors go in. She was pushing her all the way on the door trying to get in, and i was pushing back because i didn't want to let her in because i didn't obviously want the confrontation. She was not in the best of moods you can. You can hear so when i was pushing the bathroom door trying to close it and was almost closed.

She suddenly kind of yelped in in pain and she she screamed. Oh, my toes are in my foot or something, and so in that second, i thought. Oh he's. Gon na he's gon na let go she thinks he's squeezing her toe her.

Her foot had gotten exactly under the i knew it, which would, of course, not feel great on the foot or the toes. So i thought she would and she can use the opportunity to get in. I knelt down to have a look. The door was still it was.

It was still pretty well about that much open and when i knelt down uh all my hands and knees to look at her foot to see the injury, she kicked the bathroom door into my head, so it it yeah. She kicked the bathroom door into my head and uh. I was. I was completely taken aback by such a a a corrosive horrific move, so i stood up and i believe i stood up and i jesus at this point.

The door was open, i stood up and i said i think i said i think i said what the was that. What the was that and um the next move was just a bang and just uh. She clocked me in the jaw and uh boy. She did what wait what she did.

She clocked me um. The next move was just a bang and just uh. She clocked me in the jaw and uh that was another shocker. I feel like she's, just like oh yeah, and then we're going to use that against them.

She's like right, right, she's like running something. Did you start recording that audio recording that we just heard the the audio recording? Is it your honor? I didn't clockman, i only. I only hit him. I only hit him and clock him.

Sorry her trying to make less of what had happened, in fact, trying to make less of what had happened by repeating some story to me that didn't make any sense, and it certainly didn't make any sense. Since i was there - and i was the target um, so i wanted some confirmation from someone with some semblance of a a mind that could understand what was happening. I wanted mr mcgivern to come up and i asked her to tell him what had just happened and her answer was. Essentially i don't know what he's talking about.
Nothing happened, he's fine and um. Once again uh. I told mr mcgivern time to uh. Oh, what the jesus christ get that off my get a off my screen.

Man is that purple. Oh my god, what the i saw it! It's actual pop on the bed dude tonight you.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “I watched the johnny depp vs amber heard trial so you don’t have to”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Correa says:

    This chat is so braindead, the reason why he is saying "um" a lot and talking slowly is because you have to be careful what you say. Words could be taken the wrong way and used against you in the case, so u want to make sure what you are saying is correct. Ofc kids wouldn't know that though

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars helga yee says:

    the relationshit was shot a long time ago but Depp stayed in it and hoped she would change back to the way she was in the first year of marriage. He didn't want the marriage to fail. It was the intent by the dark side to bring him down. He came to realize this with a small bit of his energy left and got himself out. She did not succeed in "bringing him down". So, she [Heard] now chose defamation. Her hair looks like that of an angel but you need to look at the heart of this entity – there is no human heart. By the way it is not unusual to have a mate in later life who is also connected [or manipulated without a soul fully being aware of it] to the dark side, just like his mother was. As its viewed by the dark side it takes a "special operation" to take a human soul with honour in society down; she was appointed to do the job. The idea is not to give rest. Please proceed about the fights they had etc and get to the itty gritty part. Money. Please get on with it and check out the intentions on both sides. It is with and through the "intentions" that a verdict can be brought to "light". Someone said: all is fair in love? and war? REALLY: is that so???????

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E Weeb says:

    Johnny Depp has never beaten or been aggressive with a ex. Amber, has a long list of assault and aggression stretching back to her ex girlfriend. She is no savior and she shouldn't even have the chance to pay a lawyer to fabricate lies against a man, and try and use his substance problems against him in a public court. This is so unnecessarily messy and such a open/shut case against her

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Some Badass Guy says:

    I don't watch any twitch streams of any streamers. But are all the chats same as this one? Even xqc was listening the hearing quietly. The chat was full of kids and clowns

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eversick says:

    I wish most of the people in xqc’s chat weren’t little bastard 13 year old kids because I like a lot of the subjects/ videos that he has been following lately .. even if the little shit’s in the chat are writing “no one cares”

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars n1uk says:

    Men have been experiencing stuff like this for Years now, You think with the Modern Social Climate of "Change" And Equality would actually bring something?
    No it hasn't Boys have been told to be boys for a Millenia, Yet only now people Chant for these Changes and Equality. I have seen no Change, Boys at School are still
    Being Penalized for Doing things boys Do. I remember back in school things would happen like this so Often, I'd get in Trouble from a Girl that told the Teacher on me, Unbeknownst to the Irony this is the Same girl that Bullied me with her Friends for 2 Years Straight, I was brought to the Principal in the Same room with her, I explained my side of the Story and I was in the Right. All she had to do was one thing… Cry. It was as simple as that I faced a 2 Day Suspension. I obviously didn't say anything about the Bullying being a Boy and all not wanting to seem Weak, But thats just an Example of the Early Ages. Being a Man is much worse, If a woman despises you all they have to do is Hang around you for a Bit and do with a Rape Accusation, Thats all it takes to ruin a Mans life. A Rumour.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars STUMP says:

    This is why I stay away from relationships. I will never give another body this much power over me. All they have to do is claim assault on any degree and no matter how false and outlandish the claim, you'll always be that person they claimed to some group of people. Getting into a relationship or marriage as a guy, you're signing a contract to the opposite sex, and giving them the power to physically, mentally, socially murder you. Sure does sound like equal rights, definitely not privilege. I say this as someone who wants to support marriage, but it's impossible with how poorly the state and society has and continues to handle it.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ash says:

    So is Amber not getting any consequences after this? How the fuck does Will Smith lose roles over a slap but Amber and Ezra Miller be out there assaulting and still got jobs.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Gates says:

    Boy imagine Depp was a Valorant pro player and Heard was a bitter GF just abusin her woman privelage with false allegations……oh wait.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Score Moore says:

    The song was correct, "Who run the world? girls". Men: I was raised to treat girls right. Women: I was raised to bully and do whatever I want to you cause I'm a girl I won't get in trouble. Why is the world paying attention to this now? I thought the fools of this world would continue with girls' rights when we as men know that women have more rights than us. edit: they even have the right no lie without punishment by the courts, cause it " discourages women who actually get attacked from coming forward".

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Linett Vér says:

    He's visibly terrified, while Amber is living her best life, going around rolling her eyes and shit. How some people support her despite everything she did blows my mind. I hope karma will get back at her real good.


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AND BCL says:

    This video was:










  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RED says:

    Bruh i'm no expert but the way she moves in the video looks like a psychopath to me. Her mannerisms aren't natural. She needs help for sure.

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