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#xQc #Plague

Okay, well, china is big um and it's the virus. Okay, the guy's listening. Isn't it i'm trying to but the game? If you don't make the things for fall guys i have over 500 wins. I usually start the virus in china because, with my game experience, okay, it spreads really fast and goes a bunch of places and there's a lot of people in there when we start when we start usa, uh, canada or africa, usually it's it's either too cold or Too hot, not enough people not enough.

It's just kind of bad. If we can, though, a lot of times i'd like to start in china and and make it swap the united states first, because they have a lot of ports and they have a lot of people and whatnot. So first we do um air transmission, that's usually with them. Long live the people, so the point is to make is, is to infect people and start killing them at a speed, that's reasonable, and but you have to have to hide it to make the virus not deadly and then mutate it into something that is deadly later.

On whenever it's infected or close to it, otherwise the problem is that they figure out they're being infected because they have symptoms and they start curing it before they die. We can't have that bing chilling virus been chilling virus being chilling virus being chilling virus being chilling virus. So we have to hope that that we get something like a cough right like somebody's coughing and that spreads the virus, and we have to make sure that there's no there's no other symptoms or whatever, otherwise yeah. We need to make people think that it's nothing pretty much.

Oh dude, it's just a cough lola. It's still good see russia, so we're just like uh since we're getting a lot of russia hits here. Well, i think we we do a little bit of cold. So it's faster and colder.

Oh now it's getting hot, though now it's getting hot, though i don't know chad, i think we get some hot. I think we have some heat. Do we nuts? Let's do birds, then heat or more air and water? Probably more and water? Probably a little bit more air and water rash. Okay, so now they have a rash and now they're going to start getting.

Oh, what is what is? We can have that, so we developed that hope you enjoy living in la for the time being. It's truly a special place, undeniably world's best food. Let's do um more uh air. Oh medicine, people have medicine.

We need to make it more. Our resident medicine, so 11. right is that is that good or bad? Let's do more water, then we're gon na. Do a temperature, we didn't get a prediction for this game xqc.

Now it's gon na get really really bad. Really fast. Things will start picking up in a couple minutes here, yeah right here, it's gon na yeah, it's starting! Now we need to make it go to canada and africa, so we need to go uh temperatures, let's go cold. First good, see africa hit right here; boom, easy clap, hey deployment to germany for the army and found out.

I have stage three breast cancer. Thank you for the stream. For the pick me up much love, xuclv, okay chat. What should we focus on now? Our coughing is good.
We let him cuff a little bit right chat. I think we let him cough so so it spreads a little bit faster right. Let's let him cough a little bit a little bit of coffee chad do we go extreme water and heat or water and water and and air, or do we go with rats or or something else we need poor regions to go faster? I think i think this is going to happen. Water and air still.

Okay, now we need uh see the problem is that poor countries we need to increase infection in poor countries, so i think it's 15. That's a lot! It's a lot. I i don't think he's. Actually, probably smarter here i don't oh no.

We need to remove that asap. No, no, no! No! No! No! The volvo hey felix. Have you watched tommy aka marty recently he's now streaming with a face cam and he's exactly how i imagined him crawman. What do you think i really enjoy both you guys? What is your xqcl? I do 26 miles.

No, we maybe you can buy yourself a big soda pop just for you, god, damn! No, no, we developed it uh only cough though uh chad. Then we need colder, because why is canada guys? How do we hit canada? Here we have a lot of money. How do we get canada, how with cold or something else? Why was this too? It's very expensive, it's very expensive! It's i! I think it's a mistake. I'll do it, though, but it's very expensive, it's about doing anything.

Look at canada. It's still not being hit rash. Remember that watch that i think we keep rash chat. What do we keep because we we're going to need it later on? Then i don't want to pay for it.

I don't want to pay for it later on. I think we keep it. I think we can. We give him sneezes, no, no, we're gon na cure.

Uh, okay, what do we do for it to spread in africa and canada? We wouldn't need heat and what it's too expensive, though we can't. We can't afford it, because it's look 16 and 26.. I think we start killing and then we we hope we get uh. Lucky, i think i think we start killing total organ failure.

Is this a good end game perk? Is this a good way to kill the hearts or do we do other stuff? Let's hope people start dying here. First, death, another! Not now those are gon na start. Getting worried a little bit, we need this to spread over here, we need to get lucky here. High level play of plague incorporated is responding to news.

Some of them have hints where you killing a specific thing to get a crazy spread boost. If you hit it right, for example, there was a flood in canada, evolve water spreading and get bigger. Okay make sense. Yeah next donor is kind of weird chat.

Do we do we get the really cheap symptoms to get lucky with mutations? Could that help evolve rush? What is this sweating? I don't know what to do here. Uh global cure is really bad. Uh, let's uh buy anti-cure um, it's good, it's good! It's good! No, it's good! It's killing fast um! This is 12. We can't buy it.
Why are they dying? Okay? Okay. Let's restart, but this time i'll pay more attention to the signs. I i get it i get it i get it. I understand how the game works.

Now i get it, you pay attention to what the game says begins in china, cool okay. This take longer to react to new evolutions. Oh it's slow! Okay, so we have to start evolving it kind of slowly. Then right uh.

We have to start evolving the symptoms, early sort of because i don't get it i i can pretend, but i i don't really get it. Okay, chad, do we keep money here or we wait till we get a news update. Do we put anything? I don't right now: water, uh air. You wait as long as we get.

Some newest voice spend a little bit. No, not okay, uk vote to leave the eu yeah unclear. Okay, who cares about who cares about you? Okay, though? Hey x, i hope you see this. Just wondering i ordered your skinned g fuel and i'm wondering how long it takes to arrive to canada all summer catch every stream.

Xqcl chat. Do we go air? I think we go air here it because get rid of the lime. Tarts kona get rid of the live, tarts cola, any world views hello. Let's, oh i get it.

We increasing okay, we we increase transmission, but we keep a caution of money and now that, if something happens, we boost it right now we need to remove that. That's too dangerous, okay spread to korea; okay, that's decent! I guess so we have this now this. This is what we got it's all in the middle. Do we go? We put a little bit of look planes, and what do we do here? A little bit? A little more air, a little water, a bit more air, only 16 for lots, sure, okay, very infectious, more efficient than tb, useful data yeah.

We already know this mosquitoes men in japan chat is it? What did they get? Is it? Is it what did to get jokers into early? I don't. This is worth it, but let's try it. Oh wait. It did help her more than hiv.

Okay, cool! Well, everyone, japan! You want symptoms that increase infectivity a lot but death only a little. That way. You start killing and infecting then, as almost everyone infected go hard on death, yeah yeah, but it once they get one death people panic, though one person dies from it and everybody panics. So we have to wait again.

Nobody did, though, let's do i guess, a little bit more water, probably heat and cold, but guys guys we're getting nothing in here in korea guys 36 dollars. What do we do? What keep saving it? Okay, new fall in urban population. It really gets. The density in urban immigrant has fallen, making this one into the disease.

So then, since people movie edits these, we don't upgrade things like rats. No rats, no rats, no livestock flooding, that's good good! Max water. Enjoy your infected water, i'm! Aha! Okay! That's good! That's good! Now we're chilling tokyo mystery! That's whatever they're, not gon na, postpone it or john marvin is going cold cool 45 bucks. If we do anything with this or not time to get rid of those weed virus join narm, clan or else naam.
Clap. Now, what's uh, we need to do something here. Chad, i think, maybe in hotness or ah cold is going slowly. Guys 72 is really bad.

We we wait much money hot colder than sometimes you think right. Oh, that's good, look, look we're getting it's in golden and hot. Now i think we start now. Then it i i think we give him the juice.

I think we're juicing over here. Damn room man that leftover food is spawning flies woop face name. It appears to be mostly harmless, but let's see further drug hardening is again it's expensive, though okay i did it. I didn't throw you guys.

Canada is inviting 30 months wow. I love you xqc and i love you chattel underscore. Oh, oh, it's getting better yeah! There's our killing now look it's spreading and we're chilling cha. I did it.

Let's: let's cut the chicks high xqc at least a little bit abscess at five points. Six points ten points: okay, now now he's now give him the juice guys what what could be lethal here. What should we go toward that? That's gon na be lethal, where's colemat middle 27 uh-oh coma, as you can see here, you'll, have a chat that claims to hate tick tick, but yet they spam ticket names in chat all day. Long.

Look at your research again me. We really get surprised! Oh, my god, i love technocab, being children elbow oh lethal humans, sit back with damage of your efforts exactly we need people dying now. Look at this dumb, ass spending. Dna points on transmission and symptoms to spread.

All he needs to do is just walk outside and sneeze and we're all infected and we all die and he gets five stars. Mr mecca, that's good brain to think, not the bio weapon. You call a nose tumor's at 18., we're dying really fast, but is it fast enough? Mr cow himself? Excuse the l chat. We can give it a reshuffle.

Third time's, the charm. I hope you see this hardening or reshuffle you to know that watching your stream and reading chat always makes my day better. They've helped me through tough times. I'm grateful and many others feel the same xqcl.

Oh, we can't afford it. We have to go die faster dude at 27.22. Wait we could win, we can win it's over, yet one guy killed everyone kind of weird champ. If you think about it like dude, what the ruined it for everyone, nobody gets to win it dude you.

What did wrong? What did wrong? We had it dude. This is so lame, dude, okay, one more through the shot dude. You want to wait without the symptoms until everyone is infected, that's impossible, though, everyone is infected, that that isn't, which and don't buy the drug hardening or any of that until the cure percentage starts to go up. That's not true, though wait.

That's simply not true, though. Otherwise, it doesn't spread it. If you see a game where you don't get early infections in countries that are rich, in fact, he was not being children, they never get. Infected we've had runs with canada and united states, never in fact ever because they were too resistant to medicine.
Okay, i'll get in okay, nothing, nothing, but transmission, no symptoms at all: let's do zero, zero symptoms, zero medicine, nothing just just pure air, water and and your rats can help you chat. Listen to the following message very carefully to rush life depends on it. They are coming, you will hear them in the walls. Do not look clear enemy of you.

We forgot we. I don't give a though now wait until the game gives us something. Oh, we need to make it more dirt resistant, no wait! No! We don't because of chat so now the chat says: don't do it, i'm not doing it this packaging. You should start killing slowly.

So there is no global research and people are not as worried when you go and you kill the entire. If you can show initial pylons insurance, when it's just another covert, they are slower, uh do more water, more air, she's waiting, know what how do i stop the pounds from happening sense and workers sabotage the work at what see how sienna would slow down i'm eating? Domino's pizza with their ranch sauce - oh my god, this be buzzing on a stack, no keezy, hey x. Will you ever attend an f1 race? Much love, oh! Maybe it'd be kind of fun. Okay! It's it now now is.

Ukraine is getting infected good, saudi arabia or middle east. What now evolve insomnia and the other brain stuff when they start research, it slows their thinking and makes it hard for them to find a cure. Okay, nope chad said no medicine, so another one other medicine. It you know what water okay, we have 24 spare wise chat.

Molding ranch on pizza is good. You guys don't have taste buds hardening what's waiting chat today i found a stone. The stone was yellow. Oh one, mosquito cis.

No thank you. I got donna wald three times in a row: phil spartman, l, plus ratio plus i got mega don, no troll despair now watch out because we've seen your box now. The reason for not to add the symptoms is because then the game doesn't know the disease even exists, because there is no indication if it's, because they still know it exists, but they put it on the watch list. So once the cure percentage goes up.

That's when you use the drug hardening and nausea nope you'll you'll see they will still know about it. For me, thank you, xqc for always providing us frogs with good distracting content. It always puts a smile on my face in those darker times, so we don't do animals read the description of medicine. Bozo, we'll do now we're missing we're missing, cold places and hopless did we do cold and heat? It would only cost like 30.

30 in it. Is that going to help okay, okay, it helps for heat. But what about for cold? How much money still never goes off of streaming because look, nothing chat! Fifteen bucks done xqc. They help you think about everyone.
Without symptoms, without any issues, they don't know it exists until you have symptoms, you can get medicine if you need it. Also, i really enjoy your streams, i'm very much boys all the time and i'm surprised it's free. Here's five dollars. Xqcl! Is there anything? This is.

It's barely helping look. Look at this twelve thousand. Thirty thousand forty fifteen thousand. What is this numbers? France? What is this? Domino's is good, but objectively a dice roll like i got a free, medium coupon, but they gave me like a five hour old pizza that they, just stuck in the oven for five minutes, was nasty sag.

I have a question for you, mr cow and chat: do you think in order for somebody to be truly happy, one must be in a relationship. In other words, do you think we, as human beings are designed to live as couples and must live as couples to be happy? Excuse me, yeah, you are getting answers from google. Next donal has been chilling. Okay, cool chat, look! What we got boys look, what we got everything's getting affected now they have nothing, we're not getting money.

Talk! My streamer keep doing what you because money you get more money by people getting infected now, once we start killing it, we won't get it. We won't get the kill fast enough because we have enough money. Yet, let's see waiting. Finally, now that i am at yellowstone with the veal underscore i can finally in the world lol underscore, i have waited so long.

Gladys takes the alunduscore and strikes it with shungit and yellowstone ending the world. Now the hole was infected at nearly 100, nearly 100 percent guys get a refund been chilling for 35 months. Ass chat during media share. This song is, i kind of don't like that.

In fact, it's kind of a jabber done happy jimmy you're right. Excuse me, this is a great song. I love it now that you said it's good. Okay, now everybody's infected and now, what's all of all, spreading things to get some points after everyone's infected.

Is this how fouchy planned to inf? Who is the next dono talking to lonzo? What do now that i have money, here's five dollars to make up for all the times. I watched you with that rock um. Maybe we get refunds here x, you keep losing because of stream snipers watching to develop a vaccine faster. Maybe try having a 15 minute delay guys.

We can't get the lethal symptoms. We just can't do it. No, we thought we'd get lucky smart chat. Well then, i survived this virus by moving to antarctica.

Easy can't get me down here: xqc huh, nobody died and now the world is safe, chat, 28 months in the jungle, thanks for all the good times, xqcl, okay, i'll speed run with my strat. This time. Not you not. The chat, strat chat was bro.
Chat was a friend of five actually throwing have helped me get through one of the hardest times of my life. I hope you know the impact you have on people, just by being yourself youtube chat. Thank you. Now.

Watch this xqc, we increase possible mutations and we decrease on purpose and when things get rolling, it'll snowball like crazy is the ability. What ability i'll get better so i'll show you i'll show you how it works, how to infect every oh sorry i got it fifth time is the charm chat. I believe that he will eventually see my dono. I just want you to know that i've enjoyed my stay these last few months, watching always brightens my day and has helped me through some darkness xqcl.

Also, i love you chat kim. This is a good chilling chat. I am so sorry to announce that you have all developed the boo-boo disease. It is flowing through your veins.

As we speak. Let me show you, chad, flooding, salt, water, good, good good. Now we chill, we do nothing literally, look how fast it's going now. Maybe a small cold here, no it.

Why is some rat rat then bird mosquito? Oh, this is bad. We need to remove assist, chat, type sag, but put a period after the s. Oh, we need some cold uh. We really need golden nuts yeah.

We need cold and heat actually, okay, now we buy nothing. Now we buy it literally, nothing. You have to use the piran's abilities in the abilities. Tab plaza use it, but we haven't, though hello mr cow.

Personally, i think you are a genius at this game and will win every single time. Xqcl chat. Did we go for the water because it's a tsunami, we go for water or not, please, i'm stuck in this world. The world is soon to be.

Like you excuse me, controlled by, you are stuck in why the queueing, when you lose them all l. Ah we go hardcore. Now, that's good number! That's good medicine, um, okay, boom yeah. We build them now boom and then we abilities we we make their brains slower.

Even more slower, theresa mod for this game, where you can have more abilities and one of them makes people's dicks fall off, how is it going so fast what the is happening? How is it so fast bang, bang boom refund refund, refund refund chat. Do you see me, i'm right behind you die die, die, die, coma, hey guys, guys come on. Let's just do chroma it. Almost there.

Almost there yo give me a juicer, less productive paranoia, xqcki lost what else, what else? What else will make them we'll make them work less fast, seizure, insanity? We need that crumbs, now, n, a dude, okay, listen, okay! You guys making fun of me, but we got way further this one with my shirt and your threat. Why are we still here? What is real life? Your shrapnel got us nowhere. Nowhere! What if we all die tomorrow, then what.

By xQcOW

18 thoughts on “Infecting the world! – xqc plays plague inc: evolved”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alejandro Bardo Laserna says:

    I never understood how people still find plague inc fun after playing 10 hours,
    1) Infect everyone while having severity 0
    2) Haul some DNA points
    3) Perma spam lethality

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CedThev says:

    i've played this game before and i named my virus "covid"
    just for fun

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bean_Can _D4n says:

    Why does this regard never pick NEURAL ATROPHY. Especially when he has a lot on lethal.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I-D-Fy says:

    Doesn't use any other transmission except air and water while swatting mosquitoes IRL !! Wonders why it won't SPREAD fast !!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aes says:

    BINGCHILLING virus is spreading all over the world. I repeat, BINGCHILLING virus is spreading all over the world

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ollie Cherpuzi says:

    Bingchilling? Lmao guy streams everyday. Blink and you miss an inside joke.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The RealErt says:

    Most people don't realise that to beat brutal and mega brutal the usual evolve transmission early and the symptoms late strategy doesn't work. Some severity of the disease is need to increase cash per pop and the costs of all upgrades increases with time.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Bötefür says:

    Spread fast. Symptoms late. Devolve to get points and go full force on lethality. Look out for symptoms that could slow the curing process.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frostbyte _Venom says:

    Not the smartest thing to watch this after taking my second COVID shot and feeling like shit

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kaleb Anderson says:

    Step 1. Get everyone infected (devolve and symptoms)
    Step 2. Devolve anything for money
    Step 3. Rush the middle two death ones in symptoms (don’t buy no other dumb shit)
    Step 4. Buy stuff to slow cure if necessary
    Step 5. Win

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C# programmer says:

    If he reads the descriptions of some symptoms, the chance of him winning is higher.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthora Dramliza says:

    Why noone talks about neural atrophy(special prion perk) – complex tasks become harder. Isn't it good for slowing cure progress?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PhoneyBoi says:

    Dono really said LA has the best food when it's all just cheeseburgers

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max M. says:

    He lost that game aka “listened to chat” only because he threw it by upgrading heat res II when he shoulda done drug res I. Then, he blamed chat for bad strat. Weirdchamp. Weather res besides cold I are all kinda useless because hot areas are already susceptible to infection due to poverty and the cold are rich which rely on drug res to penetrate. Anyways weirdchamp x2.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars __Last says:

    QXC trying to think for this game is funny asf, you just spam everything and win most the time

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kozen says:

    Aw shit. Here we go again

    Tip: Saudi arabia or china is best place to start and don’t get detected

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yahzzie says:

    as I'm watching this video, someone hacked the keycard scanner and opened the door to my dorm room. monkaW

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clayton Latone says:

    This is all too real. QVC's commentary sounds like this could be Covid and he starts it in China.

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