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#xQc #fails #CartNarcs

Look at this man he's old enough to know better and right over here. That's not weird. Oh he's got one two three spots there hitting parts up come on, sir. I mean he's not wrong.

That's not where the cart goes. The word goes when i leave it. A pass on that one i was going to say: oh he's uh, he was kind of a nice guy. He could have apologized it's a running, magnet application.

Oh, i fell off actually sorry about that. The flag off my car well see that's the ir. That's the point i'm making, sir, is no not at me put it on my car and i'll break your face, you're too small you're too old. To do that, sir.

Look like a magnet instead magnus fine, that's sir get out of my face. The point is, i don't care about your point: why don't you want to like have a slight like? Why are you spitting on your own car guys, look at the put the gun in this in the image of like four spots, so you suck better that time. I wasn't trying to run alongside oh no weak. Did he even see it fall out? Yeah it fell off, sir.

Unfortunately, i got magic, so they'll stick better. What you're gon na have my problem is that you left your card out. I don't care, but that's the whole point is you should care about your fellow shopper? Why not did you have? Does someone hurt yourself point your life? Well, you're, naho! Sorry, sir, i didn't say that you did yeah. Oh so you fell for the fake out.

It didn't actually stick that time either you gon na toss it uh. Look at you, i got extras, usually sticks better on the rear side. That's what i found there we are. His mask is so bad though now where'd that magnet go.

I mean he kind of admitted it. There he's an a-hole, i suppose. Where did the magnet head off to? Let's see if he gets uh, i know he's still off driving off, um have to come back and pick up and retrieve it later on, as they say in the guys he's a loser, but they're also lazy bones all right, quick, uh yeah. Well, i mean he i'll give him credit where credit is not due as a lazy bones.

He didn't give us any of these standard. Deflections and uh excuses the i'm too busy. Where did that magnet? Go i'm too busy. I've got ax xyz.

You know, disability quote unquote, he just said i don't care about other people and i'm an a-hole. I don't know. Unfortunately, the carton arts missions have led us to and okay i'm gon na enjoy the content. I don't give a let's keep how's it going with the carton arcs, where you going car returns right over there or the front of the store.

Sir, you want to take your cart back. You want to take your cart back to the return handicap area see. The point is that it doesn't harass ugly people. Okay, if anybody did what would you think what if an elderly person came, it came across a thing and was blocked off by some by some cart or or or or or his spot at the front in the handicapped is blocked by a cart and can use It dude your argument also works against other people, though you will.

Okay, awesome, thank you, but why are you getting your card, then? I don't believe you, sir. I'm gon na give him the bumper magnet here well, if you're in your car and you go apart and do nothing against there and someone has like a chair or a ramp needs to get out. It's going to be blocking the area where's he going and he's just leaving with a magnet. The shirt said, i think, free your mind and your ass will follow something like that.
Not following anyway: hey carton, ark's here. Are you a qt bottom that oh he's coming to get it very nice excellent just put the car back? Is that is it that hard just put the card back? The appreciate that sir thanks a lot oh she's going to use it okay, never mind! Hey sir! I appreciate it awesome, oh yeah, that's a carton, bumper magnet it has our hotline number on it. You can give us a call talk about how to think about other people more in the future and be more responsible, but since she's taking care of it for you, you can i'll take it back. If you want me to next time in the future.

Yes, sir, don't put nothing on my car without my permission but sir you left the car down without anybody's permission. Did you hear what i just said? Well yeah, did you hear what i said, though, do you own that card the card? No, no! I'm the card! Nurse we knock out people that don't take the cards back, that's our job. You know they have people in here that takes cards right, but if they're not following you every step, you take it's just gon na be sitting there until they show up that's right. They have a job.

I understand that sir and that's not a handicapped space, but that's that's not what the job description is so people with chairs and stuff get out right, but why is that space marked off next to it? The job is to take the carts from the corrals and put them back inside at the times. Okay, where people come in and they get the card, it's not the go, grab all the kind of wear because you're more on it. Otherwise, okay, okay, champ. Let me push the argument, then let me pull out a minute.

Why wouldn't i go to walmart, then and just open up a wrapper right on my popsicle and just throw on the ground because they have a guy. That's his job as the janitor is to pick up my garbage. So therefore, right i should be allowed to say mother, i don't give a boom put pepe on the ground, because it's somebody's job to pick it up right. I'm gon na be honest with you.

Yes, sir, this is your job, it is it's, it's ridiculous. Are you do you work for? No, so we toured the whole country that we have. No. We know the spread of justice and uh the right, our rights, not a faction, so they they line that area off.

So it's free and clear, so people who have you know um, chairs or ramps, can use that area. But if there's a cart sitting there, then obviously that makes it much harder on that hi. I'm the car agent sebastian here and i'm trying to explain, give me your name if you'd like to no not certain up to you the premise behind why we don't put our cards in the handicap area. Okay, um, you might know it's a janitor's job yeah, but it's your job as a person to be decent, and so, therefore, their job is only to pick up where things have happened right and and to clean, whatever how's that how hard is it to just be A decent person yeah another good one.
So did you learned your lesson? Hopefully won't. Do it again, but uh. That's! What we're here for is to politely, ask folks to just do the right thing and pick up after themselves. You take it upon yourself to put something.

Oh yeah, what we have is we have these bumper magnets say i don't return. My shopping cart like a jerk. It has our hotline number on it. It's non-marking! That's why it's just a magnet.

Don't you realize that you're disrespecting me and you're violating my uh right to to to to come in this parking lot, which you don't work here right and you're putting stuff on my car that you shouldn't? So that's basically you're vandalizing my car. Well, what's the damage, though, it's not marketing? No, i mean anytime, you put something on it, don't supposed to be on it, okay, right, there's, no right anything! This is property, there's no, there's no right to nothing, a violation of what what what of my rights? What's? What where in the constitution where in the constitution, doesn't say that so that's my vehicle? I understand somebody owns this place like what, literally anything like a sticker right on your forehead. Well, that wouldn't be very nice, that's not nice, but now let me ask you what what did i do to deserve that sticker? You put one on my prayer right, but what did you deserve that i don't deserve nothing? Well, you left your car. Does the manager know you out here? No, we we're we're covert agents, we don't we don't want to excuse me.

Thank you for your service by the way, something is wrong with this guy he keeps putting stuff on people. This is your job to take the carts right right. This is this man's job sure so he's going around sticking stuff on people's car. It's don't you! Don't you get paid to do this sure, but yeah right? Can you go get security and manager i'll talk to everybody, i don't mind.

Would you do that real, quick because he's sticking stuff on people he gets paid? He can get hurt like that. No, i can't i'm very highly trained. I can dodge and stuff okay, okay, but sir he's paid to get it from the cart return. You don't want people leaving it all willy-nilly, like you did see that's and now, if you just said hey, you know what i'm sorry you're right i'll, do it better in the future.

This could have been over five minutes ago. It is gon na be over. What do you mean it's gon na be over okay, good! You mean you're gon na learn your lesson to move on yeah excellent. I'm glad to hear that you guys need it.
Okay, see that's what we're here for so we both need to learn to listen. What's my lesson, your lesson is: is that you don't come around? I don't care, especially if you don't work here. I can see if you work here, but you don't work. People well we're secret agents.

Secret agent means we can pop up anywhere at any time. So who do you work for i work for the cardinals for a public service. You know like the uh. They, you know, keep people the people like that are keeping the highways clean or whatever like this.

This hot this mile adopted by you, know some organization. Well, that's what we're here to do is to spread awareness about carts and cart related accidents. Okay, he looks like he could be security. I like that shirt, dude, captain america, very nice all right.

Well, we both learned our lessons. I'm going to take off uh appreciate it. Sir again, are you not going to stick around? What's what's there to left to talk about so so this this manager can tell you not to come out here and do this. Well, they can if they want, but i'd rather move along to the next area.

Again, it's been six minutes to get gon na just put the card back, it would have taken 11 seconds. Let me stick this stuff i'll see you later bye, kart knocks out um tonight.

By xQcOW

18 thoughts on “Is he a hero or villain? cart narcs #14”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turkey Bert says:

    Don't get me wrong i would feel embarrassed if I left my cart out but Agen Sebastian is one annoying high pitched voice little b

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M.D. Sharpe says:

    Stores should all use that dollar system, you put in a dollar to unlock the cart from the stall and you only get it back when the lock is inserted back into the cart afterwards

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nivvix says:

    People are so dumb man. The cart narc is a literal loser. He mustve never actually worked a retail job in his life. The Further the carts are the more time you got outside and away from actual bs work, people actually like that shit lol. His points are so brain dead

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sickpicasso says:

    In Eu, we dont know this problem actually bc everyone knows how to not act dumb af and everyone just takes back the cart by themselves

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zealch says:

    The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing.

    To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct.

    A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tenshi Ryuzaki says:

    I'm sick of the argument of 'They pay people to get the carts'. Next time you're waiting in a long line you can think about that one guy that can help at the cash register stuck outside walking around the parking lot picking up people's carts.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liz says:

    i hate the people that go "oh they got people that take these carts back" no they fucking don't every job I've worked at they've just made one of the employees go out and take the carts even tho that's not their job

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coroner Chris says:

    All he needs to do is voice his opinion and thats the end of that either they put it away or he does but putting magnets and flags on people property over and over is harassment wich is against youtube guidelines I understand why he does it but his method is antagonistic and only for views cuz if he didn't antagonize they would leave making a boring video whoop scoop squiggly thats not where the magnet goes!?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Mathot says:

    Goodmorning Mr.Cow i used to do the cart grabbing job and you are indeed supposed to snag up the little wild ones that may have gotten away. Its what we are paid for silly

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pahqz * says:

    His analogy is pretty good though. “People get payed to get these” is dumb because realistically, people within the workplace have to go out of their way, along with other duties, to run around a fucking parking lot collecting carts

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bembel Warrior says:

    Just hearing this guy talk I wanna grab him and put his head in a sink and listen as his highly pitched voice broke through the water

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JosiahLopezca :D says:

    I put the cart back when i park close to it. If its out of the way i park it near another cart. Tbh idc if i leave it or not. It is someones job. Every job has shit you’re going to be doing that isn’t in the description. People with jobs know this. Also more carts spread out = more time unsupervised. And they still get paid by the hour. Not how many carts they bring in.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cowabungas says:

    The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing.

    To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we alll recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. The return of the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart present itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not retunrning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct.

    A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it.

    The shopping cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Adam says:

    I think the Cart Narc is kind of cringe, but he totally has a point. But as soon as he starts putting stuff on people's car or interfering with them in any way, that's when he's no longer in the right. I don't care if it's a sticker, a magnet, a dildo, or a grenade, don't put shit on people's cars.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King Snoopy says:

    Oh how I hate twitch chat sometimes. I really don’t think that the cartnarc can be seen as the “villain”. The only thing I reproche him is that when people decide to get their cart back, he still annoys them.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VolcomSt0wn says:

    i have never seen one cart standing around at my supermarket here in germany lol. I was shocked that lazy bones actually do that.. on the other hand, we have to put a coin or chip in the cart and only get it back if we put it back in the ?cart carrel? (which also sucks, but helps i guess). HOW THE ** IS THIS CART NARC SO HATED BY EVERYONE??? Sorry about my bad english 😀

    PS: pls don't vote this up or cart narcs might lose their jobs if that gets a thing because of me in NA D:
    I love how he pisses off those lazy bones 😛

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tagerrun ! says:

    As someone who did the job of getting carts the literal job description did say to get carts from any where on the property and to pick up trash while you did it.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wyatt L says:

    Returning the cart is a test of morality. It's something that has no reward for doing, but also (usually, not in cart narcs case) no repercussion for not doing. Pretty much the only reason you would do it is because you're a good person.

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