xQc talks with Fran and Poke about the recent drama, including Poke leaking that xQc takes Adderall and that xQc cheated on Fran while they were together.
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Listen the Adderall thing you guys understand when I say he's listen I've been there where I've used Adderall a lot. Okay I've been in the peak Adderall phase where I've taken it a lot and I understand when you're on Adderall and you use it a lot you get pretty angry. You understand me, you get pretty you things you get more Angry than usual if you use a lot of Adderall you don't sleep. this is just facts.

that's so that's surreal. It's like a nine year secret. again. Okay, okay so um, a lot of yeah, a lot of your juicers.

Uh, think that I'm lying about what happened, um about you cheating on me? Can you please confirm or deny? Um I will confirm thank you I think um I think a lengthy segment needs to be done about this down the line for like a bunch of reasons, right? and as lengthy as it can be and as complicated as it can get and as many components as you can put in it doesn't really like change the action itself right? and I think you know you and I both get that right? Um so I'm not gonna sit here and like just say and justify like an idiot and just um, you know, kind of devalitate anything you know. but I think I appreciate that that there's a that there are things that need to be talked about uh instead better outstanding. and um I think people will at least hold on until uh, they receive all the information about that stuff. you know I mean you get all that right? Yeah, they need to wait until what Season Six of the Pog Dashians? It's a lot of reasons it's It's an incredible amount of reasons and it's way too long to get to get.

um, really past it. But yeah. I'm gonna keep it short. and yo.

what is this lag bruh? like what? What is this lag? Are you sucking me dude? Oh I have already acceleration Anna wait Well I read that just before I presume that this isn't somebody said I wish Jesus Christ man that is so weird. Sammy Indiana Anyway, Felix and I broke up because he cheated on me. Oh okay, now says everything makes sense guys. Okay, well it's okay.

Okay, there's a there's a lot to it. Oh okay. well okay, there's a lot to it. I'm not gonna downplay that.

okay guys. I I won't I won't I won't I said I would do a certain Behavior so that would be the right thing and I will. Um, it is incredibly complex. Yes, it is incredibly complex.

Um and I think you know does it? Uh, this has a dumb. this set is like a numb hold up. Let me put Let me, let me put the emotes on her lap if you wanna guys. Yes yeah if I didn't play chat Channel this time it's okay and it's just a weird game.

It's just weird again. I'm not gonna be weird about everything. um okay champ, why ask it? Okay, oh man, this you guys I'm gonna mess with you guys I Was impressed by how chat links things together and the fact that you guys saw what happened on social media in the past like weeks or months. The things that you guys are saying about this is all wrong and it's like I thought people knew because I thought that people knew um Beethoven's just really easy to read signs.
oh my. God Jesus Christ um yeah people didn't Christ how would you know? well if I'm not guessing it's I guys the one incident like was pretty obvious. okay But there again I think the fact, um, the fact is is that. chat with him.

listen I'm not gonna sit here okay and act all high Mighty but other cases in the past and other labs in the past happen Okay and act like it's oh guys, it's very much different. I Think the nuances don't really matter when you do something that's just flat out wrong and it was flat out wrong. okay and I I'm I feel really bad. uh for Fran and I'm sorry and it was.

it was cooked. the whole thing was really stupid. Okay, the nuances don't really matter. Okay, because once it's in the bad, it's in the bad.

It doesn't really matter. it's already black and white. Bad. The shades at that point are irrelevant.

So I'm not gonna sit here and and play the shades and devaluate her experience. Okay, well I'm not gonna do that. Um, so yeah. I'll take it again for that.

That was really dumb. Um, well that said though, well, that's what that said. Something super important to understand. it is.

um, even though for now it won't it won't make a lot of sense, right? Because it'll be a lot of self-blame and whatever, right? I I Really hope you guys, you guys at least trust yourself to a certain degree. Right that down the line. Um, holy actually said that you? um, you're gonna get how incredibly complex and how difficult it is to, uh, explain just like that if you probably need like a like a multi-hour thingy. um well I just can't I I quite literally cannot.

Okay I I just can't do it I'm I'm not yeah I I swear I can't and if that means you're gonna hate me for the whatever amount of months that are gonna come, okay, well you can hate me. That's I that's that's something that I'm in my admit my choices I'm I'm in my bed as they sleep in it and that's just kind of how that goes. Okay, Um, so I will thank that hate for whatever amount of time and hopefully you'll get it down the line. Um, that it was very complex.

Yeah, that's that. Yeah, yeah, of course. I confirmed it. Let me let me see how it sounds this: Can you please confirm or deny? Um I will confirm thank you I think I think a lengthy oh my God I Can't believe it This guys I I Killed you guys I Can't put it together either.

Saw a thread with a lot of upvotes on by a parasocial guy that really had it right across the board with just really easy hints that are all out there. Man I don't get it. Um guys I don't want to get it. Um okay, he says what it says.

um I got it I got so hard to follow I've seen the person who get up on their on their own hobby. wait was that was that hard? Um okay. well here's some. Here's some Doc connecting it.

Here's some duck connecting here. Remember the clip where I said um I really tried everything and that it's complicated and sometimes there's some points you just have to kind of give up. There are things that that just generally, um, kind of work like that. Okay, and it came from a lot of different reasons and whatnot.
You guys don't get it. sounds very good Because guys, you guys know why Man you guys, you guys, you guys know exactly why. Dude dude like come on, come on, come on bro. come on man.

come on Blood. Go chat. Come on gang. oh man, don't make me I can't just say it man Dude guys, there was quite literally oh picture posted on social media.

literally okay and it was right in the middle of where things were already engaged with somebody else. Do you get it? Do you guys understand how that works? Okay? oh my God oh my God I even checking using Checkers and I'm because I'm asking um yeah, responsibility but it's not about like so it's not because like you want like the folios or whatever and whatever and I'm not getting into you that like it's not full accountability like what the I I didn't think before I can but there's not much I could do here anymore. like yeah, um guys, because once you piece it together, it'll all unfold. Chat: uh let me just call her I should need five minutes so I'll just looking back I guess um, it'll It'll be easy that way.

Poultry's in front with an old guy. um, you could hear that all the way upstairs in my room. Oh my gosh, it's a streamer that was like this old guy playing Minecraft Um, kept repeating generating God's seed. but you know it kept saying generating God seed over and over and over again for a long period of time.

Max volume and I had no sleep already. Yeah, do you guys not remember that Tilted Angry I Had a dentist appointment that morning. Um, there's this loud music that was playing it and it was like bro, is this music playing it Guys it was a morning and the music was blasting and some of the people remember it was Brawl Guys Paul was playing a rap music in his room right? it was. It was buzzing it he was playing.

Force Instagram max volume in in living room and there was a country music playing it from Opie's bathroom speakers that were right next to my room. Okay, okay, hello yeah I was thinking about the music part. Wait, this place is at the house. sorry you muted it.

Oh I don't think your mic's working. Um yes I was talking about um, when, um, the music was playing it. The music. Remember the music on three different audio sources.

It was crazy. Yeah because you thought you were talking about it and I was watching your clip. Uh, that's true though. Yeah, um like okay, Do you feel like okay, maybe maybe I mean I'm guessing myself.

If you feel like with the way things happened right and what was left on social media by other people and the the the like the cookie, the cookie Trail or whatever right? Do you feel like people could have pieces together what happened I thought I really taught people what if he's together? Honestly, a lot of your parasocials were so spot on, but they actually got downloaded and are you sure you're okay with talking about this because you know um I mean I I I I I Don't know it's it's just what it is like I think I think the the actual thing itself. it will just says it right. like without anybody. Direct What? What is your version of it if you wanna? Let's say you were on the outside.
You know you were on the outside looking into the glass right? How would you piece it together? Non-biased No, of course full biased. How would I have pieced it together? Or how do I feel about it? I I would you piece it together? Um well. there's literally a picture of you posted in bed sleeping naked. I think so.

um that's right. I think I remember seeing that picture again and um I'm pretty sure I even commented under it saying something and it it just kind of lined up. I I think people get that. uh yeah I just because I just generally thought that people would have gotten it.

Do you know did I feel the same? Where am I crazy but I I feel like you shouldn't expect no look at that. Yeah the people to perspective, light and be right about it and then yeah yeah and honestly a lot of people quite literally don't give a they just want to watch you play games bro. you know, yeah you're right. but when there's like that that much stuff being thrown out though I mean I mean yeah, you can't even just not address it.

That's like too much of something that they never said like I even had to defend it like um remember like when when I was like out of medicine it was really hard to get it. Um yeah, because of the uh, the shortage? Yeah exactly. Oh did you know they're the they're releasing the generic soon? Wait really? Why? What do you mean? New update? It's just cheaper. You know, because it's very expensive and there's a shortage and the generics coming out soon.

So that is. There's a crazy new update I Cannot live the new patch. Holy man, new patch is kind of insane. Um consensus was that somebody snuck into your room.

um because it gave the excuse. uh no, that's not really what happened. Well I didn't really I didn't really say it like that did I you did. Whoa.

Wait, you want me to move from it? Yeah, what the oh my? God I can't believe this is happening. but you get another yeah misconception sorry immediately miscomes I I we'll talk about two different things entirely. Yeah yeah yeah, but I think I found the impression that like there's like um it wasn't it wasn't like that like that. oh it was I should clarify I should clarify I didn't like forgive you and get back with you.

um I forgave you for the situation and then we moved on and went our separate ways. Yeah I mean there was other problems. It took a while for us to split apart. do you not agree with that? Yeah, there's like uh, back and forth but you know there's also two different stories being told to me and I didn't find out until much later as well.
Well yeah it was. It was pretty. I mean there was a lot. There was a lot to it.

Um yeah, um what else about that? They wanted me to just set out so that people don't ask about it and speculate and be weird. Actually, the moment you took full accountability, that meant the world to me and I appreciate that and that's all I really wanted finish. So I trust you got it from here. Yeah I got it from here Yeah I mean I I mean I mean you understand that the the the crazy amount of like outstanding circumstances that yes, there was there was a lot of um uh, third partying.

yes it was. um it was something I just don't want to say anything and like get you yeah in trouble. So I'm just yeah. yeah it is limited.

Yeah, all right. um yeah, what? uh what happened anyway I woke up to this uh well. I mean you saw it I couldn't I couldn't watch the whole thing I I I only watched it at the very very end and even then I was with my brother and I I just saw for the first time like years or so I was like kind of um, well the full bot is on Lsf. apparently they clipped every minute and put it on there.

So um, pretty much you guys dragged me uh, into that call yesterday and aired out my and there's just a bunch of Lies being thrown around both by or by me and everyone else and I was just like it. I'm just gonna send it because everyone's being vague Andy's and not telling um the big problem and yeah I just sent it on stream today I I stood up for myself. okay and I think I heard some things that are being that were said that are not only are they not true I don't really know how you could even come up with that. It's like this: ins: okay: I'm sorry I have to I have to unleash on this Okay I really have to.

Okay, yes because sometimes it gives a misconception so we get like a dramatized situation right? Or you can just make something up entirely right? I actually think about like an an NDA thing. Let me make this very clear. oh yeah, I up on that Yeah, go ahead. Whoa.

I had I printed one copy of one MBA and it was for my assistant your assistant because I was working on projects and I had a lot around around the house on the walls I had remember I had joints on the walls and like that and one time I drew some um I do like a an idea on the one and I wanted and she could listen to some of the calls I was on I was like I was just sun and NDA like I don't want to leaks of the calls out of that much like that. so yeah I would I I drew drawings yeah and um there was documents in the house and I thought you said anything otherwise I don't want to delete. it's just that was my old assistant that was Claudia like yeah yeah you you never made me sign an NDA now yeah um also they didn't they didn't let you leave. yeah I heard that I didn't let you leave or something like that.
That's that's insane. Okay so I was lying to Sammy right because she was parked outside our car or parked outside your house uh for hours and I explained this to you. um and honestly it was really up because I did go to her for help and then I ended up lying to her because I got scared and I just kept going back and forth between YouTube because I just didn't know what was happening because keep in mind that whole uh Vegas thing I only lived with you or knew you for four days at that point. Yeah, you're right.

I that was pretty good job. So it was very early on. so I'm I'm hearing you know your side her side I'm like going back and forth and you know that is why I called her this uh previous week really recent because I wanted to apologize for everything for for the ring pictures like engaging in those Petty things and then like doing that too. so that's where I'm at with that.

just message her message who she's on the call I don't have to message her, she's on the call I'm just debugging so the lights I would say that are very damaging you. So yes, some of the things that I ever heard able to say are just flat out wrong and they're incredibly bad to have out there. They are totally bad. Okay, and you know what? Dude, you know dude, you want me to say dude okay, whatever.

whatever threat that there was or or Illusions about anybody being pregnant. okay I take too much medicine okay I am shooting it blanks Okay my brother. okay, that's just that's just what it is. Okay, it's just blanks my brother.

that is just how that works man guys. because guys, uh bro, how is those orders in it I think like maximum amounts okay of my prescribed medicine which is pretty strong but I think it it can cause that okay and I have terrible Health Overall, bro that ain't working bro bro. everyone who said that something happened they're just wrong That another thing, nothing happens. Okay, ain't nobody getting pregnant for being with me? Okay, uh can you confirm tonight I took a Plan B in front of your face um okay, no I wasn't being outside? Okay, no.

well I was that is not what? I But no, you're right. Like the facts that you just stated correct. Yes damn. uh.

Anyway, um and I would like to say guys guys, no I don't want to be crashing over here. Okay, the pullout game is very strong. we're talking okay you know I'm I can't I can't feel like it's not okay people worry putting my Eagle buddy then it's not fair to me. Come on man.

Okay, all right man. okay um whatever. also also um um yeah. next topic anyway um what it guys I it's a very important information that I just go against really bad things people said because I think it's very important.

um oh I I did I did debunk um the allegations um of abuse and essay I I mentioned that on stream you never You never did any of that to me, never and I mentioned how you turned into the Hulk at night you know your night tears and I up because I restrained you um when I should have just left you alone and also we ended up uh, sleeping in separate rooms for pretty much the rest of our relationship after that. Yeah, um, guys guys Guys guys guys, there's the Hulk Joker is that when I'm looking for an escape out of the room? okay um, the walls are like kind of like Mario Karts right were like if I want to turn well I don't turn. So I just I just go into the wall as I turn my body and it just kind of makes a hole into the wall. Okay so if that's what happens with the with the walls, that like when I'm getting out of the room when I wake up and in night terrors or whatever.
dude I just I just run into the walls I'm sorry Chad it's how that works. Okay you guys and I'm sorry guys I'm gonna say chat. There's nothing sexual about the tears. Okay, it's just Hulk mode.

These things are not intertwined at all. Okay, they're just not I don't know why we ever hit that I think it's weird I think it's I don't know. Um, okay because I I said it because in that one night uh, you started rubbing my butt and stuff in between night terrors. so I just categorized that as sexual night terror but it was not any abuse.

okay and that's on me I I didn't do enough research I didn't realize like that's a real thing. Um so anyway. um anyway wait wait wait I don't think I know the whole story. what happened after that after that? I I did this action uh the what do you mean like you? you just had more night terrors throughout the night.

Yeah yeah from Pokeman's party you came home drunk as talking about I Love you I'm sorry I'm sorry yo yo man. All right that was too far roll Okay I let it slide. Okay yo I let it slide across the board I Give you so much leeway today and you do this. That's that's so intimate yo says you you were just talking about your semen.

Are you kidding me? Pull out game. Your plow game is trash. Are you serious? All right, You know what? John I'll let you win. That Are you in that you keep that one because you know what I said about that right now I will not I will not.

Okay, so you keep your win. Say it. Oh stop. it's not like that.

Okay if if there's no expectation of doing that like what okay I mean according to you, it doesn't even matter. So even if you did that or not right? So yeah, it doesn't matter. Okay so then um guys it's a point chat because a lot of things were hidden in the past like oh my God that they was crazy I cannot believe it guys may may whatever the is insane It it was uninjured. No it.

wasn't age. no it wasn't okay. it was it it. I mean it was a little.

It was a little chaotic right? it was unhinged. Dude May 15th man you guys are weak as bro. that's that as it was Nevada yeah was it cause you weren't the one who got cheated on. Hello chat give me the chat guys I'm gonna mute chat.
give me a minute yeah you're so dumb What? I did it now I didn't even know I was like oh no I'll end up the ending of it oh my God oh my God okay okay listen hola wait wait can I say this uh uh oh it? yeah. remember that one thing you said but still though, no, is that scorpion? oh that's so covium is it though. Listen, you, you already took responsibility I don't think you need to say all that. Okay, that's fine I'm okay with that I like it with that.

um yeah, you know I'll do it on that I'll give it down there I'll I'll do that guys I'm not gonna say Chad because it's not I don't want to be like devaluator Andy you're saying oh did you Blossom your sex was out there brother brother I think I think there's something called being quarterly forced out in the public like that? Okay bro. I Yesterday I was addressing it the things one to one as they were accused to me in front of me by other parties and I never went out of the scope of the discussion. Okay and then today things went wild and massive accident was made against me on a lot of different topics and honestly within the scope of all of that and that's what I'm doing I'm not going out of the my scope and go crazy mode and then a singular time I have not done that. Okay, um yes yes I I remember that I remember that uh what did you see tweet oh no, is it okay and then I I said yes but I didn't read it Mendel replied as well oh no well I guess the cat's out of the Hat I guess I don't know uh I guess I'll show it I mean it's on social media I mean so we're gonna say um what else bro I can't read this Okay, okay and he says Jesus yeah I don't um I remember oh that's Qcl the problem that I felt.

tell me if I remember wrong right around by this is that I felt and everybody felt this other way both Jesse and middle that the attempt to help was not attempt to help. it was an attempt to control. Can we agree to that? Hey, are you gone from the call? Did you? Uh sorry, Yes, you're right. it was.

It was definitely like a control tactic. Okay, because I feel like I I It's just it wasn't just those two right either. I think you mentioned there were more uh uh, one? Yeah, okay, good boy is it to me Yeah I mean there's always okay. What else? What? um um have I ever have I ever asked you for silence? money? no thank you.

Well I mean you showed me the text or whatever that you had said that right as as the role play tactic which ended up working which I don't know what people are saying oh they? oh, it's bad bro. it it quite literally worked across the board so no white people are downplaying the fact that it's dude. dude I don't think you don't understand I don't think sometimes that works. Um guys, it was another part of the plan or her plan and I never dude.
I've always said this silence is boring. Okay, in silence doesn't do anybody any favors. Okay, part of healing a lot of times is not the only science rounds. Okay I have never paid anybody or what would ever want to do that for somebody's silence.

Sometimes things are just better left said than not. okay I don't want people saying push more to that. Okay, it's it's like it's like Deliverance okay um anyway, why is that a question? I Don't get it. You're right though.

Um, you are the one who actually encouraged me to tell my stream about the cheating thing. Yes! I I didn't want to do it. Oh man, but you encouraged it and you encouraged it multiple times. It wasn't just today.

I mean throughout the months you it's you wanted to get the truth out. You know you wanted everyone to know. Yes, yes and other people won't understand this because they don't understand what the accountability is and they're just they're really really excited about it. Okay I thought it'd be a trip was one, stone one is ticket, they're thinking about accountability and two, it's doing it right at the right pace.

um from the right parties because what you don't want is hide things, hope things don't get said right and then somebody comes in from. Left Field runs in from from way out, right and twists everything and says it the wrong way and forces everything out of the blue unexpected while calling damage for no reason because that would be really bad and that is a pattern that we've seen happen time and time again. So I thought dude, trip is one stone one I think um thank you accountability and just um just having it out and doing it the right way and I I was called and I was in rushed I was just waiting for a friend to be ready to say and then and she wasn't she said it and I think that's fine I don't Yeah and um yeah, it was not forced at all. Um and I really appreciate that you waited because um, it took a toll on me mentally for a while and sorry I don't even know if I was ready for today.

but yeah today. um today was something. um that was like me yesterday to be honest. Anyway, with the with the Poke and Gigi stuff, uh yeah with a lot of things I think sometimes like I don't I don't think uh at least for me like sometimes it's hard to ever be ready for something right? and um, it's like painful one time and then like the actual healing can start sometimes and it's gonna feel to me.

Yeah yeah because honestly you need it to heal too. Yeah yeah, definitely. um for a bunch of other reasons and whatnot. Um then you.

you went. Uh, you went for South Mode Yes because uh I found out that someone decided to leak my DMs my private conversations. oh wow, who would do that guys? The reason why? you guys of course to Mickey Ling because there are components that you guys don't understand and don't know about and I can't I'm not at the liberty of talking about right now. Okay I can't and I've had a tremendous amount of healing to do.
okay because I I was just just brain gg'd like uh, like a missile to the Cranium okay and I can't say what that is. okay. so I've had to do my own healing without trying to pressure into feeling like like her healing wasn't uh, valid or her pain? it's just how that works like I think what? she just okay. Wait who my Christmas body Coke has complained about me before? um or complained to me? Wait, who thinks about this? So I went back into your VOD from before I joined that call yesterday.

Um because I had no idea why I got dragged into that right? and so as I was scrubbing through the VOD and I did this um on my stream. uh, someone was reading out my messages between you and I that I confided in them with out loud word for word and brought me in it. Huh? wait wait. when? um, yesterday in the yesterday's call, you can you can add poke so if so, he can talk about it? Sure I just don't I wasn't made aware of this.

yo bro, bro, bro bro. I do this morning there's another components I had no idea about I didn't know that because it continued when I was gone I had no idea. No, nothing continued. You're not understanding.

Remember how we were explaining how? Okay so the day you left right I got shown something that you said about me and it made me upset right? I said this right I got shown something GG showed it to me and I explained it on stream when we were fighting like uh I said uh, you know why I did the tweet I saw this this logged about you saying about me Gigi didn't even say your friend's name she did she said uh she didn't see who it was from even friend but then it got like pushed like I mean even if she didn't say my name she was reading but she didn't My message is like that. that was my words. my text it was private and she just read it on stream. but like you like when you want us to tell the truth and say why we were upset like you were texting Gigi saying you were texting Gigi saying X is talking about me like what would you not want me to react to that why would you text me that then because all of you guys were talking about me the moment I left and I was like that is ironic because I'm explaining to you why that happened.

we didn't gang up on you for no reason X came to us and we were being a good friend to x a hundred percent yo yo you were being a good friend that you to someone you were trying to kick out, we weren't trying to kick him out then what? You were trying to kick him out for a long time Georgie like literally within like a week when I moved in remember you? We sat at the couch and you were like man I really miss? uh when this was chill while Felix was like screaming upstairs. yeah I said it one time when he was screaming upstairs I I Don't think what's wrong with that I wasn't trying to kick him out I just was waiting for the time he would you know, have to leave soon I wasn't trying to kick him out. What? you've made a lot of hints: uh friend I'm done. not even just you came to me.
Listen, you're I don't know why you're acting so like innocent here, but you always came downstairs and vented to me and Gigi about how terrible X is. and I don't know what you want me to do here, but you did that constantly Friend: What? Because I found out while I was there that I got cheated on. Yes, So like when I say to you oh damn yeah, the noise is loud or whatever I'm a terrible person too. like what? I never said you were a bad person for that I said it is ironic that you're siding with him but we didn't even try to like bring you into this like you know it came out because we talked about the logs.

but when Gigi said you're the log, she wasn't trying to expose you. You know that right? It just got too far and you saw did you see the whole call where how you got introduced? None of us were trying to expose you or say that friend I was literally just trying to explain why I got upset about the Tweet so you read my private conversation live on the private message didn't have your name on it but it was. It was about how you talk I did not have to give proof that you talked about me like or not you anymore I was not talking about you, not you I said I had to give proof that X was talking about me. Okay, those messages were on June 28th right? Yes, but what is it? Almost, It's been a month and a half ago.

You have been wanting to pick him out for a long time. at least a month and a half because in those messages I mentioned I said hey, you know Georgie is getting a little. why did you send that to when did you send that to GG that picture I sent that recently because you guys so you you will. You're admitting you sent it recently to spark up what for me to not see that she's talking about me because all of you guys were trying to drag me talking about me and drag me through the mud and I was like that is so ironic that you guys think that you guys are friends now when I leave.

but the truth is, you guys were all talking about each other all the time I understand that I was revealing the truth I was showing Gigi I was like Hey because Gigi was saying Felix was going off on me when I left like completely off and I was like why are you siding with him he talked about Georgie and I sent her proof I don't see what's wrong with that? Yes, Well um and honestly like Gigi was just trying to be a good friend of both of you guys. Okay, wrong, wrong, cause she ghosted me for three weeks and you did too because of well that happened after because of a lie that wasn't even a lie. I said that she told me that she witnessed something and then she ended up confirming it on stream. Maybe G didn't appreciate that you used her to lie to ex about something you know.
Okay, then tell me about it instead of leaving me in the dark while I'm begging for you guys to like explain what's going on, Tell me, do we have to explain to someone that like did something bad to us hey this is why we're ignoring you like yes I was completely out of the blue because I didn't even like message us saying hey, please message us back we just yes I did yes I did yes I did we just kind of stopped talking I don't know maybe to you but to Gigi she knows damn well she knows damn well I was begging for her Yeah Um guys I have to be honest with you, it wasn't just that either. Also, but if if a big disc or between people is just one misconception I think it could be kind of cool to like say maybe our entire friendship is just went off because of one small detail, maybe you could double check it or talk about it I think that had been fine and sometimes I sh and a friend knows this I had to show myself in the foot by saying hey talk to GG to rekindle this right and they talk and as soon as they talk I'm blocked my friend because um they have stuff to talk about that was about me and then uh I'm getting clapped which is I think um a necessary evil right? so things aren't gonna feel good and they're gonna be a little bit Rocky but at the end they it I think we uh we we make healing from it. that was the whole point of it. you know? um that's why sometimes like all we wanted to do better and heal and the problem is okay is that I was going off on on friend okay I went off in the car I would want to go to cuties okay I said okay yeah I did I did go off because of some things that you guys told me that she had said in some behavior that she had that she's had that I've talked with her today about and that she didn't agree with her so it just felt like it's like you give a telephone you know I mean I think it's a lot of miscommunication.

yeah when you ghost someone that's kind of hard to communicate properly when you don't answer my questions and I'm over here thinking you guys still like me and it's so pathetic of me. Actually because I was I was sending Gigi birthday gifts I was I I even bought us all like little Uzi tickets um it's just like I feel so stupid. um because I assumed that we were still friends because the last conversations we had with each other were positive and you even messaged me randomly. You even messaged me and was like was like hey homie how you doing yeah I mean just been telling me like Fran did nothing wrong that whole time.

You have to understand when I told like when X talked to us in the kitchen when you left right it was like oh what the hell oh she was telling you wait it was telling you that this and that type of so like we felt like oh everything made sense. do you understand bro and that's fair. Wait, no no uh, not that much. but it was.

it was. We were all like just I don't want to ask because we were all confused about something and it linked up well okay Yo doesn't it I swear I'm not doing this. that's like inflame anything. okay and and cause oil on the fire I for the sake of what are the I'm doing it okay um that kitchen talk.
The topics that were talked about were pretty heavy and things like I said were pretty unhinged. It's why I kind of went off on it and it was like anti-friend at that point because I mean you remember what your ears were ending at? it was pretty heavy. anti-framan the moment I leave. You guys are so fake right friend.

Can you stop please? it's not like that I just told you it was Heavy Topics it was. it was very it was Heavy topics like it has to do with like you know understand has to do with a court case and no not that poor keys. but the bigger picture I'm not gonna with his like X is my friend I'm not gonna with his like if if he if he says it like he's not with you I'm not gonna with you I was being a good friend of X at the time it is what it is. Okay, that's not what I was thinking I didn't think it was I didn't think I thought we swore by stuff like that some other time.

No I'm not talking about like I thought it was more like a behavior-wise thing. That's something that he gets into that that was more. I went to court for you do I I don't know how to explain it like I don't know I I I I'm just upset because I'm being painted as like a snake or some like what you had just admitted to snaking me because of that. Felix said I don't even know you I like what friend What? like of course I'm gonna choose X over you if he tells me when you leave I'm not dating her anymore you I'm sorry I ghosted you but I didn't talk I didn't attack you I just stopped talking I just stopped talking to you I'm sorry you are just okay first I chose my friend's side I did I mean straight up you say I don't know what you want to tell me you said you told us some weird and I just decided to be like you know I I always take who I'm no longer trust longer I'll be I'm being straight up here I'm sorry I ghosted you I apologize about that Okay, sorry I mean and I forgive you I forgive you and you also have complained about him so much to me too even when I was living there.

honestly I couldn't I did completely I did complain. There was a time there was a time where I was like damn where the hell is my kick deal but like that's just that's just banter. You know what I'm saying Do you remember specifically what I said that I Talk about him. Be honest friend.

did I Really friend. You could actually twist it and make me what you're gonna make I did I talked about him really really and I were talking about him together. You always came to me and told and we went to Sushi with me and Gigi were you and Gigi and me and yeah I Remember the whole time you were just complaining about X every time because when we when we went to Sushi you and Gigi got in the biggest fight in front of me and I was just the biggest fight about what some stupid you said that because Gigi had a opinion on the the kick gambling and you said that you told her not to uh, say anything on stream because that might directly affect your okay what? Remember that what are you doing right because I know, not like brand new or being strange friend I don't know what you're doing Georgie I Don't know why you keep cutting me off but GG will attest to this. She quite literally was really upset with you that whole time.
Yeah we had a small argument but like it was not small. it was the whole dinner. You guys were just going back and forth and it was really toxic it. What are You talking about? We had a small argument.

you're tripping all right friend I Think you're just honestly trying to paint us bad. like because it's like the winning thing to do right now. What are you doing? Are you kidding me? The winning thing. We were good friends to you when you were here.

Yes I just stopped talking to you when you're gone and I'm an evil. we're both evil. What friend? Okay I really want to do that you were saying saying oh I'm siding with Felix and I'm saying that's hypocritical because you would just talk about talk about Felix and then you also like wanted to kick him out I knew not to not talk about Felix to you because I knew you would say everything I'm not that stupid. You're right.

You're right Georgie you weren't talking about Felix you were talking about Jesse oh my gosh, my bad. my bad. What did I say then? what did I say? You really want me to air that out? You have to say it because you are literally just making lies. We're literally talking about how Jesse snaked the out of you.

How Felix stole Jesse from you. How Felix is paying Jesse to to play on stream with him like this is all true. So you're bringing Jesse and into it like you're making it worse right now. Really? Um I I Think we'll probably kind of underplayed the amount of Jesse stuff that happened which is which is fine because I wouldn't want to put this in the cross but that you guys I see it and and Georgie are felix that is like not my place to talk about which is you did honestly because you asked me to literally I didn't No literally you asked me to, you asked me to explain and I'm telling I'm telling you like I feel like UNG like forget some of the you guys said when I was no we had talks about the Jesse thing but like okay I don't understand how you're just framing it as me talking like that's so crazy we literally we went on a walk time we're just crashing Jesse like no that's not what happened and Felix literally not.

what's that did not happen Okay you know if you guys just want to like pretend that like none of that what I I don't know I really do not know which kind of brings you to the point where um where it doesn't she when we met together uh today because I had to lay over um and we ate listen I swear I would avoid this. Okay basically you said what did you lie about and we got stuck on the whole like thing You said one or two or whatever the right GG oh um she said something that that you you saw in real life. It actually kind of killed me like shut up that who did uh Fran said that Jujit said something about me and I I couldn't believe it. uh I I actually what was it? You wanna type it? um sure or just mute the two.
The two thing. no it's not not that it's the worst one. the wait. You might have to type that.

What is that you didn't explain because I'm not understanding. Oh wait, can you get GiGi on for that? Yeah yeah I I think so. She's right here. Yeah okay yeah.

I'll mute just like anything. so I can get it. No Well I I the the the problem is that these lies are compounding so hard and since it's like no, no explain to me. do you remember my reaction on my birthday that night? Well I remember why the would I react like that if if I was because you because you knew I wasn't getting fed because he cheated on you already? like don't don't bring me into that again.

you're bringing me into y'all's relationship I have nothing to do with his actions or yours. You know what? you straight up wait, are you are you muted still I'm I'm I'm a muted because because I I there are some things that um I I think if they were like oh no, there's no lies and now there's a few lies and there's a couple lies I Mean that's just not fair. It's not fair. the the pick and choose because there are a lot of lies.

Now that now there's a lot, we're getting rid of that without agree. There's a lot of lies now. Yes, Absolutely. Do you agree with a lot of lies? Now there's a lot of lies.

It's compounding like crazy. Yes, there's a lot of things. There's no lies. Nobody's lying.

What's happening right now I'm telling you I'm gonna tell you. straight up. Friend was streaming right today and she said she didn't even watch the VOD So she pulled up the xvod got to the part where we read the logs right where me and Gigi were talking about the logs. She assumed that we were just going to expose Fred Off the bat, we weren't We just had to get the context of the friend of the life.

She was reading my text messages out loud. word for word. Without my question, it was one text that literally no, no, he read the whole like screenshot. hey like yeah, it gave perfect context of what the the message was.

I Remember how it was like I'm not allowed to be upset that you're exposing my personal private messages to gain from that on stream I Understand that, but it wasn't. How am I not allowed to be upset you? You are allowed to be upset I Understand that, but you were under the circumstances we're trying to expose your name. you know and what you said wasn't what you said was like valid is like I was like forgot what you said. You're like do you think we've been in his house I did not have to say my name.
we didn't say your name, We did, Nobody said your name. You did not have to say my name for people to know that that was me because it was no no no no no no listen because it was quite literally me saying hey, you know Poke wants to kick us out and then you guys later confirmed it was me talking or it was Felix who I was texting right because Felix was the one talking so um hey Poke wants to kick us out obviously people wouldn't know it's me. You know what? I will yeah she will. Okay, you know what that with Detective work it will make sense I will agree on that okay friend because everyone was telling me okay you? okay Honestly, you two feelings don't laugh at this because I know your ass was the main common denominator in this whole thing.

First of all, all of you guys were telling me he was talking about you. uh uh George Gigi was talking about you I'm here in so much from both sides I'm like, well he was talking about you too and then they were talking About You too Everyone was just talking about each other. You know what? You know what, You know what. There's something important you're missing in, right? I you talked about me a bunch of times, right? and I've known about this, You know what? Yeah, I don't give a because I talked about you all the time too.

You wanna know why? Because I I don't give a and I'm not gonna be with you if if you care about that because people talk, that's not a problem. The problem is when you lace it with actual lies and events that did not occur, that's a problem. Exactly exactly okay. the talking thing I don't give a about it's the fact that you guys ghosted me after and I didn't know and then you guys later on told me literally three weeks after that it was because everyone's just talking about each other.

So I'm like, uh, I'm caught in the I agree. You have all the right to be upset I agree on that, thank you I mean that I was saying lies. Well, I wasn't going to talk to you anymore after that. Well, I heard some that really and I'm pretty sure that's I'm pretty sure that's valid Gigi you said two times and then you agreed on it.

but originally the lie was you said I only said once I only said once and I'm like oh well I told Felix two times. So I lied then and then on stream last night. you said yeah I said twice. So I'm like, well, yes, you did and I can actually clip and find it Uh well.

um in that instance, there's only a singular compact disc I lied about lying to protect you to Felix because that really tarnished YouTube I guess and I was like it I'll be the bad guy because I don't want to ruin your friendship over this I'm the one who lied but reality you said what you said and I covered your ass for it. So I'm just I'm done with this bro. Okay, um, just say it. No hold on could you you need? can you mute and explain that because what is that? Uh yeah.
another because I do. Um, the only thing that mattered to me is that the lies the the only problem and you We've only read this before like a lot. you're talking. it's never been the problem.

Okay, it's it's a problem with the dog and specific people can don't handle it properly. The lies are the the main drive to all the problems. I agree I agree I think Felix Felix yeah I didn't say that. whatever.

Felix Look listen. I did not lie about a single thing at all. Okay, and you know that then who do they say I am autistic as okay I do not lie Then who did I say to them wait, are you unmuted Who does that to because that I I I will I will let this thing come out one day and then maybe look back I said it twice already. What? I don't mean I said it twice already.

please it explain to me, explain to me we don't have to talk about what it is. who do they say that to that can verify that I actually said that Well he said who could uh because I did not I did not and would never say that already told me that there are reasons why I wouldn't say that and multiple them. It's like if you told me that I said the n-word like well I don't have to check well I'm just saying I don't have to check in my pass while I'm taking my memory if I did say it I know the root. That makes me say it if I said it or not.

Does that make sense? Well did you say it? uh no what? Okay, so one of you guys are lying. Well okay, it's not about the anymore but it's not something else. What happened the uh whisper thing I'm not. But anyways I think it's a big deal to be honest.

that's the end of deal breaker for me because like I said like I said to both you and is muted. why are you guys talking about me on your I both asked you guys not to do it anymore I both asked you guys not to bring me into this I quite literally made Felix promise me not to talk about me on stream and he just does it anyway. okay well I I up on that I didn't mean to until you made me explain the LIE Otherwise I would be calling my pants down today looking dumb. okay I tried to be like yo yo.

We can agree, we can agree that this happened right and we know we don't put her name into it right and I only hinted at it and it wouldn't have to say anything about what the lie was about if you just she said yeah I said that everyone moved on it but you didn't want to let go and then we had elaborated I'm the one on the wall. It's just weird. we were trapped at that point right? Whatever is happening right now is what happens between friends in real life and like this just. it's just unfortunate this being streamed and the full story isn't being out there.

If you're talking about the full story isn't out there so like the viewers are probably just having fun eating this up. but GG were people at the end of the day. Okay, I'm telling you right now GG is not used to this. All right, All right? no nobody.
I'm not saying I'm saying all of us don't deserve any of this, you just you decided to go on the live stream yesterday and bring me in this. What? I didn't want anything to do with this friend I literally said I apologize I didn't even know the text said uh kick us out the house and I mean I looked over that part. you know I'm saying I was just trying to give context of the thing like bringing you into this was not. you know that was not the intention because how I got brought like what was the it was the LIE there's the life that was how I it was the uh you got brought in because we're talking about the text and then it was like uh okay you know what Okay I'm gonna just say what happened can I say what happened okay Gigi told me she saw and I think she she mentioned you saw it too Georgie Felix leaves the house ashamed as two times and she told me that in the car and that broke my heart I went to Felix told him I said that even though I promised Gigi I wouldn't say anything but I was just so funny.

Well I said that I mentioned you because you might have also seen him walk out too. you just said I don't what I didn't say that did you see him walk out the house okay but Gigi did sorry I brought you up my bad anyways Gigi said he saw him leave the house twice and I was like oh my god so it was multiple times he's he's a multi three times Champion whatever and so I went to Felix crying about it and even though I promised Gigi that I wasn't gonna tell Felix and I up I told Felix anyways and then Gigi got really really mad at me for telling Felix and I actually sent Felix a screenshot of that I sent him a screenshot where uh Gigi was like hey did you tell Felix well I didn't do that I went for a walk yes and yeah well that really hurt me so because it was I don't know it was it was that would be hard to bring back the American Business he had to do was like really it was really tough like that's not a lack of accuracy that that helps anybody like that. You could end somebody's relationship if it's wrong about and I get it if I did anything wrong in the past it's my fault right? But hey I don't know why this is yes I don't know why this is a there's no way I want to hear this Do I know why? What? no Judy what he's playing on PC I'm just gonna type I don't know I said type it Everyone here that was the thing that that was the main thing the best ways. So the if I can have some peace there I mean I'm happy with it.

You have some peace there I would be really happy with that because Georgie because Georgie Gigi and Felix were arguing about that on stream and that's why I got dragged in because I'm just saying. it just feels like you guys are painting that situation as like the reason why you guys broke up or something. Well I mean no I I no I said I said on stream yesterday I said Felix you cannot blame them for our breakup didn't I did I not yeah okay it's only like okay well if that's the big deal to like and plan a seed idea that's that bad like I think and I said it. The problem it seems like private I don't know man.
yes I wanted you to be private I did I did I did I didn't No I didn't I actually did I was scared. Why can't we all agree that Felix is a problem here I Feel like everyone has problem. Everyone did wrong here. Hey everyone, Yeah, you're right.

You're right. You're right. Where's that screenshot of me saying did you tell? Felix Um Felix might have it I don't have my phone on me? No no I I'm looking at our message. You want to show them yeah I've never seen it I haven't seen it.

but like I said the thing no show it okay uh I have to have to scroll pretty far back up. No no no I'm sure. um I'm scrolling I never ever told Fran that go to watch Felix Felix Coda um press the I button on my name or like click on my yeah yeah I see the eye? yeah and then you see like the shared images. um uh I can info info button.

yes and there should be like uh, some previews of images that we we've shared to each other. uh oh yeah. I do see it. Actually there's a lot.

okay dude I was just kidding Jesus Christ um um uh do you like a potential date range? oh my God okay I'll be right back I'm gonna go get myself. okay uh well. I think I might be brain dead guys guys. I'm gonna wait for two full days now you know I'm lying one in three quarters.

nearly. Revenge is not that right now. but I'm still scrolling bro. um that is not what I'm looking for.

oh hell no wait, do you. The thing is um Georgie is that the whole point was about the lies and they were very adamant of fighting yesterday and since like today now that we have actual points I understand but it just I don't know. that's tough for everybody because like I don't know a lot of this just seems I don't know? Well that's my view on it because like otherwise we get everybody. otherwise everybody gets cooked Gigi is not the person that you know.

let me check it out. let me check it out. Chad's portraying us and just it breaks my heart. Yeah like people get emotional people when they fight, they just act different you know I get that 100 yeah yo what the oh Okay click on that I found it I found it.

Oh there's a name in there that we can't use so no Well I could just blurry hold up and yes uh Georgie I agree I feel really bad about that now I I didn't realize how much hate that uh got piled On To Gigi after what I said you know that because you no I didn't no I did not oh yeah I did I did message you but I did not know like it was this bad and I'm sorry about that. you do not deserve all that hate from thousands of people. but I definitely I definitely was just trying to get to the bottom of that like why I got dragged on stream and when I heard Gigi talk and and mention those texts that broke my heart um oh yeah I remember that when that happened? um yeah, that really kind of cooked me. be honest I'd be honest with you because that's like did you read, did you read the Discord message? Um I don't get it.
I'll get it either. Felix told me to message you and I told him that I was gonna confront you about that. Yeah, but I didn't I didn't make it up though. Wait, but that's still something that you would have said though, right? I'm confused.

wait I'm completely confused I was telling you it's typing Yeah, what's happening? I'm so confused. Wait, everyone's like muted now bro. I'm confused. That's what I was told.

yes I didn't do this and our model versus why I didn't do that right I went on a bike ride. what happened at night I did not do this. We're trying to figure out what you are trying to message on. Discord You said that you would confront us and you you're not hiding can you guys? Oh yeah, oh wait.

I need you to add her She she ate the client I think they're gonna answer the story chat. This did not happen I Never once. I never once after did that yo and not two times let alone three times. Well that's a lie I'm asking you in that message I'm asking you a question.

Hold on Felix just lied and I don't like that she saw you leave the house for that date twice Felix and you even told me you showed me the Uber receipts. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, but what the do you mean? you didn't do that? Wait a minute because that was one interaction in the same times time span. It's not twice like what. Okay, we are trying to determine if Gigi's lying or not right? Okay, that's the situation right now.

It doesn't matter if it was all the same scenario if she saw you leave the house twice and she told me that then I I listened and you even agreed you left the house twice. So I don't understand what they're misunderstanding, but that is a deliberate miswording that causes damage that somebody that's sensible or a friend wouldn't want to leave out to interpretation and cause damage to another friend. Nobody wants, Nobody wanted to want to do that. What? The Felix that those messages that you're showing on stream right now is referring to the bad action that you did? She was right about that.

What are you saying that? What bite you, you rode your bike over there, you you uh, scooted up on your electric bike to cheat on me? No I didn't. What the is happening So what do you? What are you saying? It's a bike ride. Well, because they said I I had went out or something. I'm so confused with just happened.

You posted the screenshot as I showed on screen and it's against me. No I'm asking a question. I'm telling her, did you tell him this because he's telling me that that's that is that contest. Okay, how does that make sense Because you said you haven't talked to Felix in the same text messages.
So how does that make sense? Hey, look at that. look at the message I sent in Discord Well yeah I mean Fran told me that I went back to you about it. You said you didn't say that and then you asked in this message. okay I see that GG I feel like I don't appreciate that.

you are like putting the blame on her. So if she miss comes or if she lies and you give you say it back to me I blame her and I'm wrong for it. Well don't lie then you you are blaming her for our breakup. Well that night was pretty bad and I could learn for that.

What? Okay, what if if we have a fight, it's a breakup. Her witnessing you leave the house to cheat doesn't change the fact that we broke up because you cheated. Okay Whoa man and you're trying to put the responsibility on her now saying it's her fault because she lied about something. No, the way it was awarded to me is that it was still an ongoing process.

You know that was weeks after. Do you understand it? Sorry I'm gonna mute. Give me a second. When was your birthday? It wasn't all your birthday man Jesus Man, don't you feel like that Jesus man.

Anyway, okay I'm looking at the screenshots. Okay, now then the issue that I had and I still have is that I'm pretty sure that was days it weeks after given had happened. So why is it was it being brought up as it was still an ongoing process? That was my problem. Do you agree that's nine days after? Like it's still an ongoing process? That's shitty to say that it's still ongoing.

You know it's not. exactly. Do you agree or not? Okay Felix You know how when during your your healing process um whenever something gets said, it triggers you and you get really upset. Even though things happened a long time ago.

this is the same situation. Yeah, but why did you bring that up then I mean we're not allowed to talk about things like so I can understand. So say that wait on the line on your birthday at night. She just brings up the fact that hey yo um he's still going out of the house at night like uh okay I know I know I actually actually I know the explanation for that.

but I I literally as much as I want to I cannot say on stream because you know why and I can text it or I can DM you know. So so now I'm in the wrong. Uh uh ah. that doesn't change the fact that I'm still not going out and nobody's going out right? Okay, those text messages with Gigi she was saying that she saw you go out back then not on on my birthday.

Why was it we brought up then Jesus Christ oh yeah yeah because we just said I get it. So nope. nope. You know what? I'm not falling for this sorry sorry friend I will take I'll take the things I did wrong and account and take accountability.

You know what? I will I'm sorry I'm not doing that I'm not I'm not gonna I'm not gonna. uh take a knee down on a budget about a bunch of other that is that is nuts. Okay, what is not okay. The way it was said at that timing, why like I I the the the these were already done.
Why was it re brought up to me like like I did something new. that was a problem. Okay because it left a scar on me and sometimes I bump into that scar I'm not allowed to be mad later on. yeah of course about of course what happened.

Of course you are but that doesn't mean they did something. I'm not saying you that you you cheated again like I'm oh my gosh I'm saying I got upset that night. That's what the problem was. Okay yo you're showing the text yo yo yo hide that please.

Oh okay. um Jesus Christ uh man that is tough man that is tougher. Um sorry chat because I work with a guy called Vincent and he does my editing right now on the Fly and I can't control the screen? Okay, and he put that up. uh, he forgot to fits into it.

He's fine right now. he's fired. It's a, um, a 22 year old. uh Indian male um from Mumbai and um I think he might have found it on the job.

so he's fired. That's out of the way. Anyway, why isn't Fuji talking? She's out of the call? Who Who? Okay, who brought Gigi in for the call yesterday? I mean if she wanted to defend herself? Yeah, but like why? why did she have to defend herself the same thing? I mean she had to deal with X in the house too. Oh okay.

well um I don't even really remember. Honestly okay, okay, well that's it. I I Oh I was wrong I was wrong X brought up GG First, that's why. okay, did you didn't like that? So she she came okay.

let me let me lame you. X brought up GG and then Felix brings up me dragging both of us into the call right? Uh uh yes I think so. Yeah, got it. but I didn't We didn't mess up by reading the text that could, uh, show it was you.

If you really think about it, you know. Okay and honestly, I'm sorry too. So thank you for apologizing. Um, you know what? I am a ass? Yeah, not sorry that I'm not.

oh my God sorry sorry about that. sorry I didn't say what you told me today. uh um yeah I don't give a I think I think that's cooked and the fact that she still says it as I said it again I want to bring you into this? Uh, we'll get a sugar out of that. Okay, but I said thank you I said there was multiple lies I didn't like.

Well, it was just about one of them. We need what you're calling around. there's another

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “It’s time to come clean”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N2Joker says:

    No way bro…. You NEVER go back. You only go forward. Dont mess with adept. Shouldve cheated with ExtraEmily. ;D Now thats moving forward bro.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chrised says:

    Emotional manipulation from adaptor

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Kricke says:

    He's gotta do something. Its really unfortunate how life is so unfair. 'Believe all women' they said

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pown says:

    how does this guy except to stay relevant when all he does is stream this bullshit

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rahul Sharma says:

    Xqc went for the 🐋 instead of 🧜‍♀️

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uki says:

    I've been there through majority of x's streaming career, but man, the delusion this guy has nowadays is really getting to his head. He will never accept that he is ever in the wrong, stubborn and delusional.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scuffed Marshmello says:

    Call me crazy but any girl will be with x for his money, unless he goes undercover and dates people who live in a cave and have no idea who he is. Mark my words, if he will get back with adept for a night, this man will 100% get back with Fran and keep it under wraps. No way in hell she wouldn't take him back. Plus they have similar senses of humor, she is actually pretty funny and was very chill for a girl throughout the whole scenario. Most would have lost their mind for cheating on them for a whale like Adept. 🤣🤣🤣

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ange says:

    If he has ADHD and is on adderall, that's not a big deal lmfao…. I take adderall too

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars McKdog Drums says:

    As an outsider to all this, why in gods earth did he cheat on his ex. She seems like she has her head switched on more, much more than a lot of clout ladies and men 😮. And of course looks aren’t everything but she is very attractive. XQC could really have had a happy life.

    This drama far exceeds the trashy gossip mags my grandma reads at the hair salon 😅.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meme Time says:

    Well I'm never gonna watch he's content anymore now, goodbye my fellow pepega frnds. Never have a bad influencer in your life that would be my last advice for all cya

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xelani says:

    "im autistic asf" WHY SHE META GAMING?!?!?!?!?!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZoneStalker says:

    Honestly, you reap what you sow. No one deserves to be harassed by a clearly unhinged clout-hungry goblin, but you should never have interacted with her in the first place. You had someone who gave a shit about you, you betrayed them for evolution’s missing link, and now it’s come back around and bitten you in the ass. Fran is the only one who’s come out of this looking like a good person.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Addsy says:

    Who do I trust, the girl openly talking and ironically (for modern day) saying he didn'se abuse her or do anything bad other than the cheating, or a druggy who is solely saying X is his friend and that he never said anything bad about him other than "banter", all the while the girl is saying "we was both shit talking him". 🙂

    Okay bro, okay…

    Wish women like this existed in England, here they're all mini-adepts. Heck at least Adept has looks, girls here got none of it, literally got called psycho for liking anime once, after discussing how not all anime are made for kids and explained Another, and Higurashi.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dainty says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! 1SEC says:

    Wait what?

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