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Uh oh uh oh I was what is going to be about this uhoh local media talking about $3 worth of Doritos like you know there was a bank run or some like. Also want to make it seem like uh you know this is a a riot that was completely out of control CH Guys I was just simply pointing the obvious. Make an observation as saying right out of control there's an image on the screen of some dude spraying some smoke through some crowd control like it's it's L on the screen. wait some buildings were raided, cars destroyed, people are throwing fireworks.

Look at. look at the image being shown on screen. there's dog sh what I look at this like that's what I said how is this not out of control or a RI it's both. Look at this a riot that was complet.

What the Am I looking at credit it's tragedy porn met with also like black unruly teenagers. look at what? wait Hassan brain not 30 months spu I unsubscribed for my son over the just take it this he has not subbed. It's my threeyear sub today. You've never reacted once to my sub alerts but that's okay.

Keep on reacting EXC Please welcome me to off B Jle No okay damage yeah Next up, what do you got next Next comment Next comment Next comment next oh see what's happening like a s times it com the PC issues. Four Years in the Jungle W Never give Up Never what P Oh My God Person of color, He goes way overboard and gives strong sa months of my life gone pogu wait save your Vibes what the I thought the guy on screen that was that was a was like immediate broad requested I don't remember okay no warning AED by National Weather Service of chat chat I'm going be hon CH guys here's a terrible take of the day. Okay here's a terrible take I don't give a who the who is on screen somebody if somebody does something bad it's just bad. some do anything good, it's just good I don't give a what I'm looking at the action is what matters the most.

whatever comes after dude like I'm going be honest with you I don't really give a kind you is this yeah 500 people going fit right there they said more NYPD going to be on dick going to pull up CH did he get finded is that it CH we going all out C I'm telling you bro this is going to be a movie 14 Union Square Park right in front of the whole fools bro you feel me interact with you. going to see this big ass Green song yeah 500 people could fit right there they said more and my bro imagine if they decide to bring like like stacks of money or like items that you can throw like iPhones or something like that and they just throw around brother that'd be like Hunger Games like actually you would you would have. you would have had multiple brawl fights like actual death type that is insane I I mean and I'm guys guys guys wonder why why I know this as a SK way back when chat. The culture on skateboarding is also pretty um chaotic like in general you go to a skate like contest they would throw sh in the crowd and people would fight and I I I I got fought and what re why I was Outcast um when I was younger is that I got I got a a DVD people and I fought I'm some kid right and I got it and you can I was with my mom I was just talking with my mom I sh and the kid came to me to try to steal it back and my and and my mom were like what are you doing dude get the F out and he told everybody that my mom defended me right he the guy said it to everybody that my mom defended me and I was a ass and I got bitched and and the Rumor spread and I was a guy with the mom Defender that that that hurt me I asked a criminal defense lawyer about K situation he does not believe he will be charged by said New York for anything including R um attention of the Kais situation in New York okay um this guy might just be trolling.
Uh, where it looks like he was arrested and they're considering charges of inciting a riot, unlawful assembly, and possibly other charges. And with any criminal conviction comes possible jail time, probation, cost, and fines. Uh, based on what what we've seen, his conduct didn't come anywhere close to this to be guilty of inciting a riot in New York You need to have engaged in tumultuous and violent conduct and he simply did not do any of that here. Now the NYPD was aware that this event was going to take place.

They've got what's called an entertainment unit that patrols social media to see if situations like this are going to occur and they've got a larger budget than most military in. Um so I this guy trying to play he trying to get hard for the defense or he's just going to trolling. Um, it did not seem. Was there any.

CH Was there police on on scene already ahead of time? Was there any sort of setup? Was there any sort of assistance at? was it from what I seen, there wasn't Was there? Okay, then there wasn't in the world. If they were unable to anticipate the magnitude and scale of this event, how could Mr Sonat have been expected to do that? Uh, you look at all the Walmarts across the country. Every Black Friday deal that they have creates a commotion. They don't get charged with uniting a right.

They don't even get arrested for anything like that. Uh, it's simple to see from what I've seen. he never should have been arrested for this and he should be cleared of all charges. Um, it's a place of business and from my understanding it's a place of business that that follows the um the fire code and that has a that has a maximum capacity and they let people in at a C at a certain rate and they have all that right? Pretty, they have all that set up.

Do they not the the big shops? Whatever. the they do right. and it's private property which is not a big defense because it the lines are going to get out there and it'll hold up. but Caleb Grimes here.

Criminal defense FL uh we've been paying very close attention to the KA out situation in New York where it looks likeed and they're considering charges of inciting a riot, unlawful assembly, and possibly Chad guys guys after yes I Googled it off stream after the chat, the the little Zan thing I Googled and I found other instances in the past of people making a tweet or doing some stuff um out there right? Um, and people were charged with inside rots or whatnot. I I I I I have found three, three or four cases. What the What the is this? Okay, that's troll. Okay now I'm sued.
Okay now I'm actually super the information now GG now I'm spread now I'm now I'm spreading by accident because of this one guy in chat malicious misinformation about somebody GG actually GG also CH guys guys I'm going keep it a look I don't want to be rude and with any criminal convi that watch this needs to be timed up a little bit. that is loose as it is massive. this is not it that that's CH this is not it. and bro objects as well.

And you know the crazy thing about it though is you got thugs like like straight up thugs that are taking advantage of this situation bro. you think you think like like I'm I'm going keep it a bu. Do you think all these people give a about Kai like really Do you honestly think all these people give a about Kai and are actually trying to meet him? no no not at all I probably like a third of these people I had the same take when me I'm late I had I had I had the same take as he did Bo it's the it's like it's that. it's that group mentality.

oh everybody's doing this. so I'm going to go do it. Oh and now I see everybody destroying property So now I'm going to go destroy property bro. but now now now all this shit's going to be on Kai I Promise it's even worse.

it's it's I see a bunch of people and I can blend in and I don't know what the is going on but I see lot people I'm going to do dumb. Okay now people that do dumb get shital. It's a literal. it's a big group problem.

It's doesn't matter what the it it stems from or what it became or what the conglomerate is. it's a big group thing. Okay the same way if you're in a big group and you have popcorn and you're launching at people, dude, what's going happen? A bunch of brawls, you know? dude, that's kind of funny leg I Promise you all the Bro probably some of these don't even know who Kai is but they just see everybody outside like oh man I want to HP into it and and but now all the blame is going to go on him and I'm and it it suck to say man but like it has to be done. wait wait wait why has to be done.

Some of these don't even know who Kai is but they just see everybody outside like oh man I want to hop into it. You should do a juicer meet up but no one will show because you don't go outside. True. um you know dude, you know dude I recognize the outside.

It's actually kind of. it's bro. I'm going be honest with you from from two years ago to today the amount of sex Action Center I'm saying that to self glaze I Just mean that it yeah. I I Enjoy it I enjoy it I think it's cool and and but now all the blame is going to go on him and I'm and it sucks to say man.
but like it has to be done. Lock him up. He's have you ever done, put him in prison, solitary, confinment, put him in there, put put him in jail that lock this F lock him up you got to put blame on Kai I'm not going to I'm not going to be even though Kai's my homie and everything I'm not going to say there's no blame to be put on Kai But bro Kai's management Bro Bro you. you literally have one of the biggest talents that this gener bro like oh his management is so stupid.

Chat ch ch ch okay. in all fairness, if I didn't watch a little xan video I wouldn't have known. This knowledge is pretty specific. You can know that things will get bad you but you know it can get bad but knowing that it can get that bad H I Don't think it's a strong argument against Kai and his people.

His management is so stupid. How do you? How do you let him go through with this guys? It's called tal management. That's how it's called. Like if you're Kai's management, How do you? let him go through with this Bro? You can't do no.

You like bro. If I'm his manager I'm saying no, There's no way we're letting you do this. No, you're not doing it. We're not setting this up for you.

the the risk is too high. I I Blame his management bro I Really I Blame his management so hard Bro. You know what? I Blame nobody because we don't know what the ecosystem is behind the scenes and who green light stuff I Think that Kai's group still green lights their own projects regardless I think they'll get input from their people right? This is my assumption I still think that they self green light their own projects. Um, otherwise they they their team would never let them do the the fireworks thing on any.

There are multiple points of why they shouldn't be doing the fireworks they did I that was content I Don't give a five to complain like a ass I thought it was funny and I have no problem with it. People want to get mad at it. sure get mad at it. but at the end of the day, management wise they would have never green that project.

which gives me a hint that this was green by themselves and not. And the say the sad thing about it is like I know his managers I know his managers bro and these they're not managers like bro they're not they're not. managers. they they they they just they just want the bag.

They want the bag. These are so stupid and his manager's a lawyer. His manager is literally a lawyer. How do you let this happen? Okay depends what kind of law you practice there multiple facets of the law.

Okay if you're are lawyer doesn't mean that you know everything about the um civil code. Criminal I mean I don't think you know everything um bro chat. Can you think of any lawyer that would let some like this happen. Chat Please Can y'all think of any lawyer that would let something like this happen? No you can't So you have manager/ lawyer and the still gives the okay to let this happen Bro of course Kai's going to do it bro.
you know Kai's thinking that it's going to be like the lud Uzi thing but bro you I'm not. you're contrarian I'm Kai bro I got to get new management. me personally he has to get new management after that cuz bro like yeah I don't know I I don't want be trying to point fingers at anybody to be honest I think it was just bad. it's kind of bad bad here.

um chat did anything else happen? chat or not? Yeah this guy's take is really bad Pimon will be take um big fat L take for sure. Do you know what has happened here? Uh so there was you know uh Rihanna she was here and everyone went crazy because she had like some Fenty products that she wanted to give out to some people. So many people came it was crazy right? and then the police had to escort her away and they were mad. They were like don't touch Our Queen and you know how fans are the Navy Navy selling I'm still like this yeah a man you chance to push it really hard man could have went super hard with that Story come on man guy got released from Jil Jesus You want to say to your followers what happened to the PlayStation Sky what happened brother I demed this clip the other day about it and ended was a super why is his ass so funny I'll I'll look I'll look come on Kai what happened to the PlayStations Kai Come on what happened to the consoles Kai dude that got caught up in the crowd and and got brutalized and it's absolutely thaten like where is your understanding of this 50 month Punk because at that point it becomes like a natural phenomena.

Okay, an event that completely gets out of control is basically almost like a hurricane. um I I'm these guys I'm go and disagree. However, are the people that are supposed to be managing the crowd that's wild I don't want to I don't know if there's blood in it I don't want to show they're managing it? Yeah, they're managing it very poorly. Okay, that's insane.

xqcl. Wait, what did they expect them to do? Just just just like throw mustard gas in in the crowd I don't the void of context your take on the shop owner looks bad, but you weren't excusing him being assaulted and robbed of. You were making an overarching point that the event was being sensationalized while being mild compared to other events of similar size. Exactly talking about the media coverage of the situation.

Here's the thing though. here's the props that I gave to the police as well, which you will not see in the the uh Xq in the beginning when there was a massive amount of of wild crowds occurring. Okay, they did a pretty decent job of not like exacerbating the situation and making it significantly worse when they and I said this yesterday numerous times which again you will never see on drama, farming circles or people who are maliciously looking for a different angle to be like yeah, this guy, he sucks, you don't I don't care if you don't but what they did and I said this yesterday as well was good when they originally dispersed the crowd and pushed them aside piece by piece and did not teargas them or do anything too much that would have actually created crowd crush and actually would have created a stampede crowd. Crush That was good.
That was a good thing that they did once that part was over though. once the crowd had once know was apprehend how crowd crushes work I Feel like that scenario isn't is isn't very um prone the crowd Crush Thank you for your incredible perspective. This is wild like this kind of is completely unacceptable. These are the professionals.

Again, $29 million a day is their budget. You can't behave like this. You're not a animal. Pretty open space.

Um, it's still RIS for sure. Yeah Anyway, cops are supposed to know better better better than what what happen by having a Nuance take you somehow draw Flack from both people who think you're hating on Kai and from people who think you're going going to uh, say what I mean and what I believe regardless of what is fine malicious clip Chers are going to do I have done this for four years. I'm going to continue doing it. That's not going to change anyway.

guys I Want to see what chat be weird, it's very stupid. Um, it. It could have been much much worse. To cap it one more time, been much, much worse said.

There have been situations sporting events. There have been situations with other influencers that have gone South There have been events where there have been events where where it's more organized and there have been significantly more. Mario Guy Astro World Immediately That's okay. So I'm glad that uh, way more violence that could have occurred and way more death shatters like was avoided.

It's a good thing partially. I Don't even know what to say about after cop business behaving in an insane manner. Hold let me let me call yo pick up. Big part of the reason why it occurred, of course, is because of absolutely devastatingly negligent uh management.

This is why I think you can't streamer of especially Kai's size. You can't throw an event watch, have to have you have to have proper Protections in place whether it be permits or on top of the permits like actual protocols barriers like that. Let's begin with Alice Sker live in Union Square where I think you were being extra careful pointing out how the media was covering considering the crowd was mostly black and brown and it came out looking like you were minimizing excusing their behavior when that wasn't the intention. There's a couple different things to say about that one when I'm talking about the media's reaction to a predominantly black and brown crowd.

I'm very carefully and very deliberately comparing it to media's reaction to a predominantly white crowd which is why I gave plenty of examples and plenty of comparisons and plenty of legal outcomes for Content creators in the past that have had similar circumstances. Whether it be Jake Paul, Logan, Paul or the Neel boys right or sporting events. If you want to talk about that, uh I'm be honest with you. My current take about this is that I think it's just better to ignore I Think treat everybody like everybody and so be it I Don't really give a what the predominantly whatever it is in the crowd I Don't give a if you do a crime, you're a criminal and if you do a bad action you are a bad actor.
Ultimately, I'm glad that that just kind of goes right there and it stops right there. it it it starts and ends right there. and I'm glad that um, you know the worst Parts uh that could have happened were avoided and as far as my perspective goes, yes, if you probably saw a clip of me undermining the event in and of itself like oh, and they were dancing in the I'm talking about the way that the media was covering it and how they were making it seem as though it was the most brutal worst thing that happened York since 911 chair with an Overkill cops from five Burrows being deployed to this one location and then the worst parts of it that they could show woman was you're you and your chat Laughed at a 60-year-old man being assaulted. Yeah dude.

totally it was great. We thought it was great. we were so on board with did he answer my call or not the typical Assan Viewer in: Mass they're just dancing though Monk Boy 69 EMT till them H I Wonder where these swarms of absolutely psychotic losers are coming from I mean yeah, where is it coming from? Wait yeah, that's a good question Actually guys, it, that's good question. What from just like, come on dude, it's in unhinged huh? Me: where are they coming from? What? What? How do you have that perspective? Here's a lawyer take on Kai situation.

The Kai: um yeah, it seems are taking it overboard. Yeah, you caused the riot LOL yeah, it was my I did that not. Situation in New York where it looks like he was arrested and they're considering charges of inciting a riot, unlawful assembly, and possibly other charges. And with any criminal conviction comes possible jail time, probation, cost, and fines.

Uh, based on what what we've seen, his conduct didn't come anywhere close to this to be guilty of inciting a riot. Yeah, but you legit downplay livelihood and CH Chat guys guys it guys guys. I Master's 4 yo this is X x on the be yo Okay, my voice as well that anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so anyone knows that boy I don't know. he's just so sry.

By xQcOW

18 thoughts on “Kai cenat released from jail riot aftermath”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Connor says:

    xqc reacting to xqc reacting to hasan reacting to a riot

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marvin Randolph says:

    Is this dude on drugs? Why does he talk so fast? It's all sporadic. And all over the place like hes high on something.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SHINYGOLDSTARZ says:

    ” THATS WHAT I SAID ” 😂😂😂😂

    Yes you did, cause its you saing it in the clip😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pewdiepie Kjellberg says:

    Hasan is in my top 3 least likeable people in earth. Bro makes my skin crawl.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TIM LEROY says:

    Why is it when something like this happens the mayor majority is black people?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ant rezz says:

    You pay security for this kind of event, you dont come and just hope the cops do there job. Its NOT the cops job to do this

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ant rezz says:

    You can't say the shit you did Hasan and then say but the cops did do a good job with this. Your FAKE Hasan

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ant rezz says:

    Hasan is probably the worse male influencer for the kids that watch him.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NinaGabi says:

    Maliciously looking for an angle?!?
    Dude is brain broken.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hdd Dgg says:

    His not going to be charge.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Polo55 says:

    A lot of these kids had parents who were NYPD lol the irony

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Layne McCormic says:

    Hassan is reddit personified

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars raulmmusik says:

    This Kai nigga bro…..

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fizzy says:

    yall underestimate nyc man.. this place is filled with grimey people who get brave seeing others do illegal shit here. and kais from the bronx which is a place i myself would never go. union sq is not far from washing sq park which has its own bad apples looking for any reason to act out. cant convince me kai or fanum aint see this coming.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seth Wilson says:

    I agree that Kai should be held accountable, but I also agree with the lawyer that said that he didn’t do anything explicitly violent to insight the riot. Kai wanted to give away ps5s and bullshit but he didn’t want that thing to happen. I understand he is the reason is happened so he should be charged, but he shouldnt be solely responsible for the riot. It’s one of those sad situations where clout = crime which should never happen

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G Dant says:

    He will get so many views when finally streams his apology video will go crazy . But watch his laywer say no twitch or streaming while on probation 😂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CoffeeSoup says:

    I had a great day until I heard Hasan's voice and his immaculate boring takes.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wigglejiggle says:

    3 dollars worth of items and they took a bunch of it that can add up to 300 dollars plus broken stuff which could put him out of business for a bit

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