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#xQc #israel #palestine

At once you just can't prepare for something like that. Well, we're not learning anything yet cuz it's just news. it's not even learning anything. A really good question Laura Asked the Israeli military earlier.

Was this an intelligence failure? How is it on almost to the day the 50th anniversary of the 1973? War You know guys, it's one. Everybody's already asleep I Don't give a chat I don't you know chat. We're taking deep down into this so I can understand. Biggest there you go.

CH is a decent video 10 minutes longer. About the Israel Palestine conflict is that it's been going on for centuries, all about ancient religious hatreds. In fact, while religion is involved, conflicts mostly about two groups of people who claim the same land and it really only goes back about a century to the early 1900s. Around then, the region along the Eastern Mediterranean We Now call Israel Palestine been under Ottoman rule for centuries, was religiously diverse, including mostly Muslims and Christians also a small number of Jews who lived generally in peace.

It was changing in two important ways. First, more people in the region were developing a sense of being not just ethnic Arabs but Palestinians a distinct national identity at the same time, not so far away in Europe more Jews were joining a movement called Zionism which said that Judaism was not just a religion, but a nationality one that deserved a nation of its own. Guys, guys, Vog is usually B. It comes down to the left and the right Republicans And like, um, democratics of United, States or whatever.

usually their videos on global isn't that bad compared some some of their Europe takes are dog I don't know. Centuries of persecution. Many believed a Jewish state was their only way of safety and saw their historic Homeland in the Middle East as their best hope for establishing it. In the first decade of the 20th century, tens of thousands of European Jews moved there.

After World War I the Ottoman Empire collapsed and British and French Empires carved up the Middle East the British taking control of a region it called the British mandate for Palestine. Huh? Oh, that's still the British allowed Jewish immigration. But as more Jews arrived settling into farming communities, tension between Jews and Arabs grew. Both sides committed acts of violence and by the 1930s, the British began limiting Jewish immigration.

In response, Jewish militias formed to fight both the local Arabs and to resist British rule. Then came the Holocaust leading many more Jews to flee Europe for British Palestine and galvanizing much of the world in support of a Jewish state. In 1947. as sectarian violence and Arabs there grew, the United Nations approved a plan to divide British Palestine into two separate states.

One for Jews is, well, well, I'm guessing if there if there. If there are people that are that are that are like them or like maybe maybe family distant family and they have to flee right? they're going to join the squad right? right? Is that is that I'm hearing is that at the time there's like a holocaust going on and and they're trying to trying to get out right and trying to go join some some of the already built maybe Squad that they have over there Israel and one for Arabs Palestine city of Jerusalem where Jews, Muslims and Christians all have holy SES become a special International Zone The plan was meant to give Jews a state to establish Palestinian Independence and to end the sectarian violence that the British could no longer control. The Jews accepted the plan and they declared independence as Israel, but Arabs throughout the region saw the UN plan as just more European colonialist trying to steal their land. Many of the Arab states who had just recently won Independence themselves declared war on Israel in an effort to establish a unified Arab Palestine where all of British Palestine had been all right.
The new state of Israel won the war, but in the process they pushed well past their borders under the UN plan, taking the Western half of Jerusalem and much of the land that was to have been part of Palestine. They also expelled huge numbers of Palestinians from the their homes, creating a massive Refugee population whose descendants today number about 7 million. At the end of the war, Israel controlled all of the territory except for Gaza which Egypt controlled and the West Bank name because it's west of the Jordan River which Jordan controlled. This was the beginning of the Decades long Arab Israeli conflict.

During this period, many Jews and Arab majority countries fled or CH So what? I'm hearing by this is that the UN is once again the most useless out there that exists ever since its creation. Way back when it's other iteration, it's just useless. it's that says yo dude listen man, take take four apples and somebody just walks up in his face, knows a nose, takes 64 apples and says okay, now what and they just say nothing, no, no problem, bye-bye we expelled Israel Then something happened that transformed the conflict. In 19, 1867, Israel and the neighboring Arab States fought Another War Cool.

When it ended, Israel had seized the Golan Heights from Syria, the West Bank from Jordan and both Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt Israel was now occupying the Palestinian territories including all of Jerusalem and its holy sites. This left Israel responsible for governing the Palestinians a people that had fought for decades. In 1978, Israel and Egypt sign the US broker Camp David Accords Shortly after that, Israel G sign A Guys This: this is a really bad question. Chat: Why don't they just I This will sound really bad.

I To take the whole piece of land full, reset all the same and just call it like like landia like it's just land, like it and just everybody wins back to Egypt as part of the peace treaty. At the time, this was hugely controversial in everybody lives in it and it's whatever. What? Now it's just. it's just now.
It's just one thing. if he keeps pushing up and down. Up and down. Up and down.

okay, make it one thing. World Egyptian President Anir Sadat was assassinated in part because of outrage against it, but it marked the beginning of the end of The Wider Arab Israeli conflict. Over the next few decades, the other Arab states gradually made peace with Israel, even if they never signed foral. but Israel's military was still occupying the Palestinian territories of the West, Bank and Gaza And this is when the conflict became an Israeli Palestinian struggle.

What? Wait what? Then why? why is Egypt not molding it cuz I thought Gaza was more Egyptian And if they're occupying with military in the Gaza is is Egypt not Ming. The Palestinian Liberation Organization which had formed in the 1960s to seek a Palestinian State fought against Israel including through acts of terrorism. Initially, the PLO claimed all of what had been British Palestine meaning it wanted to end the state of Israel entirely. Fighting between Israel and the Plo went on for years, even including in 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon kick the group out of.

the Stillness of. the ceasefire in southern Lebanon was shattered today by the sound of guns, bombs, and fles. The Pl later said it would accept dividing the land between Israel and Palestine but the conflict continued. As all of this was happening, Something dramatic was changing in the Israel occupied Palestinian territories.

Israelis were moving in. These people are called settlers and they made their homes in the West Bank in Gaza. Whether Palestinians wanted them or not, wait some move for I'm just confused. So now they even pushed Lebanon So they even pushing other territories.

Religious reasons, some because they want to claim the land for Israel some just because housing is cheap, often subsidized by the Israeli government. Some settlements are cities with thousands of people, others are small communities deep into the West Bank If you've always felt a deep yearning for Jerusalem now is a once- in a-lifetime Opportunity not only to stand within its Gates but also to build the home of your dreams. There settlers are followed by soldiers to them settlements Force Palestinians off of their land and divide communities short term. They make the occupation much more painful for Palestinians longterm by dividing up Palestinian land.

they make it much more difficult for the Palestinians to ever have an independent state. Today there are several hundred thousand settlers in occupied territory. Even though the International Community oh how's the video anti-semitic Well well unless the video is is abely wrong. So the historical factors I hav didn't seen a lot of people in chat saying this is wrong, that is wrong otherwise I'm watching It considers them illegal.
By the late 1980s, Palestinian frustration exploded into the Inata, which is the Arabic word for uprising. It began with mostly protests and boycotts, but soon became violent. Israel responded with heavy force a couple hundred Israelis Over a thousand Palestinians died in the first Inata. Around the same time, a group of Palestinians in Gaza who considered the PLO too secular, too compromis minded created Hamas a violent extremist group dedicated to Israel's destruction.

By the early 1990s, it's clear that Israelis and Palestinians have to make peace. The leaders from both sides sign the Oslo Accords This is meant to be the big first step toward Israel maybe someday withdrawing from the Palestinian territories and allowing an independent Palestine the Oslo Accords establish the Palestinian Authority allowing Palestinians a little bit of freedom to govern themselves in certain areas. Hardliners on both. Oh my, this looks so complicated.

Jesus Christ Bro, this looks that Jesus dude members of Hamas launched suicide bombings to try to sabotage the process. The Israeli right protest peace talks with ralliers calling prime minister Yitzak Rin a traitor and a Nazi. Not long after, Rabine signs the second round of Oslo Accords a Farri right Israeli shoots him to death in T Aiv. This violence showed how extremists on both sides can use hard when the borders are.

There's so many of them and it's it's so whatever. it seems. really like it. It seems odd because things are going to push and pull.

That's just going to how things go. Like if there's like a billion zones and like that everything's going to everything's going to be a little bit fluid, right? It's just that's just going to. it's why. it's why a lot of borders are like Bing Bong right? Just like a like American Border right.

It's like a line straight up. It's like that's the line yo. But that seems complicated. violence, real peace keep a permanent conflict going as they seek the other side's total.

Destruction That's a dynamic that's been around ever since. Negotiations meant to hammer out the final details and piece drag on for years and a big Camp David Summit in 2000 comes up empty. Palestinians Come to believe peace isn't coming rise up in a second Inata. this one much more violent than the first.

By the time it wound down few years later, about a thousand is. see. This is something I will never never understand in world. Uh, okay.

some Gu says making the best situation you want to give up their homes see. The problem that I have with with world history is that there is no, there's nobody's home, everything's a colony of a colonized this and that and and invade this, invade that all I do is just wind the clock back a little bit more. a little bit more a little bit. It seems like there's always a goalpost.
No if you just if you think about what is somebody's home, you can just turn back the clock because as far as I know, a lot of the spots in America were once like, um, indigenous or what of the people's homes. So I mean give them back their home I guess I don't know like all you do is wind back the clock you know Israelis and 3,200 Palestinians have died. The second Inata really changes the conflict Israelis become much more skeptical that Palestinians will ever accept peace or that it's even worth trying Israeli Politics shift right. The country builds walls and checkpoints to control Palestinians Movement I Understand As we became more civilized and as we became more solid on a lot of issues things are more in cemented.

this is a this is B this is C Nobody pushes or or or shrinks or whatever and it's it becomes so people if if before we can become fully civilized. if there was some pushes now now people are going to get mad because yo dude they push way back when. Okay well now we want this back and and it seems like it's a very difficult issue right? because now I think the world is against pushing and expanding or conquering it because it's not what we do anymore in civilized society right? That's that's what I'm I'm understanding Now they're not really trying to solve the conflict anymore, just manage it. The Palestinians are left feeling like negotiating didn't work and violence didn't work that they're stuck under an Ever growing occupation with no future.

As a people. that year, Israel withdraws from Gaza Hamas gains power but splits from the Palestinian Authority In a short: Civil War Dividing Gaza from the West Bank Israel puts Gaza under a suffocating blockade and unemployment Rises to 40% This is the state of the conflict as we know it today. It's relatively new and it's unbearable for Palestinians In the West Bank more and more settlements are smothering. Palestinians Often respond with protests and sometimes with violence though most just want normal lives in Gaza Hamas and other violent groups have periodic Wars With Israel, the fighting overwhelmingly kills Palestinians including lots of civilians in Israel itself, most people have become apathetic for the most part.

The occupation keeps the conflict relatively removed from their daily lives with moments of brief but horrible violence. There's little political will for peace. No one really knows where the conflict goes from here. maybe a third in Tata.

Maybe the Palestinian Authority collapses, but everyone agrees that things, as they are now, can't last much longer. Israel's occupation of the Palestinians is too unstable to last. Video that before the displacement during World War II Vatican gave um, majority of plac in land displacement bro. this is complicated as yo Unless something dramatic changes, whatever comes next will be much worse.

Oh well, that was 7 years ago. Um yeah, that's complicated yo. Oh yeah guys. I Asked for context and I somebody gave me a book so that I mean okay well.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Learning about the israel-palestine conflict so you don’t have to”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phoenix 1111 says:

    How xqc sounds like wodsaheicbdjceiwpxidd

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyche Stuart says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iAdamSaladin says:

    "so u don't have to" wtf????

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hidayati Alif says:

    Free Palestine

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OZ Argaman says:

    "I learned about the Isr-" you watched a 10 minute video.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo'ath DW says:

    Apparently, those Israelis are the real monsters, and the mainstream media is kinda normalizing their savage actions against Palestinians

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scryp says:

    This guy and other gamers/streamers shouldn’t ever on any circumstance express political opinions, their brains aren’t built for this. Plus learning history from ducking YouTube is the dumbest thing this guy could do to understand anything. As as Israeli, the guy in the video did a very very horrible job explaining anything really.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yourine Kim says:

    This video is twisting facts. First of all, this is not a religious conflict like the media paint it out to be. Zionists have been the ones carrying out massacres for 75 years under the name of Judaism. Palestinian resistance was often peaceful, but they were murdered in cold blood. Jews and Arabs have always lived peacefully (Both are Semite and are considered distant cousins). They were allowed refuge and Palestinian citizenship in the name of being Jews, but they were Zionists and so wanted to seize the land for themselves.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars p0wer says:

    couldn't have picked a worse video to "learn" from full of gaps and misinformation yikes.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evie Infinite says:

    clickbait title, xqc doesn't learn anything LULW

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Morad Kbayal says:

    palestinians was happy before Before Israel occupied their lands . free palestine

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reason says:

    xqc thinking he's qualified to talk about this is just funny 😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joy UK says:

    Do you know that Palestinians sided with Hitler and the Nazis during ww2. They literally were Nazi Arabs.
    Since then nothing has changed they still hold genocidal views, and voted for Hamas because Hamas promised to kill all Jews.
    If you don’t already know this… look it up and see.
    Also stop mislabelling people… they are not Far Right protesters. Anyone who is patriotic and against uncontrolled immigration or the rise in Islamist ideology in Britain is automatically mislabelled Far Right especially if they happen to be white and working class.
    But these people are not Far Right, they hate the Nazis and the Fascists, and their families fought against Hitler in ww2 to defend our freedoms.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Robert says:

    It aint complicated at all.Israel stealing Palastinian land over the years and causing the formation of Hamas ( a resistance group).Isreal is powerful together with America and theyve tried to control the media.See? Easy❤😅

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