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#xQc #fails #memes

Um, okay, this guy's flips are pretty decent but um. Okay, super chicks on the new diva she's got him. There she's got him there wait. What is that hairline? What the what the she's got them there she's got them there.

Okay, this is this guy's. This nightmare fielded when it says you, my hairline is pretty good guys guys how many times i was throwing my hairline. So i just said that it's good, my hairline has been stabilizing it's pretty good you're, dumb rush and kim quinn is not a racist. Okay, uh richard gets phones down at the beach okay um had you played piano luxury hotel, uh, miss girlfriend greek, oh god, mack are extremely extremely different.

Rush is a prague rock band and fleetwood mac is like straight up: classic rock okay, i'm not okay. This is you could go through my stream. You can find hundreds of examples of things that i've said and things that i've done in computer games, things that and you could try and you could draw lines to them if your goal was to like queen 69 is a racist, i'm gon na prove that he's A racist and and everything - and you just draw these like you - could absolutely make a compelling argument. Okay, there's no shot that he watched the whole thing, and this is this - is the defense this there's, no there's no shot.

I i don't believe it. This guy is not the rocker there's no shot. He watched the whole documentary, and this is the takeaway there's no shot as a racist. I'm gon na prove that he's a racist and and everything - and you just draw this on - you - could absolutely make a compelling argument.

Like look at all the stuff and you'd be like wow that guy's racist dude, oh, but without intent, it's it's nothing and the point is i'm not racist and the point: is you you're wrong? Okay, if you were to do that, but the whole thing is that's what they've done with this and that's what you can do with anything i'm white. Therefore, i am superior to asian people because they listen to me. You could go through my stream. You can find hundreds of examples, guys yeah guys guys the tip of that video, okay, okay, it's not that one or two or three things are correct or or makes sense it's the high density of it.

How we know the people that made this are good with putting hidden stuff and doing like that, it's the density, okay, you'll, never find a density of any other topic on other, it's so dense. It's the high density of it that all corresponds man. It's that simple! Why would you understand that so much wait? What actually real interesting? I don't know why we'll still defend that eight video dude. I cannot believe you.

You there's no show you're coping that again you're, so dude what the you're, not the champion, i'ma lose my mind. I don't know what i'm doing what if i started having a bunch of hit them. I hit it on my streams right. My titles were all in a certain way.

Oh, it's something every three or four titles or every stream. I do one thing and there's something to it and it would always be about in a certain direction or topic every time, and you say oh guys, these are all coincidences, guys, there's guys, because every coincidence ends and end up being like against a certain, a certain Ethnicity or whatever, the hey guys, it's it's all, just a coincidence, lol. How many until you can say something is real, how many, how many, how many as you're pretty good, if you try hard enough? No, you actually can you're right, though you're right though, but the, but the density of of that topic coming up that often probably not even if even to any other topic too. That's that's the problem that i had that i hadn't it does the only i mean this.
Is this guy's, so annoying? Okay, okay, okay, twitch, stop! Okay! This is, i took i'm gon na lose my okay twitch. Okay. This is a mission to twitch. Please fix this.

If somebody's account is is flagged as suspicious okay, okay, they should still be moderated by filters. I'm getting. I can get spammed by people like this guy. Go ahead.

This guy spam me stop. Okay, you guys can't see this guy right right go ahead. Spam me just go, go, do it look, look, look. He can do whatever he wants.

He can eat he's, not moderated. He can do whatever he wants, because it's not it's not going to the chat. It's going. It's so dumb! Oh now, this guy again, i didn't think that that is the other time.

Where is he? Oh? No him dude this guy. Look. He abuses the system. He knows he can't get banned or he can't get whatever, because he doesn't technically he's not chatting because he's sending the message to a a moderation system.

He can spam the out of me dude, it's so broken, so you guys don't see the message. Only i see it and he spams it. Look. Look.

Look, look, look look, oh my god. Oh my god. Okay, you know what they can't see them, there's no shot. They ignore all filters, it's so weird.

Okay, i'm moving on whatever i'm i'm done with it. I'm done. Okay took his position as the unfunny fat guy he's mad about my success and who i am, he was mad. The day i went live and he saw me and he put a resident sleeper in my chat - he's been mad ever since because he knew i was going to take his spot and i did and i took it and i destroyed it.

I'm sorry, i don't know what that means, wait, take a spot and what then he saw me and he put a resident sleeper in my chat, he's been mad ever since, because he knew i was gon na take his spot and i did and i took it And i destroyed it, i'm sorry and he's mad about it being in the clip. I don't get it. I took his position as the unfunny fat guy. Oh he's not fat, though seven he's mad about my success and who i am, he was mad.

The day i went live and he saw me and he put a resident sleeper in my chat - he's been mad ever since, because he knew i was going to take his spot and i did and i took it and i destroyed it. I'm sorry and he's mad about it. That's literally it you don't really want to agree with this is that i don't think it's like a one gets a spot and then somebody takes it and then that's how it works. He's literally just mad about it like there's.
Nothing else to it, greek from since i was a young buck on the scene, was always very uh, wary and shitty to me, and it's because i knew that he knew that. I knew that we knew that i was gon na take his spot and i did okay, i think he's pissed, that i am not only doing it and i did it, but i'm doing it. I took his position: okay, that that's just weird uh um. That is weird: okay, yeah guys.

I i don't know what cause roma whatever i, i think i think the um yeah, i'm not i'm not gon na get into the i'm sorry. Slicker, materialistic no offense, sarah gray, whatever your name is you're, not that great, like i genuinely feel like guys, i'm gon na say guys, i'm just you guys guys the reality of it. Okay, i i think the whole awesome vibe is extremely hostile, uh, yeah dude. There's a lot of people that are saying: oh dude, austin is so welcoming and so cool, and it was like backing the whole austin like like group of people whatever, and you know what they're probably they're, probably gon na hate me for it.

You know they're saying she sees anti-social. His take doesn't matter what a but the reality is that that's that's not that's not the case, i'm just gon na say it is extremely hostile. It's overly competitive for no reason. It's mega ego, it's mega drama and the amount of that goes behind the scenes and the amount of the amount of that.

I know that a lot of them know: okay, the amount of bonuses is it's so stacked dude. If you want to talk about it, you would it'd be like a never-ending conversation. It's it's insane. You're gon na drama behind the scenes.

Okay, i'm gon na say it. I'm not i'm not gon na say all of it. Dude stop saying it without saying the specifics. I'm just saying overall it's not as it seems it's like it's very it's it's very tense and it's it's dog, okay and i'm glad i'm not there anymore, and then i'm glad i'm not there um.

I i think it's trash, it's absolutely garbanzo, even poker, greece. There. You go he's in chat too; it was a yeah that poke is a drama andy, no, no a lot of times a lot of times. I think i think, even though in the pogue is seen as like a childish baby, whatever on on reddit and they're, not even that wrong when paul gets money gets mad, but the reality is: is that they're doing a lot of stuff? That's always like doing something to burn the bridge right and if you burn the bridge, if you're the one to do it, you look bad right, but everybody does stuff.

That's like a bridge burning worthy, but if you burn it you're the one that's in the wrong one, it's just weird. No, i hate that cause. It's so fake. I always hated that.

I oh i always hated this phenomenon. It happens on the internet all the time, especially in it with public figures. Is that anywhere you do something dumb or something bad, or something? That's intentionally dog somebody right behind the scenes right or or even in public, and it's like wow, if normally uh, you know you you you. If somebody did that to you, you would burn the bridge, but they don't burn it.
They just keep stacking that and if you don't want to say you know, dude you've been doing this. I'm i'm not we're, not friends anymore, i'm not going to hang out whatever. Oh, my god, you you did that you did that you did that to him. That's weird: why don't you talk to me anymore? Why jesus? Why aren't you guys, friends, you burned the bridge you're, so such a weirdo man, what a drama andy! It's like dude, like you, want to avoid this dog toxic relationship, man and a story.

I i hate that man, i i'm so glad, i'm mad at hope. You them are getting ready and you know what i didn't. It's the same thing with destiny. Did it everybody hates destiny, so nobody's gon na they're going to go with this, but this has always been good at somebody's act like a he burns, the bridge right.

That's something he's good at. Oh, he burns the bridge yeah and he should it and that's what that's what i i strive to do a lot of times. Some i burn the bridge. Why it's a bunch of i'm not gon na hang with them, and i can say myself, i'm doing stuff on my own and i'm okay with that car or some a little bit incredible.

That was like fishing price range. Yeah yeah was like a whole car. No, if you guys, are getting ready because i i enjoy greek and yes, somebody was bad okay, but then a day it was just one of my friends he didn't. He didn't do to me.

That's like that bad. I think the quick was great was okay to me. Okay, okay - and i understand sometimes with public perception about somebody is bad and people don't like him: okay, which is fine, just fine, at least thinking of one of my friends like oh, but then yeah. We did.

We just did it was kind of bad. It's like whatever. Now at this point, it's a little bit different, okay, okay, i wish he's understood. Is i'm not being drunk mindy? Okay, just give him a minute, get to explain this.

Okay, he's been very edgy recently and before i before i had him on the stream. Okay, i i think that was gon na be like that so yeah it went overboard and it's dog, okay and i get it okay, but i don't like it's like. Oh, the public perception is against this guy. Let's do this, the publishers, i think that's just kind of lame one and i think ganging up on somebody, because people are against them now to get more points and fish in the choir is also very weak.

Dogs reminds me - and i i try not to do that like what this is about greek they're gon na say that any other day of the year of the week of the of the of the day, anything about greek could have been said at any given time. But, oh now everybody comes out of the woodworker. Oh oh yeah, greek, oh yeah, that guy this and this about him any day good is to that, but they waited till the public perception sways against him. So he's always under and viewed as lesser to pile on to get easier points and slam more doctrine in it to get more to get more cookie points, i think that's dog, i think people shouldn't be doing that and in the noise of academy, so yeah, you Know i don't greek, does the word and i see my brother is lesser now? Okay, i see him as lesser now.
I think that's stupid. I think we just got ta be more assertive when we know we're stronger true, i did do a lot of structure damage. That's good, that's good lots of pushing yeah. My structure.

Damage was 8 000.. You guys were a thousand and two three hundred all right. Well, that was my role. I didn't do a lot of structure, damage or damage in general.

This isn't. I did bro your own red has been on him. Okay, so should i should i not hang out with somebody or not do something, because, because the reddit is on it, you get it ready shoots on everything, ready this mission on every piece of content and everything that they've seen for the past year now dude. You think i why why would i give a if i was in a reddit okay, we would do we would do.

We were doing three hour streams every three days doing war zone only. What are you talking about man? Oh um, probably one of the most is when i was in college, and i wanted to talk about league of legends with these guys and they were talking about nidalee. And i and i and i said, hey nidalee. I play league two: what's your summoner name and he looked at me like really crazy, but i i doubled down and said: hey like my summer names is, you guys want to play league and they said we were talking about italy going to italy and then i'm Like, oh, i'm so sorry, bye and i just like ran away - and i know oh jesus again after that - that was weird all right now, that is okay! Oh what else? What else we got today? Boys, um? Okay, these are all like low voter clips.

Okay, i'll skip that: okay, okay, we'll move on sorry about that by the drummer. Just because you guys something annoys me a lot man guys. It annoys me a lot man. I actually i don't mind drama.

I avoid i avoid drama, sometimes pogo, 44 months wow. That is a lot i didn't even see my clipper doesn't matter cause. I love your daily content. Thank you for making my day better xqcl.

Oh, what the what 28 awesome poke champ i love content. Xqcl. Is that piece of the blind or not? What's on the blinds? Okay, that's good! Then! Oh, here's, a cool blade! I like that jesus! Okay, that's interesting! Hmm! Tonight.

By xQcOW

11 thoughts on “Livestream fails you won’t regret watching”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Banana says:

    I swear the youtube comments are worse then his chat

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PepegaPlays says:

    Burned a bridge a few days ago, feels pretty good, let people go that aren't good to u xqcL

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mustfa ayad says:

    I agree 100% that the whole dog piling and hate wagons shit is just super toxic and negative, people always wait for a clip or something bad comes up on someone to shit on them.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rishad Tahjeeb says:

    I do regret watching this video. It's just him getting stunlocked

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Voraz says:

    I came to watch livestream fails not a goblin complaining.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CL says:

    I regret watching drama andy

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eevee RealSenpai says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Surprise? says:

    Entertaining, nicely done and I liked your video. Top 👍🙂 + Like your surprise channel

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 4 Ezway says:

    No one hates Greek , he just weird af , thats all

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dophkin says:

    when you feel strongly about a subject and express your thoughts on ur own platform… thats obviously drama farming.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guardian says:

    Damn I regretted watching this reaction to LSF

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