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#xQc #loganpaul #scam

Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Coffee Zilla I Watched your three-part series called Investigating Logan Paul's Biggest Scam. And like many on this platform, you have successfully used my name for views and money while your work used to be in racial addiction.

Okay, okay, I want something first though I wasn't doing first though I I Have a question there. Why didn't he just Why Did he just, uh, tackle 24 cents? Much love actual problems. Why did he refute this guy's video or anything about it? He could have just spoke about the thing itself right. Can you just done that? Just talk about the actual thing itself and the actual problems.

Whatever without doing any of this. I Watched her three-part series called Investigating Logan Paul's Biggest Scam. And like many on this platform, you have successfully used my name for views and money. While your work used to be impartial, your addiction to clicks has clouded your judgment and you've made very real errors with very real repercussions.

Coffee, You took a shot at my reputation. Uh, so in this video today, I'm going to be defending myself with facts, something that you have gotten in the habit of twisting as you continue to morph from an investigator to a gossip. Channel You see coffee Zilla Tried to work with law enforcement in the past, but his work was described as not anchored to truth and often speculative. He is a lopsided journalist with an agenda, and he's nothing more than the keemstar of crypto and finance.

But as opposed to just telling you, I'm going to show you some of the core discrepancies that I Caught in Coffee Zilla's investigation I'm the developer who stole the game code, fled to Switzerland and held it hostage for a million dollars. Well, his name is Zach Kelling Surely, as the internet detective that you proclaimed to be, you would know that he spent time in prison for multiple felonies one for aggravated robbery, armed robbery at a liquor store, and the other four surprise obstructing the legal process. I Can see why you kept him anonymous who will be calling Z here I Guess Among many things, It doesn't surprise me that he lied about having 30 engineers and a 50 000 a week wait. What? Because I thought this was Oh I thought it was I Think people did in the journalism world where they keep the sources Anonymous just because otherwise people won't trust them anymore to leak to leak things or whatever and for a bunch of other things for a bunch of other reasons.

I Thought: in the realm of: Journalism if you get if you get a leak or or a hit you, you don't say their name. Yeah, it principles safety. and yeah, exactly a standard procedure for a journalist. So I know why this guy is saying like actually the guy you're hiding for no purposes, he's actually a criminal that I chose cherry-picked and hired Got him.

How's that? I got him? you're just stupid burn rate. Which side note is how this delusionist landed on the million dollar code Ransom but it turns out he only had three Engineers Wouldn't someone with journalistic Integrity know their credible Source had not only an agenda but a fondness for orange jumpsuits. or did you just hear what you wanted to hear and moved on because even if you're lying to yourself Steven you still have to believe it. and I know what you're thinking.
what type of idiot would work with an unsavory individual like Zach Kelly I Guess that's what I get the team that I relied on to vet and manage Eddie's hiring process who has turned out to be a professional con man that I have since learned fooled billionaires. the Mormon Church the owner of the New York Yankees and now me and surely you knew Emilio The gentleman who supposedly let his child invest in a cryptocurrency was allegedly responsible for two rug pools before you interviewed him. So either you missed that or you knew it in way but wait. I'm so confused.

But what does that to do anything with the actual thing that happened? Wait, how does that disprove or makes them less credible? I Don't get it. Wait, that's so irrelevant. It's like saying wait, it doesn't do anything yet. it's just so stupid it's it's a it's a fallacy.

It's like it's double fault. Oh yes, was allegedly responsible for two rug pulls before you interviewed him. So either you missed that or you knew it and failed to let the public know why, because it was a clear sign that he was also untrustworthy. You seemed pretty excited when the guy told you that he couldn't hatch the eggs.

Wait, You can't even hack. You're kidding. You're kidding. You're kidding.

You can't hatch. You can't hatch. Uh, yeah. One second of research would prove that to be false, as you can definitely hatch eggs and even breed your animals.

Click on that. Oh, we got a duck. and as you pointed out in your fine print, cross hatching was available on Eth at one point, but you perpetuated the opposite as truth. Basically, nothing worked.

And by the way guy, almost all Nfts are just pictures, so it's just a picture and surely a real internet detective would not wait. Okay, okay, even though the rest of the claims my validity I Feel like it's a big oversight and stupid, uh, reporting if the hatching process actually happened. By having the picture, everybody understands that hatching it means going from egg to picture. The guy says he has a picture, right? Well, therefore, it's hatched And that's kind of stupid though.

Well guys, guys, when you're impartial about something again, when you when you my opinion okay, you know this video. Uh, the video was against Logan Paul and now he's defending himself I Just have to look at the facts okay and make make my own. Take it okay if coffee Zella Actually generally miscones what happened. It says that they can't be hatched and they can.

It's kind of lame. It's lame because it I mean it can happen. It's just a picture. And surely a real internet detective would not break criminal and civil laws in trying to get information right? So why have you allowed the illegal recording of Jeff's phone call without his permission and then more like an internet criminal? Post it online.
It was interesting. It was like is wild now. Although you didn't verify any backgrounds, substantiate any evidence. took multiple criminals words as truth and broke laws, you still published the defamation.

However, unlike you, the blockchain doesn't lie. Wait, the defamation. Wait. The guy spoke of his own words though.

um, it's in Texas bruh um I think I think Texas has a one-way uh, no. Actually, no, there's nothing. Actually, no, Nope. still published the defamation.

However, unlike you, the blockchain doesn't lie. You're right. So let's highlight some things that you did point out: King: Jake Stole six million dollars True or not. We had already removed him from the team when we realized he was a bad actor and his motives were purely Financial Con Man Eddie Lead Developer Wait, say that one more time.

Crypto King Jake Stole six million dollars true or not, We had already removed him from the team when we realized he was a bad actor and his motives were purely Financial Con Man Eddie Lead developer stole 1.7 million true or not when we learned he was a bad actor as well. Yeah, but I have to say I'm gonna say how it is Okay okay it's a big oversight to hide this guy again after the A Pokemon card scandal and the dog, he could have at least acknowled and say yo guys uh people that were into this that got scammed I'm sorry we should have known better okay and not hired this guy of all people of which I posted a video of he scanned this live on camera to be re-uploaded to the internet where everybody saw that he scanned this and now we hired him and wow it's a scam I can't but I believe it guys you got Scandal you guys we we fired him. Well you also hired him like what the not we had him. We also hired him from the team when we realized he was a bad actor and his motives were purely Financial con man Eddie lead developer stole 1.7 million true or not When we learned he was a bad actor as well, he was immediately removed from the team while myself and Jeff sold nothing and made nothing as verified through investigation and the blockchain Jeff Logan's manager to my knowledge never sold.

Neither did Logan Paul I repeat Jeff and I made no money and will never make any money on Crypto Zoo. In fact, we only lost money trying to pick up the pieces. Wait, wait wasn't this because they all agreed, not the cell up until like a certain point or something like that. Whatever the what it had to do and a certain increments about somebody, somebody cut him.

Uh, so they cut ahead of them. The guy, the bald guy went and did it ahead of them so which removed pretty much the possibility of them doing it. He just what happened is that they were gonna do it, but somebody didn't beat him and be beat him to the punch. That's pretty much what happened, right? Yeah, exactly.
So that's not I Mean it's a it's a good excuse, but I'm not really. So, as has been the case with dozens of Crypto and Nft projects, the space is unfortunately ripe for Bad actors to infiltrate projects that start with even the best intentions. Jake The Snake is no longer affiliated with Crypto Zoo and we hope the money he reappropriated was worth ruining his reputation. Con Man Eddie is being investigated by a higher authority that I cannot speak on As you can imagine, I was not cleared from legal to discuss much of this including the legal process being undertaken and the criminal investigations going on during the Fallout.

But I do appreciate you calling out that rats under my nose stole the game code millions of dollars and left Jeff and I abandoned with no team and knives in our back. But even after 12 months of work you've still managed to overlook. Guys, don't say Cap generally like acts generally whether it's good information about information, if you site, if you got given a document says if you can't talk, he can't talk and see how it works. He just can't Okay I guess we have to take his word for it.

Okay, but if there's some things that you just can talk about, you just can't talk about one crucial piece of how the law Works See, Even though I've said it's coming so many times, you've assumed that crypto Zoo isn't being made. Who are you to decide when the development timeline ends? I Got everything stolen from me in our community? Stop promoting publicly as soon as I knew the extent of the internal issues took all of the heat on social and you still published a defamatory hit piece fully knowing I was innocent just so you could enrich yourself in your 10 million dollar. Studio Sharp, but deeply unethical, dangerously misleading and illegal I suggest you use the money you got from pumping your patreon to hire a good lawyer. You're gonna need it.

And maybe we could have talked about this if you had reached out to me personally. You know that's not how that works though. Uh, well. I have to say it, but he would have to prove that the intention was malice and to cause damage and then he would pay the money that whatever damage he caused which is almost nearly impossible against a a A I mean he did some journalism and he I mean he did I Guess the best that he could.

Okay, but I don't think things were Twisted it would mean it was. It was what if something is damaging but it's true. It doesn't matter the damage it causes because it's true. You guys didn't understand how the law works.

Okay, well in a case about defamation, okay, they have to prove that it's false and then damaging it. If the information is true, it's fair enough. Otherwise, chat. Um, it goes against the freedom of the president of the I don't know how the it's called.
okay I don't even give a I'm not a lowercase, but basically otherwise you can silence the truth which is stupid. that doesn't make any sense. Okay, if something happens if somebody reports like it's a journalist, if it's true, there are a lot of reporting it. Unless unless they they they maliciously uh, twist it and and make a damaging which.

I don't have to suggest you use the money. Maybe you're dumping your patreon to hire a good lawyer. It seems like a waste of time. Maybe we could have talked about this if you had reached out to me personally, not my manager Jeff who is not me me Stephen But the first time you did was on Christmas Eve After You released your Series so you could rely on false statements and unreliable people used recklessly.

The subject line was third request for comment. Yeah, not quite. This will be my third time reaching out to you and your team. The first two times are through your manager Jeff the first two times were through your manager Jeff Okay so the last time on Christmas Eve after the fact was to me you have a funny way of twisting things and I also noticed.

Okay also wrong bro. Listen, his manager had a comment and it comes in with him. You should have brought it up and probably did brought up to him right but he's saying that oh guys, look at some ideas. these are my DMs bro no shot, he's is manager After giving a statement to definitely talk to him and say yo dude this guy talking about he definitely dude.

that's what the manager is for. Literally it's his point of contact. that's how that's if it went to court, it's our playing Court Okay, he definitely had knowledge of the situation one way or the other. If his paid manager as his job title literally gave a comments about something, he probably even brought up that it existed.

Now you know what it is, it existed and the lack of evidence of reaching out for comment is now irrelevant. Holy Chuck That part on Twitter Why hide that? Trust me, Cryptozoo is coming I Will make damn sure of it. And honestly, it sucks that after years of personal reform, going through trials and tribulations and busting my ass to evolve into a person that I can say I'm actually proud of, you led the charge to drive and monetize a narrative telling millions of people that I'm a fraud or I tried to scam my audience that is patently false. This video is mainly from my fans and anyone who's on the fence that I hope I can help understand a situation that is tremendously complex but has been oversimplified for both views and clicks.

And lastly, Coffeezilla I Now know your motives with this clout and money. Good for you, but also your your slime is so I'm not going to come on any of your podcasts. If you want to come on impulsive and talk about this, that's fine. You've denied my invitation multiple times.
You're still invited. It can be a one-on-one Uh, if not, we're gonna handle this ourselves while we continue to build Crypto zoo. And I'll see you in court. Wait, oh that's not how that works.

Um, but um, read the comments. I mean it's just that's just cringe exits. So I mean guys I Somehow like and dislike both people that make both videos. Okay, I'm impartial bro I'm telling you right now I like and dislike it bother them equally on both I'm like offensive at this point.

okay and I'm telling you that this part I think it's gonna cringe. Lastly, Coffee Zilla I Now know your motives with this clout and money. Good for you, but also your your sign is so. I'm not going to come on any of your podcasts.

If you want to come on impulsive and talk about this, that's fine. You've denied my invitation multiple times. You're still invited. It can be a one-on-one Uh, if not, we're gonna handle this ourselves while we continue to build Crypto Zoo and I'll see you in court.

The only way to do it right? Boom is that guys is the impulsive Live or edited and posted later on. I'm sorry I don't know about YouTube World sorry about that chat is the impulsity of Life Podcast or is it uploaded and cut. Okay, it's edited and film offstream. Then that doesn't make that it's bad.

Okay, because then they don't cut. Okay, um I would assume that if the light happened then they probably just would, right? I mean or they can. The best way to do it is 1v1 live on stream, live on stream. And the only way that oh, the only way to stop something from happening is they had a kill switch to kill the stream while it's happening it.

That would be the only way to actually do it. Boom. Because then then if they're both saying things that are true, right? right? The building that are true. and then they're chilling legally right? Uh, unless it's self-incriminating Which you know if if you did a crime because he didn't I mean then he would have no problem talking about it, right? Um, then you're chilling right? How about a 1v1 live on air on my stream while playing Shipment in COD that's all the content then? no, that would be Wicked But you Wicked it it would be called.

the podcast is called content Shipment and it's a 1v1 1v1 debate about a topic while playing. shouldn't yo this is X x on the video I'm going through my voice as well. that is anyone knows that boy I don't know. he's just so soy.

Anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “Logan paul responds to coffeezilla s scam allegations xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Dale says:

    So xqc isn’t too fond of Logan ehh me either

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chau says:

    This is literally just the spiderman pointing meme

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Encore says:

    Paul must have went to a lawyer AFTER he posted those videos, then once the lawyer stopped laughing, told him abour a little thing called discovery, and that is when Paul quite literally shat his pants and ran to remove everything he posted.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steph lon says:

    This guy is nuts ! Putting the blame on everyone else without taking any responsibilities. He accuses the developer of being a criminal, didn’t you look into that before hiring him? That says a lot about how smart you are.
    When will he ever grow up and be held responsible for the ‘mistakes’ he constantly makes ? 🤦‍♀️

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seb17 says:

    Logan is probs crying in the corner with his overpriced flavoured water LULW

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dream Sleeper says:

    He has a picture of an egg, that’s what he’s talking about in general, he can’t hatch the egg even tho mr Paul is saying he can..

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pradeep Raghuraman says:

    If CryptoZoo is definitely coming then why not inform your investors instead of leaving them in the lurch without a single word or hope?

    Also morphing someone's face/body to make them look bad is just immature and disgusting.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars koos osman says:

    don't think Logan Paul done this purposely, because he has nothing to gain except losing his entire reputation like dude so I don't know really know but I'll stick with fact's. Logan's cut will be little comparison he get's from goofy videos so let's all be realistic, nobody would do this while owning a big business partnership prime and his money mostly come's from videos and and ruin it purposely basically I mean we all know there'll be people on twitter saying they lost money to this gambling game and the word will spread with others but logan still accountable to that money lost in the process killing his reputation and getting JJ (KSI) dragged with this damaging prime so it doesn't work to also call him a scammer

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Fernando Lopez says:

    He deleted the video today

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lory T says:

    the defamatory part is that coffeezilla called logan poul a scammer and this is false and cause a damage on logan pubblic personality

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex MillerDarkEx says:

    Logan Paul is mad he couldn't rug pull his project just like he did to Dink Doink

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I know more than you says:

    Why do you and asmomgold have identical thumbnails

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janonymou5 says:

    Jeez. Your takes are just getting worse and worse as you age like milk 😂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elly D says:

    Came back here since logan deleted 💀🤝

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh says:

    ‘I’m not a lawyer’ a minute later makes a speech acting lie he knows the law 😂😂 stop contracting yourself.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lil Skely says:

    He fucking deleted the video lul

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grey Law says:

    And he deleted it OMEGALUL

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