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The rich don't dress like you think they do. They aren't buying Gucci belts, St Laon bags or Versace robes. The middle classes take a look at these three bags. Two are from Walmart and one is from Louis Vuitton I See in the middle you tell which one is the luxury brand.

Yeah, it's easy when the LV logo is plastered all over it. but I lied one of those other bags isn't from Walmart. It's actually a Birkin worth over $30,000 Mainstream luxury fashion brands have trained us to believe that branding is everything when in reality most high-end products are really only status symbols for those that can't afford it. Real luxury hides in plain sight.

If you've seen the show succession, you're probably aware of how one character's featureless $625 cashmir hat help popularize conversations regarding stealth. Well, while famous movie stars are often pictured in the regular Des designer brands that you've heard of like Gucci and Balenciaga many times, they're paid to advertise it, the truly Rich that aren't constantly in this chat. Guys guys guys guys, here's here. Here are some Here are some thoughts: Okay, who cares about any of it.

Who cares about any of this? Just do whatever you want to do. CU Guys, if you care about Stealth wealth, it means you're not even that rich because you want to be stealth wealth. So there's the always. It's always a ladder because CH all this is doing is showing that there are tiers to it.

Which means if you abide by the highest tier, it means there a tier past it. It's like infinity is infinity. It's not infin plus one. I Don't think you what? I'm saying there's there's always more right? So by doing stealth wealth, imagine somebody who's like a billionaire.

Seeing some guy who's he's like a 50 mil. He's like oh, this doing stealth wealth. Oh I'm doing no wealth because I'm so wealthy. Whatever that's like the above, it does that make sense Spotlight have an entirely different kind of wardrobe.

one based around quality and fit. For example, those plain gray t-shirts that Mark Zuckerberg wears custom made from Brunello Cinelli Yet to most people, it looks like it could be from Target In fact, when the truly Rich do wear traditional luxury Brands such as Pra and Valentino they have access to exclusive designs that hide their branding. When most people think of luxury items, they're often reminded of brands that have strong advertising and a recognizable logo or design. Whether that be a Rolex watch a Lamborghini sports car or Gucci flip-flops they're all easily identifiable as luxurious.

That's right, While billions of advertising dollars have been spent to ingrain that message into your mind, often, they aren't the Pinnacle of quality by any means. They are simply highly regarded as a status symbol. Like many other animals. on Earth we place value on status symbols as they can project value upon ourselves.

Male peacocks use their colorful feathers to attract a mate Penguins Collect Pebbles to prove their humans douy luxury goods. Guys, this isn't a hit on anybody who the cares Guys: the So people don't care. Chat is that everybody cares more. Too much too much.
Why? Why? Why do people care? Just don't care. It's all the same status symbols, merely attempt to prove that their owner is valuable. The reason: I Buy it them You talk about it, you get mad at me. I Don't get it.

Then it makes you care, not me. We don't see the ultra rich like. Jeff Bezos Why get M This We all know he's Rich He doesn't need to prove it. However, when you see your neighbor or cooworker wearing a new designer outfit, you immediately begin to wonder about how they were able to afford.

It turns out a lot of the time they can't Nobody can then chat. The reality is the reality is this is actually very interesting. They can't interesting. The real is is that nobody can Wonder know why? Because that is luxury.

Anything is luxury. Nobody can afford it cuz on paper luxury and like something you buy when you have like disposable or too much of. And dude, even when you have a lot of money you make a lot of money. you can't afford that.

In In In the In in the definition of the worm of the word, being able to afford something not of people can't afford this right People still buy it. It's it's just dumb. it is dumb. Chad If you're not making like in the like 100 thousands a year, right? buying luxury is brained.

Talk to any accountant that's worth their pay grade. Okay, to any any uh uh, anybody who does books and CH it is disaster. You will buy luxury when they're not loaded up is true. Why do you wear it is true, huh? Why do you dress like that like like that? What's you wearing? You look poor.

In places with great income inequality, those people with lower incomes live under significant social stress. Their lower position in the social hierarchy is more obvious and More consequential. In response, some people purchase the kinds of goods that create the impression that they have money to spare even when they don't. Researchers examined Google search Trends across the US and found that people in states with relatively High income inequality were more likely to search for luxury Brands than those in other states.

You can actually map this correlation and you can see searches for luxurious Brands like Ralph Lauren or items like fur vest have the same breakdown as did the map of income inequality. Despite what we think that common luxury items are only purchased by the rich, it's actually the lower and middle class consumers that account for nearly half of the luxury goods. Market Globally, people like to criticize those that overspend yet they don't realize why people do it in the first place. For example, overpriced.

Air Jordan Sneakers are popular amongst young. African-American Men chat, chat, chat. You guys guys, don't don't try chat. He guys make fun of my shoes all the time.
I CH I Wear I I Wear broky shoes. I do and you guys do the opposite. You always make fun of my shoes always. He has always take pictures of my shoes anyway because he always make fun of my shoes all the time.

They're dog, but so what, including those from for neighborhoods. Despite the fact that puring them might cause more financial stress for many, it's considered a necessity. Critics of spending above your means on luxury items often fail to recognize the underlying effect that these luxury goods can have. For some, their status in society is insecure.

Many people who are low income can't afford to appear like they are low income. It's hard to attract a romantic partner if you look like a broke loser and good luck getting a good job if you show up at an interview looking like someone who's never had a good job before. The most obvious proof that these luxury items act as a necessary status symbol for the middle class is the sheer number of counter fits that exist. From New York's Canal Street to China's Alley Express, you'll find no shortage of logo riddled items.

Their quality is usually subpar at best, yet its demand continues to grow. The more extreme income. Yeah, but fakes don't the it's It's sometimes about the the projected image yes, but also the projected image it has on you. If you're the one who buys it and and who wears it, you feel certain way about it Regardless what it makes other people feel about it.

This is something that people forget a lot of time. Dude is that a lot of time? It doesn't have to be a flex on somebody else or something you project on somebody else, something that does impact on you and something back to you and yourself and that matters a lot. Dude, that does matter, it does. Dude guys it just feels good to wear or feel good one day.

come go come out of the house dud Yeah, have jackets that are that that that are worth more than others and they're they're and it's not that people look at it I I'm like oh man you know what I spent a lot on this and I'm wearing right now and it feels good and I don't give a what people think about it I guys you guys make fun of my my red jacket I love that jacket. Okay I don't everybody thinks it's ugly I It's not about what the other people are looking at it, it's that I look at it and I like and I I like the quality of it I think it's cool. Some inequality becomes the more pressure people feel to create the impression that they are succeeding. Hold on.

Hold on the Pmic shut down. Hold Holy no that yo that is hard Chad Any thoughts CH Chad You guys not like it though. Chat Look look it's got nice little full wrent and like that I think it's I think it's lovely I love the jacket Anyway see, get to prove my point. you to prove my point.

Then to prove my point is that I know you don't like it right I like it. This is why I we it down everything. It caused many middle class folks to lose their jobs and place significant financial strain on the entire world. You think luxury spending would crash during a time of Global Financial uncertainty if the exact opposite happened.
Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton Lvmh for short, is a French conglomerate that owns many Brands such as Tiffany and Dior. Oddly enough, the last few years has been an incredible growth period for Lbmh. Its market cap at one point cost over half a trillion dollars, and Bernard Ard Arno CEO of Lvmh became the richest person alive with a net worth over $200 billion. There's not a singular reason why this happened, but experts point to a few key findings that help tell the story.

For one, studies continue to prove that income inequality causes both the guys. Guys guys, guys, Listen, this is not. This is not. This is not the same chat, chat, this is This is not.

the same. not the same, It's is not because mine is a Gucci Do you understand you understand that mine is a Gucci The rich to consume more luxury goods as they can afford to, but also that poor individuals similarily consume more as a means to present themselves as successful governments across the world also gave out stimulus checks during also also Google That you know, find it then guys, it's not to flex CH I'm saying Google Chat you You can't find it. It is not findable or buyable. Not out there, period.

And many people used it to buy luxury items because they didn't know what else to use it for. But studies show it's indicative of a cultural shift regarding how we view luxury. A study from Bane found that Jenz consumers are starting to buy luxury items some 3 to 5 years earlier than Millennials At 15 years old versus around 18 to 20, Gone are the days where luxury items were exclusively for the rich. Now it's merely a savings goal for younger generations to eventually purchase these items.

By now, pay later. Platforms like afterpay and luxury resale sites like The Real Real offer even more ways for those financially insecure to partake in this illusion. Jesus People have babies with no money all the time, and if you're so worried about it, why don't you stop buying designer clothes, Huh? I Buy everything on eBay It doesn't count when you're wearing Marc Jacobs From Minneapolis as younger Generations increase their consumption of luxury goods. These products lose their value as a means to signal wealth even in the Simpsons What was supposed to be a cartoon about a lower middle class family has now done a collaboration with Balenciaga Guys, it's guys.

It's almost like a horseshoe. like a horseshoe. Theory right? Chat: What is what is the absolute upper tier of stealth wealth? You think people who wear like $30,000 jackets that have no brand? it's wearing one wearing a jacket that is generally worth 20 bucks? don't know why cuz they don't They don't even give a about Stealth wealth that they go all the way back to the square. One of not giving a about the whole operation.
Clear that mainstream fashion brands have begun shifting away from targeting the rich and instead towards advertising to the middle class. to rationalize their expensive price relative to Quality These luxury brands are careful to thread the needle between growth and scarcity. Many companies do limited production runs or even destroy their excess inventory to create scarcity. Luxury Fashion items have some of the highest margins across all Industries and they keep it that way.

They're projecting a false sense of exclusivity. The idea that luxury has been diluted by the middle class has resurfaced. Many discussions regarding two so-called factions of we: Old Money and New money. Old Money would be someone like a member of the Walton family who famously founded Walmart Old Money isn't worked for most of the time.

New Money is. that's why the difference. There's some sort of difference in what the people are going to project. People feel certain way about things that they've earned and they've And they've and they've got to Some people who spawned with it.

Old Money A Lot of times is people who spawn with it and of course they want to have some sort of projection, but people that got there of course they'll want they'll have more energy to wanted to show that. That's just what it is. It is what it is, what it is. and New Money would be someone like your uncle who apparently made Millions buying Bitcoin Being old Money suggests a kind of generational familiarity to wealth that doesn't require someone to show it off compared to New Money, which suggest someone didn't grow up rich and has a need or desire to project their Newfound wealth.

This tension between Old Money and New Money has existed forever, perhaps most famously explored in F SC Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby Social Media. especially since the show's succession seems to have really obsessed over the idea that Old Money is classy and New Money is trashy. especially when it comes to how they dress. Oh this in the show, when luxury items were worn they weren't from Brands you probably ever heard of and besides looking well fit and of high quality, they weren't anything you yo yo yo I would rather be I'd rather make being being made fun of okay for for growing up broke and making it to a certain degree right then being praised for spawning through life with a high degree of something and being old money.

that means you didn't do nothing. That means you're literally used useless you can't do for yourself and all you do is ride the way that was already created for you. You you, you are poor. You are poor.

You have a you have a billion dollars, you sp you didn't do anything with it. You are poor. A billion dollars. What a loser.
Unique. They are ridiculously expensive, but only other rich people would know. The show clearly suggests that old money has quiet luxury and new money lacks subtlety pop and everyone's laughing up their sleeves about your date. What? Why? Why? Because she's brought a ludicrously capacious bag.

What? What's even in there, huh? When we think of mainstream luxury Brands The first thing that comes to mind is often clothing that has its logo plastered all over it. but most fashion brands such as Ralph Len or Gucci typically also have a secondary sub brand or style that lacks any obvious signs of branding, while also being higher quality and more expensive. It's kind of like how Tech subscriptions have evolved. You can use the cheaper version with app ads or pay for premium and get a higher quality adree experience.

Funny enough, an entire fashion subculture has now Emerg that tries to emulate the old money aesthetic on a budget which really just seems to be fashion designs like this companies like. but that that's the same behavior though. So chat, the behavior is still the same. It is the same is the same root.

Behavior Zara and H&M have capitalized on this trend and although to some extent this is just another way of projecting a false sense of status, at least it can be far less expensive and not nearly as obnoxious. It goes with they saying that not everyone that purchases flashy luxury items are insecure posers I Some just really like the brand and that's perfectly fine. I I Think it's very interesting. This is actually really good.

I think I think it shows a conclusion that I think don't think you're understanding it. People think people think there's like like a couple theories of things. right? It's like it's like, uh, broke normal Rich really rich b Super right And people think that there's only like, let's like like three brackets and it's like oh dude like uh um I I'm shown up to be looking like this H Why want I want? But it's it's It's expensive and every class does it to the the next tier. there.

just it's It's a longer scale. It's it's a it's an it's not Just everybody does it fine. Advertising and social media has effectively allowed Brands to communicate unique identities around their products, and there's enough variety for everyone to find something they like. There isn't anything inherently wrong with saving up to purchase a luxury item.

often people do it as a gift to themselves to celebrate an achievement. The problem arises when these are used as a tool to project status, especially during times of economic hardship while owning a home has become Out Of Reach For many in the middle class, luxury consumption for the same demographic continues to go up. While some May may say it's our own fault as our priorities have shifted, perhaps regular folks have merely given up on what used to be attainable and these luxury brands have done a better job of capitalizing on our insecurities. So the next time you find yourself wanting to splurge on a luxury brand, question the reason you have that desire in the first place? Nope.
Is it because you actually really like it and think it provides a lot of value per dollar? Or is it something more? Who are you really buying it for yourself or so that others can see you owning it? That's cool I enjoyed it I I I think that CH I think that was a good video I Enjoyed it it it it was well thought out.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Luxury fashion is for broke people xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @caiofabar says:

    The copium was on another level on this one.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @judi100 says:

    Lil bro is malding

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @qeramsc says:

    bro is playing cookie clicker on second monitor

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lightzpy8049 says:

    "Mine is a Gucci" – xQc
    Chat: "Mine is a firefighter jacket"

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Sxraj says:

    Designer clothing is lame. People just get it to fit in

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @HornyFurry says:

    💀paying for debuffs 💀

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @alkuss says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @EmperorCheed says:

    He got so defensive so quick.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @deusvult725 says:

    What's worse is, those $6 knock-off bags that are made in china have the same quality and probably same manufacturer with those $600 Gucci bags

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @xzen9959 says:

    brand slave barks to an audience of many to defend a scam he is knee deep in

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bybydejas says:

    Nah that jacket is cold dk what yall talkin about

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @orangeballs4536 says:

    my man got hurt with the old money new money shit lmao too real

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