Mario Party Superstars is a party video game developed by NDcube and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. It is the twelfth home console installment in the Mario Party series and the second for the Nintendo Switch, following Super Mario Party, released on October 29, 2021
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Miss your cards boring, boring, boring. Oh it's kind of a pen. I thought it was gon na be tina. Sorry tina couldn't make it apparently.

Oh, i know i don't know. Uh you're, just gon na throw this out there guys uh. Look at look at the mario party cards on the right side. You notice one person doesn't have the beginner card.

Um, it's uh, it's yeah, it's connor! Connor has a non-beginner card. He's played this before he's really right. I played with ludwig and he beat me both times. Okay, all right or he did don't push b, don't push b.

Whatever you please, please, okay, wait. What do i do? Yeah go to mario party, okay, we're all in the same lobby now right yep. I think so hell yeah cam should go middle right or left by the way. The one uh yeah, like a middle middle-ish, is the best spot pretty much.

Okay. Is that a play? Yes, thank god. The nintendo servers aren't lagging today. Okay, am i yelling? I'm kind of a donkey kong man, you're yelling yeah.

Does anyone else want donkey kong? I usually play i used to play luigi waluigi, yoshi or donkey kong. That's what i place who's your favorite segundo. I play donkey kong donkey kong, i'm a luigi guy. You know luigi's the italian version of ludwig wait: ludwig! Didn't you go to italy, you're, not you're, not italian.

You know it hits hardware parties when i tell that. Oh you know my uncle's italian, i'm good for any map except peach birthday cake that matt blows. Okay, do you have yours? Do you guys viewers knows how to play um. I've been my party, i'm i'm gon na mute and tell him how to play.

I've never played horrorland before it could be good chat. My play is simple. Okay, it's a game! The tree one of four characters: okay, i'm all luigi as many stars as possible, so you win woody woods is pretty good in the game you need to. Have you have money? You gain from all right, landing on a space difference? Oh stars, it's just not going to tell us the controls, i'm ready to go all right.

Skill, wait! No, no, no, no, no uh, which the best one. I usually do all types, but i mean there's all types: yeah all types of all types of 1v3 games yeah. I got ta restart my computer to fix my uh, my obs yeah. All right we'll go we'll go yeah.

The bonus stars could be most stickers used or lease stickers used or most faces, walked or leased. Spaces walked, wait most that's lame. Most stickers used hold on i'm spamming them, i'm spamming them. We can swap it to the original bonus stars, but this one keeps it spicy yeah.

This makes it so spicy, that's rng and dog yeah, it's orangy yeah. I mean that's. That's how mario party goes. It's all it's all random.

I wish nano had um a feature. You can enable it's called, it's called i'm an adult and i don't give a and it just made you play the game right. They don't. You did all this, this dialogue and whatever and you're just like yeah i've seen this before.

I i'm the one to see anymore. I want to play the game. Let me just skip ahead. Uh-Huh.
Give me a six. Oh, my gosh he's gon na be all the way behind me. It's okay, though we can catch up. One second you'll have time to catch up all right, so the star is at the um wood yeah, it's at the wood, yeah simple enough.

Jesus attend kind of call your own shot. There he's actually crazed he's crazed. Oh i am shopping. I want to buy something yet you want the triple dice.

The triple dice is the best one you ought to get the triple dice. I need money to win a star, though, if you lose the mini games, you can't afford the star but event. Oh, this is not good for you. It flips the signs.

This is better. Actually, it's really, i think the sign flips every turn, so you flipped it left. So next turn you'll go right. So if you're going right to the star, isn't it? Oh, it's perfect yeah! Well, but i cannot win enough points in a one minute game to get the star, though you get ten yep.

I think i go up for that. I don't need like 40 to buy it. It's 20 20. um.

So i have to win this, then pretty much yeah. If you don't win this, you might not get it. What is this? Oh, the custom dice block. Oh yeah, that was definitely yeah.

The double dice was the second best thing to get there. It wasn't on purpose for double dice. I just went for this. Actually that's the hardest coin game, though first item: where is he going, come where's the star? It's on your left, it's it's! Is it it's right there it gives it gives you a golden um arrow.

You guys follow it. Yes, yeah yeah. You need to get the skeleton keyed up in the door to the yeah. The skeleton key would really do it.

Oh you bought the trip. It was important to go through the door. I knew it. Oh it's triple nice.

It's too good c triple dice, bye, triple dice. Oh wait x has to win this next mini game, or else he can't afford the star, but i don't lose them yeah. Just you just won't lose just just don't lose yeah. Are we really going to spam stickers? Uh, no, the secret star's, a meme yeah, the sticker star.

We got ta spam stickers for the sticker star, miss uh, i'm going up. I want that free item. No, that's what i went for too. Is it mini game time uh? No! It's me item game.

After after he does his, his free item aim the shuttle here i'd want to go for the custom, dice block or the uh. Oh, my god, he just got it boy. That was terrible, that's literally the best item. What does that do? What's the best item it lets you roll any number.

You want yeah. It's worth. 12 coins. Twelve point item right now.

There's about a compliment. You just roasted me mini game. Okay. Finally, we get some actual gameplay going game, we'll play a mini game.

Oh don't be! X-Rayed, so bad, if it's x-ray - oh thank god, it's messed up messy! Remember what does that mean? It's just you got to memorize the exact order, they're going to it all up and they need to put it back in the exact order. You have three seconds: the order will change every time we play yeah this one, this one's, pretty straightforward, you just memorize it and change the order, and then you got ta. You got ta place them all there. No phones! No phones! No phones! No chat! Honestly! If you, if you snap a picture, i won't uh, i won't say anything: i i i will i'm a narc, i'm ready, but you'll never know, you'll, never know.
Okay, you do have to go a little bit fast. Um, hey, you press a to pick it up and a to drop it. You got to drop it on the right spot. Wait, wait.

Is this go here or go down here, i'm so lost. I don't remember um wait. I can't finish in time. I think i you click a on the spot to put where it goes.

It won't let go of it, though you have to push a again to let go of it. How did i nearly beat you guys when i didn't want to draw the items? How did you place three, and then you forgot how to do it halfway through that? That is a good point. I did not place three. I can play the first one i was upper left.

You still could get the star and there's no way conor can afford. It am luigi. I'm broke watch this. I'm gon na get a three lame.

A nine! Oh wait! That's bad! In this situation! Oh no! Well! On the bright side, connor can't afford it either. I get a normal, no dude. This is this is getting ridiculous. Already, it's turned two.

It's turned to the second turn. We've only played one game right. You got time, we've only played one game, who's donkey got ta, give it a chance, say hey. If you have the key, you can open the door.

Oh, i don't think i have a key. I only have a dice bring it bring it bring it bring it. I'm just gon na i'm just gon na go around and i don't really have uh. Did you play mario party a lot when you're a young ex yeah i played whenever i got a little bit older, we used to max minigames.

Would you rage uh, no, not really double star. When you buy a star, you can buy two, that's the best one. You sure i thought it was this one. You tried to trick me.

I looked at it. I looked it wrong, it's my bad. You tried to trick me good call way to trust your gut. I i just i just saw.

How do i change my monitor into the right settings for this game at the top right top gaming um input select hdmi. That will make it way better right if by half right about there'll be no delay. If you play like that, no there's usually still the win. I have three coins, uh, maybe a baby one.

Oh nobody has a star yet right, no, no, nice, all right! 1V3, maybe 2v2! Okay, all right! I win this. I win this squid away yeah. What does that mean squared away? Oh this one's good, so i i roll around you guys, roll around you try to squish me. If you squish me, you win, i win you guys all can move right now in the practice menu.
If you want to try it out, oh it's not like me: okay, let's just communicate. Okay, guys guys did he go pee yeah! No! We're gon na keep the calms hot here. Surely, okay, so we're gon na do uh a trifecta squeeze slowly, but surely we're gon na we're gon na be right, trifecta, squishy, but yeah just go just us. We go, we close the gap and he goes diagonally method.

All right close the gap i'm going to left there we go i'm going down, i'm going down he's cornered. He jumping down here, wait a minute come on oh yeah, just as we planned it. I've never seen it executed that. Well in my life, that was wonderful.

I was too close. I was dancing too close to the devil. Well, we all get plus 10, but i led the team and i squished them like socialist canadian, it's crazy! It's crazy! The the amount, the amount that the labor workers they they get as much as i do and they get paid. That's weird what the oh man wait.

No, this is fine. This is fine, well sort of, but he's going to lose money on that. Actually, this is not fine you're. Is anybody going to go to today or not um, no one's getting the star uh? Maybe can't i i i don't know.

Sometimes it's pretty far away, there's no way! No! No! No! No! No! No! I think you. I think you just hit b, because if you hit a you buy this and then you hit the red you'll have 19. You can't afford the star, you know if you bought, if you buy the the thing that the guy sells and then check the board real, quick signs pointing to the left. I think i just regular dices seven guys, i'm i'm gon na clap.

These notice, how you called it - i'm not gon na call these oh yeah. I know i called it. I called it yeah. You heard that too godlike.

Can you get lucky space, don't need items. What is the lucky space? You just get a random item. Give me the ten coins, please it's a new thing to this game. Okay, set seven coins, not bad yeah, it's better than better than nothing, it's literally the worst thing, and it's still money.

So original of this name, man, birdo birdo bird, is cool. His mouth is: alberto okay, who else fine, aha, no way, you're gon na buy another item. That'll be a loser move. No, i can't.

I can't i need to try to get the start before secretary. I have enough money right now. So, oh, no! No he's gon na get a free if he gets a free star. What is that you either get a bunch of free coins or a free star? Okay, you only got the free coins.

That's ridiculous! It's our genie! Baby! Oh against you guys! This is an rng thing. Every time you land on any spot, you have a chance to get a piranha pursuits this one's good. This is a good one. You basically have to skateboard.

Okay, try it again smash, beat escape push eight's jump. We have to ground pound because that buffs the to um the piranha. So if we, if we block the guy and it runs faster, you can you can do uh, you can do mini short hops too me. I don't seem to don't.
You just have to spam away and then not up the logs. Oh man, you can like melee short hub yeah. It doesn't seem all right boot it up. This is a good one.

Basically, if you touch a log you're just dead, oh you got ta press start and it seems like yeah, okay, boys, all right. We just kinda just jump up and down this thing's stuck in the mud or something like that. But he's going so fast he's like zooming dude. This guy is slowly no way he's gon na mess up this game.

There's no way he messes this up, he's just pushing. He will yeah, he won't he chokes at the end. Um i mean he's wait. We should do like a rhythm to it like one two three, so it's always right.

One, two three go one: two, three, i'm just gon na keep spamming it. I'm just gon na match a i'm mashing, it really hard, and i don't think it's helping our guy. Didn't speed up at all he's not huge. This guy is slow as what the he just he just gets bigger, but he doesn't go any faster yeah.

He didn't before my heart's racing right now that was kind of busting. You get to tell me about the vines. All these plus 10., we generate a total of 30 coins when we win, and now we get it, it is stupid. What's even worse is if you do the yeah, if you just won the 1v3, you get one yeah.

That does not seem very balanced. It's not gon na be climbing on that one come on give me a fat one dude. What the is that on his head and not just rain. You know dude, i'm getting shafted uh you're winning mini game right now.

Please get me to the start. Please nine! I only needed six, you didn't even you first started ice block. No, i don't have enough money, but next time oh true, you're broke wait, a double star. How did you get that random item? Just rng? Oh, my god, dude okay people complained to my partner about rng and it added like three or four more allergy mechanics in the game.

Oh it's it's right in front of me. Oh my god wait is that it again? Oh, it's crazy, yeah, but but connor connor. You get oh it's right in front of me. I just got.

I just need to see enough points. No, you can't win it. You can't win because it's a win. I need.

I just need a few coins. Please he's broke three coins. I can't believe how lucky i was bang. I hit this minus money.

I said i'm getting, i'm honestly excited by the luck of the dice. That does happen. Give me the gold. I got so lucky this game.

That's crazy! Are you going to want to use that uh? How much is that? Oh you're, 14.? Seven, that seven is pretty solid wait. I think you can make it um next round, maybe but the signs gon na flip. What are you buying bro skeleton key huh? Why? Oh you're gon na try and loop all the way back around looping cause it lets you go through doors and it's like shortcut again. That's what i mean that's why i try to turn it off at the start, because, as long as it's not hide and sneak, oh no, oh this one! Okay, actually uh this one's just rigged! There's no way he gets it wrong.
He can literally see where we're going. We can switch at the end, though right. Oh all, right all right. This is basically pure rng.

As long as we don't all do the same one. It should be fine boys, i'm going b, i'm gon na go uh x. I don't understand you have to click which one we're behind yeah, you just click the one you think we're hiding. But what, if you guys all split up, that's the whole plan.

You can win because you get more than one guess: yeah you get multiple guesses. So i'm going b, i'm going b. I don't even know where i went because i'm just mashing everybody. How do i mash a button? You just click which one you want in front of you, probably a you, should probably choose one before you lose.

Oh, oh! No! One was there: oh man, why she move without me saying anything i don't know, maybe he's still guessing or something he's just thinking really hard about it. I'm not gon na lie to you. I don't even know where i went. You well there's no way he gets both.

He doesn't go there three times, surely wait, let's just go on different ones. Just make sure we go. I go on b. You go on the other one.

Okay, connor won't do that conor's gon na go b. He's crazy, like that carter, wait, wait what the car carter you didn't hit a button. I did probably why didn't you hit a bunny carter? It didn't work right, we actually just lose. We could have just split up yeah.

I knew he lied, but i didn't trust. My god, i don't know you're crazy man, oh man, i really needed the money. I just wish. I had three more coins, but it's actually pretty hard.

Though look at this wait, i don't think if you guys go to three different ones, then you, the guy, can't win uh yeah different ones, every single! No! You get three total guesses yeah, but the glasses one, another yeah, it's 50. 50. At the end, if we all split up, no, it's not. It's represent chance.

The 33 percent chance for me one out of three oh you're, right, you're right, because if we all just agree on different ones as long as you guys don't play dumb, it's only 20 chance. You know it's not a balanced game, i mean, and then we get three times the coins yeah. We do get three times the coins it. I love my party yeah me too.

It's what would you buy here? Quality uh triple dice is usually my favorite. If you can afford it, but uh the key could also be really good. You look! Ah, surely i won't get unlucky here right, bang, there's! No bad! Oh 12 coins. That's pretty good! I get a refund plus a little bit of extra.

If you land on it, you get the whole jackpot. Oh man, can i get a zero or something or how no i mean, i'm just gon na just got ta go past it. Oh you guys are on the same side. I am yeah pretty much now now.
My star, oh three, coins more broke than ever. Oh, hey, uh, dude, it's all lucky. The whole game is lucky. It's been the degree of luck.

How is it that they made this game all lucky but degrees of luck? What is that? What's that? Who thought it was mario karting? Oh man relax the party game man. I know what kind of party you attend wherever oh, oh, lucky, all fun, no somebody's got ta lose because i'm gon na have fun. This is a good party game and the hoes go wild for mario party, the the what the hose cycuno the hose. Oh start, god right! Well that plunder chest is looking pretty good.

I agree. Oh i got it. What is a chess game? That's still a good! That's a good item. Still.

I wanted that one too of yeah that one's like still pretty good um, not the plunder chest, though i think the sign is facing the wrong way. So you want a low roll on this one bop it. You want a low roll on this one blood. All right.

Give me a low roll, then actually wait. No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait, wait! Wait! Oh matt! Bandy wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait! One two! Okay! I just go three! Well. Why won't you go higher? Oh he's doing a custom block.

Four hits the block that will make it it's um. You use it to go lower instead of higher wait. What i don't get it if i go four, it flips the sign to the right and then next turn and then it'll flip around next turn. Okay, and it's over oh that triple dice.

I can also just get the item back yeah that triple dice is worth a lot or you get the custom dice block back yeah you got it again, can't go wrong. Oh unless you get that. What is that? That ghost block one two three only one yeah it makes me not move as far, but you can also give it to someone like. I can make one of you guys roll up to three.

Oh okay, but you wouldn't do it to me. Bonus bonus, 2x, multiplayer juicer. Oh this one's worth a lot, this one's a lot, oh classic, wall summit. This is classic you spam b and then you walk around and the stall ball gets big and then you can press a and then launch the snowball, and if it hits okay, i don't know how the i'm missing on.

Then you can press a and launch it and hit someone off okay, uh, there's a b to make a snowball and then what okay go? All right, let's go! Let's go all right, i'm ready you just push b to make a snowball and then a to push it. Please please wait. My snowball didn't appear. Oh please! Oh no, he's so big.

Remember not building it! There's no tv! Oh god! Please don't do it x. You saved me i'll, take it for you i'll. Take it wait that one truck x get him. Oh, oh, my god, you saved me from bloody bullying, bullying, just kicking it down.

I don't know chain combo, get him again big! Oh you got his back. You got his back, don't like him, i'm nuts that game was actually pretty sick, was about to kill me and then yeah ex step in like a hero. He actually saved me. I felt like i had to had the damsel in distress.
I was trying to shoot. Xqc earlier and then secundus jumped in front of it. I had to he saved me from ludwig. It felt like right there there's, no friendships, that the only friends were accidental.

You had to breach those, but you you would have died if i didn't tank it. That was a one shot. You hear how he talks about you saikuno, that's the that's the person you sent for there right. Well, i mean i'm not doing it for him.

You have to preach it. I feel bad if i let him die i'll, protect you man here we go watch it this. This is what a gorilla kind of comes, bang yeah, exactly what a triple dice and got in the um star nope, not non-range. You you're definitely in range motivated 23..

It would have been three months. I have enough money but 23 double dice. I need a triple i'm just waiting until i get the item that double stars me and i'm just gon na double start, i'm gon na be honest. I've played this four times.

This is my first time ever getting the double star. Is it that rare, i think so yeah, it's pretty rare. You only get it from item game. I don't think you can buy it in the shop yep, pretty rare jesus, okay, a warper block that seems kind of scammy.

You can't pick who you work with it's rng yeah, it's it's random! So it's kind of pays off a lot of times. Yeah! Wasn't it the dividend of random is very, very subjective. When we talk about nintendo uh-huh thing things get wild real fast. When you like you got it, there's no way you roll less than that before.

Well, i'm not even i'm not even taking the risk rap handy. Well, you're for look at this guy. What are you even going to use? You don't have any i. What are you going to curse, block yourself, tour guide, terry.

I have the curse block. You just got to roll and hope you get above a four seven. Let's go one a one: oh jesus, he got a ten. Oh, he gets the star.

He gets the star now come back season. Don't call me tour guide, terry, oh, what the let's go, live right next to me. Oh all, the way up there. That is, i can't make it in time.

You literally can bang bang bang boom you're underestimating the power of triple block yeah, but i need to get a um yeah, but the signs will never match. I have to get a key, though right yeah, you can't make it all in one run, because the signs don't match up wait. Ludwig's got a key he's going to be the closest poor player. Oh, i crush that left flip bill blasters.

Oh no! This is bad guys. We got a truce, you pretty much just shoot each other. Oh wow, look at this game. This game just spin around and shoot each other.

This does smell like a little lame. I'm gon na keep it a snack. All right! Look just don't shoot me, i'm in the top right. All right bet, sucked yeah, no reason to shoot me, i'm in the top right.
Oh god easy snipe. I can't even aim this thing. Oh you got lucky. You were in stun lock.

I can't blood. We got ta have one health, please please, oh god wait. He was he was in stun line. Oh my god.

This is bad in clean shots. Got him what? Oh i'm good at that game. I hit your can like four times yeah. It's weird that the cannon does not count as it's like: it's still a bomb.

I don't know the game is super busy. All right signs. Tour guide, terry 29. To there i won't make it you could roll three tens, i'm not gon na 29..

Oh my wait! A minute - oh, oh, my god, he he might wait, wait he didn't use the triple he's. Just got the one you just got the one. Oh i'm rich, i'm just gon na buy a bunch of these. Now you may as well yeah.

You can only have three items, though total, but the triple is like one of the best dicings in the game. Oh, what does that mean? Oh nothing, another just uh, not as good. It is good uh, i'm always in that round, just because four, what is this? Oh just coins a little on the weapon. I need the coins, so i can buy my double star when i get to it.

No, no. No bird has three items though yeah he's uh he's maxed out. Bruto is going for a dirty warp play, i'm feeling it. My loins yeah, the warp really could uh really could do this one, but if he swaps with ludwig or me it won't be that good.

Is he going to do it actually he's actually doing it? Can you can you barb and dice up? I think you, oh, that was the he just stole your shoes. That's like some fairy tale, one. Third, it was random, oh, but he got a bowser space. This could be bad for him.

This could be really bad for him, maybe yeah. Hopefully it is okay. What the hell, i got some coins, what for pity's sake, what he's been watching this song for three months? He's he's feeling it wait, that's supposed to be a bad luck space and he just got free ten coins. That's more than i got from a good luck.

Oh, let's go, he goes through. He goes through the the key and he's right next to the star. Wait, wait! Wait it's chance time now! Oh no! What is that you don't remember chance time? Oh me, dude this is it anything could happen literally anything all right. You get to hit all three.

The first one goes the slowest and then, when you hit the block, it goes faster after birdo, okay, okay, that's you! Okay! I don't care, give it to me. Ouija! Oh money, money, money, money, oh yeah! He saw points. Oh, my god, you robbed him dude, you robbed him he's got his spot was stolen and then ludwig robbed him ludwig. His spot already got stolen by the warp pipe.

Now you took all his money. No, but i did like these guys baby. This game isn't random. It's this is a fairy tale literally.

I was in first place and i got every single hint of bad luck back to back like four times a week. It actually was in first place and then lost everything all right. This one, you just run up the hill. Okay, start out - oh god, first and last mario party stream search all right.
The secret is to stay by the edges, i'm pretty sure yeah, it's kind of like fruit shoot from uh fall guys. Oh he's gon na shoot it straight at me, and then i go to the right and then actually pretty much uh pretty much made it now and we all win. I'm gon na need the right. We all win.

We all went together. We went together shot that over your back. I'm gon na need the ref to take a look. I it just slides right off my back.

You know i'm donkey kong. I don't want to play donkey kong next, i'm still in the range for a bite anyway. Did it we all want together? Does that count, though, as most coins earned? If you steal coins, i don't know, probably not um wait. Did we do plastic or normal bonus stars? What's up, we did uh, it's the it's, the rng bonus 25 plus.

What does that mean? 25 plus you're 25 uh uh? That means the signs are facing the wrong way. So yeah, it means you're far yeah. It means you're 25 away, but even if you did get 25 uh, the signs are facing the wrong way for you to get there. I don't give a anymore just just ties in the up: oh, not bad! Oh! It's not bad! Oh 20.

20.! Pretty solid! Oh the money - oh yeah, of course, give me they think. I'm anymore, i of course items no. I can't afford it. I'm broke this.

This man, oh and i'm spinning back three. Okay, do i gamble it for the item? What if i get a a skeleton key right here, i can go through the the thing: no, no you're gon na get bowser's gon na give you three stars and a hug watch this jesus. I need the skeleton key: okay, okay, oh it's too far too far. Wait.

That's good, though good vlog, isn't it it's worth 12 bucks. It's not bad. It is worth 12 coins, but the key would help me more in this situation. Okay, it's fine! I'm i'm fun! This is my turn.

Oh i, okay nevermind. I can only move three spaces. Wait. If i use an item, does it.

I think it's three cursed ones. It three cursed ones. Yeah that'll be cool. No, i think it just over over rules cancels it.

The curse is just worthless. Then it's actually ridiculous. If they have an item, the curse is fine they're. What the this is good, no way.

Oh, my god, 24.! I'm not going to walk past the star. It's almost maximum you're, literally doing it right now, you're walking passing past the star. Actually, i'm not going to walk past the store, pretty sure you're about to walk past the star, you're, actually walking past the body. Well, look i'm just gon na say: ludwig has the most coins for no hesitation.

He also is the best masher though so he might survive, he'll lose at least like 10. Probably i think you'll lose 10. uh we've been playing a lot of super auto pets. He's tired minus 8.

That's it not bad wait past it. I just wanted to pass on the star. This turn wait. You went past it.
What the yes, you went out that i went past the star actually yeah, no, no, no, no, not again, not again, there's no way he just came. I was in last time, i'm in the same spot. Again wait ludwig! You want a low roll yeah, but you should have used the cursed block on yourself and then you would have tried low roll, but now you're going to pass i'll just roll a one. Nine one yeah, oh, oh, let's go wait! No way, he gets more money.

He just gets 15 coins. Yeah baby. It just gives them 15 more coins. Do we do? Oh 1v3? I don't want to do a mate.

I want to give you guys. Coins. Oh yeah. This one we all get it, we all get it um.

How does that work? You just got ta run away from bowser at all times. Yeah you just don't uh, don't go in the middle or you lose oh and then get as many coins as you can. Yep, that's it! Oh! You got the five. I've not got a coin.

Yet for our team there we go wait, they're getting all of them, yeah, i think, being in the middle sucks, wait being in the middle sucks for this game. Oh i got it. I killed three of you. How am i gon na get any of these? Please just a few.

A few coins please fudge. I got 10 coins, wait. There's three people grabbing everything. What am i supposed to do so? What does that give us total twenty six, eight or twenty six? Twenty twenty six you're, all rich, except for me, i'm broke! Wait! That's dank! I know you guys got so many coins.

Well, my bad! I hit start. I was trying to skip it. Oh each! That's possible 26, each you're, all rich. Now, okay, where am i oh? Oh, oh yeah yeah, i know, should i get less than 11 in three dice right, yeah, there's no way you you'd have to be so unlucky, you'd, be so unlucky.

There's no! No way! Oh, my god, oh no! I can't, i can't believe man he set that one up that was. That was just really bad luck. There's no way it happens again. There's just no way.

It happens again. You warp him. This is bad luck. Yeah, it happens.

I go back to chance time, i'm better! Well, there's no way. Another triple dice goes wrong right. The chances of that are so low. I mean i mean that's huge.

I don't even know anymore, oh wait. Is it gon na flip as well? Did you it'll flip, but you should be okay, nine, okay, two to four like what even is that's like impossible. I can't get any more items. So what even are the odds? Mathematically of getting less than 11 with three dices they're? Not smart enough? I think it's 20 times.

20. 40. I don't know that's not too bad for me, as probably one out of 22.. No, i don't think it's that low.

This guy keeps buying warp blocks like some kind of sicko. I don't like using the dice. I like using this honestly that i guess it makes sense like why when we use the dice, he just works connie you're a nice guy for not working on him. No, i did i warped.
Oh you, you didn't yeah. He traded me minigame. Don't give me 1v3. Give me the one that gives me all the money.

I need 26 coins. Why did well? Why does it flash me in red right there? You were on a trying to make you 1v 1v3 you're on a green space. So it's uh rng. If you get blue or red, oh hell, yeah! Imagine how it works.

Just a little bit hell! Yeah he's all excited. That's it! You just mash a that's the entire game. How? How are you getting krizza? You don't get crit it's just after you mash it um like five times it blows up. Okay, so the whole.

This whole game is just mashing, oh god, what the hell! What the oh! That was close. Don't me, oh, my god. I got this a controller, but this this piece of plastic, oh man, my controller's, broke, that's crazy! Oh my god! How are you guys so good at that? Okay, i'm okay with that you're gon na get the star. Unless you roll less than three somehow that'd be crazy.

There's no chance he's rolling the triple. No, don't give a there's! No way. He rolls less than three he would have made it see. Sorta! Oh that's! Still incredibly low yeah, that's that's not exactly a good.

I don't think you want to flip the signs. You just lose money well you're, going to get the star anyway, so make it yeah. Okay, it's not bad i'll. Take it! No! I got one um.

Second, he got one you going really early. Oh wait! Conor's right next to it. He's gon na get a next turn, probably yeah, unless something you're gon na block him, unless something very, very lucky having a wart block, you should use that item the best one. You get free items until you're out on items until what till what until you fill up? Oh those are not you got some mid items.

Bro, that's yeah! Those are some pretty bad. Wait! It's like you know. What do you have the star thing? Dude, that's worth! Five coins randomly got it somehow. What does that do it lets me buy two stars next time.

That's worth like five coins total that's crazy, yeah, it's worth like eight, it's pretty mid um! You can get the gold and warp pipe from now to do. I know i know what to do. This is getting weird all right. I know exactly what to do right here.

Three bop, we get the versus game, wait. How did no way, there's no way you're a that's major and you didn't count right. I need to get a multi-star juicer standing uncounted 800 on the math s.a.t and then failed three and you get a 4x 4x juice. I cut it one two three for the one i'm standing on and then oh wait.

No, i i thought you start at one. Um, okay, so if i do this right, then i'll get the star, no wait. How wait it's impossible if you go in the estimation point, doesn't it flip the sign it does yeah, but except for the three in front of you, but you need 11 plus on the data right now. Look, i don't know what mathematics he's figured out, but i think he did it completely wrong, but conor next turn is going to flip left next turn it play yeah every turn.
Okay, now i get the board car. You said it so confidently. I thought you were right. I started feeling good about it because all you guys were like doubting and i felt good so i was like i don't know if i agree with that or not.

I think like getting to pick chance time and stuff like that's pretty good. That's kind of cute double dice is classy. Okay, give me a good game. Now, oh bonus 2x.

I could just use the warp. What is that? What is that? What is that? What is that? Everybody gets paid from this game and everybody's going to get two x coins? You have to lift up the block. You see the extra center open, the boxes with uh yeah. Look at the x-ray scanner when it has a coin.

You press a and when it has don't forget the bags, the bags are worth one. One has nothing and that's what the other one's money bag the other one. So you only click a when there's a money, bag or a bag and a coin. What was the puncher, what what's the puncher the the glove, so you basically have to like look at it on the x-ray and then count to three yep, it's pretty simple other than that, though, i have to make a a brain methodology bomb if you open the Bomb, it might um, don't open bombs or punctures just coins.

I think the bomb will make you lose everything to break to break then to end. Then three break three. Three again one break one break two in all breaks all gas gon na break. I think i got them all yeah.

Everyone got a ton from that. The coin economy is gon. Na boom twenty coins, i'm the only loser, i'm literally the only loser right got them all too miss one. Well, i missed what no i did corner wait.

We're all rich, oh, i could just use the warp here and give someone a star. Oh yeah, just warp. Why not just warp! That's genius warping's! Actually, smart yeah! It would be pretty smart right here, because this is where i do the thing that nobody thought was possible. Bang i get a seven and then, oh, my god, and then you get three coins.

Why are you i could have nobody right? You could have warped. You probably should have honestly no because nobody here is going to watch that. Why would i warp here? No, nobody is true. That's true because of the because of the juicer warp would be bad.

Oh, hey, on the same block! Well, many games. If you land on the same block after turn, five or fifteen, so conor can either warp or just walk past the star, i'm going to figure out a way to sound. Oh, this is joy. Emoji, joy, emoji, haha, juice time.

What it's a winner, most combo! It's called the haha juice time. What it's so much, it's just weird so stupid! I was thinking about it. Free item connor, your mind's, an enigma. What's going on here, the triple triple coin, looks or triple.

Dice looks good, let's be honest, even if he gets bowsers you're gon na get a like a free, a free car or a free house. I could use that. Oh well, dice. Isn't daddy, wait! You can snap, you.
Can snap yeah really impressive, wait? What do you have a girlfriend? No, why not? Girls aren't into me uh dude. Doesn't nobody? Nobody buys it yo you're, like the guy after the league saying that streamers are broke. Just nobody buys it anymore dude, but i i've never said streamers are broke. It's the same same thing, though everybody knows everybody knows it's not true.

It's just weird, but but it's true though it is, you got any tips from me. The girls love you, some girls on twitter tweeting about it. What you sneeze and you got 18 people on twitter talking about it true. Well, it doesn't mean like they're into you, though, it's different, no, no, it's it's just not, and it gets harder.

You just jump over it. That's all! Oh man! This is not even dangerous. You jump over it, oh just jump over it. Can you jump off the map? Wait they don't check, there's a lot.

What dude that danced around you? They really did. It really did. I think donkey kong has paid off the referees yeah. I actually don't trust his.

I just got lucky: you know those spikes they aren't into me. Just like just like a girl dude, the girls are into you, 100. You could get a girlfriend a date for like a whole year. If you just what you want.

Yeah man, i'm telling you dude. It's a thing: 365 days, 365. Girls. Have you? Have you done that before right? No, i'm just saying never mind.

It's possibility. I've thought about the possibilities. I've never done it, but i know it's, but you could you could. I think you could expo wait.

The golden boy, but you saw that wait. He has a golden pipe they're going to point. I didn't buy you a bike, i didn't know it. Was there it's the best game of the game.

That's the best title in the game. It teleports you to. You would have been in first place, um hello. Let me check uh if i'm close to the shop.

Oh i'm right by the shop. I think i just go. Oh i'm gon na buy the golden pipe then attend. Okay, that's definitely you passed the golden pipe.

So i could buy it wow thanks! That's too nice of you! Well now i get it okay, you saved me on top of the hill, and now you owe me only 15 more coins. Oh what oh thanks for passing on the gold. Now i can buy the golden pipe: hey girls, really like gold. You said that already you know the second time you said that i do love golden pipe.

That's just because i really appreciate it. That was nice. To you see, the cost of your next star is cut in half. If you get that, that's lame, that's only worth 10 coins think about it.

It would have cost 40, but then it would have cost 20.. The math is still the same well, no because it cuts it in half for the double up. So it's worth 20 coins. If you do the right sequence: oh yep, okay, i'm going to ward! I have a weird card, then: does it oh wow he's going to get shafted somehow yeah, there's no way me what i mean for him.
He's got the pipe, give us a descriptive of um, the the most optimal girl for you uh. So you know give us the rundown uh. Well i mean she has the she has a like me and i'm pretty much stuck at that phase. Actually no, but give us like the the idea, like, oh my god, i'm i'm dreaming right now and the hottest girl.

I can think of it just popped up in front of me. What does she look like uh? I don't know i mean i mean it's not like. Is she as tall as you is? She taller is shorter? I don't know i hadn't thought about it, that much it'd be like the best one you get to know the best. You know you hang out with them a lot.

Oh my god! That's what goes on to you personality! That's! Why? What no? Not personal? Just you know doing things and hanging out memories, kind of thing: you know yeah yeah, sure uh-huh, he likes a vintage. Look, i think, is what he's trying to say. No, no, i just mean it's vintage me, meaning what milfs yeah? What interesting i get. What he's saying, what do we do on this thing? I guess you just run to the right run to the right.

I don't know. Actually i paid no attention to this. Actually stuck the big ones are bad. Is there any skill in this i'm just jiggling about? Oh i'm trapped, oh, oh god! Oh god, you got ta, find that wait.

I'm alive like an nfl, i'm alive. This is such ease. I lived. I thought i was dead.

Oh yeah, but let's say let's say your person was a bot and she could. She was very uninteresting, but she could look. However, you want her to look. How would she look like it? It's not like a cancel, but i'm not trying to cancel.

If i want to cancel it, i would have done it already. Um wait. You have something to cancel them, no they're saying i could i could throw some curveballs and cancel baits. You get a film phone him, i'm just saying man.

This is the most like structure. They would look uh, they would look good, oh sheesh, cool down there dog nice, that's very revealing. I bet she. Does you dirty dog? Oh my event, spacing you get to pick one? You got ta, get a free roller, free item, dice, fruit or coin free money.

Free money get free roll you get to roll in this turn, it's actually really good. You have to pick right or left click pick right or left pick. You got to pick you got a picker, you get nothing um, oh uh left is just the coins yeah. But how would i know that uh, you don't it's.

It's all random, like the rest of this game, it's all random, like the rest of this game. So it's uh, you actually have no choice, even though it pretends you do. Oh, okay, no way i get a little roll like you know what you know. I think i read through your second.

You can't hide from me. I think you don't say which ones you like the most, because you want it, you want them. You want to keep all of them in your in your pockets because you already have all of them, because if you say well, you wanted to be tall, you would lose the ones that are small right, but by saying nothing you keep all of them. I'm pretty sure i i get what you're doing ever.
No, no, not at all. Oh my god, my controller broke. Oh, oh you clutched that wait. Wait, wait! Wait! You can't wait.

Wait, he's reacting. What is the reverse? That is no. I didn't my controller broke and i started jiggling wait. Wait what what that brings you way closer to the start, minus 10..

What is happening? Oh, wait. I'm right in front of that razor right next to it. Oh, my god, dude what it just made up a rule for it. The game looked tailored away from the window next round.

This game will literally bring your controller back on it. Oh x, you got ta warp him. He can't get that yeah i'll warp him. Of course, i know how to warp him.

I want him to believe it, i'm right next to the star here, so many girls, it did break like it literally broke off, and then i had to i'm trying to stick it back on right now. Something in chest says: um sakura loves the ones with the rails. I don't know what the tales are. Sorry, jesus, oh, what you like girls with tails.

I don't think people normally have those i feel like you're into gills. What? What does that mean? Gills like fish? Girls, eating sushi he's a del toro fan sharp teeth. You know what swim well, i know. Is there any like furry fish? Can you be like a furry for fishes? Is there fish? Is that, like a dragon, yeah, yeah, yeah, dragon, fetish, dragons, i've heard about bad dragons and like uh overthinking with like laying eggs and which is very odd, laying eggs uh? That's what i heard i'm sorry for that.

If i'm ruining your stream, i'm gon na stop. Now, no, no, no you're, fine, you're, fine um. I've watched enough jubilee to know what people do in their bedrooms. Trust me just a couple guys having a bro talk.

You know it is what it is: uh-huh yeah we shot him out, girl shot my honey shot. I'm not a big gills guy, honestly bro, it's not a big girl, don't flip it don't flip it ludwig, please that is awesome. I actually flipped it. So i couldn't get the star yeah.

I did i'm that i can't believe it ludwig. I can't believe it, but he's last. It's last place, though, wait a minute. It's gon na turn back anyway, it doesn't matter.

Oh that's right! That's right! It just turns chance. Oh not this again! Don't do it to me, ludwig! Don't do it! Hey! Someone give me a star, wait: ludwig! You have the most money anyway, so you don't want to uh. This is kind of a risk. It could be really bad make it interesting.

Nah go middle. First boo, oh man go star star, okay, luigi all right connor. Give me the star all right, connor give him the thought. Oh 20 points.
Okay, i mean we're all rich, not that bad yeah. It's not that bad. Like 20 coins, we all have like 100 points. I'm broke.

I got 169, though i'm broken spirit and broken coins. Apparently, 2v2 or not no, it's easy! So you just jump, they shoot you in the air. You have to catch all the coins and then your partner jumps in the air and then they catch the coins. You do that twice.

It's it's literally brain dead. Okay, just start it i mean we'll get coins, everybody will get coins, i'm going to get left side and just go outside all right. I'm crossing i'm crossing one on me, one on me all right. I'm ready use your big donkey frame very good.

Oh i missed. I missed so many uh. We only got 14.. Oh wait.

You got ta, go again. Yeah yeah! You go twice. Oh man, i'm terrible at this game. I choked you couldn't finish it up.

Johnny. I see him. You touch this. You clutch.

My fingers touched it. Oh, you did way better than me. I choked that um. Oh, that's! You didn't get a single one on that.

Did you that's? Okay. 19! Is pretty good, it's just one coin. We all have so many coins. Barely even matters now.

Look at this. We have so many coins everybody's, so rich yeah. How do we lose more money? You guys only got 19 coins on that. Oh, my bad.

I keep pressing start my bad. I really got to him with that. Oh it's going to put you left. Is it shame unless oh wait, you could get the star on last yourself all the cursed dice block on yourself and then as long as you don't land on that bowser space, i think you're, fine! That's that it would that! Wouldn't you don't know that bowser space, you can lose a star, you know oh bowser gon na suck, everyone off till xqc pulls up and then he whips out.

I don't get why he used the no, because the sign points to the left and next turn. It will point to the right, so we can get the star. You know you could lose a star, though, from this you could lose a star from this. Oh look at that.

Oh dude, imagine getting rolled by bowser a thousand! Well, you don't get the coins. No! You didn't get anything right, i'm right next to star too ex you got or you both had. God rolls there. Now that was a lucky roll for me.

It's a hard scan from bowser. It's what's your fun here, curse block! Oh! If you use it wait. If you use it on oh used on me, where was your last girlfriend last year, you know four years ago or so three, four years four years did you have you probably won, you probably wasn't even famous back then imagine these days you could upgrade like 10x. Do you get recognizable? I don't do you like have to for like food or water.

I just order it and i just order it over here super warm. I got a good one. You get to pick who you are yeah, it's really good. It's like a real item.

It's a really good item. Do you think she watches this room no or not? Uh, probably not. Why not? I hope not. I hope my ex does.
Are you kidding me you're? She was really tired. I would love to find that out. Yeah now i guess she would be pretty jealous because i got ta play with all you guys. Oh no, no nobody's doing that trust me.

I wasn't trying to compliment you. I don't know. I know people would pay nothing with us what you know, at least that mcconnery i appreciate it. Streaming was dog stupid and a waste of time, and gaming was for losers.

Oh i'm just kidding come on. Give me something good here. Oh skewer scurry, this one's. So bad this one's actually one of the worst ones.

I've seen. Oh this one's kind of tough that looks like impossible. This one's really bad. For me, you actually can pick a side and then you, but you can also debate the side so try to try to like so bad.

Both ways. There's there's almost okay, i'm ready to go, but this one's really you can debate by going like up down, looks like impossible for you guys, though no it's easy, okay, never mind it's working. I tried to tell you guys it's really hard.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “Mario party superstars ft ludwig sykkuno connor”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FatedAssassin says:

    i laughed my ass off when X saw the chat spamming poor and rich

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anti-Fascist and anti-Communist American says:

    Man I remember playing Mario party 2 on Nintendo 64, good times.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Expy says:

    Sykkuno actually believing that girls aren't into him is just insane man, this guy needs to hire someone to scream at him all day and motivate + boost his confidence. he'd slay out there

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ok says:

    Can we all agree that when He uploads our days get better! 💖

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZMM says:

    Wait are they afraid of x's viewers or why do they sometimes spare him (especially sykkuno and connor)?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheToastMan says:

    Sykkuno is way too nice to the point where its really sus.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josher says:

    Friendships are lost in this game but Felix has no friends anyway so he's ight

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars r2 says:

    Ludwig: You know, Luigi is the Italian version of Ludwig
    Every Ludovico ever: wtf

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dying Waffle says:

    Xqc: yea you won cause you're the luckiest player in the game 😒

    Sykkuno: ofc I am, I got to play with you🥺

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Syafiq Kemz says:

    So lame sykunno could get any girls he wants man . Why he keeps saying girls arent into him so lame man

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cool Andy says:

    Am i missing something? Why is he being an Interview Ivan in the middle of the video?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dying Waffle says:

    This game was mad disrespectful to you my fkn guts hurt from laughing😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack G says:

    If anyone is wondering, the odds that XQC rolled less than 11 with 3 10-sided dice is about 12%

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Alvarado says:

    I'm half way through and I'm thinking did they forget you can steal stars with boo

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yahzzie says:

    i must've fallen asleep to this because i'm somehow halfway thru the video

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kellomies says:

    Before Mario Party: IM SO EXCITED

    After Mario Party: your dead to me

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars asicalan says:

    Their group dynamic is so funny, really want to see more of them together <33

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