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#xQc #60seconds #gameplay

Do it again. like I Don't like like fat fat fat fat fat. Ah man, it's telegrapher. it's too big.

She just can't pick her upper I Don't I don't even know I don't even know what's going on with the game. That's what he said. That's that's what we said though. I can't pick her up I Literally can't pick up.

Pick it up. It's just bugged out before we have to come back. Okay, hold up. This is eventually a good one right here.

Oh my. God I'm gonna go with that items here cause you're gonna have to right? Good Good Good Good Good Good good. Well I thought it was ammo. foreign oh my God it's so beautiful Oh my God oh my God For family Oscars Full family.

it's right there. look look 42 months have a good stream excuse it's so nice that was so nice you oh hey Tim hey Tim he's in there. He's in there. it's him.

Well Daddy X Qcl daddy. That means that the cadaver the cadaver was not him. The cadaver was not him that I don't know how that could even be. Oh he just jumped.

You're crazy Fortune might be second place in the Minecraft speedrun, but at least he's not first place in the T Oh do you see him or not? he's gone for now but chat, chat, wait what? Kim Check this game again. Spirit Old school game but it's the apocalypse. Boom because of bomb and before the explosion we could go into Into the Bunker if I win some stuff okay you know stuff okay. the main character is this guy Ted and then he has three people uh uh wifey Kai Kid okay a girl kid but we need some equipments to make sure we have a good runner because this is like a hard mode because I'm good at the game so this wasn't anybody together for sure.

Um like uh. resets two two start to chew. that's pretty much reset them reset I'll start you touch my back and beginning begins on the way back. it's fun.

This isn't bad. Oh these items are really poorly placed. So bad this is bad. This is bad.

This is bad. This is bad. It's bad. This is really bad.

Items are such in a bad spot. 60 seconds got seen. Okay I See my my we're back. I'm gonna do small.

okay I see many kids so we're gonna do one more. One more big wave and then some small waves. Let's see I think I think it's here xqcl iff e yeah it's cards oh my God that was ammo. Foreign.

That's actually really good. 27 months can I get a Welcome to the Jungle anything Shush one one two did you chill? Thank you A minute. Wait a minute. there's a little water.

The snuffle is water. wanna check Okay game Meds: Mask three three all characters ax map radio flashlight Boy Scout Gun no ammo It's playable though, right? Yeah, it's Bible Again, so okay. We've stalked on shelter we've ever seen in there. Yep, that's right because I'm a god at the gamer.

How about you the Nevada We've been to post playing for a while. Maybe we should go there. Absolutely not of these all those versions that should be for now. Before soon, we'll beat you today.

It's a buzz of how well Mary Jane is handling today. News is good. There's nothing news going on with Timmy Dollars is quite calming situation. There's nothing going on with anything new.
Okay, it's too risky. Oh YouTube what's down here again if it's another day. Sleeping in patterns are messed up the table shift light bulbs. Too bad we can't replace them in something else we could do about this Absolutely nuts.

Chat: Do we use magic for lights? Oh hell no. someone's gonna get sick to go. nobody. Eat somebody.

drinks. Oh, we can go on the radio. Yeah, this is actually really good. Okay, but that's probably listen to some music.

Yes I play music. Imagine if he's fainting. Uh I don't care. Boy Scouts Chat we boys together right? Because it's not gonna break it so it doesn't break it on like insects and get us sick.

Please don't break. We're good. Still good. Okay Mary J oh my.

God Plus on water too. Oh, that's insane. I Enjoying really fast. Um okay.

do we have all water? I think only five. We could just go for water. just reset it. It's a little hardcore but I think it'll be fine.

Normally we don't do it now, but since we're ahead on water, they were just gonna reset it for prevent sickness. But yeah again would even definitely if we could just get out and leave it walk to the surface. Yeah, but nothing right now. Maybe it's just some other life.

Maybe We're gonna play tight right now. Okay still, it's better to be safe down here than that up there. True. Imagine is quite hungry.

Don't care? Don't care? Don't care I Don't care who's sick? No chat. It's truly it's too early. It's too early to go outside. There's nothing there.

just turn into the space. Something wrong. Maybe it would be good have a little chat with them. Sure.

Yeah. Scrolls back Foreign. a little food. Um I I Don't think we need to fool anybody.

Nothing to what? I Don't think? nope. one more minutes of yours is getting disgusting. The good news is, so we're seeing some food for some reason we would like to today. Chat boys again.

just voice guidance. It's not gonna bring it unless still good. Nobody is sick. There's still more water.

That's bad. You didn't even need to go for water now. Yeah, it's good though. This is really good though.

Really good As long as they're hungry and not starving, we're good to go. They're not gonna get sick is out there. they're going for us. All we have to do is wait patiently.

Good. We're not going outside. I Don't think chat. We might have to go outside for food.

Okay I did we try to go outside next time We hit one on water Food? You blew that. You blew it up. Uh. Demi the hell.

that's something. Uh, we should have told our neighbors when they blew up their barbecue last spring and those were good times. Foreign. They might show themselves.
Okay, um. it's gonna do. We're gonna. we're gonna you waste meds.

We're gonna feed them and we're gonna send Timmy to go Club Chicken outs. Yes, we probably forgot Santa um. Trumpet player I Would probably never heard of trumpet before in his entire life. Um, let the moment enter so they could take you from the rich and give to the poor Chad Are we living or not I don't know what these guys do.

Okay, only one stick left. This is quite hungry. Imagine if there's anything, there's something to drink. We didn't answer those particular calls.

It kept the door locked outside harmless enough. You're a legend. even though you got some Takes most of the time. xqcl, Chem no meds for now Chad We go to the mass right and he's gonna be.

he's gonna be good to go I think which I will be back in like one day. Today's vodka okay see what outsider? okay they need water still again. no tomorrow, let's be outside for just a minute. Is this store around the corner? So uh, sending it.

whatever I said it's about. We heard a growl in the Darkness Chad is a cat right? huh? It's just a cat. We can get the cat in this one. It's not gonna do anything.

There's a dog a poor thing. um and he got sick I don't even. It's not the best time to make plans for the future. Same thing about what we can make at this: Devastation our house assistant.

we have to move someone for a second. the whole like Toronto oh come on nobody eats. let's go for radio active. we want to get a weak signal.

uh the government is an announcement service. Guess what? The great news? the Vault outside has mostly gone. It should be safer travel service now. wait.

so that's when we started to do go outside is on 16 right early? then no. I go sleeping stretching on the door. um something much worse. someone on the outside Georgia Gun ax QC L Timmy can sneak like a Secret Agent Man but that might be enough to avoid the venerators camp near shelter.

Probably assume he isn't coming back yet. Wait, he's dead. Where's that? Then Tippy's the most efficient. uh uh uh.

Outside door. Yes. Foreign. Sorry.

It is what it is here. We're coming into this All right. I'm gonna feed them more often. They don't get sick.

Thank you. It's not too bad. No. wow.

Houses 28 That's crazy dude Noob Gamer 101. I Don't care about this. All the good stuff is so far back here. Too far back.

That's good though. We'll start what off. Dude Dude: I got clipped. Man that's just buggy.

Okay, that's good. That's really good actually. I'm gonna do her an ax I'm gonna do a pig and food that's really good. Mother mask.

What was that? bro? What is the radio I should use Fine dude. I could be ammo. I was in. was it it was hidden? Oh yeah, you can't pick up the potatoes.

Uh, at first right? It's just bug. Look, it's just bugged. That's just so stupid. Let's try a lot of good.
Everyone that answers that's really good. full clear on this room I think yeah for clear. Oh really good. Let's go Dude I got clipped.

Wait. is that gonna be really good? Hold up I See book I See Big One Azano? That's it I said I got it I got it I got it I got it. Wait, what? The xqcm foreign words cannot describe my respect, admiration and love I have for you Felix you are easily the best streamer on this platform I Only ever laughed my sides out when I watch you. You're handsome, smart, witty, kind and a great human.

Thank you man, that's rabbit. Wow! thank you thank you enough for the water every day except for food water I I Can't do it dude. they have no food chat. This is on the hard mode.

Please be perfect in my menu. It's hard. It's hard. It's harder.

This layout is trash so far though. Thank you Maybe maybe hi hi hi hi foreign I Have been gone for so long I Just wanted to say that joking over here has a wife to kids, a nice house, a gun, food, water and games in his house Felix Take notes snails Tails rails Nails Nails I can't move the acid food dog layout I Played it so good I played so good. lag. What is this lag? Okay, there's a slide it that's like that's like it actually finish off the importance the weapon I think if I do um lady yet radio then Timmy ammo and flashlight.

You're joking right? Oh, he's just too big here. Big. what's bigger? hello Felix Sweet pued as monder on soluto Gracias mophobia today should I might thank you. Where's the food? Where's the food? Where is it? That was perfect.

One foreign, one Zero one, two. Wait was that two? Yeah. is That good I don't I don't I don't know I think that was really good. Energy map.

Whatever. We can get anything with a map. Nope. can't do it.

No man did it yo. We camp. there are items we cannot play without it. Map is not possible.

Okay I got this good damn Big 30 already with the juicer Lord One one no I see what? I want to see what else inside? bathroom. No that was it. Oh man, look at that Rondo that is dank. That's dick as that is so dank.

There's only ammo. they've been really good. it's been really good I actually would have been good. Okay go crazy here.

yo. This sun is crazy man. foreign. That's literally okay.

I mean when big is hidden like that, All right, it's over. It's good. One zero Super. he won.

He wouldn't lock it on it. My flashlight missed it. was it. What's done? How am I annoying I know how to get worse I'm not stupid I can't do suffer runs.

Can you use multi-instance wall for this game and skip the track scenes? Should we do another thing? His brain works too slowly for this game. Thank you One one. Flashlights: Are you stupid foreign? It's not bad I mean that's that's. pretty insane.

That's pretty insane. Meds: Mask 3-3 all characters gun, ammo, map, radio, ax, flashlight book Wicked wicked. That's wicked. That's like travel but one persons nobody's anything of Pokemon No games is fun.
First person to guess my favorite band gets a gifted sub Siders that means another galloping horse Rock killing each other. comparing Pretenders As a horse they claim they're very important because a sick magical cup over the Wasteland there. Sure, you could use the map if you want to, you have some soup for it then yo the sun is bugging whenever you're still doing highly regular trips to the service. a big risk for Hell by now Tim uh no we're not gonna said what's the thrilling sound? well it was so wet when they get flooded.

Wait what? this is so we can fix it up right then yo um changing signal sure your voice 30 months as all water discuss everything yet we could. it was when the chat anymore The Stance is really disturbing. We should do something before sometimes ourselves for sure. Well everything's perfect on day six so it's pretty good.

Okay so hey, we're good to go play a game. They said it would be fun that they said it. They'll never mention picking up. uh, picking one would be such trouble.

We have no games. No I'm outside. um consequences when you don't see them coming. Um, shut up.

uh uh. I Don't need food yet. Welcome me to the channel little bro. 53 months Okay, let me do food now.

I didn't do food and water right here actually I Think we can just have to. Our favorite decision at Starbucks easy. We found nothing with static. oxygen is gone.

Maybe we should. uh Tinker with our radio. sure is it gonna break event break bro. Do you enjoy watching the sun come up through the window? There is the only reason only just ate wire every show this table.

we can't sleep but we've been having problems with sleep ever since we got done here. I think it wasn't ever. If we don't deal with this problem we won't be able to cope with another challenges that always us on that side. Chat: Do we actually go with this or did we let him get crazy? Thank you Damn nobody got sick.

We gotta go outside. I Think yeah. I've seen this before. well it was a day like today.

Three more days. Dude, they still need water now. Oh my. God Okay send it.

I Think it's over. Who phoned in? um who goes into the phone? Timmy or Tyler I'm not saying she's so bad Timmy Here Comes Need water here. Stay with us now. Oh it's been up for all of us so maybe they're online about who chat.

Who goes outside like this? Now him again chat that is slow. she's less chance of winning it. she's not gonna tank. Dude, it's like a tank.

Let's send the wife then. Good though it's only water right now. It seems awfully quiet outside and it's safe. I Mean it's not chat I Think we prefer tomorrow, right? I Think we trapped for sure.

Safer now for sure. Foreign. Please don't die. Give me another.
Wasteland There's no way he's gonna. Okay, we'll see how it goes. Well I mean Wild Water So did you? Oh visit? Oh yes. for the cats, we get the cat for sure.

Uh, what? What's all done at once? Foreign: I'm confused. That was his first day of the year. Okay, that's his first day on the other channel. How do you die? Oh this chat.

They usually last two days pass. Edition.

By xQcOW

11 thoughts on “My heavy daughter killed me in the apocalypse”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ok says:

    rest easy

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WLCB22 says:

    I don't understand this pepega's need to reset if he misses even ONE item. Like, a run isn't 'impossible' just because you don't have the map.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ore says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MissCluuin says:

    Big one

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars remorse says:

    the whole point of the gas mask is so that you can go outside before the radiation clears. 3 water isnt gonna last you 16 days. try expedition by day 6-10

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uros Ivanovic says:

    whales trigered lose some weight . 🐋🐋🐋🐋

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Extremely Jewish Person says:

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cory Tropiano says:

    Yeah but she got that 🍑

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHIMKEN says:

    CRL+SHIFT+EXIT best tip

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zrosix says:

    He always comes back to this game like twice a year and I’m all for it

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mika Walliser says:

    We need bird cam

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