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#xQc #submarine #titanic

Based in Boston giving an update on the search for a missing submarine that was touring the wreckage of the Titanic Subers. Who the tour is That following his brief statement, we'll be able to take some few questions and answers. We do ask that. we give everybody the opportunity to ask one question and if we have chat Chad you could pay me any amount of money to go into a submarine and do this.

I Hate water, current, ocean pressure. all these Concepts I think they're they're scary them that I don't care I ain't dealing with that. say for about 10 minutes. Um so he has a brief statement on here and at this time I'd like to introduce Admiral John Marer wait what? bro hits the water because he's scared of the whales Z yo emotional trauma or death.

Where do I sign? Oh they control it with a okay wow Inside the sub has about as much room as a minivan. So this is not your grandfather's chat. You know this is. this is the this is the equivalent of saying somebody hey man, you're I'm about.

We're about to do a 1D one for your life and he hands you over a mad cat see through with a chewed up joystick. Congrats on the kick. Will go hard. It should be like an elevator.

You know it shouldn't take a lot of skill. The Titan is the only five persons saw if you know you know reach Titanic depths 2.4 mil below the sea. It's also the only one with a toilet sort of. and yet I Couldn't help noticing how many pieces of this sub seemed improvised.

We can use these off the shelf components I Got these from Uh Camper World We Run the whole thing with this game controller. Come on, it seems like it's 250 ker passenger. Oh no, why they they died Good afternoon everyone I'm rear Admiral John Maer I'm the commander of the First Coast Guard District here in Boston Massachusetts the deepest lead for the Coast Guard Church and Rescue Operations Uh for uh, the overdue submersible out near uh, the wreck of the Titanic Yesterday afternoon. uh, we were notified by the operator of the submersible vessel that it was, uh, overdue and persons on board the sub.

So we're working very closely at this point. Uh, to make sure that we're doing everything that we can do uh, to locate uh, the submersible and rescue uh, those on board oh they going, get our thoughts are with uh, the crew members and the families uh on bo uh of those on board the submersible at this time and we are doing everything that we can do uh to make sure that uh, we can uh, locate uh and rescue uh, those on board what mean loc have a buz After receiving the call uh, we uh launched, uh, well reached out to Uh The Vessel polar prints and began a surface search. Uh, looking for uh, the submersible At the same time Uh, we launched a C130 Uh aircraft to search to conduct an aerial search uh, both Visual and radar of uh, the scene. We've subsequently, uh, coordinated with uh, the Canadian Okay, chat guys guys guys guys, please chat Last one.

This is my last friend. Okay. chat. This is water level.
Okay, but this is. this is a billion dollar idea. This is the water level. Okay.

water level? Okay. Water level? Okay. like that. Yeah, Oh, listen to me.

Listen, you're not even this. Ling CH You're not this Ling, You're not. Give me a chance here. Okay.

chat. What if. What if? What if they just have some really really flimsy wire. A little a little thing at the top, right? A little thing at the top has GPS beep beep beep beep.

And there's a miniature wire right that Trails them wherever they go with a submarine, right? And we are living in the Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine and they're going under like that, right? Bing bang and they're going under. and it just. it's a really small wire. two B of wire.

I Don't give a bro who gives a it doesn't matter Dude, at this price, this is your life. This could be very cheap. You can even have another one where it leaves a buzzer inside and one attach to the Su marine and when it goes away right, it still communicates with the further end of the wire that's inside from this antenna. This One and it reports back to the top and this one this broadcasts.

Think about that simple concept. So they leave, they leave, they leave an an overwater Beacon underwater Beacon and they somehow manage to put together and the vessel communicates with the bottom Beacon which transl to the top and it translates and then they can never get lost or get clapped on. This is life for dead situation. If you're going to pay $250,000 to for for for for a an unloaded Mission why would you want to have at least a little bit of safety like that? Like what these things cost so little power, your phone does that all day you can L have you could literally for that price you can literally have 50 iPhones go beep and all talk together and then do that and it be nothing compared to the price you're getting.

Go under. why not do that for the SP Mission Man there's no, there's no excuse man Co guard and Canadian Armed Forces to deploy additional assets. Uh To this team, the Canadians have had a C130 aircraft searching as well. in addition to also having a P8 Uh submarine uh search, uh aircraft, uh deploy as well and put uh sonar buoys in the water uh in attempt to uh listen this uh the location of the search is approximately 900 miles uh east of Cape God Uh in a water depth of Uh roughly 13,000 ft.

It is a remote area Uh and it is a challenge to conduct a Uh search in that remote area. but we are deploying all available assets to Uh, make sure that uh uh, we can uh locate Uh the craft and uh uh, rescue uh the the people 13,000 ft. Going into this evening, we will continue to Uh fly aircraft and move additional Uh vessels into Uh the area uh in this remote part of our Uh search and rescue responsibility. Often times we rely on Commercial operators to be the first vessels uh on CO2 poisoning before they run out of oxygen on Thursday And so we've been in touch with additional commercial vessels that are operating in the area as well as Uh initiating Uh the movement of additional Canadian Coast Guard assets uh and US Coast Guard uh surface asset uh into the area over the course of the next couple of days.
Uh. Adding to the complexity of this case is uh, the fact that uh this was a submersible vessel and so we need to make sure that we're looking both on the surface Uh for Uh The Vessel if it had Uh surfaced back to Uh the water but if it did does not have a like backup system that sense signals like periodically or whatnot. Guys, what is wrong with technology We have chat, we can track a grain of salt and into middle of the desert with some little bead from across the with satellites and fing flying spaceships. We can't find a whole submergible in the front that's under water.

what somehow lost Communications with the vessel and that's what the aircraft and the surface search vessel is allowing us to do right now. But we're also having to uh search in the water column and we're doing doing that right now. Uh, with the use of uh, sonar buoys and sonar on uh, the ship that's out there to listen for uh, any sounds that uh, we can uh detect in the water column over the course of days, uh, we anticipate adding additional capability uh to conduct um, additional uh search in the water as uh, those commcial we go next. Video Chat: This is your daily reminder chat.

Chad This is daily. This is your daily reminder chat that I came up with a solution for the broadcast system that that was using. Okay, at the time they were having problems and the solution I came up with. they actually end up using it by coincidence they did.

They did I I'm I'm stupid uneducated. The idea that I came up with out of the blue they used one to one the same solution they implemented and it worked. They didn't get it from me. I'm just saying that I somehow came up with a solution that ended up working.

So my ideas aren't bad. The idea was a external vessel with it link to the main one so that the the vibrations wouldn't affect the shutter camera. uh for waves the waves of broadcasting and it would be hardwired and sent to another vessel far away which wouldn't interfere with the waves and it'd be sposed to broadcast still at the same time with with no delay. And they did they did, they did you wait.

the pers go is only 50 m. that's like nothing w chat is this one of is this is this like like like a World War II submarine type 200 M it can go to 200 m a whole vessel that's scary chat. Me and the boys play a game okay while you're in sum, it's a really good game guys if you're guys, if you're really into simulators and whatnot and and and and like real games of army sh like that there's a game wolf something I don't what it's called, it's really good and you you're with the squad with the boys you're driving a submarine it's in. it's not iron long, it's really it's from Barrel TR I think it's called no wait, hold up Iron Wolf To think about it then CH you have to give me to think about this one I have other Solutions need you to give me some time.
Fiber optic wire cable threading all the way down CH Is this the bottom of the universe? 11 Kilm Pacific Ocean 11,000 CH Is there? Is there no more than that? Okay, Is there nothing they can drop with a wire or something like that that can go down? Um, so they can try to see if there's more more deeper. What's up with me? Wires, chat, chat, wires is the way to do it. But first tonight, let's get an update on this urgent search for the missing tourist submarine with five on board. With every hour that passes, hope of a positive outcome Fades The submarine was taking five people underwater to tour the Titanic shipwreck 370 M off the coast of New Foundland Canada The tickets for this trip were as much as $250,000 us for the 8-day Expedition The group waited for a window of good weather before their descent, but just 1 hour and 45 minutes later The Vessel Named the Titan Lost contact with its Mothership the Canadian research vessel polar Prince Wait, What could it mean though? the group last made contact around 4:00 a.m.

Su I Don't want to be negative, but if it loses contact, it mean something in there boomed it. boom, What? Like what else? How else the Titan reportedly sending a ping when it was just above the Shipwreck Then a distress call sent to the US Coast Guard former Coast Guardsman John Mixon said the situation was grave. It's going to be a very uh, very uncomfortable dark experience with a lot of Hope and prayers. I Would say it's extremely serious.

Um, it's a dire situation. Obviously something very rapid and very tragic took place. It's hard to say whenever you just lose total Communications in a situation like that. What? What actually happened Until you find the vessel? It is rare.

Um, this isn't a common Occurrence at all. and uh, so I I Would venture to guess something very very rapid and unfor something tragic happened. CH How even pull it out, drop a wire and a magnet to the vessel and pull it out or like a hook on board the missing Titan The founder and chief executive of Ocean Gate Expeditions his name Stockton Rush This is the company that takes tourists on deep sea Expeditions including this one to the sight of the Titanic I'm British Billionaire heish Harding he's the CEO of a company called Action Aviation in Dubai In all of history 5% of the world SP rocket The biggest issue is due to the extreme pressures. why would you explore the ocean though? Dude, like there isn't much to do down there bro, it's just and three.

Guinness World Records Imagine the passers must think limited the longest time getting the sunshine experience before he left for this trip. Bing Said that the area was experiencing its worst weather in 40 years. he wrote on social media I'm proud to finally announce that I joined Ocean Gate Expeditions for their RMS Titanic Mission as a mission specialist on the sub going down to the Titanic He wrote due to the worst winter in New Foundland in 40 years, this mission is likely to be the first and only manned mission to the Titanic in 202 23 He wrote that a weather window has just opened up and we are going to attempt a dive tomorrow. He said we started steaming from St John's New Foundland Canada yesterday and are planning to start operation no way they that they use the vessel right with the controller in it.
This stop they using like like the recycle materials that like around for that's not what they use morning. a lot of preparations and briefings to do. He wrote that the team on the sub has a couple of legendary explorers, some of which have done over 30 Dives to the RMS Titanic since the 1980s. He wrote that more Expedition updates will follow if the weather holds no.

His stepson Brian SZ confirmed that Harding is now missing videos from a previous mission to the Titanic show the close oh my God wait it is the but Chad Chad You not recognize it Dude. hold up brother, brother, brother. An elevator. oh look at the handles.

it actually is quarters inside the Titan Just how tight the space is. so what could have happen? It wasn't clickbait. Investigations are continuing, but experts say there are likely several possib guys. I Don't want to be kind of victim victim BL But billion dooll guy gets a tour on some recycled material makeshift boat with a logic controller.

The Titan could have become caught in Dey from the Titanic shipwreck. It could have met bad weather or malfunctioned. The best case scenario at this point is that it is still operating, but its communication facility failed rear. Why does it look? let's search the the top and the bottom.

Why don't they just go and search the M Chris Parry Ran through these scenarios, it's either lost an umbilical communication with the surface uh, or indeed there's been a malfunction. uh, and the submarine is continuing to operate. There could have been an accident. It could have been come entangled in the wreckage of Titanic.

It could indeed have had a catastrophic failure. What we do know, of course it's uh. the Rec site is off the grand Banks It's a long way from anywhere. uh, and the nearest rescue facilities will be on the east coast of the United States The actual nature of the seabed is: uh, if I'm a billionaire and so we say my life like that and they buy a bat like that, they save my life I give I give 500 mil I 500 mil if I'm a billionaire dude, sobody Saes my life I give 500 mil that I mean I'm just somebody's thinking unless to have been a part of this community for over two years now yo this is X x on the video Okay you my voice as well that is anyone knows that boy I don't know.
he's just so soy anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so sry.

By xQcOW

8 thoughts on “My worst nightmare… search for the missing submarine”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zosch2 says:

    There is no fcking wire man

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars agus benzaenuri says:

    Somebody let X knows that Pressure underwater can kill human or destroy stuff

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Promoquin47 says:

    Paying 150 k to die wtf

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob says:

    Crazy looking back on how they knew it imploded at the time they kost communication and tried to lie to us

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vincisomething says:

    I was watching this story on ImDontai's channel and he mentioned seeing a comment that said, "why don't they just swim up?" 😭. To put it into perspective, The Titanic is located almost near the bottom of the the Midnight Zone at 12500 feet. If you've seen that angler fish scene in Finding Nemo, the Titanic is about 11k below that. The pressure was described as 9 empire state buildings stacked on top of each other or a "humongo" whale biting a human.

    Blob fish typically live in depth of 2k – 4k feet, the deepest over 9,000. Now imagine you're below that and you're like yeah imma swim out. We know very little about the ocean which is why we still explore it lol.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘵 says:

    very horrible.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sova says:

    Did he finish college? Because I think he's dumber than usual now.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blarnix says:

    “Lost 17,000 ft under water!!”

    Fucking no??

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