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#xQc #Sunshine #MovieRecaps

Welcome back to movie recaps today i will show you a thriller sci-fi film from 2007 titled sunshine, spoilers, ahead, watch out and take care it's the year 2057 and mankind is facing extinction because the sun is dying. Eight astronauts are chosen to board the spaceship icarus one and carry a colossal stellar bomb with the mass equivalent of manhattan island with the intent of jump starting the sun, but the spaceship gets lost before they can reach the star. He doesn't exist guys. Surely surely surely, since you know so much about about sharing perception right and knowing the truth, surely you wouldn't be lying about that right, right, go ahead.

Show us man, show us again cheddar, you are man since they lose communication with earth. After a certain point, nobody knows what has happened to them. Seven years later, while earth is freezing in a solar winter, a new crew of eight is sent out in the icarus two to try again. First, it's earl, the ship's doctor and psychological officer who has become obsessed with watching the sun.

He even asked the icarus ai to refilter the observation room panel to allow him to see as much brightness as possible without burning himself. This is such an amazing experience for him that over dinner, he recommends doing it to the whole crew. The engineer james mace, the pilot cassie biologist, corazon, the communications officer and second in command, harvey the ship's captain kaneda the navigator tray and the physicist in charge of the bomb robert kappa, but none of them are attracted to the idea. Kaneda informs them that the solar wind reading is much higher than they'd anticipated at this distance, and soon they will be entering the dead zone, which means they won't be able to communicate with earth anymore, so the crew should send home their last messages.

Kappa records. A video for his parents and his sister telling them they can't contact him back, but they'll know if they've succeeded. If the sun comes out by the time they get this message. However, he takes so long in recording this that there isn't any time left for his crewmates to do the same, and this enrages mace who tries to start a fight with him after the others separate them.

Mace is sent to talk to searle, who tells him he has lost track of time and prescribes him two hours in the earth room, which is a chamber that simulates their home in order to calm them down. Meanwhile, kaneda continues to watch the old report sent by pinbacker the captain of icarus one while corazon assures him. Her garden is producing plenty of oxygen and that's not. The problem.

The previous crew had kaneda is still worried, especially when he sees pinbacker describe some damage. A ship got is beautiful. A distraction is welcome, however, when cassie discovers their passing by mercury. So the whole crew goes to the observation room to watch it sometime later, while checking com systems harvey, makes an important discovery, a transmission playing the distress signal from the icarus.
One which is reaching them thanks to the ship reaching the dark side of mercury in the iron content of the planet, acting like an antenna, icarus simulates, the first ship's trajectory on the screen, and they realize nobody picked up the signal until now, because it was hidden In the background, light and noise, since the icarus, one actually managed to get pretty close to the sun, the crew starts discussing if it would be a good idea to adjust their trajectory and make contact with the icarus. One mace doesn't think it is a good idea, because the mission is more important and if they don't deliver their payload everything dies. On the other hand, there may be survivors in the ship plus extra oxygen and food they can use and, most importantly, an extra bomb that could give them a better chance at reigniting the sun, since they can't agree if the risk is worth it or not, they Leave the decision up to kappa, because he has the physics knowledge to know what is best after running the math with icarus. He decides, the extra bomb is worth the risk and tells them to fly towards icarus.

One, the ship leaves mercury's orbit after trey adjusts their trajectory, but he makes a mistake. He has forgotten to realign the shields that protect the ship from the sun, causing damage to four panels which, if not repaired, could destroy the whole ship and kill the crew kaneda and kappa embark on a spacewalk to make repairs while cassie guides them angling. The damaged portion of the shield away from the sun and causing the loss of two protruding communications towers that have no use right now. However, this also causes the reflected light to destroy the ship's oxygen garden and oxygen reserves.

To corson's dismay who has to watch how o2 is released to put out the fire. They need to re-angle the shield, but this would kill kappa and kaneda who are still not done with the repairs. Harvey and cassie want to wait, but mace reminds them that the priority is to protect the payload and kaneda agrees with him. So, as icarus uses autopilot to fix the ship's rotation, kaneda sends kappa back inside and sacrifices himself to fix.

The last panel moments later cyril needs to sedate trey, putting him in a catatonic state, because the guilt is putting him at suicide risk as the second in command harvey becomes the new captain and he informs the crew that, after what happened to the garden, they don't Have enough oxygen to get them to their delivery form? Let alone survive the journey. So now they have no other choice but to try to make contact with the icarus one and hope they can salvage enough to continue the journey after everyone else goes to take care of their chores. Mace, corazon and cassie have a chat in private, where corson tells them that their current oxygen levels would be enough if they lose three people. Afterward cassie shares a little talk with kappa telling him.
She is scared of dying, but he admits he is not once icarus ii. Finally docks with icarus, one kappa searle, mace and harvey go aboard to search the ship, ignoring the fact lights, don't work and the ship is full of dust which most likely is human skin. They decide to split the group to search more effectively harvey finds the garden intact with seven years of unchecked growth, which delights corazon, while mace confirms the second bomb is fully operational and searle checks for water and food. Finding plenty of both mace discovers all systems are fine as well, except he isn't getting anything from the flight computer and when he digs deeper in the files.

A recording with a rambling message from pinbacker starts playing. His face is burned and he mentions they've abandoned the mission because they shouldn't defy god. The transmission code is from six and a half years ago, exactly the time they were supposed to deliver. The payload mace keeps on searching for an explanation and finds out.

The mainframe has been sabotaged, so they can't fly the icarus one officially making this detail completely pointless. Meanwhile, searle enters the observation, room and finally finds the crew. All the bodies are sitting in front of the panel having let the sun burn them to ashes. Suddenly, the two ships explosively disconnect destroying icarus one's outer airlock and stranding the four men as the icarus ii, starts to float away from them.

They find only one suit. They can use so mace and cyril agree to give it to kappa who has priority, because he is the only one that knows how to operate. The payload harvey protests against this saying he should be the one with priority because he is the captain, but the others ignore his orders. However, mace has one more idea that could save the rest of them.

He takes insulation material from the walls of the ship to wrap themselves in it. This should be enough for them to resist the cold while jumping from one ship to another, there's only one problem, because the computer isn't working anymore. One of them must stay behind to open the hatch and searle accepts to sacrifice himself and be the one to do it once cassie aligns both airlocks sir releases. The airlock and the other three men use the vacuum release for propulsion to jump between ships while holding onto each other.

They are forced to let go, though, when they accidentally hit the ship on their way out and only kappa makes it to the other. Airlock mace manages to hold on to a handrail, and thanks to this, kappa is capable to grab him and drag him inside with him, but harvey floats away and freezes dying from asphyxiation back in icarus. One cyril has accepted his fate, so he goes to the observation room and sits next to the bodies to let the sun burn him. While cassie says her goodbyes through the comms after triple checking the activity file.
Mace is sure, icarus didn't disconnect the airlocks and there wasn't a malfunction either, which means someone did it manually. Since the men were together in icarus, one and the women were together in icarus, too. The only remaining option is trey. Kappa is skeptical because trey is so deeply sedated.

It is almost impossible for him to move enough to pull such a thing. Corsone also points out that now they have lost two breathers, only one more needs to go so they can survive. The mission and mace accepts to be the one to kill. Trey kappa thinks this madness is probably what happened to icarus one, but he still agrees on doing it, because the future of mankind is more important.

Corson also agrees, but cassie doesn't not that it matters much. Since it's three against one mace leaves the crew and enters the infirmary after grabbing an electric scalpel mace checks the bed, but trey isn't there. He is actually sitting in the earth room and he's already dead. Having cut his own wrists mace calls the rest of the crew, so they can see what happened and once they are there.

He blames the deaths on kappa's decision to divert the mission and says the spilled blood should be. His angry. Copper tackles him and starts a fight which doesn't last long because they have trouble breathing since the air is low, while checking on the payload kappa makes icarus, run a check on the cruise biometrics and oxygen consumption and icarus one forms and they are all going to Die before delivering the payload, because the oxygen is not enough. When kappa gets confused and says the remaining oxygen should be enough for four people, icarus tells him.

There is a fifth unknown person aboard currently standing in the observation room. What copper rushes there and finds the viewing panel bright with sunlight and standing in front of it an insane and disfigured pinbacker that keeps rambling about god, angels, humanity and stardust. He was the one that decoupled the airlocks. Suddenly he attacks kappa managing to cut his stomach with one of the electric scalpels before he runs out and asks icarus to change the panel to full sunlight.

This isn't enough to kill him, so he chases after kappa until he enters the area, closes the hatch behind him. Pinbacker takes the chance to lock the door manually to stop kappa from escaping before going to the coolant tank to remove the panels which causes iris to shut down. Meanwhile, corazon is staring at her burned garden when she notices a tiny little baby plant among the debris. She intends to tell the rest of the crew about it, but pinbacker finds her and kills her by stabbing her with a scalpel back in the airlock kappa puts on the vest from one of the suits in an attempt to stop the bleeding and notices.

He cannot open the door as the power goes out in the entire ship cassie, who had been sleeping, also notices the lack of power and goes out to investigate, with a flashlight in hand when she finds pinbacker. She runs out of there as fast as possible in the control room, mace reactivates, the computer, with an emergency battery, but icarus won't answer. He sees capo on the security cameras and tells him to use the communicator on the suit helmet. So now kappa can tell him about pinbacker and his sabotaging as soon as he hears this mace rushes to the coolant tank and submerges himself in the freezing water to reinstall the panels pinbacker took out managing to bring back power right before pinbacker catches up with cassie.
At the earth room and tries to attack her luckily for her, he gets confused by the shadows and grabs trey. Instead, so cassie grabs the scalpel tray head used and stabs pinbacker before running out again hiding in the room with a bomb as his body. Slowly, freezes to death because his leg is stuck in the coolant tank. Mace manages to contact kappa to tell him they're in orbit, but the computer is down and he isn't sure he can make it work again.

So he will have to separate the payload from the ship and detonate it manually. Mace dies while begging, kappa to finish the mission kappa puts on the astronaut suit and uses a torch to make a hole in the door that connects to the hallway. Then he unscrews the lid that covers the emergency button and presses it after tying himself up to the wall. This causes the main hatch to be expelled, and the combination of the incoming pressure from outside and the hole on the metal makes the hallway door blow up.

Giving copper back access to the ship after seeing mesa's frozen body, he goes to the control room and activates. The separation procedure then jumps out of the ship and into the now separated bomb room. While icarus ii is burned away by the sun inside the bomb, he takes off the suit and comes closer to cassie, who is sitting on the floor with a lost look on her face. He barely gets to say a word to her when pinbacker ambushes them grabbing.

Kappa by the neck and taking him out of the edge of the bomb with the intention to drop him into the abyss. While talking about the sun, as if it was his god, it is then that cassie snaps out of it and runs to help kappa together. They manage to lose his grasp by ripping the skin off one of his arms. The bomb is finally entering the sun.

Now so after being thrown around a bit by all the shaking cassie tells kappa to finish it. He sees pinbacker waiting for him by the edge of the bomb, but decides to ignore him and concentrate on the mission, so copper rushes to the controls and activates the payload, the bomb explodes and kappa watches how the sun is reignited even reaching out to it before Dying back on earth, kappa's sister watches his message, one more time before taking her kids to watch the sunrise for the first time in years, make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications. So you can watch more videos like this thanks for watching. That's that's truly moving guys.
That was guys that was story recaptured guys that was moving, i'm holding back all the tears right now that was really tough. Tonight, you.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Nuclear bomb is used to reignite the dying sun xqc reacts to ‘sunshine”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JacobvonLuetzow GER says:

    he really isn't the brightest one haha
    yeah some of those stories are complicated but sometimes I feel like there are just two Pepegas playing Ping-Pong inside his head…

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mariama Kane says:

    Trash movie.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlueTube says:

    i find it funny that not 7 days ago this man said "my editors dont copy the title of the video i'm reacting to because we dont want to steal the algorithm" but all of these movie recap reactions are near identical copies of the original title

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars It's All Fun & Games says:

    the pinbacker thing is stupid, trash movie tbh

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ein Windir says:

    This is just straight up stealing movies

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZinanYT says:

    anyone else hate the robot voice? wish it was real voice

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pasha says:

    Most underrated movie

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zekronz says:

    insane reaction mr. fors!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THE SLEEPER says:

    How do you get lost going to the sun lmao

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ostro says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russian Waifu says:

    This guy knows how to react silently for 12 minutes POG

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SMU says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Hopster says:

    Stop gambling xQc 😔

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coldest Plug❄️ says:

    Sadly Xqc is becoming a movie react normie

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iiiii says:


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