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As it says, right behind me, freedom is not free. So don't forget that bro. How is this guy still there? Man like bro, this guy is everywhere. What is wrong with this guy Bomber: Is this actually good? Freedom is not free.

Remember the Q Shaman comes home Constitution and remember our rights Kelly Patriot Channel 5 Live. What's this? Oh I think this one's a 357 hollow point and now we're going to talk a little gun safety here. So first of all, make sure the gun is empty. Bullets are out.

We got six right here. Don't point it at somebody unless you're going to fire it and don't shoot unless you intend to kill or protect somebody that you need to. God Bless America Once again Kelly J2a my figures are messed up kind of like that. Kelly Jes Christ After 6 months W The gun around desert I Got a call from an old friend.

hey Andrew this is Kelly hope you're doing well Kelly J Patriot Saddam Cousin from Orange County Kelly know what's up. He told me he had a huge unloaded I thought you were supposed to treat the gun as it's always looed for me but wouldn't tell me what all he said was. get to the Arizona State Capital immediately pull around, go under the two big flags I Met him at the freedom isn't Free gazebo and he told me that I must start by getting a zoom in shot of the American FL Oh no I as no tomatoes Kell I'm zooming in. Men died for us God Bless America Oh they're fly everywhere At first I was a bit disappointed I Thought that he broke my isolation just to show me his gun.

but then I heard a bellowing screech about 50 yard away I Could hardly believe it Freedom There he was. Jacob Chanley aka the kinon shaman Jacob Chanley Known as a Q Andon Shaman has been released from prison fresh out the Federal Slammer after spending 41 months in solitary confinement for his role in the January 6th Capital Riot What? Hey, it's been this long going well since his release. He's yet to talk to the media, but for some reason he wanted to talk to me. hi, what's up man, how you doing doing All right But under one condition he said that before our interview he'd like to perform a shamanic hymn he wrote Behind Bars a war song commemorating his victory against the Deep State What that mean? This isn't terible? Actually, how's it going? My grandmother just told me on my father's side.

My grandmother told me that we Havey blood running through our veins and she said one of, uh, my ancestors was actually one of the few survivors of the Trail of Tears how does that make you feel the what? Very proud of my Heritage Typically Native Americans wear headdresses where they have to earn all the feathers. This is not something that I was given by a Native American tribe or anything like that, but I do certainly believe over the course of my 10e Shanic journey ever ear my feathers. What are your top feather earning moments you think? Oh man. 6 and 1 half years of working with kids, trouble team boys and group homes.

times where I went out to the desert and damnn near died Going on. a Vision Quest going through everything I went through over the last 2 and 1/2 years solitary confinement and all that stuff. all the spiritual battles I've won in the ether and the astral realm against demonic forces and not yielding not giving this drugs freedom for sure. Anything else you want to say: Transgenderism which Baffet is androgynous and Satanism are kind of paired together.
It's a globalist movement to create a Luciferian or Satanic New World Order And it's really unfortunate because there's a lot of good transgender people out there. I have a lot of friends who are transgender and all they want to do is blend in. They don't want to stand out and force Society to to their will, they just want to blend in. There's something called the corporate Equity index at CI.

Hrc's Corporate Equality index breaks places on their commitment to policies and benefits for Lgbtq workers. I'm proud that today was announced that Walmart scored hundreds on the CI for the fifth consecutive year. Okay, look at this. They got some Gay Pride swim trunks at Walmart.

The CI has served as the bar of accountability when there was no bar at all. And basically what it is is it is these organizations. These globalist organizations Target withholding investments from companies that don't have the basically the Woke credit score. if they don't have their Woke credit score up high enough, or if they don't have one at all, then they'll send the woke mob after them.

Did you get everything you needed? Yeah. I Just wanted a picture. Okay, thanks. These are the symbols for the planets.

These are pyramids with vortexes above them. We got the Sun and the Moon here. Uh, Viking runes because uh, from what I've heard from family, I have Viking ancestry as well as Native American Cheyenne blood right bro. This chicken skewer bro had a piece of wood in it bro bro I almost ate some wood I got into a tree.

dude. what the my veins? Is that something you can like feel? Oh yeah, this this idea of whiteness. It's just so racist. I happen to have Cheyenne blood running through my veins so please tell me more about how it is.

Wearing something my ancestors wore for quite some time is uh, an insult to my Heritage Please tell me more about that. What's up with the um. wrist tattoos? Um I Got these here after a heartless wretch broke my heart and cheated on me. and I So I got these as a means of reminding myself to never allow a woman to treat me that way and also to deal with the emotional mental pain of that.

So a lot of my tattoos are done. um they're earned these I got after my dad committed suicide. um once again it took 36 hours for these to be done. So it was a dealing of mental and emotional pain through the physical pain coming through it and healing.

I Think it' be prob better to have like tattoo like on the fingers so you might by a text you get a reminder not the text. Absolutely Bonkers Mentally ill I think that's you still support proba like a better way to do it. Yeah it's not Trump's fault that I or anybody else run into that building. Why should he bail us out? Why should he get wait a minute? I I should had that actually wait a minut.
The actions of free citizens and we fight I was a little bit too too too late on that don't fight margin. Not going to have a country anymore, that's tough. Do I Feel like he could have done more? I mean he he could have done something like started a a lawyer fund for all the J Sixers and donated a large sum of money to kind of set a trend. but as far as like pardons, as funny as it may sound, there's only so much power that the president has in the Final hours of his presidency President Trump Granted clemency to more than 140 people PPO Beach Rapper Kodak Black whose real name is Bill Capri his sentence was commuted.

Do you feel that your time in prison changed your belief systems at all? like regarding politics? Yeah, no wait, If anything, it just reinforced the notion that the government has corruption at some of the highest levels and that needs to change. Hey guys, it's Andrew Callahan We're here now in Scottsdale Arizona Last time we were here in hot Scottdale Arizona was to cover the satanic temple Gathering Scottdale baby get baby Hil Satan Right now we're here for quite the opposite. Fu I'm standing in front of a church here I even shot that AKA Qon Shaman is having his first ever welcome home party. so let's go inside and figure out what's going on.

Come on guys. What? What did was weird. just him. Wait, this is a CR deal.

Oh it's same spot, same place I'm dumb. Thank you all so much for showing up. It is truly an honor and a pleasure to shake your hands and you know give you all hugs and uh you know to see your faces again I Remember a lot of you and um the last time I saw many of you I was waving goodbye and saying see you in a couple days. um so J can find the sucks.

It was the hardest time in my life I didn't want to be alive anymore but I also didn't want to die so I'd like to start the speech by thanking God for protection and support. Right now this is: Jake Angelie Jacob Changle the Shaman America Shaman This is his first public appearance, been released from prison and fromwhere what he's been through and what he went through legally it just I mean I I did civil litigation not not criminal but just what he what he went through for what he did. especially. you know once they released that video of basically them inviting him into the capital escorting him around eight or nine you know cops at points in time and he says a prayer in the capital they ask him to leave, he leaves and he thanks the blue and he gets these crazy charges.

So they made an example out of him and he basically ised forced to fall on the sword for all of us who were there on January 6 and all of us who support freedom and just simply wanted to know the truth about the El chat chat wait Is that still wrong even though he's the one who does it right or entrapment? I Don't know about this but seems like let's say say nobody says sh, you still do it. Aren aren't you technically still trespassing or whatnot? Election not deserved, not deserved. But he's really a symbol of political prisoners. He's a symbol for everyone else that's being abused by this government.
His outfit made him stand out that day and that's why he became a Target They wanted to make out like all Trump supporters. you know we guys is wearing the horn you when Listen to him and see he never struck anybody. He never threw anything down, never broke anything, and he was arrested for really no reason. My son and I were on January 6th.

We were at the Columbus doors on the Senate side. This is as close to the inside of C of the capital that we got. He was given 4 months incarceration. Has anybody ever heard of a Black Lives Antifa actually being arrested and convicted? No.

it's always been the Conservatives. Jacob Chanley Pled guilty in federal court this week for his role in the capital. Riot He's an American hero. so are you.

I'm just doing what I can Kobe Bryant was assassinated by the Clints. Don't tread on me, don't even think about it. Freedom Freedom Che You guys guys guys guys, is there guys I'm not me to be weird about this. okay I I swear I'm trying to be as as thr as possible.

Is there a certain correlation between um bre a cup size being big and like Republican women there has to be. We were in I noticed I browse Twitter Okay, the unhinged girl on Twitter that are that are the the craziest dude are just massive dude if he's a terrorist I'm a terrorist I Noticed: know if this is Terrorism make make the standing up for the right and standing up for our children. Oh mying I can't do and you know this is the first time I've ever publicly said this in front of cameras or anything. Dave Griswald is the self-professed owner operator of midnight Midnight Productions is the yeah I Get it I Get it I Get it I Understand correlation gotcha The Syndicate Right here in Maricopa County that has been murdering children live on Film On the dark web.

the child snuff film industry is a very real thing and when it comes to human what? what? Jake oh my God his bit is twisting. industry is a very real thing and when it comes guys, is that normal look look the the bit, it's twisting. What the what? what Jake is speaking about with Qon. These are people who are trying to use maybe exaggerations to tell the truth about evil people.

bro. I Came here for the pulled pork I don't know. Look at that. That's what's up man.

Yeah, know it's crazy, but it's cool. It's hot. never without. H Are you allowed to talk about January 6 Well, I have a motion in the courts right now and that my attorney has advised me stay away from all things January 6 until this motion has worked its way through the court.
While Jake isn't technically allowed to talk about January 6th he gave his A1 day one best friend Chad Chadwick full permission to share each and every detail from that day my name is Chadwick I Close friends with Jake you know wead there and back together to DC and back him and I made that decision if we were going to go there or not, you know about a week or two prior, he also decided to give me access to a hard drive that FBI has been looking for for 2 and a half years Top Secret which features footage of Riers raiding Nancy Pelosi's office who has a knife, scissors, scissors, a knife, a letter opener. Open this up I Need scissors? What are we doing? We're going to open this up. look for Intel we emercy escape. it says emergency escape yo What the what? It's insane.

Not nice chair though. Chat guys I Gota say chat Nancy Pelos Chat Guys big correlation chat Hearn Miller Aon like billionaire I Do the math here dude. A few a congressman's Escape as well as a map of evacuation routes that that's that's a nice would have led Riers to underground tunnels where Congressmen had been led by the capital police to hide. Chadwick realized what was going on.

wait Chad what? What's on their head where Congressman had been led by the Cap guys? What is all that guys? What is all that police to hide? Chadwick Realized what was going on so decided to step in. Guys, it's over. Come on it's over. Come on let's go come on there for my channel to get great documentation of this day of who knows what's going to happen and I did see from where I could people doing terrible things? You know there was violent people.

Let's not. You know what is this guy doing? What did this do? Doing terrible things? you know Bong was violent people. Let's not B he bed them. If you have a yourself in your country, you need to get it.

This is not a peaceful protest, so how would you describe Jake's role on the 6th Oh man. Jake's roll on the on the six I would say was a type of like just protector or maybe like voice amplifier freed what we were doing there in DC we had been doing in Arizona 5 months before January 6th Chad and Jake entered the Arizona State Capital to protest mask bandites. All right, let's go inside no more M This is the end of the New World Order They faced little to no consequences in Phoenix so figured it'd be fine to do the same thing in DC He had seen the proud boys Gathering up right near the Uh Washington Monument where's the piss at I Don't know what that is out, you know some kind of AR Why is there like a billion groups with a bunch of acronyms in the United States What What's up with America and acronyms? Can we just stop making them already? There's so many of them I Don't know what's going on anymore. dude.
All right, they started marching stre. it's hard to keep up stre and he started observing. You know, going along with that. Washington DC Is our Capital not a capital full of communist but American citizens free American At about noon Jake arrived at the capital.

oh there we go. He sees a tower right that goes up, climbs up the ladder to get a good view of the speech that was going to happen. Amongst that he said he was in a crowd that just was like a a, you know, like a stream of water. everybody.

after entering the capital through a broken window Jake along with about 15 to 20 other Patriots chased officer Goodman through the building. why don't they have bulletproof windows anyway and then he uh, encountered her. His first set of officers face to face. okay and there's a lot of pictures, you know? So they he says they start escorting around and lo and behold they're on top of the chambers and that's where you see some of the video that came out.

hey hey man, glad to see you guys. You guys are patriots. Look at this guy. he's got covered in blood.

God Bless you I Got shot in the face with some kind of plastic bullet any chance I can get you guys to leave the Senate Wing we will. I've been making sure they ain't disrespecting the place. Okay, just want to let you guys know this is like the sacst place. I Saw other people romish through paperwork search for Intel you know and stuff like that.

What I saw from him is asking everyone to Bow their heads and pray thank you divine foress and what is happening. He said a prayer when he was asked to leave. He left after being escorted out of the building. Jake Went outside and told people to go home.

We made our pointd everybody, you have to go home now we have to have peace. So what are we going to do? We're going to OB Our president. We're going respect land, respect the capital he tells me hey the president told us to go home meet me at the car as I'm conflicted Jake andad did they escort them in or they just they just didn't feel like they could go and take them down so they just kind of went around them I don't know. world was turned upside down so what did you do on January 7th.

That was quite the story My Life transformed over less than this is tough a little bit you like. My phone number had gone public I was getting all sorts of weird messages and calls. I had family telling me the FBI was looking for me. say guys guys guys there a bunch of people, one officer is going back and then they get in and the guy is like yo get out or whatever but there's a bunch of people like maybe he thinks like if he goes after them they're going to jump on him or some like that.

It seems like it's kind of hard to tell maybe the officer is not arresting them because he feel like he's going to get jumped on or like ganged on my friend. Somebody text me and said your son uh was photog Dra in the C I'm like what I was surprised but I'm not surprised. You know what I mean I I Have known for since Jacob was a little boy that he was going to do something really big and great. so what just more of the same you know I think that was when I had my interview with Alex Jones where he screamed at me and told me I was a liar I Love you dude I Love you but you got to let me talk highest level Military Intelligence Tell me more about it.
Are you waiting for your turn to speak sir? Are you listening Or tell me about the highest level Military Intelligence You keep interrupting me because you're lying. You're full of I Will not suffer your two people after this. There were people on that day that were violent. Yeah, some of them.

Yeah, that's just all there is to it. People assaulted police officers they broke Windows Etc The real knives Edge that we are talking about here is there were people that were violent on the outside and then there were people were not violent at all on the inside. We made history. guys.

People are smoking weed in here I'm smoking weed. it's our house how soon like after the 6th until you went to jail I was detained on January 9th after I turned myself in at the FBI office field office in Phoenix What made you turn yourself in? Well that's just the kind of guy I Am they told me they just wanted to talk? You know I called them when I found out that they were looking for me wanted information on me yes are you there can I hear? Are you there looking to speak to you know I basically said I heard y'all are looking for me under I got I heard through the Great Vine that FBI was looking for Um, you guys wanted information on me or my whereabouts and then we proceeded to converse. I redpilled the FBI agent that I was on the phone with Operation Paperclip look into it. That's exactly what the media's done.

operation Mocking Bird, look into it, conversed with him, thanked him for his service, talk an appointment and I showed up on January 99th and you're under arrest Jacob Chanley The self-proclaimed Qinon Shaman has just been sentenced to 41 months in prison for his role in the January 6 Capital riots. He was seen entering the Senate chamber with a spear. What was it like having him in jail for the past couple years? It was very hard. Very painful.

When you're in solitary confinement you don't have a it's very tough but I think when when people were trying to make a point like like if they want to go after somebody and make a point about what was done, whatever it's just kind of how it works right? The one that's at at the top or look at the top for everybody right will fall the from the tallest right type you don't have View to a TV You don't have a radio, you don't have no going to go after every two days for 45 minutes. Well it was a concrete slab with a foam pad about that thick laid on top of it, two sheets and a blanket and a toilet and sink into one metal mold. Buttons that you had to press where the water would only come out for. you know 5 to 10 seconds at a time that it was hard.
No books hard, especially when you have like the threat of 25 year maximum sentence hanging over your head. You know I had my moments of breakdown but you know I I Drew on God's strength. he's an instrument of God You find it hard to believe in God Sometimes when so many things go wrong Mon. I You know sometimes when we're tested you, you think, well, why are you punishing me? It's a building of your faith.

It wasn't Chad Do you have like do you have like um, like food and what and water and like your medicine and like that like you like conditions and like that and like books and like and like a like a like like a like something to do a good day for conspiracy theorists Jacob Chanley The Q Andon Shaman was sentenced to 41 months in prison storming the capital on Jary. How did you feel about the way that he was portrayed in the media? Well, it they didn't portray him well at all. They portrayed him as a a lunatic. uh, somebody that wasn't very intelligent.

you know, antifa u a terrorist, that kind of stuff. He was none of the above. Um, there's a lot of talk on the internet that I'm a CIA asset or a plant from the feds. the one with the Blls he's not Trump supporter.

It really sucks because we use people use the word and sometimes they don't understand the word terrorism I mean doesn't that like no bias here. Does that like fit the the the quote unquote description like word for word pretty much for terrorism. kind of does. No, You know that um I was a failed actor or that I gave myself the name the Q and on.

None of those things are true. schizophrenic, bipolar, depressed, delusional. None of that's true either. But the it made for good cover for the media.

so they ran with it. And then there's the whole thing with white supremacy. You know, racism crap I Like it when white supremacists face consequences Now yeah, before being hello I Have gay friends I have straight friends I have transsexual friends I have black friends White friends Mexican friends was something I don't like about any boths. political spectrum is whenever there's a class of people or somebody do do something and they they check all the boxes of all the title that they could have.

Oh yeah, if you're somebody who's on the right or on the left, yeah, you're all that by default. I think that's really unnecessary and stupid I think it devaluates everybody's Point everybody doesn't. They get away with it because it's I don't know I stupid as I don't discriminate. Good people are good people.

despite claiming to have a transracial, partially gay core friend group. Jake Later admitted to me that Chadwick was the only one of his friends who called him when he was locked up. The others publicly denounced him or silently disappeared from his life, leaving their old buddy behind to walk his new path alone. A lot of people turned their back on him when he needed them to be there for him Even some of his very very like long long time friends like his own people are starting to say these lies.
He said you would be surprised who you lose, who you would be there for you when it matters I Think what it comes down to is that a lot of people are scared because they don't want the government or the woke mob coming after them. It's hard to stand against the majority of um, what the narrative is because then you get put into that small little Outcast a lot of people can't get picked on, they don't. They can't deal with that, you know I gave them a promise if I said Jake I don't care what I see in the news what I hear about you, what they say about you I know who you are and I will not stop making sure the world knows that I got a lot of hate my my channels and stuff boom halted it was lonely battle and so I don't blame him I forgive him I'm not worried about it. You know where God closes one door God opens another.

You probably get a lot of fan mail though, right? Yeah! I've gotten a lot of fan mail mostly from older women though you know it's not like you know this is really funny I was talking in prison I was like man, you know I get a lot of fan mail but I one or two fors bro and the guys in prison are like chanely my grandma's into politics. hot chicks aren't into politics. you know, no that. I don't know.

I've seen some object of the Trump rallies, but you know? yeah. I Had to admit though, that that would make sense. that's why I get all these letters from Old Political 50 607. You know my grandson, we should be more like you.

You know what I mean Yeah, so we're talking a little bit past what would be traditionally known as range. Oh yeah, well. past yeah I like older women, you know I like Mils but you know definitely not. I've seen guys, guys, guys like the podcast or whatever they talk about Hassan or whatever.

like they like people like that or what not they're like they're like the yeah, the politics Gil Gils or whatever the F I've heard about that has anything really unfair ever happened to you? Yeah dude. I got picked on all the time in school. um my dad was an alcoholic and some and abusive on many occasions. Jesus for no good reason.

unfair dealing with kids in the group home where I was working. the manager was not not giving me the backup that I needed. The kids were breaking the house rules and when I would do things like take away their phone or their video games because they showed up five hours late from their past, they all they'd have to do is call the The House Group home uh, owner and complain and then he'd undercut my authority and give the kids back the stuff that that I took away. My thing is is I don't see myself as a victim in any of this.
So I Don't dwell on the things that are unfair in life. If you think that life is going to be fair, then you're deceiving yourself and believing the illusion that life should be easy. Is there any regret on your end about being there? Well here's the thing about regret. It's a very heavy burden and you cannot move forward if you're holding on to regret a fan of Jordan Peterson I Love Jordan Peterson Once said something like if you were going to break a rule, you have to be willing to deal with the consequence.

I was going down to the capital on my own in my horns and face paint long before 2020. Will I continue to do that? Maybe. Oh yeah, do you still like believe in Q andon stuff? Well the it's important to differentiate between the Q drops which there are thousands of them in the Q Anon Community What's the current state of Q Andon the current state of Kunudon is I would say disheveled and confused, right? Like a lot of people this is I know what that is? A mind control scop. Essentially a scop.

It's like a bunch of psychology tricks to make you research right. It's not necessarily like a literally Tru It's a lot of it is allegory. A lot of it is disinformation, right? But here's the thing: I Want you to understand allegory like of the Cav the occult. Are you familiar with the occult? So this idea of baby eating is it like Alor The C Banas Plateau orates Banas It it goes way way way back into Antiquity Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Ancient Babylon oh hey there my name's Andrew Callahan creator of Channel 5 and director of this place rules.

That was something if you enjoyed that documentary. Q Shaman comes home I have great news you only saw about half of it. The complete documentary, as well as additional videos like a 45-minute uncut unedited interview with Q and on Shaman are available exclusively on our patreon. Hey man,.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Q shaman comes home xqc reacts to andrew callaghan”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lebard says:

    whats with all the moms there worshipping him xD

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glob says:

    He was a symbol, that’s why he was locked up. People can get behind these charismatic people, even if they’re a little coo-coo, that only helps.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars asd ads says:

    Anyone who sees this and doesn't think that it is a cult that is a giant risk for the US really needs help.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars asd ads says:

    Sanest trump supporter

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SurfingBilly96 says:

    41 months is absolute insanity. Most BLM protestors burning down buildings and beating up civilians got away with it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the auk says:

    Bro how is he a terrorist, not even close.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HotBox says:

    This dudes been on some journeys alright.
    Too much ayahuasca

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elegante val says:

    bro NA is too crazy

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MoonPrincess_XOXO says:

    seems like an actually cool guy.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PlaysAnarchy says:

    As a Native American I wouldn't be telling people "Oh yeah I'm Native and have Crow blood running in me" almost every other sentence and I wouldn't wear a headdress cause I'm not a chef, even if it was a costume or to be funny

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Worland says:

    "Victory over the deep state" Blud lost 3 years and 5 months to the state yo

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lil NoodleTM says:

    if he wasnt so insanely deranged, he would actually be a pretty cool dude lmao

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OliverQueenll says:

    Far left groups burning city’s down nobody cares. Both are bad

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