xQc reacts to clips from Streamer Awards hosted by QTCinderella!
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#xQc #Twitch #StreamerOfTheYear

Could you check out this video on twitter? It is of you pep laughing. That's why i stood up to them. The whole time grow back if they hadn't broken my equipment. I wouldn't have pursued this to any extent, but they broke my that pisses me off yeah.

That's kind of cooked wait what jesus christ guys guys. I thought that was the clip of that chat. I thought streamer got assaulted, so he's saying. Is it broken because i i shouldn't be nice? I shouldn't be like oh good guys.

I wan na watch over here. Somebody getting hit or something like that right. He said that that'd be stupid right. I thought this was a name explaining it that he was already hit by something else guys i hit earlier and i it broke my equipment, but then it happens again.

I had no idea well, at least they didn't get. My cell phones dude, who had somebody that's sitting down, hasn't been looking at them. This is so dumb dude who wouldn't hit anybody in the first anyway. One shift restaurant owner tear off after them.

After it's so cool, okay, yeah, oh you don't have watchers of the vault. They see the cops schemes. Give me help a lot compelling evidence. They cut the at least one guy here, confirming assault and battery charge right all three awesome: we left the shoe behind you, that's the kind of dumber, interesting yeah.

Well, that's a little bit of a disaster boys, oh my god, guys guys. What is that guys? My on and off boyfriend of five years cheated on me and your streams have been helping me through it. Thanks to uxqcl, the winner of the streamer of the year award is ludwig. You guys doesn't you guys.

Everybody asked me what i was gon na say on the speech and buddha was like. Oh, do you nervous for the speech guys i told everybody that there was no speech. I i guess i didn't write anything as because this was so obvious who - how did this surprise anybody, i'm so confused how people even acted like guys? How do you even act like i had a chance to win this guys? It was a you guys. It was a vote man because it was a vote yeah.

Let me explain the next one guys. This is a very, very simple concept. Okay, i want to avoid it at all costs, okay, something that happened in the past. Okay, let me take you back.

In 2016, 2016 um overwatch world cup, well, i'm playing i'm playing it. I'm playing the game. Okay and um um. There is a uh mvp vote and at the time i thought it was like a a good meme and uh spamming it.

So i had chad spam to vote for me. I i tweeted about it and then um. I just kept getting a bit of a vote for me and and and then everybody voted for me right. Everybody voted for me and then what what what happens then, then? I win, then i win and i win the trophy and i get the medal or whatever and then it's it's a cool event.

I get the trophy or whatever right, but then but then it's like everybody gets mad like uh already, if it's at the wazoo everything. Oh dude, it doesn't deserve a popularity vote, blah blah blah, and then it just feels like it. All i have is um. All i want is like a piece of metal, then yeah i did i i kept a a cool piece of metal uh at home and uh.
It's a good like memory piece, memorabilia type of it's like good nostalgia, but at the end of the day, all i get is a piece of metal. It's not really hollow! That's why i don't. I didn't really care to bring the trophy to all the places that i go to to put in the back, so i um it just kind of feels, like kind of feels like nothing and um. I told myself that i wouldn't do um whatever comes down to like voting and popularity votes, that i wasn't gon na promote uh any voting anymore, and i was gon na stop doing that.

Oh so, whenever i watched um the award on stream um, i don't know if you guys remember whenever we did the voting uh for content. I clicked on that. I clicked on my own square and i immediately like i made like turned off the page or whatever. I know if you guys, remember um, i almost acted like it like it didn't exist or something well, because i didn't want to skew the votes to make it popular to make it like um like like a popular vote type of thing, because then it would have Felt like it oh and that's easy, i'm just using a platform to create a vote and i'll win the award that i almost created and that's that's kind of lame.

That's kind of lame man. Does that make sense um, i think that's. That's. People can say that um, it's like uh jesus christ like super like um, like all those like excuses or whatever, and and i i mean you you'd - be right.

It creates like a question of like excuses or whatever, but a matter of not like having awards or like having uh these like accolades, it's more like earning them in places that i can't manipulate them and um. I think that it makes these it makes these awards. Um uh more like worthwhile. It's what i like.

I like my my apex metal, a lot more than i like my um, my overwatch trophy or i like um. Some participation awards more than my overwatch trophy! That's why nobody stays at home and it's it's collecting dust, because i don't really care for it that much uh. Sometimes i kind of wish i didn't have it, but it is what it is yeah it's why i didn't make a speech and make it whatever because um it's not that it's like it's not like. I know how they are and oh no, it's not it's not like i'm trying to say that they promoted it and and and they probably asked for votes.

That's not what i'm saying at all, though, like don't don't don't take one. Don't uh don't go to conclusions that me saying that takes away from somebody else's good to see you know like it was their events. You know they talked a lot about it. I'm sure the community knew a lot about the event that was going to happen.

I i barely brushed it off. I as like uh, oh guys, i'm going there. You know um. Some people were much more much more aware of it.
Yep yeah people were more aware of it. That's it. I came out of watch, but the trophy is whatever, though like um, i wish you know in respect. I'm gon na be honest with you.

I really really wish that i i had gotten a trophy or a medal for um qualifying um. I actually gon na wish. Hey guys any respect again, because, looking back at all my awards in the past, okay and whatever i generally um, they had, i had gotten a trophy or a medal for qualifying um for world cup and poland, because i think that that was in my entire, like Career and that's the thing that i earned the most, i think that was like the most like earned thing. That would that i ever done it and it was like the most like it like um.

It was crazy back then um, it was so competitive and it was so insane and we were to travel the europe to compete. That was like in that student and um. All the trophies are cool, but i kind of wish i got a trophy for that. That's it okay, boys, what else? What else? So? What i was tweeting yesterday? Okay, you guys last tension to get before finish all the clips here.

That's true uh, the shoes are absolutely insane. These are called the essentials and they're they're insane crazy, uh, busting and um. Probably one of the best pair of shoes to ever come on the market. You also also yeah what i was tweeting.

Okay is a simple concept. Okay, it's a simple concept. I guess i guess if i had to make a speech. Okay, if i had to make a speech, i would have probably mauled it, because i because i was already one beer in it.

Okay, if, if i, if i was gon na, make a speech back then okay cool, i would have thrown everybody under the bus. I'm not kidding, i would have thrown everybody under the bus. If i get up on stage, don't fox okay, there would have been some victims. Man, i'm telling you man.

The reason is simple man, it's what i was tweeting it okay. This is like an in-house event. We're popular voting it you know it's not about reality votes and it's not like announcement. Mainstream dog events.

Man mainstream it. What is it at game awards at esports awards? What the awards these act? Like? I'm a ghost yo these suckers. I don't know what is it for man, maybe it's advertisers or like or like sponsors. They do they acting like.

I don't exist man, it's insane, i'm begging your event. What is wrong with these people, man holy yo at least put me the nominees dumb. What is wrong with him, man that is insane like holy man, forget about schumer awards. I should have won game awards.

Actually, one east vs awards action. What is happening? Man? They they make a new category. Are you excited streamer of the year into these other contests? That's less content than people who make videos and live con is all about volume like what i don't even know. Dude, i don't even know dude.

Sweden presents the best kind of oregon for a little while i figured it'd be funnier. If it didn't tell you - and sometimes i say, oh somebody says: oh, do you guys watch watches one kanye dog tries to be him. Dude. I've said that last year and the year before that i've been saying that, since forever dude some of these some of these shows like dude.
There are friends in my name like i'm the boogeyman or something like like say. Oh, if this, if we say his name, guys we're going to lose all our advertising revenue or some or if we say his name guys were um we're just as bad as him guys you see is that the racist guy actually is. That is that the homophobic guy i saw a clip from 2016 and he said suck a dick. That is, that is so like what the are you dude like how i did you're old as man you're like you're, like nine years old man, holy lazy, old bones man, jesus tell you why so off, i have the best content, the best content tips, the best Best tips the best tits, the best content organization.

Yes, love you too, so we have energy, we have otk, we have! Oh, no do we come over here. Let's do come over here online offline tips, offline tv, you're, all jesus. Does she get more tickle she's nervous um for a little while i figured you don't think elves even drops frames, it's insane to me to think that someone like tyler1 can exist because this man's out there playing league of legends eight hours a day for like years Like just straight up here, it's like the the decline of mental illness. Fair though uh tyler1 feeds off range.

It's not true. He's a rage monster just rages without that he turns into a turns into erod. Ultimately, is what happens it's insane to me to think? Yes, okay charlie appears on this real words. Oh, that was funny.

That was actually funny, though oh let's go. I think this is us. Let's go i'm here with charlie and charlie yeah, um yeah, we're just so excited to be here. It feels like gta 6.

Just got announced, but it didn't i'm just so excited. I haven't been this excited since belle del fine announced that she was doing um hardcore um. I watched that the day it came out. I i've watched it every day, since how did they find somebody better than charlie? That's, it said: brother's funniest name request story.

Oh actually, one of the funniest ones was some duties. I had one of those people who messaged me every day. This is back when i worked in raya someone messaged me every day for yorick buffs, and i thought it was like a mimi thing, but this person did it for like 200 days and i used to like check in on it. I got like addicted to it.

So i wanted to like see eventually i would like actually start to check to make sure he messaged me that never failed, always buff yorick and then you know, eventually a champion is going to be buffed and they did eventually buff york and then literally i it Was actually like one of the like most beautiful dm requests that i never accepted but still looked at, and it was actually like a touching story because, like i and now i'm like i, i sometimes even work like. I wonder what that person's doing right now, like it did, is their life just you know, have they moved on like kind of a question story? You guys it's never a story? Okay! Yes, i i was. I was one of the two uh high ranked york mains. There was only, i think there was.
There was only two, it was me and and and another guy i think it was challenger, and i was i was high master and i just i played york all day as i was a york one trick. Almost 13 months say this, but hello. No, there was only two people that that were like one tricks of them. That's what i was saying at high ranks.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your daily dose of internet, hello, everyone. This is your theodos internet. Can you believe it? That's? That's me i'm here daily dose, guy everybody. Why are you even here you're a youtuber get out of here.

You know, that's a good question. Um cutie cinderella just said: like hey come on over i'm like okay, i'm here and uh. Yes, i flew in from chicago and now i'm here, so this is really new and different and i'm excited and extremely nervous - and i hope i don't about to say this, but hell is the last first month my doggy, i thought i took them for a little Bit xqcl gta best gtr uh, that's cool and the winner dude. Look at that change.

Dude cuban link juicer 33 month school. I guess he's gon na bust in actually that's real ice. I actually iced out dead ass. What were the comments about? No? No! No! No! Not the song, is there guys, i'm gon na, give it a minute man? Oh so happy fam yeah, that was nice and then put the one yeah, it's lovely wins i hit the award shows it wasn't like that.

It wasn't like that yeah. It was like that, and that wasn't that was cool. Most type awards is like more like on its own or whatever they felt like people who voted like. Actually, you know that's cool, okay.

What awesome german speech best verizon accessories award on else that was weird uh yeah. All that my juicer was wrong. Uh. First of all, i got ta say first, thank you.

That's insane! Uh to the fellow nominees keep doing this uh. The price is scuffed. Awesome show where's wubby wobby. Where are you unbelievable show if i the balloon tournament, unbelievable con camp? Unbelievable? This event right now is a huge deal.

This is awesome. I want to say thanks to this entire, like a normal adult yeah, but guys he speaks he's a little bit like me, okay, you know and uh. I was investing with him and you know what you say goodbye to somebody. You know um.

It was like um. We went with the combo right and then i was like uh. I said man, it was like here's, your man still, i also love letter just assume and dude. It was like a like a.

It was like a loop and i didn't know how to stop. It. Keep reaching we're doing this we'd love to see it. I love to see this kind of stuff.
This event right now is one of those events that takes a ton of time ton of energy ton of just manpower, it's crazy. So, thank you so much jake, you probably the best part about the event just want to say. Thanks to the casting crew that made the dollhouse happen, it was truly made. Oh no scared face.

Oh my god, i feel like i just pulled a psa. 10. First edition charizard baseless shadowless, while belle delphine was playing with my nipples and and nico avocado was licking my um. I just want to say thank you guys so much for this.

I want to thank the moyes critical team, charlie charlie, charlie charlie and charlie and um. I just want to say this is the best thing: that's happened since netflix uh got rid of cuties um, it's the best thing. That's happened to my life since i first got my first moby huge and sat on it for 24 hours straight. I just want you guys to know that uh this means the world to me and uh.

I feel like thanos snapped away half my sadness and the remaining jesus man. That's actually good, though okay cool see we're next iconic gravy speech. You guys want to see this. Oh, my god wrong person.

The call for that okay australia's out there for his lost art time to go back to dailies uh. This award obviously belongs to people who actually deserve it above me. Obviously i don't role play anymore. I don't deserve it, but a lot of people were asking me.

You know if i would go crazy. What would happen if i didn't win this award? I guess we'll never know good one dude good one dude. Are you guys making out? Let's just wait and see when they notice that dude, i i i'm just kind of painful, do you feel embarrassed because i'm wearing heels and now i'm about four or five inches taller than you. You ain't talking to me i'll start nope right now come here.

Come on take me down. Take me down little man. Help me help me the wrong person to call for that you're going to slip. Yeah he's pretty small.

Do you feel embarrassed guys? He goes like when he listens to me to see how my chat's moving what'd. I win trout, you won mmo gamer. That's me: cg plus cops voted for ludwig bunch of houses. Oh, i want gabriel oh best, gamer of the year election thanks chad, damn start all right back to questing and what okay cool man doesn't care? Do you get chad cause? I wan na see his oh.

I had to do it. I had to talk about him for a bit. Well, i had to mention him um, because uh i have no guess right now, so i figured i'd. Imagine he's here instead, here we go.

I know this is the moment everyone's waiting for so person, you have been nominated for uh, the minecraft category. How does that feel forcing? Ladies and gentlemen, this is this, is this is what i'm here with forsen the only thing he would fly from europe to go to this event. Imagine hello boy, slow boy or soy boy or both boy. Of course.
Okay, i see how it is we're. Throwing gloves, are you excited about tonight? No hello, hot chocolate, jesus, slow boy or soybeans uh? What do you think we could do better tonight? Everything, okay, uh, the jokes? No i'm just kidding you guys are you guys are great you're doing good. What advice would you give us as streamers um? None isn't great he's doing fantastic um, i'm i'm loving this. I love the uh, i'm getting the chills right now.

Goosebumps bullets, the best part of the show, was when, but one could see how good before him hey guys um, i want to say i want to see how many batches you would get in the chat, everything. Okay guys. I just want the funnels on the emotes man, the jokes right now, goosebumps yeah yeah, it's formed. Thank you.

Thank you very much. Okay, thank you. Yeah. I farmed hardcore.

You guys, i i wasn't on my phones. I didn't get the same. How much i farmed, though i did, i definitely farmed toast a hug fell, asleep. Asmr award, coloring book didn't taste very good, though the crayons.

What's that? Oh jesus, that's weird! That is that's! That is good! Oh, yes, i thought you're supposed to shake the hand or give a hug to the person who gives the award like uh award for best asmr streamer is not because i have the most watched hours. It's because i have a bigger chest than both of the hostesses. Our nominees for best asmr streamer are katrina jesus. I was in the bedroom again for this man jeez, i missed so much and the winner.

Ladies and gentlemen, i'm wrong. It's amaranth! Congratulations! Amaran, sending the award for best asmr coopman, who is the lab in l.a? That's real dude l.a is so cool. You got debated, you got you got debated. You got debated, okay, good one dude.

I i get it i get it. I get it come on. Dude pope breaks down the fit look at. What is what are we looking at? What's the cost of all this okay, the shoes cost uh two hours of rave shadow legends, the shirt, a bounty jesus one hour - oh actually, it's weak is that is that where we are right now we measure value by hours of sponsored content.

I stole the chain hell yeah, you look like you got poker. What are we looking at? What's the cost of all this? Okay, that's cooked okay, boys. Okay, what else the winner of the league of their own and what's legacy award all spoilers like uh? I had a musk to it. It was hot okay.

Well, we finally got one. I it's so nice to see you we're gon na go uh watch jhb interview some thanks. We are here with crazy slick: hey jab, it guys who's the dog man, my stream of 33 months xqcl into life, lessons and just grow from everything, because a mistake is only a mistake if you don't learn. Oh yeah, like i said what is good, you didn't have to cut me off situations into life, lessons and just grow from everything, because a mistake is only a mistake.
If you don't learn from it, that's cool, that's cool! Give me you.

By xQcOW

18 thoughts on “Reacting to clips from the game awards”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F Ram says:

    I can’t wait for X to destroy Lud’s record

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NICE says:

    You can hear the dude that hit the guy in the first clip saying "OK now run guys run" dude hit him from behind surprise attacking him and then runs with his friends, biggest poossies of all time, actual soy boys wtf, embarrassing

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vask says:

    how ludwig win is beyond me at least mizkif if not xqc

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blank says:

    after this X punishes chat by watching a jubilee video

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Piyush says:

    I get the whole trophy thing. He's basically saying that whatever he wins, he wants to feel like he fully deserved it. So, even if he did win the streamer award, he would probably feel a little guilty bc he knows he has a huge fanbase and it's based on fan votes. We should probably stop feeling sad for x and feel more happy for Ludwig instead

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noobeginner98 says:

    Ah yes, the "Game Award"

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Javier says:

    Arthium….. change the title it was not the game awards 😭

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AlphaKillero_0 says:

    Thank you editor for timer 😮‍💨🙏🏻

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ADITYA JAIN says:

    There s a reason mr. Cow is the no. 1 streamer . He is so mature and responsible of his popularity and standing , that he doesn't abuse that to skew awards or achievements in his favor . My Juicer xQcL ❤️

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sudarshan Gurung says:

    Yeah man fuck the mainstream award shows. Like how can you not even nominate one of the biggest if not biggest streamer in the whole world

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars omegartrd says:

    The two JIGACHADS: DDOI and Jerma.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars potato man says:

    “Everybody wanna know, what would I do if I won streamer of the year. I guess we’ll never know.” Despair …

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saitama Senpai says:

    I only watch xqc but how did this pepepains guy win the year award

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesus Christ says:

    Mad respect that he’s blaring Flashing Lights.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stqrlight says:

    Reacting to Clips from The Game Awards

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ancient Cross says:

    What the fuck is wrong with those people in the first clip?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blue Dragon says:

    Thanks Mr editor for including copium timer 🙏🙏🙏

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MeyoMix says:

    streamer awards not game awards

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