xQc watches RocketLeague - Team BDS vs. Team Vitality | Grand Finals
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#xQc #RocketLeague #tournament

Am I Allow to watch this or not. Tropy they are making started the best Blondie Welcome me to the Jungle Want the pictures, they want the fame, they want the glory they want these opportunities. Chat Chat number guys guys guys I I Hate to say chat this is a rerun M streamer put off streaming this is a rerun but we'll get watch a little bit, taste it and yet still so far away Zen So far away from the opponent that never stops with the pace that he has a flippy set pre FP Rises I'll be honest with you Z follows it up look at the quality of the it is truly that's crazy. Usually they do.

they do bigger tricks but the man to be able to dunk it underneath. What an opening! Yet another early goal in these two series here goes off to the stealing as well. He's C such a path for Zen look how much boost he seems to have Zen there just waiting attack that it continues. It's scary and it's dominating.

it's I would have done that shot I I would have got that monkey can't break his lines R does. but was there the absolute brick wall a true unit of a player. Monkey Moon has alha in front of him. Classic Corner Can't escape right now Team BDS Classic Corner Tri Their blue half is not what they want to do.

They want to be going and seeing the world on that orange side of the pitch. A minute gone. one goal down. A lot of time of course in these games, but these goals have been scarce to BDS when they have gone down one Challenge from Ros just Shadows it where that ball goes it will be hitting his bumper that pinch nearly On Target Rise to save it away Hi to Sto this game for the first line.

this series looking more like series one Vitality Controlling everything they L never miss a ball if they miss a play because the play didn't work out. but oh just want to get a touch of it and vitality Letting them have nothing but this. here is a chance. this youright all right.

All right Chat this team Vitality guys guys, that defense is garbage Late rotates overcommit come on brother they they over committed BDS They had nobody on actal defense are starting to slow down to have a human wrecking ball clear the path for you and make it simple Vitality They start this next play with just as much venom in their attacks Alpha's coming in Rise he gets there but you see two Defenders going to defend any vital that's crazy I'm not PL I'm okay, this does not squeeze through. make it 15050. usually not good enough. Rise goes High Toply enjoy my is you are so far away from playing like this that you don't even see these plays in your dream.

Let chat. What is this defense bro. Vitality's defense is garbage. What are they doing? He cannot r that this defense is smoking crack.

We've seen a couple of pretty brutal open net misses I would say in this competition so far BDS have not been suffering one of them. a great fake kickoff up if had money I I on on BDS before yes but the lead is not their cuz Vitality logo sucks and I hate bees Zen Zen wins now and he has boost still. but that one's actually going to go as far as Alpha Zen's on the side. Rosen's waiting in the wings Rosen Can he put this one on target? 50 months to another 50? The physicality from Vitality Okay, okay Chad this rise guy I Blame him okay I I blame the rise guy I don't know what he's doing, jumps up and down in that chair and you mentioned par earlier Cole it's par again and it seems that just when team DDS begin to get their fooles Vitality plays are so far above your level that you don't even understand.
Again, more chances looking more and more threatening every single time. Oh with this chance, five boost bumped away now R doent again pushing. He has shown up in this second series. That first one he was great.

This second one he's looking even better and as well the super ask the question of him. He has the answer and he faked it. He faked it up. Monkey out the that's a good read That's I I would have been able to read that Okay now that's bad.

That's bad. That's bad. This cycle guy is got to get his B checked up that he could be able to hit that. That's kind of weird.

Doesn't get it. The side of SE Ros finds him in the minute 15. that's one that's open. That's a demo.

Oh it's unfortunately a Miss for a do in the it was awkward but it was definitely scor wait this why doing some s BS on the counter and the bumps as Wells every time they find themselves settled in the game they swept away and vitality come forward as a three Alpha leads the attack this time but rise he could be the Difference Maker to the cealing with him. then let take it se's there ala just try to get as the BDC be um whatever blue team wins this who takes control of this ball the end it was the Frenchman Now here's the others. they come fin not this time as well to anything but we're still seeing that confence coming out from Vitality back left corner again actually want you want to win but who do you have with the I got itri but it's not there alha his turn is good again off the back. was aware of it I One more shot on goal but who cares it and we have game three over these teams as hope I Get the smell that's literally everything by the way.

I just put everything in the pot kickity these more and more challenges. Oh Bad Bad Touch Bad Touch what was that? All right? Well there goes my whole everything Bro I can't even use this mic anymore bro I was hit the ball like that even I know do that. he was aware of the as soon as struck and brought Vitality that lead so far this is the closest that vision is got. you know doings I got this I got I got this will win the next.

These are the guys that snip by the way I'm not even kidding the snipers every day. what theam again vitality and B demos raining in the board 13 in total sure and we see wav American flag wait what the did I bet question for the audience here. what are your three favorite letters is it USA CH chat I'll put pred for chat chat since heics I put up predictions in chat you can jam ony and we do have a next game the whole set next game I think that's the play because that is a horrible lose to lose game here. on this stage they're a little bit higher than that and it's frustrating I know exactly what the coach is saying.
no overit here. Let's try to do the triangle Guys know the triangle. Also the probably the guy who sto the ball in the middle of the thing making a setup that you would see in Silver. let's be I'm not going to be rud this Tye of ball stop you see in silver know he's young enough but he can count to one.

CH when you go out middle and do a full side Swip Like that all it does is stop the ball. It doesn't make the ball go anywhere slow but then they won. Why is there no It's true if the ball slow and and you do a side full side on as possible and that man in the middle he is ice on land rise is frozen solid. Can he transfer 100 I Know that? no no I mean going on this not piing up, probably going to lose now good are still there're getting louder and louder.

They're doing it for team morality. Their adopted team find themselves on the cality French seen I mean as can count to one I Hope he can count to four because he's had three regional championships. This could be his fourth tournament victory in a row, but they need to put the work in first. Same view we've ever seen is is upon us.

but BDS want to ruin that and they want to make sure that a brand new Legend is born that the goat of the open era in Monkey moon is the but an what over is that man? What is what? What the man for team BDS then nipping in there not on the same wavelength. the body language ain't great if I was on the defense I would that by the way I That chance though for BDS to have that mental reset and my word Vitality How many goals have they scored in the first 30 seconds in this series? It's genuinely they only use fex and not a to stop those handicaps from flying in. Shot saved Away by Z Monkey Moon couldn't quite get was inall ands going to have to start again. thankfully for them at least of the ball seen thatal all three of them comfortable.

always there, always on the ball, always demanding it commit to balls that are not going to do anything that they know they're going to hit it. They never go for like risky shots see that goes uncompleted. can't take it offer in the Midfield sends it high. Monkey isn't the one up.

that was nice try though. Dam They deser go they deser go there they go there. what is he doing? it's a fake. it was a fake stand to frustrating team BDS on every turn and now down the other end you he bmed hitting the cross setting up bumped remains One n lovely touch Central as well from Ros Unfortunately just sets up St on the chance but you see Vitality they barely want to go into their own half.
they don't want the ball to go there. they're going to rotate through those Midfield boosts. Keep it confident, keep it central Al the second for vitality and potentially the third game he's been team Vitality Why is he the enemy man as far as Esports are concerned K and fairy Peak wants his teammates and he W championships online with them now he of Vitality Wonder Kids Here's one. it never touches the flo IAM always wait wait wait no defense.

okay dude, how can someone do is ref do Transition to the off monkey Moon though to go for a touch, get over that final Defender BDS are rabid. they're going to be wanting to scure a gold Zen Utterly confident just round the side with SE picking up and that back corner boost clearing right. but gold when the is alive and there is they're kind of. they're pretty rare I feel like and they're all set up like that this this Zen guy to WR home about for BDS to that two goal Suffocation working so strong that's just how it iset leag will theal see how he what he chose to do there at the corner yeah Charing down the try to get in the way somehow trying toop team Vitality having everything go wait a minute super corner and then middle Bing B man our crowd loves when we see one of those goal line wanders Alpha to receive a pass from ad doin from the backboard rise has to jump It's the monkey Moon the full court carry It's been a bad performance from Team a goaly how can he Beed over and over again we've seen BDS shoot they've had great chances too BDS not able to break him Nice that c monstrous mustard flipper is What is that sitting in one of these seats cheering on with the North American crowd? What is that? Nothing is going against him right now.

Team: EVS Come forward. There's at least two Vitality players in their face block they doing wheel barrels off the roof. Man that particular attack wants to get. can't do it but there's then it's just another Vitality player that gets there more attacking, more pushing more dominance from from Team Vitality I play like that by hope is oh wow that was crazy as we just seen BDS take that time out as well.

car do this. It's going to get dire if they lose incredibly likely. Final 35 ticks down. Wait Monkey Moon with a hopeful long go in seconds down by Alha yet again Vitality that well oiled machine and BDS planning to be the spanner in their side.

Oh Z the pace of it Monkey Moon has R do to his side. he didn't need it. Maybe he should have pass. miss those man.

Final 15 now Vitality that's three goal lead game four Best of seven. surely going that way until we see I mean hey I've seen these I've seen people want come back they they're not too bothered Zen literally looked at do and was like Lally they Shrugged he was like don't worry like bro with 31 up you're good. Incredible. The difference the of his fining playing on this stage over the last couple of games ago.
he was so uncomfortable psycho really really dude really needed hit that can't hit those like oh manake he his team and just Vitality Now to Jo right? I'm dos in illustrious team everybody put your points all in there who have won from lower some of these names coming from the history I'm going be honest this fality team looks like he going take it f go Gamb up Gamb really up. Go to the gamb, choose choose the outcome as teams bracket reset and win an Rlcs L What is BCS phenomenal names be written alongside and even more than that just in the microcosm of any one event. None of these said the name right. won an Rlcs land before Alpha has come so close winning the Rcsx Championships when these beautiful events were put on PA like so much of the rest of the world that is when ala had his Peak until now until what was actual name of the team though I don't get it.

maybe it's his turn I need to sh he's going to feel OD major at some point going to feel like these moments are his I thought you going French there Oh the major Alongside this crowd cheering for Vitality Game Five, their chance to be written in banners alongside Legends Vitality on the precipice of Glory Wait, this may well end now, especially if Z wins this against monkey Moon Seo's touch into the center is loose Team: BDS showing their sign minut minute wearing them on their sleeves weird slow start Looking to punish them every step of the way leaves that one to Al there's no's no wow. they gave them way too much room in the beginning of that inside seconds Vitality Every time they take these chances, why do they? Why do they commit so hard? 22 See, he blocks the guy like he blocks the ball. He he goes melee mode on the guy going for the for the touch Vitality They will not stop. They cannot be stopped right now.

and maybe Punch Guy holy he was there but they just half a step behind at all. Turn Stumpy BDS has still got a brilliant clim to this M, especially with they just get luy shots. The pass coming down the pitch from Moon it's long it's dominant and Rise is the man to whip himself round. it challenges two comes out strong.

Who better than rise as well. A man known R is caring harder R is caring super harder he is someone you turn your team is losing your en. All right this by the way. Take him to game seven.

Take him to the sort of moment where anybody else would. How does he miss that? He will never and his team need his Spirit right now if team BDS are to have any chance at all first minute gone all of these and taking them most of the timean on that left wall sends it long with just with King C no that that's so bad that's so bad Central And but look how deep team BDS have to defend against team vital that ballot the in they over committed that ball I Even time they're soed that ball, they're three on the ball a we from Monkey Central Stress out a little bit right now and that chance may well lead to Glory at the end of the path it's it's the team BDS Tired performance right now. but team Vitality they're putting them to sleep chares R look at the pace of him rice barely towards monkey. Simple P Looking impossible right now.
but that fake that might change probably is to go on his own. Unfor that's someone's argument. They're not allowed to if they're watching sports or anything. they're not allowed to comment on anything.

Con: If you think about it right then all commentators are dog because of them are Pros yeah these guys aren't FR Shut the up my ear dude I Want to hear Rise Who doing that corner redin takes control, slows things down and gets Vitality Tak again wait big boom that is so nice. Boom Dude. Okay and look at the that's going to be a mental breaker. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're coming back.

actually. Holy that's that's a moral. Destroyer BS Opportunity to break history they don't want to give it to Vitality Here on the canyon halfway through the game Dou 5050 Vitality Over half of this job done so far, let Go extends It Wide Too committing Vitality You can't be thrown that away now. Don't be too complacent.

You can still lose it from here. Oh he faked F Oh no, they got a boom. They got a boom. Get something foral of to win now I Want the underdog to win? Let's go.

That's insane coming off his. That's what is this bone saw. Spider-Man He's dribbling. He's dribbling the ground like LeBron James LeBron James Spiderman up in that bitting the trophy Anybody in the crowd right now supporting Vitality Give them your noise.

give them your energy. make sure they know that you are here Teams though they don't care about the noises they hear, they're here to support themselves and their fans at home. Sto wait, almosts it. Monkey Moon Up the oh come on Fing punch man has been inout.

Yes! Boom! CH I Have all my points in my entire Bank r on BDS BDS and they are all beautiful. Monkey Moon Selfless and Rise are waiting Central a minute. That was crazy. That was crazy.

The word of this game trading back and forth goals. the BS for monkey they're very committed. very committed. Cor Alpha was Zen just bumping Rise out the way Zen's there Zen wants to get the double but can't do it.

It may well turn into a pass though. was almost weak. it was floaty but he made something from it turn it into that's nice. that's nice of Al Genius ala Is AO xqx Wow got the flip reset off of like that small of CH what is that yo check in PCN game Dude is the one that everyone said was the best in the world because right now all three of them are making a ASA gets in the Char down each.

this feeling something right now unless come on a big shot Bing B is there Al Guy Vitality Great chances here. the championship ined by Mony challenges. no he down Alpha gets the attack going yet again Monkey Moon those steals of him. who can he send the must towards? it's no one charged down by Vitality once more Rise defense on the backboard.
it has to be more. has to be. So that's so the final. We've been there too.

Holy, we've been there. poor do. How has it happen? Nobody knows BDS don't know. but Vitality They seem certain that these 25 seconds can be survived.

Final 25 is going to be utterly vital for BDS a Demo range the and clear away a there's the moment you lost all your money. Come back from this one per it's I got more to Maor will be there. The bracket reset was just a dream a few hours ago. Vitality.

He secured it. The 10 seconds takes down the crowd erupts, the numbers fly from their mouths. Vitality With victory in their veins, fight success. G Chat I'm looking the looks chionship he was performing.

Soing that was pretty bad. they threw that CH that was an AR choke AR choke on these nuts. That was terrible Ginormous gigow Alpha Farah Standing at the helm, Powerful as ever. he couldn't live this.

he has. yeah, we call those lucky shots. R Disppointed they got themselves. He's taken that.

If anyone does like this to us and rank, it's immediately immediately like in three Brilliant! Frenchmen with the USA on their back have turned this into goals. Oh that is nice face Army Move TR face that's the angel chat now. ch What a throw though. What an absolute almost weak.

It was floaty but he made something. Let me replay on the pre of Glory again imperf that was I can't see nothing. they're just not even close in skill. Why ever bet against Vitality? Still unable to clear their lines all of them.

Which one was it? Which one was it? Never it was. it was when they went three. Yeah, Now all right. let's go dude.

let's go Dude, let's go can the must towards it's no one all nice. Why this lag? I'm trying to watch a clip Brothers The word of this game trading a day the battle rages on the kick off Falls Almost as then but instead Monkey Moon gets control of it. Now we have Rise approaching in the corner. Alpha With bumping Rise out the way Zen's there Zen Wants to get the double but can't do it.

It may well turn into a pass though. those T acoss. All three of them are making a pretty good go of it being themselves as Alpha gets in the air again charging down each subsequent team. BDS Attack R sends it long.

It's not going to happen though unless seven try hard seven try s, try hard, seven try hard, seven, try seven, try championship in their sight Rice can't get it past in the Midfield is owned by him Mony However, challenges gets it wide, gets it long. Where is it? Alpha Shutting it down Alpha gets the attack going yet again. Monkey Moon Those steals in the way. Who does he have in front of him? Who can he send the musty towards? It's no one charged down by Vitality more the back.
It has to be more. It has to be Now this no one charged down by. Vitality Once more Rise defense from the back. it has to be more.

It has to his teammate on the right needs to be coming straight towards the ball right and monkey Moon fault I am out if you just for flip straight up and headed right chat chat if you just forge flipped it it had it right the final yeah Z got bumped I don't Z bumped the other guy but I don't think it matters it doesn't make any sense. is a silver an of the day ways don't know the Vitality they seem certain that these 25 seconds can be surved. Just kidding man I'm playing GC bit ass and then after this happened they were tilted like so hard and it just over. Yeah and by the wayday me and Jesse we beat a a dual of a grand champion player.

Go that's that's.

By xQcOW

11 thoughts on “Rocket league pros are not human”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlcoolice says:

    Why is his chat so annoyed and toxic i feel like most of them arent even fans

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pitched says:

    Seeing Seiko put the ball just out of reach of MonkeyMoon is so painful

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BraaapSututututu says:

    I’m never on twitch but I appreciate the people who watch live and chat. Makes it so much funnier seeing people say shit like “your ass stop cappin” 😂😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DraK GP says:

    cha hamaddew washis oh nah ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mattawaka says:

    Watching this was like watching an American react to Football

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SadClown says:

    I love Rocket League. Best competitive game ever.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ManningUp says:

    u shouldn't be talking 😭😭

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BuzzaB77 says:

    Can anyone tell me what language xQc speaks?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drew says:

    I love xQc commentary very accurate lmao

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 420kronik🍃 says:

    im too high to kno what u sayin😹

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Itz Slatt says:

    if you listen close enough, you lose brain cells listening to xQc

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