xQc and Amouranth have viewers call in for relationship advise.
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#xQc #datingadvice #amouranth

Hello Uh, so got a problem? I'm gay So oh, she doesn't really help right here now. but he's gay advice? Um yeah. I want his advice? It's um okay. I I You know what? I guess it applies.

It's Universal Okay, it's yeah. yeah. just rant to me about your problems. How about that? Yeah, there's a couple problems.

we'll set it up with the chat and then we'll fill him in. or I've been in a couple relationships, but it's been. It's been kind of hard for me. I'm kind of like in a drought right now.

I'm not having any. You know anything going around? No luck at all. Nothing. It's just me and myself.

really. Um I know a friend that I'm really interested in. It's kind of hard to get with them because they're couple States over. Um, that's not really the problem though.

It's mostly trying to get across that I'm interested in actually wanting to be with them. It's yeah, it's hard. Uh, are they confirmed single? Or yes, they are single. Um, yeah.

I've known them for a long time. It's been about five years because you don't like ruin the friendship right? So it's like a balance. Yeah, that is a very hard thing. They're amazing person.

Um, it's really hard. I've been in relationships before. Uh, one a guy I want a girl? They're both fine. One one ghosted me, one cheated on me with my uh, best friend's.

it I had that. Actually, even though I'm straight, it still happens. You know? Yeah, um, it was hard. I mean we got past it.

We're friends now. it's fine it I just you know I just want to get back into the groove of things and being in a relationship gotcha. Yeah, that stuff. So basically you're interested in uh, this person who's been a longtime friend they're a few States over and you don't know how to get past that current status at all to even Bridge the question or like I mean I've I've like you know, give them bait I'd try to bait them into you know, been like hey, I'm interested and like hey, you want to go out maybe I can you know go to a concert together and it's always been like yeah, you gotta get it and then we just go on to something else instead of what I was talking about I think that's your answer, then you think yeah I'd say if you if you're the conversation changes or something else that is the answer.

Unfortunately, if you've already like kind of asked them to to meet up or like do stuff and they've just like oh, the topic or have you not asked no I think it wasn't it didn't at least sound purposeful. it was more like they didn't know because they've never actually been in a relationship which is something else. Okay, so it's kind of hard to tell, right? Um, well. even then though, if you've asked them to like, go do stuff together and you say you're friends right? and they're not even excited about that, then chances are they probably wouldn't want to escalate any further than that because if they're not even excited to spend time with you, like as a friend, and they definitely aren't going to want to like, go spend time with anything Further than that, You know, because it's like you gotta have that friendship as the basis in order to succeed.
Otherwise, they're just you. No, they're They're a pretty good friends. I Wouldn't say that we don't have that friendship. Okay, the situation is, he is currently uh, single, hasn't had much luck in the dating Department lately and he has a friend he's interested in a few States over and he does not quite sure how to approach that subject of making it more than friendship.

He says he's asked him to go do stuff before they go to concerts and stuff and the subject always kind of changes and so I said maybe that's your answer then is that he's not interested and he said, well, it's he's not sure if he even gets the dynamic he might. It might just be socially inept and awkwardness because that person's actually never been in a relationship he's interested in. So how would he even understand flirting and stuff? Um, wow. that's um, that's deep.

yeah. um yeah. So wait wait a minute. wait wait wait wait hold up.

Hold up. Hold up. Hold up. So did you fix him? Did you fix him? Would you give me the advice or not? Um, that's where we left.

so we're we're learning about the situation. Um, okay, how about you just give me? um. the beginning part I didn't really get it here? No, no, no, you listen, you listen. Yeah.

I feel like I explained it? So what don't you understand? Like the part, just the other part. Like what is the actual the uh, the actual problem itself? Uh, the the problem is that we've been friends for a long time. Uh, don't really know how to get across that. I'm actually very interested in them and how I'm supposed to.

You know, go in further with them. Um I've been friends for a long time. Nobody made the move. Nobody made the move five years I haven't Uh, it's must have been just a on and off friendship.

we've you know, have you been friends, um, in person for five years though? or just like, know each other online? It's mostly online, but we're pretty close, you know? Uh I don't know how I would say that, but why have you never made uh, an actual black on the white move that is clearly either a flirtatious or uh, like an events like literally Ford or not. I haven't made a serious move yet? No. I have not. Nothing at all.

Technically no. okay, see, unfortunately. uh as a channel that won't agree with this because a bunch of uh, people that are friend zoned a lot. Okay, they want to give it what I was going to say.

but the reality is that at one point you have to make do something there's like that is like a black on white right? So either it's like uh um hey I wanted to take it to the next level or hey um like I I feel more than just friendship with you that there needs to be something something to click because some people their level of of reception towards uh like they're clicking ratio was like super like uh um low like it'll be really hard for him to click that you actually enjoy the more as it says friend right? So you have to, you have to like really like feed it to them like like directly Some people you could. You could go to the the very limits of like not saying like hey hey I want to date you like you would have to do that for them to really click in right? So maybe you're doing what's up with somebody that isn't understanding the signs you have. You been giving him signs or not, a little here and there, a little here and there and you have any success. Is there going to be any, uh, sort of connection? There is any sort of development? uh, not really.
We're just still having a pretty basic friendship. Ask them like hey I really I really like you I love to hang out, get to know you more and in time since you're not, there's this thing coming up. Would you want to go together? kind of get a feel for them in person? I wouldn't I wouldn't say hey I want to date you without meeting someone in person first because just because you talk online you think you're really close to Dynamic in person is going to be completely different if you've never met them before. well, maybe even you.

Maybe maybe you will like rethink about uh, how you see them and what you want, uh with them. Um, after you've met them in real life? Like how would you feel if they in real life they were completely different Dynamic uh, what do you feel right now might just change, You know? and yeah I Understand, You know? Yeah, it's why. it's why real life is kind of like a really like kind of an important factor, right? Because in real life there's a, uh I mean I'd say a bunch of dynamics that you don't know, like, um, um, how how touchy they are. You know, um, how good they are with them.

You know, just just affection as a whole. and also also, um, maybe they smell bad. Maybe they don't take care of themselves. There's just the things that are.

Maybe some things that they do that it just can't be fixed sometimes. right? You'll never know. Yeah, um, like if you see 90 Day Fiance I Know it's like partly scripted but they call it reality TV Be for a reason. Situations like that do happen where you feel like you know someone and you are sure that you like really like them online.

Then you meet them and they're not what you expect at all. Yep, that is true. Yeah, yeah, um yeah. Also, you maybe you need to really ask yourself.

this question is very difficult. Okay, so you have to be very reasonable In the world of dating is. um, are you willing to risk your friendship and what you have it with this person? Uh, are you willing to lose that based on the fact that you tried to make the next level and then it's not. It's different anymore.

It's different now. Maybe the whole the five of them is gonna be completely different because now they know you want you want more and they denied you because it happens very often that you're gonna have a friend, a girl guy and then you. You like what you have with them right and then Or is it something that you're willing to risk in order to get there or not Because sometimes it'll happen that you're You're not willing to risk what you have with them and you'll be very disappointed. Then you'll regret what happened afterwards, right? Um, so if you have to be prepared for these outcomes and you have to, really, um, gauge your next move, that makes sense? Yeah, that's why I think it's super important to not commit to anything like romantically at first because you might meet them in person, find out they're not what you expect did, but you could still be friends with them.
And in that way, you haven't ruined anything by like making it awkward. It's because you've never even met them. Just get them to hang out. Yeah, first friends.

If you say You're such good friends. and if that you are good friends, they actually feel the same way. they wouldn't have a reason to reject the Meetup Yeah, Have you ever? Um, last thing before I um um, what did you feel like we're giving you something that value here or not? Uh yeah. I think it makes a ton of sense? Uh, you know, meeting them before getting into anything serious and ruining something and also just uh, making sure that they were the type person that I want I think that's a good advice, but meeting them is very important though.

I'm telling I'm telling you yes, uh um well now I'm trying to push into doing it. you know, because I'm not I I don't know in real life? Whatever. but yeah, like meeting somebody super important. um you want to get there also uh e dating is uh, we'll say oh, it's fine, this is that.

Okay if you were thinking about like, well, maybe I can not commit and just eat it. Editing is disastrous. It is bad. It's dog.

It's on the tier. It's on the tier um of long distance relationship. um minus the cook loader that comes with it anyway I digress. Okay, uh anyway.

um yeah. anyway I hope you'll experience speak from No no I just I didn't I would never do that because it's it's bad. Oh what the hello? okay anyway. um um.

listen this this channel again stupid. um all right. oh thank you so much. Yeah yeah, thank you for doing this right before.

uh uh Valentine's Day yeah xccl chat X yeah man. see you later bro. See you man Yep, okay and then um I'm gonna put this guy in and this guy he got cheated on three times apparently. uh I'll put him in and we'll see how it goes.

Also I'll be close to you when he talks or I remove the headset so we can both hear it. Okay, uh. also he's lagging so I'll go over to the queue but this is like Also earlier by the way. so maybe he's gonna lag again I don't know.
Guess lot one connecting. Um, a guest star or not I haven't used it before. Uh I think it's kind of thing when it works. when it breaks, it's kind of dog.

but I mean it works most of them. Oh my God oh my God is that loud? Hold up I'm loud? Yeah, you're You're like you're like breaking everybody's Uh no I got you I got shot on the volume Comment: is it good now? Attack again. Hello? Yeah. I'll put you at 30 percent.

Okay, we're good. Yeah, you were good. Yeah, what's going on? Uh, not much about you man. we're just chilling with that man.

Nice man. Yeah, I'm just chilling watching the Stream All right. Honestly said primalone. Anyway, um okay.

um okay. so um, what's your name? Jesse chassis Okay, um, how about give us a little bit of a rundown? uh I I don't know if I can say you're thinking right? How about you give us a rundown of um, what is a Europe oh Jesse sorry, what is your uh, you're oh sorry about that? um what? What is your dating issue and how could the uh, the absolute risk Masters can fix your life? Man like I've been dating for dating my girlfriend for six years now. just kind of a rocket. but uh yeah, she's just not a giga juicer like me.

She gets mad I want to watch your stream so I don't know what to do man she's she's a goner. throw up. um that's what I'm saying uh really don't like do you not do at the computer she doesn't like you playing games is it is watching extremely The problem. Wow you know like I don't know I play a lot of games in the winter I have a lot of time off with work so I kind of like to wind down I work a lot in the summer.

so I play a lot of games and don't get me wrong I spend my my time with her for sure. Gotta respect her but you know sometimes I I overdo it okay. but has it really been causing problems though? Is it an actual problem or is it just a complaint that she has? Like any other complaint, it used to cause a problem because I I used to be a problem with it I think it's getting better now. like I played a lot of games man I play a lot of old school.

you know a lot of OverWatch there's something you're not telling us I'm telling you you are trolling it I'm not trolling I'll want me to FaceTime her right now no oh you know what? um yes. okay yeah. I do I do want that. She's out with her cousin right now so I don't know if she'll answer but I'll FaceTime her hold on it's gonna be a guy.

Okay, well this just looks bad. but it doesn't look bad. it doesn't respond. It's fine.

no. I have been dating her for six years. It was our anniversary on January 13th she's not answering. she's out for dinner with her cousin.

She just flew into town so it is what it is. but because I don't know the situation is she is unhappy with the amount of time you spend on the computer versus spending time with her or what. Ah wow, yeah, maybe just this winter. Yeah.
because I've been playing a lot like I said I've had a lot of time off. but I think for the most part we're happy I'm just I mean we've been dating six years? we're not engaged. For the most part you're happy. Oh I'm very happy.

I Get to watch X all day? What are you talking about? Jesus You have a lot of times she's gonna spend on Virtual pixels instead of your girlfriend. That's an issue. she's she's calling me. Hold on hello and I wonder she's with her cousin but he's got a 12 inch or two.

Okay, she answered. Here's my girlfriend: I'm on stream with Xqc right now and they're asking me about a relationship. so oh my God she doesn't hear us. but yeah hello, she's gorgeous.

Why are you? Why are you watching twitch? What the is wrong with you? Also, why are you? Why are you with this guy? You know how many chat would love to have a girlfriend? Did you know my DM's open instead? No. She's amazing. She's like the best thing that's ever happened to me. She's awesome So pay attention to her you dick.

I Pay attention to her all the time. She's up with her cousin right now. so yeah because she had a little free time off. Probably because she got tired of waiting around for you to take her somewhere fun I'd take her.

it's a very fun places. Okay, anyway we golf. Lots All right. All right, that's huge.

So how about you? How about you? Um, how about instead of feeding? feeding us your problems? How about you you say, um, you ask her to tell us what she doesn't like about you and your activities and one of the problems. Okay, so you can't hear them, but they want to know what bothers you about me. What's something you don't like about me? Tell us everything. Spill the thesis.

Spill the tea sis. Well, you play too much videos. There it is. She said, why are you playing with that joystick and I'm trying to play with yours.

Don't do dude. And I'm always late too. That's it. Because you're playing video games.

That's it. Yeah, babe. I Can't pause. it's an online game.

actually. the other day I got her to get me two mining levels while I took a shower. So on. Old School she's pretty supportive.

Um, yeah. old school. RuneScape you play RuneScape Nice, Yeah, dude. Emergency is good.

It's nice. Okay, do you guys like live together or not? No, we don't. Okay, she'll come to your place and whenever she comes in you just keep playing games watching streams. No, no, not all the time like sometimes she likes watching me play games but um, like she comes over.

we'll hang out or we'll go out a lot too. Yeah, do you make it feel special sometimes? like take on a date somewhere? Yeah, no we go out all the time. I Love taking her out. We go through it all the time.

You let her, you let her tell us about about that she can't really hear though. that's no. that's why you just don't just just feed it back there. it's fine.
Okay, what do you want to ask her? yeah, do you feel like it? He takes them out of his day to make you feel special and makes you go on dates and like that and you know just take time for you. Okay, they want to know if I give you my time out of the day and make you feel special and make you happy. What about dates? What about dates? Do I take you out on lots of dates? Yeah, but other dates that she wants to go on are they. Do you want to go on? Oh um, do you ask her what she wants to do always I mean it's been six years so now I kind of know what she likes doing but a lot of times I'll ask her what she wants to do.

but then again sometimes I try and surprise her. Well, it seems like you guys have no problems, but you're Republicans are pretty minor problem. they're pretty minor I don't know. Wait, isn't she the one that cheated? What? No, that wasn't me bro.

Oh sorry no, it's all good man. no. Also Chad's beaming me for not living together for six years. I'm only 21 I know oh 21 don't live together.

but we started dating y'all the oh God that's crazy. that's insane. Well I'm Gonna Keep it a buck I seems like you guys promises are pretty minimal. uh for six years relationships are very healthy.

Uh maybe you guys should give us advice uh or me advice or her advice or chat advice if you want. I can give you some yeah that we have to the world I wanted everybody to see how happy I am. So wait, what is the issue then? that you play video games too much? sometimes I do yeah. Sometimes when would that be the case? Like when she's over there when you're she's not over there.

usually not like she spends a lot of time with me. So there are a lot of times where she's here and I am playing games because we spend a lot of time together. but it's not like an issue. it's just a lot of my free time because I work I work 12 to 14 hour days and I work six to seven days a week.

So I don't have a lot of free time, but when I do I'm playing games maybe don't prioritize the gameplay and instead prioritize her in your free time because when she's busy, that's when you can play games because you have to think about it long term. Are the video games gonna suck your dick? They might in the future, but technology isn't that good yet and you aren't currently single, so why bother looking for that technology? You know what I mean like I wouldn't say don't I'd say don't make time for video games, make time for her or make time for improving your life like you know, Like whether it's a hobby, like a like going to the gym or like pursuing an interest outside of the digital world and then when you have nothing else to do, have time to kill she's not available. Then you play the video game because that's always going to be there as a backup, but she may not be. no I understand that.

but it's just like I said. We've been together for six years so we do spend a lot of time together and I'm always giving her everything I can but we do both need our own time. uh you know, yeah, our own hobbies and stuff. Like there's a lot of people who are married and play games.
She actually I built her computer. she played plays games with me all the time so you know what it is. A special advice it gets him pretty healthy and stable. Here's my advice again is is maybe sometimes a little bit a tiny bit of time.

Uh, if you need time apart or for yourself, it's fine. as long as you make it a better use a time together and feel more special because the last thing you want is to fall into the problem of habit if you're only with somebody for habits right and things gonna fall like still, that's a mega problem right? Making the times as special yeah is very important. If you fall into the habits, you're just gonna show up to your house. Routinely you you play games you watch a movie with like it's too routine, it becomes really bad.

Exactly Okay, so yeah, that's that's actually really good. It's about prioritizing, right? Like you know, when you have the time to think about ways that you can spice it up, Do that. Maybe because there's going to be plenty of time like you said, where you like. You guys need your own time to each other to yourselves, away from each other.

like your own little private space where then you can play games all you want. But like I think the the priority should be figuring out ways that when you do spend time together, it's the most use of your time. The the sexual battery for sure, right? Yeah, you're gonna get the second one bro. Yeah, okay uh oh.

I'm Canadian by the way so you know Canadians in the house Hi I just had to throw that out there I'm very proud, Nice. Lovely. Okay well um I hope you found something to be very healthy and um we're gonna go next but we are. We're very happy to see you here Jesse and then we have.

We hope you have a wonderful life and the rest of relationship I Appreciate it man this is awesome! It was nice meeting you too. Nice to meet you man. Good luck man! Take care brother! Okay I don't want to think that was a huge issue. So I mean I mean this is going to ball and he's gonna.

it's gonna Flex on his plebs to be honest. So yeah, being like I have a girlfriend look at him yeah and then she's like she looked all happy and she could have cooked them live on stream and I yeah she's gonna cook them but she did the tongue into the cheek literally she was like oh yeah oh boy is my mic okay um chat is it? We'll talk again. Is my mic okay? yeah chat is it good now I put him to 30 percent. Um let's say they say they say I'm not gonna skip him.

Why would we be skipping Dumbass? Um Mike is good. All good. Uh oh you good? Yep, How about you? um what's your name? Uh yeah my name is Alice Alice Alex yo what's up man uh yeah sorry Urban oh he is lagging it. you know? is it? um probably Comcast Okay well I even even though he's hard lagging I Feel bad now? Yeah yo You're Gonna Hurt Okay this okay.
you're like hard lagging. Are you from another country? No he just has Comcast Oh okay. well okay, uh sorry. chat.

Listen you guys I don't be rude, chat. but listen uh I don't want to do Tech Okay I'll swap him in and out. Okay um if next is backing it and it's fixed, we'll let him in. It's just kind of how it is because at the side as I go through it you guys this is how it is.

Sub right? Who lives here? What's up man? More respectful. uh anyway. um sup man, what's your name yo uh Josh Josh I think there's two one Jetta the similar name as you. what's same color? they talk a lot of.

are you one of the guys in China that says a lot of in China Okay, bloody hell yeah baby. don't check my locks. yeah Ali a-looking ass. Okay anyway.

uh um hey yo um okay. how about you? um I'm gonna give us a random and how about you? um, get us to the the nitty-gritty part of it. What is? Uh, what is your current problems? that? um, the absolute wrist message can fix it? Yeah oh, his logs are bad. Bad.

Oh sorry. What was that? Okay, um yeah, yes. my issues uh a more like in action uh to solve the texting server um with people I uh one of my more recent uh, sort of issues is um I was talking to some for quite a while and uh Alexandra Dawson because I kind of got too nervous and didn't want to fall short of expectations and stuff. um and that's ah, am I too quiet? oh no I mean now you're good I mean you were.

you were quiet first I mean you want to give us a a clear run down I must say I was listening to every word and I gotta rewarded but I just don't really know like what happened? uh yeah. yeah. so I have a lot of anxiety and I think right now I'm in southern a place where uh sorry I'm I'm pretty. uh you're fine until you're done.

um okay yeah. so I've written it down. uh my most recent issue. so I was talking to someone for quite a while and uh, basically what ended up happening was I ended up just sort of ghosting them and deleted my social media and stuff.

but it it it was sort of stem from me. just uh, feeling like I'm going to fall short of our expectations when I either propose that I meet them in person or um, whatever. Uh, that's been a sort of an issue for me for quite a while now and uh, breaking past that point is yeah. so I need advice from the uh risk? God you know? Um, by the way, this is not a A A an actual license therapy.

this is more of a life coach thing again. um just so I'm not liable and I'm not gonna go to jail. but anyway, um I think what? I'm what? I'm getting a little bit something that I've I've had or I've seen from other people. uh I I think I'm we're seeing a little bit of potential.
uh, imposter syndrome uh, happens very often. Um, well, you think that you're not good enough even though you've achieved something? or maybe you're at a certain stage. um, you've maybe you feel like you're an imposter, like you don't deserve it. like uh, you're not deserving of what's gonna happen, right? Um, would you find yourself a little bit in that category or not? Uh, maybe.

uh I mean um I think it's just uh, sort of fear of taking things further. um yeah. I lose a lot of connection and I talk to people online as well. um I most of my relationships have been in person we invent first time whereas online I just kind of have a sense of not really caring too much even if I'm talking to this person for a long time you know and um, so that that's where it leads up to me be ghosts in and then I'll just sort of cut them off and I feel absolutely terrible for a few months and then the cycle sort of repeats.

um yeah, commitment yeah I guess I guess yeah and you know, a little bit of fear of uh, it's myself. uh just maybe maybe things aren't uh gonna go well you know, meeting in person when because it's not really the same token online of course. yeah the social anxiety feeling where you like kind of yeah, everything was going to go really wrong. yeah oh are you scared of losing them if you try to make it to the next level and then they it doesn't happen out foreign I think I think it's it's the I don't get a lot of chances I feel like and because I don't really go out there enough to uh, sort of have a lot of opportunities to uh, need people I like I don't really uh, have a lot of social interactions with people I work from home and stuff.

um so I have tried uh like going out and maybe running into people uh I like coffee shops and stuff but I always feel like it's weird when I'm when I'm bad. so then I just Retreat to online uh like dating and stuff and uh and then that's where the cycle of talking for a while and they go sit down I'm about to do. These are pretty well thought out like problems and uh, the the that you have lined up and I think like a national professional can like help you guys do that I thought it was gonna be like some service level problem. that's some that's some actual to be honest.

um what can I when I feel like that I feel like a long time ago? um we're gonna help me Anyway, it was like just sending it right because it was never happening right and I was always like oh this, oh that, oh this and it ended up getting nothing and trying nothing and then what actually helped me out is just just literally blindly just sending it down. you know, and just giving it a shot right? And even when that didn't work out, uh, give me a lot of good insight and experience and uh, give me a good like introspect uh about myself and it actually taught me a lot by just trying it. You know, because it's very difficult to know what's gonna happen when you have to try it and uh, it's like comfortable. It's like come like your your um your comfort zone right? I'm just pushing it a little bit.
It doesn't have to be too too hard, just a little bit can be pretty um successful. Um yeah sure. You also miss all the shots you don't take so like you if you're not making your interactions you're never gonna get anywhere. Yeah what you don't want though is end up on Twitter or some like you know like I'm not I'm not gonna fit into this site I was thinking about the The Tick Tock meme where it's like um um you know chat knows Okay, sorry okay oh I'm not even gonna go there.

okay, sorry about that. um screenshots posts on story. okay yeah, yeah of course yeah, it's a classic. anyway.

yeah um yeah man, maybe have you have you thought about just giving it a shot? I'm just trying it out and going out there or what? uh yeah. I mean of course you have to send it to a 100 like uh I usually I'm like 95 and then give up something that it's gonna sound really weird, but something that helped me kind of get out of my social anxiety was treating situations in real life kind of like a video game. Uh, like you know you're the main character, not in the egotistical way, but everyone else is like a NPC You know how like a video game you, you select the different options of interactions because you're curious where they lead. You kind of have to do that with people because if you don't practice that with people and interacting with them often in different situations, then you're always going to have this kind of social anxiety versus like, what if they had a different answer? If you just said something to them differently, you know it's like you Have to you have to.

make your interactions different. Yeah yeah. I think about that a lot. but then I Also just uh, think about you know of a terrible options you can pick and then the uh, the worst outcomes.

So I I guess yeah yeah that would be pretty healthy. Um don't keep sick man. do you have any uh any any concerns you know, any concerns, questions or anything for any of us? No, that's cool. um no I will think about thank you.

but as a constructive I think um so so thank you. um thank you Ciao excuse me any shout outs or any uh, you want to flag something or what? Yeah yeah, um are you gentlemen I meant well holy hello Jesus man. All right all right dude dude. love you guys.

Take care brother and whatnot. Holy okay okay um those were all lagging all right. What do I do next? Um, the wings are ready. Really? Can we eat? I'm hungry? Yeah really? Yes.

Yes. um oh wait. I have a setup in the kitchen? Do you have a setup in the kitchen? Yeah? Oh cool. Oh cool.

Okay, we can do that, then hold up. See um let me just open the open up the computer. Oh it's like one click. literally.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Saving viewer relationships with amouranth”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lanne says:

    xqc (whaler) lengyel giving relationship advice

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lynxy says:

    The second dude I don’t even know how he has been in that relationship for 6 years LOL

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver Murdock says:

    I enjoy this new duo narrative arc

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars trucywright says:

    it does take balls to ask for relationship advice in front of so many live viewers

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fresh Ohh says:

    content wise its great, the relationship part.. eeh kinda wierdchampionship

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ovicron says:

    These are really good advice tbh, ofcourse the 13 year old juicers won't understand that.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meta Discussions says:

    The second guy, they made it way to complicated. “Yea bro stop watching my stream and spend that time working out more. You can even put the phone in ur pocket and listen to the stream with headphones.”

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liviu says:

    I guess x really tried of them femboys
    Who gets the ref gets it wh9 doesnt doesnt

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emil says:

    goofy ah

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nzuiz says:

    so these 2 can sit on stream an play games all day but a man who just worked 12 hours for 6 days should go chill with his gf instead of gaming for a few hours is funny as fuuuck

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VoltiqOW says:

    nahhhh lil bro

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Fischer says:

    … who is listening to this shit?

    I know that twitch steaming is a drop box for the loneliest of the lonely, but this is the lowest of the low bars.

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