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#xQc #Scrabble #BabbleRoyale

Combat how does it work enter submits in cure? What happened why? How does it work? I have no idea how you can sit there and tell 75 000 people that your vocabulary is good with a straight face. How i love you uh uh, wait guys! What again? How does it go? Wait, what uh guy! I know that works. How does it work? I don't understand that guys what this tutorial practice. Oh, we always look forward to you hitting that go live button x.

You see uh, um and then r, oh there's a l, also l and and oh uh la e and then in c. Oh, you can move the end ends in k. Dude, i don't know another does not this. This doesn't exist guys this.

This is. This is hard guys, i don't know, hey legal placement. Let me look at that. Why gon na do that guys? I didn't do that.

It gets impossible. How mexican do you guys downloads, either on the board games axer an axer? Why not an axer? What bottom right? No solution, leno's, not a thing uh, no uh, oh, oh um guy! This is tough. What's that is amazing, clueless guys this is actually tough, but i think a tadpole has more brain capacity than you. Okay, what's, okay to watch the 911? Was you so soma? Some of these nuts soma easy, easy uh.

Lo la lo, lopa lopa. I know that is but spy, something no laura, no lara, no alapa, no la ra! No! I know that is, but it's something today, boys. Okay, i'm not worse! Now, though, e a pro boom, what eerie for sure what oh it's two hours right, um, i stay. It's those lotions, poor, poor, okay, you guys i'm ready to play.

I'm i'm i'm pro! I'm about this wait. What have we got a golden ticket. I know that means amen. Javed is the sundance that to face this dominance, plus star remains no pressure.

Link, hey hey uh! No, that what atra, what guys ah shut up. Why is this guy following me, dude you're, so cringe stop following me. It's so annoying um same hey, you guys just got slammed on emu. What what don't get it, what xqcl, muff, muff and then and then and then fi fed illegal placement.

Uh fear, fear a fear. Please, please yeah guilt, easy fight, don't get finaled on it! Um home, what i don't understand, what ram, what or argad our gad? What, where am i going? Where am i going in add admiration, archer a rager? What german? What a i i did that yeah it down purpose or uh, or rem, rem, um, amir, rai, um, rg, horror, guys, i'm confused, i know damn you could do a damn. I said it before a doesn't: read the instructions, pepe clap, only damn guys what the word incomplete has been full color in full color, adam da damore um world record pepega clap. How is this guy, a multi giga trillionaire holy pepeka should have been yeah.

These are all snipers. It makes the game so boring, toddler triple seven triple seven, triple seven, double seven, triple seven, triple seven, triple seven, triple seven double pepe, clap doesn't know english pepe, clap toddlers of better spelling, pepe clap can't use a dictionary, pepega clan. Why are you casting spells guys? This is a little you guys, a little sniper, because, yes, it's a little sniper, clap world record how's that entertaining when you guys just snipe and just rush me down it's it's. So it's so dark um ammo, i'm all mast! Sc! Hey xqc, can you my wife, xqc alice holy moly, guys? Oh i'm moles man's.
Is this ammo mo there is a shop button. You can open to buy things like a bomb to clear out all the dog around. Your word hope this helps smile, bye, consonants. Let me purchase bomber and how you put them down.

I don't get it mops. Okay, all right slamming more time! You're gon na get better, and i'm telling you right now. Yeah, i'm gon na give it out seven more times, you're getting better. Oh you're getting bad 100.

If you just rush me down like this again, you're, actually getting ben stop doing that. It's so so annoying! Please x, for the love of god. When you place a tile, it needs to make a word with every tile. It touches every time you mess up, read the reason why and you'll understand yo felix when you make a word if it's connecting to someone's letters, that connection also has to make a word or it won't work.

Allah, alas, um said. Is it um, hey this guy's going backwards, just to kill me giving him advice at this point, i'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing pepe agony like there's. No way he doesn't know how to play scrabble a five-year-old's game, troll despair - uh! Maybe maybe, if you didn't, maybe i'm trying to figure out the game by someone just trying to play it without your to dodge advice and your donations of absolute ass crack instructions that i don't give a about. Have you ever meet? I didn't ask for your stupid advice.

Maybe you thought about just playing a video game. Add um hater um ready ride, uh redly relay bores, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready ready. I had a lot of opportunities to get out of there. Yeah i could have.

I could have gone, i i could have gone i'll. I could have done a bunch of top to bottom. I just wanted to try to help sag there's a bunch of top to bottoms. You're, not gon na have done 100.

I missed like eight of them. I must bend, send it i'll, give a hey girl get rolled and then you're banned, banned and killed in the game. Incredible: okay, eyeball, no um, a dill pillow, a dilbo, a lob elbow uh, bile yeah get rolled on alex bilio, uh billy. I think we just bombed here.

We we, we perhaps excuse you from my depression. I love you lol, jk, 77 truck for gentillion 777 duo tragedy, um, so so yeah, nice nice. I killed with sawyer. I literally saw this guy get sorry donna uh.

We definitely bombed here bomb xana, okay, nah next, hey yo. Ah, do i want to do this right now, though, i don't want to do this uh, maybe yeah, maybe maybe yeah. I want to get out of there. What axe axe um, eban, um foreign uh, come with all the towels in your rack? Okay, oh i have giova java.
Do i do it javao? How do i get new letters, more letters? Oh, you could buy them. Um doha, no fudd bomb, reset it yet. Um ham, that's good at that save me hammer by vowel, hamir, hamor, okay, guys area! You can't do a huff and i'm thinking man jeff! Is this one? They decide to face this dumbness plus star. There is no pressure link, no hammer.

What what more you? No uh low p guys. How do i get back in there pitch pitcher? If i had more money, i had it, you guys, you guys. I think i get it now, because i think i get it. I know to play now.

I thought i got this now. This just said: vivibo mahamayo alopeco, i'm getting good at this. I'm getting really good at this started. Floating wta.

Wait all snipers, so boring dude. You guys make the games you guys make games so boring. I'm gon na keep it ah arc uh bomb. Let me bump your hundred percent.

One dollar add an inventory slot: yarrow: oh cow cow, um war! No, we're gon na need to start going upwards now ya. That's not even a word. Dude holy um attack afar afar uh jafar. What do i have here? Um? I can't do rat if you can't right, look because as lineup uh, we bomb here for 100, you suck balls for heat tar, damn irat doesn't make a word.

It rates no rafa because he sniped java was my word. It was my word from last game. It was literally my word actually snapping yikes. Well he's still slapping look.

He look he's still here. Actual dog, then uh you get on so bad lead, um nude. Ah we got ta bomb, this 100 um wallet wow. That's a nice name: illid um, no um watching you play this made my night have a good night.

Mr cow xqcl red perenna buy a reset, maybe not enough money. Man just continue to make random noises. You will get there eventually we need. We need an a for our ear ear for sure boom boom get chewed on it opposite of accidents.

Bye, bye, 100, look for a kill here, testo um, it it and then vote vote and then and then then dance so, oh no um ev. Have i no me other game? Please, yes, i'll, find the game dude right now, or just only for you, because it because you european union is more than anybody else's indie game dude for sure dripping into that matters way more than ever. That's in the chat! Dude! Thank you and i'll play your game just for you, man, i'm not ape um, ba yeah man for sure, but a bop. This reminds me of that time.

You played wheel of fortune and couldn't guess basic english words. Pi power, wobby, win, win, um, nip knop. These letters of dog, we have three bucks, though um nip nope whiny whiny, whiny um, i'm gon na keep this. This is a lot of vowels, it's very good.

Yep three years, mr cow thanks, scotland, ped nether um. I should play bombs soon. Yeah we were free bombing, i didn't even buy that one pear per per - and here we see a primitive example of the infinite monkey theorem, just as a monkey, randomly typing will eventually recreate shakespeare. If the streamer puts random letters together, he will eventually make a word.
Captivating, oh with the binding of the bomb here for sure yes, but this is these are very good, though i bought a bomb, i'm just gon na camp. It wait, there's no point: let's buy a bomb and, let's, let's see with with three e's, we can do whatever. So what you do here is that we could just wait and wait, wait. Wait.

We have. We have items i'll, buy two uh item slots which wait, so nobody can kill me and again. I can't get anybody right, but we're in the middle of the circle, so why? Why bother doing anything? What easy it'll ease are gon na save us 100. So, let's not think about it, it's not taking ahead, but when we actually need a letter we bomb and we go, we go um fed boom done these english words, like you chew on milk cartons in special ed um.

Let's go fed it good good good. Now we can't middle, we can't middle. Now. Okay, we get middle dean, edu, okay, l, nice, nice.

That saves me holy holy. I need to get out of that hundred percent. I don't have enough money for obama peg pegged i got pegged no tough toe. Can we even reset the letters? How much does this reset three times about three but we're not gon na? Well, it's over.

We lose. I think it's over p e repack it. Now we have money by bomb. Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice! That's a huge step repeat: i got repacked i got picked once then.

I got repacked the yeah. I wish i could do it again if i could survive this. Why are we why? Just because you add extra syllables to her, doesn't make it a new word? Mr cow christine would clap you in this omega wet nice. Now we're camping.

Now we can, we can cat middle 100. We can also do better if we get lucky, but not that make me in the circle uh. I prefer obama. I don't have enough money.

Oh we're stuck here a wet, be wet um. What i'm dead, i think got it to it. I don't have any bumps. Oh chat, what you're saying is nice and all, but i don't think x can hear you he's too busy with his 1700 dead, killed noob.

Okay, this is what we're gon na. Do. I'm like this guy fails and then we bomb and we go toe toe bump, then toe bomb. Then toe come on man he's about to be in circle chat.

He needs to figure this out, i'm not to do anything right now. I bought two bombs actually just the over yo or note w bomb into note bomb into note bomb and denote, or just tan or tan. You can't kill me, of course you can't or um. You can't kill me o m a g, a l e guys.

You have to go all the way through you can. Would that work. Yet what got it? Uh anus? Yes, i'm nuts, this game, i'm actually crazy. At this game, i'm actually incredible at this game, i'm doing more time, i'm actually cracked at this a hundred percent, let's get some bomb when he's in bombs.
It's not following me. It's so boring holy dude. How much attention are you deprived of holy um, a damn that day it's over, we lost, we can't anything we're waiting to and at the top or bottom do something topic just to add. If he does, he does add, we can actually play the game now.

Nice. That's something so he needs to bomb now, and i would whenever he bombs i'll, do uh nice tie. You could put a than the words you're trying to make it's almost like you're, trying to speak cursive in your head and make words sounds like i'm trying things and i'm winning the game. English isn't hard.

This is actually pretty bad of a language. It's pretty! It's too simple and lacks likes precision, accuracy, uh, um moda holy moly. I love watching this dumb idiot. Try to gust through your old words and, what's even worse, is that i am watching him mad.

It's not it's not long enough, though get get destroyed, get absolutely slammed you sniper. I just obliterated your entire life. You um monde, mondo, mondo svel. I fail vancouver, so this felix guy is looking a little says.

So then i can okay. Then we bomb but not right. Now, though, and then i think then we just buy letters uh we buy slots 100 nah. We can't we can't guys literally nobody can kill us, nobody can kill us and we're in the middle, so strategies are easy.

Over here we hold on to a bomb, buy slots by letters, wait, wait till it stacks up, ally, uh or got it. Rollies uh really popped up over here, bye bombs here, um, poor, plural um lie okay, uh by bomb and wait for letters. Okay, i'm extremely hard to kill. Now i'm insanely hard to kill.

Now nobody can kill me because go guys look, they have something that there's something from down below from above they can't kill me. I can't die as long as they bomb but hold up, i'm right in the middle as well. 25. 25 months months, xqclx qcl vocabulary, extravagistic abilitable, all love uh chat.

I was just abducted by aliens, they taught me every language on earth and i still can't understand what language this guy is. Speaking. Will someone help me when i bomb he's gon na kill me uh? He can't kill me, i can only kill him. Nice on the vince was over the game's over the game.

The game has ended, i'm not kidding the game. Just ended, i'm in the middle. I know you're gon na kill me chad. This is a lot of vowels.

Should we reset we could bomb and then go and do what lib elijah l, ig or just lie, but that doesn't help us at all. We don't go anywhere with it lie. It doesn't breeze anywhere. No, we would wait to it.

This guy is not a good spot. I know how much money he has guess. If there's nobody for a bomb he's he's done, i can't do league. How would you delete here? Oh, we can start going down now, 35 months, im still technically a new frog.

Can i get a welcome to the jungle finally ah lab and then um big nice back to back dude, i'm nuts how'd you leave this hello um. Give me you.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “Scrabble but it’s battle royale”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The year is 2021 says:

    Jesus Christ… him being so dumb, not even trying to understand or just plain being incapable of doing so makes me fed up within like 20 minutes.
    I don't understand how some people watch this pepega every day.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robin Lundqvist says:

    never seen something so stupid in my life, i think just watching this caused permanent damage to my brain

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fred asd says:

    "rushhim down" he spent 10minutes without doing 1 word. ofc hes gonna lose. stop blaming snipers yikes

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GladWrap says:

    How is english so full of words that literally nobody ever fucking uses

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yo Han says:

    Jesus christ how can you not know the rules of scrabble

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevbot's Games says:

    "I dont need your stupid advice" then reads his word upside down

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ARFour says:

    bro i think i might die from how stupid he is…. BRUH U HAVE TO SET WHICH WAY YOU ARE TYPING THE WORDS …PLEASE SOMEBODY TEL HIM

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darcy Brown says:

    This is one of the most pepega videos ever uploaded, maybe even more so than the literal pepega compilations

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blood Wolf2609 says:

    can someone put a timestamp of when he learns how to play the game please

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicky Choirul says:

    4 games in and already better than forsen OMEGALUL

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThatOneVeryOriginalName says:

    I wasn’t expecting myself to sit through this fully, not sure what caught my attention

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Johnson Number 2 says:

    This was cancer, how does X’s brain work so inefficiently 😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gary says:

    biga : a two-horse chariot of ancient Mediterranean countries

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drakonus says:

    He doesn't even know the basic rules of Scrabble. OMEGALUL

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Young says:

    man's trying to invent words instead of using his brain

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lolomomario says:

    Sorry Mr Juicer, but this video is too 4head for me.

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