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#xQc #fails #memes

Drama, i cannot wait. Let's take a look one clip at a time boom. One more time the clip says: uh queen 69 says that woman wearing blue shirts are at see the underbutt. That's too much: okay, because then it's like there's some sexual drive there, where you're, like i mean that's dude, i mean you're just asking to get sexually assaulted by something in the day when i was 16..

Sorry about that guys, we're good boys boys all right guys. Let's guys, let's restart the stream. Okay, okay, see the underbutt, that's too much, okay, because then it's like there's some sexual drive there. Where you're, like i mean that's dude, i mean you're just asking to get sexually assaulted by something back in the day when i was 16, i cared about the chick like this see the underbutt.

That's that's a brave take what dude nobody nobody's asking for anything. I don't think well see you in a couple hours. Well, you know jeff, you know what you guys in a in a sense. Is that i'm just kidding you don't made it dude just spread.

This is brain dead, yeah, the the guys this. This is like a it's like an undefendable hill clown will attempt to get cancelled just to avoid gameplay come in the bowl. Okay! Oh no! Okay! If you look at the mother, i'm gon na have to deal with this engineering show next week and everyone actually assange. It's really like it's ja, you guys guys, they always say ja on ja, ja, rule guys, okay, overcoming our monkey brains links is what makes us the rest of the human okay.

You can wait, i'm going to make just a joke out of context, he's building up his resume. It's applying blizzard, okay, guys what the what the rice branded take and the same take sex vendors and their apologies use a true mild. That's crisp! Well, i didn't ugly heard she's asking for in a while, surely there's an explanation for this see i told you guys doesn't explain guys it's out of context, guys, there's an explanation. Question explains his comments.

Using the r spectrum settle down, it's it's. Surely surely he explains it? Okay, fully clothed naked, and then you did you draw a line and there's a spectrum. Okay - and this is like okay, less likely to be raped, more likely to be right. There's no there's a ton of other variables and other factors like where you are, what time it is what area you're at you know um.

I feel like the only relevance of this spectrum is um some of these viewers, so some of these ones are probably um less likely to unsubscribe more like you don't subscribe, and i think they're about they're about like they're about here on a spectrum about like at The 95 percent right at the very end here and then what your body looks like, but i can tell you that this is a factor right. This is a one of the variables okay. This is one of the variables all right and, if you're like over here and like your ass, is showing and you're titties, just your nips. It only like dude they're, more likely that some mentally deranged rapist is gon na, be like okay, fully clothed naked.
This chat, making it worse is that why you don't hang out with me and then you did you draw a line and there's a spectrum. Okay - and this is like okay, less likely to be raped more likely to be right, there's a ton of other variables and other factors like where you are: what time let there double down you've literally been on there. What are you're right? You know um, like what your body looks like all lots of things, but i can tell you that this is strawberry. Livestream, okay reported tell you the this is affected right.

This is a one of the variables okay. This is jesus guys. Look at that. Look at this comment: okay, this is one of the variables all right and, if you're like over here and like your ass, is showing and your titties just your nips, it only feels like no they're more likely that some mentally deranged rapist is gon na, be like.

Oh okay, okay, that was insane amanda. What happened today? That's a disaster. Okay, let's keep going boys more drum up early um on a vaccinated, twitch shimmer gets on a plane, knowing it's covered; sometimes it probably blames all people did you get chad, i didn't know. I had it i got tested yesterday.

Did you said that you had coved? Last week i thought i had covert last week i didn't get tested, though i didn't know okay, so you probably should have if you thought you had it and you decided guys you guys guys. I i had to give props to the friend who's, probably his friend i would assume from this clip and he's actually calling him out and then whenever he gives him an answer or whatever he still goes forward your test, because he didn't want to know you had It nope not true. I tried to schedule it as early as possible. That was the earliest one available.

You screamed and i tried to stand in line, but there was a two-hour line and i said that i'm going home i had i had. I had a fever and uh muscle aches, so i wasn't standing in no two-hour line. You just the fact that you just someone prob gon na, get you canceled on twitch for real this shit's serious dwight lol, no memes, no banter, i don't personally care, but other people like the dear person or whatever are going to know yo jeff. I disagree bro.

I disagree. Those old people didn't give a bro, they were on the plane. It knew that. Oh that's, jesus, okay, interesting interest, interesting dear! Oh, i forgot about that.

Introvert is proud of ourselves having the courage to go, live maya checks in on 2d stream. Damn you know, honestly, i just keep on thinking like. I never thought that i would ever do like the stream. I was so oh, my god i was so anxious to even like call people you know like to even like call people that now that i'm like i'm streaming and it's actually because i feel like i'm on zoom a doctor right now, not going too bad.

You know, like i'm proud of myself, and i'm really happy that you know things are that's sweet that was nice, so i ruined it good for me yeah! That's nice, though that's cute, we take those. Do you guys believe that cutie doesn't have a scene with your full camera or desktop camera? She drags her camera like this. You would cut it. That's and then you're like okay.
I got two ounces and you do that for the whole big blob of dough watching this machine, you just lay it out and then put it in there. It literally takes maybe two minutes, and then it comes out and they're all there. It's super cool uh. She probably uses chat right now.

You have the machine. How does it work? I don't know, i don't know the inner mechanics of machine. All i know is i put them in then they come out and it's okay guys. It's not that my clip is low.

Is that they're watching clips on low volume quinn's most trusted mod gives his stick on the booty shorts matter being some crazy, some crazy person saying some that like they need to like get me fired from twitch? Am i saying some like that? I'm not asking you chad, i'm asking stability. Let me put it this way. Okay, it's gon na be a good thing right, preferably not to not to speak. If i speak, i am in big trouble in big trouble and i don't want to be in big trouble.

Yeah yeah, so he's now he's saying: i'm not a crazy person. Okay, good! Oh okay! Here you go! Thank god! That's what i need to know. That is not that's! Co! Yeah! That's cope for sure that that is pure copium q by flex is his new wallpaper rob uses magical tactics, so brexit is coomer. Trans little moms thinks a highly of nick, and so does that miz, okay, cool! This is about our last voice.

We win we're at the bottom of the bottom now bro. Now, whenever i, whenever i lose a game, i'm just gon na do this, and here for another game, is that v the x cube cow goes: moo, cow cow, hey, yo, squiggly uh, oh yeah. We do have monopoly tomorrow. My dog died.

You have to do something for me. Let's do it all right. Bro, oh, give me t he brought it in that way. Whatever i will be there tomorrow.

Okay, thank you. Dude, listen. Your dog only dies once okay, like i, i saved this card specifically for this one. Two other people did your dog.

He brought in that card and you know what rob i will be there at your cooking stream raw dog, oh sure, damn you're really gon na bruise before hoes in front of a hoe, yeah. Okay, i'm interesting, i mean norwegian nick is wondering if you are cooking his potatoes correctly. Yes, i am darling. Okay, awesome! Yeah, that's great, are you sure, then she she she fit.

She feel it that she filleted the holy she filleted. The fish lie 100 degrees. It looks pretty decent salted left right cut into four boats. Yes, i'm finished with that phillip ted you're.

So much so much. Isn't he annoying twenty all right. Should i put my pepper on this? You should shut the up, i'm not miss kiff. I hate women um.
Coming on my stream, okay, christ, i'm okay well guys a lot of clips today boys. This is very spicy. Jesus christ. Okay, hmm tonight,.

By xQcOW

18 thoughts on “Streamer tries his best to get cancelled”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CAM BONE says:

    Naw the guy is right about the spectrum. If you have clothes on, a sketchy retard rapist isn’t gonnalool at you

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MusicArchives22 says:

    dude was explaining that your more likely to be raped if you wear revealing clothing, is that not common sense. It sucks that people have to worry about shit like that but he's not wrong. I dont agree with the first take about women asking to be raped, that one is pretty out there

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hvh bot says:

    I wouldn't say they're asking for it, but I wonder if wearing "booty shorts" would increase the chances of getting cat called for example. I'd bet the answer would be yes. I understand his argument, but it's very very exaggerated.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZEN says:

    Why is this even an argument? Of course there's a higher chance of a rapist targeting someone who looks good.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheReaper1497 says:

    Think people are confusing "should be" and "reality" arguments here. Stealing is a crime, stealing is wrong, good people aren't thieves. You "should" be able to walk around any neighborhood with stacks of cash hanging out of your pockets without worrying about it being stolen. Because stealing is wrong. That doesn't mean that if you go to a high crime area in the middle of the night and flaunt a bunch of cash you shouldn't expect a high likelihood of being robbed. Being robbed even at that point isn't your fault, the person who Robs you committed a crime, but if you really don't want to get robbed there are things you can do to not be as much of a target. Telling people to not take precautions because of how society "should be" is irresponsible

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Park Mel says:

    Well if you have a stacked wallet hanging out of your back pocket its more likely to get stolen lol

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daily dose of MMA says:

    if a girl wants to wear shorts like that she should be without worrying about getting assaulted but the fact is she have to be worry this world is so fucking dark and disgusting and you should expect the worst from it .

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Hickman-Moore says:

    So if Quins wife/girlfriend or daughter gets raped his response will be “you shouldn’t have been showing so much skin, you were asking for a crazy person to rape you”

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aamiw99 says:

    I mean, to argue that a woman's clothing has zero bearing in a deranged mf's choosing of his victim is delusional. Saying it has an effect doesn't mean saying the perpetrator isn't at fault. It's always the perpetrator's fault. The problem though is any conversation regarding the victim is immediately dismissed. At the end of the day, we live in a society.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asyraftsm says:

    Xqc: "guys his name is ja, what should I call him?"
    Chat: "JA BAITED"


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WTCAT500 says:

    I don't get what's wrong with that take. It's not about victim blaming

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Radical Individual says:

    Quin is literally right.
    It's just like a spectrum in Sweden. Male on one end, Female on the other.
    If you're a overweight woman in her middle ages, your well closer to the middle of the spectrum of being gang raped, sex trafficked, and beheaded.
    Ignoring this ends up with a government omitting and renaming gang rape victims, including children, of their assaulters because of Muh Racism.
    Asian Rape Gangs by the way…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erdogan Engin says:

    avarage xqc editor: angry british kid

    avarage xqc subtital man : real Giga chad

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lemon Scape says:

    Quins take is dumb, if a girl wants to wear shorts like that she should be without worrying about getting assaulted, the blame is completely on the assaulter for not being able to control himself. Its not like some sort of invite.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Rittmeyer says:

    Is xQc not sponsored by HyperX anymore or something? Just wondering because of the tape over the branding. Lots of soccer players do this with cleats when they are thinking about switching brands

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vinnie Gret says:

    Weekly dose of stupidest thing you can say on the internet by Quin69

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VividLink says:

    its not asking to be sexually assaulted but come on, you know you're putting yourself at risk depending on the area you're walking into like that right?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snake’s Animations says:

    Clueless Hmm today I will blame women for getting sexually assaulted over their clothing choice

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