When the sun goes down on the last night of summer camp, nine teenage counselors are plunged into an unpredictable night of horror. The only thing worse than the blood-drenched locals and creatures hunting them are the unimaginable choices you must make to help them survive.
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#xQc #TheQuarry #ScaryGame

Okay should be good now, yeah, i lied. Did i handle this okay here? It comes yeah. Also another big thanks for 2k for the um game copy the sun is, but we won't be watching tonight. Every baby, um spoilers are going to be instabend.

Yes, i'm just i'm just saying the ground rules: spoilers are everything insta perma without any anything behind it? You guys know it's like a more immersive linear playthrough. So just chill try to enjoy it like a movie. A little bit is why'd. You kill the music.

I think you know why i don't think i do begins with an l, like the l word. Lesbians lost max we're lost we're just we're in geographic flux, right so lost. That's debatable. Lesbians safety tips take a moment to consider the following, as it will guide you through the various twists and turns that may appear during your stay at hackett's quarry.

What you see here are quick time events or qt wheels, which will help you to act at just the right time. Watch your step. Packets quarry can be a dangerous place if you're, not paying attention to your surroundings. Take your eye off the ball and it could spell disaster.

The path you tread is yours to choose, but that doesn't mean there won't be obstacles along the way. Oh, what's up nice catch there on i'm, not the one who hit the pothole. Well, maybe the pothole hit us everything about that wow. That is like olympic level goal post moving.

Thank you very impressive. Thank you. Yeah still totally lost, you know what max is. Okay, it doesn't make you any less of a man.

You know if columbus, hadn't, gotten lost and landed on these golden shores. There would be no united states of america. Goodbye hot dogs see you later apple pie, columbus never actually landed in north america. What are you talking about? Didn't even know he wasn't in asia? Are you serious just another guy who didn't want to admit he was lost? Well just another guy who's got a whole day named after him, so put that in your pipe and smoke it? Oh, my god.

Okay, just get us to camp already before i roll my eyes out of my head. Please i'm working on it. I'm working on it! There's a sharp i'll pick. A map of leaflets um leaflet could be better.

At least i could be better. Were there any directions on the flyer? No just a fake bunch of kids faking it around a fake fire pit, check's out everything: okay, yeah, all good, hey eyes on the road. Mister look saved. It are you okay, yeah yeah.

I mean still in one piece: jesus christ. What do you think that was a bear? What no no max! I wasn't a bear. What was it? I think it was a person. Well, are you serious? Do you think we hit a person? I don't know.

I mean it was really close, like really close, but maybe we didn't, i mean accidents happen i mean just don't, don't be bald up in the middle of the road hello. What is it? I really have this car up? Well, maybe it looks worse than it is uh. I should check out the damage before we try to start it up again. Huh.
Could you grab my uh the toolbox from the trunk yeah yeah? Okay, hey yo, snoop dog rejected. Thank you just at last university. This year we're delighted to ever see the unemployment interest. Uh-Oh thanks hon yeah.

Do you need a hand yeah? Actually, if you could just shine a light right here there you go perfect. Thank you. The sooner we get out of here, the better just picture yourself. Curling up in front of a big old fire pit singing campfire sing-alongs, i don't think people curl up right in front of big old fire pits.

Why not uh they don't want to catch on fire then come on picture yourself, thrown up in front of a big old spacey. Well anywhere's better than here. What does xenoblade cars man? Where are you going just over here? Just stay there for a second okay. I'm almost done um define or compliance not defiant.

What you're, not the boss of me. I just don't want you wandering off on your own excuse me, that's not what i meant yeah it better, not be i'm sorry! I i really got to concentrate for a second okay, yes, matt, he's frustrated. Look, i think, there's someone down there! Okay, what's that they could be heart, i'm gon na go check it out. I want him to be sassy and whatnot.

You know a little bit a little bit of playing spark of fire. You know maybe maybe get spicy a little bit good idea, laura so thoughtful of you um. What froze this isn't like that? Bad, okay, yeah! I'm always gon na explore every option before we move forward, because i don't wan na miss like totems or whatever you know. What is that a tree over there harum skaboom? Oh, i think it in time.

Oh yeah wait. Oh yeah. She can speed around a little bit right or left. It's right left, there's a chest.

Some loot, maybe aha, we're gon na get um a hint huh. It's a little kinky, it's a little far out, but i mean it still counts. What the hell broken, cage, stylist, dog boy yikes! This is too weird. It's not that way.

I don't think so far hey. What is that - and this seems like a ghost there's no point: where is this hagget - nothing in the trees either inputs? I saw it. Where are you it's gon na? Be him? Oh input inputs, oh max, max, max, hey, hey, why are you shouting? It's not him! What what the hell was that footsteps? Oh, no, don't let me drive, did you see it? No, but i heard something let's just get out of here: good come on. Oh god, i thought you said you checked it, i did check it and it was fine honey.

I know you're on edge, but you got to calm down. I am not on edge max. I'm freaking the out, probably just an animal or no it wasn't an animal. You didn't see it.

It was a woman. This isn't helping all right go there. We go we're good, see. Please just get out of here max i'm trying i'm trying, sir we're.

Okay, we're safe in the car, really we're going to be okay! Oh oh my god, my heart just exploded, roll it down. Hi officer. How are you doing this evening are either of you injured, really we're fine we're just a little shaken up. What does he want? Well, you folks want to tell me what happened here: yeah um, yeah, honestly better here we um something jumped out right in front of the car and we didn't want to hit it so we swerved and now here we are something jumped out.
I'm sorry! It was so dark and it happened so fast and they were gone. They ma'am did you hit someone? No, no god. No, of course not. You know i mean i don't think so i don't know so bad sir.

Keep the car running, sir. Is this kinda like the all-time scariest? I don't know this is my first cop. What like ever uh yeah, i'm not a criminal, oh god, she sounds more suspicious, being honest and dishonest. So what was the point of that anyway? Now you folks want to tell me just what in the hell, you are doing all the way out here this late at night.

Well, it's not a crime! Yeah, we're heading to cambridge, we're heading up to hackett's core summer camp, where new, counselors you're one night early! No, no, we know um, but we figured we'd get in early and scope it out. You know i mean they know we're coming. We called ahead and, to be honest, sir one of us kind of oversold their navigation skills and got us completely lost. I mean he's got blown in his neck.

They don't so i don't know you're not gon na make it to heck. It's quarry, not tonight harbinger motel. It's the nearest place. You can bunk up there for the night.

Okay uh. I think we're just gon na stick to the plan. Sir, i mean mr hackett knows we're coming and be called ahead. No ma'am you're gon na head to the harbinger motel.

Do you understand uh nah, i'm good with all due respect, sir? Why can't we go to hack it's corey because i told you to go to the motel okay. I just don't understand what the problem. I am please step out of the vehicle officer. She didn't do anything ma'am if you wouldn't mind stepping out of the vehicle.

I would just like to show you a route on your map there. Oh, we don't have the map, i don't think anymore. I i didn't choose it for sure. We got ta remain in the vehicle.

Okay, just oh, we do have it in this interaction. Okay officer gets in b minus. We all right about here. Harbinger motel is here right.

Did you just lick? It i'm sure the fine folks at the harbinger motel can guide you there first thing in the morning he's not even looking harbinger motel stay on the road. Wait what if there's someone out there yeah i'll, have a look good night? He was the one sitting on the middle of the road goofier lights. Why is this guy just sitting there thanks for all your help, though back there? What is that supposed to mean? You were shaking like a broken washing machine that could used a little backup. I mean he clearly liked you better.

Well, i'm very likable all right, let's get back on the road. Yes, i think i've had enough woodland encounters for one night. Thank you very much. I agree so where's this motel okay, so we're here and the motel is here: okay, but we're going here.
What's there heck it's corey? Thank you. I don't know i kind of tricked him into showing very slick. Are you sure we shouldn't just get to the motel? Just listen to this guy's advice, honey. You really want to listen to the advice of some creep ass cop, who told no.

That sounds terrible. Let's hit the road, shall we that's what i thought ma'am? Oh my god, if he called me ma'am one more time. I was going to shove that badge up his dick seriously. Do i look like a man to you? I've got like 20 years before i'm a male.

What 20 is debatable easy? I mean i'm kind of into mams. Okay, we're done here holy, that's a chat. Take it or someone you got ta be kidding me there's nobody here, we drive all the way the out here. Can we just look around before we jump to conclusions? Did you actually even talk to mr hackett, or did you just leave a message? What's the difference this, this is the difference hello.

I guess he doesn't check his voicemail. How was i supposed to know that i mean clearly there's somebody here yeah or it's just an abandoned car, and this is a complete waste. Why would there be an abandon i'll get the car max come on max? Don't be a dick, i'm sorry, i'm sorry well you're gon na. What is anybody home dammit hear footsteps? Hmm, okay! So nothing there! I guess what do you decide? Oh, she can like jog a little bit forget about that.

Oh wait, a minute! Oh, this is kind of cool. Should we try to get some objects here? I wonder what i think this is about it. I can't find anything. Oh my god.

Why is it doing that i did as best i could? Oh, if there's something that's gon na be indicated, pretty pretty. Well, okay is down there fun. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger, okay, there's! No one here come on. Just give me one more minute.

Okay, uh, maybe a hidden hint in here. You never know nope, nothing, okay, let's just let's just send it. Let's go down we're going down the the dungeon voice. All in what doesn't kill me.

She makes you stronger right. Oh my god, hey he's! Thinking of. Are you, okay, i'll, be right back, i'm gon na get some help max max get over here. What's going on, there's somebody in the bunker.

I think they might be stuck stuck. Is it mr hackett? I i don't know just bring some tools, so we can break the law. Hey, i'm back we're going to get you out of there. Hey hey! Wait.

What are these? I don't know. You just said tools. Why didn't you just bring look? There's somebody you can break a lot with that um, i'm not seeing anyone. No look, i'm looking.

I am there. There was definitely someone there. Okay, okay, so uh two wrenches will do it. 100 wrenches you put you put the inside in and then you you uh.
You pinch, it yeah saw it online yeah watch this inside's in and then you pinch, damn you need a hand, yeah hey everyone. This is well today we're going to be breaking open. The back door, you've seen the evil desk. Hello.

Are you hurt? Do you exist? Hey be careful yen, a bloody collar, it's an old asylum, wait a minute max. Is he gon na answer? Okay, i can literally hear a dog hon. Maybe it was a possum or something no. There was there was someone here i swear.

Is she gon na mention the corpse it's been kind of a night? You know, let's just get to the motel, we can come back here first thing in the morning. We can check everything out, but i mean you must be exhausted. I know i am, i think, our imagination max max. Oh no is it dead? Yes, what oh well um? No, no shall we lose two characters that early right guys, no no shot that we lose.

Two early games use your legs sucker. What is he doing? Does this look like the goddamn harbinger motel to you? This is the ending. Let me know what spring is. Let please be true, in other words, hello, my friend welcome to the show we are friends.

Aren't we i've waited for you, i've waited yes, so i do hope. Our time together proves enlightening. Wait it's her! There's no need to worry, i'm here to help you think of me as your guide into the unknown. It's exciting yes and terrifying, but if you're brave enough, if you let me help you, i can help you, we can help each other.

No, you didn't find anything and so i've nothing to show you. You need to look harder. The cards are out there. If you don't help me, how can i help you we're supposed to be friends, you said so yourself search harder.

Only you can find them. There are secrets out there. You know. I look, though, and lies paths to uncover, on which i can shed light.

If you, let me help me help you and remember what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. As far as i'm concerned, the the injection didn't kill her unless it's a vaccine, i'm just kidding just getting relaxed jesus christ. Ladies peace and love see you later, kids yeah heck, it's quiet forever. You know how many hearts are broken on the last day of summer camp.

It's like a romance apocalypse, um yeah! Well i mean they're, just kids, you know they'll get over it. Uh-Huh, like they'll, get over emma what that's not the same thing. Oh, so that's not! Why you're in a bad mood, i'm not in a bat! You know what we had her last night together and we're cool, oh yeah, so cool that you're never going to see your special little boo boo bear ever again. You heard that oh come on dude the cabin walls are made of band-aids and rat turds.

Okay, i get it hi emma, hey, okay, this is um you've heard of spatial awareness before right. Spatial awareness is for nerds uh, be a lamb and grab the last couple of bags. Will you? Oh, my god, yes, boss, say hi to emma for me: you're a bad person. Yes, i am it's kind of compact.
No. I will look more closely around for cards. Any cards here. Boys nope any cards here, nope any cards um here.

Jake bags focus what doesn't kill. You will make you stronger, not in the mood sign, damn tell them dude, oh wow, that was kind of weird. I wonder: what's killing the deer deer hunting candles here, due to increased dear mortality, it's the same place, but it's another character, so i have to load it into his memories and his knowledge a little bit hey. What are you uh? What do you listen to him? Good to know well over here, uh nope is that beloved right, let's pack it up, then let's go upstairs wired headphones just sounds smart if you're any camping and whatnot.

No, if you're not a lot of battery - and you don't on certain sources of power, why would you have wireless jesus christ, hi, hey? Are you guys going to help with the bags or what oh um you know? I was actually just working on fixing uh the door. It's going, it's broken dylan! Please! I can't it's it's. I got to get the last bags and they're coming with this thing. It's just bro cool thanks, guys, um this type of game.

The blur is fine. I think we're going to keep it anyway. It's not removable. I don't think i just have to be less crazy with the sticks.

That's all that's what we missed, probably oh skill. Well, that wasn't that hard come on now ugh horror, i hate horror clueless. Oh, these change perspective. I'm kind of lost a little bit dude give me some cards man.

The lady is going to cook me alive man, okay, yeah, we're dead, already pots and uh ooh catering, no food, okay, we're poor nice. What is over here, nope, nothing, a bear, more carpets, catering, no food, a door that seems kind of locked. Ah, i'm good. For now, let's not talk to him yet is that you dylan, i can only deal with one at a time jacob, oh no, are they broken up, then? How about a card? What was that card guys guys the lady ruined my playthrough? I'm sorry, i i do it again now, i'm looking for cars now, okay, whatever all right, whatever it's just stuck on: hey pal, okay, really dude, locking me out.

Okay, in my defense, a it was dylan's idea and two it was really funny. Oh yeah right is that is that, right, i don't write the rules, man, okay, whatever look you can help me with the bags. I want. No, i got ta stay here and wait for mr h to return our cell phone.

Sorry, jesus christ, okay, and why are the stairs blocked? Well, apparently, it's to keep raccoons and other pesky violence from ransacking the place. Mr h's words are not mine. Oh boring. I get it now all right pieces together, basically the way it works.

I think the intro was kind of useless, because the guy is the guy that kills him and the girl is the girl that was both them in the future. When they're older, all right got the bags great all by yourself, huh yep, i guess you'll have to get used to that. Oh, my god, you are the ghost on the woods. Oh was her.
Okay. Here we go haunting herself you're, not telling me the whole truth about you and emma. Are you son? Oh playful dude? We can get both! Oh okay, so now i'm the one who's not telling the whole story. Huh! Oh well! This is the bait i just got to take jake.

Oh sorry, i just got so distracted about that rhyme. I forgot what we were. Oh no! No! No! You were telling me how you totally have the thing for ryan wait. Are we talking about ryan, the sailing instructor with the sexy brooding loaner thing that totally doesn't do anything for me at all, oh jeez, ah sexy huh.

How does that camp by far okay sure look? It was all settled by the girls in bunk. Seven. Like second day of camp, it goes ryan me of course, then dylan emma abby, okay, nick and then mr h, uh. Okay, are you almost finished she's, just this guy yep? That's it that's everyone.

So she really just dumped your ass huh. I don't okay, her whole thing is like how are we gon na make this work different schools, blah blah blah? My whole thing is, like you know, maybe long distance, blah blah blah blah blah and she was just like jacob. She gave you the look huh yeah. Do not pass go man, she has got you wrapped all the way around that dainty little finger of hers.

How does she do it? Oh, come on no, but i mean seriously come on she's right, it's just like a stupid summer fling. What else did i think was gon na happen? Uh, let's see uh love stability, engagement, marriage house, kid affair, kid, divorce, loneliness, child support, visitation, lawsuit, surprise, reconciliation, emptiness, retirement, grandkid, grandkid, grandkid, a nursing home and finally dying in each other's arms and then being buried in each other's arms. Like those thousand-year-old skeletons, they dug up in rome or something that kind of in the ballpark. Oh i'm sorry that was ryan and me uh.

Let me see, ah here it is, yours just says: roadhead, oh actually, that's just a generic all men list. Well, i don't have a license legit. Okay, so are we sure that this old, rust, bucket's roadworthy, we'll take a look it better, be one more night in the great outdoors might actually kill me. Hey that doesn't kill! You will make you stronger stop! Well, i haven't killed you yet you're, still pretty pathetic, hey shut up, uh, okay, so um total hypothetical.

But if i was like a huge and i wanted to break down the van, so we'd have to spend another night here uh. What exactly would i need to do? Well, you'd, sparse, probably break the fuel line or i don't know rip out the rotor arm and, yes, that would make you a total okay and what does a rotor arm? Look like again, it's like a arm. That's all rotary! You know it's under the little black dome with the leads poking out jake. Why did you realize that, even if we somehow did get stuck out here, one more night with emma wouldn't make a difference? Trust me chicks, made up her mind, yeah sure i guess we'll.
Just have to find out um, the rotor arm seems easier to put back in than a fuel line, and if the fuel leaks out of it just hit the fuses come on with me, buddy i'll put you right back tomorrow, no harm, no foul! Oh, i know we could plug with that up here, my dudes, why did they look like they're up to something hey jacob? What no dude please oh nick boom! I'm i'm crazy at this game boom! Oh yeah! There! It is! Oh man, good side freak! Oh i'm surrounded by freaks. Oh thank god. I'm gon na get the whole new technology thing, but take me back world and you would have thought mr h could have like charged up our phones like a little bit nothing's ever your fault is it, you know you should really just save it for emergencies. Only unless, of course, is being dumped an emergency uh, what the was yeah back off, i'm sorry, i peace and love man.

I i didn't mean to hurt your feelings. We can scuff around ready to bounce where's. Everybody else why. Why would i know that? Sometimes you know stuff, i don't look.

I don't. I don't even know how to respond to that. You say nick you're way, smarter than me and you're a super hot star who gets any cheeky ones. Okay, yeah keep dreaming junior okay, it seems like the easiest way to get laid, is just uh become a camp instructor or some what it's a true thing.

Um. What's with her face? Oh it's shadowing, hey. There party bear status report. We are officially empty nesters high five up top.

No i'm i'm good. Oh too slow! Really! Oh boy, you're about to get your phone back. Aren't you let's go collection, i'm talking you're, not getting a mosquito infested! Backwoods dump door is locked bag's inside! Oh my! Oh, my god. Well, it's obvious what we have to do here find someone with a key shape our destiny.

Then, by shape our destiny, i mean shape our way through this crappy lock and grab our bags um, it's going breaking breaking! Okay! Let's do it! We better not get in trouble. I won't tell if you won't tell mr hackett's gon na find out i'm thinking if they break in. I just think it was embarrassing and they're feeling kind of have. You ever seen a bear in these woods.

No, but that doesn't mean they're not out there. Your point rebellious, all right. Let's do this! You never know what can happen. One two, three yeah all about the power of positive thinking.

Why do i ever listen to you because i'm always right? Are you sure, they're gon na think it was a bear? Oh my god, relax! It's not like. We killed someone all right. Well, i'm just gon na take another look around make sure we don't miss anything. Go nuts? Okay, i'm done i'll, try to keep it for myself card.

I saw it can't believe. I'm actually gon na miss all those lumpy loose springs, oh carter, why would this place be in the news? Break show flame okay. This was little izzy's. I wan na play a game um, i'm gon na keep it maybe there's like cocaine side of it.
Somehow, let's get you back to izzy, you don't wan na. Do it hiding it just to like sneak it in and sneak it out. You know and then she's in trouble and she's like um. Let's just run fast and it's in trouble.

She pulls it out. Boom finds a thing juices up then boom now she's running at maximum speed, heart rate to the floor, going crazy doing bags and like that i played games before i know what i'm talking about, give me just one card man. I i do anything for a card. Just anything at all wait a minute i can.

I can bug the camera here, come on holy it's tough times, gon na be weird, not waking up to dylan's morning announcements. What was that i was looking? I was living somewhere else. Hey you stopped. Okay, please just one card and i'll stop enjoying it literally just one card, and i can move on no cards huh.

I see how it is all right guys what if you played um if you played until dawn um the hint the hint tokens is the totems. If you play many medium, it's the frames. If you play the little hope it's the uh, i don't remember what it is. Actually, it just ways for you to understand: what's gon na happen next, if you piece it together, first or fast enough, dylan is not gon na, be happy i'll.

Tell chris about it. When we see him - oh my god, just break that yep they're going to hide they're going to hide, and then some monster is going to be over around or something like that. Some vampire and then it's going to go boom boom boom boom boom and then everyone's going to die. Yeah, it's just that's just it is ouch.

So jacob hasn't seen this yeah wait. Wait is that, is it dylan's? Oh, what is it? Is it come file? I'm not gon na go like one leaf at a time, but we can just keep going yeah. I'm actually done. Let's, let's not go too crazy nah.

We can't go there. Let's just go back. Let's just stick to the plan. All right, then, if i don't, if i don't see cards in in the vicinity, i think we're always just going to go forward with it.

There's no point: yeah, there's no point like like a rediscovering time map for no reason brook lynn, ryan diesel caitlin. I don't think anyone knocked caitlyn out of first place all summer with that. Little golf cart all right, let's just ready to roll. Let's do it finally trim time to let loose and the moose this caboose.

How are you so dramatic annoying confident it's just acting it's? What the people want so you're faking i mean in a way faking. It is just being yourself but louder. You should try it sometime. You never know who you might impress.

No it's too late. Now anyway, for what you and nick you never know. Unless you put yourself out there, oh wow, oh nice, steering text, jinkies, okay, so hypothetically two more comments put myself out there. What if he ends up being a dud kind of like you and jacob he's, actually really sweet, then watch you couldn't summer fling we're going to school like four states away.
He gets it yeah sure, but that's us, you and nick could be different. What do you guys handle hit him up? Oh, i already have his email. It was in the fact that they gave chosen email email. Are you 93.? I'm really going to miss you abby holy email really did oh hold up.

Oh, but the lodge. Is that way. Go right here: why come on scenic route, one last victory lap around the camp? Oh, i mean well alone time, yeah sure. What's the victory? Two months, no technology, i kind of thought it was nice to be offline ugh.

I didn't plus my subs need me. I don't care it's like a bonus. Just give me one i will have you know that i have a very loyal and engaged subscriber base. I provide very important and educational lifestyle advice in the form of entertaining and hilarious video monologues.

They rely on me. Oh totally you're a big deal, uh yeah, i mean i'm sure they're gon na be like really heavy rock. I i i'm, then, being a weirdo just two things: one nick, the better bits and the uh she's got secluded she's got a mouth and a half holy is. Is that smoke? I'm done.

I'm done tell someone, it looks pretty contained, it's probably just mr age burning. Some stuff before you know he closes camp for the summer, yeah speaking of which we should. We should probably you know, get back. Oh yeah worried nick's yeah we're gon na leave without you.

Well, no they're, probably like all waiting for us everyone's waiting for us. Everyone yeah nick william, all everyone same stop. Who is this? Don't worry jacob? I got you. I got a full tank again, there's like 30 in real life man chill out.

Oh me, oh idiot. Does nobody on phone chargers anymore? There's no signal out here: anyways dude! Okay, this place is like patchy's balls. Your balls are patchy. What no it's? Okay i'll just go, get some juice from mr h, before some shoes uh you that was weird, hey, nick hey.

Where were you guys? Wouldn't you like to know ignore her? Please, let's go! Don't just got ta get these bags up on to the oh, hey here. Let me um, let me get it for you. I can take care of my own bag. Thank you.

Are you sure, because i mean it's really not that big she can take care of her own bag? Thank you. We can both take care of our own bag. Thank you, cool ew, okay, yeah. All that yeah we're taking the first bus back home uh abby.

Do you need yeah? Can i thank you? What the are those pants man that man's gon na put those in the bathtub man jesus? Look at that thing: hey has anyone seen ryan, oh yeah, he's probably off being all brooding and mysterious and alluring somewhere, i'm here? What are you doing under there having a little knee party? Oh, i was listening to a podcast. Actually, oh podcast, nice, that's cool! What's it about dying, yeah? What's it about? Is it about me? You think i was listening to a podcast about you. Okay, if anyone here had a podcast about them, it'd be me yeah. If there was a podcast called how to look and smell like a butt, oh, my god, you are so childish.
At least i don't look and smell like a butt. No, it's a paranormal podcast! This episode was actually about this place, weirdly enough, the hack of hack, it's corey, the who of the what's it where now. What's the hag of hackett's quarry, you don't know about the hack of hackett's quarry uh. If i did, would i be asking dumbass? Oh, what about the hack of hackett's quarry? I don't think she wants to know about the hacker hike.

It's can we just please stop saying the hag of hackett's quarry it's just this campfire story for the kids, it's um they're, supposedly an old woman who died in a fire a few years back. She haunts the woods looking for a lost baby boy. There are like reports of whispers or whatever, and this figure that floats around you know textbook stuff. Some people say that if she catches you alone should try to turn you into her son, oh okay or kill you or something i don't know.

It's never really been clear. Anyways haggah gets corey. Give me that up right here in the podcast man, cool story, bro um fight, oh yeah, you got a cooler one, oh no! I wasn't being sarcastic. I didn't really tell it right.

Look! No! No seriously! Dude! I think it just. It came out wrong. You got to be careful with this stuff man, this shit's true come on, do what's the holdup hack of tears, yeah nearly done mr h drop to it, get those butts in gear. Oh, my god, is that heaven sorry mystery! You get stung by a bee.

Oh, what the is that good shut up? Maybe if somebody didn't spend so much time trying to impress the ladies with all his ghost stories. You asked ghost stories the hag of hackett's quarry hey. You still have the van key. Mr h.

Yes, i do. You know i'd lose my head. If it wasn't stuck on back to the office, i go wait. His name is hackett, though give me a hand.

Would you ryan? Oh okay, yo, mr h, what's up dj dylan chance, i could get a little charge. I want to have some tunes for the road. No can do what uh, what that's annoying come on. That's like super unchecked, hey dude, i'm like the chillest flippin bro in the whole world man.

I just need some tunes for the ride. Man all right. That's enough! Five minutes like like five minutes. That's all.

I need man. You said no dylan, okay yeah. I know, but i was just image of the van okay man, this guy jesus holy he's already, like brick, water's dead, this guy, so uh chris. I'm actually glad we got a moment to talk uh uh, oh i'm not fired.
Am i no? No that's um! It's just. You know about the whole thing, with the hold that thought partner. I'm gon na have to take this. Oh yeah, okay, oh sorry, hello, young bucket they're, almost out of here, all right, you're, cutting it pretty close, just hold your damn horses, all right, everything's a-okay on this end bobby and i are geared up.

If he's in the area. This is a waste of time. No should i have he's gone quiet, probably staying out of the way, speaking of which the longer you keep me on this damn phone. The longer it's gon na take me to get rid of these damn kids, yeah, of course, adios.

What's ringing out of time! Sorry, i wasn't, i wasn't listening. I i was just like waiting like i mean i heard i i mean i was. I didn't hear what you were, we're cool champ just come on it. Sorry, i pushed you out like that.

It's wood. Can you not hear the footsteps, you need a hand looking for the keys no end of summer busy busy. You know anyway, you were asking me: oh uh, yeah yeah. It was just the whole animation school thing.

What you thought i should do right. You know whether or not i should like leave my sister with my grandparents since i'd have to live on campus. You know, oh my god, so i wouldn't want to leave sarah on her own. Who cares man our family's small enough as it is? Oh family is important: ryan dang, it um, you know what let's be annoying.

This is just important to me. You know what's important to me ryan, trying to run a successful summer camp, i'm still trying to make up for the losses from last year. Yes, i can tell terrified: kids are bad for business phone calls i get from scandalized parents, nightmares thumb sucking bed, wetting! Think about that. The next time you're flipping some yarn about the uh, the the the higher pockets just think.

Next time champ use the old skull muscle and on the monitor i i'm done i'm done. I can't got it me sorry about that yeah. It was just a fun story that weirdo kid told me last month: hey there's no weirdo here at hackett's quarry everyone's their own brand of cool. You counselors got to be the responsible ones.

Keep the kids happy, keep the kids safe, so knock it off yeah. Of course i mean we are seriously chris what's going on, i just want to get you guys safely out of dodge before the sun goes down, why it's getting dark ryan and it's not safe to drive in the dark and safety is the first step towards fun. Just give me a minute we're in the good god: damn are they the boss? Will you say goodbye to caleb and kaylee? For me, he sort of just snuck off well you'll, see him again. Next year, caleb works at the scrap yard during the off season and kaylee well, she's still figuring out what she wants to do.

She's got her whole life ahead of her. They both just come and go as they please really teenagers am i right. I actually could have used the help packing up since we were short staffed, hey you guys seemed to manage all right, but i'll tell them both. You were sad.
You missed them unlocked at the van put. The keys in my pocket came in the office room. Please, because it's annoying, it's cluttery, make sure they're all ready to go for real this time. Wait.

How did you get your phone back before the rest of it? I never turned it in you sure to turn it off before you handed it in dylan them's. The rules you noob, you noob. I try not to do your noob man good, because it's time to dwell on the minivan get on with our respective lives move it. Let's go.

What's the problem! Ah dude, i don't know, i i think, there's something wrong with the engine. Mr h yeah, let's see that oh no yeah dude, it's just like kaput! So dumb. Let me try what dude i'm telling you all right! It's busted! Well, maybe you're doing it. Maybe you're doing it wrong what the dude enough enough, both of you come on, come on chill chill dude, damn it.

I thought i told you kids, to check everything. Oh no, we did it, it should be working yeah. Well, coulda and shoulda doesn't mean it is. Does it damn it? Okay? Okay, look! It's not that big of a deal! Okay, we'll just spend one more night here! No! No! Just stop! Let me think: okay, damn it you're right, you're, right, yeah pop the hood and check it.

Instead of slamming it yeah you're right is that a grenade - okay, hey brian, come here for a sec dude. I i thought he was like some old army vet and it was like done with everything you just threw a grenade sure that everybody is inside the lodge for tonight, lock the doors, no one in no one out. No one got it. Okay, i'll be back.

First thing in the morning and we'll get you all on the road you just have to keep everyone inside. Can you promise me you'll? Do that? Why the wait we have to stay inside until tomorrow? Why? Where are you going ryan? I need you to trust me. Like i'm trusting you can you do that lock the doors and, for god's sake, keep the noise down nah. I think we try.

I think we trust this guy for sure this guy knows something. This is like the only hope. So what was that about? He uh said to stay inside that we're not leaving until the morning. Are you kidding me? I am, are you kidding me? What are we supposed to do? Well, we should go inside like he said we could go inside until morning, yeah or or we could do something else.

What are you talking about? No, mr hackett, no screaming kids, just a bunch of grown-ass adults ready to cut loose and get down with our animal side. Oh hell, yeah p-a-r-t! Why? The not all right it seems, like the stars, have a line for us: no okay, okay, okay, one last epic, bonfire blowout for all time: oh dude! Yes, i'm in nick you're in yeah, i'm in villains. In obviously my man caitlyn i go. My people need me.

Yeah, okay, um: what do you say? Yeah, i'm in jesus, mr hackett seemed pretty insistent we stay in the lodge. Oh my god. You know like um, like one of ryan's stupid ghost stories. Why would he want to scare us um? Oh it jack come on now.
I'm sure he's just looking out for us for content man all right, yeah, no arty, i didn't mean high fi touch my hand, ryan um, uh, okay, fine, yes, yes, i just want to go on record and say that this is a bad idea: god dude ugh Uh, it's gon na be fine man. Trust me, it's gon na be chill all right, all right, all right, hack, a tears party planning committee. Let's do this um, okay, first things. First, nick and abby you go get some firewood uh emma and i will go to the stores for some supplies and uh you just i don't know, figure out how to charge the phones for something all right.

Let's do this huh uh. Is that dear blood? Oh no wait, they know what's wrong. I think i think they're preparing the um the quarantine for like the the ghosts or whatever i think they know or they're just hunting because they're hunting, but i don't know who knows i was hoping you'd come back to uh-oh. Let's see what you found empty handed, you need to look around.

You find my cards and i can help you where i'm from we look out for each other, find them please. I looked man, you'd, better, be going, it's still early and the moon is bright, but time won't wait. Bro. I look for those with a story to tell be careful.

Look out for yourselves and look out for my cards dude. I think she's baiting there's no cards. It's like a mind game thing. We have not seen a single card yet and i've been looking it's just jab 8.

Oh my! Oh! I used to love that game. So here we are stranded in the great american wild with nothing, but our wits to guide us will humanity prevail or will we grow ravenous and resort to eating the flesh of the deceased, like i saw in that one plane crash movie? Oh, that's first course: filet al jacob, rich and full body. This rare beefcake may leave an irritating taste lingering on the palate and acquired taste. Some would say wow what looks like you're trying to thread a needle with a packet of loose sausages.

Oh, my god, i'm almost done okay, jesus christ and for the record, your analogies are very hurtful. Okay, i'm almost there one. Second, oh! No, there we go. Sometimes the answer is to not answer your hair clip.

You can keep. I, like a man, who's good with his hands yeah. Well, they call me mr magic fingers. No, they don't! Okay.

So if i were a beer, where would i be hiding in your stomach beep beep beep beep beep, beep beep, dear dog uh, it's my beard helps me dar for beers huh. How am i just noticing? How super lame? You are what but it it's my beard. Dude i'm just gon na i'm gon na go over here. Wow.

The kids really wipe this place out. Yeah i'm cringe. I can. I can know what he's gon na say, mr h loved his accessories.
Oh, are you gon na rob the vault laptops? It's locked. I don't know what i was expecting. Oh, oh hell, yeah! Oh jackpot, hey uh check out my giant melons! Oh see you just cut a hole in it. Mm-Hmm you pour in your vodka.

It's party time you just you pour the vodka right in it yeah! It's the most fun you can have with the hole in watermelon or well. Second, second, most okay, i'm gon na leave you two alone and go look for some more party supplies. Um guys! Doesn't it it's been tough out there, man cause i'm just gon na, say it guys it doesn't it's not that i'm trying to be inappropriate or weird it's dude, it's spinning and harem scarum. It's just not fair.

You know, let's go, let's look for some cards all right, not here not here, either. Okay, not under here, not up there surprise this crap. Why i buy that come on now it's a souvenir yo. Let me see what if we were gon na, let's go unlock the door from behind right, so if we have to run somewhere, it's already ready to go so she's limping.

I know why she's not paying. Surely this is just the video not like a real life thing right. This is not like um according to a real story or anything large renovation plans. Oh wait a minute, oh she's, getting sweaty! I wonder where this goes.

What? Oh, it's getting locked pick it up! Jacob, if we kick it in and we break it, come check this out, we have to run and lock it can. We we can't, we died all righty. Then door buckle up because you are about to meet your maker cringe and weird good golly, miss molly. I wonder i kept this place.

Locked up, yeah i'd be pissed when we made a stash. What no i mean, he left us stranded here. It's like um human rights or, whatever sure yeah all right. Now, let's see what we are working with hold that the door will latch; otherwise, oh hell, yeah in and out job done boom.

I want to look around a six-pack for how many people there's like eight of them. Oh it's a 12 pack. I guess sorry, mr kind of sword here in the chat knows how many beer there is in this video game. Thank you, man, i'm now and they're, fully enlightened by your knowledge, jacob.

I got ta stop switching this out what i can't move, or else the door will latch. They look like camping supplies. Oh okay, um, there's, tents back at the fire pit, so just let's, let's go did a bear. Do this it oh cool! What what is it? The bullets remember earlier, you guys said it: where are they? You meant the bullets.

I think code yep, oh jesus jesus, i'm done chill so you're uh you're gon na keep the gun huh yeah for bears okay uh. Well, i am gon na find something to haul this lot back to camp and we're gon na go hack, the vault. What was that? I heard that all right there you go orange rectangle boom, i'm in hey very nice card. I knew it.

What else is in there uh just some fireworks fireworks yeah, but i don't think we should no, no, no, no emma fireworks. That is not a good idea. You know what they wouldn't, let they wouldn't. Let us die because of fireworks right.
You know you're right. We could use that as uh. It's traction fireworks, oh um. In might, i just said: um fireworks, hey.

I found these like torn up bags back there. They were pretty messed up and i think they might have had blood on them. Oh stop. Stop stay right.

There. Oh dude peanut butter, butter, pops, dude, peanut butter, butter, pops, bad chests. Oh thanks! Nick. What aren't those for kids yeah? Everyone knows about yeah yeah and i used to be a kid you can go through this.

Okay, um look just try one of these puppies. I promise you, you will change your tone, not a chance pop pop peanut butter, butter, pops pop pop pop them in your mouth, come on they're like the greatest snack of all time, all right, whatever you know what more for me. Well, i saw a wheelbarrow out front, so we can load up all our booty in there uh, i'm sorry what booty! Oh. It means like um like treasure or butts no before that wheelbarrow uh yeah cool um, okay, uh! It's like um, it's like a barrel with wheels, you can put stuff in it and just wheel it around.

Oh, i see ladies first yep, i'm not being being the coomer okay. This is enabling me i'm already prone and weak, and i'm it's just enabling me my dude. What am i supposed to do here, all right, the inner sanctum, it's just an office. This is where the magic happens.

Okay, yeah, let's just make this quick sure. Just give me a sec to get this going and engage podcasts yeah all right uh. What's it called the one that you're listening to right now, uh bizarre, yet bonafide so like ghosts and stuff. It's like um yeah, like the the weird and the wonderful digging up.

Weird mysteries and discussing if they're well bona fide banner fat huh get it your wit knows no bounds. So, should we check out what mr h keeps in his private den of sin? Uh, i don't know man. I feel a little weird going through his stuff. Okay.

Well, i don't i mean come on what kind of dirty secrets is the owner of a summer camp full of impressionable young children gon na have anyway, not mr h, i know he's cool. It's always been cool to me: hey! What's the gun for uh chris, mr h, told me it was for um bears, bears here, yeah yeah. He said they don't really come around because he's got the gun to that, doesn't make any sense. Yeah just leave it alone.

Just leave it alone. Um dude we're gon na be out partying in the woods tonight all right. What if the bears try to crash? Okay, it's it's. Like my mom, always said.

If you want a party, you got ta bring protection. Well, i think that she was talking about condoms. I'm not gon na a bear funny the most dangerous thing. I've seen in these woods is a pissed off squirrel.

That sounds pretty scary. Okay, fine! Well, we know where the gun is. If we need it, your call man um, actually, no pick it pick it up. Yo leave the gun alone.
Man come on dylan. What the man i'm sorry. I just really really want to know what it feels like to hold it um. I told you to leave it alone.

Twice. Yeah, sorry cut it out. Weird, oh, come on! Oh, come on! Dude, it won't leave a good happen, kaylee and caleb packett, weird kids huh. I like them yeah me too um.

They are pretty reclusive. You have to admit i'm so easy. Okay come on! This is stupid. Let me see if i can get a card.

First, all right: let's go to the basements whoa. Look at this old thing. Hey give me your number. I want to try it out why oh uh, so that i can ask you out on a date, uh um smooth.

I think if i tried a cell phone number on this thing, it would just explode, though hello. What what who is it? What what the was that uh, hello? It's weird, i thought i heard someone huh. Maybe you should have asked them out on a date. Damn it i missed my shot.

Well, hello. What is this door? Is that a trap door pull that up huh. I knew that there was a secret sex dungeon around here somewhere, oh yeah yeah. I bet you, mr h is into some real kinky uh.

I doubt it weren't there a couple counselors who never showed up uh-huh why secret sex dungeon? It's not funny. It probably just goes to the basement or something open it up. Oh all, right! Well, it looks like a pit of eternal darkness, so you're being dramatic and follow me climb down. Take a look, look.

You can squeeze through there. You opened it. You climbed down, i'm only going down because if something goes wrong, he's gon na take the gun and at the end, we'll live, but we'll have the gun. But if we don't go, we never get the gun and we need the gun.

We don't have the gun, because if you get ass about it, what's down there, oh my god, ryan. You will not believe this. What what? What it's? Nothing? Oh, hey! I had you going there for a second didn't i no maybe just shut up. It is uh.

Pretty spooky down here, though, very unnatural, so yeah, okay, i'm coming back up, that's a hint, that's a hint! If we can go somewhere, we don't use a ladder. A nice chair. I could get used to this. You better hope.

Mr bro can't catch you taking this baby out for a joyride unless we just broke it and uh um. I don't know what to tell you, i'm just. Oh sorry, bud got ta. Take this one.

Second, hello hack, it's quarry summer camp. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger? What can i do for you on this darn toot and doozy of a day? Is that your impression of mr h, uh yeah uh-huh yeah yeah, i you're absolutely right. He does need to be nicer to dylan and uh. What's that you want him to give dylan his phone number that's a little forward, but i can see what i can do smooth funny men.

Oh it's a spell book: oh laura kearney and max brindley, oh yeah. Those are the ones that never showed up yeah. It's because of these goobers that we had to work extra shifts this summer, uh i'll, give it i'll give it one more. Try see you can't you like speed it up at all.
I can try to encourage them, go for it, you guys can do it. It's not working dudes, we're gon na have to wait, and this guy's neck is doing all sorts of things. Isn't it yo my guy toss me the keys uh hold on poke around in chris's private area? I'm sorry is that something that only you're allowed to do. Excuse me har come on what's the harm in looking, it's you're not a little bit curious.

I'm not gon na touch anything fine. Don't let me regret it. I can't promise that but you're using that wrong, huh, narnia fashion icon. Mr h knows what he likes.

I'm sure he does wow, there's yo, hey hey, maybe we shouldn't, i knew it. I really called it uh brian whoa. What the these monitors this is. The camp huh is mr h, spying on us.

No, no, i mean no. No, he can't be. These are just they're all different trails in the woods around camp sure most of the cameras are pointed away from camp. So it's not like he's spying on the kids unless they wandered out into the woods.

You know these are just probably just trail cameras, better trail cameras, people set them up to catch weird, random, okay, wrong, like bigfoot sightings. You know that kind of thing yeah, but you don't really watch these. You kind of just let them do their thing. I didn't know that mr h was into that kind of stuff.

Maybe he likes that podcast that you listen to secret hobby. I guess, if there's movement, if they take pictures, you don't need yeah, look at them all day. What you're gon na do out here yeah! I guess cam probably does get pretty lonely when there's no one else around yeah okay, but why go through all the trouble of hiding this room through a secret door in the closet uh i mean it's not exactly secret right, like it's just hidden by stuff yeah. That's what a secret is ryan.

It's weird! It's majorly weird! I don't disagree with you, but it's it's got to be something juicy in here. Dylan, it's it's none of our business and if you really want to know you can ask him tomorrow sure that won't be an awkward conversation like at all, okay yeah. Maybe i will all right. I i'm leaving the secret lair, have fun hey.

By xQcOW

18 thoughts on “Such a good game! xqc plays the quarry”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Team Octave says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red Rose says:

    Worst ending already.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mouffer says:

    My man was down so bad during this HOLY.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! JumpyMudkip says:

    Pls post the full series when he’s done

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vohrai says:

    ? this shit was only 3hours?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hkgl9000 says:

    7.8 but he hates almost everything about it, nice.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gapuru says:

    As he's writing his very critical review, this gets uploaded with this title.


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Megapint says:

    Wowzers I can’t believe there’s a game this good truly incredible!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soopa says:

    such a good game? bro gave it a 7.8/10 💀💀💀

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars herbert says:

    He literally just finished the game minutes ago

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tynoter says:

    cozy time

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clueless says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars i_bench_more_than_u says:

    WOW, xQc played such a good game!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LukeFR says:

    Posted this with the title “this game is so good” right as he’s writing a review about all the things he dislikes lmfao

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gonk says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jef f says:

    Ah yes hello there

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THE CRIMSON MISOGYNIST! says:

    So basically it’s a game like until dawn? Got it

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Larsen says:


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