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#xQc #workout #supplements

Okay, well in that casess can I get a can I get a Chers XC L Imagine you're getting ready to go to the gym, you grab your keys and your bag, and then you take a supplement and you feel like it's working. It might be working a little too well. What you don't know is that this supplement one that you bought at the health aisle at your grocery store is laced with an anabolic steroid, an illegal drug invisibly mixed into this powder. What? In recent years, researchers have been grabbing thousands of different supplements off the shelf and testing them to see what's inside.

And what they found in over 3,000 supplements that they tested is that 28% had some sort of illegal substance, mostly steroids. Meaning, the people that are taking them are unintentionally doping. Wait, what? Even if you were to ingest it, does that do the same effect as if you inject also at the same time, wouldn't that be dangerous if you're not? If you're not guys, guys, if you're not taking anything to rebalance the hormones and aren't you going to get all the all the weird hormone study? 92% of the supplements that were tested by scientists were contaminated with bacteria, 87% had fungal contamination, and when they tested CBD supplements, they found that 55% of the oils had either way more or way less CBD than stated on the label, and a few of them even had THC in them. The thing that gets you high and it turns out the government here in the United States doesn't seem to care.

So how did we get here? and why are shady companies influencer chat I Want to know the concentration of those of those things? Is it like 0.000000 1% Because it's like cross-contamination Is it deliberate? Is it negligible? Amounts Is it amounts that matter? If they? if it does matter, Is it amounts that that? uh, you're I don't know campaigns and targeted advertisements selling Americans things to put in their body that aren't what they say they are and that are potentially dangerous. And I guess a big question for me is which of these are actually necessary or healthy? Okay, and which of them are dangerous I'm going to pause again and just just tell you guys why and just tell you something because because same thing can be applied to dollar bills Dollar bills Dollar bills. I Think most of them have traits of cocaine on them, right? That's just that's just what it is, right Am I Am I Remember this but it's amounts that are that are that are extremely negligible and whatnot. So yes, I agree that meds should not be contaminated.

Of course they shouldn't be. That's the whole point in medicine, it's but. are these amounts that are just traces or what is the concentration of it? That's important. And is this all just a waste of money? It's AA Really No, it's not a hey pause, really quick.

You know how we started this video with like this hypothetical scenario that like I'm drinking like workout supplements. well I actually do workout now for the first time in my adult life is basically the key to keeping a workout routine. Like having someone to sound accountable to and that works for you and 20% off your first month chat. It's easy to look at stuff like this.
kind of like medicine and so it would be kind of regulated like medicine, tracked and vetted by our governments health agency like medicine is. But medicine goes through a very different process. Super lengthy process with tons of studies and clinical trials paperwork. It takes years and years and yeah chat.

I think on average 10 years plus from start to finish when they when they start developing a drug that's I was cuz my parents used to working time Pharmaceuticals said more more than 10 years from start to finish. A lot of drugs aren't ever even approved. They fail this process and never make it on to the Shelf but supplements don't have to do any of that. Companies are responsible for ensuring their products are safe and in fact can often put new dietary supplements on the market without even telling.

FDA There are rules on what supplement companies are allowed to put in their pills and gummies, but these rules aren't in full. They made covid vaccine because it was a it was a a global effort. Okay, yes, there are some stuff that was breached. probably.

Yes. I Do I From my understanding of and my barely educated uh it take is that yes there is some standards that there were substandards, but it was an effort by a lot of people and um it was like prioritized. So it's a little bit different fored in any real way. It's up to the supplement company.

it wasy with dietary supplements. It's on the honor System that they are following those rules and regulations. That's Dr C Michael White a pharmacist, distinguished professor and chair of Pharmacy practice at the University of Connecticut school of Pharmacy and this is Dr F Perry Wilson I'm a physician and researcher here at Yale University These two doctors helped us a lot in our reporting, helped us navigate this really complex topic and helped us better understand how this $50 billion a year industry runs wild with all of these products that make Health claims that are often not backed up by why is there so many Though there's a wild story on how we got here and to understand it, we have to go back to the ' 80s and '90s to understand this political commercial featuring Mel Gibson and health supplements. It's only Vitam Nelson Mandela got a rousing welcome from the city of New York Today, the East German authorities have said the Berlin Wall doesn't mean anything anymore.

The '90s was a time of economic Prosperity In America which fueled the rise of a health conscious middle class that was increasingly attracted to health foods and fitness regimes and alternative medicine. I Avoid sugar that makes me feel good about Chad Chad there's a good movie I recomend about this chat uh and it's and it's called rein for a Dream where where they show somebody who wants wants lose weight because of the of the health standards and and how people are Slim Right and and she thinkes what at the time time are they were prescribing for weight loss and fetamines to to a bunch of ladies and then they're they're they're just cooking, they're cooking literally. To cater to this shift, you have the supplement industry which was very small and Niche at the time, but they met, met the demand of this new middle class and began diversifying their offerings. They expanded beyond the typical vitamin C tablets and eonia drops, introducing a variety of new substances, each purporting to enhance one's life in unique ways.
One of the supplements that gained popularity was called L Tryptophan. It was this health food supplement made of amino acids that claimed to help people sleep and lose weight. It sounded healthy enough until doctors found that people who took the stuff were developing blood and muscle disorders. Investigations found that it led to the death of 38 people.

In response to this incident, Congress began drafting laws that would tighten regulation on health supplements. So they drafted this bill. The bill would give more power to The FDA to regulate these companies to tighten the rules on how supplements were able to be labeled, what claims they could make. But as we know, whenever there's a growing industry that's making a lot of money off of selling things and the government comes in and tries to regulate them, they don't just sit back and let it happen.

So all the supplement companies got together. They held these emergency meetings They sent an army of lobbyists to Washington and they started pouring money on commercials. help make sure your child gets a balanced diet with Flintstone Oh, those go hard. This is where Mel Gibson the 9s movie star comes into the story.

Wait are Flintstones bad I Still, hey guys, got it there. only vitamins. vitamin C You know, like in oranges. If you don't want to lose your vitamins, make the FDA stop.

Yeah, they weren't messing around here. They published books they sent Flyers to people's mailboxes. They produced more commercials they created petitions to Rally Americans around their supplements and it worked more and more Americans were taking guys I'm guilty sometimes guys I didn't have candy okay I didn't have anything sugary around and I was really craving chat so I would take one more Flintstone or one more gummy dude guys sometimes I took I took two extras many guys, it's really brain dead I did it I did it. It is what it is and they responded to this potential tightening of regulation.

In all of this fearmongering by the lobbyists by writing to Congress telling the government not to regulate supplements to let them keep their vitamins. At the same time, these lobbyists targeted the lawmakers themselves, convincing them to oppose the legislation that was under consideration in Congress and to actually counter it by passing their own law a law that would be friendly to the industry. And you can actually see this point blank. Sometimes lobbying is like foggy and we don't know what happened, but in this case the Senators who received the most money from the industry were the ones who actually drafted the new bill for this law.
chat. This is how much I cost Chat Guys People always say oh dude, they're buying them out dude, they're getting bribed lob Senators Look how little money it takes to run the world guys I I Encourage you to look into this because it's actually funny. It's funny how little how the return on investment guys guys the it's a $55 billion industry to navigate the the laws and get what they want to push. their all it takes is 100k.

40K Yeah, it's little. sorry to sell you Yeah, maybe maybe from a let's say $10 an hour? Yeah. I Get it, it's a lot of money. but in the eyes of billionaires, this is the cost.

bro. it's L. It's dust to receive the most money from the industry. Were the ones who actually drafted the new bill for this law and here it is: Public Law 103 417 from October 25th 1994 So what started as an attempt to regulate supplements actually turned into a law that is friendly to the industry and the reason we have this it still it as day.

I mean I Love when you're like neck deep in one of these laws and you just see a statement that just makes it so clear like who was influencing this law. Check this out. This law just straight up says that the Federal government should not take any actions to impose unreasonable regulatory barriers towards this industry and especially says the law. This industry is really lucrative.

It has annual sales of $4 billion Congress wouldn't want to slow that down. So then the big kicker here. One of the key parts of the law is that they specify that supplements The thing in this bottle is not classified as medicine. It's classified as food.

That's how the FDA should treat it as food. But supplements are not food in the same way a bag of Doritos is food. They're much more complicated, but we'll get back to that in a sec. The point is that this law gave the industry a lot of freedom including what kind of claims they could make.

The law gave them the authority to say a lot of things about what they're health supplement does for people as long as they include this One disclaimer: I'm looking at genius mushrooms the it becomes it becomes a weird thing Guys Guys guys is Ure a food the the the drink that of protein that like makes it easier for you to the to like. Is it food? Yeah, well, it's food. but at the same time it's supplements. Uh, kind of like vitamin supplemental.

It's kind of the same thing. Product says that little bit. Healthy Immune System support energy and Clarity sounds great. But then here on the back in very very very small, teeny, tiny, almost illegible font let's zoom in here you will see a teeny tiny statement that complies with the law.
These statements have not been EV Valued by the Food administrator. This product is not intended to diagnos. It's like right there in the fine print that no one is reading. What people are reading is this: healthy Immune system support energy And Clarity I mean the law is so friendly to the IND industry.

It allows these companies to effectively regulate themselves. The law makes it clear that it's the government's job to go prove that something is adulterated or wrong, rather than making the companies prove that their products are safe before they go to market. I mean it's totally backwards. We do not approve them for safety and Effectiveness before they are sold, companies are responsible for ensuring their products are safe.

So thanks to this 1994 law damn the way she says that is, supplement makers were very happy cuz now they don't have to tell the FDA anything. Jesus They don't have to prove that their claims are effective, they just have to put a little tiny fine print. Disclaimer: and the FDA has no real enforcement regime. They only really step in in a big way after the supplement is proven to be hurting people.

Any Authority they do have to check on these supplements has to be done with their shoestring budget. This was Congress Giving the supplement industry a blank check, telling them they can do what you want we can't can't regulate you. It's now the law and this is why the industry went from a $4 billion industry in the early '90s to a $ 53 billion industry today. Well this is why Americans are now inundated with capsules and pills and drops and creams and teas that claim to make your body work better.

CH Why is there not a list of ingredients that are only found in diesels that are called that that are are now uh, labeled as like medicine? or and then they if they have the product with something Lael as medicine then they have to go through the other thing? that's that's more like a the standard of medicine to the standards of food. But this is confusing because supplements actually do have a place in our lives for certain people who need certain things that their body can't make. So one of my questions going into all of this is like what of this is legit? Is any of it or is it all just snake oil? What does the science actually say? The science always behind always. There's been a lot of good study on this and luckily we got one of those amazing things where they do a study of all of the studies and they put it all together and they say this is what all the study y yo? Yes Yes okay okay last B I Swear guys, yes the the science and proving the problems and and things like this is usually behind Like that's that the whole point.
It's the whole point. then if somebody gets hurt right they they I mean I'm I'm not off flowing the blame, probably didn't even know. Do you think that people that they know they were people were going to get like muscle pain and death Like they probably didn't know because if it was medicine they have to do tests and trials and then they would know it's it's food. They probably didn't really know right until it was too late.

So I'm not defending I'm just saying probably didn't know. so it's the scientist is behind because the protocol they're using is bad. The standard is bad because it's food, not medicine you get it is over years Like a good old meta analysis. This Meta Analysis: which used 84 studies and put it all together to find conclusions, found that vitamins and supplements were generally quote associated with little or no benefit in preventing cancer, cardiovascular disease and death had a little bit of a benefit on treating cancer if you already have it.

They also found that people with a high risk of lung cancer had an quote increase risk of lung cancer and other harmful outcomes by taking one vitamin beta Keratin. So what this basically is saying is that vitamins don't work for like the big things preventing The Killers like cancer and heart problems and they maybe even hurt us in some cases on the supplement. But in reading these conclusions, you start to realize just how complex this is. There are like thousands of different supplements and there are like innumerable numbers of individual bodies that have different chemistry and different experiences.

It starts to get confusing to find a satisfying. Nothing helps anything, reduces risk or reduces spread. Cancer is cancer. Conclusion: You don't cure cancer.

Do supplements actually make us healthier in any way? Many doctors would suggest that you don't need to take supplements at all unless you have a deficiency. Ah, deficiency. That's the key word here. So like maybe my body doesn't naturally produce enough vitamin C or I don't get it in my food, then a supplement would be useful.

If you're a strict vegan, you have, you know, very strong dietary restrictions. For whatever reason, those people probably are good candidates for taking a multivitamin. That's a situation where it makes a lot of sense, but most of us don't need to do that. Whenever there's a situation where all the humans in society need a certain substance that they're not getting, the government goes wild to make it happen like there was a time when we all were deficient in iodine.

So to fix this, the government worked with salt makers to just put iodine in salt. So now, okay, Chad Do you have a Balanc diet? chat? Do you follow the guide of of of of America of proper health and and and Regulation and whatever. Dude dude, dude, don't say yes, don't say Yes man yo, don't say Yes Man Bro, you probably had to back before you before you typed yes in chat you probably have to back up your chair cuz your belly was in the way. Shut the up.
All of us use it all the time and we just have enough iodine because there's iodine in all of our salts. I Guess what? I'm saying here is that most of us check off all of our vitamins and mineral needs by living and eating a variety of foods. But of course, within our population there are people who can't produce enough of a certain vitamin or like this YouTuber who just ate chicken tenders every single day. I Mean they should probably take some vitamins like you have to eat a variety of foods to get all your vitamins most.

Americans And luckily here in the 21st century, we have a test to find out how you're doing on this. it's a blood test. They take your blood, they test it, and they find out how you're doing on vitamins and minerals and what you might be deficient in and thus what supplements might actually work for you Fa And yet, 252 million Americans are popping $ 53 billion worth of supplements every year and most of them probably don't need to be taking anything. Okay, so if I don't need all this, but I'm taking like A Fistful of vitamins every day.

Where does it all go? You're just peeing out all of the excess and it might give you glowi in-the-dark urine which is uh, which is pretty cool, but it's it's a it's a large waste of your dollars. Here's a full disclosure that may be surprising to you: I True, but chat a lot of if you're missing one or two or three things. At least you have that covered guys. I Feel like the loss overshadows the the no No, no, the gain overshadows the loss.

Yeah, take vitamins and supplements sometimes like I Got sent this green powder from like a sponsor who's like thinking about sponsoring a video on the channel and I totally drank it like every day last Pa. Okay, chat really fast. Chat you? you? you're you're all in the chat game and you're all taking vitamins. Okay.

Bing Bing Bing Okay, these are these are the the the safe this all across the board. Let's say Vitamin A B C D E F These are all fake I don't know what vitamins are Uh, this is a threshold at which all are safe and you should have on a day you should reach this level of vitamins. Okay, let's say you go like this: Uh, Bing Bing Bing Okay, even in a realm where you're like this, right? this is you. Okay CH this is you.

Okay, this is the vitamins that you currently taking and you say oh guys I'm doing pretty good. If you think of multivitamin M right? so you're gonna, you're gonna shoot up to let's say this this this, this this this now. What's cool is that you're all at at 100% so you're all covered and you're going to pee and lose money on the excess which kind of sucks. At least you're covered is the loss of money and the over vitamins that bad.

Compared to a realm or a reality where you you're doing all you're keeping, you're keeping your lack so you're keeping you're you're missing it. Is it? I think it's a I think it's a worth tradeoff I That's fine. Take multivitamins. Uh if you you don't think you a perfect diet which is not a lot of people have perfect diets.
To be honests, you can afford it. Yeah, I mean it's like like $22 I think for a a multivitamin pack for vitamin suppl, Billion different vitamins in it and I was like maybe I need one of these even though my blood test doesn't say I do What if I actually do what if it's actually going to help and I tell you that to let you know that like this isn't easy, this is not an easy thing to navigate. We're hit with all of these messages of like improve your mental Clarity like increase energy and you're just like. Is any of this real What I'm finding is that most of it is not.

But what to me is ethically wrong is when people turn to supplements because they've been lied to, or because they don't trust or can't afford other forms of treatment. In other words, when they're desperate, surveys of American sentiment show that pharmaceutical companies have lower approval ratings than Congress. Which is, you know that's pretty bad and again, in many ways, rightly so. The profiteering off medications is, you know, in my opinion, quite unethical.

So we hate pharmaceutical companies for good reason maybe. But we suddenly trust supplement companies We Trust Vitamins and the industry that makes them okay. So just quick recap: Supplements are the wild West in the United States They've been very poorly regulated, the industry's gone wild, They can make these wild claims and a lot of us are maybe wasting our money and peeing out supplements that we don't need? Is that the scope of the problem here? just that we're wasting our money and we're being falsely advertised to doesn't seem that bad? Yeah, it doesn't that bad. The ex that's I said that is.

Until You realize that not all supplements are harmless. The law says that supplements should be regulated like food, but they aren't food. There's a lot of complicated work that goes into creating a highquality, safe supplement. It's a complex process of manufacturing, making sure that the substances are pure, the dosage is correct, and it can go wrong very easily 23,000 people a year.

In fact, go to the emergency room after taking a supplement. Supplement makers don't have to prove that their products are safe. It was unbelievable what we found: false and unsubstantiated claims. Oh yeah, remember El Triptan supplement takers POV Yo, we're going to the gym bro Two Scoops Three Scoops Ah I mean dude brother I Mean it is what it is Ian Back in the ' 80s, people were taking it and they were thinking it was going to help with their insomnia and helping them lose weight.

And yet it caused thousands of illnesses and dozens of deaths. One of the big problems with that was likely due to contamination within the supplement, not necessarily the substance itself. A few years ago, there was a supplement that came out that was supposed to regulate blood circulation, but it ended up having lead in it. It caused all sorts of lead poisoning and two deaths.
A few years later, the FDA seized 300,000 dietary supplements because they had an excessive amount of lead in them that was from one. Corporation The FDA isn't monitoring all of these supplements, but luckily scientists are. There's this 2018 study that found that 92% of the supplements that they studied had bacterial contamination and 87% had fungal contamination which can be really damaging for your body. Guys, That product.

Yeah, stop saying G Fuel Guys Guys, when you pull vitamins from the soil it has lad, it's calculated that that there's a there's a safe amount or a a a there's a safe amount to consume that isn't going to be toxic and they calculate that. Okay and the one place California they have they have their thresholds are much different than than almost all the states. uh for for also for other Plastics there like oh this causes cancer if you sit on this seat you will have multiple cancers bro it's just California I Don't know to tell you I'm not going to go down a whole like literature review here because there's so much of this. Let's just say there's a lot of instances of supplements being found to be contaminated.

Okay, let me just tell you one more example here. That is just such a good example of the abuse of the lack of Regulation Here There's this one plant called Katom I don't know here in the US I like feel like I see it everywhere in every strip mall. It's like crom signs. It's made from this evergreen tree leaf and it's sold in the form of powder and pills and extracts.

It sounds totally natural and fresh, and I can see why it's doing so well on the market. But once again, CR has been linked to hundreds of cases of salmonella poisoning. And there's the fact that it's highly addictive, especially to those who have had opioid addictions. which is, if you haven't heard a giant problem in our country, it has been deemed to be the cause of death for 91 people who had overdoses in 2016 and 2017, Though only seven of those people were found to only have crum in their body.

there were other drugs in the overdose as well. But what we're saying here is that this can be dangerous stuff. It's not just food like the law wants it to be. The FDA urged the DEA to classify this as a schedule one drug, which is the classification for heroin, but it's a dietary supplement just like down the road at the local convenience store.

Speaking of drugs, some supplements are kind of just like drugs in Disguise. So what we're really seeing is that in a lot of those cases they're putting in synthetic drugs, which sometimes are prescription drugs and sometimes are products that are not approved by the F Da One study found that over the last decade more than 750 supplements were illegally spiked with drugs. Only half of them were ever recalled. Yeah yeah, the law is always behind on that.
just like check back in the day you get Salvia at the Supermarket it. Why can they do this? Why can they just drugs like illegal drugs into supplements? Ah, because of this law, this law that the industry helped pass in the 9s that says that none of this has to get any approval from the FDA The FDA only steps in when something goes wrong when like the damage is already done so backwards and these companies can get pretty aggressive. A few years ago the academics who revealed that these supplement companies were spiking their supplements with illegal drugs not sued by one of these supplement companies, were spiking their supplements with illegal drugs got sued by one ofies aan called Tech Pharmaceuticals Theany ended up losing the lawsuit. But what it revealed is that this company had been selling a product that they had been ordered to stop selling to recall and they just never did like.

There's so little oversight happening here and again it's a giant industry with a lot of money and a lot of products. and it's an FDA that is very small with very little money and not a lot of authority to do much. And as we mentioned at the very beginning in the video, when researchers went in and just like popped open some of these bottles and studied the pills, they found that a lot of these supplements don't actually have what they say they have, like they're a totally different substance. but none of us know because you don't know what calcium tastes like.

literally. There have been sites that have shown some supplements have have no detectable amount of the thing that it says is supposed to be in there, no detectable amount. And then we've got good old Melatonin I Love Melatonin when I need it. That gummy that helps us all get a good night sleep.

But it's not a sleeping pill right? Because it's like natural. Don't get twisted. don't get twisted big. Pharma isn't that much better with Acro medicine in it? This is food I Get it.

but they're not that much better. They should be at a much better it is not much better. Poisonings in children have been on the rise over the past decade. Well, actually, melatonin is not a vitamin.

it is a hormone that you naturally produce. It helps induce sleep and it's kind of been trending over the last few years, especially among children over the past decade. The number for certain medicine okay, that that you take that you take prescriptions. okay, you get literal Duds that's like 10% pocy bro actual pills you get literal Duds Dog Placebo Dude, children overdose on melatonin went up 5 30% causing kids to experience symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea.
A lot of that is because of dosage problems. In some cases, they found that the dose is 50% higher than what was on the label. The US Food and Drug Administration doesn't have any control of the ingredients or the accuracy of dosage claims. We talked to one guy who started a Reddit Forum because he was taking Lion's Man which is a mushroom supplement and it was causing a mysterious illness.

He thought it was going to give him energy and mental Clarity like it says on the bottle, but instead what he experienced was heart palpitation. sleepless nights I Couldn't sleep for 8 months straight by that I say one more than one or two hours a night. When he started the subreddit, he found thousands of others who reported a whole host of neurological issues, chronic tension, headaches, a lack of emotion. One user's husband took his life after not being able to sleep, having constant panic attacks, and losing his job over it.

he was 43. I' been to the hospital about 20 times the first 2 months I have seen basically every specialist that I could get a hold of and really nobody could tell me what was going on These people come to Reddit because they don't have any answers. They bought a supplement that looked legitimate promising, mental Clarity and focus and energy and had their lives completely changed. That's because our government failed.

We have a government to protect us against exactly these types of things, but instead yes to stop taking it them. But a lot of people people chat, they take a bunch of stuff. they don't know which one's doing, what it's not. It's not up to them to figure out what is currently the problem.

and in guys, it's not up to you to break down and do scientific research about your own daily habits, on what's causing what it's the. it's the people to the signs buying their product before they sell it. They tell you if it's going to kill you or not. the is wrong to you guys yo this shy bugging on a stack man.

okay then go in the forest okay and go eat any mushroom you see okay and figure out which one's killing you. Maybe it's all of them. could be one I mean Chad Do the math brother You you go and try it brother No, don't do that what you that people are turning to Reddit to find answers. To me, this is the most atrocious version.

I Will do my own research. We actually reached out to the FDA as part of the story to understand like what's the deal? why is it like this and they responded and we scheduled an interview. we were going to discuss dietary supplements and regulation in the United States but then the day before the interview they canceled our meeting and then just ghosted us. Luckily we have clips of former FDA Commissioners talking about this and they all seem to agree that this is a problem of authority and resources.

Will the FDA ever regulate this industry? We tried so we tried, but then the check. The check kicked in and then and then we stopped trying. But I hey yo yo at least I bought this brand new Mercedes though we should look at it yo look at Mercedes though it's an AMG kind of goes hard. well.
Luckily, we live in a system where we can make change by changing laws like in the 9s. We almost did this. If the Congress had given the FDA more power, we would have stricter punishments for supplement companies who break the rules. We would have better rules around what they can sell and what claims they can make.

We should at least be able to agree that all the should have to prove that they don't have bacterial or fungal contamination, that they don't have heavy metals, that they're not containing prescription drugs, and that they do contain the product in the dose that's specified in the pills that they're putting on their label I would like Purity and that people know what they're getting. I mean we owe it to Consumers at the very least that if you're going to choose to buy, you should at least know what you're getting. That seems like the bare minimum and right now that's not the case. The experts we talked to don't think that supplements should be regulated like drugs I Think that makes sense, but they agree that we should start with giving the FDA the authority and the resources it needs to monitor supplements so we know what's actually in them so that we're not trusting the honor System of for-profit companies to obey the rules and to actually put in these supplements what they say is in these supplements.

This would mean the FDA going and conducting spot checks more often and more aggressively to make sure that this stuff is correct and that it's being manufactured in a clean way, free of contamination. Congress Has recently considered a bill that would help with this, including trying to create a database of all the supplements so that the FDA at least knows what's on the market. But of course the supplement Lobby is not going to stand. They spend $2 million a year on lobbying, making sure that things stay the way they are.

No to me, chat over $2 million a year. To me, it is just a joke3 guys I think this is just it's so funny guys. If you want to put this in gambling terms, okay to make it simpler. Okay, these people.

these people that that are ahead of these companies when they're lobbying, they're getting a 1,000x on investment on these. On these, uh, on these lobbying, it's one of the best investments you're going to see of all time. on anything worldwide. anywhere.

Bro investing into in politicians for lobbying is like Max Win guaranteed brother. The whole industry. What What This said? $55 billion. All it took for things to go their way is 3 mil.

1.8 mil. Guys, do the math. do the math. do the math.

Your dude, your win is 55. Bill Okay, what is it like this? Divided by 1.8 mil? Okay bro, it's a 30,000 x it's A it's Max It's Max Things stay the way they are. They make a lot of money off it. So if you are one of the many millions who take a bunch of supplements and are not sure if they're spiked with weird stuff or if you even need them, what do you do and the answer is go get your blood tested and just see if you're deficient in anything, If you actually need a dietary supplement, and even if your blood test comes back and you don't need anything I Believe that people should be able to consume whatever they want, even if it's not scientifically proven.
you know your body. You should be able to take whatever vitamin or mineral you feel is working for you. I Just think that when you have a for-profit industry that is free to mislead and deceive and prey on consumers, you should you. You guys are all you guys watch a lot by stream or uh, play games.

okay, which is really good. Keep doing that. but you check, check your vitamin levels with your doctor and with the blood test. there's a good chance CH your deficient on the vitamin at D or c D Probably right.

It's why it's hard for you guys. You sometimes wake up in the morning and you feel tired. You sometimes wake up and you don't want to step your foot out and then wake up and actually get out of bed. You feel that way.

There's a good chance you're V in your vitamin D I think vitamin D I'm not going to do it yet I'm not going to do it yet. me I was in D It's stand for bunch of bad situations like the ones we've talked about here. so until the government steps in to help us navigate this, we're kind of on our own. I'm going to put some links in the description to third party websites that you can go to to look up your supplements, the specific supplements, and see if they've passed a high quality standard to know if at least you're getting what it says on the bottle.

So that's where we're at with supplements. We're here waiting for transparency and accountability, and above all, waiting for the regard of others well-being over the interests of an industry that seems to video than about our health. Ch ch chat look at it Chat I You should hold him accountable just like Tyler One guys he Tak I think blood rush blood BL Blood rush something like that And guys Guys guys look at what happened to my friend. Chat guys guys look this girlfriend made chicken look how look this is this is this is the one of the victims of blood Russia This look okay wait wait wait wait wait what did the song say in your booty? a movie? My bad.

Anyway, um.

By xQcOW

9 thoughts on “Supplements are a lie xqc reacts to johnny harris”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @FranXiT says:

    I didnt think his chat could get any more braindead than a few months ago, but boy was I wrong.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @thanasis-_- says:

    Great video from cia Harris.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @FuddledOnion says:

    I had the gastric sleeve done a few years ago and have been deficient in a wide variety of vitamins since. It was explained to me that a great way to determine a bit of validity to the multi-vitamin is to look at which ones they claim to contain as many of them interact with one another and would be moot in combination. For instance, calcium temporarily lowers the absorption of iron and thus is strongly suggested to be taken separately with a two to three hour window between doses of each vitamin so as to avoid the interaction. Sooo, if a multi-vitamin is advertising both in the supplement it could be fair to assume the product hasn't been thoroughly tested for legitimate efficacy. Additionally it was explained to me that the gummy variety vitamins are the least effective (for people with deficiencies) due to inconsistencies in the formula, high sugar content, and lack of binding agents found in capsules and tablets that aid in absorption and digestion. Alternatively, mixed supplements such as pre-workouts are one of the most dangerous to take due to their lower regulation and standards. Not to mention the side effects many have such as tingling, itching, feeling jittery, and some even cause fainting. With that said, I'm not an expert and don't claim to be, I take Flintstone vitamins, D-3, iron, calcium, and for a pre-workout I chose Optimum Nutrition's Amino Energy and have had relative success in maintaining my nutritional needs in the past year or so. Basically, if you do your research and you talk to professionals and pay attention to your own body you can find a routine that works for you….. even if it is a scam in a handbag.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MariusMythHunter says:

    Bro was yapping for 30 minutes over 10 minute video

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dingding7289 says:

    everyone clowns on reddit untill you need that 1 guy from 9 years ago for ur 1 very specific problem that may or not be life threatening and every retarded doctor just says some bs or prescribes some horse shit.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @illchangelateridk7231 says:

    When you're excited to watch a video with your juicer, but he's so bad at reacting, that you just go to the original

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @saywhatomar3163 says:

    In Australia, supplements are regulated the same as prescription drug when it comes to testing, I always wondered why we don’t get American brands here.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheIrishBosnian says:

    NA, don't forget to get your 5 physical heath issues a day. 😂😂😂 LUL

    Joking aside, this is another reason I wouldn't want to live in NA. How will I die? Food? Supplements? Shot in school? Stabbed by a knife-wielding rat? 😂😂😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @waves42069 says:

    pharma is still doing shit

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