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#xQc #crime #interrogation

Just he find something to watch. Okay, scroll all the way up. Yeah and then the top left one. North Korea Is that's going long? Well, it's fake.

It's a fake. It's a fake time. It's only half that. What the you watch? Yeah I'm why' you get rid of that shirt had pieces of my mother's brain stuck to us Josh This is 15-year-old Zachary Davis He's just been brought in for questioning after a fire was discovered at his house.

Initially, the tragedy appeared to be nothing more than an unfortunate accident. That is, until a body was discovered inside the home. Even more horrifying was the fact that the victim Zachary's mother hadn't been killed by the Flames but by a sledgehammer before the fire was even started. In about 3 seconds, you'll see Zachary crack, but not in the way anyone expected.

He looks kind of evil when you did that. I Going to have to say I think you know who you're doing it and this never before seen interrogation footage Zachary is brutally honest as he details his crime and yet his astonishing motive leaves investigators wondering how much of this chilling tale is the result of a disturbed mind or a series of cleverly concocted lies. In the early hours of August 10th, 2012 Emergency Services were called to a house fire in. Hendersonville Tennessee Inside the burning home, firefighters discovered the body of Melanie Davis lying on her bed covered in blood and brutally disfigured.

The single mom of two teenage boys worked as a paralal and trained as a triathlete outside the home one of her sons 17-year-old Joshua Davis waited with the police, but his younger brother Zachary was nowhere to be found. 4 hours later and around 5 miles from the home, Police spotted 15-year-old Zachary Davis as he walked alone down a road attempting to leave town. He was subsequently picked up and brought to the Summer Country Sheriff's Office for questioning. His interview is just the beginning of a truly Mve to on screen right now cuz it's not it.

It really looks likeing stupid disturbing case filled with shocking allegations and a series of Twisted lies. This is Sheriff's Office and what we like to do is talk to you about something pass at your house and that's what we kind like to talk to you about. You probably seen some CP shows and stuff, right? You police shows and things like that. You have rights and stuff and so before asking questions, you must understand your right.

You want to go ahead and talk to us about what happened tonight. Yes, sure. Okay, if you do, what I want to do is make sure you understand that this is a waiver right? saying you're waving your rights. What I like to do is make sure you can read and write if you would read that last paragraph that loud.

I Have read this statement until my right understand Right with his confirmation that he's this guy's 15. Holy Jesus Christ voice waving his rights, the interview gets underway. You never been anyway? No, no trouble in school. Nothing like that.
No sure. One of the obvious unusual characteristics about Zachary is his lack of expression of emotion or emotional. Detachment His monotone voice and flat face facial expression are indications of a person who is either guarded and is consciously avoiding any show of emotion or a person who struggles to express emotion because of some other issue such as a psychotic disorder like schizophrenia or a developmental disorder like autism spectrum disorder. Though he doesn't offer up a lot of information himself, the investigators have researched Zachary's family and began asking him about his past to get him comfortable with talking to them and understand that your father had passed away.

Yes sir, how did he pass away? He died from car disease. pretty rough on you, wasn't it? I'm sure, didn't bother you I'm sure I was told that they bother you that you were upset about your that not truth. Oh sure. Oh, it is true A sure.

Okay. In 2007, the Davis Family faced their first tragedy, but certainly not their last. The two boys lost their father Chris to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as ALS or Lou Garrick's disease. losing a parent is traumatic for any child, but despite his denials, his father's death impacted Zachary even more severely than most and with consequences that would unfold years later according to family.

Zachary was already a quiet kid, but at only 9 years old when his father died, he became even more withdrawn. Following the tragedy. the family now just Melanie and her two sons moved to SAR County and though this was meant to be a fresh start, things would only get worse for them. once there at 11, Zachary began to display strange Behavior though it isn't clear exactly what but Melanie grew concerned enough to seek medical help for her son.

Have you ever had to see a doctor for anything As far problems, think about things. Um, what was that? This guy? He wanted to see the therapist? She did? Well, this guy is just straight scary. Just a couple couple times is all you saw. How long ago was that? you know what year that was? Think what were the reasons that your mama wanted you to go to thereapy? She never told me Zachary was diagnosed with a depressive disorder, but that was just the beginning.

He also told doctors that he was hearing voices, including the voice of his deceased father and he was soon diagnosed with psychosis. However, at some some point his mother stopped his mental health treatment, but it's unknown exactly why. While psychosis itself is not a clinical disorder, it is a symptom that is often associated with Schizophrenia. Onset of schizophrenia children is very rare, but still possible.

Other causes of hearing voices during childhood could include depression, an anxiety disorder Andor Experiencing a traumatic event such as the death of a parent. Despite Zachary telling investigators he wasn't seeing anyone for help, the calendar on his phone showed that he had at least one meeting with the guidance counselor at his school. Miss higs indicating that perhaps someone realized something was wrong though no one could have guessed the true extent of just how Disturbed he was something Went on to your house today and I just kind of like you to kind of tell her what happened I Killed my mom? Me? please. Um, is there reason why you did that? Yes, Well, can you tell me why? Sure, you can't tell me why? Sure, Is it reason you don't? You don't know why you did it or you just don't to tell? Okay, you do know why you did no.
Did you set the house on fire too I tried to I don't know actually C enough. Oh okay, yeah, it did I mean a little bit I think but not not bad. Um, have you been had problems with your mom? Not sure. Unlike most crimes, it's all too clear that Zachary is the killer, but though he States freely that he killed his mother, this story will change eventually.

Hauntingly recovered text messages between Zachary and his mom seemed to indicate that they had a seemingly ordinary, even loving relationship in one. Zachary wrote to his mother sorry I was asleep with a heart emoji. another. this one from Melanie to Zachary reads love you tried to talk to you before we left but your door was locked through these texts.

The family appeared to be perfectly normal but that couldn't be further from the truth. We found a book on a notepad that was on you. It said some things in there that that no P years we done that talks about your mom and and about you know what? CH sometimes people inter. that's for me Anyway, people interact very differently in text than in real life with with with somebody I Feel like what? if you look back at my text with my parents it's like one thing in real life.

it's like the interactions are not the same at all. like yes, sure and that's you know that's what's so important about this I mean you know we we want to understand what said. you don't have to tell us if you don't want to I mean but we want to understand. You know what happened I that's important I know it could be kind of scary to talk about, but would you feel more comfortable if you were just one person in the room I don't mind having to people Okay, yes and I said you know like I told you in your rights you don't have to tell us if you don't want to.

it's just it's very important though that you know you. something like this happen there. It's EAS a reason for it you. That's all we want to.

know There's a reason. Um, this is your time to tell us. you know why that happened You not? Okay, the text messages from the day before he killed his mom showed them planning to go to a movie Melanie first wrote: hey hey sweetie I just took Josh to the Orthodontist. We'll be back, hopefully soon.

Then later we can see Borne or Campaign today I want to see both and sounds good Josh is back in but we may need to pick him up at Ryan's house. The last message she sent before her death was to Zachary and reads only okay with a heart. It's eily clear that Melanie had no idea what Zachary was planning or that she would meet such a horrific end. Just hours after attending a movie with her two sons, Zachary's brother Josh has also been brought to the police station to speak with police.
He was asked to recount his day before the fire was set. He told them that he had gone to the orthodontist with his mother before returning home. His answer also reveals a bit about his relationship with his brother. what's that doing when you get home? uh I think she find next we kind uh we we kind of keep to ourselves I guess Okay, so you and Z don't have a good relationship.

well no we do. It's just like we I don't know. like he just kind of, you know, stays to himself. He's kind of a quiet person.

Has you been having any any problems? I mean uh, been kind of like quiet ASR Josh seems hesitant to talk about his brother and although he's giving limited information, the descriptive words such as quiet and odd May indicate that Zachary was showing signs of mental health issues. What's also strange here is Josh's apparent lack of visible concern given what just happened to his mother. The average son or family member would be hysterical and wondering or at least theorizing about what could have. It's Weir It's weird that this guy, um, has a lot of people evaluate the videos and give these like these annotations or whatever.

right when I feel like chat am I CRA thinking that a lot of people deal with trauma and loss in many different ways and you can't just say oh, this guy say lack of concern that's could be in shock and and in disbelief and denial like prompted Zachary to commit such a horrific act. However, there's a chance he's in shock as this all just occurred a few hours earlier. What kind of person is your brother? Typical male teenager? Typical male teenager you think get along pretty good sometimes. Despite this claim, texts between the brothers show that they messaged fairly often talking about how their school year was delayed, video games, and how Zachary wanted to spend his birthday alone with Josh writing to him if you don't want Ryan to come over I can tell him not to I want you to have your birthday the way you want it and I especially want you to be happy on your birthday.

In one more recent message, Josh even apologizes for arguing with Zachary The brothers often used hard emojis in their messages, frequently saying I love you to each other From the outside, it's difficult to imagine such a horrific tragedy occurring in this family, but only because Zachary has yet to reveal his motive to investigators. When you talk to people on the phone, who do you talk to I mean you have friends, chat with or anything like that I Talk my mother bro. This guy sounds like he's possessed like straight up. I'm confused.
so you don't have any friends other than your mother and your brother that you talk to? No sure. Zachary may not have had many friends outside of his family, but a note in his phone indicated that there was a teacher who he was close to. The note reads: Thursday March 29th 2012 I Saw Mr Voss at school today. from the way he looked at me I could tell he hated me I didn't know what to say to him so I just kept walking I really hope I can repair our friendship before I leave.

Tennessee He's the only person I've met that has sincerely cared about me. Hell, he's like a father to me. I don't know what I did to cause this, but I hope it can be forgiven. Mr Voss is also the only true friend I've ever had.

This note depicts a very different person from the emotionally detached te were're seeing in this interrogation. His note shows indications of emotion of caring what another person thinks of him and of caring about another person his teacher. The note indicates that Zachary may be lonely and that he may not be able to connect with kids his age if he names a teacher as his friend. in his interview.

Josh tells the detectives that when the movie ended around 8:00 p.m. the family went directly home. You didn't see anything tonight that was in different than the way he normally acts I mean no. It's surprising that Zachary was not either acting differently from his typical Behavior just prior to murdering his mother, or at least showing a change in his behavior recently.

The level of aggression that he inflicted on his mother when he killed her and the simple fact that he went through with murdering her are behaviors that occur when a person has snapped or has reached an emotional breakdown. Josh then recounts going into his mother's room to talk to her just a few hours before Zachary killed her. went talk my mom for um, around 9 probably that was right when I said good night and she went asleep and then I went upstairs and in my room. So you talked to her for a few minutes.

Yes, okay, she was working out when I went in there. so I worked out with her for a minute. What was she doing when you said she was working out? What was she working out like? good. despite describing what were his last moments with his mother, Josh still shows very little if any emotion when you get home and your mom goes to bed at 9:00 Where are you and what are you doing in the house or are you in the house? Oh sh Already planing everything.

You were in your bedroom or in the the room where the fire was started. The room where the fire was started. What do you call that room? What do you call it Game room? Game room. So you're in the game room planning everything.

Yes sir. All right, and how long does it take you to plan that? Proba a few minutes, but wait up for several hours to make sure everybody in the house we call it Dame room Jesus How' you make sure they were asleep I Just waited and then checked on them, just checked on them, opened the door and looked at them. Yes sir. I Ted her at around 11 p.m.
I think and I think she went to sleep at around 9:00 Okay, when when you killed her? Um, what about your your brother lives there with you too, right? The only person lives with you Yes sir. um did you do anything to him now? sure I was kind of expecting the fire to kill him. oh you were okay. that's right.

Zachary didn't just set the fire in an attempt to destroy the evidence of him killing his mother, but also in the hopes that his brother would be killed by the Flames as well to ensure Melanie's death after hitting her with the sledgehammer, Zachary locked the door behind him to prevent Josh from going in and potentially helping her. then I uh woke up around I'm not sure what time his the thing, what's going off and uh, you know at first I didn't know what it was I thought it was like a sound in my room and I figured out it was fire alarm I was running around and I was looking for my brother upstairs in his room. he wasn't in there and I saw the fire was started in there. so I ran downstairs to get my mom and then and the door was locked so I had to kick the door and get in there and then iow on the bed.

what did you do? um I just uh went outside the house and uh called 911 and my where did you get the sledgehammer at Jesus this guy and what about how did you? how did you try and set the fire? uh I um first I trying to drag along upstairs and me you if you I couldn't do that I just pour a bottle scale about lifting. okay and was that the floor after you hit your M after after I is how many times have you hit her with SL Hammer all I mean estimation 12 times Then where did you hit her at on her body? okay was she sleeping at the time or yes sir, wake up and say anything to you no sir I put my fingers on your neck to Che make sure she's de did you touch her anywhere else? No sure. Have you thought about touching her anywhere else? No sure Josh was asked the same question, likely to determine if his story will match the forensic evidence found on Melanie's body when you went in the bedroom at any time. Did you did you touch your mom? Guys it's not a bad question.

Also, they might know something about the body, what of the right which might explain his motive or the type of problem that he was having at the time that made him do that cuz some people are twisted and it might be the reason why I did doing something and it'll explain it even though this all these pieces matter when during prosecution wi in that R uh no I don't think so like I kind of no witness the like I I ran in and then I saw freaking out when you left. um what were your plans at that point I st that oh you? When did you think about doing this I mean when did this pop into your head as far as killing your mom? Has you told anybody about it? No sure. So so watching I mean thinking about this is a mom. Just bad toar? No sure.
Pretty good mom. She good mom. Refusing to classify her as either a good or a bad mom, and sounding apathetic regarding his relationship with her could indicate that he was unable to form a true emotional connection with her or anyone else because of his willing willness to answer most of the investigator's questions except for his all-important motive. They ask him a series of questions to get as much information as possible.

He mentioned a a note that has been found. when did you have a chance to write that while I was waiting? Jesus This guy. you did the whole note there like two two and a half pages. You did it all tonight.

Yeah, sure. Okay, so you did some before you killed your mother and some after. Yes, sure. when did you write the last part? What about what time did you write the last part? I Don't know.

Sometime 2 a.m. was it before you bought the Pepsi at the Thorton Yes sir, you had your phone with you for a while. Did you call anybody on your phone phone? what' you do with your phone I didn't do anything I didn't even realize. so where's it at now I threw it in attention.

Why' you throw it away I Assumed that I could be trash for what was your plans As far as I mean you didn't have any plans on where you're heading to or you know, evident, you're trying to escape and trying to get away from police. You don't remember where you're trying to go to? Sure, Yeah. Had a backpack and so he had left. We were just going to walk and just trying to get out of the area.

Yeah, sure. Chillingly, after killing his mom and fleeing the house, Zachary went to a convenience store to buy a Pepsi before he began walking in an attempt to escape from police. Though he had made an elaborate plan, it doesn't appear that he thought ahead to what he would do after. According to unverified rumors online from people claiming to live in Suar.

County after setting the fire, Zachary ran nonstop almost 5 miles with no destination in mind. Ironically, a note on his phone written 7 months earlier on January 22nd, 2012 indicates that he had thought about his Escape or at least Criminal is escaping police detection. more broadly The note States After reading dozens of news reports about Killers I believe I found several consistent reasons why most killers are caught within a year. They rely too much on civilization.

Most Killers hide out in heavily populated areas or easily accessible areas. They don't migrate to other areas after several kills in a row. This makes the police in their area more alert and the citizens more cautious. Most rely to much on Firearms or other weapons that produce loud noises.
This will attract unwanted attention to their location. This sort of obsession with murder and serial killers can occur among people with severe mental illness. The fixation doesn't necessarily have to be with murder and serial killers, but it just so happened to be the case with Zachary. These individuals may often struggle with low self-esteem and therefore derive a sense of feeling powerful when they identify with bad guys like serial killers.

Zachary may have felt tough and Strong by learning the strategies of killers and thinking he could emulate them. Maybe this gave him a sense of identity, believing that he could not only be a killer too, but become a smarter Killer by not making the same mistakes as the criminals he studied. Still, there was other evidence of Zachary's plan falling apart such as the knife investigators found abandoned at the scene. So why is the knife outside I was trying to put it into my backpack and then started and I just ran out to use that knife for same thing I used were you going to use the knife on yeah specific person.

Were you looking to kill someone else tonight? Oh my got my uh what do you mean by that If they trying to stop me from escaping. So the lady at Thorton's Who Sold you the Pepsi she was never in any danger. Yeah, sure. uh.

but the officer that arrested you could have potentially been in danger if you were of the mind I guess but it would be. kind of point was considering he had to G and I just had knife and Hammer what if he didn't have a gun and he tried to stop you? I wouldn't attack him unless provoked by were you provoked by your brother? No sure. Were you provoked by your mother? No sure. What is most troubling is that according to both Zachary and Josh, there was no indication that he had been planning any of this.

In crime scene photos exclusively obtained by Ewo, there appears to be a code written on what may be the handle of the Sledgehammer. Police also recovered a handwritten alphabetic key to the code. The code written on the handle translates as Zed requium. This has never been publicly confirmed, but Zed could Poss stand for Zachary's initials Zachary Everett Davis You may have also named the Sledgehammer Requim, which often refers to a Mass for the dead.

This is pure speculation and just a theory, but this coded message could potentially be evidence that Zachary may have planned the attack ahead of time. This is kind of serious. I mean that it's kind a serious thing to think about killing your mom? Um, you didn't try and talk to anybody about this. Why not chat? Chad I Assumed that you can run codes through a system, right? and it could find if there's any possible word that would make it with that and you could decode that even without the code code, right? Not bother you? Sure, it didn't bother you? Sure? Oh, it didn't bother like a Brute Force Caesar Cipher Um, have you ever heard anybody before? Oh well.
I mean how do you feel when you when you killed your mom? T you I'm done. It's possible that Zachary is saying what he thinks a serial killer would say as though he's playing a role. It's difficult to say say for sure, but we know that he was affectionate toward his mother in the text messages they exchanged and she was affectionate toward him as well. He made the same comment about not feeling anything about his father's death.

It's possible that it's easier for Zachary to cut off all emotion than to feel the pain of grief and loss. On the other hand, his complete Detachment from his mom may be the result of a personality disorder such as skitso personality disorder. In this disorder, the individual does not want to have any close relationships, even with family members. They prefer to be alone and appear to be cold and have a flattened AFF effect as Zachary does.

Did y'all have any? I Mean was there any problems between you and him or him and your mom or did did they have any disagreement or I mean was there anything like I Think they would argue other than normal normal parent. And yet Zachary had savagely attacked his mother while she slept. What' you do with the sledgehammer after you hit her with it I just wait longer. Why? Why did you hit her 12 about 12 times within? Um, why so many times? make sure she was The officer asked Zachary to demonstrate how he swung the sledgehammer to kill his mother bro.

kind of like, are you right-handed Yeah, Stand back up, stand back up. Is that blood on your pants right there in the front, right where your CR is. Oh no, that's did you change. BL Oh okay, and is that your mother's blood? Yes sir, Are those the same shoes you were wearing? Yes sir, those are the same pants you were wearing.

Yes sir, that's the same shirt you were wearing. No sir, where, where's the shirt you were wearing? I Why' you change? Why did you get rid of that shirt? It had pieces of my mother's brain to us. Jesus Still trying to understand why Zachary had killed his mother in such a brutal way, the officer asks him to recount his day before the attack. It was then that detectives noticed something interesting.

Zachary told them that he started his day by reading a book Misery by Stephen King in the book and well, it's like the other Killer man. they have a bunch of King books. bro. Misery.

Look, one of the character uses a sledg him I'm not correcting that. actually the detectives have this wrong in the book. Misery The main character uses an axe while in the movie adaptation she uses a sledgehammer. Are you sure you didn't get any of your thought process from one of those from that book? So do you think? um, so you're saying there's no.

it's that's strictly coincidence. Yes, sure, you didn't draw any kind of thought process from the book. Misery: as to what how you killed your mother? No sure, you know Z we been I'm sorry we've been doing this a long time and I mean Sledgehammer is a very unusual weapon to kill somebody with. So that's why he and I are asking that question.
Why a sledgehammer? IAL Area Did you have any other type of weapons in the house that you thought about using clammer? CL Hammer: I Mean you don't remember feeling anything? Did you cry? no, Were you screaming on your hitner? No sure. Did Did you say anything to her before you hit her? No? Sure. Did I mean did you love your mother? Some you say something? What? I mean you know. Is there anything she's ever did to you that you, um, hater for? no sure.

They good questions A good question because they really really trying hard to establish a motive. but they're not. They're hitting a rock on every angle. pretty much though.

Zachary denies that the book inspired his weapon of choice, possibly because he wants to take all the credit himself. His internet history indicates that murder and death was something he'd been thinking about for a long time. He had two particularly strange apps downloaded on his phone, including one about serial killers and another about torture devices as well. Among the more mundane video game cheat codes and jokes, he had copious amount of gory images.

Zachary had also bookmarked a few bizarre websites, including articles about the murder of Junko Fuda Katherine merch who took her own life after killing her kids the Lewisville Chainsaw Murder a cult leader on trial in Ohio for killing a family of five and an Xacto knife double homicide. He also had a particular obsession with the killer Nadaan also known as the Saabo slashing where an 11-year-old murdered another school girl 12-year-old Satomi Metai perhaps most tellingly Zachary had also bookmarked an article titled understanding Schizophrenia from It's possible that he may have been trying to figure out why he was experiencing certain symptoms, although Zachary may have some sort of severe mental illness Maybe be even psychosis, as he's sitting in the interrogation room answering questions. He appears more like a coldblooded murderer than a person suffering from psychosis. But this wasn't all.

Zachary made notes on his phone that give unique insight into his Twisted state of mind leading up to the killing. One says simply Samantha Marshall female possible victim of another says hanging over the masses like a shadow or a dark cloud, executing them all one by one without a sound, omnipresent and biting its time, ready to steal you away at your Prime welcoming to the stupid and the Bold not following any pattern, just doing as told, laying to rest kings, queens, peasants and thall death will eventually punish us all so you can rewind the clock and go back. What would you do Joshua and start contrast to Zachary's statement. When Josh was brought in for a second interview, the detective asks him about an incident that occurred at school, showing that the brothers saw their relationship with each other completely differently when you got in trouble with at school I think it was last year um what happened to call that when you got in a fight somebody said picking on oh no that was uh, that was 8ighth grade.
oh was it eighth grade? yeah oh okay Middle School yeah what happened to I mean what were um what were they doing he was like kind yeah like a pce uh paper like you know you roll up thing of paper MH he was kind of hitting him like that, hitting back with it yeah and I told he kep this stop and he went up there and Des down. okay and what was Zach's take on that I mean I mean was he mad that the guy was hitting him or was he just indifferent or did he ask you to do something something about it I Me: no, he didn't ask me to do anything, just taking up for little brother. It's possible that Zachary resented that his brother stepped in to be the hero. He may have been frustrated that he couldn't protect himself and instead had to be saved by Josh Do you still want to kill Josh yeah Me: Why? I'm really curious as to what as well this guy.

you said that he was the only Confidant you had, he didn't talk to anybody else. why would you want to get rid of the only person that you can f in and talk to I don't know. Well you said you don't want to tell me. so you do know there's a difference in wanting to tell me and not knowing.

You just told me you didn't want to tell me. So you do know why you want to kill your brother and you killed your mother. I Would just like for you to share that with me, but you will admit that you know why you did it. Yes sir, let me ask you this: Do you always talk like you're talking to us now? Yes sir.

So if I talk to someone that knows you or a teacher, they're going to say this is your demeanor. This is how you talk so you. You're always monotone and robotic when you talk. Yes sir.

Unnerved by Zachary behavior. during his interrogation, detectives asked Josh the same question. has he always been talking that monotone voice Like quiet. He's kind of quiet.

You know his voice don't go up or down. It's just like a flat monotone voice. Is that the way he normally talk all the way. When did he start talking that uh, it's always been.

Remember: Ru Yes you ever laugh sometimes. What makes you laugh things? very. Give me an example. Well, I was laughing I My mother, you were what I was laughing when I told my mother, you're laughing, why were you laughing I Don't Now, Are you laughing your ass off at that time? Yeah, sure.

Paradoxical laughter often occurs among people with Schizophrenia. They may laugh either to themselves, often in response to a hallucination, or they may laugh in serious situations. However, throughout the interrogation, he has not laughed inappropriately at all. It's possible that Zachary once again is trying to present himself as the evil villain he may identify with.
Whether Zachary is as void of emotion as he's trying to portray is unknown. His note entries on his phone which show expressions of emotion puts into question this image of himself that he's trying to show an interrogation. why were you laughing your ass off when you killed your mother I Don't know. Yes, you do.

We went over this a while ago. You know why? that you wanted to kill your mom? You just don't want to tell me. no. I Actually don't know.

Well, was it a sense of accomplishment? No. Sure. Do you laugh when you read the horror books? No. Did you laugh today when you or yesterday when you read misery? No sure.

Do you see that that? Do you see why It would be difficult for me to understand why that would be funny? Yeah, sure, lot of people. It's just High unusual for a 15-year-old to take a sledgehammer and be laughing his ass off about time. Way he could be faking a lot of things. Like you're saying, right? Because that's he was faking some stuff, right? But this guy is 15 He's Back Against The Wall Um, has no way to escape pretty much in his in interrogation room, right? And he's has no Jitters No weird movement, No sign of like being, uh, anxious or being cornered.

Whatever. he's just this guy. He's not 30, he's 15. I'm pretty sure you can't think of any reason whatsoever.

No sure, can't those still no indication why he killed his mother in such a brutal way. The detective attempts to figure out if there were any issues in the family that may have motivated. Zachary In response to the detective's continued questioning, Zachary makes a shocking allegation against the family member claiming that they assaulted him years earlier. This has never been proven to be true and there is no evidence to back up any of Zachary allegations.

What he do to you: How long ago that? how long you been in? Tennessee since 2008 exct did you? did you tell your mom about that? Yes sir, what she do, she didn't me believe. Did how did he you after that? Not sure just that one time when he did. yeah sure, how old would you have been there? Did you hold any uh, ill will towards him for that? Yeah. and the conversation you had with your mother about that.

Can you tell us about that? Did she ever talked to? Not I know? did he? He never mentioned anything? No, why did he stop doing it I stopped bathing? You stopped bathing. Yes. And he stopped. and that made him stop.

Yes, When you mean stop bathing, you mean you stopped taking baths and showers all together? Yeah, sure. So how did you clean yourself? You haven't clean yourself since 2008. I have inconsistent start. It's not very common.

The detectives have referred to a notebook they found at the house which miraculously survived the Fire Within they found two notes written by Zachary I was by him that day and I've been planning to kill him ever since. The second entry, a confession is believed to be written right after he killed his mother I didn't feel anything I didn't feel remorse. My only true regret was that I didn't give her a faster death I didn't want her to suffer. It's possible that Zachary's belief about being assaulted was actually a delusion.
Individuals diagnosed with Schizophrenia may experience delusions which are strongly held beliefs that are unfounded. There's always a reason there's always, uh, a story. And just because it's your story and we're sitting here today doesn't make it any less important to us. It's important to us to find out what the truth is.

Um, we. we would like to deal with that, but we want to hear your side of it. We want to know what happened. Why did you know obviously upset you? Your mom didn't do anything.

You know why it took this long for you to act out. Yes sir, They just bold and bold and bold. Is that what you're saying? Yes sir. Would there been any certain thing tonight that would would have set that off I mean made you think about doing this I mean anything particular that happened of all nights you since 2008, 2012.

now of all nights since then you would have did that. As the interview begins to draw to a close, the detectives asked Zachary a few last questions. my head should happen. Somebody did what you did right.

Gu, What what it's necessary I mean what do you feel I mean what do you feel I Me: If somebody was to do this to you, what should happen to them I Thank because if you give them death, they die And if you give them life s any whoa, die. And here you give them a life sentence. they die in prison and you Wen the end. It doesn't really matter, so would you? Did you think about the consequences? When did is what could happen to you? Yeah, sure.

Can you tell me about that? No sure why not, I' rather not. I mean I'm talking about you. Do you think you can get caught by the police? Did you think that was a possibility? Yes sure. and if you got caught by the police, what do you think would would happened to you? Well since I only K one person I should get the I don't know how it works here.

The officer had just one last question for Zachary and this one oddly results in the most animated reaction that they've seen from him. But his unsettling response isn't at all what you might expect from someone in this situation. Do you always look at people through your eyebrows? Um, you've been doing it all morning. Do you do that? Is that A? Is that a habit or is that something that you're just started to do? I You never really know.

No sure, nobody's ever said anything to you, but he laughs cuz he knows he broke. They got him. Mean you don't know that you do that right there Bro A G I'm not picking on you I'm just it looks kind of evil when you do that. I'm going have to say I think you know you're doing it.
He's not faking it. but he definitely is dramatizing a lot of things and he's definitely playing. He's playing it up in a bunch of ways, the same way he plays it up when he writes stuff about it because of stuff that he reads. He definitely is trying to play a com combination of a bunch of characters or things that he wants to be in there.

and he laughed because he got he got smoked but they he they knew I don't know about it. so I think you're pretty aware of what you're doing. No I didn't realize she doing. Given what we know about Zachary's obsession with murder and serial killers, it's likely that being called evil is a compliment.

This again shows that he might identify with some sort of evil character or villain if Zachary's monotone voice and Eerie eyebrow stare are all an act. It's impressive because he was able to keep up the act and not break character throughout the whole interrogation. Following his, his interrogation Zachary was evaluated by psychologists and mental health experts. One stated they believe that at the time of the killing, Zachary didn't have the mental capacity to meet the legal definition of premeditation and that his mental illness affected his ability to use reflection and judgment.

In fact, the psychologist said that at the time of the crime, his thoughts were driven by psychosis. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia and a depressive disorder, changing his story from from what he initially said to investigators. Zachary Told one doctor that he had heard his deceased father speaking to him and that he had allegedly urged him to kill his mother. Still, investigators pointed out that he had fled the house with bags he had already packed, ditched his phone, and told police that he'd been thinking about killing his mother for years, all demonstrating that he planned the crime.

Zachary Eventually appeared on the Dr Phil show where he gave yet another reason for killing his mother, this time changing his story completely and claiming that he did it because quote: she wasn't taking care of my family Well, he's not in prison, but still. In this interview, he maintains that he was the one who killed her. However, he would shock everyone, including his own legal defense. When in court, he once again told a completely altered story, naming a different killer during his trial Josh sat directly behind Zachary but the brothers never spoke.

When Zachary took the witness stand, he changed the story he had been telling for 2 and a half years and stated quote: I didn't do it he suddenly blamed the entire crime on Josh claiming that he was the one who used the sledgehammer to kill their mother and that he just took the fall, making him innocent. Following this, Zachary's attorney attempted to declare him mentally incompetent and for the case to be deemed a mistrial. Furthering the drama, after his lunch break, the attorney asked to be dismissed from the casee, but was denied. Oh, the judge speculated that he wasn't sure of Zachary was the ultimate con man or manipulator or not, but that was the jury's job to figure out despite his last ditch attempt to blame Ja.
Zachary Davis was convicted of the first-degree murder of his mother, attempted first-degree murder of his brother, and aggravated arson. He was sentenced to 71 years in prison with eligibility for parole after 51 years years. To this day, there is speculation that Zachary may have had aspirations to become a serial killer. Jesus I I I'm to do bit again, but then.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “Teen killer shocks detectives xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @babyyodar3426 says:

    bro looks like the Godfather

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Backjucher says:

    This guy is fucking scary. Reminds me of Anton Chigurh

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @edwardwoods9258 says:

    no chat no like 😠

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @VinnyOrzechowski says:

    This guy sounds exactly karl from slingblade "she ran out of french fried taters mmmmmmhm mmmmmmmm"

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NironicGaming says:

    Bro returned to monkey

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @toddkovilaritch266 says:

    Does he have dentures?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lilnightvision3637 says:

    this is just an interview with a twitch chatter

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @juliusb8242 says:

    chat where are you ;-;

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @stefanemanuel5606 says:

    this is garbage

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ijlala3799 says:

    yo MR EDITOR, where the fuck is chat

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @luke.1019 says:

    Bro thinks he’s in no country for old men 💀

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @teddm835 says:

    isn't it mr editor's job to pull up chat?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Sisterwifi says:

    "You merely adopted the dark, I was born in it…..molded by it……"

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @paraknasish says:

    The interview with Dr. Phil was also really messed up when he started describing the noise it made when he hit his mom with the sledgehammer and then he started laughing when he did

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @waterfalls__ says:

    wtf what was up with chat?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cereman says:

    The guy looks like Marshall from How I met your mother 🤔

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