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#xQc #adamsandler #paradox

Lo on Amazon Paradox kind watch it but I don't know. Let's do it. I'm down for that bro. What's it about this video is bro.

when I went with Buddha at Liers I Met him in the bathroom and S you buy story blocks wait wait wait pause this pause this What? what's this about? Like like what's the purpose of this video I don't know I don't know I I didn't watch it yet. Okay, hit it. hello my name is Adam Sandler Probably the guy was back but good. Successful 1999 with his standup SNL and iconic movie roles under his belt.

The 1990s were truly Adam Sandz and the winner of the best comedic performance is Adam Sandler God Bless you all starring in a brand new motion picture called Big Daddy All right here we go and we're both. I Love that movie. Good movie in comedic roles Sandler Was in his element with the wind at his back in 1999 Adam started Happy Madison Productions Adam Sandler All real happy the world saw a wacky, unserious comedian but with Adam there was more than meets the eye and only one person knew it. Some of us thought you were actually completely out of your mind when you cast Adam Sand in this movie.

What the is your problem? He just makes me laugh. Go yourself. He's funny to me. Our first movie is Punch Drunk Love Starring Adam Sandler in a radical departure from his usual brain dead comedies and the headline is Sandler can really act in 2002 Director: Paul Thomas Anderson took what most saw as A risk and cast Adam Sandler as the lead in a dramatic role.

It started with a hunch, but when Paul met Adam on the set of Little Nikki he said he wanted to work uh, together and do a movie together and and I was just excited and he went to work and despite it being new territory Adam didn't take much convincing. Were you instantly ready to do this? Yeah I was instantly in Paul wrote that movie for me and I was like oh yeah I think I could do that I was I was nervous but I was in. There was no way I was going to say I'm not doing this Yeah, one minute every 10 products you bought and mailed into them, they'd send you a certificate for 500 M which is a true story guy. Went and bought thousands and thousands of dollars wor the pting that equaled a million frequent flyer miles.

Buy! How much did this cost? You cost me a little over $3,000 If you were to spend $3,000 that would get you a million fre youing fly on Miles You would never have to pay for a ticket the rest of your life so that helped. but but the main imp was wanting to write something for Adam That's insane I have to go to the bathroom this is for Adam You see, this is a critical time for you and are you anxious about the way you'll be received? You didn't wonder why. Me: I mean I me Love this guy's movies but what the hell am I going to do in his world? It's a new I guess a new chapter being I'm happy I Met this guy I was excited to to try to accomplish something that I haven't uh really done before. What what are you doing in here Cutie watching football? Who do you want to win the goddamn Jets His 1999 comedy Big Dad casts actress Jackie Tone and Adam took his shot I was just getting ready to do Big Daddy and uh she was getting into acting.
how's the social life going? Big changes I he yeah you you have a a new girlfriend I got a girlfriend I read in the paper I had a fiance but I don't I have a girlfriend yeah I got a girl I got a girl and I fell Jackie appears again the following year in Little Nikki and in 2002 she acts alongside Adam's Family in Eight Crazy Nights not agree the face face and by June 20 and three the two of them had tied the knot. Are you dumb a lot? Now the wedding is very interesting. Was your dog the V yes yeah he wasn't the best man. He brought the Rings up, got a girlfriend, got a house, got a girl in the house.

Yeah. Do you find you becoming like your dad? My dad's like a real guy. He's a real man. The big man with a big personality.

Me and my dad were amazingly tight. Yes, my father in real life was highly respected in my household and we we kind of lived by his rules. I Love my dad D more than anything and uh, anything he told me to do I would do and gu go I used to love any comedian my father and mother liked I'd be like oh God I want to be like that guy just making my dad happy only 3 months after his marriage in September Adam said goodbye to his father Stanley Sandler I was very tight with my my dad and when he was sick I was with him as much as I I could that's why you're here right now to protect me, to be scared for me to be a good father I I always would tell friends who uh who didn't lose their dad. you better spend time with them I'm telling you just will rock you I Love you son I Love you too Death goodbye.

Let's face it, you've got big ideas but they're just that. aren't they ideas is what there ad I was your college roommate for Christ's sake you don't remember me Yeah, very cool, very cool good. Good to see you bars it's Johnson By 2007, Adam's experience with grief had changed him artistically. I Get that you're in pain, but you got each other in Reign Over Me Adam's character deals with the trauma of losing his wife and daughters in a plane crash alongside Don Cheel.

Sandler's suffering is heart-wrenching. You had a family and you suffered a great loss. Why? Why? Why are you asking me? Are you trying to focus me? And until you can discuss that? friends talk to each other about what's going on in their lives An and we can really talk about that. This is all just an exercise as an actor, you trying to find some sense of balance between doing comedy and drama.

He had three daughters. How do you feel that this movie is going to take you in a direction of more? being more ser. this was not something I I thought about ever doing. this just happened.

They adored me. Johnson I'm you know what? I I kind respect that that as an actor he went with the roles like he like ride the waves. If things were up, do it. do up.
If things were down, do the down thing without quitting that. I It Was Written really well and and moving and uh, it broke my heart I saw it and I felt it at the same time. and then I just decided when I committed to it to try to do the best I could because Adam typically one to call the shots was finding that he found comfort in relinquishing control to talented directors. Ultimately, it was just Paul Thomas Anderson Writing me something when I'm with these great guys, it's kind of relaxing in a way, knowing that they're not going to move on until they're happy you? Well I've only done a few heavy parts and this by far was the heaviest and it is not an easy life for an actor who does that.

and I was I am more than happy to run right back to Comedy Just my life a little more Maybe Adam had grown up a little, but growing up does it have to be so serious? 2010 Adam cements his return to family comedies. Grown-ups is the culmination of a nearly 20year long friendship group. I Always want to do stuff with these guys forever, you know I I'd rather be with people I know and I trust who's ready to get their funeral on. We kind of do it.

Do it all together. We do it as a team. It's summertime when we shoot it. You see a rope in a lake and that doesn't make you want to go nuts.

We kind of live in one place together. our houses all near each other is in. Wants to see a double? FP we all got kids. they all hang out together I Can't let go.

It's pretty good. Pretty good on the set of his movies. Adam is woried but offset. He's never been widely accepted.

The critics have said I'm going to read you my favorite ones critics haven't necessarily always loved. Now your work. This movie is the last nail in Adam Sandler's coffin. Another said he's no longer a movie star and another one called you a Manchild.

First off, let me say thanks for dressing for the show I Appreciate Adam doesn't have really a great wardrobe. What a great outfit that is! You got Adam Sandler and his movie Jack and Jill won a record setting 10 Razzi Sunday night. What does this mean? Again, it means I can't stand you being here and the Razzy for worst picture of the year goes to what do you think when it comes to Adam Sandler There is one thing we can't agree on that no one can agree whether or not Adam Sandler is funny. Does it matter what the critic IDE Mak So good.

Uh, you know it doesn't matter that much to me. I know what they're going to say every movie they're going to say they don't like it. Is that something you paid attention to? Is that something that's bothered you I Have a love in my life. It makes me stronger than anything you can imagine.

You're very family oriented man in general. Well let me start by saying congratulations I Hear babies on the way and even better I hear it's yours absolutely I'm addicted to him I Love being with him and uh when I'm not with him I'm very very depressed I believe in the hard work and what have trying to accomplish but I just Mo mostly want to be able to have time with my family and and uh, give him a good childhood keen on simply providing for his family Adam is able to shut off the noise as well as the buzz. You know when people talk about your career they talk about these ups and then the Downs ups and the Downs man I don't know what the Downs have been I got into acting and comedy to try to do the best I could I loved every movie I've made I've never in my entire career phoned one thing in I Also see a couple of grads here today following my path and becoming a fellow five-time Razzy Award Winner That stuff doesn't hurt me anymore I think it hurt me 20 years ago. Try to make funny movies and try to make kids laugh.
That was my goal which if it does happen, don't be upset. call me and I'll teach you the proper way to laugh all the way to the bank them. I've never been on a plane before. you know we were just talking about that movie punch Strong Love and uh, this is a very nice thing for you.

There's actually Oscar buzz yeah how do you feel about that? the Oscar thing. the Oscar you know that's not. that's not very sanyan right now you. You're doing so well that you actually start your own production company.

Happy Madison Productions Yes the whole goal of the company was to keep my friends employed. First of all, they don't I can't go to the awards. they don't make a tuxedo out of sweatpant material and uh, number two. uh if I uh by some weird freak accident won the thing uh you know I couldn't take that trophy home cuz I know my friends would cut his head off and make a bong out of him.

this asshole's on my tail. Be good at math. always good at name I was with Ben he got a Walka Fame star and I went and visited him and I said we got to do a movie together right? son of a that stop yelling in the car he cannot hear you okay momy Daddy I wish touch more about the the movie like 50 dates or whatever 50 First Dates yeah I said we could play Brothers was really good was my faite. Momy's I was disappointed in you for quitting piano and then we we talked to Noah and he uh was thinking a similar thought Adam connected to something very deeply in this guy and we locked out.

Got to do this together and it was deep and that was you know you know it was. It was very moving to me. Let's get it together. Shut the up in 2017! Adam Made his biggest step back into dramatic acting with the Meerwood Stories.

Was this something that you took on because it was a challenge or did you feel it was natural progression at this stage of your life and career? It was just just luck that this guy wrote an amazing movie and handed it to me. It's the most I ever studied before a project I read it and knew it was a great movie and it was a yeah. We didn't start shooting for like maybe 5 months after and I I would study my lines every night. Just didn't want to let Noah down cuz I didn't want to let the guy down.
It's our career, it's our life. It's movie to movie. You can't exactly say I'm doing this next and then that you don't know what's coming next. UNC Holy I'm going to come.

Your new film uncut gems. Your performance is crazy what is happening. Don't AR know me? so I want the Celtics to cover I want the Celtics Halftime wanted to actual train B The guys who wrote it the Safy Brothers how amazing their stuff is and the fact that they wanted to work with me. that was exciting I heard you free surface your swimming pool.

You know how that makes me feel. Never. is it too late? Should we maybe? Are you serious right now I don't know I just know 16 leg parl he can. First of all he's unbelievable that one with me you and Han bro that that parl was 40 m one game away one game away you know sick I am bro you know sick I am that was $40 million x yeah I'm have something man this is just something I have to do we give me my glass I think you are the most annoying person I have ever met.

Tell me all the time get him out of the car the out the car I hate being with you I hate looking at you no no I want the underwear underwear you C sucker and if I had my way I would never see you again. it's okay. thank you I'll meet you right back inside. it's all good.

Now when I get to do something like this like U uncut gems. It's a different excitement for me because I'm not sure of myself I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do. Everything I do is not going right and the spirit Award for best male lead goes to. this is my way.

This is how I went Adam Sand thank you thanks I Love you guys Thanks thank you I'd like to also give a shout out to my fellow nominees who will now and forever be known as the guys who lost a Adam true trying to accomplish something I feel like I might be uh, screwing up a little I think that's what drives me is that I'm I'm kind of uh, obsessed with it comes your way. You connect with it and you go I Ain't this one up? It seems like you're drawn to these characters who are unlucky. You could say losers. oh yo yo I Enjoy playing these guys who are, um, struggling I'm a nice man I Mind my own business and wi so you tell me that's that before I Beat the hell from you.

He doesn't play underdogs, he plays Champions that are overlooked Oo We are delighted to honor one of Hollywood's most loved comedic actors today. hello, my name is Adam Sandler As he is honored with the 2,4 431st star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and I am the 2023 Mark Tween Humor Prize award. recip Today we honor: Adam Sandler Can I get a Hell yeah? Can I get a H Yeah and Hobby Craft This man standing here is not just a wonderful son, an incredible husband, a loving father, a producer, a writer and an actor and a loyal loyal friend. I'm soft I'm a soft man.
You are and you're a big kid I Think that's why Everyone likes you. He is also dedicated to the people that helped him get here. his fans I've walked down the street with movie stars and I've never seen anything like it. When Adam walks down the street he's there.

He's present. He's he's not somewhere else my friends who are here today I want to thank them so much I Love you Adam Love you buddy. You see him and you love him. You want to be his friend.

That's the truth. Nobody makes me laugh like you and nobody has taken better care of me in this business than you. They always back me up 100% and make sure I accomplish whatever I set out to do. It's been a nice, just just a great ride.

I Come from a great family I Had an amazing Mom I had an amazing dad who's watching down I'm sure he'd be very excited about this. All they ever did was make me feel like I'm good at things. They just always made me feel like I was the star of the family. So many people come out here with the same dreams I had and somehow I I'm getting to do them and I really appreciate it and then and then uh Along Came Two of the true best things: baby showing up Sadie and sunny I Love you.

You want to say something every hang we have I'm only wishing time will stand still cuz being with you two and Mommy that's the best life can get I Love my daddy I Love my daddy I Love you too! You guys are my buddies I Love you more than anything in the world. Thanks for growing old! That's so sweet! Am I the only one tearing up here? Um yeah I'm on streamer otherwise I I'll stream I'd be I' be CAU my mama I' be like Mama yeah I'm definitely my my eyes are full I'm just kidding but yeah that was nice video I enjoyed it. that was a good got me a little bit going lie shake it sometimes it feels just like a Dr I keep pushing what's up here. we now.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “The adam sandler paradox xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 82 says:

    Bro adam Sandler is the best

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nononn says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JimmyJ3NKN5 says:

    I fail to see a paradox

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maris Barkans says:

    my eyes are full too. champions that got overlooked, i bet he felt similar.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alec Butt says:

    why this make me cry.. im so glad to have grown up watching him

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VolTek says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shay says:

    FUCK these onions man. 😢 I am weak. this just reminds me of my dad how amazing dad and father he was and everything he was for his family and friends and how he treat people❤ rip dad. this was so sweet video.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew M. S., CFP says:

    Why does xQc have a giant dr disrespect poster?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew M. S., CFP says:

    This is exactly how I have always seen Adam Sandler from 1996 when I was in middle school with all those bangers then saw Punch Drunk Love in high school, I’ve always thought of him as one my favorite actors and I’m a movie 🍿 guy.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angry Groceries says:

    This legitimately made me tear up holy hell. I've always been a fan of adam, not all of his movies are great, but he's always been a standup guy.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Midnight Zero says:

    i love him and all his work

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars whimsiclethefirefly says:

    Adam Sandler is a genius in acting in my opinion he one of the best actors I've ever had the graces to watch and heard he a really amazing guy and nice guy

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vash Lash says:

    I feel like Adam Sandlers comedy is C tier yet he got soooo many roles do to racial nepotism in Hollywood. It was nt until uncut gems did he crush it in a film imo.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MeatBallz says:

    Adam Sandler is the man, and my childhood as far as movies go!

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