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Dark. If someone's in the TV history is this allowed January 11 2001 Famed Brazilian actress model and singer Shusha Lancer prop spaceship on the stage of a Brazilian TV set and begins her show the way she always does. The program titled Shusha Park was a hit for the ready. Global Network Targeting a demographic of young children with its over-the-top dance numbers, fun games, and immersive futuristic sets.

Premiering back in the summer of 94, Shusha Park had shown little signs of slowing down by the turn of the century and seemed poised for a long, impressive run barring any unforeseen disaster. On this particular day, 300 children were in attendance to watch or participate in the show's activities. Shusha's infectious energy led the way from segment to segment as they played games, showed cartoons, and of course sang their songs. And by the end of the episode, The Crew had all gathered on stage to perform one last musical number wait till it breaks off with a bang and evidently that's exactly what would happen.

This Frame was taken just over one minute later, revealing all that remained of the set. As within that impossibly short window of time, the once bright and inviting scenery was turned to a pitch black, unrecognizable hellscape barely comprehensible to the camera that was also just mere moments away from being swallowed by the Flames, but not before it would capture the Carnage firsthand. three. Where in the happened there? Yeah, I Know a lot of sets because of how they're built.

They like inflamming like half a second boom like in the blink of an eye. The spaceship which Shusha had rode in on and was moments away from re-entering to leave, the set would catch fire all while the dancers continued their performance, unaware of the emerging danger behind them. A member of the staff quickly enters the frame in an attempt to extinguish the Flames, but it was already too late. Has just a few seconds after the spark, the entire ship was engulfed by The Blaze causing a mass panic on the sets.

Worst of all, directly next to the fiery ship and just barely out of view of the camera was the show's signature Ferris wheel, which kids would ride during the program, including during this very moment as the fire raged, One boy was trapped in a seat, helpless to the danger unfolding around him. Hence noticing this, a group of brave people on scene began desperately trying to free him, which can just barely be seen on the left hand side of the screen. Thankfully, their attempts proved successful as he was eventually freed from a seat and carried to safety. The fire was later determined to have started by an electrical short circuit and the set would soon be completely turned to Ash and Rubble.

But as for the nearly 300 children and numerous staff on scene, despite multiple injuries, everyone had somehow managed to escape the building well done with their lives, with the only reported fatality being the show itself as this would be the last episode ever filmed with Shusha Park being swiftly canceled. Wait, what? Thankfully, by this moment, saw all parties involved survived the ordeal a rarity in the world of disturbing television moments that would just highlight just how quickly things can go downhill when the cameras are rolling and when these dark moments ultimately happen, all we can really do is watch something happens. um, online online. There are very few manners of death that strike fear among us, as much as the horrifying Prospect of being buried alive, the dark, claustrophobic nature of it, slowly losing oxygen with not a thing in the world you can do to stop it.
It just strikes a chilling chord with so many. However, with this fear arose a unique opportunity for those looking to make a spectacle rather than running from this. Mortal Fear A select few magicians and Daredevils have tried their hand at the challenge of being buried alive by not just surviving, but escaping. the trick was popularized by arguably the greatest magician of all time Harry Houdini who tried his hand at the stunt on a few separate occasions, the first of which would see him nearly escape a casket buried under six feet of dirt by breaking through the surface with his fist, only to fall unconscious before we could complete the trick with the stunt almost ending in his casual gym.

From there, he would be buried again on two separate occasions, surviving both for well over an hour but never being able to fully pull himself out and in turn, pull off the seemingly impossible Houdini Did have plans to give it one more try in 1927 when he believed the stunt would finally be completed, but sadly he would pass away before getting the opportunity. Because of this, the trick is acted as somewhat of a magnum opus for any magician able to pull off the feet, a feat that even The Great Houdini himself couldn't accomplish. Oh my! God the 66th anniversary of his death American Escape Artist Bill Shirk would honor the late magician by attempting to do just that. The master decided Shirk would add extra elements of flair, upping the danger by being handcuffed and having cement poured over top of the casket as opposed to just dirt and he planned on doing it all with a TV crew on hand.

However, from the get-go things seemed to be off with a performance. A Shirk expressed concern over the grave being dug too wide and too long, thus changing the Dynamics of his Escape. At one point, when the first layer of dirt was being applied, Shirk would use his walkie-talkie to tell his team to call off the whole ordeal and to pull him up from the ground seemingly In A Moment of clarity, but everything was already in motion. This was his big moment with everyone watching.

Wait? Well, I couldn't afford to fail. Besides, he had been buried alive before setting a record back in 1977 by spending a total of 79 hours beneath the surface of the Earth. He was no stranger to this and not wanting to let his fans down. Though Shirk would change his mind and continue the stunts by giving his team the green light to begin pouring the cement.
and as that concrete began to settle and Harden over top of the caskets, things take a very Grim turn. Decides to go ahead. I Think we got to go. Tons of concrete are poured suddenly.

the concrete sinks. The coffin has been crushed almost immediately. The level of liquid concrete dips dramatically in large bubbles along the surface, accompanied by a massive splashing noise. Signs that point to only one real possibility that the weight of the concrete endured had caused the coffin to cave in with those very same materials instantly filling in any available space inside the coffin and in turn suffocating Shirk, the rescue effort.

Why did they'll do like? Just like a simple math behind it, Uh was underway almost instantly, but still, it felt like it was all moving in slow motion and most assumed right away that if the weight of the concrete alone had not killed him then the lack of oxygen certainly would. a backhoe. Diggs And digs and crucial moments says bro, this is the 1800s. It's a color, camera and audio you more This is live.

Brock are you hot 1800s jerk cannot be found. However, this thankfully wouldn't be the case. Incredibly, Shirk managed to claws way to the surface where his team was able to pull him to safety and Rush him into an awaiting ambulance and though his condition appeared severe, he was alive and it somehow cheated. Death spurred my life on this one and a little while probably one of these.

I'll tell you that wait. Despite claiming to be done with this stunt for a while, what Shark would be back to attempting his death-defying stunts soon after with some ending in similar results. after Shark climbed in the casket, the snake goes in first, but there's a problem and sure has to get help. But although Bill Shirk was able to escape this trick with his life, not everyone has been so lucky.

Two years prior to Shirk's run-in with death, another performer known as The Amazing Joe had attempted the same stunt at an amusement park also going the route of having dirt and wet cement poured over his plastic and glass coffin. this was Joe's attempt at becoming a master escape artist and forever etching himself into the history books of this particular niche. In fact, he had already done what? Houdini couldn't as years prior, he had escaped from a wooden coffin covered in six feet of dirt. but this attempt was clearly much more extreme and with it should have come an immense amount of planning not only by Joe himself, but the team around him.

However, according to reports, the coffin used was never actually tested to see if it could withstand such a great amount of weight. And also he never tested the weight of the cement itself and the speed in which it would. Harden Joe was quite literally going into this blind and his confidence was apparent as the cherry on top of this poor planning was the fact that no rescue procedure was in place. Should the stunt go horribly wrong.
What is? Surprisingly well, that's exactly what would happen. It was a cold night anyway, but and when it sunk I Just knew trouble. we're in trouble. It's not fun anymore.

Much like the footage from Bill Shirk's attempted escape, the level of cement endured suddenly dips only this time in a much more dramatic fashion. being so brutal that I'm not sure I'll even be allowed to show it on YouTube According to many onlookers there, the coffins weight caused a massive crashing noise followed by immense Panic from most trying to rescue Joe But without a proper plan, the situation quickly grew helpless, trapped beneath that dirt, surrounded by cheering fans, his parents, and a TV Camera The Amazing Joe would lose his life ironically within a coffin buried. Six Feet Under Maritza Sporting events are no stranger to disturbing. TV Moments from hockey players having their throats cut open? It's ugly.

Richard Zedek is cut wide open to a football player suffering Cardiac Arrest right there on the field. They have been administering CPR through these past two breaks that we've taken. it's unfortunately, always a risk televised sport out there, and although there's always a lingering chance that at any moment things could go terribly wrong, that risk mainly pertains actually participating in the sports, and you likely wouldn't imagine fans being in any sort of danger as they sit by and watching the game. Though sadly, it does happen from time to time, with perhaps the most notable example being the story of Shannon Stone Shannon was a 39 year old firefighter who on the 7th of July 2011 took his son Cooper to watch a Texas Rangers game in Arlington.

This was the perfect bonding opportunity for the duo and an even better opportunity to catch fly balls as their seats left them in Prime position to take home an unforgettable souvenir. The two would even stop at a sporting store beforehand where Shannon would buy his son a baseball glove to use in the event that a loose ball came flying their way. and as the game reached the top of the second inning, their moment had finally arrived. lying but foul.

I When I look at gluteus are facing a foul ball was hit in their general direction, being quickly recovered by Rangers outfielder Josh Hamilton And rather than returning the ball to the Dugout or the field itself Hamilton decided to make Cooper's day, recognizing the young fan in the stands and subsequently tossing the ball to Shannon As this was all transpiring, the game continued with the pitcher preparing for his next throw. before suddenly you could hear the sound of something strange I want them to be great in their lives. It almost seemed like yelling, which was followed by some sort of strong reaction from the crowd which in turn led to an immediate stoppage of play as the announcers were left trying to figure out what exactly was happening until they finally received word on the unfolding situation. Got a lot of energy: I Think somebody fell under the stands and left field trying to, uh, feel the baseball go.
Well, this is it. Why did you resign from Rocket? League And as Josh Hamilton had gone to toss the ball up to him, the throw fell just a bit short, causing the 39 year old father to extend past the railing before losing his balance. And despite the seemingly playful nature of the announcers at the time, this fall was no laughing matter. as below that railing stood a 20-foot fall directly onto a concrete floor which Shannon would strike head first.

Oh man. He laid there on the ground, barely able to move. The man was miraculously still conscious, finding the strength to tell the rescue team carrying him out. please check on my son.

My son was up there all by himself. Based on this reaction, it was clear that Stone was obviously alive and had clear brain function, making his initial prognosis on the scene somewhat promising. but before he would even reach a nearby hospital, Shannon Stone would be pronounced dead. According to many medical professionals, this immediate showing of brain function was more or less a fluke occurrence and something they call a lucid interval which is a window of conscious Clarity after a traumatic injury, essentially meaning that although his ability to move and speak seemed to be a positive indicator, it was instead a sign that the injuries his brain had suffered were going to be fatal in the year since.

Shannon Stone's memory lives on with a statue being made in his honor in that very Stadium where his life came to an end, forever immortalizing someone who by all accounts was a great man and an even better father. We don't see or hear anything. If you spend any considerable amount of time here on YouTube then chances are you're at least somewhat familiar with the show. To Catch A Predator one Dateline The show was incredibly popular, with its host Chris Hanson being launched into stardom for his role exposing pedophiles on the internet.

How you doing you have a seat over in that chairman By the time, there was really nothing else like this on TV and was widely viewed as one of the most entertaining shows out there, which has caused it to find a second life here on YouTube as re-uploads of its episodes have been viewed as many as 50 million plus times. To this day, the show remains immensely popular. scene was true, which led me to wonder how or why it was ever taken off the air. I Mean it was entertaining, popular, and with the internet exploding in recent years, it would seemingly be endless.
Yet somehow, this show only lasted three years and that's when I realized that there's actually a very specific reason why To Catch a Predator was pulled from the air and it's one of the darker TV stories I've ever heard. During the Fall of 2007 Perverted Justice the team that To Catch a Predator used to find their predators had set up a decoy account on MySpace posing as a 13 year old boy and before long another user had taken the bait, reaching out to the fake child in the hopes of sparking an intimate relationship. According to the user's account, he was a 19 year old college student that happened to live in the same area. However, upon doing some light digging, the perverted Justice team discovered that the man was actually in his late 50s.

his name was Louis Conrad and although his behavior was similar to essentially all other predators in the show's run, sending explicit messages and pornographic images despite knowing he was speaking to a child, Lewis was different in one respect. It seems that Conrad was in a position of power working as a Chief Felony Assistant District Attorney for Rockwall County This was setting up to be to catch a Predator's biggest catch to date and exposing him would not only mean bringing him to justice, but also bringing in great ratings for the show. Though there was one major issue upon engaging the Decoy for a few hours and even calling to speak to him hello, hey, Will hey, What are you doing nothing? What are you doing Nothing? No, No. I was looking up to see how to get to where you are still thinking about me.

yeah, where's your right hand? Um, it's in my pocket, in your pocket. What are you doing with your right hand in your pocket Lewis stopped responding and seemed to recognize the grave error he was making and began deleting all content from his account. And as a few days passed, it was clear that Lewis was not going to be visiting their sting house which meant no program and no justice. However, the Takes A Predator team was not gonna let this go easily.

With the crew coming up with a plan that had never been done before in the history of the show, they were going to bring the program to Conrades. Oh no. So November 5th Hanson and his crew would visit Conrad's house with a group of officers and an arrest and search warrant. This would not be without controversy though, as the words supposedly contained wrong information like the wrong County and the wrong date meaning that they would likely struggle to hold up in court and probably should have never been acted on.

Despite this, the crew urged law enforcement to act anyway, rushing the ordeal to assure they got their guy. so the police agreed First Call in contract and then knocking on his door for more multiple hours though neither attempt saw any results and growing impatient with the whole ordeal. They then called in the SWAT team to surround and eventually breach the house, which they would do around 3 pm, barging into the home and surrounding contract at gunpoint as this was all happening to. Catch A Predator had their cameras trained on the outside of the home, awaiting the shot of contract being ushered into a cop car and driven away unaware that this time things were going to end much differently.
Inside, Contract would yell to the officers I'm not going to hurt anybody before brandishing his pistol and rather than pointing it at the officers, he instead pointed it at himself. The officers line up in formation and head to the back of the house. Okay, okay, yeah, okay, this is really dark, but I have to ask what is the difference between a normal arrest and that arrest? There isn't much of a difference, if any. Uh, so I don't know how this show is at fault here.

Then we hear a faint crack. The officers forced their way in for almost five minutes. We don't see or hear anything then. Lieutenant Adina Barber of the Murphy the war is bad.

The people acting on it are at fault. Which is the police not the show. How we gonna blame Chris Hanson Okay for executing a a bad words. It's the beauty that up.

What are you all about? The police department comes out yeah, it tells us what happened If they made entry they confronted. he told them he wasn't gonna hurt him. This single gunshot would essentially Mark the end of To Catch a Predator as in the time following NBC would be hit with a 105 million dollar lawsuit from Conrad's own sister. And though this lawsuit was settled privately with undisclosed conditions, the show was already on death's door which was not helped by the national media dog piling on To Catch a Predator as well as perverted Justice.

But now there are serious questions about what goes on behind the scenes. Who sting? Was this? the police departments or the Vigilantes hired by Dateline Oh boo dude. dude, don't be a internet deviant. a real life cucklord, weirdo child.

Uh Predator man is it. How hard is it? It's just not that hard. It really isn't. It might be full transformation.

Just don't be a devianter. That's exactly Society Police Department Can't tell me whether or not I have the full train screws the Jitter wrestling officers. Did they see the chats before they made the arrest? In some cases yes, Are they shooting entire chance making it impossible says District Attorney Roach. To mount a successful prosecution, charges have been dropped against every single person arrested in the Murphy state.

with these claims causing some to believe that the show was more interested in entertainment rather than Justice and whether that's true or not to Catch a Predator would be Can't wait. Okay, there wasn't that properly hold up entire chance making it impossible says District Attorney Roach. To mount a successful prosecution, charges have been dropped against every single person arrested in the Murphy state. with these claims causing some to believe that the show was more interested in entertainment rather than Justice and whether that's true or not, to Catch a Predator would be canceled marking a tragic end.
yo. Did anybody double check the records to see if any of these guys were released and actually did something uh, weird or up that would be that would be insane it would. That would pretty much all been liable for this. that brother that they that they know people are up.

leave them out, they do something and it's like bro. I mean one of these strangest yet most compelling TV shows ever to be broadcast I Forgot about that Foreign as evident by the first batch of cases in this video. Many of the darkest moments in TV history come from shocking accidents or overall disturbing events that play out for the cameras to see. However, there are select few examples where television moments only really become dark long after they're aired.

In more context is given. For example, in our first installment of the series we discussed: Renard Spivey Ask him he's been married for how long? Look at him though, he looked mad Ness 63 year old Bernard Spivey accused of killing his wife 52 year old Patricia Spivey After an argument that turned deadly, The man who had murdered his wife years after making an appearance on television with one joke at his expense during this time aging like milk. Wait. The concept of killers finding their way onto TV is one that I've recently become fascinated by, with the case always being brought up in tandem with this conversation being the dating game type.

in 1978, a man named Rodney Alcala had found his way onto the popular show The Dating Game earning a date with Cheryl Bradshaw above all other contestants. However, this date would never actually materialize as upon meeting him away from the cameras. Cheryl found the man to be creepy and ultimately declined to speak with him any further. And as it turns out, that decision may have saved her life during the time in which this episode was shot and aired, Rodney was in the midst of a massive Killing Spree ending the vice of at least eight people that we know of.

though many claim his true number of victims is shockingly closer to 130 due to the fact that they had found a stash of over 1 000 photographs detailing women, young boys, and men that Rodney had taken, many of which are believed to have been unidentified victims of him. And what makes this all the more chilling is the fact that Rodney had told the show that he was a photographer and it was even mentioned during the program. Now let's see Baxter Number One is a successful photographer who got his start when his father found him in the dark room at the age of 13. Fully developed.

given the shocking nature of this case, it's really no wonder why it's become so popular, especially here on YouTube. But surprisingly, there are quite a few examples of killers finding their way onto our TV screens that have happened within the past decade alone, and one that even happened within just days of writing this script alone in the jungle. One obscure example comes from the show's celebrity: Master Chef where in the background we can see an inconspicuous man serving food cooked by the contestants of the show. The man was one of a dozen unnamed chefs just helping out, typically out of view of the camera Bro: Just one Split Second and likely to the recognition of no one we see him.
This man's name is Stephen Port, a 40 year old living in South London who has since come to be known as the Grinder Killer Stephen is responsible for the deaths of four men he met on the grinder app, all of whom he had lured to his flat and poisoned with fatal doses of GHB before going on to violate and then dump their corpses. With these murders transpiring not long after, this fleeting moment was broadcast for the world to see. making me wonder just how many other Killers have appeared in glimpses on TV that have not yet been recognized. Maybe they were walking in a crowd or panned over at a sporting event, hiding in plain sights I Wonder if there's like a psychological religious get shown as background characters or as one-off contestants for just a single episode? Sometimes they are permanently etched in the show's history.

In the summer of 2020, Food Network began airing a season of Worst Cooks in America I mean this part I Think it's like unrelated and one of these guys that go I Understand, chat. Not a lot of people get on camera in front of in front of on TV right? We could get that right? Not a lot of humans did on TV right? It's a very small amount and then out of all the population right? how many people ended up being Killers right? Does do these numbers correlates or I feel like there's a higher density? definitely is a higher density one of their more popular shows and this one was that to be a big one as it marked the program's 20th season. The competition was all in good fun with lots of humorous and memorable moments leading to the eventual finale on the 2nd of July. And in that episode, The Fan Favorite Ariel Robinson would take home the crown as winner of the show along with a grand prize of twenty five thousand dollars.

If you were to look for the season today, let's say on Demand on streaming services or even on TV, you would be left with no results as its existence has been practically wiped from the face of the Earth. And given what happened after the season ended, this comes as a little surprise upon winning the competition. okay, narcissism, need for attention, and going on TV is probably uh, uh, I think that makes a lot of sense actually. I Don't think about it Robinson Settled back into her normal life with her husband Jerry and after securing life-changing funds from the show, the couple made the admirable decision to foster a young girl named Victoria whom they eventually decided to officially adopt in January of 2021.
on the 6th of the month, just over here, watch his videos. You guys make like a weird quality interview with The Killers and immediately it's just odd. Something That it's just odd man. nobody wants to see that the week before the adoption was that is the finalized Ariel would take to Twitter to boast about her stating I'm a mama bear and I'll do anything to protect my children and make sure their Futures are equally bright a statement that seemed in line with her already Stellar reputation as being a fun-loving good person who dedicated her life to loving her kids.

However, no one could have imagined the devastating turn this family was heading for before. Five days after Victoria's adoption, Ariel's husband Jerry would dial 9-1-1 stating you have an emergency right now his three-year-old daughter is what talking on water right now we need help immediately. Okay, we can't help On the way, this led to emergency responders rushing to the scene where the young girl was found unresponsive on the floor and was soon after declared dead. Across her body were countless bruises, which Ariel claimed to have been from their attempts at CPR Though bizarrely, during the whole ordeal, her story would quickly change as she soon began blaming her seven-year-old son, whom she stated had a history of anger issues believing potentially he had killed her already.

Something very strange was happening with the situation, and it only became more bizarre when a forensic pathologist confirmed that Victoria had died not from choking, but from blunt force injuries and internal bleeding. essentially meaning that her death was no accident. This launched a full-scale investigation into the couple where it would later be discovered that on the day before her death Victoria had gotten sick at church, causing Ariel to undress her and make her walk out of the building in just her underwear telling her oh, you're cold, you're cold Girls that make themselves throw up deserve to be cold This anger seemingly boiled over the next morning, where ironically told me it was refusing to eat pancakes that Ariel had cooked. which led to Ariel grabbing her, dragging her up the stairs and beating her with a paddle.

According to Jerry who was working in the backyard at the time, he could hear the beating from outside, claiming that it lasted almost an hour though he did nothing to stop it and as a result Victoria began to bleed internally and later would pass away due to the traumatic injury she had suffered by the hands of her soon to be mother. When it was all said and done, Ariel Robinson was arrested and will now spend the rest of her life in prison so soon after her triumphant win on Worst. Cooks What about Since the news initially bad news, the entirety of season 20 has been removed from the internet and has been wiped from the show's history. But for me, one of the most chilling moments in Ariel's history on television came soon after her.
Victory when a local news station would come to her home for an interview now I Truly am not the worst cook in America but she is the winner of Food that Works worst Cooks in America season 20. yes I am putting area Robinson lives in Simpsonville We're inside, we see a sign proudly displayed by Ariel touting her as the number one mom. Soon after, the same local news station would become the leading reporters on her murder case. Despite this all transpiring within just a few years, this surprisingly is not even the most recent example of a killer being prominently featured on TV As news broke of this final example just days ago, in January of 2020, the widely popular show Family Feud Nick family who would go on to win the episode and leave a few iconic moments in its wake, with the most relevant coming from this man Timothy Bleepnic.

During one of the segments, the question was published: what is this episode? no mistake you made at your wedding to which Timothy responds with honey not my mistake, not my mistake I Love my wife I'm gonna get in trouble for that, aren't I If you've seen the show before, you know that this type of humor is the norm and jokes like this are made in virtually every single episode, but this one would later take on a much more Sinister tone. Due to the events that unfolded not long after the show had aired around a year after Timothy's moment in the Limelight, he and his wife Rebecca would actually separate, not officially divorcing, but living in separate homes and seemingly not getting along either as it was recently revealed that Rebecca had filed for a restraining order against both Timothy as well as his father, a clear indication that she believed her life was in some sort of danger. Fast forward to February of 2023 and the two were finally making Headway on finalizing an official divorce before, on the 23rd day of the month, gunshots rang out from Rebecca's home Rebecca was found by a family member Thursday Police say she had been shot multiple times when police arrived on scene. Rebecca was sadly no longer alive and it wouldn't take long for investigators to turn their sights on Timothy now charging him with two cows shooting that took place at her home with his mug shot, showing him as completely unrecognizable to the man we saw on TV just years before.

The whole situation is incredibly disturbing, and what makes it even worse is just how beloved Timothy and his family were in their Hometown and he literally had Community Watch parties around the family that can still be found here on YouTube I Listen, it was so much fun making the event soon to come all the more tragic and given everything that's happened since the show aired and since Timothy said this iconic joke I think it's very positive. I'm gonna do it now. Okay, if you guys do it again, okay as you're getting a clapped. First of all that there was at least some truth to his words.
Our final entry takes us to the tragic passing of 15 year old Yowandra Martin Back in November of 1992, the young girl had recently discovered that she was 13 weeks pregnant, much to the disappointment of her family and subsequently ended her life as a result, which momentarily thrusted her parents Maritza Martin and Emilio Nunez into the public eye. The two had been separated since before she was even born, with Maritza gaining full custody, something that Emilio would later claim she had used to keep his daughter away from him as the two supposedly spent very little time together. As a result, Nunes began publicly blaming Maritza for the death of their daughter, claiming that she and her new husband had been abusive towards her. So I said the last of us and it even struck her upon discovering she was pregnant.

Making matters worse, Nunez would go on to allege that Maritza never even told him that their daughter had died and it only found out an hour before the funeral from a friend. Now I Want to stress that there is absolutely no information I could find to fully confirm any of what Nunez was claiming and with many elements of Nunez's story, the jury is still out. Though in his own mind, this truly seems to be what he believed and this is where the Dark Side of Television began to rear. its ugly head.

For whatever reason, the new station Okurio ASI had decided to cover Emilio's allegations against Maritza seemingly taking his word at face value and launching a full-scale story Into The case. It started with Emilio being interviewed by a reporter from the station named Ingrid Cruz which transpired in the vicinity of his daughter's grave. During the questioning, Ingrid would ask him things like what would you tell your daughter if she was still alive and how did you feel when you said her questions were clearly crossing the line and things would only get worse from here as while they were filming this segment, Maritza herself had arrived on location to you Andrea's final resting place upon her arrival, Nunez immediately removed himself from the situation and Maritza was instead swarmed by a Cruz who began bombarding her with questions Each of which were ignored as she clearly was uncomfortable and didn't want to speak to the cameras and was just trying to get to her daughter's grave. foreign.

It's clear in the footage that tensions were Rising by the second, as it seemed apparent that Cruz was clearly attempting to provoke her into any sort of reaction. until suddenly the unthinkable happened. Whoa, Thank you and out of absolutely nowhere we see Nunez charge back into frame as though we initially appeared to be doing the responsible Thing by walking away from the conflict. He had instead actually returned to his car with the sole purpose of retrieving his pistol which he would then use to shoot Maritza over and over and over again all while the camera was still rolling.
Man: where am I What? Funeral Home front Rita would be shot a total of 12 times and in turn her life would come to an end as Nunia stood over her yelling I should have done this a long time ago When The Smoke cleared Nunez would be arrested and sentenced to life with a possibility of parole in 25 years and what's most frustrating is just how avoidable this really seemed to be. Maritza herself had actually requested a restraining order against Nunez not long before her murder, but was surprisingly denied as police stated that it would only anger him more with this happening despite the fact that police were already well aware of Nunez's violent temper as authorities were literally called on scene for Umandra's funeral as Nunez had threatened to kill other members of the family he was obviously a very Troubled Man Who following the loss of his daughter, needed help more than anything. Yet even after all this, this one news station decided to not only platform him, but to provoke him right before the two had crossed paths, leaving us with one of the darkest moments to ever transpire in the history of television. I Just wanted to let you guys know that I had the less censored version of these videos on Patreon as YouTube has been pretty strict with my channel lately and also I wanted to mention that my friends Nexbo and I have a joint clothing line and online I Enjoy the video I Enjoy the video, You know? Enjoy! I Enjoyed the video.

Well done.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “The darkest moments in tv history xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juodagalve Sniegena says:

    Imagine having no right to your kid,even not being told that your kid has died,not being able to go to the funeral and then being blamed for being angry? If you touched my dog I would blow your head off,let alone not being able to see my kids for decades because the mother brainwashed them into believing your a shit father. How a father must feel,not knowing his daughter is in trouble,got pregnant and got kicked out of the house and offed herself and you found out only after the funeral. How cold hearted is the mother smiling in the car.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars solidkiller12 says:

    So that's why to catch a predator was canceled? Cuz u pedophile took himself out and then they were charged? Bruh its a pedophile! Wat they wanna wait till he could potentially take a kid and do horrible things and THEN get him. Gtfo this mf did a favor idgaf

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stysner says:

    The speech pattern of the narrator is so incredibly annoying to me.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars braiden a says:

    thought the cement-guy died. didn't realize there were two morons doing the same trick without like.. doing some math

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WedoFFO says:

    This is the content i like, i hope he watches more like this

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scuffed Brit says:

    Tbf it's not 'magic' if all they're doing is risky shit.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob says:

    Happiest Moments in TV❤

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sauczi says:

    Sunnyside is beter

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars climax050 says:

    Sometimes I'm convinced these dare-devils who do stupid things use up so many extra lives that other people have to die in otherwise harmless or extremely unlikely circumstances just to balance the ledger out

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chau says:

    Magician cheats death, immediately goes to tempt fate again and almost gets rolled instantly by a snake.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TweeKxCraiG says:

    Statistically speaking , there’s gotta be at least one killer in chat Aware

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nic says:

    Lol why were people pressed that a pedo shot himself probably the best case scenario

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clukay404 says:

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