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#xQc #scary #dark

It was a typical day in the world of daytime television infomercials, soap operas and highly scripted legal shows filled yeah, we watched number two of this with one of the more popular at the time being a program called Christina's Court in Christina's Court Joe centered around a woman named Christina Perez giving counsel and advice to those wrapped up in legal drama and on this particular morning comedian Sean Harris would be featured filing suit against his ex-girlfriend in the hopes of recouping unpaid rent every month. It would be something different. You know this would be awesome, so you let her go. Like I said, these shows were very obviously scripted at least to some degree, and with Sean himself being a professional comedian, it led to countless funny moments and what turned out to be one of the show's more iconic episodes, with by far the most memorable moment coming at the very end when things seem to deviate from the script yesterday in the same video on the same one why accused of killing his wife 52 year old Patricia they say we saw V2 that's V1 after an argument that turned deadly KPRC Channel 2's Bill Varanas on July 28, 2019 over a decade after the aforementioned program aired when Arts by Thank You The Robber Television is an interesting one.

Despite the highly controlled and well-polished products that were typically used to seeing on our screens, there have been a surprisingly High number of deeply disturbing moments that have happened when on air, and this potentially new series aims to highlight some of the most disturbing Damn! I skipped something that we saw and then I skipped an ad and you guys think I'm skipping it. Okay, okay, if you want we can watch a three minute ad and we can watch something. Watch this. and if you want I mean I don't mind doing a better way to start than with a relatively unknown case that has haunted me for years.

Saturday June 14 2008 A Japanese TV station called Television Miyazaki is running its standard live programming, which on this day was set to feature a game show like segment in the remote rice fields of Takachi Hocho. The game itself was simple. competitors stood back to back on a small wooden stand above the shallow be water below and when given the queue, they would attempt to shove their opponent into the water without turning their bodies around. In the end, the one left standing on the platform would be declared the winner with a loser being left humiliated in the mud.

Round one goes off without a hitch, resulting in the losing contestant being covered head to toe in a thick brown sludge with the whole atmosphere perfectly encapsulating the craziness and high energy charm that you would expect from a Japanese game showing at the time. and so far everything was all in good fun with this excitement only escalating as the contestants convinced one of the show's hosts, a man named Tasuchi Yanagida to join in on the competition. Nothing it took some convincing, but eventually Tetsuchi agrees to compete, much to the enjoyment of everyone spectating and from there the comedy writes itself as immediately after the round starts, it's apparent that he stood little to no chance. I'll get it and upon instantly losing his balance, Tasuki reacts in a split second and dives off the platform Landing headfirst into the muddy water below, which causes his body to fall limp.
Yo yo yo yo yo, what the bro they show this the It is so incredibly painful to watch. it made all the more disturbing with the over-the-top hysterical laughter coming from everyone around him who are completely oblivious to the situation in front of them. Oh, he didn't die is hoisted above the water and the camera switched back to the main broadcast, ending both Tasuchis and the viewers. Pain By some stroke of Good Fortune Tasuchi would survive the ordeal, but just barely as it's estimated that even just a few more seconds in that mud would have likely led to his death.

But thankfully this wasn't the case. and according to his Facebook page, Tasuchi has learned to live with his body-wide paralysis and even went on to rejoin the show years later in some capacity, ending the century off on somewhat of a bright spot despite this otherwise being one of the more unsettling and appalling broadcast accidents than I've ever seen. for the previous, on the topic Of broadcasts that have left an impression on my life I Would say none have had more of an emotional impact than a story run by 60 Minutes about a man named Donald Herbert The story starts back in 1995, just four days after Christmas when a fire broke out in a home in. Buffalo New York in an attempt to put out the blaze firefighter Donald Herbert was standing on the roof of the building when suddenly it gave way.

As a result, Herbert would fall into the attic where he would be trapped in the. Smoke Unable to breathe, he would lay there without oxygen for six whole minutes before they finally were able to pull his body to safety. with a whole ordeal being filmed and shown on local news. Somehow Herbert managed to survive this accident, but being without air for that long caused him to lose most of his brain function, leading to him spending the following years in a minimally conscious State Unable to eat, unable to breathe, and seemingly unable to understand the world around him.

Eventually, his condition led to him being placed in a nursing home where a feeding tube was the only thing keeping him alive. for all intents and purposes. the man was gone. But then something happened on April 20th 2005.

a staggering nine and a half years after his accident. Donald Herbert Woke up in the nursing home where he had spent most of the years unresponsive. he would suddenly turn to a nurse and ask for his wife. Linda While displaying signs of being fully, he prompted the staff to immediately call his family who rushed to see him.
and sure enough, despite Herbert being completely blind, he was not only fully responsive, but recognized almost all of his family members. The moments following were all captured by cameras and later shown on an episode of 60. Minutes Being some of the hardest hitting and emotional that I've personally ever seen. Oh, 10 10 years.

The pain in discovering that he had been gone for 10 years, all that time missed, robbed from a man who was just doing his job is indescribably gut-wrenching. but it's what happens after this footage that proves to be the most upsetting part. For nearly 16 hours, the newly awakened man spoke with his family, catching up on every little detail that he had missed, and though from that point on, he had moments going in and out of his Lucidity his long-term prognosis actually seemed hopeful throughout the next few weeks, Donald was surrounded by family members at all times, not only to take advantage of every single second that Herbert was awake, but also for his own safety as well as sense his Awakening he would thrash violently in his sleep as if he still believed he was trapped in that. Blaze And so to ensure his safety, at least one family member would be stationed with a man while he slept.

and from the first time since he became Lucid Donald Herbert was left alone and during that night he would again start to thrash violently with Herbert flailing so hard that he would fall out of his bed and strike his head against the floor, causing his brain to start bleeding from that moment on. Donald Herbert would never become Lucid again and as a result of his injuries, he would pass away one year later from pneumonia. if anyone had ever thought that such a horrendous thing. Yeah, actually, get my sleep checked out.

no joke. or I actually Pat my room while I'm doing that. that kind that's up. So let's try to skip this one because I mean I trash every night so I don't know.

Chat: Obviously it's toss stop The Twilight Zone Throughout its lengthy run, this television series provided some of the most entertaining and memorable moments in all of Television. But for this section, I'm going to be cheating a little bit as rather than looking at an event surrounding the show itself, I'll be highlighting the far less memorable movie version of the series simply named Twilight Zone The Movie The film was broken up into multiple sections, serving as sort of an anthology work with three separate storylines. and for the sake of this story, only one section and really only one scene Bears Discussion: The scene was intended to simulate a battle in the Vietnam War in which the protagonist what happens I'm not lying Stars basically says this okay because I have video Checkers in chat okay, excuse me I have to trust them it's really it's can you give me a can you give me a timing oh not the Flood movie. The character played by actor Vic Morrow is attempting to outrun and attack helicopter and escape the area.
The footage was intended to serve as the section's dramatic conclusion with it being described as the following and the scene that served as the original ending. Bill The character portrayed by Maro stumbles into a deserted Vietnamese village where he finds two young Vietnamese children when a US Army helicopter appears and begins shooting at them. Mara was to take both children under his arm and Escape out of the village as the hovering helicopter destroyed the village with multiple explosions. Based on that description alone, shooting the scene was going to be tricky and likely a very intense process on the set as all the effects used were set to be done practically meaning that they would require an actual helicopter and real pyrotechnics.

Not only this, but the director a man named John Landis wanted to use actual child actors for the scene, which given that it was planned to take place at night and near explosions was technically illegal in the state of California despite the laws in place. however, I can't see bodies or blood or like some anything like that I Just decided missing seven-year-olds Mika Denly and six-year-olds Renee Sheen Yi Chen to play the roles of the Vietnamese children and with all the pieces now in place 1716 to 1808. Peace. The cameras began to roll and what was said to be the stunning conclusion to this particular section Foreign.

As the scene starts, the spectacle of it all can't be understated as the lighting, setting, and the pyrotechnics truly set a haunting tone. However, unbeknownst to the production team, there was a major problem developing. As stated prior, all the effects you see here are real and during the scene, there was an actual helicopter flying just above the actors, which by itself was already very dangerous and made even a little five right. More so due to the pyrotechnics.

For the pilots, the explosions launched in the air created the sky, making things much more difficult to navigate, but those on the ground were never made aware of this and being pressed to make things look even more and more intense, the crew decided to double down on their explosions, launching two massive charges back to back a decision that proved to be a costly one as the second blast was so strong that it just Lodge the helicopter's tail prop causing the craft to spin uncontrollably and within mere seconds as the cameras roll on, the three actors trudging it's his 20 apparently in their way through the water. No, the craft crashes directly on top of them. Somehow everyone on board the helicopter survived the wreck though. wait, wait am I not Oh my God I'm not on the right scene Oh my God I cannot I'm so dumb it was on the ground.

weren't so lucky. Um, the blade of the helicopter slashed into Vic Morrow and Mika din Lee instantly decapitating them and as the craft slammed to the ground, Renee Shin Yi Chen would be crushed beneath its massive weight. In one frame, there were three living actors, and in the next, there were none. In retrospect, it's not hard to see the red flags and the dangerous practices being used by the production team.
However, following several long legal battles, no one would be found liable in the deaths of the three actors, and Landis himself would go on to enjoy an incredibly successful career. The Twilight Zone Film would eventually be released years later, only with a different ending. Wait, what? Oh, they're not gonna demolish it. There's nobody else coming here I'll fight force with Force Our final story takes us to the quaint Countryside of Buttsfield England where a man named Albert Dryden had been living a fairly solitary life following his retirement from steelworking.

Albert dedicated his life to building up a plot of land which he had purchased in the area. His main goal was to construct a bungalow for his elderly mother where she could live during the Summers while also planning to build some sort of Fallout bunker on the same plot. But right from the start he ran into issues as his permit request to build these structures on his land was promptly denied. The this did not stop Dryden however, as despite the ruling, he began his construction anyway believing he had found a workaround with the law as rather than building the house in a standard manner, he instead dug a deep hole into the ground and began to construct his home there, labeling it as the home in a hole.

Due to this, the home only stood about eight feet or so above, which Dryden believed made the construction legal. However, he was wrong in his assumption and the building swiftly caused a disagreement between the man and the Derwent Side District Council. With this Rift growing more and more Amplified As time went on, in the midst of this ordeal, a man named Harry Collinson was appointed as chief of the council and assigned to handle the case as his first order of business. and he did so by initially sending dried in a letter demanding that he stopped construction and also tear down what he had already built.

Dryden However, decided to counter with a court appeal which was swiftly denied, leading to the Court's final order that the building be demolished within three months. Three months. Around the same time that the local news began to document the ongoing feud between Dryden and the government. and despite the numerous rulings against him, Dryden still refused to give in to the government's demands.

and eventually the council decided to take matters into their own hands and decided to demolish the structure themselves. So on June 20th, 1991 Harry Collinson a demolition team and a group of police constables traveled to Dryden's property to demolish the structure. Before this group arrived, the decision was made that should drive an attempt to escalate the situation. They were to immediately back off and come up with another plan even if you own land.
Even if you're not going to live in the house, if you're not, you're just building for fun. You're not allowed to build for fun. Avoid any sort of physical altercation. Bro looks like he belonged.

The Scene: Numerous reporters had already began gathering at the property line, including a cameraman for the BBC who is there to document the feud in real time. and right from the start it was clear that Dryden was not going to be going down without a fight. The gate to his property was chain locked with Dryden standing behind it pointing to two letters that he believed proved that he should be able to keep his structure intact at least for the time being. Read that as an official letter and as an appealand there's an inspector coming out on this site in five weeks.

Chapter coming out in five weeks. Thanks Well, all is. I'm asking us to waste five weeks for the outcome. Maybe six weeks? It'll take a week after he's been out on Spotify now, but that there's nothing in these documents that affects the legality of the enforcement notice that the inspector has confirmed.

However, Dryden's request for more time was clearly falling on deaf ears and realizing this Dryden began to grow more and more agitated with his tone quickly turning far more menacing. Now we'll have to. We'll obviously have to take the fence down with the machine, so if you one you can have some time to remove the fence yourself to minimize the damage, do you want to do that? Any damage that subsequently caused as a result of you preventing us doing that is see the outcome of This Disaster Now we have been warned in this family member. Well, I'm not going to explain, but if you had anything right, that's the last word on it.

If you show me the letter referring yourself I told you where the letter is. that's a long time. at this point. Based on their initial plan, the crew should have certainly turned back as he was now getting to the point that Dryden was outright threatening Collinson warning him that if he were to step on his property, that something awful was going to happen.

and though this did cause Colinson to take a few steps back. He Still Remains Steadfast in carrying out the task and remained on the edge of the property line standing his ground even when Dryden escalates the situation even further. Can you get a shot at this gun? Whoa Has the two stand face to face Dryden Brandishes his pistol and points it directly at Collinson and wanted to ensure the man's combative Behavior was being documented. Collinson asks the cameraman to get a shot of his gun which subsequently leads to this moment.

Yo yo, let me get a shot at this gun out of it and VAR video Checkers Yo I Pay you guys thousands of dollars for this job. Tell me if it's toss or not what the thousands of dollars invest in. Vanessa In an instant with cameras rolling, Dryden fires a shot Direct clean to the chest of Harry Collinson and then fires another at the crowd standing before him, leading to things devolving into a chaotic scene of running and screaming. As more shots were fired from a pistol, the camera crew and look North reporter Tony Belmont ran for cover.
we were standing, we were standing watching what was going on and then a shot rang out. The chief planner fell to the ground and I uh I had a felt a shot in the arm and I've clearly been shot here in the arm. As the camera crew finally gets to a safe distance and catches their breath, it's revealed that one of the journalists for the BBC had been struck in the arm along with it in the office. In the midst of all this, Carnage we see no sign of Harry Collinson as by this point he was likely still on the ground where he had originally Fallen dead from his gunshot wound with his final words being and he got a shot at this gun out of it.

Following the incident, police would engage in a standoff with Dryden who claimed that he had set up booby traps and landmines along with other explosives. though this would turn out to be a bluff and eventually he would be grabbed by officers and taken into custody where he would subsequently be tried and sentenced to life in prison. and despite his actions on that day, Albert Dryden would go on to become somewhat of a national hero. growing a legitimate fan base for the way he stood up against the government.

Dryden will live out his time in prison until 2017 when he suffered a massive stroke to which he was let out on a compassionate release with a man eventually passing he is protecting his land bro. even even in even if this was America in states where where you have to stand your ground bro, they weren't even on the property anymore they were. they were off property lines at the point just being a dumb way. Just one year later though, his actions that day will forever be immortalized as one of the most notorious and darkest moments in television history.

I Want to give a big thank you to Scentbird for sponsoring this video? Make sure to check out those links below as well as my God Tier patrons. Alexander Duran America's grumpy Uncle Bazoo 42 Bismack. They were about to go there or not I mean bro, you're just wrong. That is just some legally just you're just wrong I Don't know guys, there's there's one more yo.

this is X x on the video. Anyone knows that boy I Don't know. He's just so soy. Anyone knows that boy I Don't know, He's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “The darkest moments in tv history xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brick says:

    Bro X stop walking away and just leaving the video to play, dont be hasan

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Jay I. Villorente says:

    that japanese girl is fucked up bruhh

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin says:

    Sadge Norman editor catering to Normans on YT and chatters

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ッDazeen says:

    Video checkers get paid thousands of dollars??? Man I feel bad for xQc he is getting scamazed. Yes I know that money means nothing to him but still.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pikopati says:

    The TOS skipper goes wild and miss lmao

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Phaux says:

    Wow chat, murdering innocent people doing their job cause you dont like the law is SOOO GIGABASED

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars justsomeguy says:

    the amount of people who think uk has no guns is crazy. like sure the laws are more strict, but theres definitely guns, and ever think of illegal guns?? "its the uk they dont have guns" ??? since when. i suppose all those people who got shot just spontaneously acquired holes in their body?? i dont understand the thought process of chat. though it maybe generous of me to assume they have thoughts


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik says:

    This is not a reaction anymore, just someone making sure the video is not TOS. Boring af

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Griffin Scott says:

    so damn annoying when he skips

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gaurang Shukla says:

    The last guy did nothing wrong, the officials pushed him to the edge. They were waiting for him to do something, then they can declare him dangerous and get him arrested. He fell for it, and pulled out his gun. He realized it's over now, and decided to go all in.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mojoe says:

    more…. MOREEE

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pafoly says:

    Why even watch this edgy shit on live. Edgy shit triggers me nowadays

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ecxstasy says:

    No, to the people saying, he didn’t get a shot of the gun, he got a shot from the gun.

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