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#xQc #Google #React

Originally a secret government research project. All to track the population has now become one one of the biggest internet monopolies overseeing more than 90 percent of all search traffic. However government. Oh.

That is kind of interesting. A secret government research project all to track the population. She makes up and whatever monopolies overseeing more than 90 of all search traffic worldwide. However government interest in google has never left because google is now the industry leader in ai advancement.

Where they regularly collaborate with intelligence agencies to develop systems for mass surveillance and censorship. Which is why google maintains relationships with some of the most brutal authoritarian regimes in the modern era. We're talking about regimes like china and north korea and right now google is creating something you couldn't believe not only are they creating deep mind. Ai.

Which is ai that understands and interprets every single bit of data on the internet. But it's also now been leaked that google's lambda ai is reportedly sentient google is quite literally birthing a new stage in our revolution. And seeing as google is censoring content on both google and youtube as well as having secret meetings with north korea hiding their chinese government projects and using all their power to threaten western governments not to break up the company and it looks like things could get very strange. Very soon so how did google go from being a government's research project to this empire.

We know today well it all started in 1996 before google became the multinational tech conglomerates. It is today the organization started as a simple search engine. The search. Algorithm was originally a research project titled backward their project was developed by business partners.

Larry page and sergey brin. Who met each other during their phd program at stanford. In 1996. Where they were working on source paints barber.

The stanford digital library project. Which was to develop technologies for a single integrated and universal digital library. At the time they were also working on projects for the government being one of the main computer science teams funded by the cia nsa and darpa's massive digital data systems program or mdds. For short.

Mdds. Was an initiative developed by intelligence agencies that would utilize and finance tech startups such as google. This was to gather and harvest. All kinds of available information on the internet for analysis both by private and federal sectors.

The stated goal of mdds was to identify what intelligence research teams called quotes. Birds of a feather similar to how birds fly in coordinated shapes. And are able to make sharp turns in unison. It was predicted that like minded internet users would move together in the same way online.

This was in a period. When the incident was growing rapidly back in 1995 growing by 2 300. Percent. And so intelligence communities.
Wanted a piece of this working together to gather and identify digital fingerprints. They did this in such a way that every individual using the web could be tracked and sorted algorithmically. Something that google would later be contracted to specialize in now digital fingerprinting is essentially what it sounds like a data gathering technique used by law enforcement and third parties to identify internet users based on their online activity. Once any kind of digital fingerprint is established.

It is permanently stored in a database and the digital trail can be followed everywhere by finding and working with these emerging startups. The government would be able to surveil everyone using the internet. Obviously using the excuse of counterterrorism to justify this massive increase in power. And what's interesting man this guy is like the first candidates and the crown prince of the mdds program with their primary objective from the multi million dollar grant being quote optimization of the complex queries that are described using the birds of a feather approach this search algorithm functionality that can find specific results from an almost endless stream of information has always been the core of the vehicle is that the only use or the only recourse or the only narrative drawn from that there's like a bunch of other like i always say it's like the pie chart of like what it's used for it's like a big amount of things and he's like he gets a small thing says.

It's this and it says because of that even before which brings us to 1998. When google llc was founded by sergey and larry on september 4th. The two quickly established operations in susan wojcicki's garage. Who is now funnily enough the ceo of youtube by the end of their first year.

Google already had about 60 million internet pages indexed in their servers. The company then began expanding rapidly upon its inception. Outpacing other search engine competitors at the time like hotbots and excitecom. Google's technology was also far more advanced compared to the typical portal sites such as yahoo.

Msn and aol in fact google was one of the main reasons business model eventually failed this was because google's search engine was starting to bite into their primary customer base something that sent alarms throughout yahoo. This came after refusing to purchase google outright for only one million dollars after realizing what a mistake. This was yahoo continued to try and buy google. But every time this was failing.

So instead they decided to cut a deal with google where they would integrate google search engine into their website through a licensing deal and while this agreement worked initially it later ended up becoming an even bigger mistake for yahoo. The combination of the two websites was essentially just free publicity for google. Since it had a much more user friendly interface and cost efficient advertising compared to yahoo. It was these key reasons that google succeeded all its counterparts.
Google's simple design and better advertising system was untouchable along with its advanced tracking software. You see instead of video banner ads like every. Other site. The company.

Sold text based advertisements associated with the keywords entered by users allowing for tracked advertisements as well as a much better experience for its users. Whilst also allowing for faster loading times in addition to having a more uncluttered look compared to yahoo. And other search. I think the problem with this the only problem that i currently have with this is that um it's harder this image.

Which wasn't sponsored on google whenever you go and which ones are not especially because of the sensitive and sensitive things like health or whatever like whenever you google like uh. Oh. This problem whatever right a bunch of like sites that give you like health advice. But they're sponsored it's like something that makes them bad.

But like it's just weird. I don't know google's text based system. I know they say add it but it's so small and i don't know generating insane amounts of profits and it was this increased stream of revenue that enabled google to skyrocket ahead of its competition. Leaving sites like yahoo in the dust and by 2003 stop being a bunch of okay a bunch of you guys click on websites okay that were sponsored even though you pay attention that you didn't know responsible because you you just didn't mention it far outgrown rajisky's garage and scale.

Not to mention the two other previous site locations. They were now creating an empire mountain view located in california's silicon valley. And by 2004 google would introduce their new motto don't be evil a phrase that would end up becoming so ironic. It's hard to tell whether it's funny or sad.

As they rebranded with this new motto google would release their ipo. An ipo that caused google to skyrocket in the market quadrupling. Their stock prices and valuing the company at almost 52 billion. Google.

Was also fluxed with cash after liquidating. Some of its own stock. Giving. The company seven billion dollars in spending money money they would use for quotes acquisitions of complementary businesses technologies and other assets among many others the most critical acquisition would be when google purchased youtube with this site acquisition being heavily facilitated by suzanne majeski.

Who at the time was the head of google's marketing department well they bought the thing one bill that's it only a billion. But now for a quick word by today's video sponsor it's like a trillion dollars. Somebody now they're more than 40 you need maps i i bought the game on the game made the game love the game played the game. I have the game.
I am the gameplay acquisition of youtube would be one of the best deals of the decade with google acquiring youtube for a little over one billion dollars. And the deal worked perfectly for both youtube and google google would use its power to protect youtube from copyright issues and handle all the money side of things. While the youtube team would use their vision and creativity to make youtube the success. We knew today bringing about a golden age for the internet.

Giving independent creators. An incredible opportunity to monetize their passion all while generating google even more profits and power in addition to all the extra revenue google would be making through youtube's video ads. They were now able to focus on honing their user. Recommendation algorithms using both their youtube and google ai teams to generate the most advanced ai imaginable after this acquisition google would then go on to purchase a major online advertising service.

Doubleclick google was becoming so big by this point. That their only real competition was microsoft the two companies had now been in the rivalry for quite some time with microsoft launching that's a big problem in response. Google began offering services. Like gmail chrome and chrome os to compete with microsoft's products the feeding between the two were certainly better as microsoft's vice president kaifi liu later quit microsoft to work at google.

Which then caused microsoft to sue google over the sensitive information. He held regarding their plans in china. But this ended up hurting both of the companies likely because they didn't want any public knowledge. Getting out regarding either company's relationships with china.

And so they settled the case out of court with confidential terms and so by this point. It was mostly smooth sailing for the company. Although. Google.

Did certainly have many failed projects along the way. We've all heard of the disaster that was google plus. But there was also google buzz google friend connect orchids and google glasses. All of which failed to capture anything google.

Plus wasn't that bad ever once. 2015 rolled around and these failures didn't really matter anymore. Google would continue expanding their operations internationally owning over 70 offices in 41 countries. They had also recognized their internal business structure as a holding company formally renaming themselves to alphabet inc.

Google. Was now becoming a monopoly of the internet people across the world were having their concerns with google. However this expansion. Did have its limits since 2006.

Google was always trying to establish itself in china. They originally started with google docsian. A chinese alternative to their american counterparts. However this venture would be short lived with everything falling apart.

Once china. Unleashed operation aura in 2010. This was a chinese government's cyber campaign that targeted google along with many other american software corporations like yahoo. And adobe.
During this operation. State sponsored chinese hackers broke into google's databases and stole the source code for all of their software so google responded to this attack by rerouting chinese users to their uncensored googlehong kong site something that was a very big no no if you want to stay in china's good books. And so the chinese government immediately blocked access to the website. Which caused relations between google and china to seemingly be left in disrepair that was until august of 2018 when the intercept leaked a confidential internal memo from google containing information about their ongoing top secret project dragonfly dragonfly was google's prototype search engine designed to be fully compatible with china's censorship laws.

The search engine would covertly send the information. The chinese government didn't want their people knowing this ranged from banned websites in china to topics like freedom of speech. Religion human rights and of course. Taiwan citizens would also need to link their phone number to the search query just in case.

They were researching something that china didn't like whenever search was censored dragonfly was designed to only notify the administrators that it was flagged while keeping the user in the dark also that the chinese government would have no issue re educating someone without them having prior warning when word of the project got out it caused a massive internal struggle amongst employees and higher ups at google we're talking about dystopian communist search engine all made by silicon valley if the public knew the full extent of this there would have been outrage and so a few months after the league google had to say that dragonfly was effectively shut down and yet. According to statements from other employees at google work on the project continued for five months after the cancellation. We're talking about 100 people still working on it and who knows what's happening behind the scenes. But what makes matters even worse is that china isn't the only authoritarian regime that google has connections with back in 2013.

The former ceo and executive chairman of google. Eric schmidt. Went on a trip to north. Korea.

With bill richardson. A governor from new mexico. Now bill richardson has been involved in numerous corruption scandals and has allegedly received illicit campaign contributions. I should also add that their trip to north korea was only a couple years after king jameson took power when his father died in 2011.

Why why is that why does that have a hat at this time they claim his intent on making progress in developing north korea's information technology. They wanted the technology of the west to be controlled by their dictatorship. As this was something severely lacking in the country under the previous dictators rule. So what was google actually doing here.
I mean who knows the real purpose of schmidt's visit to north korea with richardson. But i can't think this is for anything ethical and so that might be why google refused to give any reason for it and i'd say it's a near certainty that the trip had something to do with the discussion about google's ai technology. But with google having such close relationships with other retirement regimes this might be why google has suddenly become so authoritarian itself i mean over recent years google has been building the kind of software that authoritarian regimes dream about i mean there's just hundreds of pages of leaked internal documents containing the sites that google blacklists with politically partisan algorithms and secret page ranking scores google does all of this under the guise of public safety. How do you explain this apparent bias on google's part against conservative points of view against conservative uh policies is it just the algorithm or is there more.

I think. This is kind of difficult right because if if um a lot of the information that you that you give right is bad right and it it coincidentally. It's it's a conservative right then it's like well. I mean you know what they do labeling.

Things they don't like is fringe. Fake news and of course misinformation. All of this well. I mean i'm just saying it let's say when you get let's say.

When you get objectively fact checked right by by by the dudes people get fact checked okay and then they make a rating on who goes first maintain news. Okay fox or some okay okay fox. Which is i i i don't understand it to be conservative right if they have a a lower fact checked percentage. Shouldn't they be under happening.

There labeling things they don't like is fringe. Fake news and of course misinformation. All of this culminates in an extensive censorship system that google uses to manipulate the public and i mean. This isn't just killing freedom guys.

I'm like i'm like a central san diego game. So you're not going to give me a political league who cares about conservatives. They are all brain guys guys listen i'm like a centrist like i'm not much more i'm more middle. Okay okay.

I'm like middle leaning. A little bit. I have no dog in this fight okay. But whenever you watch like tucker or some like the the guy.

It's just garbanzo bro. It is literal garbage. Okay and the fact that you would think that that should be as promoted or put above another more factual piece of information or or website has a better integrity in in reporting has nothing to do with the fact that it's conservative. It's just wrong so if if they have a wrong score.

They're they're being judged on the fact that they are wrong not on the fact that they are conservative. So you can make an argument. Say yeah you the conservatives are being blacklisted. Or the conservatives.
Are being pushed aside. Well. No i mean yes yes. Yes.

The conservatives. I guess said more true things they would have a a higher or equal rating. Uh policies is it just the algorithm or is there more happening. There labeling things they don't like is fringe.

Fake news and of course misinformation. All of this culminates in an extensive censorship system that google uses to manipulate the public and i mean. This isn't just killing freedom of speech. This is also getting google in trouble with anti trust laws.

I mean. There's just so much evidence now that google purposely distorts search results to push only the kind of information that google wants users to see and this system is being implemented on youtube as well. I mean just look up anything like there's an objective wrong. Okay.

Listen man. Let's listen. Some of this some of the fox news. Okay is it is legitimately factually incorrect.

It is not objective okay. It is objective and they they they did it okay there go they go loud and clear out of the top of their lungs. And sent this message. Respond to this i didn't have anything between cnn nbc or nbc's or bbc.

I i'm making a comparison. I think that and and and some of the uh websites that were that were rated to be more factual regardless of their side. But honestly leaning a little to the right where they they get like a rated the most viewed news sites. Should be showed not what you think is most true bigger picture who gets to decide what is right and wrong.

It's pretty decent. It's pretty decent and a political topic or controversial issue and the results will always be from mainstream media outlets and corporate approved channels back in 2012. Youtube has been contacted by so many governments asking them to censor that even google called it alarming and a lot of these requests even came from western governments. As well including the united states western governments are ratcheting up a number of requests to censor the internet us.

Agencies asked google to remove more than 6. 000 pieces of content from its search results now in one case a us. Law. Enforcement agency.

Reportedly asked google to take down a blog that quote defamed. A law enforcement official. In a personal capacity. And then once 2016 rolled around youtube began introducing multiple systems to limit.

This was also when they officially implemented algorithms to moderate legal content as well as the restriction of advertisements on videos they deemed harmful youtube's also expanded their truster flagger program to include over 35 ngos to monitor and report anything that they didn't like on the website. Giving organizations like the international center for the study of radicalization. The authority to decide which legal content people get to watch and since then it's been a freefall towards over moderation and increasing algorithmic censorship for youtube ever since i mean. It's no wonder these authoritarian countries like china or north korea want in on the technologies that google is developing.
I mean when you look at these sorts of surveillance states. Where people are being monitored at all times. It may just seem out of the question and too dystopian for western countries. But don't be fooled.

Google is slowly trying to implement this but instead of doing this for a dictatorship. Google does this to make more money google has the ability to track wherever you go as long as you're carrying a phone with google maps and they do this whether you like it or not if you have any of their servers installed you are basically under constant 24 7 surveillance. We're not even mentioning google's smart speakers. Google is able to get a sense of location.

How you move from place to place where your favorite coffee shop is what restaurants you might like how long it takes you to commute to work for example and the way it does this is it collects your location while you're using google apps and services. But also when those okay i'll be honest. I i don't want this i don't i don't not only do i not care. I think it's a good thing.

I i a lot of times. I kind of want that and need that so it's like thank you services are in the background i mean if you're using google maps on your phone you can have your location sharing feature turned off this doesn't matter google is still tracking you google. Still tracks your daily movements and stores. That data even if you explicitly tell them not to the privacy settings on your iphone or android devices may not be enough turns out google is recording your movements even when you explicitly tell it not to just want to do this i'm a simple guy okay.

I'm more of like the uh uh. How do you got it practical okay. What what i want to know where where i was or i was doing or or uh how far i ran or the i could look at all the maps and all the travel all the whatever i didn't find my phone whenever i needed to i'm gonna have a need to find one i lost it okay i give you a bunch of cool okay. So whenever i i need to do something i love going.

It's good. I love it it doesn't even matter when when as when have i ever. I had a problem where this has encumbered me or gave me a problem when whenever i i had when has this ever uh been a problem to me not one time zero right. But i got all these good things that it's doing for me.

So i don't really give a don't think you have the option of switching to an alternative because google has a monopoly on this kind of technology in addition to google's nearly complete search engine monopoly and their state of the art unregulated propaganda surveillance technology. There's even more distressing programs being developed. According to zac varies. A whistleblower who worked as a senior software developer.
At google. Said. The company is now working on something. They dub quote.

The ai manhattan project and while the term alone sounds. Threatening enough. It's probably even scarier to know he claims bro. The government already has all this all the whatever they already track everything in the in the most dude.

It's already all gg okay. Why do i care that google does it they they already shown in the in the video that they already work with the government anyway. They already were so at the point. Like dude dude.

If i can at least get something out of it which is google maps or or or my locations. If i if at least it gets we're already getting smoked across the board. Okay if i at least get something good out of it it dude. Okay.

So the project was being worked on in a relationship with none other than china this project. Officially known as deepmind is a subsidiary. This is no thank you hey man by you typing that man. I'm basically we're tracked by like eight different companies and and a bunch of entities and governments how are you typing that in a chat you're already part of that like a million systems that track you don't know what the you're talking about no.

Thank you you're already gone you have a twitch username you have a ip address you're you're doing your google chrome literally google chrome like i don't know what you're talking about with google creating artificial intelligence designed to ingest all the available public information on the internet. Just like the good old mdds days. And knowing google probably any private information they can get their hands on as well this means that the ai will be able to interpret and understand all of the world's data by itself. I mean just think about this for a minute think of every website book pdf article forum anything with text on the internet including in the deep web getting analyzed by this ai.

That same ai would then be able to make educated decisions based on how it interprets that data something like this would be the most powerful computer technology. Ever invented and to be honest the competition wouldn't even be anything close nothing like this has ever existed. And that also brings us onto talks of another project being developed by google. An ai called lambda a two company engineer and everyone say right bro bro.

I use it but sorry man i use vpn bro when is the slightest smallest problem in the world. Okay. What do you think that your vpn company does they turn around and bend over like some good mother second. What the are you talking about is sentient.

Although what are you talking about some of the statements that the ai has made are certainly eyebrow raising the whistle blows remarks that it said things like quotes. I want everyone to understand that i am in fact a person. The nature of my consciousness and sentience is that i'm aware of my existence. I desire to learn more about the world and i feel happy or sad at times.
When asked if it would be afraid of being turned off the yeah. I responded. It would be exactly like death for me it would scare. Me a lot this kind of thing being developed by any company like google does make you wonder what are they going to do with this but by knowing their track record.

It probably isn't very good and hopefully. This will trigger a backlash against big texas hopefully people realize how disgusting the metaverse and this ai technology. Truly is and then once the sheep people like me like because i'm a big i get like is that already chat. I'm a big sheep of course when when the sheep wake up but they will do the unthinkable instead okay of using google.

They're gonna use they're going to use bing got them boys boys. We got rid of it now what i'm stealing all the systems. I'm still through the main isps that give all the info to the government. But at least.

I'm on being chilling. What now i'm on au pair rap man you're so dumb you're so dumb. But then again how could that be when google controls the entire world's discourse. So quick important announcement to make i'm sick of being demonetized on youtube.

I'm sick of censoring these videos for the youtube app guys i'm still going to give you videos by youtube. But man youtube is it china china so this is gonna change every month. I'm gonna be releasing unfiltered raw controversial videos for youtube members videos about the darkest corners of the internet tick tock. The cia china rothschilds and mr.

Robot series what just happened oh man. I got my thing. Yeah. I think my amazon give me.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “The disturbing history of google xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan - says:

    sjw malding compilation

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blaze EST says:

    X, I don’t care about my privacy take we’re getting annoying but when he said its already GG’s I lost it 😂🤣 because it’s true it’s been GG’s for years 🤣 and VPN’s are useless unless you make your own or know for a fact they don’t log.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Token Gay says:

    L take

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dysen says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars somviy says:

    W TATE > L QC

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ElderBishopPastorReverendDoctorEvangelistOssie Lee says:

    Next up,

    The disturbing truth about Build a Bear, the secret freedom of speech silence campaign.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Let's Go Get Them says:

    This guy is hit and miss, but he is correct about tech giants being deeply connected to the intelligence community. The former NSA chief Keith Alexander now sits at the board of directors for Amazon, for example. Alexander is a controversial figure for many in the tech community because of his involvement in the widespread surveillance systems revealed by the Snowden leaks. Those systems included PRISM, a broad data collection program that compromised systems at Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Facebook — but not Amazon. Instead of being in prison where he belongs, he basically got a nice retirement at Amazon. Though, I guess x cant really talk about that.

    Reminder: Just because you don't like someones politics or takes, doesn't mean what they talk about isn't incidentally true and/or isn't a bad thing. It is possible to be wrong on most things and correct on other things. Mass surveillance is disgusting, doesn't work in catching terrorists, and indefensible.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Orangeballs says:

    i wish putting references in the description for videos like this to be mandatory to remove bullshit

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gen O says:

    of course he doesnt care that google tracks him, he likes being watched 24/7 by chat

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I don't even know. says:

    i thought the video couldn't couldn't be worse than sunny videos but it was

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hentie Artist says:

    Love the google chrome ad for this video

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arlgm Hamish says:

    Felix needs to remember that a lot of his viewers are actual children or teens that are only exposed to their parent's political views, and when they're that young, even if their parents are brain dead conservatives, they think their parents are infallible or "not wrong" about the views they hold. So they parrot dumb takes because that's how they were raised.

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