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#xQc #interview

Welcome back to Peor! Paul Davis has racked up a legion of online followers and plenty of breathless newspaper coverage by sharing her incend R views on Modern feminism. the New York Post called her the female Andrew Tate So she tapped into genuine female push back to the excesses of wokery or is she just an attention seeker? We'll find out in a moment. But first, let's take a look at the clip that sent her viral. A lot of people think I'm insane because I don't think women should vote.

Everybody thinks I'm crazy for this opinion. If anything, this is probably my most extreme opinion. 90% of women have been on birth control, one out of three women has had an one out of three women has an STD uh average body count is over five so that your average wife has slept with over five people. 95% of women are not virgins on their wedding days.

So I understand the complaint. Okay, Paul join joins me now alongside political journalist AA Stin it was nodding furiously along there to everything she heard right: Paul you become we' be called the female Andrew Tate how do you plead? well I take it as a compliment, you know I'm a fan of Andrew Tate of everything he says. Um, it depends what we're talking about. but overall I think he's got a good message I think he's good for young men.

Okay, look, you're talking about women predominantly. Uh, which is why you've got this big following and your view is that Modern Feminism is deeply flawed I would argue a lot of your proposals like taking the vote away from am are deeply regressive. Why would you want to remove from yourself the right to vote? Well um, what happened was I I had the same view right? Um, back when I started I was like why I found out that only 5% of women wanted the right to vote and I couldn't figure out like why would women not Oh it's true at the time at the time because they've been conditioned by men to think that they shouldn't have a vote I mean that's what they say, but you know I started reading their writings right and what I found out was that the reason a lot of women advocated for it was because they believed it was the beginning of the breakdown of the family. You know before you became one in marriage, 85% of people were married and you know I I Hate to say it, but they were right.

What has happened a 100 years later? what's that going to do with them having the vote? Well, it also goes back to responsibility. Um again, men are 80 to 90% of the military. They run all of the infrastructures that make Society this version chat is that I like when somebody is like far out as a character or as somebody right with withad ideologies and they already have their their worldviews solidified and on point that whenever they get attacked with something they just crush it. Even they're wrong, they crush it.

like Tate His wories are very. They're very solidified. whatever you like, they like them or not, whenever somebody attacks them, he just claps them. What? just by default cuz they just like a world view thing right? It seems like he just like dodging again, she's just always falling apart for one question in.
so I Just think if we want an equal saan Society then be equal. Do 50% of the hard jobs be 50% of the military in the US Um, they're F $250,000 If they are not, they don't join. Um Selective Service which is essentially the draft. Okay, but on on specifically on the vote.

What would having the right to vote have to do with family cesion? for example? Well, because again, before you weren't trying to divide a family, it was one family unit. You had one vote for the family. I mean I I Don't think it's good for a family to have two votes AA Your mouth seems to have dropped about. it's just sort of bit.

Galaxy Brain I Feel like you know the stats that you're putting down are perhaps correct in some univers? They just kind of don't really add up. I mean just just to take you back to the to to the women's writings that you've allegedly read I Mean allegedly. What do you mean? Allegedly, at the time that you're talking about, you know women weren't really allowed to write. They weren't allowed to go to school, or they were incorrect.

The first female property the first female property owner was in the 1600s. The idea that women couldn't work I'm so sorry that inited the first. No, no, the first female the first female millionaire was in the late 1800s and was that inherited? So no, it wasn't. It was self-made She, Yes, it was.

Sade Yes, it was never inited. Yes, she did not inherited that. What? What law permitted that? Well, there was no law. I mean there's always been women that were influential.

Let's get on to let's get on to the vote. So what I don't understand is you know a part of your message. I've just you know I've researched you today. Hang on a minute.

You know your your big push is that you care about men and you don't think that men are getting enough of a say. But hang on I haven't made the point yet. Um, because of feminism? Okay what? I wonder is when you start making calls out like repeal the 19th Women shouldn't be allowed to vote. How is that helping young men? Because these young men have women in their lives.

They have mothers, they have sisters, they have teachers, and they turn around. They don't know how to act around women because you're giving them license to be misogynistic. I I Wouldn't call it misogynistic I Say be equal. So again, men do all well then.

Okay, love for the Feminist: Please apply for the oil rigs. Please go do the hard jobs in society. They're open. they're hiring because I don't equate for I I Don't think men or women are equal until we do the equal work.

So no, no, Listen. Listen. Go. Go.

apply to be on the oil rigs. Go Do go be a plumber. Go be electrician. Go be on the front lines of the military.
and then we should have equal rights. But until feminists are willing to do that, I Don't believe we should have the freedom without the responsibility I Don't think that I'm ially built for that. you might be, but I'm absolutely not. No but said you.

You said you were a volleyball player and so you've got more strength than I do I Don't think I don't have more strength I don't have more strength than the Aver I don't have I don't have more strength than the average man. but my again, it goes back to go be a plumber. You want to be equal. Go be equal you also but you don't want you want divorce to be made illegal.

Yes, Why yes. Because I Don't think what we have today is really marriage. What is marriage. It's For Better or For Worse for for richer or for poor in sickness and in health till death Do us part.

That's what marriage is supposed to be. But feminists have ruined marriage for the people that actually believe in marriage. When there's a 50% divorce rate and the average marriage to Wom I I I Didn't say that it was all down to the women you asked why I want divorce to be banned? Can I finish that first? So I'm saying you know the people that believe in divorce go be in long-term relationships leave marriage for the people that actually Believe In For Better or For Worse for richer or for poor in sickness and in health till death do us part. But doesn't The sanctity of marriage also rely on the woman being a virgin so you wouldn't be able to get married I What do you? what do you mean? Well, you've spoken quite openly about how you're not a virgin and so if you want to preserve that sanctity of marriage, you you know I Just think that you're upholding standards that you don't.

Actually, you know and that's a fair. That's a fair complaint I Wish I was, but you know we can't go back I Don't know what you want me to say but I just don't think it's fair that you get to be here and you get to be for okay this is a grifter then CH I Feel this is like a Griff through Andy she just she just she just pretends and tries to parade some dog should find believe or practices to be honest your views and you're telling other women that they shouldn't be allowed to hang on. Hang on, Hang on. Okay, if I may some say jump in? Um, isn't the whole point of being a feminist though that women are entitled to have their own views? Absolutely.

So she's perfectly entitled to her views. Yeah, but you can't. You might not like them, but I'm here to. Isn't she exercising her rights as a are you a feminist? No I Am not.

Really, No, you know, wouldn't don't go that far. You don't want to be a feminist? No. because I Think if feminists really believed in equality, but you guys don't I would love for you. there is an oil rig hiring, there is an engineering.

Seriously. Seriously, there is a building being built next to my building. Go do it, Feminists. Go.
do it and meing the same. J Right now when you find the man you want to get married to, are you saying you will? Literally you will be with that man. Whatever happens the rest of your life. Yes for for the vows that we're supposed to live by, how do you know you can keep? I I Feel like there there are feels that that that appeal less um and that men are way less interested in.

Overall right? I Think that goes to both sides. No, have people made like the breakdown of things I Think there are. there are definitely things that that some girls, um, prefer to do less and could be less good at based on on bunch of biological markers or whatever and I think that also applies to the other side I think that goes both ways to be honest sorry you're cancer I I mean look it I think it's a choice and that's the thing. Like women are so willing to leave marriages because they're not happy.

This is not about happiness. The most important thing is the children and the problem is we have a modern society where it's me, me, me. my feelings leave when I feel like it instead of doing what's best for the kids. Hey, but I Got to say it's a little about listening to: Andrew Tate where some of it I really don't agree with I don't agree with the vote stuff when I hear things like that I think there'll be a lot of people, especially older generation women perhaps who think you know what she's got a point.

Well I mean I believe in agency. So I think that if a woman is going to look after her children interv that's absolutely fine. I Also, believe in your right to speak your mind about it. What? I don't understand? Say what? I don't even before the 1920s, women could speak openly this idea that like women couldn't and when she was on T like that dude sometimes sometimes I'm not going to say bro past 500 years there have been women throughout hist system been Been has been.

there have been women throughout history that have read, written and been very influential in society. Jes like women could never do when you want to be like that and you let the people talk some some of us just wish you shut the up. That's why just be quiet I don't understand though is when it gets spiteful. Okay because you put down a few arguments that I think are perfectly like.

you know they're kind of Evangelical and they're Christian but those are your right to say it. What I don't understand is when it kind of seeks into this sort of you call women fat, you say that they shouldn't have abortions. You say that? Me the question is are they fat? Yes or no the average American woman is 170 F that's pounds that's objectively over I Mean let's be honest, we now we now celebrate morbid obesity as as some kind of body positive thing and it is complete nonsense. So actually on that point again there's a bit of Truth in and this is the problem.

This is the problem Have we come to celebrate morbid Obesity is body positive nonsense. We're not talking about morbid obese I was actually watching your podcast earlier and you you spoke to someone who was I I would say probably a size 12 and you called her a fat OB beast and a divorce. She was fat, obese and a divorce I mean like I don't know what to say? This is the thing women. we don't want to live in reality, we don't want to say things that are true.
Was she fat? Yes. Was she a divorce? Yes, these things are just subjective facts. Okay I'm going to have to objectively and she insulted me first. they always I'm going to have to objectively end the debate, but it was an interesting conversation.

I Think we should get you two back together as a matter of urgency. Thank you very much Pa Thank you AA um yeah. chat I Feel like he probably didn't really let um, you know what? chat you know I Understand I understand his gu um his style now of interviewing and uh, media. overall I Get it dude.

He he goes against complete dog when he hears it right? but if it's if it's if if it suits him. dude. he cashes in his win at every turn. he can get kind of mauled at somebody but he doesn't actually get mauled to the point where like he doesn't let him like give him free balls.

he cashes in every time. Dude, he wanted to cook her so bad but then he said some he agreed with and he was like you know what? hey yo true and he just threw all the way. Dude, he didn't even debate anybody. he just cashed in I mean I guess respect that.

That's pretty smart to be honest yo. this is X x on the be yo Okay, you hear my voice as well that anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so s anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so s.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “The female andrew tate”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars O_O says:

    love this women and her amazing mindset

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DL says:

    Pearl is like a joke that went too far.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dbm says:

    Bro she’s way worse than Andrew Tate dude Andrew Tate is actually good she trash

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy says:

    piers Morgan is a boss!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richard smith says:

    She is obviously playing to the gallery but she has some valid points.

    Some women have ridiculous needs in dating, demanding 6ft tall millionaires, who will serve their every need.

    It doesn’t seem to occur to them that ignoring the 90% is daft when time is not on their side, and the 10% will obviously play them.

    Many men simply walk away from modern dating. The results are devastating. The numbers of single women in the USA grew 20% in the last decade.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zach1hyt says:

    The "women don't want to do the man's job" is such a dog shit argument. Women and men are built differently and some people don't understand that. Men are stronger so do more physical work so there are more men in physical jobs. Women are much better with kids so most high school teachers and elementary school teachers are women.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Connor Thomas 2 says:

    their have been women property owners throughout history even before 1600 in Britain as queens and princesses own property of course duh.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AAA A says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars s3ns1 says:

    In Finland we say "Feministi" and "Sovinisti" "nisti" means drug addict. Feminism and chauvinist are sickness.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bnm023 says:

    Okay she is tying but she obviously doesn’t believe in what she is saying cause it be easily to own the blonde lady but she just says some random stuff lmao

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M says:

    I agree when they say people leave marriage too easily and don’t prioritize children.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L EON says:

    XQC views on dating and women had him in trouble, I guess some people never learn

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sunshine Tenshi says:

    I do agree with the ginger girl for sure but to fully take away women’s voting rights is too regressive and unnecessary. I believe the best person for the job… should have the job. The world we live in today is good enough. There’s equal opportunity everywhere for men and women. It just depends on the individuals skill set.

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