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What's up bro. Okay so I was thinking like maybe like the Vinewood sign because it'll be sunrise and it'll be kind of nice and aesthetic and you know we'll get to see the beautiful sunrise. That's right. I have a date John Paul Um yeah, we all give up on on life of crime like that.

We're we're um, we're on the next level right now. we're we all work a a burger John Paul I Got a date so that you could rob a cop and get a gun right? Uh, the economy sucks, crime sucks. Uh, we are all poor and we can't breathe. We are drowning.

We need to make money. and uh I flip Burgers What me tell you man. sorry What? Johan Paul You're telling me you're going to give up on the opportunity to get a gun. Um, yeah and rob a cop right? What's wrong with you? What happened to you? Listen Vine Vinewood sign all alone Bing Bop Pull up with a knife.

Ah, put your hands up sucker. Bam. Get the cop gun. Get other cop equipment too.

I Mean that's the Jean Paul I know in love. that's that's the old me you Chang I Changed I Changed Yeah I changed I Have a date in about 30 minutes John Paul Right, You have a free gun that you could get John Paul I Know would never miss this opportunity. Then you still need to like, you know, get us to get our hands up and then yeah, like punch me around a little bit. you know, make it look real.

Um after you rob us I need you to like, you punch me? Okay, Really yeah. Great Ho ho ho. Put your hands up. Oh my.

God Jesus Christ Listen Who? Whoa Whoa Listen guys. Holy! I I Am going to Bonk I Am going to I Came here with the idea to B somebody put your hands up both of you Yes okay, Stop. Be quiet I want some name I want some names Green Green Shir what's your name? Ke Mcti don't care, What about you? What's your name? Mickey Glare please Why you? Henman CH To please give give. Don't touch me with that please I Bruise easily.

All right. Here's what we're going to do. All right. I'm like a sexy Peach Here's we're here's what we're here's what we're going to do.

You guys are going to do a game of rock paper scissors. All right. God All right. What the? I Don't want to die Oh God I Don't want to die All right When I say rock pepper Scissors Shoot You're going to, You're going to.

um, you're going to throw your thing at ready. You guys ready or not? Okay You ready or not? What the My Yeah I'm ready. Sorry sorry guys I I'm tweaking out ready Yeah. I'm ready Okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Oh God We have a draw.

We have a draw. We have a draw. Everybody still down. We have a draw.

Okay, you have to do it again. You say shoot. Am I supposed to stand? Please don't stand. Please please.

Nobody will die nobody. unless I say so. Okay, All right. look at each other.

Get ready. All right here it goes. Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Oh my. God I won all it's a B3 B3 All right.

let's do it again. Rock Paper Scissors Shoot All right. Okay, all right. we got to draw.
Wow. All right. Do one more time. Scissors Shoot Don't laugh, don't hey yo.

I'm going to B this is funny. This is funny. If this is funny, I'm gonna B I'm GNA no please don't No please. All right.

I'll do it again Rock Paper Scissors Shoot What the is going on? All right, it's fine. Shoot okay. I actually just can't open my hands or fists I'm just scared. Oh God All right buddy you.

um you win. You win the prize. Oh God Is it? Is it Letting go and never talking about this ever again Or is seeing somebody you care about suffer What? Oh god hey no. don't hurt.

Micky please no, please don't Oh my. God please don't the out of you understand me? No, don't him take it out on me. He's a good lad. Leave him alone should about that I Can do I can do I can do it again.

You want? No don't him don't I'll do it again I'll do it again. Don't hold him. He's a good lad. You want to tank for him.

Yeah, yeah. I'll take it. Leave him alone. All right he.

He's lived a hard life. It sounds like he's been through too much. Leave him alone. Oh my.

God All right my. Micky Are you okay? You're with me now. It's you and us. Okay, yeah.

all right. Listen. hold them up while. I Rob This little rat.

oh my. Don't move. Don't you all right? What you got in your pockets, huh? little buddy. What you got in your pockets, huh? What? What's down in here? What's that? Just Just just some cologne? God Please Back pocket.

What is it? It's my wallet. Come on. Come on. give me something.

What about? What about money? You got money? Yeah. yeah. All right. Give me your money.

Then give me your money. Give me your money. Take it. Take it.

Take it. Please don't move right? Hey operator I'm not moving I'm not moving. This is a good score. He had $2,000 on him.

What the $2,000 the I Think we might be rich Rich What about you Budd You got anything I I dropped my money I only had 80 bucks. 80 bucks. That's it. Yes.

got on you. Yeah who carries around $2,000 The is this okay, What else we got? What else we got? You got like got some I got some cigarettes cigarett B I give you some cigarettes. come on, come on, give me, give me some cigarettes. Come on.

Yeah, here you go. Nah, these people sometimes they uh, they hide stuff and their boots and whatnot I've seen it all right. I P This guy down. Ooh exactly what I came for hamburger with cheese.

Oh no no actually I order them with no cheese cuz I don't like the way it tastes I got M cheese no cheese on it. You brought you brck. Bring your own cheese. This guy's got a knife.

really. Oh you little weasel you thought You' get us huh? hey hey I'm going to Bunk him ready I'm about to no, don't don't don't he's already down. Please don't please please I All right, All right, can you? um, just for my own piece of Mind Why are you so poor? What? Why you such a broken? Why am I poor? What kind? what kind of job you got? What kind of job you got? Well I'm I'm part of the LSPD I'm a cop and you're poor cop huh? Yeah, Why would I carry around I don't know why he's got $2,000 on his por and I've got no all the way out here I I risk my life for this for $80 Well I don't I don't I don't base my my withdrawals on I I hope I get robbed so I'll keep extra money on me so they it makes their day. That does make sense Operator Operator You understand, keep the knife out I can keep it inside of him if you want me to back a little back a little bit back up a little bit.
All right okay brother. I'm so tired of you. You want to fight. You want to fight out.

No. I'm no oh my God no Oh alone. don't you try to fight cuz I I'm not I'm not. You've got a knife and I'm not trying to do anything.

you um you going to snitch on us or what? you going to snitch if you want the honest I duty is an oppos report crime. so yes I won't lie to you Op: What do you think about this? He's being honest. What do you think about this? um I'm Duty bound I I have this I this car is not starting I got the keys for it All right A man is only as good as his Ward I Feel like bonking? Please don't I feel I feel like Bing it pleas I hear you smiling under that mask? Please don't bunk me hey Reindeer Reindeer come over here get the keys. So is that your boyfriend or what? Well, he asked me out on a date.

seems like a nice fell. You think we found out he's married so you know I'm no I'm no home wrecker I'm nobody's side piece respectfully Mr Reindeer sore you think? uh, we can extract him from money or not, you can extort him for money. Yeah, you think so. you think he has money.

He had 2,000 his pockets. He's kind of rich. I Don't know why he's carrying around $2,000 That just makes no sense to me. But but you're a cop though.

I I am correct. You're you're you're about to watch an execution. Come here. What? Come on.

Come here. What? I Don't want to watch anybody die please. You're about to watch it right here. All right.

Watch this. See you buddy. I'll put you next to your your lover. All right, put you next to your lover.

Enjoy yourselves. you two naughty boys coold for. Christmas I Guess sorry guys. Wrong place, wrong time.

Merry Christmas All right. I Can be the gringe if you want. Oh yeah. I actually I'll do that.

Why not? Barry Where you where? Look at that. That's the Grinch right there. Wait, got the Grinch in the movie. at least looks like a dog.

It it says looks like a dog literally scarves. What do I even have? Oh you heard of it. Thank you. you're so sweet.

Stop. yes thank you thank you yo. You want to get the off the phone or what? bro. I'm not on the phone I was talking to you jackass.

Me? Not anymore. Yeah, so he'll be able to know what. Want to hear that? Hear that? man? huh? nobody. try to hear that man I mess up all the time.
Repeat that like another four times so I could comprehend it. Oh said. no one wants to hear that. That's shut your ass up over there I'm trying to change when you're just mad I look better than you All right? Well how your G cuz I'm coming.

You could reach your hands out in front of you and F around for things. That's pretty much what I have to do. Yeah, yeah there. What was that thing? Monster? Shut up bro bro bro.

what's that doing here? Wait. is that a big truck? Oh my. God I need to rub the whole thing in I need to rub the whole thing I Need to rub the whole thing. It's a local.

Hey buddy. Hey buddy, yo buddy gotcha. He's he's alone. He's alone.

All that for one box. dude. Boo did they scare you Yeah, hey, how many you not do that? How many of how many boxes you got in there? Huh? two ah Christ E the gringe doesn't Rubble for two boxes? sorry move un believable man. Loser: two boxes.

Are you kidding me dude? AG of Satan hey stop right there. Stop right there I'm theing cring and I need some boxes I need some boxes. oh how they place that Ty with boxes I don't know what you just said but I want the boxes is what I want how many box you got open the back trunk or I'm going to BN oh my God for hi I'm about to Bunk I'm about to Bunk come on please don't do this. Open that up bro St he St how many we got how many we got oh no if honey I need to pay me Bills in that please don't do this I kind of have to pleas honey, don't don't hey, don't make a move I need you to take the boxes out and put them on the ground now.

I'm I'm going to B I'm going to B I'm going I am 3 seconds away from bonking your SCH with this French I'm doing it I'm sry put him on the ground, put him on the ground I'm doing it here I go there. that's all of them okay I'm you're going to get really bad Cara for this I know I know having a really bad time you just made it 10 times worse. Okay um damn I that would feel really bad I I yeah that would make me feel really bad if I was a good person cuz I really don't give a oh your R don't care. Thank you for the packages bye oh oh sh have a temple Christmas Woo! Familiar or not you Okay I'm hurt.

Do Not steal these boxes. Why not? Man This is for our money. Man Bro bro, bro bro bro. I'm trying to earn money to give everybody the money for the house.

Wait wait pretend pretend you're talking to me. Pretend pretend you're talking to me. Pretend oh she knows pretend I'm talking to you yeah she knows I'm the Grinch she knows you're the Grinch no no no no she doesn't hold up. okay.

how many Bo you got for me this time? How many you got for me this time wa how many you got, how many you got, how many you got? Just listen to him. He's crazy I don't have anything. Just listen to him. He's show me.
Show me, show me show, look, show me the open the back. Don't don't go anywhere. Open the back, open the back, open the back. About to.

I'm about to open it all open open I'm going to go get some boxes from this guy. You can have them. Okay, you're still at zero. No yeah I know I know no no no no no hey hold up.

Still down. How many in the in, the in, the in the front seat in the front seat? What are you talking about? How many bugs in the front seat? any bus in FY No I just I I Just started this delivery I don't have any but I was about to get some from that guy I just saw you earlier Pi Get two boxes at the other spot. that was a different delivery. Harby delivered them.

oh my. God okay sorry. I Will ruin your Christas even more later I'm sorry ho ho ho stop. Stop right there.

I'm going to Bnk Stop right there. I'm going to Bnk I swear I'm going to Bnk your heading so hard you're going to go to the pass. I will bnk your sking open the trunk, put him on the ground now. okay yo now put him in my trunk.

put him in my trunk now. I'm I'm going to I'm going to bunk be pick it back up and then pick everything you got. put him my in my trunk. oh hey get over there.

Don't be a hero. Don't be a hero. Don't be a hero. Get all the boxes and put them at.

Come on let's go. Only got one box. Really? Yeah. I Just started.

wait. that's that's it. One Buck just one. Buck I'm going to go one Buck I Can have it back then.

Loser: Ah, give me your boxes. Give me your boxes. Give me. Give me.

Give me. Give me. give me how many boxes you got Oh I got I got this one. Hold on how many, How many more, How many more you got I got I I got I got yep, open that up how much you got I got two more oh my Fu God oh my God man is that enough not enough.

It's that's not enough. No, it's not enough. No I will make your Christmas absolutely terrible help. The grinches hurt.

yeah the grin. he's green and fuzzy and you know like from Dr SU you stink, they might be coming. do I you smell terrible man I don't know my nose doesn't work. That might be true I wish you nothing but the worst man.

Why are you such a grinch I wish you worked harder so I could take more of your packages. Well I'm sorry for not being productive enough. Oh Location: where: I'm going to wait till you turn all the packages, make money, buy gifts, wrap them up and I will break into your house and steal every single one last of them. Uh r r Loser: You're a loser.

What the Are you a doctor who? The yeah I'm a doctor who need Ry Well this guy needs a doctor. What is that thing? Are you going to help? Or are you going to be a loser? Morning Wood: we're in Moring wood. Um well he's talking so that's good. Like he's not my God it's a fing moving Bush Bomb two bombs.

Are you going to help? Are you going to be useful? Think I could smoke them? Kind of looks like a weed nug. hey you want any breast milk I mean is it it'll get you high? is it Frozen No no I'll pump it right here and now. Get a room already. Get a room.
Jesus Christ wait don't I know and I'll sell you a cup of get you high tend for mil. That gets me high Hey Oh My Lady Lady Lady yeah what are you doing I'm pumping she pumping woman pump pump her breath before. Okay, mind your head, don't touch me. sorry Oh oh dear God All right I Don't know why he dress like that.

Ah I Got to deal with these people again. Me: money. Just give me some car I Don't care. Give me some care.

Come on. load me up. Do your job All right. Um, take a look here.

Give me to a doctor. You are not qualified to help me wrap me up. Come on. I'm sorry I'm I'm not qualified to help you.

give me toor l I Mean perhaps we should just let that guy take you to the hospital if you think we're not qualified to treat you I'm the Grinch man. CU Get me to a doctor fast. We have. We're not qualified to help him.

We have another call to go to. I Mean we have another call if you think we're not qualified to help you, so it's your choice. Are we either either we're qualified to help you or we're not qualified to help you losers, right? Let's go. All right Ugly I Hope you have a terrible day.

Oh okay. I will be later in your house breaking in, stealing your packages, stealing your gifts I How you want I'm looking forward to meeting you again. This is cringe. I Get it, you don't hurt you touch me and I will call the police.

That's funny funny Mr Grinch not funny. You're annoying I'm annoying. Well you know I think I think what I'm going to do Mr Grinch is I'm I'm seeing here that that arm is is oh now you want to help me cuz you think I'm going to pay my bills gotcha. You are poor I mean put a little ice pack on you here.

Maybe this will make your heart grow. three I is Mr Grinch you're going to. You're going to keep touching me like that. You going to keep doing all that.

I'm putting a little ice pack on you. Didn't ask? Well Mr Crinch. Unfortunately, it is my job to provide medical. Sounds fun.

Didn't ask. All right. Well going to take you to the hospital when I get there. I'll call the police on you guys for doing our jobs non-consensually I Didn't want any help.

Okay, how would you get to the hospital without our help Mr Grinch I don't know Reindeers Hotel 676 Central Medical Center One Grinch Oh no, My ambulance can only go 34 right now. Damn. Ah that's unfortunate. Typical humans.

Maybe this will make your heart grow a little. Learn some compassion for the people who are trying to help you. I will poison the water supply. Is that a threat against the security of the city? Absolutely it is.

I will slash ties $3,000 This has been the most miserable ride of my life, so thank you for that. I mean I can make it more miserable I wish you bad luck forever. No gifts and I hope it was your job. You're the you're the gringe not Santa I will sue you when I get out of here.
Are you going to steal all the presents from under my Christmas tree? Already done Mr Grinch here has requested that I go very slow with him. Well you know if Grinch if Mr Grinch is fairly very delicate, he probably shouldn't be screaming in the a nice hay. Are you liberal? Help me Huh? We all going to help you. Just take it easy.

We got lots of does on. He also thinks EMS aren't qualified to help him so qualified for what exactly. Of course they're qualified or you wouldn't be hired here. Qualifi to do your job.

Hey man! So we're trying this new thing called requested that she didn't do her job mycle see So what happened to you? What happened is that Karma cut up to me that and I couldn't breathe anymore. Started withot wheel. oh damn well you know you. you really should be breathing.

Honestly think it's he did I am an intern so I'm just you know, not allowed to help you right now. So what you're saying is that you're useless. Got it? No useless. How about you get a real job now and you get out of my face? How about that? How does a patient get help in this? God for place I'll I'll take care I'll try.

hey hey what's up, What's up, What's up here? Fix me up I got you What? What? What seems to be the problem here? bed I was right my my car and I kind of just passed out and thenar got back to me. yeah just let me fix it. What do you mean? What do you mean la la la? You can't just la la la. Okay, hold on.

it means you're yapping and you're not helping I am not yapping okay I am actually figuring the things out. Okay, tell me when you're done Care: ask talking if for someone who's dying you think make sure you hydrate I Got to get back out there and make a life miserable for everybody. Get get back out there stupid grench. I mean I will see you very soon.

Hey I've been a good girl. Oh yeah, maybe tonight in your house when I Rob All your presents Gosh jny those are my take them was for those presents yeah Go Grinch it up somewhere else Grinch This is why I don't attend liberal hospitals. Waste of my time, Waste of my taxes. don't care.

runs it. He's the cool. Thank you. Have a nice day Mr My bad.

Sorry about that loser sir. Please don't run in the Lbby. shut up in the bathroom. He has no third on.

Well Well well. Do not Do Not address me. Do Not Address me. Do Not Touch me.

Do Not back to the Liberal Hospital Welcome Back Sir To the Liberal Hospital got it. Anything else? Anything else, You mean anything else I Want you I'm allowed to talk to you? Uh yeah, it was my present. You want your present? Yeah, okay, say less nice. free presents hey that and then maybe just to play it I Hope you don't make it.
hello I Good now. Well the get. we got some money from me. What? what's happening? Because because you're the most unreliable, stupidest, dumbest, most unefficient person I've ever been in with my life and every minute spent with you is a minute I could spend somewhere else being productive a like you really? John Paul Because you know what? If you had waited for me to get you the burgers, you wouldn't have gotten in that car chase just saying.

And if you did your things right, would have a gun. Now now look at us. We got nothing. I How was I supposed to know that he wasn't going to carry his gun with me? He's an off duty cop.

If I'm an off duty cop. I want to carry my gun? It was your job. It was your job. Your only job.

the only only you had to do. You didn't do it. Oh so what am I supposed to do? Huh? Be like, hey, make sure you bring your gun. Isn't that a little suspicious? John Paul No, it's not.

Hey, hey, turn around. look, look behind you. look what's behind me. This: that's the same.

Knock his car out, knock his coward, knock, knock his car out. yeah. don't do it. Don't do it.

Don't do it. Got all right all. Hold up. Hold up.

hold. hold on. Hold on. Hold them up.

Got hold up. Hold up. Hold up. We got to Rob Your ass.

Is he done. We done. We done Bro Bruh Bruh Watch your back man. Don't do this alone Bro.

Well don't do this alone. It's the grin in the hamburger. Don't do that by yourself. Brist we need it's Christmas and I'm poor you right? How the are you spotting this? o X is the same guy.

Hey little buddy. hey little buddy, what's up? Hey what's good bro. put hands up Chy chill. Hey put your hands up man Chuck put your hands up man up dill I Got it both I got him you a God I Want to you Me? All right man.

What the What is wrong with everybody? Wait I was full HP Help Us hey hey wind wind oh my God there's a casualties here or something. oh my God oh my oh my God and it's get that. Which one of you is my friend? Hey babe babe give me to the hospital only me them only me. that's crazy man I hey to help you get shoot us Okay thank you Okay there.

All righty what happened to you Dear stabbed. Be gentle with me All right I'm going to try. You're going to feel a little bit of a pinch but it's just tight enough to stop the bleeding. so how does that feel? Let me know if it feels too tight.

Okay, we don't want to cut off your circulation. Feels all right am I fre to go feels better Thank you All right Good good, all right. let me double check. One more thing that have you treated any of the individuals over there? Oh wow uh oh yeah uh you having a headache? Hold on just a second.

yeah I'm going to help them. If you have a headache just scream hi ha how can I help you today? uh I might be either that or my diagnostic tool has just stopped working. Get me first. Okay well I'm sorry about that I think I am having a like I think you'll be okay What happened to sure what happened? You don't know what happened what happened? is that I closed my eyes I was thinking about this doctor and I passed the out.
You know what? I'm saying yeah like five people see what happens. Okay okay okay now I kind of wish I died to be honest do you? oh you're wishing death. you want to die I wish I was dead cuz I would have to look at you again. Why? Why do you hate me? Why? Why you mean why you mean ugly please.

Ugly ugly I see my ugly I'll pull it out I'll pull my ugly look God You know what? It's fine. You don't have to like me I'm just just to treat you. That's all Okay so I'm going to do the I'm just going to do the D and then let you go your mer way. you just say merry I know I know like a like a Merry Christmas typ Vibe or not help I don't know I traed will break your house oh what' you do what happened his arm snapped I think you snapped and I also put a splin one of his arms.

you know all sorts. really all sorts. Really? Mhm Okay I'll be sure to do all the what I can do to be he'll be fine I will rob your gifts and slash your tires. both of you Well you know what? I'm going to do the same thing to you then would? How would you.

like that? Can't I'm homeless, don't own a car, don't own gifts, Don't plan on getting gifts to anybody. Oh so you steal them instead. Wow. if you just broke or down bad, you should have just told me.

probably help you with that he you know what? the Grinch You know what? I do I steal the gifts and I don't even give them to anybody I don't give them for myself I make sure they're destroyed I put them in a compactor. well I don't know what type of fantasies you go through or what go through your brain or thick skull. but I don't know, you seem just a little bit I Balan The world okay I balance you Balan You don't balance nothing. okay I can tell you unbalance things don't balance my feelings.

Can you balance me? Oh you can. You can balance on me if you want so much. Oh did you just spit on me? so I guess that's a yes bounce on bounce on you. Ah so you um, you going to fatch me up or what? I sorry you you throw? oh you threw me off little bit.

yeah I'm yeah I'm just gonna I'll throw you off the um, the side of a cliff if you want hey no I'd rather do the first thing than you doing that thing. okay then okay, then neither then okay. that is not. McGregor I'm McGregor okay M sorry Just all right I'm glad you're fine I'm not fine.

well I I hope you are physically I'm not fine at all I don't I hav I Had a really good time. It's been really tough. Well that's okay I Love everyone So I hope you'll be. You know it's been very difficult.

It's been really difficult. It's been very difficult to um at you and not puke yo. um okay should do de fraud ass fraud up little buddy. you got a bit of lim Budd hey give me my boxes back man hey lad o it in my fav you work with me o hey o o o land this is the police coming after you o lad.
stop please lad. would you do myself a favor lad and stop. Hell no heyy tackle them, tackle them I'll give you 10 bucks no no no okay no I won't do it then I won't do it then I won't do it then. mean did not mean to Okay, just talk to me.

Then you are brother. talk to me and you can work with me. You're working against me. Don't back the away I know I don't know that guy ising the King of the Hill I The king of the hill no being King of the Hill I own this block.

You don't own a block. Own this BL Put away ready. pass by pass by pass by I got everything I got everything I Got everything I got everything Pick me up pass I'm com I'm coming I'm coming pick me up up I'm coming I'm I'm coming back I'm coming back I'm yo. Oh right there.

that right there. That's my stop. That's my stop. That's my stop bro.

I can't What the is you doing? It was locked. You butt. It was locked. You butt.

yeah. Go go to my car, go to my door. go to my door. Why the are you running? We don't We didn't commit a crime I don't know I don't know I just wanted to run.

you just have to talk to them. You didn't commit a crime. Oh sh brother my my arm is bleeding. my arm is bleeding I'm I'm bleeding to I'm about to back okay X listen to me.

Okay go give me keys. go back door. Give me ke. give me ke give ke give me give me ke.

Go Go go back. Go back bro bro bro. I have I have all this are you pass. Are you pass? Are you pass I'm not going to pass out.

not yet soon. I'm about to pass out right now. Oh you got bandages I don't have enough. Okay go to B Go to B Remember I have a car over there.

Have a card there. Yeah, remember. Remember I told you boxes B So many boxes. what do you want to do with it? Apartments I Don't give a Apartments Remember the corner.

remember the corner. go forward forward forward forward forward forward forward and the the corner forward. The cor here. Okay Go go go go.

I Surrender I Surrender Guys I Surrender I Surrender He surrender. He surrender. He surrender. Okay well normally I I have the keys I have the keys I have the keys in this car I have the keys in this car.

Hold up Sir Give it up. Come on. Hey hey, watch out man. don't get involved I'm not getting involved.

This guy called me a loser earlier I Want him to get arrested? Yeah, who's the loser now? Suspect: resisted. We're going to be at the rental spot guy in the give it up. Well I have the keys in this car but it's not starting guys I don't want to have to tase your brother. Come on.

come on. I'm GNA have to pull you out of this car brother. Okay I have the keys but it hasn't started yet so it's going to start in three two. it's going to not looking like it sir is it? Come on what's in the box man.
just I'm I'm pull you out all right. It's the keys in the core. Come on Sir chat. What am I do do Okay Well I'm having a hard time grabbing this handle.

Let me try. Hey I need you guys to vacate? Get out of here. Get you Good pick me up, pick up I'm not good at all. You got pick me up where where where where car is not working I know what's going with it.

same spot, same spot. Yeah okay got back up oh my God we need cars. We need cars bro. who's going to who? oh my God I'm over to be honest what happened to he Tri juming the wall so and I tackled him.

That's not what happened brother you with me? That's not what happened but Sor I'm not I'm not I'm not going M be EMS uh can I get you that 10 I just bled out from not bleeding. it's just this stupid dumb I to tell you well could you not hear me? Nope sorry I believe my radio cut out can I like I have no injuries nothing and I just I just bled out like do I mean dude I said I have the keys and he's not understanding what me to tell you I'm scuffed I can't I can't I can't when you're scuffed you can't open the cars up. you can't start the cars. You can't do anything.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “The grinch ruins gta christmas!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @scrolloftownportal says:

    Being incapacitated simulator

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @H0rstHantelbank says:

    the ems chicks were just looking to be offended holy

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @maybark2012 says:

    El Goblino V2

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Nikocado.Avocado says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nickshamas says:

    It's THE GROBLIN !👺!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @harkare1071 says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @colbyjackcheeser says:

    AI art in thumbnail, yikes

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nandraaprianto5026 says:

    You are mean one mr.grinch

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Zenturion says:

    "Open the tronk or I'm going to bonk" my new favourite line

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @fuckthegreens says:

    Am waiting for the Grinch to juice the Christmas spirit out of me.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @CarboyXXX says:

    This is what I imagine a french canadian grinch would be like

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @chawrx3 says:

    normal RP

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Destiny-pf6jv says:

    the "i hope you dont make it" in the hospital had me dead 😂😂😂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SteubeMan says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @VulturousStuff says:

    Top level rp it's like he's the real character.

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