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#xQc #JFK #conspiracy

Ch what's up Wendy Goon Hey everybody! So I was doing research for the iceberg and kept coming across like weird Shady government stuff and uh, a lot of it made me think about JFK and then I was like I haven't given my crazy conspiracy rant on him yet so this is that. I say that mostly as a joke. uh to me, JFK is one of the most obvious coverups that have ever happened in history ever. Uh, to the point that there is government records and uh, committies made who say without a shadow of a doubt that it was a conspiracy.

So I thought what better way to illustrate that than with a whiteboard? So bear with me and I am going to show you exactly how JFK was killed and who killed him. What I'm going to do is start with the official telling of events so we can establish how the official report of everything that happened went and then from there I can pick it apart and we can see what than likely happened or at least what probably happened that certain government groups don't want us to to know about. I'm trying to get past the minute, uh, monetization time before I say the specific word but uh yeah, we'll get there I Hope that you all can appreciate real art when you see it. To give the official retelling of events on November 22nd, 196 I'm interested now I'm interested.

Give a minute CH Hey chill out. hey chill out I'm interested Kennedy Has it been past a minute? It's probably been past minute the CIA the CIA killed John F Kennedy Like hilarious ly so, but we'll get to that 1963 Uh, November 22nd John F Kennedy and his wife Jackie are going through Dallas on a motorcade in the middle of a big Dallas parade. It was part of his whole reelection campaign. Right in front of them was the governor of Texas and his wife basically Mr and Mrs Connelly In the front row was CIA agents uh O, Connelly and Greer Greer was driving.

The official telling of events goes something like this: Lee Harvey Oswald F fired three shots. The first one was A is this: Use the patreon money to get better markers. The first shot, jeez, this guy was a Miss supposedly bouncing off the pavement and hitting a bystander who we'll talk about in a minute. The second shot supposedly hit John F Kennedy in the back of the neck.

The bullet then went through his neck NE hit John Connelly the governor who was sitting in front of him in the back right below the scapula. It then shot through so let me draw this out. bounced through him into his chest, shot out the front of his chest, hit his arm and then shot down into his knee and came out as a perfectly intact bullet. This is that the official name given to it during the court trials is the Magic Bullet Theory.

This is why in the famous Zuder film in which you can see Triple Collateral IRL from High Ground man bro, this makes this makes Cod look like a mini game Dude the assass. he's leaned over like this holding his neck because he had just been shot in the neck. Finally the third shot came hitting JFK in the back of the head and killing him while making his Escape out of the bookstore. John F Kennedy ran into a uh police officer.
He then pulled a revolver and shot the police officer twice, killing him. Which I mean after you shot the President, you might as well add the Cherry to it I Guess it was later found out that Lee Harvey Oswald had communist sympathy ties. As a matter of fact, he tried to renounce his US citizenship some years back and everyone was happy initially like yep, that's the guy that did it. Don't have to worry about anything else.

The Warren Commission which was the board that was put together to make sure everything that I just described actually happened came back after short deliberation and said yep Lee Harvey Oswald was the only shooter and it was not some grander conspir iracy and we can all okay I Have a question guys, why didn't they speed up after the first bullet? uh, hit something and they heard a shot. Why didn't there a bunch of questions I have here books on this one so let me tell you why that's wrong. I'll go ahead and say this to be generous. I Do believe Lee Harvey Oswald was one of the shooters.

However, there is not a doubt in my mind that he was not the only shooter. so let me explain. Remember that first shot that I mentioned that was supposedly a Miss But what happened is that that bullet skipped off the ground, shot to the other side of the street and hit a man who was standing about 100 yards out whose name was James T Oh H people so we can keep track, it's our man JT James Teague Stopped Uh, was watching the motorc go by which then a bullet skipped off the concrete and hit him in the cheek. You can even see pictures of that skid mark on the ground from the bullet that came up and hit him the supposed first shot.

However, the big big problem to this is Jane Te's personal testimony. See, he was walking by the street as the parade was going by and he didn't take much care for it. The reason he stopped and turned to face the motorcade was because he heard a gunshot A Now if he heard a gunshot, took time to stop and turn, how did him? There is no way the first shot was the same one that hit him, but it would make sense if it was the second or the third or more after that. The reason everyone and the official report sticks with three shots is because there were three shell casings from Lee Harvey Oswal's window as well as three at least confirmed bullets on the ground.

However, JT's testimony here messes all that up and his isn't the only one. The governor who got shot along with Kennedy John con says the exact same thing. He says that there is not a doubt in his mind nor his wife's that the bullet that hit Kennedy and him was two separate shots. Keep in mind it's called the magic bullet theory for a reason.

There's no no way the bullet followed that whole trajectory and just stayed together perfectly fine. What makes more sense is that it was two separate shots. However, Lee Harvey Oswald was using a 65 mm bolt action Carcano Rifle Not get all the details of it, but it is literally impossible to fire a bolt action rifle in the amount of time between what would be Kennedy getting hit and the governor getting hit. The space between the two shots was long enough that they could tell a difference in when each of them was hit, but not fast enough for someone to rechamber around and get a second shot off.
That would makes sense unless there was a second shooter somewhere off to the other side. I Video chat, but this needs a bit of visuals I Wish it was like a a transparent thing over here that show what a bolt action is, what it does right and am of time it takes for chambering it and shoot again. I Would you show on that? Stick with me here for a second. I Was trying to draw him on a hill but it looks like he's got really big legs.

We're going to keep it anyway if Texas Red here was off on the other side of the road firing shots toward the motor. K to then one of his shots could have crossed through, striking the President in the neck and continuing which would make more sense why Kennedy was hit in the neck, bent forward and then one of Lee Harvey Oswell shots hit the governor in the back. This is a direct quote from former Governor John Conell there is my absolute knowledge and Nell's two: that one bullet caused the President's first wound and that an entirely separate shot struck. So where would our man Texas Red be standing? Most of you are probably familiar with the famous Pruder film which is the film that is famous for being the one in which JFK gets killed.

However, there was another view. There was another camera on the other side of the street that was recording that day that was filming the motorcade from the other direction. In it, everyone who has watched that film has said they can see with absolute certainty puff of gunm smokes appearing from the opposite side of the street on what appears to be a grass null. Not only that, but these puffs of smoke are in time with the times that bullets struck the motorcade.

So now you may be asking yourself, what do you mean people who have seen this other film and that's the fun part In 1976, a group was formed called the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Now you may be asking why in 1976, 13 years after the President's death did they form a committee just to talk about this event? And it's because it came out that the CIA was purposefully hiding information regarding the assassination. Not only that, but they planned after this trial was over to have a trial for the CIA directors that allowed the information to go missing. The original reason that this House Select Committee came together is because new technology was found in ' 76 that analyzed this data more closely using audiograph equipment and this is my interpretation of that.
They managed to pull the audio from the original sub film and picked out that there were six shots fired in this amount of time of the film not the original thought. Out 3 They were so reliant on this that as I mentioned before, they made a whole Committee just to relook at all this information you may be asking yourself, well, what happened to the other film and all the information and that's the best part. The day after they used that other film footage to determine that there was a second shooter, it all disappeared over night from a CIA lockup to which they said that someone probably stole it along with all the other evidence that proved that something was wrong with this picture. Really.

Despite that, once the committee had finished their whole proceedings, this is the official statement they gave. In the end, the committee believes on the basis of the evidence available to it that President John F Kennedy was probably assassinated as the result of a conspiracy. The committee is unable to identify the other gunmen or the extent of the conspiracy that is a government organization coming together and saying spooky stuff. Something definitely weird happen.

We know that something was up, but what makes me think it's a C Wait a minute wait minut so so tell you tell me that. Okay, so they did like. we investigated ourselves and actually we're not innocent. Something happened L W would you don't know what it is? Ha.

Moving on. Happ Well this this is a whole other Rabbit Hole to go down but John F Kennedy was in big support of the CIA until a little thing called the Bay of Pigs happened. He was very upset with them after the fact and supposedly said to the White House staff committee if it was up to me I would take the CIA break them into a, pieces and throw them into the wind. The CIA obviously didn't like that and for those who know anything about him, they have a tendency to start to follow their own directive when president or State's heads don't agree with it.

I Mean for evidence, just look at like the 60s drug crisis or sending guns to South America but we, we won't talk about that anyway. So going with this idea that John F Kennedy was going to do something about the CIA if not U expose them for what they have already done. It stands to reason they want to do something about it. Also, keep in mind an interview that JFK did a couple months before the shooting.

He said that there were scary things happening in US politics and that there were secret societies planning to take over. uh, democracy and government systems. And yeah, so we have the motive. but what about the evidence? As I've already mentioned, the CIA lost all the data the day after to honest prove that this guy was actually there.

Aside from that, at the least, their handling of John F Kennedy's motorcade was hilariously bad. For example, they plotted out the map that John F Kennedy would follow and they determined that there were 20,000 open windows that the car drove by and that there were so many windows that they just shouldn't cover any of them. Has got to be the worst compromise I've ever heard. Man, there's a lot of Windows.
We're going to have to do a lot of work or we could. not. Also keep in mind what I mentioned earlier Greer and OK Conor The two CIA agents who were in the front of the car as soon as the first shot rang out Greer did not try to run away or drive away or anything else at standard of CIA training, he brought the car down to a 7 mph speed and him and OK coner punched forward and put their shoulders up. It's so weird that Jackie Kennedy even came out afterwards and said he was behaving extremely oddly during the whole thing.

To adequately explain the rest of this, I need to bring in another character. The Umbrella Man. The Umbrella Man has become a famous figure in all the theories surrounding JFK and there's good reason for it. In the middle of a sunny day in Dallas right as the President's murder, you can see a man in the Zuder film who is holding up an umbrella in front of the motor cave.

Not only that, but he is standing directly in front of the position Lee Harvey Oswald was in front of and as he's standing there, JFK passes by to which he lifts his umbrella and immediately the first shot ring out if that is not a man on the ground signal signaling that it's the motorcade or giving the all clear to fire I don't know what is to top it off. Immediately after JFK died, there are pictures of this guy simply shutting his umbrella and sitting down at the curb. Keep in mind everyone else is freaking out, running around screaming and this Gu just was like, well, yep, during the House Select Committee On Assassinations, they were trying to figure out about this guy because obviously that's very weird and someone should probably figure out what happened here. To which the CIA brought in a man wearing a suit holding an umbrella.

The man walks into the court and goes, ah, I am the umbrella man and this is that umbrella and the judge went. Seems all right to me. There was no double check, there was no followup. They're like that man has an really CH chat.

Is this all accurate? CH According to like data and reports and all that, he's got my vote. There's also rumors and speculation that that man was a former CIA agent. However, I couldn't find anything concrete on that. so I'm going to let that part slide, but it's weird either way.

Also, in 1966, they tried to re-evaluate JFK's autopsy and his brain was missing. like after the initial autopsy. They took the brain out and preserved it and no one's been able to find it since. So I make it that what you will I have no idea of why they would do that.

Also, the initial Warren Commission which was the first one that happened immediately after this uh, that determined that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only shooter and he acted alone was made almost entirely up of CIA members who as it was proved later suppressed in information. There's a few things I want to just prove really quick to kind of emphasize this point. For one, one of the main theories that is prevailing through all this is that the did and while I'm sure the mob hated JFK uh I Don't see why a mob murder would be covered up to the degree that this was obviously and proven to be covered up by the CIA Like if the mob killed JFK and assuming the CIA wants him dead, that's the perfect ride off, they could just say yep, mob did it. That's cool rather than having to do all the Shady tactics around.
A lot of people also point to Jack Ruby the man who ran up and shot Lee Harvey Oswald as being for the M because his family depts were paid off. but you know who else would probably pay off Family debts? I'll give you a hint, it starts with CIA The other popular idea is that the KGB did it U Obviously that is the initial idea. interesting. I Get it now.

I Get it. Get it. Oh, what is that the New York Times the umbrella man. Is this the guy right guys? I Get it.

I Got the video like I I got the of it in December 1967 John Upd was writing Talk of the Town for the New Yorker you know I not CH CU I feel I'm The Substitute Teacher Dude and we're at of cont D and I'm rolling this documentary that we will never go forever again that is not on the test and it's just some staller but you still excited to watch because you don't have to do any school work dude. And he spent most of the That Talk of the Town column talking about the Umbrella Man. He said that his learning of the existence of the Umbrella Man made him speculate that in historical research, there may be a dimension similar to the quantum dimension in physical reality. huh? He, if you put any event under a microscope, you will find a whole dimension of completely weird incredible things going on.

Okay, it's as if there's the macro level of historical research where things sort of obey natural laws and usual things happen and unusual things don't happen. And then there's this other level where every everything is really weird CH what you say CH it doesn't make sense CH because a lot a bunch of like mathematical things don't don't apply in the quantum realm and things are have their own like things that things are different yo that's what it means is that simultaneously it's the same Nov 22nd for it's it rained the night before but everything cleared by about 9 or 9:30 in the morning. So if you were looking at very is photographs of the motorcade route and the crowds gathered there, you will have noticed nobody's wearing a raincoat. Nobody has an open umbrella.

Why? Because it's a beautiful day, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. and then I Yo chat is this to it has 10 million views on on YouTube and it's even backed by some context. I Noticed in all of Dallas there appears to be exactly one person standing under an open black umbrella is the leg to the Sun and that person is standing where the shots begin to rain into yo bro the lousine. Let us call him the umbrella man.
Did you name the umbrella man? Yes, you can see him in the certain frames from the Zuder film standing right there by the St freeway sign. There are other still photographs taken from other locations in De Plaza which show the whole man standing under an open black umbrella the only person under any umbrella in all of Dallas standing right at the location where all the shots come into the limousine. Can anyone come up with a nonsister explanation for this? So I probably What is r this guy This seconds but didn't speculate about what it meant or got into any of the conspiracy theories because everybody else got into the conspiracy theories. There was one wing nut who published a book with a diagram of the umbrella that that's what I thought happened.

Chat. that's that's I thought happened when you guys I thought this guy was a shooter and he had a gun inside. That's what I thought the umbrella was rigged so that there was an Aiming device and there was a rocket tube that you could fire a flet directly into Kennedy's throat. The umbrella man is the real assassin.

That was the idea that was the source of the hole in the throat, folks, right? Mm Well, I asked that the umbrella man come forward and explain this right? So he did. He came forward and he went to Washington with his umbrella and he testified in 1978 before the House Select Committee on Assassinations. He explained then why he had opened the umbrella and was standing there that day. The open umbrella was a kind of protest.

a visual protest. It wasn't a protest of any of John Kennedy's policies as president. it was a protest at the appeasement policies of Joseph P Kennedy John Kennedy's father when he was ambassador to the court of St James in 1938 and 39. it was a referenced to Neville Chamberlain's umbrella.

What? Okay, okay, okay, okay. I don't know what the the are real. Okay, but okay. I don't which one's a real this one is Cap I read that and I thought this is just wacky enough.

it has to be true and I take it to be true. What it means is that if if you have any fact which you think is really Sinister right is really obviously a fact which can only point to some Sinister underpinnings. Hey, forget it man, because you can never on your own, think up all the nons Sinister Perfectly valid explanations for that fact. A cautionary Tale This guy's bugging de ass.

All right well I I don't know what this video proved what it said I know which this guy's bugging the I'm just saying dude I watch the whole thing I think that he bugging yo this is X x on the be yo okay you he my voice as well. that s anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so s anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so s.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “The jfk assassination conspiracy”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris long says:

    Hahaha!!! Hilarious nonsense

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alec Collins says:

    What brought me here? No really, I've forgotten.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stumme-40203 says:

    The magic bullet is like someone completely failed a quick time event.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silenttoxic707 says:

    Now pay Wendigoon every little penny that you got from this video you pleb

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corrin Kamui says:

    Oswald had ties to the CIA, Soviet and Cuba… I do believe he was a shooter but I don't believe he was the only one. The shot to the head came from the front, and then Oswald shot him in the back of the head. Cuz they found blood and fragments on the back of the car and to the left of the car. If the first shot was to the back of the head the debris and blood would have only flown forward. But it went both ways, pretty much a half circle

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Lokenall says:

    What's a Wendigoon? Lol. "I don't understand." Lol. Jesus christ. And yes, this is all true.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cameronn says:

    the reasoning for the umbrella man make no ducking sense this guy is smoking dick

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marco Martz says:

    "What is a wendigoon?" Amazing question

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miles Bellefleur says:

    It wasn't the CIA or Lee Harvey Oswald it actually was Alex Mason

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Subtle Prelude says:

    so in the end, is all of it fake, the lee harvey guy was the only culprit, and the cia are actually good guys or are the conspiracy theories true.

    i don't get it, yeah yeah im dumb whatever, idc, i just need a yes or a no whether the cia has any part in it because half the chat supports the conspiracy theory and other half are spamming schizo so idk who tf is right

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aðalbjört says:

    Real talk, I think he got some documents or learned something he shouldn't have about why the gov't is so insistent on a capitalist society beyond, "da devil billionaires are at it again!" & they didn't want his brain gone over in 100 years with crazy tech to recover his memories. insane but who knows lmao

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wyatt L says:

    the biggest thing that makes this a conspiracy to me is that the car was immediately cleaned off after it happened. literal destruction of evidence.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leo Rojas says:

    What about pigeons 🐦🐦

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars caz kelly says:

    CIA released documents admitting they killed him its not even a conspiracy now.

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