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Hello chat, hello chat I'm glad you just tuned in. Okay, let me let me explain it. Um this Lemo guy makes videos that are like um like stories informative about like some scary stuff that happens or whatever right? and um Isheim the best new Joker film sometimes I watch them sometimes I don't right? but this one is about JFK and it's it's pretty interesting. um the is why I think it's interesting um I don't know why I'm pring this chat is because I'm telling why I'm watching it is that um I used to not give a about any of this but then the one time with chat I watched a um a guy who was talking about the evidence and and whatever happened in a way that was like he was making like some points were so outrageous in the way things happened they was making like a mocker out of it right? Wendon? yeah and I saw one on my own and I was even more like kind of kind of Eng globed into the to topic I was like it's kind of interesting so I will watch that chat um I'm not I'm not going to get DHD and I I help.

you won't either and if you do uh please just don't be ad in chat be a ass um I'm watching it okay I'm watching it right now to the side I'll put out on screen um chat is here I'm here. We all here all holding hands right about here in Dallas Texas American President John F Kennedy Was assassinated on November 22nd, 1963. The accused assassin was a man named Lee Harvey Oswal. After being held in custody for less than 2 days, Oswal himself would meet the violent end.

According to a subsequent investigation, Oswal had fired three rounds from the Texas Schoolbook Depal story. Police recovered three shell casings and a bolt action rifle from the sixth floor of the building. But the shooting of Osal sparked immediate suspicions of conspiracy suspicions that persist to this day and have driven most Americans to reject the government's conclusion that Oswal acted alone. The arguments for and against conspiracy take many shapes, forms far too many in fact to do them all.

Justice in a single video in that in this video I Want to zoom in and focus on a very narrow slice of this case. Specifically, the events surrounding the Texas Schoolbook Depal Story: What exactly happened inside this building from where the shots that killed the President are believed have been fired Ken Assassination In September of 1963, a young man named Wesley Frasier received a call from an employment agency. there was a potential job opening at the Texas school book. The Paul Story on September the 13th Fraser Made his way from Irving Texas down to Central Dallas He met with Roy Truy, the superintendent of the building and was hired on the spot back in Irving Frer lived with his older sister Lenie Randall A few houses on the street lived a woman named Ruth Payne On October the 14th, both Randall and Payne had a cup of coffee at the house of a neighbor pay brought along a friend and Russian immigrant named Marina Oswal, the wife of Lee Oswald Marina could barely speak any English and had been staying with Pain for a few weeks partly due to her husband's unemployment.
The subject of Lee looking for work and that he hadn't found work for a week came up while we were having coffee and Mrs Randle mentioned that her younger brother Wesley Frasier thought they needed another person at the Texas schoolbook depository where Wesley worked Paina Marina returned home, spoke with Roy truly over the phone, and secured a job interview on behalf of Lee Oswal. The following morning, he went down to the book The Paul story and began his first day of work on October the 16th. Everything seems fun. So so far so, an acquaintance with whom Oswal's wife was currently staying had a casual conversation with a neighbor.

That neighbor happened to have a brother who recently got employed at the book. The Paul story. This prompted his wife to ask the acquaintance to call the superintendent of the building to inquire about any vacancies. I told Mrs Payne that to send Oswal down and I would talk to him that I didn't have anything in mind for him of a permanent nature, but if he was suited, we could possibly use him for a brief time.

The position was not only temporary, but only existed due to a temporary shortage of Staff it was the end of our fall. Rush If it hadn't existed a week or two weeks longer, or if we had not been using some of our regular boys putting down this plywood floor, we would not have had any need for Leo Oswald at that time, which is a tragic thing for me to think about. but it gets even more tragic because Oswald was not the only one to apply for a job I might have sent Oswald to work in a warehouse two blocks away Oswald and another fellow reported for work on the same day and I needed one of them for the depository building I Picked Oswald if Oswald was somehow entangled in a conspiracy and the aim of that conspiracy was for him to become employed at the book. Paul Story: This roundabout sequence of events is a very strange way to go about it.

Aim was for him to become employed okay of events is a very strange way to go about it. Okay, true, yeah, makes sense, but isn't strange. Good though to build a strong Alibi If it's like kind of far out and kind of crazy I Mean as the name implies, the Texas school book Theal story was in the business of selling books for a Bu 25 an hour. Os's job was to prepare the books for shipping.

He did so by filling out forms and transporting cartons of books between the upper floors and the first. The building had three elevators, two staircases and was seven stories tall in the northwest corner. One stairway and two freight elevators provided access to all seven floors. A small passenger elevator near the front entrance stopped at level four, while stories 1 and two were connected by a second flight of stairs.

Lacking a driver's license, Osal relied on Wesley Fraser to carpool between Irving and Dallas every Friday evening and Monday morning. He spent work days at the rooming house in Dallas while spending the weekends with his wife and daughters in Irving but on Thursday morning November the 21st the day before the assassination, Oswell decided to deviate from this routine. I was standing there on the first floor getting the orders in and Lee said could I ride home with you this afternoon and I said sure, you know like I told you you can go home with me anytime you want to like I say anytime you want to go see your wife That is all right with me Lee had never gone home in the middle of the week before, so I asked him why and he stated that he was going home to get some curtain rods for his apartment I asked if he was going home on Friday as well and he said no Fraser Drove Osal back to Irving where he arrived unannounced at the household of Ruth. Payne Both pay and Marina were surprised to see Oswal on a Thursday.
They assumed he'd come to make amends with Marina due to an argument they had had a few days before. Did your husband give any reason for coming home on Thursday He said that he was lonely because he hadn't come the preceding weekend and he wanted to make his peace with me. Was anything said about curtain rods or his taking curtain rods to Town the following day? No. I didn't have any.

He didn't say anything like that. No, the next day Oswal said goodbye to his wife and left the pain residence about a quar 7. I mean maybe wasn't the point, but that just Devil's Advocate You can say that he's doing that because he didn't want to tell the other guy he had an argument and said he's going back to fix the argument. whatever the right.

He just came up with this in the bedroom he left behind his wedding. RNG Oswald Was next seen walking down the street by Lenie Randall carrying a package. He was soon joined by Fraser and the two of them took a seat in his car to begin their commute. When you got in the car, did you say anything to Oswald or did he say anything to you I Noticed there was a package lying on the back seat I Didn't pay too much attention and I said what's the package Lee and he said curtain rods and I said oh yes, you told me you were going to bring some today Not only was Oswell carrying a lunch package but he'd forgotten to bring a lunch bag when he rode with me.

I See, he always brought lunch except that one day on November 22nd he didn't bring his lunch that day. Right when I got in the car I asked him where was his lunch and he said he was going to buy his lunch that day. they arrived in Dallas a few minutes before 8:00 Typically they would walk together from the parking lot to the book of the Paul story. they observing this particular Friday Osell grabbed his curtain rods and rushed ahe to the building.

Working on the ground floor in view of the rear entrance was their colleague Jack Dty did you see Oswald come to work that morning? Yes When he first came into the door, did he have anything in his hands or arms? Well, not that I could see of Fraser and Dty are the only two people known to have seen. Oswald Entering the building, Fraser says he was carrying a package. Dor says he was not. Contradictions like this one will become a recurring theme throughout the rest of this video.
We'll take a closer look at the missing curtain rods in a later chapter, but for now, let's stay with Oswald and maybe he put it to the side as soon as he got in to leave it there like it's nothing and to pick it back. litter. As the morning progressed, Oswal was seen working as normal. Roy Truly described him as an above average worker who mostly kept himself.

In fact, he was a bit of a straight to his colleagues on the way back and forth between Irving and Dallas. Did you talk very much to each other? No sir, not very much. He was just one of these types that just didn't talk. I Was acquainted with Lee Oswal during the time he was employed at The Book Depository but I never did get to know him well.

He did not mix with the other employees and did not appear to want to make friends with me or any of the others. Did you ever speak to Oswald Yes sir, did he ever speak to you? No sir sir, He never replied to you, no sir, would you say he was unfriendly? Yes sir I would. But there were exceptions to his reticence and one of them occurred on this: Friday morning. James Jarmin was working on the ground floor when he observed Oswell staring at the window facing Elm Street Oswal was standing up in the window and I went to the window also and he asked me what were people gathering around the corner for and I told him that the President was supposed to pass in the morning and he asked me did I know what which way he was coming and I told him yes, he'll probably come down Maine and turn on Houston and then back again on Elm Then he said oh, I see and that was all.

What the how know all that yet fascinating moment. It almost seems as though Oswal had no idea that Kennedy would pass by the book The Paul Story This was indeed the case for some of his colleagues Jarman himself had only been made aware of the fact shortly before he spoke with Oswal. There's no doubt that Oswal knew the President was coming to Dallas but whether he knew the route of the Mo decade is much more difficult to prove the route of the Moade Sor Sor Just a small Pa Pa. So this random employee that that isn't plotting anything knows about the route And like that, and the guy who's plotting this Mega plan that has multiple steps doesn't know about it.

How not of the Mo Deade is much more difficult to prove. The route of the Mo Deade had only been finalized a few days before the visit and hinged upon its destination Kennedy Was supposed to attend a banquet in Dallas but no one could agree on event venue. It came down to two options: the trademark Northwest of downtown or the women's building to the east. One of the more vocal proponents of the trademark was Texas governor John Connelly and after much back and forth, he finally got his way on November the 14th.
Had the women's building been selected, the Moate would have sped through D Plaza East on Main Street significantly further away and perpendicular to the book The Paul story not to mention that First Lady Jacine would have been seated between the buildings and the Precedence. The selection of the trademark meant that the mid would now Head West on Main Street and make these turns through D Plaza to reach the Northbound Lanes on the freeway. Now, these turns could still have been avoided had the Moid continued like so and not taken the freeway, but since the freeway was the more Scenic and expedient route, it was the more attractive Choice All of that is to say the success of the assassination was largely dependent upon the selection of the trademark. It might therefore be tempting to cast suspicion upon Governor Cornelly, but it should be noted that he rode in the Presidential Imine along with the kennedies and suffered grave injuries during the shooting.

Not only that, but Conelly was actually opposed to emotic and favored a more direct route from the airport to the trademark. A brief trip that would have bypassed De PL altogether makes sense. He was unfortunately overruled by Kennedy himself, who wanted to see and be seen by the people of Dallas Okay, so all that was happening behind the scenes, but as far as the public was aware, there wasn't even going to be a moot decade as late as November the 15th, the Dallas Morning News reported that the moade seemed unlikely, but the very next day, the parade was finally confirmed. While the precise route followed by maps and detailed descriptions was not officially disclosed until November the 19th, someone familiar with Dallas could have approximated the route a few days in advance.

That is to say, the the earliest point a member of the public could have deduced that Kennedy would be driven past the book of the Paul story was November the 16th, less than a week before the visit. There's a good chance that Osel saw these articles because he'd been observed reading political columns in the very same newspapers. Furthermore, we know from other aspects of Oswal's life that he was politically inclined. Well, I have a study Marxist Philosophy yes sir, and also other philosophers.

But are you a Marxist I Think you did admit on an earlier radio interview you that you that you consider yourself a Marxist I Would very definitely say that I Uh I uh am a Marxist That is correct, but that does not mean however, I'm a communist. What is the difference between the two? Well, there's a great deal of difference. Several Uh American parties in several countries are based on Marxism such as Gana Uh Ghana Uh. Certain countries have characteristics of a socialist system, such as: Great Britain with its socialized medicine.
Uh. These then are the differences between an outright communist country and countries which adhere to leftist or Marxist principles. Conversely, a lack of interest in politics is precisely why at least one of Fil's colleagues remained oblivious to the moade. So, while it's understandable for someone a political to be Tak just a question, a question isn't Technically When you go with that path in practice, it'll that line will be less blurry and more mixed than one separating to the other by a presidential visit it makes or lessons for someone like Osw.

No Okay gotcha. On November 21st, the day before the assassination that you were describing. Was there any discussion between you and your husband about President Kennedy's trip or proposed trip to Texas Dallas and the Fort Worth area. I Asked Lee whether he knew where the president would speak and told him that I would very much like to hear him and to see him.

I Asked him how this could be done, but he said he didn't know how to do that and didn't enlarge any further on the subject had there ever been. This was also somewhat unusual. His lack of desire to talk about that subject any further. How did you think it was unusual? Could you explain that the fact that he didn't talk a lot about it? He merely gave me said something as an answer and did not have any further comments.

Do you mean by that Usually he would discuss a matter of that kind and show considerable interest. Yes, of course he would have told me who would be there and where this would take place. We'll never know what Oswald was thinking when he spoke with James Jarm shortly before the assassination. But it is worth repeating though, that Oswal was hired on October the 15th.

That's a full month before the Mo Gidra had been decided, let alone announced to the public. D that's tough It's a good video. It's good topic too. I think I mean these are pretty big separate events.

On the morning of November the 22nd, a handful of employees have been assigned to install a new plywood floor on the sixth floor of the book. The Paul Story Every once in a while, they would catch a glimpse of Oswal I saw Lee Oswald Shortly before lunchtime, he was by himself with a piece of paper in his hand. I Had nothing to say to him, but some of the other male employees teased him and told him he ought to go get a haircut. Lee Oswald Just laughed at this remark.

Shortly before noon, it was time for lunch. for a bit of fun, they decided to race the two elevators down the ground level. As they began descending, they observed Oswell Now standing on the fifth floor, he shouted for them to stop or to close the gate to The elevator. Upon reaching the first floor.
Charles Given then realized he'd forgotten his jacket and cigarettes up on the sixth floor about to return to ground level. given spotted Osel approaching Lee was coming from the window up front where the shots were fired from. Did you watch where he walked to? Well no sir I didn't pay much attention I was getting ready to get on the elevator and I say boy, are you going downstairs What did he say to you I say it's near lunchtime and he said no sir, when you get downstairs, close the gate to the elevator That meant the elevator on the West Side you can pull both gates down and it'll come up by itself. What else did he say? That is all I said okay and got on the elevator and with that given became the last person inside the book.

Theal story known to have seen Oswal before the assassination. at least that's the official story. ch ch I Wish we knew more about about the context of how a day in that building goes. Like is it normal for people to go down and say say close close a thing, Are they closing shop for the day like it's kind of.

It's kind of hard. Was fixed at 11:55 more than half an hour before the shooting, but other employees claimed to have seen Oswald in other parts of the building around the same time or even later than Given. Given himself provided conflicting accounts, but I'm getting ahead of myself. This encounter notwithstanding, Given was not the last person to visit the sixth floor shortly after Given had left.

Bonnie Williams grabbed his lunch and went upstairs. He sat down right about here to wait the President's arrival. Now, when you were sitting by the window, could you see down towards the southeast? Corner No sir. I couldn't see anything as I remember there About the only thing that I could see from there would be the top edge of the window because the boxes were stacked up.

Did you see anyone else up there that day? No. I did not. The southeast corner is the location from where the shots that kill the President are believed have been fired The so called snipers Nest William says he was alone but admits his view was obstructed by tall stacks of B boxes. Meanwhile, entrance, Someone was attempting to gain access to the building.

I Met an elderly white man at the entrance of the building who asked me to direct him to a restroom. The man was very old and feeble and could hardly make it up the steps. About 5 minutes later, I Saw this man leave the building and enter an old Buick automobile with three elderly white women. Uh, the Buick then drove away.

Did you see him talk to anyone in the building? No. he went straight out. This individual was never identified and is the only unknown person known to have enter the book The P story before the shooting after finishing his lunch up on the sixth floor. Bonnie Williams heard the voices of James Jarm and Harold Norman emanating from the floor below.
Feeling a bit lonely Williams went down okay, hold up okay, hold up Jarm and Harold Norman eminating. This guy doesn't hear a guy, that's too Windows to his right with a sniper installing and like moving around on the boxes, but he hears people talking from from a an entire Level under from the floor below. Feeling a bit lonely Williams Went down to the fifth floor and joined his two colleagues. The exact time of William's departure is unclear, but it was likely no more than 10 or even 5 minutes before the shooting.

On the grounds below, a sea of Spectators lined the streets of Elman Houston. Every once in a while, one of them would glance up at the book of the PA story. Indeed, Jarman Williams and Norman responded on multiple occasions, leading at the far East windows on the fifth floor, but movement could also be seen on the floor above them, a floor that by all accounts was now supposed to be empty awaiting the mot deade. By the East curb of Houston was a young, newly wet couple named Arnold and Barbara Roland.

Some 15 minutes before the shooting, Arnold spotted a white man in the westernmost window on the sixth floor of the book. The Paul Story The man was holding a rifle. his gase locked at Houston despite standing a few meters away from an officer. Arnold chose not to report the gunman.

Did it ever enter your mind that you should go and tell the policeman of this sight or this Vision that you had seen. Really, it didn't. It never entered your mind I Never dreamed of anything such as that. I mean I Must honestly say my opinion was based on movies I have seen on the attempted assassination of Theodore Roosevelt and the other one Franklin Roosevelt and both of these had secret servicemen up in Windows or on top of the buildings with rifles and this is how my opinion was based and why I didn't alarm me.

Perhaps if I'd been older and and had more experience in life Different? it's A even though it's a good point I Still think sometimes when something that is a little bit extraordinary in life, you talk about it with whoever you're with. If there, if you see somebody with a gun or rifle out of anybody in the street or in the building, see with a rifle, it could be a topical conversation that you have with somebody next to you. Oh yeah, IAL I Spoke about that and and we spoke about it not talking about it even mentioning it. I think it's kind of uh, I don't know, that's that's this is my thoughts.

Do you ever have reoccurring dreams? sir? What do you ever have reoccurring dreams? Yes, this is a reoccurring dream of mine, sir all the time. What if I told someone about it I knew about it enough in advance and perhaps it could have been prevented I mean this is something which shakes me up at times. If Roland's recollection is accurate, it stands in direct conflict with that of Bonnie Williams who claimed to have eaten lunch on the same floor at the same time. Williams Neither saw nor heard anyone despite having an unobstructed view down to the southwest corner of the building where Roland claimed to have seen the gunman.
A few minutes later, a different spectator named Howard Brennan spotted a white man pacing to and fro the Easter most window on the sixth floor. At half 12, the presidential Imine emerged from behind a building and began driving north on. Houston. As the car made a sharp left turn at Elm, a high school student named Amos Yans glanced up at the book of the Paul story and caught sight of a protruding metal rod.

No way he hits that few realized what had happened. Was it a fire? C CER backfiring motorcycle or presidential salute? People near the Rolland even started laughing, perhaps feeling a bit foolish for being frightened by the ostensibly harmless explosion standing by the northwest corner of Elman Houston was James Warl. He thought the explosion had come from directly overhead. Sure enough, on one of the upper floors, Warl could see the barrel of a gun.

at that moment. a second explosion echoed through De Plaza Warl and Uan witnessed The Recoil and muscle flash of the rifle in concurrence with the sound. Brennan Had yet to realize what was happening. he thought a firecracker had been thrown from the book.

The Paul Story He looked up and the man Heen pacing only minutes before was now aiming down the sights of a rifle. It's not known for sure, but it is believed that President Kennedy has been shot President Kennedy and Texas Governor John Conley shot by an assass. No, that shot is insane. Could only recall hearing two shots, but his Jack Jack guns are aren't like movies.

that shot is insane I Get it, people, shoot pigeons and what. It's a good shot. Dude testimony implies he might have heard three. He confusingly said he saw the gunman fire the last shot, yet denied seeing the discharge of the rifle.

Wait, sorry, sorry, sorry. Yet denied seeing the discharge of the rifle. In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, the rifle was seen by a handful of witnesses as the gunman cautiously withdrew from the window. The rifle or what looked like a rifle was drawn fairly slowly back into the building and I saw no one in the window with it.

I didn't even see a form in the window I could see his hand, you know, the rifle Laying across his hand and I could see his hand sticking out on the trigger P After he got through, he just pulled it back in the window. He drew the gun back from the window as though he was drawing it back to his side and maybe paused for another second as though to assure himself that he HD his Mark and then he disappeared. Neither U nor Warl saw the face of the gunman and could thus suffer little to know information regarding his appearance. Arnold Was quite some distance away, yet furnished a basic description of the man he'd seen about quarter of an hour before the shooting, a description that was quite similar to the one provided by Brandon who got the back.
Let look at the gunman taken together. Okay, this is a build of like the average perc at the time. This accounts paint a picture of an assassin on the sixth floor of the book The PA Story taking aim with a rifle and firing at the precedent from the sniper Nest But other accounts leave room for a bit of Doubt Still important as previously mentioned Arnold Roland Spotted a white man with a rifle in the westmost window on the sixth floor about a quarter past 12, but as late as 5 minutes before the shooting Arnold observed an elderly black man leaning out the Easter most window on the same floor. He might have confused the sixth floor with the fifth where James jarm Bonnie Williams and Harold Norman didn't inde he lean out the windows.

In fact, they were the only black employees known to watch the out the Gade from a floor above the first. except they could hardly be described as elderly. But then take a listen to this. Will you describe with as much particularity as you can what that man looked like? It seemed to me an elderly black man.

That is about all. I didn't pay very much attention to him. This question was then repeated to Arnold a few minutes later, at which point his answer had dramatically changed. He was very thin.

Um, an elderly gentleman bald or practically bald. Very thin hair if he wasn't bald. had on a plan shirt I think it was red and green. Very bright color.

That is why I Remember it. Can you give us an estimate as to age 50? possibly 55 or 60? Can you give us an estimate as the height 58 510 in that neighborhood? He was very slender, very thin. chat. What was the color of the two black dudes in the friend before? What were the color of their shirts? Say it.

Say most people don't even know, don't even remember it. This is it's it's hard. It's hard to remember. Like when you're not paying attention to details and you're not giving a task us, it's it's hard to remember that man.

Can you give us a more definite description as to complexion? Very dark or fairly dark? Not real dark compared to some black men, but fairly dark. Seemed like his face was either. I Can't recall detail, but it was either very wrinkled or marked in some way. So in the span of a few minutes Arnold went from I didn't pay very much attention to describing the man's complexion, hair, clothing, age, height, build, and even the blemishes on his face.

Sometimes Some people are prone to exaggerate more than others and without in any way meaning to take away from the testimony of your husband as to what he saw in the building at the time. just from your general experience. Do you feel you can rely on everything that your husband says I Don't feel that I can rely on everything anybody says? Well, Well, this is really an unfair question for me to ask any wife about her husband and I am not asking it very correctly, but at times my husband is prone to exaggerate. Does that answer it? I Think it does.
Is there anything else you want to add to that or not? Usually his exaggerations are not concerned with anything other than himself. They're usually to boost his ego. They usually say that he is really smarter than he is. so so just just a something like that.

That's questioning was Barbara was not alone in doubting her husband's credibility. Officials at two separate high schools attended by Arnold explicitly warn authorities not to trust everything he says. He was characterized as someone who would not hesitate to fabricate a story and not tell the truth regarding any matter indeed. Roland lied or exaggerated.

on multiple occasions when he testified, another witness who claimed to have seen a gunman in the book The Paul story was Carolyn Walter Shortly before the arrival of the Moade, Walter had seen seen a man with blonde or light brown hair in one of these windows on the fourth or fifth floor She explicitly rolled at the sixth. It should be noted, however, that during the shooting, this window was closed with the blinds down. while this one, as you already know, was occupied by Bonnie Williams and Herold Norman Oh, it makes sense. In any case, the light-haired man seen by Walter was holding a machine gun and standing beside him was another man wearing a brown suit much like Arnold Roland Walter assumed the gunman was a Presidential guard and refrained from telling the police.

In fact, there's no evidence she told anyone of what she'd seen, not even the colleague with whom she watched Otate. In Walter's defense, two other Witnesses recall seeing a man with light or light brown hair on the fifth or sixth floor, except they never saw a weapon nor an accomplice. This agreements regarding the floors were at least in part due to the ground floor lacking visible. Windows Hold up, just pause.

Pause. It's hard to visualize this without knowing what what the windows are like. Where the sun is at, what kind of light reflection you're looking at, the angle it. this is.

how do you know matter. sixth floor sixth floor rather than the fifth floor? I went with the FBI and I showed him the window and I didn't count the bottom floor? You mean the first time you gave a statement, you didn't count the bottom floor? That's right. Another source of confusion was the distinct visual difference between the seventh floor and the ones below. When you first glance at the building, you're thrown off a little as to the floors because there's a ridge.

It almost looks like a structure added on to the top of the building about one story above. So you have to recount not only that, but multiple. Witnesses describe the sixth floor as the second floor from the top, but in the chaos that ensued, it seems the tail end of that sentence was not always recorded. What a is.
Vian is another curious witness because even though he never saw the gunman's face, he did see the top of his head somehow. What did you see in the building I Saw a ball Spot On this man's head trying to look out the window. He had a ball spot on his head. I was looking at the ball spot Oswald did not have a ball spot.

He was thinning a bit in the front, but otherwise had a full head of hair. But the strength of Yan's account is somewhat diminished by his inability to recall much of anything else. Could you tell whether he was a black gentleman or a white man? No sir, couldn't even tell that. but you have described that he had a ball b in his head.

Yes sir. I could see the ball spot in his head now. Could you tell what color hair he had? No sir. could you tell whether his hair was dark or light? No sir.

Long after the assassination. 15 years to be precise. a journalist working for the Dallas sounds more than the other guys H named Johnny Powell Powell had supposedly seen two men fiddling with a scope and a rifle in the sniper Nest He described their complexion as darker than white, but uh, that was about it. Once again, one has to wonder if he confused the gunman with Jarm Williams and Norman on the floor below.

I Mean after 15 years of Silence, there's no telling of Howell's memory could have been distorted. A good example of such Distortion is Richard Carr A few minutes before the shooting car had been standing roughly here when he spotted a man on the seventh floor of the book. The Paul Story all the way over here. The man was white and wore a hat, glasses, and sport coat.

In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, car returned to ground level and caught sight of what he believed to be the same man now trotting South on Houston He made a left turn right about here before being picked up by a station wagon. Okay, in 1969 melee range people can barely tell anything about the Gap toop this guy Eagle I Andy Robotic can know every feature of this guy. However, car story had notably changed. The man with a sport coat had now been standing on the fifth floor, not the seventh.

after the shooting Mr sport coat had emerged from behind the book Depon Story accompanied by two other men They too had been picked up by a separate station wagon before speeding away. It's unclear how car is supposed to have seen all of this considering what he told the FBI Back in ' 64, Car advised that from his location on the steel structure of the new courthouse building, it would have been impossible for him to observe the lower floors and entrance of The Book Depository and that from his position, he could only see the top floor on the roof. In cars defense: James Warl had seen a man emerge from the rear entrance of the book. Theal Story: about 3 minutes after the shooting.
this man also wore a sport coat and headed south on Houston except the man seen by car was kind of stocky and wore a hat while the man seen by War had a slender build and was hatless. Besides, anyone connected with the shooting leaving via the the rear entrance would surely have headed north, not towards the scene of the crime. As if that was not enough, two other Witnesses James RAC and George Rackley stood roughly here for several minutes after the shooting. Both of them paid special attention to the rear entrance of the building.

Mr RAC stated that from the time he heard the shots, he looked toward The Book Depository and had under his immediate observation the loading dock and the back door. He stated he is positive that no one came out of the door or out of the loading dock doors could you see the back door of the Texas School Book Depository yes, Were you looking towards that direction? Yes sir, about how long did you keep your eyes fixed over there? Oh I would say 5 minutes Anyhow, probably 10. I was looking up that way at all times. Did you see any people leave the Texas schoolbook depository by way of the rear exit? No sir, did you see any people rning running North on Houston Street No sir.

Unfortunately, conflicting accounts were not limited to the book. The Paul Story: Among the hundreds of Witnesses in the vicinity of D Plaza, nothing was as disputed as the number and origin of the gunshots. Governor Cony was holding his stomach what the is happening here simultaneously? Weren't they? Yeser they were probably 10 seconds. You know who fired the third shot I didn't hear a third I I don't recall a third shot.

There may have been that we hit my family hit the ground and I don't recall a third shot uh I just couldn't I'm not certain of that. I do know I heard two shots I heard three I know they heard three Yeah I said to Jerry after the second shot I said my God those are gunshots it's also hard I CU I'm I'm pretty sure if you fire a shot from that from that position, you're going to have echo on the other buildings and sound and some will. F Echo Literally Echo might make you think it's two shots. No, No one knows exactly how many Spectators were in or needid Plaza At the time of the assassination, well over 200 were, at some point questioned by a combination of authorities, journalists, and others.

Attempts have been made to consolidate the various accounts, and it's clear from all such attempts that the majority of witnesses heard three shots. What's a bit less clear is the source of the explosions. The gunman was either placed in the vicinity of the book The Paul story mark here in red or an area west of the building marked in Green known as the grassy null but attempts to assess direction of G B on ear. This testimony a man.

I Back in the days, there's something in the water. everybody's on drugs I I'm over it dude. this is this is already stupid enough. This is this is just brain dead man.
As you can see from these pie charts, the assessment of ear witness testimony is is highly susceptible to bias. It's a surprisingly subjective exercise that can lead to widely different results. Nevertheless, there were a substantial number of witnesses who pointed to the Grassy Null located roughly here, and many of them were scattered throughout the plaza. To give you some examples: Arcus Campbell Was standing near the front entrance of the book of the P Story.

Yet believe the shots that come from the Grassy Null. Meanwhile, Marilyn Sitzman was standing on the Grassy Null. Yet believe the shots to come from the book The P Story Standing beside Campbell was a woman named Geraldine Reed who believed the shots had come from the book. The Paul Story Standing by the curb in front of Sitman was William Newman who believed the shots had come from the grassy N.

Oh, it. it's one might think. conclude that there must have been two assassins, one in the book The Paul Story and one of the Grassy Null. Indeed, countless authors and even a congressional investigation have done precisely that.

Now, the scope of this video is not nearly exhaustive enough for me to attempt any conclusions regarding a second gunman. But I Do want to leave you with this: You might have seen these un labeled blue slices before. Well, that's how many witnesses heard gunshots coming from multiple directions. a That is to say next to no one did.

All the shots came either from the east or west. not both. Well chat. This is actually really interesting.

Holy holy chat. I Want to be a ner about this multiple directions B Ony Okay, okay, makes sense from the east or west, not both. I Another read: RS Mr Campell believed the noise came from away from The Book Depository This illusion he explained may have been due to the sound bouncing off the building and other objects in the vicinity. Arus.

Campbell was far from alone in being deceived by the pronounced Echoes of the gunshots. Where did the noises or shots sound to you like they came from? It was hard to tell because they had an echo. You know there was actually two explosions with each one. There was the shot and then the echo from it, so it was hard to tell.

There was too much reverberation. There was an echo which gave me a sound all over. In other words, that square is kind of. It had a sound all over.

Yep. The Sounds came either from up against the school depository building or near the mouth of the triple underpad. I had worked in this Watchtower for some 10 or 12 years and was there during the time they were renovating the school depository building and had noticed at that time the similarity of sounds occurring in either of those two locations. There's a reverberation which takes place from either location.
This auditory illusion was not a fluke. Not only did the building surrounding De Plaza act as an echo chamber, but even experienced Hunters can struggle to pinpoint the number and origin of gunshots by sound alone. Here's a quote from a book topic published a few years before the assassination. Little Credence should be put in what anyone says about a shot or even the number of shots these things coming upon a person suddenly are generally extremely inaccurately recorded in their memory.

One of the authors asked one deer hunter last fall how many shots another Hunter less than 100 yards away had fired. The answer was five. Actually, only two shots were fired. Employees in the the P story were no less confused about the gunshots than the spectators outside.

To give you some examples on the first floor: Eddie Piper Heard three shots that appeared to come from inside the building on the third floor Edna case and Sandra Ellison heard nothing. Meanwhile, Steven Wilson on the same floor heard three shots came from the West What floor Elie Dorman Multiple shots came from this building across the street Victoria Adams Three shots from the West Mary Hollis Three shots inside the building. But what if you were to simulate this and to redo it at the same positions and shoot from the same spots and have people at the same positions and see what they hear and if it matches? Some employes not only heard the shots, but could literally feel the explosions shake the building. It's complicated.

Could you tell where the shots were coming from? Yes sir, they came from inside the building. How do you know that because the building vibrated from the result of the explosion coming in? Did you know they were shots at the time? Yes sir, they sounded almost like cannon shots. They were so terrific. much like Geneva Hine on the second floor.

Bonnie Williams Could feel the explosions up. on the fifth, it sounded the okay. Chad CH Chad This This is true. If you've ever been to a gun range when somebody even even close to you, even across from the hall, shoots a gun, even a rifle, you're going to feel it 100% had been fired from the floor above his colleague.

James Jarman Initially thought the shots had come from somewhere below, but then changed his mind and agreed with Williams Harold Norman Meanwhile, heard far more than gunshots just after the President passed by. I heard a shot and several seconds later I heard two more shots. I Knew that the shots had come from directly above me and I could hear the expended cartridges fall to the floor. I could also hear the bolt action of the rifle.

The explosions shook the building and a piece of loose plaster or dirt was dislodged from the ledge above and struck Williams in the head. Meanwhile, Spectators in the streets below could see them leaning out the windows looking up at the sixth floor. I Just looked straight up ahead of me, which would have been looking at the school. Book Depository and I noticed two black men in a window straining to see directly above them and my eyes followed right up to the window above them and I saw the rifle or what looked like a rifle.
Frightened and somewhat entranced by the pandemonium outside, the three men remained on the fifth floor for several minutes. Meanwhile, the apparent assassin upstairs was now in a Race Against Time Did you hear anything upstairs at all? No sir. I Didn't hear anything. Any footsteps? No sir.

Probably the reason we didn't hear anything is because you know after the shots, we were running too and that was making a louder noise. Why didn't you go up to the sixth floor? I Really don't know. We just never did. think about it.

Maybe you just heard a rifle shot above you. Why? Why didn't you just go melee range and just see what's up? What are you doing? Dude, we were fright. Why did you go? PVP Man Jesus When the shooting began, motorcycle policeman Marian Baker had just made a right turn from Main Street to Houston Baker recognized explosions as gunfire and could see a flock of pigeons fluttering above two buildings further up ahead. Baker made a split second decision and headed for the book The P Story Once Inside he was greeted by Roy Truy truly directed Baker to the elevators but neither was available.

He pressed the button while shouting up the Elevator Shaft for someone upstairs to close the gate. No response. Instead they began running up the stairs. What a gamble as I came out to the second floor there Mr truly was ahead of me and as I come out I was kind of scanning you know the the rooms and I caught a glimpse of this man walking away from this I happen to see him through this window in this door I don't know how come I saw him but I had a glimpse of him coming down there.

Where was he coming from? Do you know No sir all I seen of him was a glimpse of him. go away from me. what did you do I hollered at him at that time and said come here He turned and walked right straight back to me. What did you say to him I didn't get anything out of him Mr truly had come up to my side here and I turn to Mr Truy and I says do you know this man does he work here and he said yes and I turned immediately and went on out up the stairs.

The man whom Baker and truly encountered Ed in the second floor lunchroom was none other than Lee Harvey Oswal. The encounter was brief, lasting no more than 30 seconds. Oswal appeared calm and failed to evoke suspicion so truly and Baker left them in the lunchroom and proceeded up the stairs. They spent some time searching the roof, but there was no assassin to be found down by the main entrance.

Geraldine Reed Was still trying to process what had just occurred. She decided to return to her office on the second floor of the building here. about 2 minutes after the shooting, Reed became the last known person to have seen Oswald inside the book of the Paul story I kept walking and I looked up and Oswald was coming in the back door of the office I met him by the time I passed my desk by several feet and I told him I said oh, the president has been shot but maybe they didn't hit him he mumbled something to me I kept walking. he did too I didn't pay any attention to what he said because I had no thoughts of him having any connection with the shooting at all because he was very calm.
Also, the St presumed him Tak in the front stairs and on his way out the main entrance encountered someone looking for a phone. There are at least two candidates for who this person might have been, but OS seems to have pointed out the phone inside the building before blending into the chaos outside. He was next observed bus the plays not have radios at the time they get radio in or ask for help or backup whatever they want alone and didn't detain anybody or or tell anybody to cover the doors or the exits or whatever. I don't get it a few blocks East Now they did have radio.

so I don't what the is this guy doing? just let people leave the building. Nearly 4 months after the assassination, Trui and Baker participated in a crude reconstruction of the shooting to time their movements. The experiment was repeated twice. on the first attempt.

it took them 1 minute and 30 seconds to reach the second floor lunchroom. Then 1 minute and 15 seconds. These time trials were primarily conducted to determine whether Oswell could have fired the shots from the sixth floor and still made it down to the second in time for his encounter with Trulan. Baker After all, if there wasn't enough time, Oswal could not have been the.

Assassin A bunch of different routes were tested, and while Oswal could theoretically had taken one of the elevators or even the fire escape, in practice, there wasn't enough time. You do not think the Assassin used any of the elevators at any time. To get from the sixth to the second floor. You mean after, No sir, he just could not cuz those elevators I saw myself were both on the fifth floor.

They were both even. The only other means of descent was the stairway. A standing for the gunman trotted down from the sixth floor to the second in 1 minute and 18 seconds, then at a slightly faster Pace In 1 minute and 14 seconds, there was just enough time. It's therefore possible that Oswal stopped on the second floor perhaps upon hearing Truly shouting up the Elevator Shaft and attempted to hide in the lunchroom near seconds ahead of Truly and Baker's arrival.

But it's not quite that simple because Oswal was not the only person using the stairway to escape the building. Okay, hold up. hold up. People on the fifth floor right.
Could. Could they not maybe hear audio from the person rushing down from the sixth floor even though they're next to the window? Maybe they could hear staircase noises or whatever like you could as previous possibly hear. Adams Watched a moate from an office on the fourth floor of the Book of the Paul story within 30 seconds of the shooting Adams Ran down the stairs to the first floor along with their colleague Sandra Styles When you got to the bottom of the first floor, did you see anyone there as you entered the first floor from the stairway? Yes, sir, who did you see? Mr William Shelly and Billy Lov Lady: Now, what did you do after you encountered Mr Shelly and Mr Lov Lady I said I believed the President was shot. Do you remember what they said? Nothing Then what did you do? I Proceeded out to the Houston Street dock.

There are two significant problems with Adam's account. the first being that she and Styles supposedly left the fourth floor within 30 seconds of the shooting and then ran down the stairs to the first. This would Place him an approximate sink with Oswal descending from the sixth floor to the second. Now, as you were running down the stairs, did you encounter anyone? Not during the actual running down the stairs? No sir, did you hear anyone using the stairs? No sir.

But okay, perhaps Oswal was a few flights above and his footsteps were drowned out by their own. This would mean that Styles and Adams left the fourth floor mere seconds ahead of Oswal's arrival, reached the grand floor mere seconds ahead of Truly in Maran Baker's Ascent before encountering William Billy Love Lady right about here. But this is when problem number Two makes an entrance. When the precedent was shot, Shelly and Love Lady stood on the front steps of the book.

The P Story: They spent several minutes roaming about outside before returning to the building and that's the problem. How did Styles and Addam encounter Shelly and Love Lady within seconds of the shooting? If it took them several minutes to return to the building, who did you see on the first floor after returning to The Book Depository I Saw a girl but I wouldn't swear to it it's Vicky what is her full name I wouldn't know Vicky Adams I believe so would you say it was Vicki you saw I couldn't swear where was the girl I don't remember what place she was but I remember seeing a girl and she was talking to Shelly or saw Shelly or something Shelly could recall no such incident presuming that Love Lady was correct and Shelly had a lapse of memory. It's possible their encounter with Styles and Adams occurred minutes rather than seconds after the shooting. After all, Adams could have been mistaken Fu True, this scenario implies that Oswal made his Escape CH hold up, hold up, chat, chat I I Don't really blame them I feel like I feel when something big happens.

Seconds to minutes are like condensed. It's really hard to tell. This scenario implies that Oswal made his escape. Trui and Baker went upstairs and then several minutes later Styles and Adams left the building.
But it's not quite that simple. Watching the moot kid alongside Styles and Adams was their supervisor Dorothy Garner Miss Garner stated this morning that after Miss Adams went downstairs, she miss Garner saw Mr truly and the policeman come up. Not only does this account corroborate that of Adams meaning they left within seconds, not minutes, but it implies that Garner was in a position to observe the stairway from somewhere on the fourth floor. In spite of this, Garner made no mention of seeing Oswal scampering down the stairs between Styles and Adam's departure and truan Baker's arrival.

What makes this conflict so difficult to resolve is that neither Styles no Garner were called to testify. We have but a few brief statements of what they witnessed. All we know about Sandra Styles is that she went down the stairs with Adams Did it happen within seconds of the shooting? We don't know. Did she see or hear anyone else while running down the stairs? We don't know.

Did she encounter sh love lady on the first floor? We don't know. Wait, auth, why wouldn't they get at least deposed, appear to have presumed Adam's unreliable and then ignore the witnesses who could have easily refuted or confirm that presumption. A simple reenactment like the one granted truly and Baker could have gone a long way to resolve this issue, but that never happened. Many decades after the assassination, author Barry Erest was able to track down Sandra Styles Dorothy Garner and Victoria Adams sty confirmed that she and Adams left the window within seconds of the shooting, but she doesn't explicitly say they left the fourth floor within seconds.

In any case, as they moved quickly down the stairs, she heard no footall apart from their own Garner confirmed she never witnessed The Descent of Oswal despite seeing Truan Baker heading upstairs. Adams Went a bit further and accused investigators of tampering with their testimony I'm beginning to wonder if the Shelly and Love Lady encounter was inserted into my testimony later. I Remember saying to a fairly big black man inside the building right near the loading dock right after I got down the stairs that I thought the President may have been shot Sandra Styles apparently told Ernest something similar a few people were Milling around on the first floor. one was a black man, shell and Love Lady were definitely not on the first floor.

when we got there. The only black employees who could have possibly made it to the rear stair way in time were Carl Jones Roy Lewis Eddie Piper and Troy West What you see here are the their approximate positions at the time of the shooting, but during the seconds and minutes that followed, only Pipers know have paid any attention to the stairs in the back. As soon as the shooting began Piper Crossed the first floor to get a better view of a clock. He remained in roughly this location until he observed Trulan Baker running up the stairs.
Okay, wait wait wait wait let's let's run back. This guy. Go. This guy hears a gunshot goes to the clock this location.

Piper Crossed the first floor to get a better view of a clock. He remained in roughly this location until he observed Trulan Baker running up the stairs. Okay, had anybody come down the steps before truly and Baker went up the steps? No sir, did Vicky Adams come down before trly Ander up the steps? No sir, no sir, she didn't do it. Remember James RAC and George Rackley I mean I wouldn't blame you if you don't There's like a 100 different names to keep track of, but they were the ones who failed to spot anyone leaving the book.

The Paul Story the rear entrance for several minutes after the shooting. Well, the thing is, according to both Styles and Adams they left The Book Depository via the rear entrance upon reaching the first floor. So if Romac and Rackley are to be believed, then once again The Descent of styles and Adams must have taken place minutes rather than seconds after the shooting. Not only that, but when Sandra Styles was contacted by another researcher, she apparently expressed great uncertainty regarding the stairwell descent and thought it might in fact have occurred a couple of minutes after the shooting.

Yep, that's pretty common. I Don't know what to make of all this. The conspiracy crowd will, of course, amplify the more suspicious elements, while those who support the official narrative will focus on that, which discredits Adams But Ultimately, we don't know the exact timeline of events. I Think what's important here dude is the shape of the staircase and it sounds like not a big deal the way that sound travels in a big flat of stairs with a big middle portion like in schools and this is completely different.

It makes sense if you miss a timing, you miss a timing. It's difficult. Adams But ultimately, we don't know the exact timeline of events. It's difficult enough to pin down the minute by minute chronology.

once you get down to seconds, there's a lot of guesswork at play. The time trials by Trulean Baker gives us a rough estimate, but that's not cast in stone. They could have easily been a bit faster, a bit slower so too could have Shelly Love Lady Goner Styles Adams and Oswald Would you say that the Reconstruction that we did on March the 20th was a minimum or a maximum time? Oh, I would say that would be the minimum time We did everything that I did that day and this would be the minimum time because I'm sure that I you know it took me a little longer I Must also mention that we don't know much about the layout of the fourth floor. Beyond This crude schematic if the other floors are any indication, much of this space was occupied by book shelves and Tall stacks of boxes.
This is significant because Dorothy Garner Never actually saw Styles and Adams enter the stairway. She only heard footsteps of what she presumed to be them running on the stairs. Why is every so dumb? It annoys it an every so stupid Ry and Maran Baker returned to the ground floor of the book. The Paul Story: What did you do when you got back to the first floor or what did you see when I got back to the first floor at first I didn't see anything except officers running around reporters in the place.

there was a regular mad house. Had they sealed off the building yet? Do you know I am sure they had then what? Then in a few minutes it could have been moments or minutes at a time like that. I Noticed some of my boys were over in the west corner of the shipping department and there were several officers over there taking their names and addresses and so forth. I Noticed that Lee Oswald was not among these boys Oswald was not the only absentee, but he was the only one whom truly knew for a fact had left the building after a shooting.

Meanwhile, on the sixth floor, a stack of boxes in the Southeast Corner attracted the attention of Deputy Luke money. I Went straight across to the southeast corner of the building and I saw these high boxes and the minute I squeezed between these two stacks of boxes I had to turn myself sideways to get in there when I saw the expended shells and the boxes that were stacked up looked to be a rest for the weapon two windows west of the sniper's nest, authorities found a bottle of Dr Pepper and some chicken bones leftovers from the lunch eaten by Bonnie Williams shortly before the assassination, but according to some including Mooney remains of a similar meal were also found in the sniper's nest. Does this Photograph show any place where you saw the chicken bone. If I recall correctly, the chicken bone could have been laying on this box or might have been laying on this box right here.

There was one of them partially eaten and there was a little small paper poke. By poke you mean a paper sack, right? The Assassin could just maybe take one step and lay it over there if he was the one that put it there. In spite of this, no such items were ever photographed. Apart from the sack of chicken bones found here, there are no records of leftovers being recovered from anywhere else near the sniper nest.

What is this Crime scene contamination protocol? What the are they doing here? Did you see a chicken bone over near the boxes in the Southeast corner? I Don't believe there was one there. You didn't see any one witness. A deputy sheriff named Luke money said he found a piece of chicken partly eaten on top of one of the boxes. Did you see anything like that? No.

Was anything like that called to your attention? I Can't recall anything like that, but it wasn't just the chicken bones. There were similar disagreements regarding the three cartridge cases according to Mooney Dallas Police Captain William Fritz Tampered with the evidence Oh I can't I'm those the empty shells you found? Yes sir. Now will you take this marker and encircle the shells? All right? they were turned over to Captain Fritz Yes sir. he was the first officer that picked him up.
As far as I know cuz I stood there and watched him go over and pick him up and look at him. Is this the position of the cartridges as shown in this Photograph as you saw them? Yes sir, that is just about the way they were laying. To the best of my knowledge I Do know there was one further away and these other two were relatively close to each other on this particular area. But these cartridges this one and this one looks like they are further apart than they actually was now.

I Didn't quite understand. Did you say that it was your memory that A and B were not that close together? Just from my memory, it seems that this cartridge ought have been over this way a little further. You mean the B cartridge should be closer to the Sea closer to the Sea Yes sir. Mooney Did not explicitly state but strongly implied that Captain Fritz moved at least one of the cartridge cases before they were photographed.

According to Fritz, he did everything by the book I told him not to to move the cartridges, not to touch anything till we could get the crime lab to take pictures of them just as they were lying there and I left an officer a sign there to see that that was done. and the crime lab came almost immediately and took pictures and dusted the shells for prints. Amidst the swarm of officers canvasing the sixth floor was a lone journalist by the name of Thomas. Alier Alier was equipped with a camera and actually filmed much of the Frantic search effort.

About 3 decades later, Allia made some rather star claims that were largely consistent with, but also expanded upon those made by Mooney. After filming the casings, I asked Captain Fritz who was standing at my side if I could go behind the barricade and get a close-up shot of the casings. He told me that it would be better if I got my shots from outside the barricade. He then rounded the pile of boxes and entered the enclosure.

This was the first time anybody walked between the barricade and t

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “The kennedy assassination xqc reacts to lemmino”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tonys channel says:

    chat: "stop pausing" 💀💀
    these ppl clearly love watching what xQc brings to the table in terms of reactions

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mantidream says:

    Xqc gotta be one of the greatest content creators of all time with this one, you go man!

    Oh yeah, and Lemmino was there too, I guess

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IsraDevil says:

    Absolute leech. Reuploads the whole LEMMiNO vid and adds nothing of value. No fanoid who watch this fully would watch the full video at LEMMiNO's channel.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HHJ11 says:

    Thank you Xqc. Where else can i watch such an amazing content from without you? Oh it’s not like i can look for the original video from the creator or something right?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miguel Cejudo says:

    Nah man stealing other peoples content, I hope life goes bad for you qtr

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chrisalex82 says:

    bro 💀💀 he fckng has a team that worked hard for mounths or even years…. you go goulag
    (at least you creditde the video not like SSSwolf

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars meltyfrosty says:

    it’s crazy how his chat is somehow worse than he is

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mathias Wilhelm says:

    I think this was the straw that broke the camels back. The internet had no tolerance to reaction streamers anymore

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darren McCarthy says:

    I have to say this : Lemmino did a nice presentation, no doubt about it. But as a long time student of the assassination ( 39 years and counting ) , he left out a lot, LOT, of things in his explanation of what went down on November 22. I can write a whole book on this stuff, but whatever, here goes :

    A) No mention of the Zapruder film and what you really see in it, namely the backwards and left movement of JFK’s head 😮

    B) No mention of the number of witnesses who heard gunfire emanating from behind the picket fence 😮

    C) No mention of Jack Ruby’s mob ties, and a possible explanation of why he did what he did. 😮

    D) No mention of the incredible amount of fingerprints of intelligence throughout Oswald’s brief life. 😮

    E) No mention of the illegal removal of JFK’s corpse from the jurisdiction of Dallas County where a proper autopsy would have found the truth . 😮

    F) No mention of the descriptions of the head wound , a big gaping hole in the posterior portion of JFK’s head, which can only mean one thing : an exit wound from a bullet fired from the front. 😮

    G) No mention of the overwhelming view of doctors at Parkland that the neck wound was one of ENTRANCE !! 😮

    H) No mention of of witnesses to the Tippit killing who saw TWO men leave the scene of the murder. 😮

    I) No mention of the fact that almost everyone who saw the back wound in JFK described it as being BELOW the alleged exit wound in the throat. 😮

    J) No mention of the fact that the rifle that is now in the Archives is a 41 inch model of the 6.5mm Mannlicher Carcano rifle, whereas the rifle Oswald allegedly ordered from Klein’s in Chicago was a 36 inch model. 😮

    K) No mention of the fact that the bullet holes in JFK’s suit jacket and shirt are 5-6 inches below the suit collar, which means it wasn’t lined up with a neck exit. 😮

    L) No mention of the fact that the first three law enforcement officers who saw the rifle discovered on the sixth floor, all described it as being a 7.65mm Mauser, a German weapon. One of the officers even used to own a sporting goods store, and sold such weapons, so would have known of what he was talking about. 😮

    M) No mention of a .313 British Enfield rifle being found on the 7th floor of the TSBD , something captured on newsreels that day. 😮

    N ) No mention of the fact that the bullet found at Parkland Hospital , the one alleged to have gone through two men and caused untold number of injuries, including shattering rib and wrist bones, was in pristine condition. And every attempt by the Warren Commission to replicate such a feat, could not do so. 😮

    O) No mention of the fact that there was a second person formally charged with assassinating JFK on November 22, and that was Buell Wesley Frazier ! Yup, the same guy who said he saw Oswald with a long package on the morning of the 22nd. After Oswald was formally charged, Frazier was conveniently forgotten, and all charges dropped. 😮

    P) No mention of the fact that the chain of evidence for CE399 ( the Magic Bullet ) has serious holes in it. If Oswald had been brought to trial, this would have been thrown out. 😮

    Q) No mention of the fact there was a bullet hole in the limousine windshield, one that was through and through and was witnessed by numerous people, both at Parkland and the White House garage and the Ford Motor Company factory in Detroit that received the vehicle to be thoroughly remodeled. 😮

    R) No mention of the fact that the Secret Service was derelict in their duty to protect crime scene evidence, namely the JFK limousine. Agents washed the interior of the car while it was still at Parkland if you can believe that ! Thereby tampering with the evidence. 😮

    S) No mention of the fact there were men discovered both behind the picket fence and the rear of the TSBD, all flashing Secret Service credentials towards Dallas law enforcement . Why is that significant ? Simple really, all known Secret Service agents accounted for that day in Dallas were with the Presidential parade, and all went to Parkland, none stayed behind in Dealey Plaza ! 😮

    T) No mention of the fact that the rifle allegedly belong to Oswald had a sling that hung from underneath the rifle barrel and stock. Yet the rifle currently at the Archives, and the one seen on video footage at the Dallas Police Dept. on the night of November 22, had a sling clip on the side of the stock, not underneath ! 😮

    U) No mention of the fact Oswald shot with his left hand on the barrel and right hand underneath the stock, which would make it intrinsically impossible to fire from the sixth floor window judging by how close the window was to the corner where the south and eastern walls joined to form a corner. 😮

    V)No mention of the fact that two Secret Service agents in the parade route claimed to have each discovered spent bullets in the limousine , which would destroy the fact only three spent shell casings were discovered on the 6th Floor !! 😮

    W) No mention of the fact that a human skull fragment found a day afterwards in Dealey Plaza was occipital bone, that is, bone from the back of JFK’s skull. How could a bullet penetrating that portion of one’s head leave such a big gaping hole there if it was an entrance wound 😮

    X ) No mention of the fact that there were two casket entries at Bethesda on the night of the autopsy, both being claimed as being that of the body of JFK’s 😮

    Y ) No mention of the fact no marksman or sharpshooter from the armed forces could duplicate Oswald’s alleged feat of being able to get off three shots in under 6 seconds firing at a stationary target no less 😮

    Z ) No mention of the fact there were two brain examinations within 5 days of each other, both exams being of JFK’s brain ! At the first exam, his brain was sectioned, at the second it somehow became whole again 😮 How do you do that 🤔

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Birdo says:

    Wow cool you stole someone else’s content and monetized it. Should be giving all money earned from this video to lemmino

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saj Lithuain says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maori Mufasa says:

    Such a f**king hack, doesn't deserve the millions he's got.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Geiko says:

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shiba Akiba Inu says:


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