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I'm going to get the food all. I'll be back. May 14th 2023 Police were dispatched to a welfare check at a bar in. West Salem Wisconsin The bartender reported that an unknown male entered the bar and promptly collapsed to the floor.

Upon arrival, the officers observed a 21-year-old male named Tristan extremely intoxicated on the corner. hi, what's going on I Just talking to you. It sounds like you might have had a little too much to drink. Do you have an ID or something with your name on it? I Had a couple people at the bar I gave them a glass of water.

He dumped it over his head. Yeah, you can. Do you have an ID wallet? anything? something with your name on it? Do you just want to have a seat right here? Just sit down here. He just stood up.

He keeps trying to stand up. he keeps falling over. We'll we'll try to help you. Okay, why don't you have a seat here? Let's just wait.

Just let's no. let's just have a seat right here. Okay, you're not in trouble or anything man. I'm just going to try to figure out who you are so we can get you home.

All right, You just want to have a seat right here. Hey Bud, Hey, what's your name Dude, you already know my I don't know your name What? you I I don't know who you are? No, they're just concerned about you here. We're just trying to figure out where you live. We can get you home G Wife: What's your wife's name dude? Just let's just stay I Don't want you to go walk out and fall or get hit by a car or something like that.

Okay, why don't you just have a seat? Let's just sit down for a second. Okay, Yep. I got you. I got you here.

Why don't you have a seat? Immed Do you have like a wallet with your name on it in your pockets? Do you have a wallet? What's your name? huh? Just just relax. Okay, just you can't. You can't I'm just trying to figure out I Don't want you to walk out and get hit by a car. Man, you're pretty drunk.

You're not in trouble or anything like I said. We're trying to make sure that you're okay. We can get you home or find your wife. Yeah, what's your wife's name? Are you had a wedding? No, that's not Point Go go.

Do you? Were you here with you said your wife? maybe you know where your wife is. Alien walk I'm just going to go check I Say if you want to here, he's completely wasted. He can't even here. Hop back up.

Hop up. You want to get back on the chair? Yes sir. I can help you up if you want. Okay, well I yeah, just stand up.

I Got you. Do you know by chances there in here? I Just didn't want to yell over everyone. Have a sear right there. You're good, You're good.

We're just checking on you all you got an ID on you by chance D I Tell anyone oh my go oh my okay okay okay wait a minute her her husband's across the street find he's pretty drunk so we're trying to find her to get him back together. so he was just 20 minutes to a half hour ago. yeah there's I down to Whiskey River pH What if he went home and he de that's what I'm wondering but he won't me I don't even know what his name is, he won't he doesn't he can't really I'm tell you want to test me I'm you don't try to test me. no wait, what are you you? I'm boy I'm boy she was here oh my God left before he I would say he went to.
do you know did she go to another bar or was she home? she went home. Yeah okay just just just stay there. Where do you live? Can I walk my own truck? Where do you live I'm saying this Godamn truck I that's I'm where do you live I didn't I'm guessing none of these people are. That's funny this this guy is done.

Oh my gosh, that's all right looking for. Do you know where she is? Can we walk out that? then? No. I'll stay here. How old are you? I'm 21 21 I think have a seat I just don't want you to fall.

You're good. You're okay. Can't go. You Can't though.

you're careful I Don't want you to fall man do you have a phone on you? Do you? Maybe? So it sounds like were you over at Chromies n no is alcohol? no just aloh AB no shot. just have us sit down. just sit I Don't want you to fall and get some GHB or some K or some like on some combo. so apparently just just just stay sitting on the floor.

Okay, let's just stay sitting down. Okay man. I just don't want you to f we just don't want you to fall. That's all that is what you ain't You ain't dumb.

then first sp's coming. yeah you just want to have a seat man. please for me I just don't want you to fall or something you're I don't want you to fall. just sit down I Ain D just sit down.

okay just relax look very comfortable. he like resisting arrest even though he's have a seat on the chair. okay sit down, sit down it's okay I'm going tell you don't grab they can but they would I don't think they would go for the Chargers cuz they would get Jud will Will you sit down please? We just don't want you to fall I don't want you to fall Wife: I Don't We're trying to find her for you. We're trying to find your wife for you man.

If you can just sit down and relax here we might be able to figure some out. Be careful man, you're pushing it. We're just trying. We're just trying to help you right now.

Don't make this more okay. wait. just can you sit down for me? Please here. here's the seat.

let's sit down. let's sit down. All right. Do you want me to sit next to you I'll sit next to you wa give me is we're just here.

Let's sit down here Man I'm sit I'll sit down with you. You want to sit down. Do you just want to sit down? You need to go to the bathroom. Yes.

Okay, if you want to talk me I'm tell you can you just tell? Can you tell me her phone number Quick Nah he needs some tweak a little twe a little D back up like you knew Bu I'm new. See this man right here. Can you hold it for a couple of minutes just while they talk to you here quick? they're just going to check you out Man: Okay, just I'm I want you I want you man. What's your name? he's not was be fine the opposite.
that's some right there. Oh boy What did I do? Yeah, he doesn't even know you. My guess can you? I So I don't know you? What's your name? Who can you tell me your first name? please? Trist Tristan Tristan Tristan Trist, It's Trist. Isn't it? There we go.

Okay, what? Hey, relax, relax, He's getting mad. Just just relax right? Do you just want to sit down? But guess what? You see him over here. He's look like he's big. He's not acting like that at all.

man. Okay, but guess what, you got to check you out here. All right man. CU Cuz you're you're pretty.

You are right. You have to admit that careful. What about a net? Somebody like this? CH and if he if he's mobile he's going to end up hurting an officer and then going to jail. Why don't they net him? They throw a net at him right? and they just net him and and then they then they have a cage.

put a cage and he's caged in and just boom. Dam They can put the Cffs on him because he is going to fight net then cage boom I Don't I'm not. just listen Tristan Animal here. Yeah if you want to lay on the ground can I take a blood pressure you want to lean against my I would even try toan swing you Ain Get Sh for me bro Tristan Where are you staying tonight I my where do you? Where do you live I don't know your address I'm trying to get you home.

That's all all right. You trying to get me home? Yeah, yeah, we want to help you get home. All right but I don't know where to take you? You want to get a God you want to get from me I'll get from you I'm not I'm not giving you man I'm no man. that's what I'm saying you want to get from me I I'm not giving you down you bu M See you? See you see down? yeah I'm sry I Just don't want you to fall.

that's all. I'm just holding on to so you don't fall over. That's it he keeps doing with his hands I feel he's on some drug perception. Just relax.

All right if you think you're good for a minute I can get a hold of some Yeah. exactly my point. Yeah yeah, Trist, come here. He bun does that.

Hey I'm trying to be cool with you man, right? I just don't want you to fall I don't want you to hit your head or anything. Okay, let's go. You want to go to the bathroom Quick. let's walk to the bathroom.

All right. You going to walk with me? Yeah I'll walk with you I don't like I said I Don't want you to fall Man here sir here. hold on, let's just walk over here. I I Got you here.

Oh careful careful you. Okay, what happened? Are you okay? Oh no, he's full fist. What's going on man I don't I don't know what happened with him right? Not him right? He like wants to punch so bad let's go here. Let go my hand.

You got a bedge we have to find a bed. I'm just trying to get you to the bathroom here. Okay, you? okay. The officer recognized Tristan from previous contacts and called his mother.
She revealed that he was out with his wife, but due to his intoxication and temper, she left him at the bars and went home. She further stated he was an alcoholic and didn't want to be responsible for him that night due to his violent behavior. When heavily intoxicated. Come on.

I think I have Tristan down here at the bar. That could be correct. He's extremely intoxicated. It sounds like everybody ditched him here.

He cannot walk, he cannot talk. He wants to fight me. I'm walking with you I'm just right. I'm just going to make sure you don't fall Man, that's all he's either going to.

It's not the fact that leaving him right, it's the fact making sure that even though this might be the last time that that she'll she'll put up with him doing that right. Make sure that he's safe. Okay, like calling his mom, calling his family, doing anything she can or whatever. Make sure she's make he's safe and that matters a lot.

Just escaping is cool. It's cool and all. Yeah, I get it, it's double dude. like she's out of it but at the same time like you can do better Dude, you can do better better.

Pretty good responsible party here or he's probably going to have to go to detox down at the hospital. Since the age of 15, the officer has encountered Tristan several times witnessing his repeat episodes of intoxication violence. dud. No, it sounds like they were together, but they I'm thinking maybe dude, what abuse brother brother if she's home she can just call his mom and make some stuff, do some stuff that does isn't close to him and get some help Regardless, what is wrong with you man, they all got sick of them and just left.

What you guys justifi being a bad person is insane I don't want I just don't want you to fall all right I'll just wait right here I just don't want you to fall all right. fall right? Oh so I mean if you were to come get him, you would need to take responsibility for this and it's it's a lot right now. No. I mean the hospital just basically keeps him until he's sober I mean it's just, uh, we're going to watch him and observe him to make sure he stays okay as all while in the bathroom, he almost fell several times and urinated all over the floor in himself.

TR Let's go. We'll go out. You good do you pee? Let's go. we'll go out now.

Oh careful, a little slippery in here. Let's go. Let's go man. I'll help you out.

All right. Yeah, let's go. come on. I'll walk with you out.

I'm not going to I'm not going to grab you anything like that I'll walk out with you. All right. Got some people help? Oh yeah, he's trying to lay fist on me and then we're just here trying to help him so he's just super confused I appreciate it recognizing his inability to care for himself. The safest Choice was to transport him to the hospital for detox.
He's very intoxicated. We'll help you up here and you can just you. he's not going to just so you know I did no I didn't just want to have a seat in chair. a violins and like we're going to I'm going to bring my pot in.

Okay, definitely. I did you okay man. just relax. Did urinate all over himself.

So what were you drinking tonight? Beer or liquor? Both you're mixing and matching mixing match, Have fun this. Just relax where you doct, just just relax. All right man. you don't have one That's okay.

Where do you live Man I don't know where you live I don't know where you live you haven't told me yet. Can I go home? What's your address? Can I go home? What's your address for? Feel Me? Yeah I Feel you All right? What's your all right? I Know you want to go home Man, we're trying to figure that out for you I don't I don't I don't hug man. All right sorry I just don't I'm just telling you all right. Do you want to have a seat on that for me? They just have to.

They just have to check a couple of things. Couple things. Can you just have a just have? Hey man, can you listen? Can you listen to me? Quick. If you have a seat on that, we'll try to figure out a way to get you home.

Okay, good boy, can I help you over there? Don't don't do that TR We're just trying to help you out man I I get your M But we're just trying to help you out. You want to walk over there with me, Come over this way with oh, don't Fall I got you let's let's walk Tristan I No, let's let's walk over there. Please Can you walk over there for me? You ain't going to win. Boy, there's nothing to win.

We're just walking over here having a seat. Yeah, you ain't going to win. This ain't the best chair for you right now. Yeah, just have a seat right there.

I'm going to walk to my house. You're going to fall over if you don't sit down over this way with me. Sit down. Let's go.

Just let go. Let's go Tristan Just have a seat on there. Please, please please have a seat. Drugs.

sit down easy. Now this is why don't abuse these things I'm not trying anything I Just want you to sit down I'm leaving. That's Al abuse. Sit down before Tristan Please can you just have a seat on the C We're going to help you out here.

All right. Tristan Can you please just sit down on the couch? Just sit down. just also if you're if you're violent, just never drink, be honest. just relax.

All right. His mom doesn't feel safe with him. Tristan Tristan You just want to kick your legs up on there. It brings that out of people.

be able to fly Bud! Can you just sit back and just help these guys out? Just put, put your legs up. Just help them out. I've helped you out so many times. Trist just trying to help you help you so many times.

Yeah, this is just a nice bed. There you go. look at that that's comfy isn't it? Just close your eyes and relax. these are just seat belts Tristan Hey just take a breath.
Relax. Okay, we're just trying to take care of. make sure you're okay. Some people it's like the only way to Violent at for me like let's just relax.

Oh let go then I cannot get mad when I'm it's impossible to get mad I Get S Let go Adamn let go this goddamn thing you going relax here. Can I cover you up a little bit just so it's a little this godamn Beast Sho Sher Look at him. He's got a big dick. Lotone look at him look that big dick huh? Look at him all can I go home with my wife.

We we'll get you home here. You're choking me. Yeah, we can't They're trying to lift you up there. Here we go.

Well you're not. that was. hey don't swing all right man. Stop it.

Don't nobody wants to try it but we're not going to get hit all right. Try me then then hey, we're just trying to make you comfortable. That's why I'm trying bit listen I'm telling you what the you? What? I'm we did. What's that? No he peed all over in the bathroom.

but I'll get it for you cuz it was my fault I I just give me him M I'll take care of it for you yeah I shouldn't have let him go in there but I didn't know if maybe it would kind of calm him down a little bit. Why you still set Tristan Let go me watch leg, let go me dony you already know Yeah, just relax man. okay let go Godamn it you got You got to stop. That's all you got to do.

Just put your arms down. just put them down. let them relax I Feel chat deing people like that is like com to really small things and I feel like a worse cops or bad cops could have gotten like 80 charge out of this guy. They could have got this guy jail for like 10 years.

Some all right Then let I'm going to go to my house I'm just going to do my goddamn thing. Let me go. All right then. 631 Come here.

Let me go bro. Trist, it's not worth all this man. you trap them or what do you think? What's up, You strap them down or what? Yeah. I think we're going to have to for the ride at least.

No, Yeah, here's the deal. I mean you keep swinging out I'm going to get hit in the face. Be careful buddy. I'm telling you.

my mom let go me All right Did you then tell anybody, honey, let them help you. You ain't got to help me. Help me help you. No, they're trying to help you.

Talk to my mom. Hi I'm right here I'm right here. let me talk to my mom TR I'm right here God damn it got talk to me. Are you just Mom Mom when we get these on.

All right my mom, mom over boy I'm telling come on boy. come on man. Give me all you ride with or you just follow. Yeah, you can follow.

Upon reaching the hospital, Tristan's Behavior escalated as he became increasingly loud, boisterous, and threatening. Over the next few hours, he only became more violent and resistive. Hospital Staff then informed police they no longer wanted to treat Tristan As soon as they started removing the restraints off of him, he threatened to fight. Can you sit up for me? Sit up.
Sit up. What? Here we go. Guess what? Black? You better watch your what? the was my arm Dude you B that way too far is is that what? I Heard that hurts, that hurts. It's black that hurts I'm okay dude, you're resisting arrest right now.

No. I'm not. That's what you're doing correct Dy I'm not I'm not D I wasn't doing anything I wasn't. Do Not kick at anybody.

No. Understood that piece of right there. I Might he's a piece of. you know? why? Racist? You know? why? what? what? I Racist I Got a best friend in this life ready.

Wait A of course he pulls that argument. dude. Jesus that's a that's a white person. What? Have a seat, Hop in there, hop in? Um, yes sir.

SL back SL What? That didn't make any sense. just simply move your legs in. That's all we're asking. Sit yourself in the squad.

Why you're under arrest? Why? H Did he call the black guy? Your behavior? What though that's I'm not going to tell you again why you're under arrest for Dis He keeps switching sides Tristan was then transported to the jail where he agreed to a preliminary breath test that resulted in 0.254 nearly 3 hours after the initial call. Please Can I call my wife buddy I'm telling you please I'm tell you 3 hours he soiled himself any selfs or anything. oh yeah constantly yeah not self. just no not you filter about one drink an hour right threatening you guys trist I Want call my wife I call my wife wife I wife and we got to get got to get through the booking process.

Yep, hold. Ultimately Tristan was only charged with misdemeanor, disorderly conduct and was released a few days later on a $1,000 signature. Bond Wait brother, brother brother. We've seen some people on this show literally have like eight charges and they're released on the same day on like a $250 signature.

Bond right? This says this for days 1K What? maybe he had prior I I Don't over to Code and check out our great selection of quality made merch that won't disappoint. Oh he's a regular. You're right I Forgot about that. Did you see the Aftermath video of that? No there isn't Yeah, look what? the they took him home look what he did no show me.

came with his train and his Crown King of the Rings What to this guy? They apparently got evicted I thinking I can't believe it. Arrived early Jesus.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “The lovely effects of alcohol xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wfrench says:

    Get this man his keys

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J says:

    Looks more like ketamine to me

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gamma says:

    BILL TIN after 1 beer

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deda As says:

    imagine your wife leaves you to ruin your life by yourself instead of taking you to an emergency room holy shit

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deda As says:

    see literally 10 minutes into talking to him they should be able to take control of the situation and take him to a hospital before he ruins his life

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deda As says:

    dont tell me xqc understood everything he said Jesus Christ

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deda As says:

    if alcohol is legal there should be regulations on the supervision of those using, you should legit be locked into a facility into you blow lower because as of right now they just let you drive away or walk out knowing your probably gonna ruin your life and the only reason we can't ban alcohol is there would be 2 cartels instead of one

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Venus says:

    altho I understand where XQC is coming from that the wife could have called someone to ensure this guy’s safety, I need everyone to know that that is an ideal scenario. We never know how long or how worse the wife has had it and, sometimes, it takes all your might just to walk away.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars blurry says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars n3ver says:

    XQC L take on why the wife ditch him he clearly doesn't understand that even alcoholics can be abusive smh asking a woman to be responsible for a mans actions is insane and a L man take

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lislio says:

    sanest alcohol consumer

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oG Magic Man says:

    Imagine if he was black 🤔

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ObzTicle says:

    I know he was hammered. But L Wife for leaving him, learn how to handle him, and take him home.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Wilkinson says:

    If you loose him early whilst he’s making a point don’t try to focus on his language and pick up on clues. His articulation throws you off to begin thinking about something strikingly unrelated. Simply rewind the video to the place you last remember understanding and take it from there. Not worth the brain ache. But is very funny.

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