xQc talks about the Meta of watching TV Shows on Stream after the DMCA strikes against Pokimane and Hasan.
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#xQc #Meta #MasterChef

Um i deleted the vods because um brother, that's that's it's literally content on the channel. It's it's! It's literally! It's like it's in the vods, literally like it's not like a black. It's not like a gray area thing. It's it's! It's literally in the bods and i figured a song - got striked for a piece of content.

It's literally in the vlog. There's literally no point in me having that in the vlog. This i don't get. I don't know what, for it's pretty sure i don't know all the balls anyways.

That doesn't work better, though, which it's like the current is still preserved. Um, i think, ultimately, we could probably just trim it next time, yeah uh surprisingly either my strikes would go up at this point, but uh believe it or not. My strikes went down um. I was at two strikes on my account.

No i'm at one strike and uh it's it's getting it's getting, uh it's getting fixed as well, and then we're gon na go back to zero strikes. So my cat's pretty much brand new at this point, yeah it's the beginning, like i got, i got one less. So now we're at one out of three so um, hey brother, we're uh, wait we're gon na yeah, cardi um. You cut it back top off of that um up that strike because it wasn't uh it was.

It was like a mistake striker, so i mean if you want everyone, if you want to, i mean i'm saying he, but it's like his company or whatever. If they want. If they want to fight the striker, i mean you could argue they would have lost because um it was a very small clip of like three seconds of audio right and um. It was like it was nothing.

I don't. I don't even remember what it was. It was like a two second clip or some which is like come on now like, and it was transformative so that there was no ground there. That was it.

That was a free one, um yeah yeah. It was a clue of me singing it and it was so accurate and and so good and so crisp into the sound that the system picked it up with this. So when i rap i spit fire on the beat and uh the fire was so clean that the system thought i was um. I was watching a live concert of um two years, so i fought it and they backed off so much the olympics.

Oh okay. So the other was, it was saying the same thing, so i was working on stream and they found the movement to be so accurate and crisp and perfect. With my arms that they ain't the snap i fought it, they said he's jacked. Let's move back, they move back we're good boys, that's also fun.

Now we're chilling boys boys drama bat chest. No! It's crazy, though. That's where it is, though, is that everybody sub tweets and says they don't do drama right. But if you reply you're the one that doing it that's doing drama okay, people need to stop act like some hoes.

Okay, drama is around us: drama surrounds us, okay, the only people that say that they don't drama or they don't like drama - are the ones that do it, but don't have the balls to put names and labels on their words, because they're too scared to be in Hot water, because then, when they don't like to dip their toes in hot water and hop out as soon as anything gets too hot. Oh no! I didn't do that rats! Rats! Rats! Now you said you don't do drama yeah. I just don't do drama. I mean not like uh, not like kids drama anyway.
Well, when we do drama, it's usually more hardcore, you guys. Our drone is usually a little bit more hardcore, though like uh in terms of uh uh yeah, it's usually like more serious or whatever. Also these days, don't i i hate um when people when somebody gets caught up in anything, really really bad. Like a crime, people say: oh dude, dude, that's drama.

No, that's not drama. Somebody is doing a this. Is a criminal like it's not it's not a it's. Not a drama, it's a criminal like it's just different, okay, like drama, doesn't necessarily mean being a jail.

Andy like like there's, like degrees of you, know, um and then well technically, we could watch my chef but um. I think it's probably safer to just guys. Let me okay, let me start by getting this straight. Okay, masterchef is probably in the riskiest territory that watching stuff can be in literally right.

So the fact that people got away with it for such a long time and nobody got striked for a long time until today, hassan is actually insane. I think it gives you a bit of a hint. Oh, the landscape is like it yeah of course, uh. What's the other name? Okay, so viacom is hardcore um, probably anything.

That's like um fox vietcom, all the big ones, dude dude, that's super hardcore, dude, that's insanely hardcore right and the fact that it took that long for even to get with the small. The the strikes is actually insane well, whether gordo likes me or not, or whatever his agent like it doesn't matter. They don't own this, like the people who own the licensing right to this they're like corporate overlords, these, they don't even see real people in real life. They just see moving dollar signs, the bills and nickels just moving around it like they're, like gon na hold it they're like lizards, who, like just see, money, signs and stats like they're in a complete reality.

Okay, it's like a different ballgame. I never changed my take about this. My thing is: never changing, it'll, never change. Everybody knows it's wrong, though everybody knows it, but people need to understand it.

Um. I think the big problem now is that people are being delusional. I know you like kanye. This is a walk remake of the 2020 version of new.

Again, please listen to it. I think i'll like it later. Oh that's the thing you can be banned. Let's do it baits.

Let's see that right there, this one is over there, it's what we call a band bait: okay, listening to a listening to a kanye song, remix or or new one, that's a band anime on stream! Again, music overlords are even worse than the movie ones, audio dmc. It's it's nuts, okay um. All in all, though, the big problem is that people are being delusional: okay, literally delusional. Okay, we can talk about the very basics of it.
Okay, you guys guys i'm gon na start assuming a small rent and we can begin okay, small small, rent, okay, sleep in a rent is like educational 28 months. You can, you can say whatever i'm wrong or not at any given point okay, but i'm pretty sure. I'm correct about this again. The way it is is that playing games is dmca holy watching.

Videos is dmc, listening to music, didn't make it unless i wear a blank shirt and a blank background right and we're just sitting around here boys just talking it now you're, like kind of find it but yeah. If that works, it's it's how it works. Okay, maybe this is new to you, okay, but hold up. I need to blow the music a little bit.

It's so loud. It's a little louder. Okay, so, basically, is he playing a video on the stream? Is the mca literally, but the companies don't dmc, because why bot, why would they nobody's making their con look bad or like do insane with it right? Nobody yeah is that works literally playing a game on stream is literally dmca, literally okay. A good example of this idea a year ago or something nintendo got upset, and then they started starting literally dmcing people on their and and sending actual strikes the evil bandit for playing the game literally playing the game because they made the game they own the game.

They all they own, they own the game. Literally, so you playing the game whatever in a video in a stream. They they shut it down and i'll, say it's different from tvs and, and it is nothing it is the same thing it's how it works. Okay, it is just enforced selectively so, depending on whatever they think it's it's bad or damaging or misrepresenting or or they don't like it or maybe they don't like it they're kind of being broadcast or they're there, because they're kind of being shown somewhere else that they Don't like it okay, then they'll enforce yes or no, but technically it's not different.

It's the same thing. Let's not even take it. That's the laws, you that's the laws, that's how it works. Okay, it is the same thing.

Okay, so people being road, andy, saying guys guys guys, stop dmca guys, stop it. It is wrong. I can take their vods right and i could name like 60 companies who could dmca them at any given time for any other vods. I could get one vod.

One vod of eight hours of any of these right, and i can literally name you on a piece of paper like 50 60 companies who could literally get their streams, shut down, reported and striked boom like just like that, because that's how it is, though, that's how It is so nobody is like the oh guys, i'm i'm i'm the high horse, guys, i'm so cool guys. You guys doing this haha, we don't. We don't do this around here, shut up! Okay, because the last dmc thing that we got the last big change that we've got on twitch, the big boom with music right was anybody abusing it was anybody watching it all the? Where were the people calling them out nowhere nowhere? I wonder why? Because nobody gave me because nobody cared it, because nobody, because everybody did it and nobody nobody. I agree with the last guy play slime right now.
It's simple everybody did it. Nobody cared. Nobody cried. Nobody was like guys on my stream.

I only listened to ncs, no, no, no you're, dumb you're, dumb you're, dumb you're, dumb, because everybody did it and then, when dmc got changed or whatever or everything like it's talking getting enforced. What the what it's like! It's like brother brother, everybody did it, and this is this is a felicious argument right because, oh everybody, everybody does it, but what that's? Not the argument that the basis of the argument is simple. The basis of the argument, the basis of it is, is that nobody is better than anybody else. Nobody, okay, nobody is is, it is a perfect.

Oh dude yeah, there's degrees of it and i understand it there's of shamelessness right, but i'm just tired of the high road andes, hey you s. What is this especially especially the who say? Oh dude dude, but guys it's the big shimmers that do it. Oh, my god, but the small shimmers. No, no, these guys they can do it.

Then they're good, they're, good guys, just like this dead that i tweeted that today, that said it, oh 25! This is fine! That's all i want. This only hurts the working classroom. What the is a working class streamer love, you chat and felix what the is a working class. I don't know what the that is.

What does that even mean hola? Let me look at this where's, my tweet at i don't see it anymore. Are they delivered hunter x hunter hunter? It's hunter hunter x, hunter hunter. It's hunter hunter, it's hunter hunter x, hunter hunter, i'll, see you hold up, i don't see anymore. Is it deleted? I disagree with you, but why are you so aggressive defending your lover, content? Dude? I'm not running out there.

What are you doing about dude i mean see. This is what i it's the same. This is the same problem. I have it okay, this is the same problem i had with the gambling content.

The same thing i had nobody is defending. It i got it. Thank you for the tweet jeff, nobody is defending it aggressively. Dude, it's just affected, everybody knows the problem, everybody knows it's a thing.

Every everybody knows it, but yet everybody calls out each other like dude. I wouldn't do this and do that and this guy it's like dude, you just all agree, it's a problem all together and just stopping being a bunch of about in high road. I have one andy's, everybody knows it's bad like what like everything about a bunch of hypocrites, it's just so weird like like, like it's so odd or like it's like it's it's the same thing as the gambling thing. Oh guys, this guy, this guy gambled ten times just gave them a hundred times ten times.
Oh, does he gamble every day, but he's a small streamer guys, but guys he's a small shimmer. It's it's fine, no number. I ideologies or ideas that it's right or wrong. It doesn't it doesn't it, it doesn't change and and some sort of either it's not malleable, based on who's doing it 669..

That is that is such a stupid idea. What it is sort of concept that things change based on based on who's, doing it it's wrong or it's not. That's that's how it is. What do you want yeah? This is it this is the meta dude like what was that? What was that? The real menace being consumer investment with twitch through a million dollar contract allowing you to cloud farm bands because they aren't real, that's just not true giving you incentive and courage.

You need to break the rules, man, the working classroom, some terror restrictions, it's almost like you took a. Can you try to put as many as many dog takes in in in a one. It's like a it's like a it's like a big combo of trash. I don't know what that is.

That says, it admitted seven, nothing about don't think about other okay, it's others, but why does doing something bad at small scales is fine, but if i do it, i'm selfish, how does that make sense? How how can you justify it? Such a mindset - i i don't get it, i don't get it. How do you justify that did why people hold this idea like whenever you become like a bigger shimmer? You train your ticket and you're, like hey man, now you're, just gon na now, you're gon na get on every day and um. What you think your content and if you start doing something and if everybody does it um, i you and uh they're, all they're, all fine. What is that? Oh, my it's like a word like that: you're not gon na.

Do that brother you're, not gon na. Do that brother, it's not gon na happen. Hey i wan na. This is a woman in your community with a message.

I've been active over the past couple years and despite my efforts, i've not been getting that single selling community. Oh that's! Okay! I got you pal. Get the out of you, beggar, okay, i'm also gon na ban him. I was just i did it as a joke.

I did that to sound to sound tough so that i would ban him and then i know for like somebody, who's gon na feel bad. For me, he's gon na he's gon na he's gon na give him a sub okay, okay, what else yeah the volumes are gone because i didn't i i didn't want to. I didn't want to take the caution to trim them out and whatever yeah i was actually thinking about trying it. You know what i'm saying so i was like.

I wanted to watch some bleach after i was watching the xqc do hunter x hunter and i was kind of sad it all went down like that. Uh yeah, actually he's more than one more than he can always play whenever he wants. You can always jump into this. Game walked out the gate brah.
Well, i'm not really stun locked it's it's gon na did why. Why do people spew guard? Okay, listen, listen! People! If people spew garbage okay people, people spew garbage okay and if you call them out just unlock them: okay, okay, content, boomers, okay, content boomers: what happens what happens if the opposite happens right, but when people start whitelisting some content and it will start doing a reaction Right what happens? What happens? Oh we'll. Do that? What's the argument now where's, the argument see the problem that i have is that if the arguments were rooted in the in in the laws themselves and the problem itself, nobody cares. They are right.

Nobody cares it. Nobody gives a if, if the argument is based on on uh, uh i'll show you so i got you, i got you, i got you, i got you i'll, show you actually, okay, okay, okay, so give it give me get ready for this. Okay, i'll tell you what is this wrong? The first, the first sentence. Let me push to decide if the arguments are rooted in the problem.

Okay, that's good, that's good, because everybody knows that the incision is dumb and people shouldn't do it. Everybody agrees to that. Everybody agrees: okay, but then does listen, but then it's um, twitch, meta and then and then and then and then prezi break the word i can acting dumb, so you can take it to the vacation. Nobody does that to get a vacation.

Nobody does that to come back with three times the viewership. Why do you care? Why the do you care? I don't give a if joe blow 100 viewers gets banned for showing his dick okay and comes back with a thousand euros. I don't give it. I don't care and when i was a 2k andy and a 0.5 i didn't give a.

I don't care why? Why do i care what your viewers are liking? I don't care about my viewers, i like it. You know it's just it's just odd because because if you voice you, if you voice your concern and go straight to the point, people say yeah you're right then. But when you sugarcoat your your argument with a bunch of feelings and personal frustrations and when you project your your problems and your visions with with the problem, you just you just it's just wrong, though so the thing i'm calling out is, i know it's wrong. I know we're wrong four years.

The only thing i'm calling out is is the weird like guys. The argument is, is the glizzy right, but i'm gon na put a bun ketchup, mustard lettuce, relish onions and you cabbage it's like just loading bunch of your main argument. Your main argument is the glitzy focus on the glizzy deliver the glizzy. The glizzy is right, but why do you put a bunch of that? Because people tend to agree with the toppings of the glizzy, because the glizzy is correct? Does that make sense? So the only thing i'm tired of is is overall streamers and influencers or whatever right that have a good glizzy but load it with a bunch of toppings, because because they know that people people will agree with the toppings if they agree with the glizzy hello.
Mr cow, what is that? Does that make sense in in arguments in argumentative strategies? What do they call this? It's not filibustering, it's something else! It's like if i say his show, never goes lively. He streams like eight hours a year right, so everybody agrees. Look at that right and i'll say it dude, i'm so tired of austin's show dude. She never goes live dude girl's like yeah yeah, dude dude, but it is that he's a guest on his own show.

He he's never alive and he smells like and he steals content and it's lazy and he's just annoying right, but by the time you didn't even listen. I think that i said that, because you argue with the main arguments you argue with, because you agree with the first thing right: the rest comes in free freely and you oh yeah, you're right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah for sure for sure for sure right, that's Dumb dude stop doing that. Don't do that. You know it's annoying because nobody wants to take it.

Nobody wants to take a vacation and they're getting better. Nobody gives a about getting banned for viewership. Nobody thinks like that. The people who think like that are the people who don't get banned and don't get extra viewers, whatever you're, like oh, my god, dude they're, getting more viewers for getting banned, and i'm out here like hustling like come on man off with that jesus christ.

Man, brother, come on now dude, hmm tonight.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “The masterchef meta is over”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohamed Asad says:

    Playing a game on stream is not the same as watching a tv show when people stream games they help the game to grow and post sales so companies let people stream games because it does have a positive effect for them but watching a tv show will not encourage people to subscribe to fox or Netflix so ofcourse they will strike streamers who does this shit because you are allowing people to watch a tv show for free

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars -: says:

    Here's my take on the situation.

    Thank you for reading my take.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter 2oo1 says:

    I just realised that hes covering up the HyperX logos on his headset anyone know why? And has he said anything about it?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Multii says:

    This whole rant is based on people being on a "high horse," when critisicing reacting to entire shows in their full lmao

    Not only does everyone know its wrong, but everyone knows it's lazy as well. Straw man andy

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tahm Kench says:

    Ok felix. As i switching to watching anime is any better. Literally poking a sleeping bear here. Look at what happened to the Anime mark guy, he got pegged.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yuroi says:

    "MasterChef is in the riskiest category to watch in." Oh no, let's wait till he founds out about anime copyright hell

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toner C. says:

    Noooooooooo. Damn I was hoping he would at least get to the Joe return season. Wasted time on shit seasons, sadge.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lionclaws says:

    Why is it so hard for the twitch community to understand that watching entire copyrighted shows for content is neither okay nor legal? Switching to Hunter x Hunter is literally a death wish, have you not seen what happened to the anime mark guy? Japanese companies are more strict with copywrite than American companies.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike_slav04 says:

    Well we've seen everything the show had to offer anyway so after 100+ episodes I'm glad he's moving on to something else

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars o_o says:

    another example of big streamers who have more eyes on them trying to push boundaries, resulting in a shitstorm that affects all streamers in the worst way possible

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corzappy says:

    Prayge hopefully DMCA takedowns for anime will come quickly, please almighty Asian mega corporations may you smite down weeb streams with mighty swiftness.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N S says:

    Switched from MasterChef to Hunter x Hunter lmao. I don't see how this is gonna end well as he's literally just watching copyrighted shows for content.

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