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The most intermittent Pro Sporting history John Daly Um, is this real life? Unfortunately, it is. Yeah Edgar Woods Was severely hungover and through 55 000 into the river during a fight with his fourth wife. John Daly is a name you'll never forget. From this video onwards, you're completely different from most athletes you hate exercise you despise.

Health Food You smoke, you drink. His insane lifestyle began after starting a golf scholarship where at the age of 18 his coach would put him on a very unique diet he used to smoke Marlboro Lights and he said just start smoking here. have a cigarette Yeah you gotta do to keep the weight off on top of smoking cigarettes John began to eat nothing but popcorn Diet Coke and Jack Daniels stating in his book. most of the time I was drinking Jack like you wouldn't believe a fifth a day.

sometimes more. Most people would be drunk for a month on what I'd had before dinner before later adding that he didn't even drink water I used to drink anywhere from 12 to 20. a day I hate water I cannot stand to drink water with this in mind. It's no surprise when I lived in the early Apartments check I know it's not something to brag about.

Okay, but yeah I shouldn't chat there for all long time and you've never seen a water bottle in that room. Not one time. Dude, it was only and somehow because I was impressed one day I was going It Happened One time I went to bed and I was like dude, how can I survive without water and I like I think Coke has water in it and as far as the vegetables, that's also out of the question. quote I donate beans, spinach, broccoli, any of that stuff When I was young, my dad would force it down me and I would throw it up.

However, unbelievably, this diet worked given Daley lost the needed weight albeit while failing almost every class as a result of the drinking. I just sit in my room and drink straight out of a Jack Daniels bottle, then go practice for three or four hours. Yet this would only help him to become a better golfer when I had a good Buzz going I could play really good golf and I think it's just because the body's so loose and like free. Not to mention he was also quote one of the hardest working guys on the team.

This in combination with over 16 years of practice LED daily to win his first ever professional tournament at the age 21 riding my Winner's check was for six thousand, seven hundred dollars the next two months I made about 28 000 in four events. yet this wasn't the only way that John Daly began to make money on the full send podcast. John explained that he'd bet a hundred dollars per hole against expecting players hundred dollars a hole paid for my hotel room, paid for my drinks. Yeah, for everything described in his book as playing other guys for money usually men at the local golf clubs who thought they were better than they were, who figured they could kick this fat kid's ass.

That's the way I spent my Summers think of it as my permanent part-time job. yet this would also introduce him to the toxic world of gambling. About three years after turning Pro John Won 16 000 in a South African tournament before losing the entire amount at a casino less than 24 hours later, in a fit of rage, daily completely trashed his hotel room. also introducing the early stages of his potentially volatile nature.
Sometimes I'd beat my boss up, sometimes I'd beat my car up sometimes I'd beat a hotel room up. Despite this, John would go on to win his third significant event which just so happened to obedience the winning. Championship turning John Daly into an overnight Superstar It was crazy. There was 4 000 people sitting in front of the clubhouse and on the driving range for you, just waiting for me to get in.

and I that, trust me I was not used to all of a sudden I was being offered tons of money to shop for Monday and Tuesday corporate outings at fundraisers I was getting paid twenty five thousand fifty thousand seventy five thousand a pop to hang with golf lovers for half a day John was paid 230 000 for the championship win itself. yet he'd give 30 000 to the kids of a spectator who was killed by lightning Midway through the tournament. This kind of generosity helped John to build a cult-like fan base of people who loved his rough edges. You have a simple motto: this is a quote I just hit it as hard as I can and if I can find it I hit it again, which he was then able to monetize through some very funny sponsorships daily received endorsements from Dunkin Donuts Hooters and a diet pill called trim Spa.

Yet it was the golf specific sponsorships that began to make him Millions I Made another 236 000 in 1991 just for playing with ping clubs and wearing a pink shirt and a pink hat. And that was only the brought in 91 230. That's that's a crazy amount of money. Well, that's insane.

beginning early in 1992. a 10-year deal with Wilson that pay me millions of dollars a year. However, at the same time, Daley's performance began to go downhill rapidly after placing first of the PGA daily return the following year to achieve 80 second place. explaining on the full send podcast that he'd spent all night drinking, arriving at 7 30 for a 732 tee off.

There were some times on tour that I didn't saw corrupt about the 13th hole Yeah you get in at 7 7, 30 in the morning I got a tea time at 805 or 9 o'clock you'd be out till 7 or 7 30. Yeah, in the morning when you had an 8 AM Tea time? Yeah, it stayed in his book. Basically, my golf game in 1992 played second fiddle to making money and partying instead of partying I guess I ordered just say drinking which is what it was for the first time in my life I let my golf game slide that whole year I don't think I practiced more than two days in a row and it showed. Daily's poor performance brought about fits of anger where he'd fight his opponents, raid clubs, or throw them into the water, leading to a suspension from the PGA Tour on account a bad behavior.
On top of this, daily was suffering from Clear midday alcohol withdrawal made worse by antidepressants which gave him the shakes and the sweats and diarrhea for this reason Daley made the choice to quit drinking. However, he'd explained that his sobriety made no difference as he'd simply swap one addiction for another addiction. They warn you that when you give up one thing like whiskey, you're gonna be looking to replace it with something else for me when I stopped drinking I started eating more chocolate sometimes I'd eat 15 20 packs of M M's around with peanuts I ate chocolate chip muffins and chocolate croissants all day long every day of the tournament which for whatever reason seemed to work as John Daly was about to make a comeback after three years of very average golfing Daley came out of nowhere to win prestigious 1995 British Open doing so on a daily diet of nine chocolate chip muffins. In true John daily fashion, he ignored a phone call from the US president just so he could eat stating but I still haven't found my dinner yet and I'm starving besides I didn't didn't even vote for the guy showing that Daley had the whole world in his hands until he started drinking again.

on the brink of divorce with his second wife, Daley gave in and headed out for a big night at the bar before landing himself in hospital. After falling through a hotel door, he checked himself back into Rehab around two days later. Although the media had already gotten hold of the story and his endorsements weren't happy, my two main sponsors Wilson and Reebok had dropped me while I was in Rehab. The Wilson deal paid me several million a year plus bonuses and I'd just done another five-year deal with Reebok as an alternative day.

I'm confused. what are the implications here for the for their brand? Like the guy when the guy checked himself into Rehab like like him getting drunk is I guess bad for looks Yeah, but then he gets injured, he goes into a hotel door. Yeah, it's still bad right when he chambs down into rehab to get better and then they drop it, they drop him in there. You guys say different Diamonds by the time like guys alcohol was even more prominent.

um and far out there's a it is right now the 90s drinking and showing was on him. It was out of control a year plus bonuses and I'd just done another five-year deal with Reebok as an alternative daily. accepted a 1.2 million per year sponsorship from Callaway on the one condition that he stays sober. However, he eventually concluded that the deal wasn't worth it.

A sponsor came to him and said three million dollars we're gonna We want to send you to rehab though and he looked at me and said I'm good It took a sip, although this attitude would then help him beat Tiger Woods in a pretty funny way. Daily had qualified for a small 16-person tournament and on the night before, had drunk three bottles of Crown whiskey, leading Tiger to make some cocky remarks about how Daley had no chance of winning and he says I'm probably gonna kick his ass because JD's drunk right now. Okay, when the tournament started the following day, yeah, Daley Decided to troll Tiger by acting as though he was still drunk and he is looking at me the whole day. I've got drinks coming down, people bringing me drinks on the golf course.
he goes, what are you drinking So now I found my crown in here man. I'm fine. not one ounce out because if you do that, you can throw up on the tour. I Got him thinking that, I was really still drinking helping John to completely demolish the tournament I shoot 65 and beat him by like six shots.

It's about the last time I ever beat him daily, then earned 4 million dollars in 2004 and 2005. yeah, this would only fuel an addiction worse than any hit experience before gambling. You know in Vegas I'd play the five thousand dollar slot machine every time you pull it. How much is that? 5 000.

Oh my. God it's one for five thousand five thousand dollar spins while playing these five thousand dollar slot machines daily. fed through six hundred thousand dollars in a night without winning before taking out another 600 000 which he'd then lose again meaning he'd lost 1.2 million in the space of five hours. By this point, Daily was up to his fourth wife who confronted him about his gambling problem, initiating an argument that ended in the strangest way possible.

I won like 55 000 in the casino. Let me introduce you to a hacksaw and then another number one I said to my fourth wife Sheree if you're gonna yell and scream at me about this I threw it over the bridge going over to Memphis from Arkansas I threw all the money out the car window and said, you know what, If you want that money, you can go find it. But let me tell you something: you don't have a job you're not working I'm supporting you I'm paying all the bills. My buddy then took it to a McDonald's drive-through and got her two cheeseburgers and some french fries and a soda and it was like okay, this is how you can live from now on if that's the way you want it.

When Jon published his book in 2006, he'd gambled away 55 million over a 15-year period. However, the worst was still yet to come. In 2007, An article was written on Daily's golf performance stating put away 55 million over a 15-year period. However, the worst was still yet to come In 2007.

An article was written on Daily's golf performance stating John Daly withdrew from five tournaments and missed the cut on eight others on the PGA tour. His best finish was third place at the Skins game which only had four players. As a result, Daly lost his card and I might have had something to do with his ever declining diet in 2008 CBS Reporter Will Brinson was given the job to watch Daily during a professional game. Let me do something again.
I Live a life that has full of safeguards for my stupid. Behavior Okay, and I this still holds true this day. Again, this this will sound very weird to you. Okay, but if you're a smart kid Pizza Together Okay.

Gambling has never touched my bank a singular time in any capacity, and it never will. That's just it. Flat out flat out there has been, never it's been an in and out, a line that touched the actual bank itself. Why? Because I have safeguards Because I am irresponsible and I'm scared that one day this this could take over and I have systems in place then I Guess it doesn't do that.

He's a dumbass. Bricks, You're stupid. You don't get it. you're missing the point early.

assume 216 12 Diet Cokes six packs of peanut M Ms 0.0 ounces of water and the alcohol consumption hadn't stopped either. Only four months after writing about his diet daily was arrested for passing out in front of Hooters with the next because I hold I hold I had physical ledgers I have people that I have trusts I have people that that, uh, that, um like like lawyers that hold for me or whatever I have systems in place so I can't take it out like a dumbass and waste it all dude I hold through multiple ways man. I get a press resulting in another six month ban from old professional golf as a constellation. Daily's mugshot was placed proudly inside the restaurant.

However, he'd end the year with earnings of only fifty six thousand dollars, forcing yet another change in John Daly's life. Having grown tired of Golf Club Dress codes Daley decided to purchase his local course. You don't like the address code in golf that you find that offensive. You have your own golf course that you bought is there? Is there a dress code there? Well, basically all you got to do is cover your private parts and you can play my golf course.

initially. Running the club at a loss just so the town had somewhere to play 250 to 350 000 a year. Somewhere in there with kids or teams that want to come here and play. I Think everybody should have a chance to play golf and but if you're on a team, you're more than welcome to come here and play free.

And you know, have fun here daily! Was able to practice and make a super successful Club Yeah, recently his life has taken a turn as a result of bladder cancer. Despite this, Daily has since achieved his best score in professional golf ever. has found massive success with clothing collaborations through a company called Loudmouth, and has done so all while establishing one of the greatest legacies in professional sporting history. That was pretty good.

That was pretty good. So it's December 20th. Yes, that was a good video I Enjoyed a lot I Enjoyed that Dude, you're a child. You're you're a man child providing for having that dude having safeguards right and making sure that you're you're taken care of and you're not gonna go.
D-gen is the most adult thing that you can do. Literally, that's that's really that's a very adulting to do. It's it's taking control over your life and understanding that things can. things can.

go out of control and making barriers for yourself. That's like that's very adult like What yo this is X x on this video I'm going through my voice as well. That has anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so sore. anyone knows that boy I don't know.

he's just so soy.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “The most insane pro athlete xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B.27 says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars big gooba says:

    lmao golf is not a sport pro golfers are not ahletes!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheDriver305 says:

    Dudes like this are mandatory to party with until the drunk rage starts

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mi1kyman says:

    if only john had turbo spins Aware

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bedhop says:

    oh my god I absolutely hate the inflections Sunny does


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevor Flake says:

    Why does he end every sentence with an awwwwwww at the end of the word…. Dear God it's annoying and I can never finish his videos!!! I want to finish them but cannot stand his annoying ending to every single sentence!!!! Dinnahhhhhhh watahhhhhhhh

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jxmamba says:

    Damn they gotta make a movie about this guys life

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guest Gamers says:

    the only thing xqc has left: lose money through gambling and bad takes.

    adept took the rest, including most of his IQ

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Duncle says:

    How do mfs watch this loser, half this video is him being COMPLETELY silent, not even a reaction.

    Literally just stealing peoples content.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandyn Derrick says:

    One doode loses a nut and injects shit into his other nut he's a villian. Man drinks and hits golf winning money being more loose then others tensed from stress sober, is praised. Crazy ass America.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Mendoza says:

    xQc needs to stop yapping and just watch the video

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ale Alcócer says:

    Fight Rubius

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