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#xQc #gamingpc #setupreview

Um nope, that's not it. Not it. I'll go over really fast I'm using pretty good spacer for the with the with the mouse and and the keyboard. Good keyboard too. Okay, this is what we call a Chad this is what we call a um A A a black widow enjoyer once. I'm wrong about this. This is the Razer Black Widow uh Tournament Edition 2000 2018 16. it's good. It's good. What's 16. okay whatever. I was close. Really good keyboard versus Trash I Don't agree. This keyboard is wicked. That's why the so same problem with this guy. Why do you have a a rock stone? Shanghai It's weird ass like Suburban white girl like energy crystal in the middle of both the screens. that is louder in in eyes eyes looking than both monitors. It makes no sense. It doesn't make any sense. Okay, this is not it. Um yeah, this is not it. It's not it. It's not. There are other ways to do this. I think I think even better Mom not it. put the lamp and put somewhere else, put somewhere else. put it above or I don't know. just might use the space. Whatever, it's not a budget, those are cameras and damage. Um yeah, you know what? You know what? I'm Gonna Keep it a bucket that for what you have is as good as it gets. okay I don't see any Vapes I see a mic arm here oh you did it again you did it again. Me: you have a mic arm some some Pro style microphone, probably some and your your desk is for ants. Okay, it's a lamp I know it's not. it's not. Um, using good space for your the mouse and keyboard I've ever said that a lot I think that's a um I don't know what that is I think it's a that's right. um good Good good Monitor: it's only monitor good. Um I only get 200 on that's honest one so that's good. And I don't see any sort of vapors in any loss of money that they that you could uh spend in someone else. Hi this is pretty good as a mouse pad is definitely worth the money. I see the boobies and the asses? That's a plus 10. uh yes, that's a plus 10.

okay I there's like a nine for for uh, what? what? This is a abomination. Okay, listen over there. Listen. listen. I'll tell you why this is bad. Okay, One, it's really small. right? Two, it has the board on it and three, eight, two. it's did it. It's flipping up. Why though? Why if all this space? man, Why? There's no point. It's like a napkin. It's it's like a napkin exactly. But the rest is with you. It's really good. Dude it. dude. If you put your desk if you put your PC on the ground instead of all your dildo holders over here or some whatever you get isn't it, why don't you put your piece on the ground instead? Man, Why man did you have origin in your face or whatever, you're almost there. You're almost there. You have you ever have more space, more arms face? It would be free. Man Car Pizza I Don't give a I've been running my computers on carpets my entire life. I've never had a problem I Just had it Carpeted Chicken floor PC and it worked. Fantastic! I Would drink it to the ground, it didn't matter. Chat link the caseless floor chicken PC Link it. This is actually pretty good. Um I don't know what you're doing with your space but I mean disability. This is pretty decent. I Don't know why you wouldn't have an angle to your monitors though because this is kind of wide. but I think overall it's a good Mouse it's a decent keyboard. Oh yeah, she have it. Okay, this is my old PC Okay and it never failed it. Never, it never failed. Okay, whatever is installing I put the picture like that. but I ended up putting all the stuff like to the other side so it wasn't It wasn't like in the way or whatever right? It's on the carpet and I didn't have a problem as you get this PC from him at the next house and then the one after that three houses for the PC and it was on the ground the whole time. Had that started. Uh, it's complicated. There is a button on your motherboard. Okay, uh, it's it's a it's A. small square at a. It's like a reflective metal and as a black belt on it, you just press the black dots. If you don't have that, uh, you might have to use um, an electrical. It's complicated. Just forget it. I used to have to open like so my computer up with it with uh, something that links both the the connectors. Yeah, you have to jump the pins. Yeah, the pins together and it it connects. Uh, this is pretty good guys. What do you guys see what? I was just saying what? what? uh I think this is pretty good though I like it a lot. Um, good angle, good stuff, good keyboard good Mouse Good good space I Think Dude: I Think your desk is dog and somehow you you make better use of your space than everybody else has a way to make a bigger desk and way bigger. Rumor: Okay, you should be proud of yourself. This is actually good on this. but I don't have to say but maybe you're out of space so it doesn't matter what what. Dude dude, this is really good Dude this is really good. I like that a lot. um this in there such thing as I have right? I think that's a um Apex tkl Pro or some. Okay, that's fantastic. um shroud Mouse A lot of space. full desk, mouse pad, two monitors one good, one not as good angle to the side. no jump at the side, mic to the side that doesn't you up. but RGB on the computer Man for that, did you lose two points together? Eight? you got yeah. ten out of ten. and then you go to eight. there's a piece on the desk post. RGB plus L annoying thank you. Wait, this is a sniper. This is a sniper. Dude, this is a Tor cop sniper. Chalk up sniper. Little Bro Little Bro has a 20 Ikea disaster and so that Flex is one shoe and I feel just one shoe like did it One Singular shoe. That's why some guy was like on the roller coaster. they lost a shoe and it just picked it up and he's flexing his one shoe. I Don't know what even is that. Um, your camera is worth your entire setups worth it. Why? Why Little Bro is a DSLR and high-tech has no content and it looks like garbanzo. Why is he doing that? What's that for? We'll do that for I'm gonna kill you look like it. you have an air on wait. You have an Aeron is he is walking a Hernan Miller Aeron chair which is worth about 1 000 and whatever like 1.2 K plus taxes. Um great desk chair, great desk chair. but um I don't know why you? Yeah, this seems like Miss usage of funds and laziness. The Aaron is not the best so everyone's the best. It's not. It's the um embody that's good. I'm about to do it. This is really good. I'm gonna give it a bucket. no background lighting. No RGB dude this is a 10. this is a this is a tenant. Nope that guys 10. that's a 10 out of 10. mouse pad big, a lot of space. keyboard good good Mouse dude he's walking at 2013 DeathAdder dude that's Chad later on into the iteration. Okay, but they're still good after that. they're not great. but I think this is one of the one of the not as new ones which are better. um G4 on Deck This is not bad. um. monitors are placed properly. maybe a little Gap here, but it's whatever. A good monitor for main bad for a second I respect that good Peace On The Ground Good well done. Also it has a frog. oh is that a chat Okay chat I'm gonna pull some more up now. Hold up chat Well I'm gonna do Checkers I'm going to refresh um latest I'll I'll browse Chopper fun I'll pick a couple of them from from from java but I will not be using top as the main guide for uh which ones we're gonna get so uh uh PC on Twitter um okay uh, this is good. This is good. This this one said it could be um, it could be data Maybe status away. Okay okay, this is good. uh okay, this is good. Okay I guess I'm getting a bunch I'm getting a bunch. Oh my god get some help. So I check and see for now but give it a second show. Dog You have a dog here. There's no dog here. There's a manager's doctor today but he's gone okay. Done Done guys I got a lot chat I have a bunch Yes I guess I got too many I got to my channel. What did I say I don't know Okay, done. sorry for that I asked the message. um okay. next up what we got. um Life of Pi good movie good it's not bad I think it's a pretty good movie. um what am I talking about? Why am I saying that? uh unless this is a mouse pad I think it's a mouse pad? Is it myself over here Chad I can't tell. um other than that I think on a budget this is pretty. This is pretty clean. Dude: I'm Gonna Keep it a buck check Reddit another minute No if you're on a big budget I think this is really good for uh, the amount of money you have you spent on it. If you are on a budget, then look at that. the PS4 is under the the um, the holder so it doesn't overheat right? That leads to the main monitor which is a good monitor, but he uses both of this at the same time and the PS4 under and it's a mini. Pretty personalized, but he has all the space to put the game. This is this is fire. This is this is fire. That's As Good As It Gets Is it not PS4 Uh, it is. That's yeah. I don't know. That's pretty good. Yep, that's really good. Oh what is that? Yep. I don't agree with this and I'll tell you why you don't need two good monitors. Says to me: I used two 360s but um, your mouse bed is that's that. This is disgusting. This is disgusting. Why would you get two good monitors? Just get one good one and one bad one. You save money. Why do you need to say I want to be 140? What do you do when you're saying monitor while you're playing games? You know you need a 140 Sega monitor. Why he upgraded it? it's the same one. Um yeah. I think these are the old band cues or whatever. So whatever though. um yeah. I love the mouse pad. I mean it's gonna. It gives us their space I think he's using some. um, some like Ikea Lin mon. Is that what it is? Yeah. I think this is the IKEA White Linman uh desk. It's pretty good. Uh, it's a good desk for uh. gaming. Um, that's gonna eh like I said I think it's trash RGB headset it's not. Yeah, it's whatever though. uh um sometimes I do using the alpha Cloud don't do that if you can choose to use the alpha cloud or not. I would the alpha two I wouldn't use that one I use this one instead. It's fine. What the I know my dude. imagine not thinking I don't know my I move like 80 times a year man. the other Ikea I know everything. Okay uh uh yeah. it's pretty good keyboard setup I it's not because you could not. Great use of space but I think this is pretty good. I'll give it like an eight I'll give it seven Cloud up as good sound the I don't give a um that's good, that's good I like that good keyboard. oh that. oh that's um ten keyless and that's the the the the tkl what the Pro that's good I like that. this is not it. but I'll let it fly I'll let it fly. um if it's the Apex Pro you know I think the Apex Pro this is the Apex Pro I know hey Pro Tkl thank you. listen I was right. good space usage here I like that second monitor Hey Listen I don't judge I judge Why the is it sideways? Okay, oh, you could push in my mother to the left and make it sideways and make it closer. You don't want to have a gap in between your monitors. You just don't Okay, You don't You don't. Okay, Whenever you look at one model to the other, What about? by transitioning your eyes, you're you're having a depth. a depth reset. It's good for your eyes, but it's bad for gaming. But whatever. What is this already? Yeah, but I'm sure I'm saying it again. I'm saying it again. Good. This is okay. This is pretty good. Um, same disc as um so it's pretty good for the space that you have I think um, it's actually pretty clean I like it. It's not great DSLR Andy um a small desk Andy Um is this curve I Can't tell I hate people that are 50 50. Split them I Don't like explaining my Amazon in the middle I Think that's that's bad. It's bad. Stop. The reality is, you use your main monitor. Okay, 90 of your day. Why give them 50 50? It doesn't make sense, it doesn't Dude, your body is forward like this. You're looking straight. Make sure you use the most as you can. from that, you're my mother. If you're saying monitor, you can just glance at it. man. Okay, then it's angled I Don't give a I don't give a I don't give a. it's not 50 50.
this This is like: if this is like you know I don't care I'm right I'm always right. please. It's good though. it's good use. What about that? Hey yo! That was risky as I could have gone bad for that. Um same problem with this guy. same problem with this guy I'm gonna be honest I like the I like the use of the space a lot. Okay, um, do you remind me of um sent the mod who who's like he's talking. he's like sucking on a dick inside time because his mic is in his face like that? uh I'm not a big fan of that I always hated that concept. Um, doesn't really make sense to me. but if you like doing that, it is what it is. um yeah, it's bad I don't want people do that Also, it's badly I think maybe when you're gaming. whatever it's bad. like it's in your face. whatever. but if you can do it, you can do it. Big monitor split that'll like it. different angle, different. uh different. different distance. It's it's bad. I'm about this keyboard though. but if it works, it works also by using your space pretty well though. I Agree that this species is very, very good also. PC under the desk. good job. there's eight VIP it's not under, it is under I'll see you next time. What do we got I Get this guy. Um okay. you see that. but um, this. oh my. God Holy man. Okay, that's a big No-No and in this trade okay, this this lava lake is a stupid I don't know what your problem is I know what your problem is. Man this is so annoying. How do you play games with this bad bad but blind in two years? this is permanent retina damage. Okay it's different. It's a different uh lighting. You guys don't know what I feel about this. It's bad. Also, you care more about your your your studio style mixer. okay then having good space for your mouse and keyboard. Okay nobody cares what your other levels are at. Okay you can go right. click it like this. This is a mixer. Oh no yeah this is a mixer. You don't need this. What? it's a production. Oh he produces. oh it makes music 32 months. Love you and chat a lot. Xqcs Pac-Man wait wait and it's an Xqcl. What? it's super good though I mean I don't know how tall you are though. I mean I like to put my laundry is back to back together ow hey man that didn't hurt and I wanted to have one. but I think this is pretty good for the space though. but I mean for gaming it's it's uh but I like a lot though I didn't think this stuff is pretty good. That's a 140 monitor or 240 right? which is expensive. This monitor might be the least there's a model on Amazon is a very very cheaper I think this is the one and yeah the same one. It's so cheap I Always buy it as my second monitor, right? that's Chad That's Chad Like it. dog shits like it's like a modder. There's a bunch of bad ones. Oh, it's a good one. Ah, whatever. Spectra Oh okay, we might have a 10. the mic is far away. Hey, hold up. the mic is far away. Two monitors back to back angling perfect and it's also mounted full desk space. mouse pad G Pro Wireless Apex Pro Tkl a mixer all at the back speaker, sideways promoter for coding it. This is pretty good. This is pretty good Chat Chinese is pretty good and this guy works at home and he does this. Uses this for professional reasons. That's really good. Chat guys I Think there's like a 10 10 S Plus 10. Plus at no no wallpaper, that's Chad no Whatever. No, when you open the computer, you have to go. You have to go get useful. You have to. You have to be productive. Man, no anime moving titties That's gonna distract him from the grind Chad Chad I Bet you out of 10 times you're gonna go to the computer and be productive. At least two times you'll see some girl with titties like that and it's gonna make you think about things and you're gonna go jerk off and you will lose productivity and lose money. power CL And and maneuverability in your life. Black background that's five headed. Um, this is decent. This is pretty clean. Actually a lot of Space Mountain Um, no useless um. webcam. webcam, three monitors. another I'm not big fan of three, but you know what? dude I I respect it if you need. if you need to need three. I'm not excited, it's better. Uh, it's pretty good. Well this model though. otherwise it's so. but I think this. I think this one is. Wait, this monitor is better than your main one. 26 months. How can I get a Welcome to the Jungle Finally No. Okay. Xqcl. anyway for free I see a toe for free. He plays CS go 4-3 Okay, so he has some sort of illness. okay I get it. Sorry about that man. Wait, it's pretty good though. I Hate these desks though I Hate this man. It's why I always say buy a a table for dinner for your uh setup I I This is not it. I I Hate this dude. oh let's take a look. Let's take a look and take a look. take a look Asman gold tier chair I Respect it and laid back. a lot of space. Uh, good species. It's not bad. I'm oh my God oh my God Cheers xqc well hello there Jesus man. Okay, anyway. um um I think for a desk like a big L desk I think you didn't bring up your space I like it a lot. um RGB computer that's not really needed. Uh, so you have to. Needless if I buy a better chance instead. But I mean it gets you on a budget. but I think with the budget and whatever you're doing, pretty good. I Know you would buy a big ass mic armed. This is like a robot. Look at this. This is like some Hentai tentacle level mic armor. It's a six part modular Mike armor. Some professional Mike Bro Bro Bro will save your life. Literally Okay you save yourself surgery when you're older. yeah and do that cat to home Me: this is bad. Glass Desk: No no oh no. this is bad. The headset's good. Um this is decent. Um I'm gonna set up. uh it's it's good enough. Spotted a mouse and keyboard set up but glass and you put your Xqcl. Why do you put the PC What the is this? Wait little bro, What is this Who has a handle on it for transport? Oh no. oh no. oh no. this is bad. Oh no this is bad. bad other stuff, it's just bad. Um let's see open windows. Ah there's nothing man. Okay so you need to understand. Okay you smoke a lot right? The thing is is that cigarettes will get into the walls and gets into the fabric right? You have a your you have a big ass carpet. some old one this probably did. This probably smells like like a Cemetery My brother. this is disgusting. it. there's there's sin there everywhere. Man there's ashes everywhere. Bro you're breathing in the ashes man. I would help you out with a subscription. Yeah, the wall is discolored by the by the by the smoke. literally it literally is. wait Andy Vapes Oh hell nah dude. I'm actually having this game. This setup for your monitor is pretty decent. but I'm Gonna Keep it a bucket. There's more space on your desk for smoking it. Smoking apparatus, smoking piped up most of it. Most of this. uh, most of this is for smoking like bro, you're not the smoke shop. What is this man? Yeah I Don't agree with this. Biaro couldn't just do cigarettes. He had to do the experimental Chinese chemicals as well. haha. keep it a buck faded than a hoe. That's cool though. I mean there's actually I didn't see the setup I didn't see your mouse and like that. but it looks decent though. There's good usage facing for the hardware itself though. Um, dude. Okay, this actually might be a good one as well. Bro I'm making better. Keep it up with you. This is pretty good. Full desk mouse pad, two monitors. These guys. This guy has no space. He has no space. This guy's on a budget with no space yet. He has two modders and enough space for his entire hand. Also, this doesn't either. Um, what is this mouse? This keyboard? Um. Also I like the pen I Like the pen. this is a fantastic. that's usage. Yes, this is a 10. this setup is a 10.
no I Dildo Mike in his face. Okay, for the space he has, this is a ten. How could you make it better to this basement? You can't. You literally cannot make better uses. but you can't It's not possible. It's as easy. As for first place, it's a 9.5 because um, uh, no, it's good..

By xQcOW

10 thoughts on “The most jank pc build of all time viewer pc setup review #18”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZenTunE says:

    He's not wrong about the bright lights behind a monitor.

    Except doesn't he use a ring light or something similiar himself 💀

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Space dizz…nuts says:

    I swear kids now are so bad at pc management

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Manning says:

    lol weirdo

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Manning says:

    you will never be anything

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Manning says:

    youre a nobody

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Benson says:

    Claim your “here within 30min token” here 😎 1am 🤌

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PegMan65 says:

    Lol people getting mic arms like they will ever make a living from streaming

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kaptaan 88 says:

    "he has a 10" wtf, what kind of metrics is he using to grade these, that was ok setup

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars For The Horde says:

    Yayayayayaya 😎

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Koa Koa says:

    Jank 💀💀

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