xQc interviews Madison Beer
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#xQc #madisonbeer

Yep, all good now. I think it's good. okay yeah sorry I was doing some some some text St I I don't like this camera. it's it's pretty buggy.

um you're good. okay hi listen um just a little bit of instruction. the I didn't see the clip that you post that that people posted last time of you right? So I'm not King by the way. I I I mean this in the best way I Can I have no idea who you are like actually like no idea? Yeah yeah um not not.

Now you do. wait wait Me? yeah yeah now I do Yeah yeah so it's why I want to like? um you know I like do something called like interviews but they're not really like actual interviews. you know. let's see what I would love for you to get to know me? Yeah yeah yeah.

so I just want to ask questions because it's right on. Twitch We get people that come from the outside world like right? right? and people people were saying uh that you're a big deal and I look I saw all your stuff I was like oh yeah oh yeah and she was like and I was like oh yeah yeah she is a big deal so that's why it's kind of cool that you spend some time on here doing this cuz this is like this is considered like bottom dweller activities right Bot? this is like like basement dweller like Goblin activities I was like oh my gosh she actually do that. um I love it. Well I guess I'm one of those now.

So I love it. Yeah. Also, if I'm swinging too fast and you don't want to send anything, you could tell me to repeat I'm not going to get mad sometimes People ask me like 10 times it's fine. Um yeah.

Also, we also play against so so you're not bored. um you want to play fall guys. are you good at it? I think I think I'm okay you? okay you want to play or not? I'm down. let's do it then.

Okay, how do I How do I do? Well wait wa wait I I I You know we could. we could do it in a minute. um while I install it cuz I don't think I have the game installed by now? Yeah um so what's your background like? How did you? how did you become uh who you are right now? uh I mean I have a very long, kind of maybe boring story but I got I got discovered when I was 12 on YouTube singing covers I'm a singer oh that's sick. Okay also I don't want to bore your your viewers put the that watch you right and I and if you're untable with something that you don't want you want them to know you can just tell me no I think you guys are B I think they they they like it I think I don't know Oh that's like and and so how did that happen? How did you went from singing at home and doing covers to moving up I so do you know how Justin Bieber got started like how he got originally discovered on YouTube I saw some video of him like on like some St he was singing I think a long time ago so he got discovered when he was super young and he actually discovered me when I was super young.

So I was signed with Justin for a couple years and he's how I initially got started and then yeah I've just been kind of making music and stuff ever since I have my second album coming out soon. sick. Okay so what was your what was your first like Breakthrough moment you think what was the what the one thing you did that reached like new heights that reach Sol ified you as who you are. Honestly I mean for doing this for a for doing this for a while I feel like it actually wasn't until like kind of somewhat recently I had a song called Reckless that kind of to me re these two songs called Reckless and selfish were the ones that I feel like reached a lot of people and and got people sort of into my music.
more so so I think those were that was in the last like three years. Sick was that just like one song was like an part of an album or something? or yeah they were. Well selfish was part of my debut album but they kind of were on their own and um yeah. I mean they they're They're the ones that have done the best and they're my most like vulnerable songs.

So it's been, it's been cool I Love making music though. I mean it's just yeah. definitely my passion. I Like that? um you said vulnerable song? Uh, as somebody who's like a like me I don't know much about these terms.

What does that mean? Uh, a vulnerable song? Yeah, no. Kind of like a honest song that's emotional and like. you know, sometimes when people write music they don't want to be totally honest with all their feelings. and to me that song is kind of like a very honest.

that's sort of the best synonym I could use. so you're very involved with the process of making the songs and like writing it and so it's all you. Yeah! I Write my songs I co-direct my music videos I I Creative direct and I kind of do everything. That's cool.

Um, whenever you get popular and you have like, um ALB I feel like a lot of people make money and make their income through um, touring. Do you do that? Like tour around and go. You do that. Yeah.

I Did a I did 75ish shows on my last tour and it was really really fun. I Went all around the world, not everywhere I went to Europe I went North America I did all of that stuff and it was amazing and I'll be touring again. probably in February 75 Okay and what's that? Like 75 shows in a year? like what's what's gonna no in in like two months, three months? Well that's that's that's okay that that's new like sometimes you. then you probably had like two shows a day.

Sometimes you probably had days where you have two shows. No it was. it was like over. actually like now that I say it out loud.

I think it was like three and a half months, maybe even four. I don't know. it was a while ago and it was very crazy and packed in. but yeah it was.

It was over three and a half. four months and we went everywhere. but there was shows that were like four in a row and then one day off and then four in a row and one day off. So it's pretty intense, but it's so much fun I Love touring.

Okay, yeah, um I I have a bunch of question about that but I want I don't want to get into the the boring part of it. um I I think really though. um so what did you? What did you know? why are you here I just flat out question. yeah yeah I don't know.
uh I still make music I have an album coming out in September but honestly I've always kind of been friends with people who are in more so this world and even if they just game and have setups and you know are in that and I my my brother for example has literally had a setup since he was nine. um and I just have never fully gotten into it. but I've you know I've sat on the computer I've played games I've enjoyed it uh I've watched your streams I've watched people streams and I think that I don't know. it just kind of was something I wanted to try and I'm sort of at the point where I feel like I've been doing the same thing for so long and as much as I love making music I just feel like there's so much stuff out there that is fun and this has been so fun.

and I've only done like what? two weeks of streams? Sick Yeah uh yeah. I've seen some of your clip and I've seen some of the some of the stuff. um how um does that like take away from your days or are you still like doing your normal stuff and normal like career stuff? it's it's not really taking away from the days, it's sort of just you know. I am not as free at night when I'm doing this but I still feel like I'm trying to be, you know, like sort of hand Montana living both lives at the same time? Yeah, yeah yeah.

I could see that I could that? That's fun though. It's fun there. it's it's it's been like working out well like they haven't been conflicting too much so. but when I'm on tour and stuff I don't know what's going to happen.

Yeah, you know when you do like um like touring and I'm sure there's like other artists probably like show up at the place where you do shows at right? Do do you meet like a lot of like celebr SL people that make music and super like Superstars or whatnot such as yourself just not yeah um I I I I would say that's more so at like a music festival or something like Coachella for example, yeah you know, like that that's where everyone's performing on the same stage on tour. you're really only doing your own shows so no one's really there at the same time. but um, festivals and stuff? Yeah, you see a lot of people. you see everyone.

oh that's cool. Have you any friends with like um, people out there like like you know, just like you know, like big famous people I I don't know what it's like people I feel like your status on like the outside is is pretty big cuz for me I'm like you know it's like I'm living in the sewers. You know it's like even though I'm popular here I'm like the king of the rats. okay but we're is it.

That's how it is though. generally. generally though, I'm not kidding. That's that's how it is So when I talk about something called the Normans right is that it's usually people that are outside.
like coming from like other fields like music, movie. people that are actually famous actually have status and the way I see people like you is that actually famous actually have status. So I was just asking like if you ever if you made any friends or like connections with people that are that are famous in that? Sure Yeah yeah I guess I've definitely made friends with people who are on that side of the world obviously being in that for so long. but I mean I don't really? Yeah yeah yeah po about in like that.

yeah but it's also King of the rats Queen of the whatever it is outside doesn't even matter, it's I I think that like all of it's it's really cool I was telling my friend recently like there's so many different Avenues of niches and people that like are into so many different things and I don't know I think it's it's really sick and I I just I don't know there's so much outside of just like mainstream or whatever you want to call it. Yeah I Noticed also that um, some of your fans, um of course they're They're super. They're super involved in in the carot. Some of the things that you apply to people are like they're very, um how could I say it? The very involved with what you do and and whatnot.

um does that get a lot sometimes? does that weigh on you a little bit? uh honestly like because I've had a lot of the same fans for you know 10 years now. Some of them I've been able to really create like a great understanding between us like a lot of them are you know I feel like like you could say with you know your chat and your fans and stuff like they I feel like understand you and you feel like you have a really strong connection and understanding you guys have I'm sure like inside jokes and all that stuff. whatever. So I feel like we've just created a good back and forth between us where you know they respect me I respect them and we have boundaries and and whatnot.

you know? so so it's it's become definitely not something that weighs on me like it used to I used to feel a lot of pressure for sure but now I'm just sort of like this is me and if you like it great if not also fine. Yeah what about uh when you go like in the street like when you walk around like you go to the mall do you get recognized a lot and stopped and take pictures or what notot sometimes What do you mean sometimes not always? Oh please okay come on say okay it's it's not give me a flex these are like actual questions like it's not I'm like yeah I can't go anywhere. Okay, no no okay, all right. no no I me like like does it happen like periodically or it's not that much.

Okay, okay yeah. I mean randomly people will stop me and stuff, but not. it's not too crazy I definitely still can live a very normal life I'm not on that level at all. Yeah, it makes sense.

Okay, yeah okay. um I I where are you from I'm from Quebec Canada so like all the way up right? yeah, near the water. um and we speak French over there. but it's it's like a scuffed French right? right? Um, yeah, it's about it.
and then I moved here like six six years ago. Where are you? Where is here? Oh um United States uh I'm went to LA then Texas and La again and Texas again. So I went back. What do what do you like better? um I think well I kind of a boring answer I think they're both really good in their in their own aspects I really like La um like food Vibrance like you're close to everything.

If you're like downtown and it's like you're it feels like you're part of a moment or you're part of something. but it depends what that is. um, right? and that can shift sometimes I Feel like depending on what industry you're in which? Yeah, but also here in Texas I I get to go out and and bike and breathe air that isn't smog. you know like I can do.

Does Texas feel more similar to oh yeah, 100% Yeah you you go out at night, there's not a you only hear like you know like animals and insects or whatever and then you're just going to you're just coasting. you're kind of you're kind of breathing a real air. you know compared to La like I feel like I get I would get out of house and if I want to go take a walk and take a run I do like 10 m and it's like PVP you know it's like uh it's it's the war zone. it's bad.

it's definitely bad. Yes you I always feel like I'm stuck like I can't do anything like I'm uh yeah I'm from New York so I'm used to like a big place but I'm from Long Island so I'm from like a Suburban part of New York so I'm used to like grass and Open Fields and land and whatever. so I definitely had that when I moved here. I was just like this is not what I'm used to at all.

Oh sh right. Crazy yeah um yeah I hear in New York I hear like honking and and taxis and that's what that's what my brain does. Um yeah I don't I don't really go to Manhattan Interesting. So wait so how old are you? I'm 24, How old are you? oh I'm 27? Um, it's getting old out here.

Yeah I feel like um, getting old out here? literally What's happening? Yeah and I feel like getting old I Listen, it's going be I feel like getting old is like it accelerates almost right. like time goes even faster and faster. It's like don't see it. It definitely does I remember like growing up obviously our parents were always just like uh you know it get it goes so fast and when you get to this age and I was I remember growing up my birthdays felt so far apart and what really freaked me out out was when I turned from 23 to 24.

I was like that was a year. Yeah for sure that was a year. it just gets it gets yeah it does get really fast. yes I feel about the Last 5 Years Um so when you're retiring, do do? Do you Have you ever think about that? like like when you're retire and try to slow down? Uh, not yet.
definitely not thinking about that yet. I mean like I definitely want kids and you know all that stuff when I'm a little older? not now. but yeah I mean it will happen but no I'm I I think I I'll always be someone that's doing some aspect of like entertainment I I Love it and I know I like making people happy. Whatever.

Yeah for sure. um happy as in like giving like stuff to enjoy and stuff to look forward to and whatnot right? Yeah and I like yeah, just just all of it I Love meeting people I love all all of it. Yeah for sure wait um okay I I if it's too far you just tell me um where do you live now I would assume in like LA or whatever I do yeah yeah of course. um yeah.

Is it like a necessity for like this like Realm of or or or the things that you do to um right now it is I think like the you know a lot of the music industry is out here so yes but I don't want to live here forever I don't really love La I'm not like an LA person I definitely I don't know it's just it's just busy I like I like not busy I want to live on a farm oh so oh yeah. Do not get like do not miss the like, the energy and like the the Vibrance when you're out like on on a field or far away you not miss it or is I miss it so much I I literally I I don't like I I Don't want to say I don't like La like because I've been here for so long but I just don't really I don't know I just don't feel like it's homey because I don't I feel like there's so many people everywhere. There's so just people everywhere. It's just not how I grew up I grew up in like houses were pretty far from each other and whatnot.

So it's just it's just weird I still haven't gotten used to it. Yeah I was born in city so I I I don't I don't really relate to being being far out. that's um, man. I'm be honest with you.

it kind of got me nervous the I'm not nervous about this cuz I'm pretty good at DEC doing interviews but um just I I don't know I just jump straight through it sometimes I I get a little bit of a buffer and I can think a little bit. um yeah I think you're doing amazing I could never interview someone. oh well, thank you. Um, it just I'm actually really interested in in other people's Fields a lot right? like especially music and acting.

Uh, because I really like music and I think there's like, um, when I speak to people that do music they um, all have like creative creative aspects in in their own regard that it's really interesting. Um yeah, especially since you write your own stuff because I feel lot people don't even write their own songs or whatnot, right? Yeah, I mean for honestly for a while, like not for a while. but when I first got started when I was super young I didn't you know I would just get sent a song that was already made and then I would just record it and then release it and I don't know I just sort of was like this is not me like I The music that I've always grown up loving and listening to was always stuff that was so honest and real and emotional. and I was like you can't capture that if someone else is writing something that they don't even know my life.
So I just yeah I just stopped. Uh, doing that I I made it a promise that I would never really record someone else's song again. no matter what. Yeah, even if someone sends me a song, I like I could just change it.

you know, write some new lyrics or whatever. Yeah, yeah for sure. as long as it it feels like it's you uh I get I get that? um over question? Do do you? um something that isn't music but something else. what is like a passion or goal you have in the medium longterm right that that you know of? uh I just released a book which is crazy.

It's like a mental health book kind of. and it's just like a little bit about. you know my story like so I I've done a lot of like whatever interviews things like that and I just wanted a place that I could write. You know my truth of what's happened because it hasn't always been easy for me and like obviously if you don't know me then you would have no idea nor does anyone nor should anyone really give a but I've I got a lot of hate on the internet.

when I first started people were really mean to me and as a young teenage girl it was really difficult for me to handle. So uh yeah I just wanted to tell my story in my way and so I wrote a book about that and all my mental health stuff. but I don't know I don't really have I don't really have the biggest list of goals I just I feel like even the past five years so many things have happened that I didn't expect to. So I just like the gold Poost is always moving for me that I'm just like let me just keep going every every day is is a day Yeah what about um just like like if you other like another hobby or something that you really like doing an outlet that uh isn't any of that one more um I would say let me think um I mean I've been really enjoying this which obviously that's I'm not.

That's not going to be my answer but this has been really fun playing playing games and stuff. uh I like to play poker Really, you play uh why you play online or you been been like um you've been like to casino and play with other people or what? I'll kind of do whatever I like to play at like home games and stuff. but yeah I really like to play poker I I like I'm just really bad at it like it's really fun I could teach you I could teach you damn okay yeah I'd love that cuz um when I was young I I kept like getting like virtual credit cards online and I I just um like you know where where you load them up with your own money and then to play online and I just I just hit losing I I got a bunch of debt doing that cuz I was just really really bad at it. It's not easy for sure, but I just I've always loved card games and I feel like that's like it's yeah.
it's just a fun game I'm definitely into it. I was just playing my controller. Do you play um, fall guys with a controller or not keyboard? Yeah. oh okay, are you more than Xbox person or Ps person? All right.

sick. um one more thing. one wait. can you hear me? I don't think oh Noy I I my thing swapped to um nobody was able to hear you.

Um, because my my audio swapped to my controller which happens sometimes and it's really annoying. The audio plays out of the controller, it swaps to it like basically yeah, it's really stupid. um oh it's this output that is so stupid. it's okay.

it's all fixed now. Um yeah yeah yeah, it's all fix now. Um yeah now I lost my train of thought. All right, let's um so you're a big animal lover? Oh yeah, yeah and I don't like rushing it and like going to it and like researching all the animals I like to just let it happen right? So like I like um whenever I see like a new one I haven't seen before I get cuz like it's like rare Now they're all rare if I don't know about them and I see one, it's automatically rare right? So like because I love it.

yeah and I like that. um and even like squirrels that look different so you know, have you ever played Pokemon before Pokemon Okay you you know what a shiny is No. See, that's what I was going to say no because I honestly don't know a lot about it. but I've played it.

but continue. a shiny basically is a um let's say um, let's say you have a Pikachu and it's it's yellow and whatnot, right? um I don't know what's the shiny of a of of a Pikachu in chat people are probably say oh he doesn't know what he's talking about but whatever. Um, if you if you were to find one in the game right, there's a There's a very very slim chance that it's a different color so it's incredibly rare So when you get one Okay, so it's rare. Yeah, you get super excited when you you get one that's shiny.

Okay, that's how you feel about the animals in your backyard. Yeah because sometimes I actually get shines like that's so sweet. that's a beautiful perspective I Know that you're not trying to be deep, but that's very beautiful because a lot of people do not appreciate nature and you know how there's so many different animals that come in so many different shapes and sizes. I'm with you I was just talking about on my stream earlier that I saw today a hummingbird and a butterfly facing each other flying at the same exact place, the exact same place looking at each other flying and I was like I didn't even take a picture of it because I was just like what is happening.

It was like a glitch in The Matrix yeah you're enjoying it yeah I have um by back I had a bunch of humming birds um and there is rarer color schemes like there are some that they're just rare and I I' just been looking out cuz then I installed a um a little thing where they put the beacon in and they they a bird feeder. Yeah yeah, bird feeder? Yeah for hummingbirds and um and they're just coming in and out, in and out and every time they come on I I always look to see if I going to get a shiny but um even though even though it's not a shiny I still appreciate when they come my God and they drink the water it's like I give them I'm going start calling I'm going to start calling rare animal shinies that's amazing I have a little Fountain like right outside of my house. it's like a little fountain that makes makes sound and stuff and birds will just bathe in it and they'll like roll around and oh my God it's so cute I love it I'm the same way I'm the same way but the crow I saw a clip of you getting really excited about a crow. People don't usually like crows so I was like wow he really must love animals cuz crows are usually not.
People don't love crows. yeah I I I think it's just because maybe I just felt like it's I'm in the middle of La middle of the city. it's all houses and it's all like it's all kind of dead and and like cement and rock. and then I get these cool animals that look really nice right? and it has like a crows like a weird like feather style.

it's almost. It's almost like lustrous right? And I thought I look really really cool and I never I never see crows. You know it's not about the fact that it's a crow that I never see crows I think one in my backyard. It feels like it's almost.

Not that it's mine, but like it's hanging out with me, right? It's so cute. Yeah, that's true. and then I got a hawk. uh um no I got I got a falcon I got a falcon.

so I'm looking around in my backyard I see a falcon uh on the on the on on the power line and then there's a pigeon just chilling out and the Falcon goes w and he grabs a midair and he actually lands on in the backyard next to my pool and he has his his little little grippers his Talons yeah on his neck and he's holding him down and the pigeon's struggling and after like after like a whole minute of of him holding him down for some reason he let he lets go and and the pigeon flies away and oh my God I I saw an actual like an event right? Yeah, that's an event and that felt so special and after that I was like okay I'm going to get I'm going to get a bird feed dinner I'm going to get a bird bath I'm going to get bird food and I want to get I love that and then you get um food for uh squirrels, food for squirrels and you get a bu and I got a bunch of bags of food that all different and put them everywhere and see who shows up. and I also had I had I had an apum You ever seen an apum before? yeah I've seen those. it's like a big rat. yeah they're scary and this guy Liv lived under my house for um like 4 months and he stopped throwing up but whatever and he was I think he was trying to find a weight inside of the house by scratching under the um the wood my by my house I get a lot of lizards, a lot of lizards and a lot of snails and what else do I get over here.
we have a lot of a lot of birds as well, but I I don't really pay attention to like what kinds they are. so I'm going to start looking a little bit more and a lot of squirrels. I have a lot of trees around my house and there's always just squirrels and I see them sometimes I have these big eucalyptus trees in my backyard that are huge and I'll just sometimes look closely I'll be in the pool or something and I'll see a squirrel jump from tree to tree to tree and it's so it's so cool. it's so cool you.

Noti when they jump they their tails they it does like a spin. Go like that. Yeah yeah it's really cute. that's really really cool.

um oh yeah I I I want something? yeah you ever seen um lizards like sometimes it'll it'll cut its own tail cuz they grow back you seen it before I've I think I've heard of that but I haven't I haven't seen it in person I I think when when I was young I was trying I was trying to capture one because I had like a little little little habitats lizard and then I tried to to to get one and I went to get one and I I you know I was trying to to just get it tail fell off and it I think it bit its own tail cuz the tail it was left behind and you ran away. what and I got scared and they told me that it's fine because the the tails grow back I think that that's true I don't know but I think that that's true. yeah it's crazy sounds true. Yep I mean maybe yeah.

oh it falls off they don't They don't buy it, they just fell fall off. Got it? Makes sense? Yes it's true. It's a defense mechanism they're saying oh that's crazy. um okay how can we play? What do we do do we Duos or are we just playing against each other? What are we doing? So there's couple like categories you can play.

um I'm going to launch the game and then swap camera and whatnot. So um I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to yeah.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “The new queen of twitch unfiltered madison beer interview”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quacker Snail says:

    A loyal rat to my rat king

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barzan farsat says:

    Now imagine if speed meets her

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Macho Dave says:

    she so honest wtf

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Macho Dave says:

    am not trippin but she looks so unreal ..how can a person even look like that fr

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CarlJC MJK says:

    Damn she’s is smoking fire 🔥

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ren says:

    W honestly but poor fran

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JayVEV0 says:

    boring girl

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Candid Apple says:

    reason I heard of her was from the league of legends song, weird she didnt mention it on a twitch interview

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JustGame says:

    L WOMAN !!!!!!!!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meige says:

    X talking too much. sh!t😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aboody says:

    Am I the only one who thinks she's acting so fake?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlaneisAnder says:

    I've been listening to Madison on and off for a few years and seeing those vile and disgusting live comments in the corner pissed me off , why degrade such a genuine person? What's wrong with this guys viewers man…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philip Basin says:

    such a wholesome moment talking about animals, then I look over to the chat and see them spamming autism rizz

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Ooka says:

    How she looks and who she seems like are really different.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyson Paton says:

    Im "23"
    So when are you retiring?

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