FOREWARNED is a 1-4 player co-op survival horror. Gear up and delve deep into ancient Egyptian ruins with your team of fellow archaeologists. Investigate the phenomena around you, collect treasure, discover lore, and survive the evil that lurks within.
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#xQc #Forwarned #Scary

And proceed to blow this cash, oh drop it to the flow. The way you make that booty go! Oh i'll, see you later i'll talk to you later. I heard that brother. Sorry, i had to tell my mom she's uh.

I have asthma. Okay, all i wan na do is watch the ass move. Uh now listen! This is your daily pack. You'll find all you the things you need to uh do the objectives.

Okay, now i want you to get um a suspended meter, a altimeter, a uh polography meter, a uh light meter and the what the that is meter. I don't know who this guy's talking to, but just bring everything. I don't have here: wait: whoa, i'm! Okay! Now the transmitter, okay and not the flashlight either. No, you need a flashlight.

What about a lighter? Oh, it's: okay, okay, any camera! Okay! I got a seismometer. No! No! I got a size, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! No you're covering my items! I have 6mm meter a radiology meter and a compass meter. You guys really have to wear the same clothes, huh you're wearing something. No.

I got it first sure. Oh this guy literally stole my stomach. Okay. I was wearing that before you even bored man.

What are you talking about you, whatever bro uh, photo camera okay lightly, i'm good the size will meet okay, i'll i'll, go transmitter. Let's go! You know this a vr2 i'll i'll i'll put on my vr i'll see you wait. No! You won't. If all of us do ah dude, actually you think if you're yeah game i'll find you one, do it dude we can play vr games.

I think it'll be content as a cat, it'll be fun. What is that uh evidence? I guess you could say um magnetic distortion or uh guys over here. What was that? Oh, my god. Oh god, what is it i don't know? I was.

I got ta hurry, that's good! It's so loud for me. I'm getting chills for no reason, and this needs to stop man dude, there's a ghost-like figure yeah, i'm looking right at it. Yes with me, my heart, rate's, going up. There's coins pick it up: 83 g's hey, but for me for me, you're being weird, if nobody's in there.

No i'm here, i'm here, oh well! Don't press that! Don't press it! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! So if you fail, he just comes to life spoiler. Ah, oh, what the! What the! What the was that dude bro brother brother? Where was no one's happy brother brother? What the was that? What the? What was that? What the oh, my phone? Oh, my god! I'm done, i can't i can't i can't oh man, dude dude, my my the cord from my headset was touching. My toes man get yourself together. Ah yourself, together, man, dude, okay, okay, okay, i i'm thinking dude dude.

I rolled my thumb over my with my wheel on my with my chair man. This guy actually has chills. I i heard it. I heard it and i heard it again.

I heard it again. I heard it again: uh he's loud yeah, okay, he's gon na change. The color am i really loud, i'm good right, oh what the is going on. Oh my god, man.

What the is that dude? It's not even fun this shit's, so stupid swing, your torso dude. I didn't game plan a torch like that: gameplay! Listen! Okay! Okay, okay, listen! This is realization. Mummified corpses come to life either briefly or long enough to roll. It's reanimation also dude.
This guy's crazy bro. This guy's crazy. Give me give me anything. Give me the um.

It says, really imagine anyone else. I think it's reanimation right and what else is it man dude? My fingers are gon na turn: purple man dude? What about electronic disturbances? Electronics, that you're like flashlight or headlight brother on and off? Did we get that? I did. I'm not be honest. I don't know.

Okay, i think it's extinguished flames extinguish flames. Did they do that? I didn't see, i didn't see nothing literally, i didn't think they're just going out. Naturally, to be honest, oh i took up my headset and i i i was barely looking at the screen. Take a breather, bro drink, some water take a swig with some water.

Okay! No! I was just dumb. I just done man just um dude, i'm not getting it. My cord, my cord was was. It was dangling on my uh on my heel right in the crease and it get moving.

I i went crazy on it. Man uncles, wait. I ran out of pictures to take dude. You wasted your cd, all right dude.

I don't know if you're the kind of guy who can handle it are you sure i don't think i can dude. I just wasted all my cameras, i'm ready to go. Now. Let's go yeah yeah.

I thought you wasted my camera vibed out. I saw a clip. It was cutie making doing a joke with his butt. Okay, okay! So wait what i wonder what it could be? Oh, wait! It's there's only three options of virus decon or rathos right.

Oh he's! Coming he's coming he's right. There yeah compass, compass, compass, compass, dude, the picture honestly, who are you we are here? I think the sea snake too. I could be wrong, though, are you here? Okay, so he knows english, it's tal or sounds like mac and cheese. No, isn't it reanimation magnetic vocal? That's tal that's talgo or upris, okay.

Well, we have two new clues. He speaks english and he sounds like mac and cheese. Okay. This way, this way wait! No! No! No! No he's not invisible he's, not invisible.

It can't be! No, no guys guys! It's not tal! It's oprah's, it's oprah's. Ah, it's open! It's super super super sad, i'm listening to you. Do you know what you're doing yeah go there go! Go this way. Okay, i'll watch our flight 100.

Nice nice! Wait! That means wait. That means ufos can shape shift whistling. Equals danger mimics its victim hides before it sees you, amulet prevents attack. What's the amulet, it's coming behind.

There's a smoke right now on the physical thing, it's what it's going to do to us. Do you understand if they're hiding understand right? It's a hide. If the hype doesn't see you it's over here, there's a note: uh uh. I can't read it.

If we take the amulet, it probably comes after us. Wait, wait then wait tasks because we did nothing guys. Should i should i should i oh it's right there. I saw it ran, i saw it run.
I saw it run. I saw it run from left to right. Yeah, the amulet protects us. If you grab it, we don't have it though i'll grab it.

Yes, you grab it. If i'm unboxing, okay, listen, we need to. We can't run live wrapped it. Oh i see him.

Oh, we cannot run out. We cannot run out because we have to i'm dropping it, i'm dropping it. I'm dropping it. There's a there's, a balloon lever.

We need to put up to leave. You understand. Okay, go blue lever lever. What the where is he dude my torch keeps falling out.

Dude keep right here. Do you see this dude? That's the light. You dump me no mimic! Oh you dude! This guy's gon na be scary. Yo yo make sure you keep speaking so i know you're real man, okay, okay, sorry, i froze up music.

Music is a musician somewhere here he's coming. I see him. I see him far away. I see him far away.

Oh my god. We have to hide from him the book the book the book. It says it says the hide. This is the height.

When you see him, are you sure something you drink out of now stop moving? Maybe i don't know, i still think that's the amulet. It's not open me up, watch out for traps, man yeah guys, can i be in the middle. I don't know if we'll find the blue liver in here, we got ta go before we get man dude this game's actually crazy. Okay, this this is a goblet emulation.

You put on a pendant like a cross or some right here right here. The entrance is open yo. Where are we going go to the entrance yeah go back to where you started. Where are you so? Do i keep the goblet or not then to the right to the right? It's this way.

I think he's a good push. I think he's literally right yo, it's right here, we're out. Oh my god. Oh my god.

Let's go we're missing! Lord! Oh! Do the bring the lord the page? Oh my god, just off at one time. I think we're good, though okay next time we have to bring the paper with us. I guess: okay, all right, i'm not going back down there! I'm sorry we'll redo it. The whole point is to extract with the goods we're done.

We got the goods. This is only for money. Okay, this is an american game. It's capitalist, yeah! We get item get out, you don't give a about lore.

Did you hear that why you bugged out before you was like listen, we could buy items come here, wait how much we make actually yo. We got money, no yo. This is be hitting dippy, though yo 100 gold 100. Where are you 100 gold, 100 xp, plus we're on hard bro dude we popped off there? Is this egyptian um? Oh, is this egyptian? What kind of music is this? I don't know, i think so.

Egyptian rise boom, okay, we could buy stuff on the computer, guys. Okay, i mean you can buy from here. Instead, oh look, we have guys look, we have a trivia trivia center huh. We have a trophy set.
Look, oh you took it. I don't see the trophy though i did take it. I don't know how to drop it. Back down, oh, we have it nice disrespectful.

This is this. Is this little behavior? I actually use that's a despicable one. That's pretty cool, though okay, all right, all right, let's go next round, but first we need to take a uh, a picture uh with the squad. At the mirror i've been in the mirror, i read the mirror, i think uh, you could buy a watch and see your health and i suppose, let's go to the mirror and take your heart group before you start wait.

You can upgrade your belt and get six slots now. Why really? That sounds good. That sounds big. That sounds big.

You can take five pictures with photo camera too. Oh yeah, that's enough. Can i money the hard hat? How about the hard hat? All that i don't give a what does her head? Do? Oh wait. There's a radar sensor, the radar sounds getting snuck up on.

You wait! The watch lets you talk to your teammates. You see that and you guys sound like a bunch of zoomers at the jewelry store you can move on already buy some and get the belt about the belt. I feel like the belts will be right. I'm buying the radar i'm buying a radar sensor holy man.

It's a new cave, yo whoa. We need to find the captain. All right, wait, wait. We need a daily packer where's, our pack, man.

Well, what where's the where's, the juice, dude yeah, pog, where's, the juice, hey man, the juice is down here. Did i need my items so i can just bust the nut on this guy yeah man just just bust a fat nut on this guy's forehead? Oh it's over here! Okay, okay, listen, listen! We're gon na! Do it simple? Okay, okay, okay, i get a voice meter. Seismic and uh, no we're good look. I have six slots broth.

All right. I got a radar sensor. Radar sensor photo camera you're gon na have we're gon na we're good, because i got the rest. Let's go: let's get the in there moxie you got ta bring the geiger.

No, i have it. Okay, i'll turn off the should i swap it out with my lighter okay, you have one: okay, okay, okay, this calculates rotgen or some, and it calculates the radioactivity in the air. Okay, you guys hear that it's my radar sensor, if they're, if they're nearby, i think something pops up dude. This guy brought a radar detector dude.

What a tryhard man, i'm only in for the money wait. The only thing we need to put on here boys is that, like a wheelbarrow to get all the gold webs webs, so it's spider-man anubis. I don't really know how to tell if my radar since was working or i'm not gon na lie. I mean it's gon na be on okay mommy, here mommy here, mommy mommy mommy don't die.

Oh, what is this room? Who are you? Oh, my god, dude relax, oh yeah relax says relaxer yeah dude just spend like they don't just run like this. I just made yeah you're, just jonesy right. Are you here, just joshing. Are you around? Are you handsome? Are you handsome? Are you? Are you angry? Are you nice? No response.
Are you hot? Are you nice? Oh my god, my leg went out. It's putting my light out anywhere else. Oh my god, gold, it's putting my light on anyone else. Ah i know i don't see wind.

I don't hear wind, oh trash yo. What is okay? Are there any ghosts here? How do you break the blocks here? Is there a spirit here? Are you angry? Yes, how did you look? How did you break the blocks there? How young are you? Is this your home, vic size? Oh, oh, i see how it is nothing man dude that noise hit me. Man yeah. No, oh god.

What am i doing? You're not gon na make it. You know, okay. What is that? Oh, it's a web relax man push in push in relax dude. I have no idea whether how to tell this radar sensor.

Oh yeah, i heard that i heard that i heard that i heard that move move are you here who are you my my whole muscles are hurting now this is weird man wait. I think you might have pm beastmaster no made funny man dude. Where the are we there's a smoke dust then just get a smoke detector, then spider fighter, spider, spider. I took a picture of it here.

It's arachnia get out, we've already been here. Man there's nothing here. Man, it's gon na move on keep going keep going here. I'm going here.

Boys watch out sam. My light just goes up. Yes, my light just goes off. Go back guys, go back to maine going oh yeah! We didn't go here yet dude! I'm legitimately so sweaty, oh, it's so annoying just attacked me.

What do you mean? You say? Oh sorry, i can't yell. He takes lamps down. Look! Okay, guys! I think. Ah, oh my god, why are oh come back? Are you here? Oh my god.

What guys over here life is uploaded. I push up hello. Are you here all right? What's that yeah keep the radar going? Well, it's beeping like that bruh, okay, magnetic magnetic magnetic this way! You're back! I hear it. There's nothing! Bro these spiders man, okay, so magnetic, went off.

I heard it: okay, if you have it in your pockets, magnetic destruction right, uh. No, it broke a base right. Did it, though, back to maine, it did didn't it. Oh it's! The attack hide, hide torch.

It torch. It okay shouldn't, we know who the killer is already. No, we can't we need a couple more. Do we go up? What's that beep, my radar? No, oh! So yo! I think it's reanimation.

I think we animation. We didn't now break something earlier with me and you moxie. I don't know what it is. Didn't it break a vase earlier right like right here and you freaked out.

I don't know no, i freaked out over something else yeah, but there's something else. Also, where are you no footsteps? Reanimation reanimation animation, random mission, ready mission that is reanimate? Oh man, i'm i'm over it. This is my last run: i'm not getting it actually last one okay renovation magnetic magnetic magnetic animation and somebody to do somebody should do uh radioactivity but put the guy girl nah, there's. No, no, no none you've had it out the whole time.
I mean i'll, keep it more, but yeah i had a bunch okay, so we should go back. Uh where's, the blue switch. Then it's out main but wrong the other side, not against them. Am i yo? Okay, you want to see the camera all the pictures.

I think yeah there, my camera, hello, okay, but you see the smoke dust hello. My torch is dead, hello, which way was uh. My torch is dead. My torch is dead here.

All of them are dead. Oh take this one, that's a flashlight. Does anyone hear me if you care about me, you said something hey. If, if i'm your friend say hello, i don't think it was.

I don't think it was this way either. If, if i matter to you and - and you don't mind me playing with games with me, say it has anything to me - dude, okay, okay, thank you, and you have to like that. You guys that delight all the begins. I think the blue beacons.

I i i want to suicide jesus, that's kind of dark. My brother, i absolutely could wait, oh god, oh god he's still there he's still there did we not map out the entire zone, though it's the other way right. Is it the other door? I'm a ghost and i'm i'm a ghost and i'm affected by quicksand. This makes no sense at all.

Why don't we know if they make sense or not? How do we know how ghosts work? We don't? How do we know what a ghost does if we didn't? Even have ghosts, ghosts are could be simultaneously, both real and at the same time, on the basis of what they can do. Okay, dude, why don't you hear me what, if, oh my god, what if ghosts are real, but they literally cannot do a single possible thing or manifest themselves in any way, shape or form on any radar or whatever. Then you never know the real but they're they're out there. I'm not good at situations like this i'll, literally panic and shut down.

Oh oh yeah! This is not dude. I don't think this is the right direction. I think it's the other door, also not even these two doors. What? If? What? If i think it's to our right yeah what if there were ghosts around? Oh wow yeah.

This is it. This is the spot. Oh, my god dude. I didn't notice like that.

Is that, are you serious imagine the amount of things that would be ghosted now? Is that you, hello, kill me there'll, be trends of ghosts? Imagine all the dinosaurs. How would it be fair, but now they'd be like a bunch of dinosaurs and big-ass bugs right and like like cockroaches and big, like bugs from the for the ancient times of like the dinosaurs and like that yeah? That was oh, i got usb key. Oh, it's a zippo or whatever i got um seismic and uh. I got gig.

I got gagar and radar and photo you you get you get. Dengue, okay, also stop listening. If i can to like playboy caught into slamming real music. Oh wait! I need those true! You should only listen to metallica yeah yeah.
Where are we? I know better, because i'm older, so just just follow my devices. Okay, nevermind! You know this one. I guess that's not the front, though, what? What's that? What was that? What was that objective? It's just a new objective, get all the ghoulfriends get out of the goal get out the gold you're, both gon na die like a bunch of dumbfolks. I got it.

This is you i mean your dad loves him. I just died: oh yeah yeah, so he he, unlike he unlike he's, he's an unlighter yep he's a extinguished. Flamer go okay! That's that's disgusting! You heard that blue eye wire. Oh he just he almost killed.

You i poked to the lever. I popped the lever. Oh, my god, someone died. Oh my god, someone died, isn't pyramids crazy? They are crazy.

They're marvels, oh okay, my uh gigger is not going off at all the whole time. So i don't think that's more crazier! Oh, how do you? How do you really torture? What what do you think is crazier a pyramid or a graphic card, uh graphic card graphic card: oh voices, voice; first, whispers, yeah, yeah, he's a talker he's a talker. He blows my light on me. He talks to me wait, but no, no! No! No! No! That means he talks about that yeah.

He talks back yeah. No, no! We don't know about that. Yet, hey are you around hey? Are you angry? Hey? Are you my dad? If you want please come back in hello. Are you here, oh man, magnetic magnetic you heard it you're you're uh, you're spy.

It's spawn it's funny, yeah! What's that the radar sensor went off with it. What is that bunch of mummies dude bunch of mummies uh? I heard my muscles when i did that me. Spiders door: yes, i got ta, remember the doors here. You guys are gon na.

Remember the doors here you got ta remember where we is the door. Oh the door's, right here, okay, what is what do you think it could be so far? Tar neck ref, no rat toes towel neck rep. It's too many, okay, listen it! Ah, oh good away from me again new objective. If you can read one full page of her harry potter book, no one's been here, no one's been here: do you have the right spider web uh yeah? I have the radar sensor.

Oh turn left. Here's your left. It went this way right. There's a torch.

My radar sensor went off or beeped, you know we haven't been here. I miss one more yeah, i'm gon na finish. It yeah say it and i'm gon na blame a million other things and people uh uh, clipping it as feds and uh snitches and then we'll get out of its cut free. Oh my you got absolutely smoked on okay moxler.

We have it monster. We have it. Wait wait wait by the way? Okay, so he does. Oh object.

Look look at the pictures i took. I took these pictures for reasons he does objects no, but look at the pictures. What was that in here the school in the air? What is that the school in the air? Okay - that's that's just broken! Why don't you pick? Oh ah, chat. What would be the thing that that's doing so tal ra or ut? Oh ah, so what is that so? Hmm guys? Where am i going? This is rounded out city on crack.
One. Last time guys we're going to thank jeff from your experience, chat, we're going to guess what would it be towel towel i'll go, find the spot. Then it's not tremors. Is it it tyler oof shape shift? No! No! It's oof nope, it's the oof guys what yeah it's towel use tablets the stern night vision absorbs flames slow by speech.

I don't get it guys. Go left side left here, where's the cider, there's uh! So, okay, i'm doing it. Sorry! I i'm installing him. This way.

Wait where's the where's the turning spot done. I knew it was. If i knew it was, i'm not sure i knew it was a new game, new game i knew it was. I knew it was obvious.

There was a news room. I know i called it. I called it out, i called it out. I called it out.

I used offer.

By xQcOW

3 thoughts on “The scariest game with friends! – forewarned ft. moxy and poke”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GenjiOOk says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saucayy says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glyn Hall says:


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