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#xQc #DeltaP #scubadiving

Guys These guys. This Carbon monoxide. This is safety. Saturdays Where we learned the dangers of life and how to prevent them from having sake asphyxiating gas.

Colorless and odorless, it can quickly kill. it builds up when the fumes produced by Fuel burning cooking and heating systems. Yes, petrol oil, kerosene, wood or coal are not extracted properly. A blocked pipe, obstructed air vents, worn out, misused or poorly maintained appliances could all prevent normal gas evacuation, leaving a car engine or an electric generator running into enclosed space.

Also causes a dangerous buildup of fumes I Heard some news. Okay, on the news, some girl died in her car because she was just born on the side of the road right. uh uh and and some some uh. snow got lodged around the car and then she left the car on to sleep.

Enjoyed it. Carbon monoxide has nearly the same density as air and can spread quickly. once inhaled in large doses, it's absorbed through the lungs and enters into the bloodstream. Mixing with hemoglobin instead of oxygen in the air kills in one hour.

one percent in 15 minutes and 10 immediately as I was cooking. okay and I realized I was cooking um my styrofoam. so I was on on the on the stove and I was screaming it and I I had smelling it smells kind of weird bro I was cooking it my styrofoam a plate the whole time right and brother brother that kicked in so hard. okay because it got into my into my system so hard I took two Puffs and I almost didn't make it to the door.

Okay I the door is like next to the thing right? I didn't I barely I barely made it four steps I almost passed out. my life was spinning like that bomb dude. I I Went outside and we have stairs and I jumped like that on my back in the grass and bro. I thought I was dying from like a roller coaster event when monoxide poisoning can lead to dizziness, loss of consciousness, muscular problems before even slipping into a coma and death.

In extreme cases, patients are hospitalized and placed in a hyperbaric chamber to undergo oxygen therapy. Chronic poisoning which triggers symptoms like headaches, nausea and confusion can be hard to detect and can also lead to long-term heart and respiratory problems. Guys for City Sunday's chat I have the chat know about something very important in the world. The existence of the Delta piss is a partial list of the commercial diving fatalities over the past 15 years.

All have one common cause: Delta p What's that Two out of three commercial diving fatalities involve Delta p It is invisible to a diver and it strikes suddenly without warning. There is almost no way to escape once it grabs you. Knowing what it is, where it lurks, and how to avoid its grasp is the subject of this video chat. What is that? A Delta p And as it is before, Delta P stands for differential pressure.

Our discussion refers to situations where the pressures between two bodies of water are dramatically different. In a situation like this, the bodies of water continuously seek to equalize themselves. In this example, the body of water on the right wants to rush to the body of water on the left by means of the pipe between them. The pressure exerted on the valve stopping this water transfer can be enormous depending on the difference in the depths of the water and the diameter.
Jeff the difference between which I Was there a rumor chat? Uh, a kid. What did I die because he got stuck on the drain in it? Whatever. I thought it was. These were all like, not.

There's these rumors everywhere. Between the depth of water is 50 feet and the diameter of the pipe is 10 inches. The force of water exerted on the valve is nearly 1700 pounds and your arm was near it would be sucked into the hole. instantly.

Trying to remove your arm would be like trying to lift a car completely off the ground. With one hand, you could only remove your arm if the pressure is between the two bodies became nearly equalized. but at the pressure in this example, your body makes a perfect seal stopping them that an arm can sustain more than a car amount of pressure without ripping it. Bodies of Water From equalizing the formula for calculating the force of water through a hole at a particular depth is the area of the hole.

Yeah I don't even know about that multiplying. I Get it dude. let's take a look. Five: PSI in your formula.

You can't see or feel a Delta P situation as you dive. Now that would never. Uh, it grabs you suddenly and it doesn't let go until the pressure is equalized. When it's got you, it's gotcha.

Thank you as you watch the following: Recreations of actual Delta incidents. Ask yourself if you have, on occasion ventured into situations without being thoroughly prepared. Diver One enters the Water behind the dam structure in order to clean the strainer of the Dam's drain. When the drain is cleared, the tremendous force of Rushing Water through the drain grabs hold of diver One, sucks him partially inside and traps him.

Diver 2 enters the water to help diver one and becomes trapped. Also, Diver 3 enters the water to rescue divers one and two, and after 40 minutes, returns to the surface. With both divers, they are dead. Diver 3 was hospitalized for injuries suffered in the rescue attempts.

Chad and I will chat. Level 3 is a hero. You know they didn't save them, but still a hero. A scuba diver was repairing a pool bottom at a depth of 10 feet.

He came close to the open pool drain and was drawn against it. His body made a perfect seal against the drain. He was diving alone and had no tender at the center. I Get a chat.

Yes I Feel like it. You should never dive alone. Ever. even if it's like two feet in even.

dive alone. Surface: No one knew he was trapped. He ran out of air and drowned. huddle.

What if you hit your head somewhere and he passed out and you landed on a puddle with your mouth and your nose in the puddle? Then what? The divers entered a water tower to unclog a drain, using a fire hose to blast away the silt and mud that was clogging the drain. The drain suddenly opened. That's not diving. A great suction immediately occurred.
Diver one was pulled into the drain. Visibility was Zero Diver 2 did not know that this had occurred. Diver 2 surfaced Thinking Diver one had already come up. Diver 2 made repeated but unsuccessful attempts to find him.

Diver one ran out of air and died. Neither diver was Tethered to the surface, had communication with the surface with each other. guys. It's a meme format like I do with that dude.

A surface Supply Diver was working offshore in 86 feet of water on a well-re-entry project inside a 13-inch well casing. The first attempt failed to catch the cap. The diver was asked to stand by the hole to make sure the string caught the cap. He reported when he saw the cap was hooked and began to leave.

The drill string was pulled to the surface rapidly because the cap was nearly the size of the casing. A great suction developed as the cap came free. No. Rushing Water Grabbed the diver and forced one leg into the hole up to the pelvis.

The diver was killed. How did how did nothing? Yeah, they don't get paid enough. Yeah, yeah, of course not. Bro Bro did that repair the cables on the water.

people. People that repair cables and pipe underwater. Their jobs are dank. It is a dangerous water at a hydro.

I wouldn't do that for 3K an hour. Wow. Generation Plant His assignment is to seal off leaks in a large gate valve. The three-person dive team is assumed by the plants, but the gate valve is closed.

Diver 1 surfaces and reports that he thinks the valves are open. The winch is started and closes the valve. A 30 inch sluice gate is manually cranked shut. The dive team questions the plant.

Personnel Cocker The valve indicator shows the valve not fully closed Plant Personnel Replied that the indicator is never correct and typically the valve is cranked until tight. dumbass diver one re-enters the water convinced that everything is okay. In a few moments, he begins to scream. The dive supervisor tries to contact diver one on the intercom.

The tender and supervisor pulled the lifeline and umbilical. Both have broken from their attach points. The gates are cycled open while waiting for the rescue divers. Two attempts by the company diver failed to locate diver one.

Twelve hours later, diver One's body is recovered. Gotta be chill, it's gonna be fine. How about you go dive in there? Man? this guy? man. Nah, the rest is just they're just talking about not there's talking and whatnot.

There are certain techniques that you can use to help reduce and even eliminate. Delta P Hazards Oh By painting. First step is to recognize the potential forces working on each other in your environment. learn the layout of the site and how the system functions.
Why? If you drop objects near the place you're going to go to and it doesn't suck it. Calculate the force of water or not the depth. Oh no. A loop.

The Danger Zone Chat: I Got chapter. this was on the test last time instead of going to test this year. by the way. Uh, so if you guys better study this one so there's only two one, this one is only two minutes.

There's gonna be readable chat. This is on a test coil or section of loose line can injure or kill if the line suddenly tightens. These hazards are commonly known as bites. snapbacks.

Working near bites need to watch feet and hand placement never stand in the bite of a line, allow a body part to be cut in the bite, or stand near a line that's coming under tension. Pinch points are created where lines meet fixed objects or other lines under tension. The extreme force of a taut line over a metal fitting can catch and Crush fingers and hands, toes, and feet be especially aware of loose gloves or clothing which can be caught at a pinch point. Snapback is potentially the most deadly selling hazards.

A Worn Line The wrong line or a line under too much tension can part, snap back, and recoil striking anything in its path with tremendous Force Always avoid the Snapback Zone the likely path of a parted line. A best practice is to paint the Snapback zones on the deck plating as a reminder. Snapped lines which are wrapped around a lead under tension can be even more deadly since they can swing around the lead in a larger Arc Increasing the Snapback Zone and snapped lines traveling at the velocity of rifle shots can also bounce and Ricochet off. Solid Surfaces Killing on the rebound too.

There's a lot of AOE insane, insane. Yep, yo! this is X x on this video. Anyone knows that boy I Don't know. he's just so soy.

Anyone knows that boy I Don't know, he's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “The scariest thing you’ve never heard of”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb Cruz says:

    I was waiting for him to upload this 😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zahkrii says:

    He should watch a channel called scary interesting. He's the best channel to cover these diving and cave accidents.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kell says:

    yearly delta p watchparty!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vast says:

    I’ll remember this every time I go commercially diving

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars waduhek says:

    I’ve gotten carbon monoxide poisoning. for reference, i’ve torn my achilles and my tibia, and received surgery for my shoulder, and carbon monoxide poisoning is still by the far most painful experience i’ve had.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Purr_purr_meow_meow says:

    ♻️ Damn Mr Editor and X saving the planet with this recycling lately ♻️

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mubarak says:

    Rewatch 60% ♻️

    When Rewatch hits 100% a new room appers 🧩🎰

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DunsparceAndDiglett says:

    This video has no dislikes because Diver 1 couldn't make it back to dislike this video.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zash says:

    Hear me out chat, you could put your cocka in the Delta P

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ok says:

    except i have

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruh Burger says:

    Diver one Trolldespair

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DKC says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sigmund Freud says:

    Safety PSA warlord educating zoomers so they can vibe safely.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xvvvvv says:

    smoked a balloon stick and never thought of smoking again, i think black smoke was cool

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars socal frank says:

    Scarier than your self esteem?
    Now that you know you're not as popular as you thought walking around Santa Monica's hot spots and only a few kids recognized you 🤣😂🤣

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