xQc Reacts to Vegans Vs. Meat Eaters: What Is The Right Diet? | Middle Ground
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#xQc #Vegan #Vegetarian

Pain suffering fear guys we're watching all the good ones. Because can i have guys guys every time we get a bad video, i must get a scapegoat. Okay, today's schedule is forget. Trance, guys for your trends is the one who linked this guys.

So you can guess. What's i just clicked christmastime all of my vegans go into that pool of light and my non-vegans in that pool first statement. Taste plays a big factor in my eating choices: um taste. Is it guys? Let me rectify this taste is the only thing that i compute? I mean that's a huge thing for me.

I think it's one of my weaknesses actually like butter. Salt is one of my weaknesses. I love food and i think my relationship with food actually deepened. When i became vegan, i don't think i appreciated it as much as i did before i was vegan.

My name is aubrey davis and i have been vegetarian for 24 years and a vegan for 13 years. I believe that humans are the top of the food chain. I don't know what that means is a human at the same level of equivalence is like a fish right. There's, probably a big reason.

Why i'm not vegan anymore right, because i didn't i could i didn't see that i had to see myself at a moral equivalent of a fish and it gets into moral questions like you know, why should we have a head guys the food chain? Is this like the squirrel gets in by the fox who gets in by the bear who gets in by this by the the mammoth or whatever? So technically the humans? I mean yeah? We can't we can't clap them physically some of these animals, but we clap them with it with tools whatever what? What is that we are at the foot temperature? We are objectively the dog. I think the most important is available. Why should i love my neighbor rather than eat? My neighbor? My name is steve michelski. I was a vegan for a year.

I was a vegetarian for two years. I'm a meat eater. Now i've been so for over five years, like i don't even see like what is like a food chain, you know what i'm saying: that's just some contract some guy made and put a little diagram and put us human beings in the top. So i don't think it's a question of whether we're at the top.

I think it's a question of what do you do with? If you have a more conscious energy than an animal, what do you do? Do you choose to take a life or do you choose to live in a more context, energy than an animal? What do you do with that power? Do you choose to take a life or do you choose to live in love? I put a lot of thought into my meals. Yes support. My body, yeah health is extremely important. I don't find that i can function at my best either healthy, productive, emotionally stable are intellectually capable unless i have a lot of proper nutrients in my diet.

Six years ago i became vegan because i got sick. I started to realize that my health was directly attached to what i ate since then. My friends and family have supported me to feeling better and i'm better than i was before i got sick. I don't really like cook or anything, so i don't really put too much thought into what i eat.
I guess i live a fast pace, kind of like i'm working late nights or i'm waking up early. So sometimes it's easier to grab this quick process sandwich or i wish i planned my meals out more. I think i would be a lot. I would feel a lot better.

I think it's really powerful, no matter what you're eating to put your intentions into whether it's prayer invocation and there's such great power and presence versus just like scarving something down but like can i just really be present with this meal. Take my time and chew it. Slowly so that's the person i resonate with and what i i treat to do. I would kill an animal.

I guess, if i speak trouble i think there'd be tons of context where i'd kill an animal like if, if a lion's gon na go kill, a baby, i'd, probably kill an animal. I'd, kill an animal to save a human life, and i get the vegans. Probably, wouldn't do that if i could do something killing them besides eating them like. If i was protecting myself and we had to, we had like a something that we could do to get that animal away.

I would definitely try to not kill it. I mean i feel if it comes down to you or the animal you can't on the animal, i would. I would they're going to give up their life well, but there's no reason why? Because animals, it's not only for eating right, sometimes because they're, because of because of certain uh problems with uh, what's up with like fires or like water or flooding they they have to like rebalance the christmas sex over. Why is it always the extreme case when talking about? Would i kill an animal like exactly? Why is it always the extreme case when talking about? Would i kill an animal like exactly if you were in a city there aren't lions running around downtown l.a when i was in the hiking there's there's mountain lions that come out actually kill people you've known that right, that's in orange county! That's not that's! Not! In the jungle in africa every day situation would you kill an animal, but it's orange county mountain lions have killed hikers kids.

Would you just let them now let the kids die, we're hiking in the mountains and there's a mountain lion. I have to be aware of the fact that i'm in mountain lion territory and be like i'm, okay with the risk, because, to be honest, i'm not hiking with a gun. I have no way to defend my friend, you don't hike with a hiking pole. I mean i can pull against a mountain lion.

I i don't think you're winning. I just i just want to see you guys guys even the animals don't think like that, like they like, even if i did, and even if my attempt were to be successful, i would feel awesome. Wait wait, haven't you guys even the animals if they go into a forest or whatever, if you're like a rabbit, is it gon na be like? Oh, my i better be attacked. Oh i'm just gon na let myself die because i took the risk filled them out.
A lot, but your feelings are your foundations. Your beliefs are human beings. Yes, would you kill another human being? You need to be a streamer recently got partnered and wanted to give something back, although it's not much merry christmas, stinky man holiday with your family and different, they have another family. What makes one person more valuable to another? Is it your relationship to that person? It would yeah it would probably be so if, for example, i raised an animal in the wild, that's a society like an animal i've built a relationship with and that animal now threatens the life of a human being that i don't know, but i've known that animal Its entire life, what makes killing that animal as just cause? Okay, as opposed to saving that life, i have a - i have a longer relationship with that animal.

Why would i kill the animal before i'd save that person? Because it's about relationships, you kill a person over an animal, that's correct because i believe human beings are animals. Now i see humans at a different level, but maybe you value fish at the same level as a person. We see it very different. I do it costs more than it should to eat healthy.

Wait, wait, wait. What do you say? It costs more yeah for 100 percent. You kidding me it's more expensive to eat healthy. I don't think it's too expensive.

Farmer's market is something that i'm trying to frequent more, but sometimes you know you can go, spend 20 dollars here and definitely not get as much um. I definitely want to see that you know, maybe that i encourage people it's also pretty time consuming. In my opinion, i think sometimes i mean the number is that about the price. It's just a little healthier if you can go grab that fresh time is money fresh veggies for generally speaking, you know, i think, uh our culture as a society is just in great towards like the fast food culture which is cheap and accessible.

But now i think we have more of a established like medical basis on what's healthy and what's not healthy and to get that content and to have it be tasty as well is, is expensive. I'm running in, i have so much to say it does not cost more money to be vegan. That is a myth. It takes planning.

Yes, the convenience is less. Can you grab a hamburger at mcdonald's for sure for 99 cents, but how much lentils can you buy? The issue is capitalism like that is what is keeping us where we are it's not that humans are smarter and they're going to come up with this technology. The technology exists, it is there we can feed so many people. It is capitalism and factory farming and most these companies that are selling us products that are like shitty food.

They don't give a about you at all someone sitting on the island. It's actually true. Nobody asked that was not the question. Let me ask what are the fundamental governmental and philosophical problems and flaws that make us eat the way we do it? Nobody asked this it.
It is expensive, yeah somewhere, oh yeah, like just stacking bread and they're, probably fast food and really healthy food, yeah yeah they're. Probably eating real good they're, probably the only products they're, not eating any of that you go to certain neighborhoods certain areas. You don't see the same fast food, you don't see the same restaurants and it's all for a reason. Accessibility.

I mean yeah, that's a good point. It's like they don't have. Why is there many health food stores in the hood like i can't like get an option? Why is there liquor store everywhere? Exactly and it's true, it's like when you break it down, there's like malicious intent to deharmonize and like lower the vibration of certain. No, it didn't actually happen.

Zero friends dropped if it's for, if it crashes, you use the twitch again. One thing you guys: it's also gon na, don't just say like like the planning, i think it's kind of stupid say: oh it's only about that. The planning planning can be expensive, that's what they mean by by the cost, but it's expensive of time. Planning is expensive.

I'll give more time to it dude. What are you gon na do you're on your bike, you're running out of energy somebody's? If somebody pulls out a energy bar ha dude, she had planned better dude. You should have had lentils in your pockets huh! You look at me lent only that what the is that i'm sure what am i contributing to true i'll say this. You know when i was 11 years old, my father passed away from his second heart attack.

He was diabetic. He was pissing out of a tube. I watched him deteriorate. My youngest years of my life for, like years and years just deteriorate, taking pharmaceutical drugs and just kind of basically dying slowly because of what he chose to eat.

To me. I'd rather spend an extra dollar and either organic or something healthy. Now and live longer than try to cut corners. When you know i'm with you like make the choice now, instead of later in there, because my mom was same thing, she died.

She she was eating buckets of ice cream when she passed away. She died at 49 years old yeah there again. Chad, i feel like life, is all about that. Yes, this money is life loss.

Life is all about bad balancing about balancing it. I would much rather, if, if i made choices that are like a little bit worse but maybe enjoy life more, i don't mind diet 75, instead of 80 right. If i make choices that make me enjoy my life more now choose now the more education that we can put out there just like stuff like this is beautiful. That's what i was most anxious about is learning more of what i'm trying to step into.

I don't know if i'll ever get point slow run to 100.. I don't know i want to eat a lot cleaner chicken. Do you guys have like cheat days ever hell? No, i am vegan 100 at the front line. Ethical reasons always always always and that's why i don't think in 24 years i've ever gone back.
It was hard to try new things things i didn't like found tons of vegan food. I was like, oh god, what the you people eating and then simultaneously realizing that there was options. You know there's always choices and it's always choices we make like you said you may never give up meat um fully, but it's like you're making a choice, or at least thinking for yourself and making a decision and like that's all. You can ask people to do just think for themselves.

I really appreciate each and everything for themselves. I'm gon na be honest with you. I said that he would kill a human fascinated with kill. An animal made me think that we should we shouldn't be thinking to ourselves that often i really appreciate y'all.

Maybe we should slow down the thinking a little bit. Thank you. Are you sure nice to meet you? Ladies? What's up guys, i am amari and i am jason and amari. I've got a question for you.

You have a question for me. What do you like about middle ground? That's that's! That is exactly what you said. That is, that is exactly what he said is that he said it was power and better, and i'm and my health is extremely important. I don't i mean i feel like if it comes down to you or the animal, you come in just let them.

Okay with the risk, because to be honest, i'm not hiking with a gun, i have no way to defend my friend, you don't hike with a hiking pole. I mean i can pull against a mountain lion. I don't think you're winning. I just i just want to say like even if i did, and even if my attempt were to be successful, i would feel awful having killed the mountain lion.

Well, your feelings are your foundation, then, for your beliefs, then 100 are human beings? Animals? Yes, yes sure. Would you kill another human being to save another human being? Yes, what makes one person more valuable to another? Is it your relationship to that person it would yeah, it would probably be so if, for example, i raise an animal in the wild, it's like an animal i've built a relationship with and that animal now threatens the life of a human being that i don't know, But i've known that animal its entire life, what makes killing that animal as just cause? Okay, as opposed to saving that life, i have a - i have a longer relationship with that animal. Why would i kill the animal before i'd save that person? Because it's about relationships? You kill them a person, it's it's, it's not it's, but it's about society, it's structure with with the laws. What right is wrong and over an animal, that's correct, because i believe human beings are animals.

Now i see humans at a different level, but maybe you value fish at the same level as a person. I we see it very different. I do yeah yeah, we we rate beings on how valued or whatever, and we have laws around it. If we don't, if you don't don't pray, this guy is lost.
Hmm tonight.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “The smartest vegans”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guy Who Sells Vapes says:

    Vegans really love their moral high ground.
    You can't convince them otherwise no matter if their life is at stake.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThatOneVeryOriginalName says:

    “Most of these companies that are selling us shitty food, don’t give a fuck about you”

    Well neither will that mountain lion trying to kill you for “being on their land”

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John B says:

    That vegan woman has no control over her movements lol what are those facial expressions

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars STARGAZING says:

    Can he stop watching fucking Jubilee, this is literal torture…
    Imagine if the only proof that humans ever existed were Jubilee videos…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gaming For Gamers says:

    If any any any any any any animal was above us, do you really think they would be debating on whether they should eat us or not? No..they would do it to survive, they would want to stay on the top of the food chain, fuck out of here.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stuart says:

    Some weird vegan takes but generally the meat industry is pretty bad to be fair

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheGlizz says:

    Smartest 😂😂😂 just of bunch of herb eater that wants to impose their fascist ways

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Unknown says:

    Vegan is a respectable way of life, so why do they pick the weirdest people to represent it in this video?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaime Lopez says:

    If you’re vegan for the sake of saving animals from being slaughtered, don’t you know farmers will still be killing animals to protect the food their growing? bugs, rabbits, mice, birds, snakes, anything that will harm their crops or put their own lives at risk that could be dangerous.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zayd Hussain says:

    Bro the guy said food chain is a myth. Even Felix saying "Mammoth eats bear" sounded smarter than that😂😂😂😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaddo says:

    The only vegans that are acceptable in society are the ones that have allergies / the ones that literally CAN'T eat meat.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vito Stimec says:

    I dont know how they manage to display vegans in such a bad light. I have some vegan friends and my parents are vegan but they dont look and act like fucking grass eaters, tree hugers and lgbtq fanboys.

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