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This is 28-year-old comedian Matt Re who has seemingly exploded into Fame overnight because of Tik Tok He just sold out a World Tour 10 days after announcing it. From now until the end of next year, every single one of his live performances is sold out. This level of dominance has not been seen in over a decade. However, Matthew Steven R does not belong in comedy.

Most iconic comedians are ugly. Okay, that was harsh. but in all seriousness, they typically represent the common man. This relatability creates camaraderie between the comic and Their audience laughing together on shared experiences and understanding.

Although Matt is from a very small country town in Ohio he doesn't represent the common man. He has a chisel jaw and follows no specific diet yet has the body of a male supermodel. now. the only real goal of being a comedian is to make people laugh whether you are a ventriloquist or dishing onliners.

If the audience laughs, you're doing your job. But once, one thing you'll notice is that a certain demographic likes Matt's comedy more than most women. From the words of legendary comedian, nor McDonald women are attracted to funny men. It is often said this is not true.

It only appears this way because women laugh at everything a very handsome man says. So this gives the very handsome men the idea that they are funny. When Matt got his teeth fixed, everything changed. He started noticing that more and more girls were showing up to his performances swooning over him sending him risky.

DMS After the show we would go to his colleges and I would like walking on stage and for like the first 20 seconds it's nothing but like girls like oh my God will you marry me? like just like cheering and stuff like that they only girls. He admits that when the crowd has less women, he needs to be funnier to earn the audience's respect. I Don't know if You' heard this before, but they said that when you stepped on stage you know people judge you in the first few seconds. Yeah, what they say they said they didn't think they were going to like you dude.

I get that so often cuz you're CU you look like Justin bie yo. Men in particular have a hard time enjoying Matt's comedy. You can see a perfect example in this clip of Matt doing crowd work, which is essentially when the comedian interacts directly with the crowd. And dude, isn't that kind of sad that that's how the world works I feel like sometimes I I listen to these things and I know that's true I just can't believe that it's true or I'm like Jesus Christ man I think it's odd I don't spot it is the hardest and most unpredictable comic style but Matt has it mastered.

R is Going Back in Forth with a young girl in the front row but notice the guy sitting next to her. He isn't having as much of a good time as her. Oh yeah, he work the college as well and He went on to become a pilot in the Air Force That's kind of cool. He's like in the process he still got to graduate.
He's not even a pilot. so you haven't a pilot. You could see. this guy doesn't find Matt as funny as the girl does.

His eyes are fixated on the girl. His back is slouched and his body is very closed. The girl identified this man as her friend. The poor guy probably realized that he is stuck in the friend zone and he is jealous that Matt would be able to steal his dream girl at the drop of a hat.

So does that make Matt unfunny or insecure guys just jealous Matt R is not funny and is a comedian for NPCs anyone think this Matt R guy is terribly unfunny aside from some slightly above average crowd work I've tried to like him, but I just can't come around to it I like my Comics more disheveled, This very well could be the opinions of envious men, but it really does seem like his comedy is specifically designed for women. and I just feel like younger girls in too many dumb things like things that don't even actually exist like like horoscopes. It doesn't matter who you are Jesus could come back just woo. What's up girl? I'm Jesus Christ and girls would still be like yeah we know your birthday is December 25th you're a Capricorn my ex is a Capricorn won't make yeah, that's just not funny like should Happened that mistake again.

Girls also love his sassy mannerisms. Babe, come on, are you serious him? You're worried about him my friends. this wouldn't be his awkward I Want you guys to know that right now y making it weird? Okay, I'm was trying to get to know a lovely color. Stand-up Comedy is definitely a male-dominated art form.

A lot of men prefer a comedian who turns ordinary situations into intensely unrealistic anecdotes. one who tackles taboo subjects self deprecates one who can skillfully immerse you into a story that is entirely fake. But Paints the picture so well that you can't decipher it from reality. Matt often reinforces the things that you already know about sex, relationships and delivers it with a flamboyant tone, producing a combination of laughs and laughs many people call.

Matt R this generation's Dane Cook since DNE was very popular amongst women due to his looks, which is not an insult considering. Dane Cook is the entire reason why Matt is who he is October 15th 2009 14-year-old Matt saw Dane Cook at the Nationwide Arena that night Matt decided he wanted to be a comedian. He crushed school talent shows and became the stereotypical Class Clown He did keep his dreams of being a football player in his back pocket though. His college recruitment statement said I am a very DED learner without sanding heart ambition and Instinct I progress very fast as well I personally feel I am college football material and I cannot see myself doing anything else in my future.

God has a plan for me and I believe that play is to play football for college and then possibly play on Sundays that Ohio education is very apparent in his letter and he did not get a scholarship so he decided to use Twitter to reach out to every single comedian stopping through Columbus Ohio hoping to get just 2 minutes of stage time. DL Huy was the first comedian to ever give him a guest spot at the Columbus Funny Bone Matt had just turned 16 and was 4 months into doing. One other person that gave him a chance early on was Eric Griffin who became a mentor for Matt He took him around I respect that. That's the grind right there I think that's like the key things you need to make it La Showed him all the comedy clubs and got him into circles with pretty big comedians early on.
You see at the time Matt's gimmick was that he was this justtin. I'm going to say if you would if you were do like a talk about with people people would say that you got lucky, you got whatever cuz you got chosen and you got whatever. but you know you have to put the name in Hat Man looking Bo that's performing for mostly black crowds. He doesn't say this was intentional though intentional.

I've been asked that a bunch of times like how did you find yourself in that kind of like market and audience and I think it's just because like black comedians are more, they're more apt to sharing the spotlight or whatever like they like they're they are totally okay helping you out like a a lot of white. Comics Can be stingy Eric Griffin Described Matt's act early on as so black. so black your act was so it was like the the blackest act and then I knew it wasn't going to go well. You, you set me.

It's hard to know exactly what Eric meant by this, but Matt has been criticized for wanting to be black for his entire career. this. Facebook C Just your average black teenager trying to look marketable. You feel me: Why do you hang out with so many black people then? huh? What Do you want to be black? A little bit.

a little bit. Obviously, these are just jokes, but there has been real discourse around his alleged blackcent. Mickey Kendall An author and diversity consultant says that black scent is a term describing the fake accent racist and cultural appropriators use when they mimic black people. Nessia Burton says that non-black celebrities are celebrated in entertainment for appropriating African-American culture, especially our vernacular, while African-Americans are either demonized or overlooked when speaking in Black vernacular, Some people say that this is just how people from Ohio talk and at first Matt openly admitted to doing this really growing up and with your comedy career and like an urban Club you start to like music cues I'm like starting to talk black and stuff like that I'm doing like mainly black room but then read address the controversy a few years later I love when white people accuse me of having a black Sin First of all, you can't sound black.

Second, if my voice Echoes a Cadence or tone of a certain culture that's due to my surroundings. My apologies for not living my life exclusively around boring, corny white people. He has also addressed the alleged racism in his act: I'm not racist if you look at the people who I hold closest in my life the people I love most would chat type one chat type mods REM slow mode slowe off slow off what y don't spam it don't spam it die for you would because of comedians like D Davis and finesse Mitchell letting him be a feature act for them. In 2012 Mat was discovered by his then manager who owned the Uptown Comedy Corner in Atlanta where Matt would spend all of his time practicing material Comics who came to this club saw the potential in Matt Mike EPS even took him on a short theater tour.
this in The Comedy Corner wouldn't last long because one very important Man became interested in Matt's comedy Nick Cannon Nick discovered Matt's talents in 2014 and added him to the Wild and- Out roster for season 7. This was Wild And- Out's 10-year anniversary and debut. Chad Apparently nobody can send any chats. Chat is is broken I have no idea bar 95% of chat cannot type anything at all.

My bad. sorry about that4 million viewers which is very high for 2015 TV standards Nick Canon's show has a history of giving promising new comedians a platform such as Cat Williams Pete Davidson King Batch just to name a few. His wild anout status helped him land his first acting role on Disney Xd's Gamers Guide to pretty much Everything and with his new found Fame and consistent paychecks rolling in, he decided it was finally time to fix his teeth, giving him a ton of confidence and making the girls lust him more than ever. However, one girl was not very fond of Matt Zena which got him into some controversy on season 7 episode 4 of Wild and Out.

Look, you're mixed I Want to be black? Let's make a lifestyle spit that water out so I can get your number please I didn't touch she hand people thought Matt went too far by touching Zena's face and immediately checked him. but Zena never really said anything about the incident afterwards. as if 2015 couldn't get any better for Matt He finally got to meet and open for his Idol Dane Cook Matt Became a regular at the Laugh Factory in La he was added very consistently to Big It's not the it's not the end of the world but I think touching is definitely a bit overboard. but I don't know lineups BEC Go host for acts like Chris Deia Bobby Lee Andrew Santino Dane Cook among others, this is common for Comics to have a stretch of their lives just grinding clubs for years.

Many people think Matt is just an overnight star, but he was very consistently doing standup alongside pros from 2015 until today nearly a decade. In an unexpected turn of events, Matt was also asked to be the host of MTV's TRL during the 2017 reboot. TRL was a quintessential part of the early 2000s music scene in pop culture. It was one of the most important shows for an artist to go on when promoting a new record.
MTV Thought this reboot would have a stronghold on culture. Again, they were wrong, but it was more screen time for Matt and allowed him to make more Connections In the industry, it seemed like Matt had everything going right for him. Opportunities kept falling into his lap, but there was still no Chad de because Chad um yo chat guys am I the one who just doesn't like C Comedy I Don't find it fun I find it very difficult to consume and laugh. Maybe it's because they have to be there in person I Don't think it's funny at all I I Hate it growth.

It's likely because he was on TV at a time when TV was less relevant than ever. but his Idol Dane Cook believed he would be a star act on massive Tell it Like it Is tour. but opening for D Cook in 2019 is like a new Rapp for Nelly L Sure there's a large crowd, but most of the audience are there to reminisce on something that once was and not discover new. Talent Plus His gimmick was drying up.

People used to laugh at his set almost in support of a kid trying to chase his dream. He was funny for a kid, he was now in his early 20s and he needed to be actually funny, especially looking like a supermodel. DNE Being the social media Pioneer of Comedy tried to convince Matt that the only way to get to the next level is to use social media. For some reason Matt was apprehensive, but after the pandemic, he had nothing else to do.

So, he finally launched his Tik Tok account. Most comedians in the past 3 years have heavily leveraged Tik Tok to help sell tickets. If they have a podcast, they will post clips of the podcast. Otherwise, they post clips of them doing crowd work or experimental jokes that aren't going into their main act.

Crowd work is extremely difficult, but Matt makes fun of girls left and right at his shows with ease. The oneand belt take my belt off if I do, will you hang yourself with it I've never been more sure somebody's from Miami in my life he would often ask ask the crowd what their relationship status was or ask women what are some red flags AKA warning signs they see in a guy. hold on you said girl best friend, Have you met her? Yes And you don't like this? What's that? We're not together anymore? Yeah, you guys broke up because of her. There are a lot of Rees Okay, well then maybe don't put all the weight on her shoulders.

These segments can feel more like indulging in Juicy drama of strangers Lives rather than comedy, but Matt's quick and witty responses make it worth it. Unfortunately, Matt's Tik Tok Clips went relatively unnoticed for years. he wasn't that consistent and Tik Tok was still in the era of short 15-second dopamine boost Clips to keep people scrolling within that time, he even became a part of the Tfil YouTube channel. He released his very first comedy special on YouTube titled only Fans in late 2021.
That's why I did my first special only Fans I labeled it only Fans because I knew so many people were Googling if I had an only fans so it drove all the traffic to the special. The smart marketing tactic gained him a million views in less than a year as Tik Tok expanded their upload time limit to 3 minutes, then to 10 minutes. a lot of comedians felt confident. Upload: Dude Dude I Feel like this did nothing for Content People just post like a really long length like um, dude animation, movies, music, songs.

It's kind of crazy 10 minutes that uploading a longer segment that had all of the necessary context to tell their jokes. Plus Tik Tok Users Pro that they don't just mindlessly scroll and actually tend to pay attention to longer content. Matt uploaded a 2 and 1 half minute Tik Tok on July 30th, 2022 that went extremely viral. How recently did you guys break up got you? He didn't do anything, he didn't do anything wrong or in the chat is completely dead.

Now it's G Yeah in who who are we talking to? Bro, Bro Bro Bro I'm talking bro. My mods I think are literally talking to me Bya bro I did it I wrote CH bro mods are timing out to names of things to say in chat just just to talk to me that that's insane Oh my God the entire time you together he did I'll open chat This video has nearly 40 million views from there, his back and future videos got flooded with thousands of comments from women. so cute. and from Ohio he's cute.

This dude fine as hell, funny, attractive. Unfortunately for these women Matt does not love them back because Matt has a type. He went into extensive detail on the type of women he likes. on the Stiff Socks podcast.

He said that they bro bro look at this on stream fake decup breasts, can't have a BBL and this but sometimes you get a girl a big and you're like godam I'm nothing just I've seen I've seen it I've seen it when I've been in the bedroom with a girl with a massive Clint I'm like yo that's pretty close yeah I supposed to you were thumb wrestle women on Tik Tok Could not believe that Matt could be so crass. They were surprised to hear their sweet and humble King talk like a dirty Pig The backlash caused the Stiff Socks pod to delete the episode from their Channel but Matt has always been vocal about his type. Matt has a thing where he likes old chicks. Why do you like old chicks? The last four you dated are always way older than you and what do I always say it's not going to work but you don't listen.

It's different this time. Okay, it's different this time. I I Like the maturity I Don't like going out to the clubs every night I Don't want somebody who wants to be at the clubs every Matt likes older women and a perfect example of this would be when one woman liked his set so much she tattooed her lip in honor of a horny middle-aged mom, made him cookies and a shirt that read I came to Iowa and all I got was this t-shirt and a BJ. It's like the perfect consistency too.
Oh my God Thank you so much. What's your name? Christina You are so hot Oh my God Okay, wait a minute Jesus Christ Well that doesn't really count I mean dude guys, she is hot. No Christina you are so hot. Thank you so much Oh my.

God Say it. Say it because of Matt repeating Say it. This grandmother went and tattooed the inside of her lip with the words. Say it and she now almost has 1 million followers on.

Tik Tok This interaction was the most viewed Tik Tok on Matt's page at over 50 million. Wait her all appeals. she's like she looks like class and nice and like like she could be a mom and and then she does that and then she just looks stupid. Now everything he uploads earns around 10 million views.

His Tik toks are arguably more important than his specials at this point, so he decided to do an entire crowd work special titled walking Red Flag that absolutely exploded on YouTube Often rappers and singers who go viral on Tik Tok have a hard time selling tickets to their live shows for Matt it's the total opposite. He announced his Tour on June 5th, 2023 I wish for a world tour bigger than anything I could have ever dreamed of and I want it full sold out with people from across the world who just want to come out, have a good time and laugh. His wish came true Matt sold out over 150 shows all 10 days after the tickets went live. Every time he adds a new show, it gets sold out immediately.

The only shows you can find much larger venues 5,000 to 10,000 seats and he did this just 11 months after his first Tik Tok went viral. As much as Reddit trolls and angry men want to see his demise, Everyone who has ever spoken about Matt publicly has said nothing but positive things. That's why Matt RVE Making it doesn't it? It makes me happy. Yeah, it makes me go.

You know what that kiding deserves it? I'll be real I Hate Matt R Okay hate I Hate. Look here's the thing. he's super funny and he's like the most beautiful man alive and then on top of that like he's the sweetest person I've ever met. like most dudes that look like that are not that funny.

yeah and most you that look like that are women. I Love M I come it's look like that are women I Love Mt I Comm it's it's awesome. It's awesome to see anybody doing well. R Is our boy kind of right? Yeah, we we're big Matt R he's a friend of the show.

I I Think he gets an unfair amount of hate at the end of the day. If Matt Re makes you laugh, then he's a good comedian. But calling him the Dan Cook of this generation is definitely accurate. but you'll have to watch my video on the most hated comedian of all time to see why.

Yeah, I just I Just don't like his work. that's all. I don't think there's anything wrong with that I'm I'm usually very vocal about like not liking people's stuff. Sometimes people think it's like a bad thing or like they think I'm you're just being a hater I think it's okay to dislike something, chat first one to chat on a free sub clue I'm not going to say that it's bad, has no value, doesn't provide.
That's what I don't like when people say that something has no value because they don't see the value in something because you don't see the value in something that has no value. You're just being dumb as it being d as bricks I Don't like people who make Global conclusions because of their own perspective. It's like they don't allow people to have an opinion or what. I think it's just weird.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “The unfunny tiktok comedian who became rich and famous xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fugo's Fork says:

    Bro is batshit jealous and insecure

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lachlan Johnson says:

    This video is some incel shit lmao

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muzzle_47 says:

    He's funnier than Amy Schumer, that's for sure

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ddasdgfhfghfg says:

    Kinda fucked to take clips completely out of context to fit the arguements in the video.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alive says:

    bro this youtuber is mad cuz Matt gets gurls

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eskinore says:

    This video is just straight hating.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iGN34 says:

    tldr : "matt rife isnt ugly so we hate him . Here are some out of context clips of jokes that probably require context to prove my point"

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars k_n says:

    Y’all just watching people’s content for cash 😀

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Inco Gnito says:

    Unfunny? Lol, f off pushies

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Revenant says:

    matt rife the goat he funny as hell

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Света Sveta says:

    He's not the funniest guy alive, but I'd say he gets backlash just because he looks good.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jixster says:

    Hes not a bad comedian. Not my absolute favorite but I still enjoy his stuff.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slushie says:

    Women aren’t funny and neither is he

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars saleh Alghamdi says:

    that's just some hating on matt for being good looking

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Midicine says:

    I saw him in at the laugh factory in 2018 and while he definitely sticks to the same bits, he is good at what he does.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coconut Jewce says:

    Never heard of this guy and I don't think I'll go out of my way to listen to him tbh.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RejectDude says:

    Typical incel hate on good looking ppl lmao

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