The Finale of xQc playing in a GTA RP recreation of the Squid Games. Subscribe to my other Youtube channels for even more content! xQc Reacts: xQc Gaming: xQc Clips: Main Channel: Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video! Streaming every day on Twitch! G-FUEL 'The Juice' ► USE CODE "XQC" FOR 30% OFF - Stay Connected with xQc: ►Twitter: ►Reddit: ►Discord: ►Instagram: ►Snapchat: xqcow1 - WATCH MORE - Among Us: Daily Dose of Internet: Jackbox Party Games: Viewer Picture Reviews: Memes: Reddit Recap: Jubilee: Edited by: Daily Dose of xQc If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed please contact me at one of the following: ► ►dailydoseofxqc #xQc #SquidGame #GTARP

Down your: what? How is it that these peasants can't follow simple directions? The same it keeps getting them killed. That's definitely not, then you should shoot them when they do not listen to your teammates, walk forward to the guard and take your radios. Then you will go through walk forward. Man.

Jesus christ ah feels nice being rich. Yes, 707 and 131. God, that's right. My friend, you have all this money, but you buy this.

Oh the lights are made by uh. The main china do not lie present. Okay, they give me more fps in real life, then follow us through to our next game, using the pink entrance. Oh yeah, gentlemen.

Vips, if you would like to come ahead with a handful of our gods - yes of course, yes, okay, precisely yes, they're gon na kill all of them. I know it all right. Everyone get in the line and follow me. Please get in line and follow me.

Let's see finally made it to the top. I can't wait to see. Oh what the is this. Yes welcome.

Sorry, we took out time see no, it's all right. Ah beautiful! Yes, oh wow, i do believe we're supposed to go upstairs see. Oh damn! Oh no! Oh unfortunate, isn't it? Yes, it's fortunate to see them run around like rats in a cage rats in a maze huh, oh my goodness, so, very cool. Yes.

Ah, this is going to be hell yeah they are going to struggle. What the contestants will have to do is one will have a radio up top one will have a radio below they will have their teammate guide them through the maze, only half will make it and they have to verify that they are teammates at both the end. At the top and the bottom, please try not to interfere with any of the contestants as if you give them any tips or help them out. We will have to eliminate them, but we can sell them wrong.

Information, see yes, of course, and then get them killed. Yes, that's quite amazing now who wants to make some money i'll give you ten to one odds on any team. You pick yeah! Oh oh, it looks very good um yeah i'll, put down seventy six thousand on harry and tony team. Okay, perfect.

What was the result of the aspect? I can't remember one million on uh, one million tony and harry, and also five thousand dollars on the remy and randy. I will take those benches. I will put the fifty thousand dollars on rami iran. If you are found to be on a radio with more than your teammate, you will be eliminated.

You must verify with the guard at the end. What your teammate's number is everybody be quiet or you will be eliminated. Everybody gather round. You will enter the maze.

One person from your team will go through the maze and exit on the other side. Another member of your team will be up top guiding you from the top you have to exit at the far end. At the same time, there will be an exit up top and an exit at the bottom. You must tell the guard your teammate's number and your own number to verify that you and your teammates are about to pass through.

At the same time, if one of you attempts to go through at a different time from your teammate, you will both be eliminated. Only half of you will pass make sure to take a note of your teammate's numbers. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, yeah! Ah, what's your name about you're ready? Can i get back you ready, sir he's talking to me real quick. The games will begin in less than one minute how about this guys? How about this left across what if we pick two vips and we bet to see if they can beat all the peasants eh? Oh, wouldn't that be lovely! Oh, that could be pretty good.
We can just see if they can win 721 and vip. Is here please, please, yeah, would you guys be interested in picking two vips and seeing if we can beat the peasants? Oh, that would be quite interesting that could be he wants to play. I will play if no one wishes i'll join them. Okay.

Well, we got four here see we have these two and these two. Why don't we send two teams, two teams of two and you can bet on which vietnam will be the best? Okay, let's um get you some radios. Quick. Are you playing? You want to be partners? Yes, you guys are together.

Yes, wait! Please wait, wait, wait, stop! Wait! You want to guide me or you want to be running, wait! Wait! Someone just fell. Um yeah i've seen the maze a little bit you want to do uh. You guide me for you, foul radio, cheating, we're going to enter two teams of our own and we're going to see if we can beat the peasants fantastic, yeah, perfect, excellent. All right! One go down quick, quick chop chop: you want to talk about it! Okay, i like that i, like the food, sir.

We got a better idea, one through three point: three old man: uh 321. Do you topic radio check? Bottom um uh? Yes, two of you guys good luck, three, two one all right! Listen up! Let's not bear i'm listen. When i give you direction. Okay, you just keep going that direction and play then change.

Okay! Okay, i get it sounds good. You're, gon na begin by going forward. All the way to red then right left left what was that run all the way and then turn right all the way, all the way. Okay, okay, then right towards the red line.

All the way right, yeah then left left left hand, yeah, yeah, you're, going right. Then left again left mouse wall and going left towards the blue. Good one just run, run, run, run, run, run, keep running, keep running, keep running, yeah, keep running all the way out. All right, i'm going all the way, then right forward continue just keep running.

Keep on going then, whatever right right, wherever you can right right again, right again, no go back yeah, go there forward, yeah now right, right, right, no, not forward before yeah yeah keep going going. Naturally. Naturally, then, then left whenever you can left left left left left left natural. Even right, then left forward left order.

No, no go back. Left yeah left forward forward. Four! No! No backwards backwards. Now go all the way now right forward.
All the way, all the way. All the way, all the way, naturally naturally keep going natural, there's two ways left to right up forward forward forward, keep going left left to left earlier. You missed it, you missed you, missed it right, right, right, right, left, right, right! Right right! You missed it! Oh, oh, i think you had it. Actually, i think, get it go there.

It uh go everywhere. You are yeah, you got it. It yeah! Okay, back this way. Follow that game, then right, right, yeah, then, let's look up which left no the further.

Second one, one. Two three one, two one. Second, one now run all the way, naturally, and the right right, yeah now ready again this one right all the way forward, all the way forward, all the way forward on the pink wall, pink one left, then, let's go go, keep going right right, right, right, right, Right right, right, right and then i say left, i said right right right right. Naturally, this one right yeah! No, no! This is a good continuing that naturally just forward yeah um the left left.

Oh, i think i you what all the way back out. Oh, my god, what i'll be back out all the way back out, go back on the right. Go back! Go back! Stop following this guy! Okay! Stop following the go back back! Yes! Yes, not left hook! Yes! Now right then left! Then right then left then left left left. Yes, then natural natural right right right right, first right, first missed it first right.

If there's a wall, it's ending it just go forward. Then left um forward forward for right right, right, we're gon na begin. When we get it right, you're not gon na think that that person came from no no, you missed it. I don't know, i said i said right and here yeah yeah.

Then then the nashville and then colorado just fall right. There follow the reading foreign red red red, follow. Reddit then follow white people are good, then follow then follow white is already backwards backwards. Other direction fall right to this.

Oh, my god. We did it across all right. It's number one. Dawg 18.

Let me know when you're up walk the line, walk forward, all right, they are so dead. All of them run back. Have you finished the game? We did? Did you guys get through as well? Yes, yes, very nice. Look at these idiots they can't even beat us hold on play.

These show guys high school drop out morons. Can you oh no, not happening three three. Would anyone like to buy one sky man? I don't think that three three one is seven grand through dean. Okay, i appreciate that okay yeah we're good.

You should be. You should be third in line bro. Third, in line good. Are we next, okay, no shot? What was it where where's harry and tony? Oh, my god, it's over! Oh look at the run, oh coins.

That was really unfortunate. You don't know who i am. Oh, my god, how far back were they? I had all my money on you. What happened? How could you tony, i don't know what to tell you.
The maze was cooked. You failed me tony. I'm sorry, the only thing that's cooked is your brain. Why didn't remember? You saw that basement earlier.

There's a lot of nice uh places to put souvenirs. They were gon na kill each other right here. That's quite the idea. I am collecting some of the organs.

You know those bets earlier: do we actually have to do them? Like moving paths, i mean the money yeah, the money we actually have to pay for those the bets yeah. Of course. Of course, you do you're banking on this link directly to the system - oh yeah. God uh.

What if i made like a 50k bet, and then i only got uh yeah. You know, i don't know why. I asked i'm so rich money's, not a problem. It's not even something i think about.

Excuse me triangle, man, i'm not gon na. Like wake up with negative three, it seems that you will be down bad. My friend from the russian gentleman you'd like to see unlucky. Oh no, i'm rich! I've got nothing to worry about where's your partner.

I believe he died randy get in my line. Then he wasn't fast enough. Thank you for participating! Oh yes, why are you one by one? The teammate will follow after hey, don't sexualize, my old man? Sorry, i'm sorry! I love wrinkly good man, i'm more full skin, get real sicky all sexualizing! Yes, sir marbles to the beach good luck, can't wait to drink my plain water to the beach. Take a helicopter, israel! Oh! I look at this thing right here.

What is it the? Is it oh wow? This is crazy. Excuse me, i'm sorry, sir. We're sorry we're sorry. I'm sorry we're sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry! I was in your way rudolph one of the vips who would like some wine excuse me uh, two, five of it.

Oh yes, wait one, two, five, eight of course. Yes, thank you very nice. You must have in your possession 24 marbles within 15 minutes. All right.

You can play whatever games you like, but if the both of you still have marbles - and one of you does not have the 24, you will both be eliminated. Only one a step away from it. If you wish to do guessing games, you can place your marbles in the marble bag. They play any games.

You wish there is no violence. If there is any violence involved, you will be eliminated. Good luck have fun. You have.

That's what they're gon na play a little bit louder we want to. We got to listen. We are referenced. Of course right.

Ah, thank you. Thank you, alright, so dean to put the marbles on the ground and then the 12 marbles you got from him as well. You know what i mean the back first or the marbles the marbles on the ground. First then you put, then you use the bag on the marbles.

You know what i mean: yep he's going to scam, hello. You see this. It's in the look hold on. Listen, listen.

You have the marble bag on you right. The two the two uh marbles you put down, are in your bag now and then we put both bags on the floor and then we do the uh dice you're, not listening. You listen to what you're saying. No listen, you're, not gon na flex.
Me all right, i'm not finessing! You yeah! You are you're trying to marble. Just like you take my goddamn, the i'm not stupid, you think you're slightly. I don't know. I don't worry about man yeah exactly of course.

Okay. It's fine yeah, please um these marbles, all right all right. How much you been one model. Each time we got 15 minutes.

Okay, one marble east time, god jesus christ is gon na take forever. Please don't be a such simple instructions. The thing is, you you've actually lost two marbles you're, not supposed to tell them how many marbles you are betting, you peasant in the bag, but you're, not listening, you're, not supposed to tell me you put it in the middle, took my marble. No! It's in your bag, you're, not listening, you're, not listening, listen, listen to me all right! You didn't hear what a guy just said on the megaphone.

You put the marbles on the phone and you put the bag over it. You know you can like uh. You know when you use the marble bag exactly there, you go see, so you put the marbles down that you want there you go now. You drop the marbles on the floor.

You need the instructions again there. Now i got it you put like all of them. I put all of mine in and then we dice one and the bag does it for us. Are you ready looking nice, how many yeah my boots, you got, don't worry about it all right.

Are we rolling dice yeah? I don't know. I just want to see it like, i still haven't said h1c all right. Oh that's really bad. How do you do that? One jesus christ we reached our result.

We have to do three scenes. No, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! We didn't restart that we'll do we'll do one twelve, then one twenty. No, that was your number one, twenty four yeah. But what do you mean? That was what you wrote just now, one two two he's dead man just come on three: six: let's go time from now all right! No, no, three one, two two! That was your no no, but you didn't even roll, though so it doesn't count.

So if you, if you listen end the day, bro all right, oh got you give me my marbles. Can i go all right, fair play, you won. This is what we call in france, a dublin brother. It seems he's he's won two times in a row.

All right, perfect, all right now are we gon na, do three six again yep all right, three, six again brother, all right! That's tough! All right! I won by one jesus. Give me two marbles: what happens if they don't finish, they both die. Oh, you know nothing. Are you ready? We must be entertained.

Yeah, okay, go ahead; jesus all right, all right, three, six, how many? How much you're putting up this time, wait how much you want to cost more uh, three, five, five! Five! All right! We're not we're! Not i'm not wasting time bro all right. One of us is gon na get shot in the face here, all right. Five, all right! All right baby. Give me my five: let's go very good win it's over.
Isn't it all right you wan na do one nope! Four, four: all right that was like four scams now: jesus i'm gon na go, get the supplies for dogs all right. Brother. Give me your four all right boys. I won.

I got 24 marbles on me. You enjoy your life brother. I mean someone's escaping no old stupid. No, no.

You want to give me the gun. Damn you sexual vips, with your sex, sexual lost god, damn you is it worth hello he's already gone. Oh, yes, let's go watch that spectacular, please yeah! Well, guy jones! That's how this game's going to play because you're not going to get my marbles for your violence, and i refuse to continue with you. No i'm not why you don't want to do the original game you made up man, which means we're going to do it.

One guy so there's no take back seat. What that is, is an all or nothing andy. You're gon na make us both lose. We could just play the same game.

We just played. No because it's what i've done. I mean it's one or two: there's no vaccines! You can just commit to it and do it man that you make the game first, it's my turn. Jesus christ.

You start losing and you change the game yeah, but this time what it's done, there's no take backseats man because look. What is that you got? It was your number five times in a vote yeah, but that's not that's chance. That's 50 50. and i won the 50 50s man.

This is 50 52. We do one roll out of a guard. What do you think, but god ain't gon na have anything to say guard you got anything to say, vips. You got anything to say, you're listening, you make up the games after 15 minutes.

One has to have 24 marbles simple enough. Isn't it and no violence play and entertain me? Let's do the original game right now. You think, because you have more marbles than me right now, you're in control. No, we did this together dandy.

We both lose. If we both don't get the marbles you're, both it's either way, then what is it you? You want me to lose and you lose or you just lose and i got a chance to win it for both of us. I don't believe him is anyone know where that old man live, hey yo, you looking for the old man, oh you're, still standing, oh perfect, where's, his body, you made the first game, you started, losing you want to switch the game. Are you serious right now? Above 50 or below 50., that's not how we're doing it! Oh, my god, you can't do all or nothing but not above going below 50..

I didn't agree to your game dundee that this is not how the games work. So, let's pick a game together. Oh, my god and we'll agree on it. Together there is noah greg.

There is agreeing. Let's do this together, dundee, let's give it a fair shot. Fine, but from the beginning, let's get back to 12 marbles and let's listen. We got four vips here.
Any of you interested in making the game for us: okay, okay, here you go, you uh bit 360 on some dice rolls um on each side. I haven't have an idea me and another vip. We go hide and you have to guess which one will come out. Oh behind the hook, that's an idea.

What do you mean which one will come out, though one of us comes out. What does that mean right? Yes, it's it's simple, isn't it yeah we're just gon na we got ta pick who we think is gon na, come out, it's like left hand or right hand, very simple, pretty much jeez hell! Oh no, we're running out of time. How much time do we have left? I guess you're, both gon na die in about two minutes. Listen, three! Six best out of three all right: okay, whoever gets the highest best out of three wins everything.

Okay, all right! You ready! I did not mean to do that it. I won the first one. I won this one next, one jesus christ about 13. - oh that's wow! Oh full! That's a close last one! This is the last one.

It's best out of three last one wins this. I won the first. You won the second yeah we've been a hard roll. You we both throw the same time and go three two one roll okay, i just got scammed one.

Nine nine to beat was that an all-in-one bet was that everything no that was his marbles back so now you're just even again. Now he has 12. I have 12. time is running out for the guy.

Well, you changed it up. First, i trained changed it up. Something now we both have even playing fields. Thank you now, people same thing: do it again, all right? Do it again best set of three here we go one last one.

I won the first one wow 15. Second, one go quick. I want the second one bubbles. Please doesn't that just mean it's over best of three you want it's over.

I won yeah marbles place. I went oh no. I won the games, oh god! Yes, i will you like seeing poor people beat each other up games. Of course that's going to happen.

If you choose to agree with it guys, you want some extra money in the pot right now. You could easily entertain all these vips get an increased threshold to the pot they're betting on you guys right. You engage in some fisty cops, whichever one stays standing wins. It's all the marbles as much as i would love to see the vips enjoy me beating, dundee's ass.

I got glass fists and i'm not taking this continue to go to the finals or whatever. The next is. Oh, make mistakes take this away. I cannot vlog and look at this man i am leaving.

I think he sounds like a i'm ready to take on a challenge to provide the show i'll wait i'll be a. I won the games um they shoot each other when whoever wins takes all the marbles. I like that one, that's the good one. That's all sounds good to me.

What, if you shoot somebody yeah, they walk 10 steps from each other or something you know once all right. Let's do we can do a gun fight, but we both need armor. We can both need the same gun wanted to be over. That quick, i mean, like i said, i'm at a disadvantage for first gun we're both at the same playing field.
Now we, what do you mean? You have an idea, you guys like western movies right? Yes, in this cult, python, there's one bullet in the chamber: i'm going to give a cult python to both of these contestants they're, going to walk straight back five steps, i'll count it when i say to turn both of you will turn and shoot are both of You, okay, i'm feeling great: let's do it, i'm feeling green yeah, but no armor! Okay, are you ready? No, i'm not feeling great okay. I think we'll do it like that, because that's yeah, you guys be interested in that that was a fun bullet all right. Let me get another one, please be aware, though uh mr 2, 5, 6 or 2 5. 8.

Whatever has cocaine you little sh, what wow um? What the? How do we shoot this? We need a gun. Did you not get the cold platform? No, i didn't get nothing uh coke. Imagine if you just try them now. Okay, you stepping pizza.

What is everyone listen? The gun i gave him was a dot. It's a rubber bullet. This guy's fine! I did that because i knew that this guy's hasty, i'm the one that recruited him after all, hmm very smart, so bring him back up on his feet, though. Oh god, no violence, man kill that all right did.

Each of you guys get your gun in your bullets. I need another one. We stand back a little bit jesus. Why are you naked now, i'm good now yeah and he's not loaded.

Do you have your bullet hole? Yeah, i'm loading him. If you want all right stand back, oh watch out not to be shot. Oh another. I know four shots, oh my god, all right! Everyone you guys may need to move away.

Oh my god! Look at that! You guys want to do it inside the pavilion. Should we just do it in the pavilion with that okay, quick bets, who wants some action happening i'll put another i'll put another a hundred thousand on uh? I already have one million on the one on the left: oh perfect, another million to lose 50 000 on the one in the fedora such a bad bit, we're all going to be rich. Yes, you guys are all ready come on! Oh, yes! Yes, here's! What's going to happen, you're going to count one step, two step, three step, four step, five step. Every time i say one step, you'll, take a step, two step; you'll take the next one.

You understand me yes, on the fifth step, you'll pause and then, when i say turn that is when you guys turn around and shoot. How would you do that like this? Thank you where'd you go. Do you understand? Do we need to go through this real, quick one, quick run down, don't actually shoot it's just a quick run down to make sure that you guys know what i'm talking about all right. This is a practice round.
Don't shoot one step, two step three step he's taking some rather big steps, dancing. Those are big steps. Maybe we'll do three we'll do three steps and turn all right. Jesus christ, all right line back up the win, fedora? Yes, okay, you guys can hear me right.

Yes, one step: here we go again, it will be when i say turn after the third step. Second step: this is for real all the marbles. No turning back third step, do you hear gunshots? Oh i heard in a mexican standoff. Are you seriously eating french fries yeah, i'm starving? Well, you better start taking a step.

You don't have your gun. Let the man have his last mail, two step. Three steps. That's jesus! You guys can both hear me correct.

Yes, all right turn! Oh you missed. I hated my gun, but i hit you the i saw the homeless man get shots. Okay, i had them. Here's what's really going to settlement all right.

Why don't you just give them rifles? I think the rifle. I think they need a more powerful pistol now right now, pistols are better. Okay. Do you think they should just not move and just aim for the head, since they just need more bullets? Yeah take one step.

Oh sorry, what the you better be rough for me later, like that hmm it'll, be on the third step by the way, all right all right, he moved so i moved all right. Okay! Oh it's one step, two step. Three step turn shoot right too far. Is yes me too? Oh, my goodness guys! This is what automatic guns wait, don't work literally.

This is really why doesn't work. They both eliminate it amazing because because of the netcode thing you shoot too fast, all not not the boys don't register, not all of them register everybody. Let's head on back my god, i'm so excited i'm gon na come! Oh yeah! Let's go! Oh sorry. Are you? Okay, me vip me, please, what's the next game bro, you know you vip in chat.

Excuse me coming through. The next thing is quite simple: all you have to do. Is we don't know the game yet zerotan? I don't think they explained. Huh whoa wait.

Another maze. This place is quite nice, don't you think double seven wrong, amazing exclusive right all right, don't i don't see a um looks like we don't go up this time. Oh it's gon na be a little different. Excuse me, i'm sorry, don't probably don't want to do that.

Um make sure your weapon is loaded in this single shot. You will have to load the bullet every time you fire it so make sure your aim is true momentarily you will be transported to an area in the maze. You must not move from the position. You are placed after the countdown.

You can then begin. You can shoot shoot to win, save your own skin last man, standing wit, vip, feel free to traverse the edges, but the contestants can't go up the maze i'm guessing. Please do not enter the maze itself. Make sure to stay on the walls? I will transport you all momentarily.

Please stand by. Remember, do not move until i seiko devices you will be eliminated, it's a listen for footsteps and just hi like stay in the corner. Let them kill each other and then you get a spot that you can see. People come in and you do it get the up here back in idiots the wall is so small.
Oh no, you got this. Man shut up, he's vlogging bro. What's his lag? Oh, he totally got you. Oh my god, man there we go.

I wish fps man, oh there's one on the ground. Would you look at that? A lot of patience person for me to push you have 15 minutes. There will be no someone to even fight they can't, even frankly, not a single last man. They have 15 minutes.

There will be no winner watch what i haven't had a single gunshot. Yet my ac dc is kicking in here. This is hmm here playing odd job. Come by me, i have them ready.

Is there any laugh? Oh you, you got any bad, no yeah, you! Okay! This way is a dead end. What's up, there's no way out it's the only way. Now we have to go. Go right! Oh, come on man! I want to know you better meet right in the middle seems like i think they wait.

What are you doing over there that wasn't randy? Just with him? Hey, hey a small man. Look at him! What a mighty leap he has i'ma watch a knot: team randy! Oh yeah he's he's always him left bro. Another thing you can do: let's go! Look: oh spiders out all contestants remaining four contestants remaining all contestants. For me.

Ten minutes left four contestants remaining ten minutes. I think one of the nerds or whatever is really handsome in the corner. Trying gon na be dead. Three contestants remaining three contestants remaining three contestants remaining.

That's true! I got one bro. It's me, bro, yeah, there's only one more brow. I got my blog. Oh, i didn't oh damn yeah.

He knows. Oh did not happen. Don't watch this guy! Oh i hit him. I hit him for dead on fact yeah, but he's also hit.

Though no he's done. Oh, i mean he's gon na gotten him he's gon na pick. Can i pick yeah randy's about to pick the wallet now them? Okay, guys eating is healing contestants remaining five minutes left. He said he's on the left, he's on the left to the small man.

Contestants remaining five minutes left he's on the left bro in front of you. Then you see him he's behind you behind you behind you look you're, not looking the wrong way. I'm sorry, francis bryant love, you more sorry, no shotgun he's so small dude yeah he's about to pick a mirror. Oh my god doesn't come out.

Oh that's close. Wait! Really. Are you hippo? I hurt you once i love you bro. Oh, that's whiskey, oh body, shot! That's really bad, oh, i don't think there's any bleeding.

It would have been sweat if it was bleeding, though. Oh sorry, i'm wrong wrong. Keep running bruh that hit two shots. It's the thing is, though, is that you really have to be not scared.

Whenever you get hit getting hit is a good thing, because it means that um crosses forward. Where you are, you can push them and if you hit and they miss you win very much. You hit him. Well, i mean you're not gon na miss because he's reloading he's not running or whatever one minute 30 seconds remaining.
That huh did. I hit you bro what that's the wall to the right? How is that not here then i hit because it's just run right. One minute remaining one minute remaining that hit you right, bro, too small, 30 seconds remaining. Did i actually hear you bro? No did you.

Why are you indeed he did jesus, let's go baby. You know how we do it. Oh hey! What's up, we have a winner. That's a wonderful showing congratulations! I'm one of you guys.

I don't know quite about that. Why don't you go buy yourself, a nice beach house and retire right to the finish yeah. That's me thinking with the what's great everybody follow me. Let's go back to the entrance.

Don't you don't you worry about it? Are you trying to get eliminated? Oh, no, not the staircase! Oh, no, not the staircase! Ah, let me go down. I can watch the switches ready, no yeah. There's they popped out of this. I wonder if they use the props from like already made games or like customer online or whatever, because solution is really crazy.

Oh wow! Ah, yes, dirty blood money for a dirty contestant. Yes, yes, it's filthy pigs, absolutely disgusting disgusting, exactly this guy, the seven for one incident. That's what happened! Excellent experience! Yes, you all enjoyed the show very good, very well coordinated. Yes, the congratulations are in order.

Thank you so much. Congratulations! Congratulations to the main island! We'll have some chests waiting for you. Give us one moment be right back, oh, he doesn't know. Does he no? He does not what? Oh, my god, no idea.

Oh my god, everybody in we are about to depart. That was great apologies for the rough landing. You think they'll, let you fly one of these wow. Actually i think one of those is your jet.

You you own it right. Yes, of course, yeah. Where did i park my chat i'll ride in his jet uh mine is in uh. I loaned it out to my grand mama mama yeah, because i'm rich, i'm definitely rich.

I have more than 20k in my bank yeah me too. Quite i'll show you when we get back in uh-huh, so i'm thinking uh, just uh hold him up when he walks out with the prize money, our private army, of course they're in on it they're paid under me. Thank you all for coming out today. Hopefully you all enjoyed this show.

Congratulations, jolly good, jolly good! Oh goodness! Oh my. Thank you all vips for your generous donations. I hope you all had fun betting. I hope you won exquisite trip half as much as i want that's less than i would crush this tonight.

Thank you, so much man, you know you want me all the money, how much money you win. I don't even know multiple times and i won every time. I bet on you too. I had nothing to do with the other stuff.
You know, i think the only one i didn't bet you bet on. You was the one where you had to take a nap. Oh yeah, yeah um, the keys. Oh we're flying mr triangle.

Can you close the front main to this airplane, real, quick? I need to talk to the front main triangle. Wait, no money! We must go yo by the way guys. Oh, i have a single bullet for my gun. I will defend us, oh god, the keys god dammit the keys, not the keys.

Maybe we can hide here just thinking a little bit, we'd probably get out go go. Do they have enough speed over there? Oh, i forgot my wallet guys. I don't know i don't know if something's about to happen or not. Oh wait! Huh! I didn't know that.

I had no idea, i didn't know the men i would spawn from it uh. I can't go back since it's a couple of different server. It's a completely different server man. Look time all right, let's go what now, i think.

That's it right. We just uh go home to the city. Maybe i'm probably gon na go to bed in a big buck. Um yeah! I think i think we're just free to go now right.

Well, i mean for to go, i mean you know we're just gon na you know yeah, i'm just gon na take a taxi uh for the apartments same same probably gon na go to bed in a bit. It was a fun day. Yes, it was yes, it was thanks for helping me with the maze game, a pretty good team yeah. We are good team.

We would have 100 yeah. I should have bet on ourselves. Okay, i'm gon na go inside of here see i work here same i'm gon na go to bed too. Please you.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “The vips – squid game episode 3”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Turki says:

    Would be fun if they did this kind of stuff more often ngl

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luadmo ! says:

    "the only thing that was cooked was your brain" LMAOOOOO

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NoPixel Central says:

    Xs chat were killing me every time he switched to the Facebook POV in the finals 🤣

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Silver Soul says:

    Xqc didn't really see it, but Mike Block and the old man had the best storyline of the whole event.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RasenRendan says:

    This event was so much fun to watch. Hope it happens again

    maybe Dean and the boiz can make brand new original events.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Magix says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AY5J says:

    Wasn't XQC mad because he couldn't participate in the third game?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TerrorJinx says:

    I cant take sykkunos helmet with vip mask seriously

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jack smellington says:

    XQC a vip ig and irl wtf when do I get to reroll stats 🙁

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fun Fact says:

    Fun fact: The giant Pacific octopus has three hearts, nine brains and blue blood

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shyruu says:

    LMAO x dude i didnt know u guys were doing this lmfao ur so cracked

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I LOVE THICC LATINA MOMMAS says:


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