xQc plays in the Twitch Rivals Rust event. Part 3.
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#xQc #rust #twitchrivals

Foreign. How should I do this? I should see him. Whatever. Your heart will just swim straight at him right? That's what the plan is.

I'm gonna get a number of Angel Investments and we can keep checking out how much I lose or win so everybody knows I'm not I'm not joking. It's uh yeah, it's spinning all right. Initial investment is 8 to 15. yeah, you'll get him.

Just pick us up. I mean that's I I had designed the base for that to just be a bunch of early game beds so we don't clutter the bottom floor in that design. So okay I need you to guide me to where the um where the tech trash is? Oh by the way, we can't access the the locked foxes? uh I don't know Andrew's doing some of that what? Uh, it's in the trust by me Base by Me by me I like the business. it's looking good right here.

Bottom right. Got it. Thank you thank you sorry I'm freaking out because I'm like where are these dude Okay, if you guys are geared up if you guys are ready to go, go to Uh ZIP Right now, group up. don't cross over just everyone I think it's don't worry Pico I answered the phone for you 777 it's done.

Throw the walls of the basement so sick. is that a skin here boys or something. Food here? Yeah. front door, front door need a hit.

just wait up for desk when death is here we go. Okay okay are you kidding me? I mean power's free money so that's it. Don't worry about it. I do think we should get both.

We have one. yeah if we if we see both. Update: xqc lost it all. That's not sure.

Not yet. The table's pretty bad because tier one but like seven hours from now. Okay, it makes sense. Yeah, we need to be unexpected bro.

don't worry when he's finished gambling. I will leave you guys the live Update: Oh it's blue. yeah uh. twice nice.

There's two in there. Uh I'm not gonna go in advance. they're holding in balcony room above. they're holding uh for sure okay positions with this many teams like I feel like you don't want crazy like off or is this kind of like bro? What a good one I Lost it all.

What a good run though. What a good run. Trying to walk a wall man. So wow.

give us a void. hit you dude. Oh it works like that. everything else does.

Yeah, that would be really dumb. That was close though because we got 40. that was really close though. That was real close though.

Twice right? Yeah. I Want to go wide. A lot of them. Thank you I think I'm buying them you're talking about or something from the right here.

Stay alive. We're good. One headshot: he's low. Where's nice.

He's dead running foreign. Okay dude. just hold them. rap rap on them.

Don't go left. Wrap right. We have right control Army Southeast Somewhere I Don't know if he's on this side. they're coming.

don't fight the hill, rap towards our side like go west pistol shots I Escaped the forest and made it to the beach. A dedicated box just for I do tags if you can with the system so that we don't have to like look I don't know if I'll be able to. Yeah because I don't know if it's an item. yeah I'll try I wonder they might just be different items or something.
Maybe it's gonna happen like I don't think anyone but like it's just gonna happen. yeah it's on the thing I Know I can do it Okay, cool yeah. I It might just be nice to have a boxer argue someone hovered list and I don't realize because a lot of people pick them up and they don't realize because they walk over them. Jesus gang where are you okay I'm gonna do all my pain and stuff disrepact.

Nails Chad This is the comeback. Okay, let me look at the score bro, it's still pretty tight. It's kind of crazy that this one to the event it like um, scores is still this tight. No yeah and then think of the north bios on like bro, they have another thing space bro.

yeah and we're still doing pretty good and we're still keeping up. Yeah, and if that means it just means if we go get our on South we'll be winning because we're winning fights when we're not getting pinched by three different teams. Did you know that uh, Australia is wider than the moon? There you go. Fun fact: What? What? I'm sure there's a piece of yeah.

Apparently you have the highest accuracy on our team right now. Is it me? I'm not shooting enough Fox What's my accuracy? No yours. You see, you're at a solid two percent. You 've recorded okay, foreign, Taco's clear, yeah, that ass.

and okay. Also, if you put potatoes in your meals like inside of your like burrito, you're just idiotic potatoes. No, that's pretty good. Okay, it's disgusting it.

honestly. I I Respect the man that went up to a calendar started milking that I I Respect that I Think people are I Think humans are weird I think they probably try to suck on it I'm gonna say how it is. That's probably how it happened. Okay, they saw babies suck on teeth and they suckers like how to like milk worms for silk.

What the don't? They just like it, don't they just make it? No silk is from silk worms. They literally yeah. but don't they like weave it themselves I Was gonna say you don't gotta tug a woman Yeah I Feel like they're not talking a silkworm I Feel like it just happens right? it out with a machine? Yeah, the machines. they pull.

They pull, the they pull it out of their ass. No, but you probably watched it. Okay now some guy was probably sat there watching the one. Yeah, it probably got stuck.

Like let's say you were to chew on it if I got stuck in his teeth and he pulled and I was like yo. That's actually really. it's like hair, right? Yeah, at first it actually started flossing with it. but then I realized my clothes.

Oh come on guys, guys. Bottom right? we should go to that. Yeah, we will. Yeah, oh my.

God oh my. God Oh nice. Whatever. Chocolate chips.

That's all we have enough for. So yeah, sure, that's okay. Okay, cool. I Feel like Luke's gonna be behind the door also though.
yeah, one day. Yes, that's good, but we don't want flanking right ones. This is their biggest cardigan again and just leave it right. that one next reminder: Fall back, Fight upwards, Fight upwards.

I Think as well you guys the signs over there. What is that? I Think Okay, hello bro guys. oh my. God Just run away.

let's decide to shoot them. Me: I Had no idea Foreign. So is there a reason why you're so ugly or not? Whoa, somebody's in a bad mood. Isn't he Bad mood? A bad mood? Bad mood, bad mood.

How many are you in a bad mood? Because you know what? I Think it might be ugly as hell to be honest I can hear it. You know, you know he's not like it. You sound like a loneliness. your Goblin guys turn around.

why are you running I'm gonna have out you um bro. scared scared I don't have an idea. How about no turn around? So when exactly do you think about getting an employment instead of doing this? Thoughts, thoughts and concerns about that Amanda Do you want to do our BP one? So if you're good at geometry actually went to school, you could probably figure this out on how to kill me Ken thank you. there's not a huge dress I think we're good.

Uh, we have a row of scrap. you tried it. Yes that finishes. I Don't know this.

This is like some actual agile. like a planet conspiracy, right? Watch this. Watch it. You're not gonna have an answer for me.

Watch this. How come there are places on Earth right where it's always nights but no plays oh it's always they I don't think there's any plants on Earth where it's always night. oh almost almost like Sweden Bro What? What place is always because there is one of the same place they have day for certain. like longer period.

Yeah. I'm pretty sure there is being an inverse to that. What's the boom out right now? Yeah, if Alaska was real, it wouldn't be time to the Canada instead. But I I have something that you wouldn't be able to explain either.

How come the meteors always spawn on the north side of the world? Because because H June made a 18 000 of a page document. That's why DocuSign Yeah, the universe the the AI and the lyrics. if Ai and simulations already existed then that means at some point we are able to make a simulation. which would imply that we are in a simulation because we were able to make a simulation.

But because we haven't made a simulation yet, that might be we are the beginning. Force to make a simulation. Which then, well, here's the question. Is it easier to fix the universe or create a simulation where the universe is fixed? Well, we don't.

Well, that's the whole point is the only way we know we're not in a simulation is because we haven't made a simulation yet. But if we do ever create a simulation, the chances of us being in a simulation are incredibly high. But like if we were in a simulation like you think there's really a software engineer that would code xqc I think I think it's one. Also, Also, you know something I thought about.
let that sink in. Think about it. Think about this. Um, if right? Um, you know what you know I think why is things so mysterious? Why I Think it's so hard to figure out why and what is it right? I Think it's just like a whole like um, it's like a multiple instances of a program, right? It's what? Who? Who's the first to figure out what it is about? What is? Is everything really that hard to figure out? I mean Einstein hasn't been to space at all and before? why didn't I mean he didn't find what the yeah? but that doesn't count you.

We're gonna get 500. I'm gonna dabble it on a double. 1K 2K 4K 8K 16 J Come back and then for the night we're done. Can they steal it from us? They can Huh? So what The camper van? Yeah yeah.

If we take it to safe though, we can put a code lock on there because it's a cartilage. Yeah, we need to go to code lock on it. That's what I'm doing too. Nice.

Sure. I just don't bring it home. but I get a lot of guns bro. diluted sewer bench is busted.

Are you like underground? Yeah. Did you get blue card from there? yeah I mean I just got loaded up like crazy. This is Max Win! Bruh has technically committed the most war crimes. Yeah so what if we yeah invented dude? yeah we literally xcc we literally got the Geneva Convention like it exists because of Canada Why really? I thought it was they said because I mustard gas or some No no because Canada did some crazy messed up dude.

For example, in World War one uh they would have little like peaceful holiday times where each trench would like come out and like actually oh yeah celebrate that and at one point like one side was throwing gifts to the other side and then bomb uh Canada was a single. most like nighttime raids out of every country they would literally go out of their way to go into trenches at night with spite clubs and just to kill people. Uh, there was apparently a rumor that went around that one side crucified a Canadian and it was. No one knows it was confirmed or not and Canada got so mad they started killing prisoners constantly.

All right, that sounds kind of interesting. I found a roaming Casino Train ing It's only a blackjack. it's not worth it. Okay I mean wait.

Blackjack is really good though. Here it's on me at the top. Let's check over real 100 sure you have a gun you can put them on because you can't put them on Revo you put them on crossbows, put them on. DBS yeah I'm taking back shots I'm taking back shots.

oh no, that was just me. Oh it's called role play guys. That's where you're going though. I heard Revo what does this look like to you? Okay yeah yeah, you tap that, you want to like, tap it and then no I know I just wanted you to see yeah it's so fast.
it's actually so fast. Oh wow. a little one swimmable chat. yeah, chat one of them.

You see this sign? oh what? That's just so unlikely. mathematically that's that's just dog. Uh Disney Amanda Do you see the sign right here? Oh Don What do you think about the Sun I should get it. Okay this specimen in its natural habitat.

Hey guys, what happened to all of the scrap? How late we staying on today? We should definitely all go to bed basically at the same time and just yeah, we got to go to bed like so we're up for the better and if they're if they're set up water and then wait. Is it really? Is it really long? Like actually really long? Or is there there going crazy right now baby? let's go back soon. The whole thing bro. What if they get on the train we have three engines.

Or three engines We're not. Oh my. God this is a huge train. We're just stealing the train.

Oh my. God as many cards as we can. yeah I've I could go there with the combo. it's gonna be blue.

Oh my God The greatest comeback ever is happening right now in the playoffs. Holy hello something here. A boat base that's pretty good. so we have a bunch of boats ready.

What can we buy you a book from? Harbor Yes yes yes Am I So poor man that's a pretty nice. It's so good it's such a good in the business. How is it so rigged? yeah BPR BPR BPR BPR BPR BPR it's already I think oh he's not dead, he's dead. It's caucus okay then yellow blue.

that's why I was screaming like a couple hours the lovely painting was starting and follow me through walls yellow paint. Where can we take a horse? That would be insane because it'll go down to the tunnels with me. You can recycled. He's shooting here shooting BPR and BPR VPR BPR BPR BPR Coupe yeah I took the wrong turn.

so this is going to be a minute stop gambling Felix you have a problem X Qcl I would be at eight thousand. that was such a if I wasn't such a ass. I would now be at like eight or sixteen thousand. pretty much meter in eight minutes.

I'm gonna make a call BPR Bust BPR bust What's going on 16 000. I would have 16 000. I've proven my system wants to hit the yellow starts hitting it, it doesn't stop if I trust my system like I did last Rivals I was at 30 000. I was beginning on the eight seats at a time I would be rich I Just trusted my vision, my system, my my calling I myself up some people online don't ask please I'm dead.

we have no fuses please please I don't know you man. Hey get away from me. come on mention a little bit man. a big chased by a maniac.

help come on facing me for my scrap right now please I already gave you some you didn't even pay. You haven't even paid me back I get one for this Barrel though probably just go watch them. Oh no I don't have a fuse man I took all that time to get in that church. it's usually pretty common.
underground train ing okay yo let him out, let him out, let him out like be quiet. let them actually walk out. What a try hard my God this guy man I feel like we need to do it right? We don't We can give up the crate if we want. and okay they're coming now.

Oh my God oh my God they're after me bro. What? Oh yeah, I'm not good. No they are so lucky. Oh um, there's only a few left almost out of ammo.

Oh my. God balloon is back. Watch out here. We killed them.

That's Coco's team in the higher air balloon, right? Yeah, yeah, there's a balloon in front of our base right now. Oh yeah I just got down combined yeah I don't know what his dad's at. He's Across the Universe behind us. Oh there's a guy with the balloon kicks you pushing someone oh my God Does everyone wonders why it doesn't get laid? I mean doing that is what it causes it He's like down on the bed.

By the way. This is why you don't get laid I'm not kidding it. This is why you do not get laid. This is why you have No.

this is why you look like a troglodyte. Ugly dumb chat. Let's play a game called Kiss That song guys. who's that our base? Then thank you.

there's someone on a horse? Yeah yeah everybody. I've been killed immediately. Yeah, just off. Man like, why are these kids here? It's so cringe.

Bro: this only happening because we're wide open. like just put some doors. It's insane. All the items I Don't see the items.

No, they've been here the whole time. We do know that they literally show up. They're only here. They've been in swimming in our water like they have scuba Team Six out there, but we don't know if they've been doing that to other teams.

Yeah, those guys fly a balloon above our face for the entirety of the van looking for a job at the McDonald's Don't give them dog tags like it's fine. just sit in the van and talk to them the whole time. Do we know which direction they're gonna like? Do we know for sure? Can you hear my voice? Loser: Leave us alone. You look like loneliness.

Dumb? Shut up I Can't hear what you're saying Bro: What the are you talking about? Where's the Buster You ever spawn like uh, all the way at the bottom of the beach I Wish I did. It's on Cooldown right now I Got wolves. he probably escaped at this point. Are we getting a lot of dog attacks? To be honest though.

I bought this way through a bread. If it's Dollar Cards team, they have half our dog tags I mean okay. I'm gonna redo all these drawings this is this is just sorry whoever did that. Oh yeah here.

I'll unlock it for you. Thank you. Balloon's coming back just quickly. So all right.

Yeah, but as soon as you're tier two, we're gonna have enough Farm to just instant ammo and just make their like one trick things not work like they can cheese as much as they want. we're just shoot it down like whatever. just blast it I Hope so we'll see. and also we'll advertise heavily in global chat that balloons go down with instant ammo and then everyone will be doing it because someone in the main base just check zip before we go to sleep.
Or when we wake up. Yeah, we'll have it before we go to sleep. I Love tier three. By the time we're ready to play, when we wake up tomorrow, we'll get two three Yeah, just cross majority Cross Michigan Fight but majority cross please.

They're a rocker boats and it's all right. There's a rock pretty much I don't know, maybe we turn. it's I Feel like you're gonna be really important now I think as long as we don't get ego and like take fights, as long as we just shoot and stay alive and like pressure like we're playing Revo but we're playing with SMGs the same way we win. Yeah I'll just start doing that.

actually. can you make me a spray can? because I'm making bars with window bars I can't do this I'm so dog this. I'm so dog. I Think the outer layer is fully windowed.

Okay, okay, we're getting there. I Don't know what you just said. please. No, he's still hitting trees.

he's got Subway Surface in the corner. Yeah, as you see him in the other corner and he's just hitting trees. No, he's not on anymore. He was sleeping.

oh it's bad. he was on like not long ago. No, he's still on. We gotta fire him then.

Yeah, Sure. okay. I'm pretty sure the entire outside is still with bars now. but what do we need to do? Because once we unlock enough, two or three or three, we're gonna be able to make campers.

No no I know why we need to do I Don't get oh my. God team Whalen Putting some in I mean dude. let me finish this I'm listening I'm bailiffing it blind. Wait, it's becoming morning Bay Life Is that a league reference? Yep, Wow.

Stay alive. Ever heard of TSM yeah I mean cook? No, he would. he said pistol I'm all right. yeah.

Stack of 120. still relaxing. Holy you saw Bob Rossen out there xqc Oh there you are yeah I think it looks pretty nice. So uh.

one pistol bolt for 150 that looks okay. hot. Hello base Fcg there's two of them I'm running for my life I'm dead. wait I'm alive barely I Look still to be honest I found your OG White Horse with double saddle and Horseshoe wanna fog.

Hey guys, you want to pick me yeah, he's right above. Go back out Amanda yeah it's fine. Look, we should get a grenade for that the next time. By the way, Well then today I don't want that literally gone with that yo bro.

Um, of course. uh I got finished off Nice. It's a player to play. It's a player.

It's a player on my body and my body. Um, definitely faster I can come up at Harbor if you really need me. although I'm dead, get him baby. Nice.

You're garbage. You are garbage. Yeah, it's winning. He can't hear that.

Okay, okay to my dead body parts. oh it's me. never mind me too. So annoying.
Finished him four times. get in the back twice. Leather puncher hit three times. Down down he's he's dead.

A horse. Uh North yeah, one more. Thirty Thirty Thirty I Got the guys reboot one side. everyone's at it.

Northeast Northeast by the middle rocker, head towards he's we're being shot from behind. like really far away. Just just commit to this commit forward. Probably gonna go down wishes brother hiding in the bushes man I I think we we said we're right I don't think go back, follow back reset research.

just go back. There's real binders though. We need to be able to get the death ball. It's just a balloon guy behind it.

Okay 20. yo make sure you kill naked. some beef too. Yeah, literally free and it stops them for recording.

Thank you Penny's on the ground you need Benny's or not all you're good. Okay all right. if anyone has I have some yeah yo I Think take a minute, heal up and do our thing. we have a little bit of time I Don't want to get caught up over there with the guy behind us I just want to make sure I don't leave.

just heal and chill. Heal and chill. Kill these people. Anybody got food I can give you back What is this loser Behavior type of man oh I meant to come pick me up I'm down right here.

but I'm still alive. That's right here they're going to. They're running the finish right now. What is it is? This guy is just okay.

This guy is oh my. God it's like I'm not gonna say it. it's a lot. There's a lot.

There's a lot. I'm not gonna say McDonald's 6 A.M most of them are European I died just I I can't I can't do it I can't I can't That's enough. That's enough. So somebody with my buddies I'm jacked up with a lot a little.

Just look me up. What happened to X scientist plus bear back to back. you got bubble fisted? Nice? Yeah, but I mean yeah. I'm still living.

Oh okay, yeah. in the beginning, if we get off sync, we're because we're gonna lose some numbers. That's what I'm saying. Everyone stay up 24 hours and you know we're on sync through Octane.

After 24 hours, the next four hours are gonna be empty. Like even with tier two, we're gonna be fighting one team. Why? we got a farm? we can Farm as much as we want, but like we can do that anytime. All right.

How about you just quit yapping and go to sleep because you're wasting time, buddy. True, yeah, we're running back right now. Anyways, like no. I'm running back I'm running back I'm running home Yeah, I'm going home.

Does anyone know how long you can stay like, uh, alive full Water full HP Uh well you can't if there's no gameplay. The amount of unlocker dog I just got is disgusting I'm not gonna bother with that anymore. Xpc Live update I'm never gonna gamble Again By the way, I'm living in Arizona right now tomorrow in the morning. Okay I'll take I'll take up the torch.

Don't worry who believes Xcc bro. he's gonna wake up floor and be like today. Today's a new day boys he's gonna wake up see no one else has gone and look for all the scrap in the bass. All right.
Take care guys!.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “The war begins rust #3”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cj skins says:

    I dont hate mr editor but rewatching clips cause hes trying make side videos aint that fun lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sainsburys SelfCheckout says:

    book book book

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CanadianRage says:

    Aware X is on my rust team

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SvenVDV says:

    What team are they up against? Is it just randomly picked streamers vs randomly picked streamers?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noxsiv says:

    he is an addict.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DWAXE says:

    so basically all xqc does is waste ammo scrap and draw

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zusaii says:

    11/423 shots hit is actually hilarious

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tumppu20 says:

    Someone in the chat really said JOURNALIST POV OMEGALUL ☠☠

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kristoffer Bergskaas says:

    -30k lol

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kipna Player says:

    -45k scrap OMEGALUL

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LevisSilly says:

    1% accuracy
    99% accuracy losing in gamba 😂😂😂😂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars User User says:

    confirmed xqc cant enjoy a video game unless it has brainrot gambling

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