Brazil v South Korea penalty controversy. Richarlison gets fouled.
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Oh What? Just I'll just watch this. Chad is like a half and half on it I'm not having enough the last look how he just settled it with a little spin behind a win in stoppage time. Very different situation with a penalty Young and it's for sure. So I can move the camera.

Look at this and it's Richard Wilson Who just gets there first is that? Look Look at this. Look at this this guy. This enemy has the ball, can't see shift on the back right literally has the ball right together. goes to kick the ball dumb Dives Out of left field.

look at him. look at the angle of his foot there. look just just look at it. Max Range: 16x Acog scope Sniper range Touches the ball barely his foot gets touched by a two Newtons of pressure and look at him and it's Rashard Listen, who just gets there first Erotica injury in the open? What is that? That's the one thing I Think soccer is a dumb for just the acting and penalties.

This is dumb. like what is that? I Feel like all sports have that but in soccer is more obviously and that was going anyway. Dude the five Defenders all on the ball. We didn't stop it 70 volts 7v2 on in front of it and he does that.

Filthy shots Yeah I Don't get how we look dumb for thinking of dumb. you feel me, It is stupid I Think the problem is because people get used to a certain standard right? and they forget how things should be. and they Think oh, is this normal bro? It's normal. but it's just because they're used to a level of dog that is way beyond their own understanding at that point.

it's just dog that this should never happen here. It's so dumb no one types A Good take to just say we're stupid. Well that validates that. The move he just pulled I Love soccer I grew up on it I Just always thought the penalties are stupid.

what he's looking for for fouling in the Box Bro: how is that a fool bro. The guy is the one that's like attacking. snuck in behind again bro. he's the one going for that playing.

Go for the ball here. That's his fault. he jumped into somebody's foot. He literally jumped into somebody's foot.

Oh actually and oh dude I got hit there. No, it's simple. if he doesn't hit, the ball hits the player, it's foul. So by regulations, yeah, you know what I mean it's the soul that should be your standard and then you think about it.

to have an ideal one changes everything. but the whole ideal. Why did he do the fake spinning in the circle penalty? That's the question. That is the question.

Regulations: I Get that you hit his leg and not the ball. Okay, that makes sense. just cringe. Just cringe.

That makes sense. But you know overstating is the the fake penalty like oh, get started for one minute. I'll give you one minute I Generally I genuinely Wanna Know sorry about my English I'm Brazilian but I I can speak a little okay yeah, what's up bro. Like did you ever played soccer or football? Nope.

I think Africa nope When you were running like you don't have a lot of balance cause you're running, you need to concentrate with a lot of things. A lot of players and like when you get a little bit of touch or you get a little bit of pull or kicking yeah you holy Morocco just passed. his pain is out of the World Cup holy So like when Richardson is running his is only with one foot in the in the field. so by I don't remember the name of the Korean player.
but like when he just got one touch you can't stand up. and in football this is a road. If you get touched almost always in the sexy end of the field you are gonna get the penalty. Yeah yeah yeah yeah.

so I know how that works? Okay, yeah no it wasn't So I don't think you get it though. I only get it What? I'm telling you, Is that what you want? You want the players to do the right thing with the information that they have right? Always? This is like a basic concept, right? Yeah, so a foul My opinion. It happens when somebody does things you shouldn't be doing It or a move that he does breaks a rule right with the information and that the Korean player is given and what he's doing it right. There's like there's no way he can do anything different there.

I don't I was that I was at a foul that the guy who wants to dive on the ball like a maniac and fall how is that? That's Korean guy's fault I'm really gonna lie I have panels are like really overrated, overrated, overpowered, forward. like the what this is making you create. The fall is like a meta in football. Yeah, but that should be rewarded to be punished.

The enemy team should get a female to shot themselves. It is really difficult to change the whole game like gender mechanics because it is. Everybody does it. That's the point.

Yeah, yeah, it's not that they do it, it's that they get validated by it. So if I told you you cheat in your exam right everybody does it. Yeah, right. But yeah they should crack down it.

and then if you get caught you you? uh right? If you get caught then you get you. you get a you get a consequence right? But the thing is that how can you say it? That is like wasn't hard because football boots they have like that. Okay I don't know English is. but in fact yeah I get it.

I Get it. Listen Yes please. in my in my opinion again the simple concept. Okay from the perspective of the Korean guy, he's literally just playing the ball and he's going for a kick and has no information about anybody being behind him.

Right? even if the guy jump on the ball right there and he broke both of his legs and died I still think it's his own fault literally she ambushed and don't know about like a maniac, right? and the guy in front they had no idea about anything. How is the history? you need to get to have game stance? QC You know like when you play a game you need to know that a player can come from behind you and shoot you. same thing on football. yeah but then then people are going to emulate that behavior for for yeah I agree with you that like it is happening a lot but it's hard to change it.
Okay because like yeah yeah like like the Korean defense he needed to know that a player could come behind him. you know? And in football there's no way they can know though. even their teammates. Sometimes they don't even know like to make a pass because they can't look behind it like they don't have like a rear view mirrors or whatever you can't if you're if you're on your own defense, every second matters, Every quarter you can't look back and is somebody going to Ambush me? no Like that's no.

there's no shots. It is a strategy. A strategy if you look from away because like he shows went all the way back to go from behind. you know and he he thought about that he said I'm gonna try to steal the ball because I'm gonna go from behind yeah I mean I think it's awesome laughing at you to be honest 7v2 Spain right forcing laughing.

he goes for like some sort of pass gets touched. He starts diving like he didn't lose any opportunity that he knew what he was doing it. It's a voluntary Yeah but I don't you can't say like it breaks the game. it's game breaking in my opinion.

in my opinion it this is worse than people chatting the ball with their hands to force a penalty. If they know a goal is going to be scored, you think it is worse. I think it's way worse. No because because because you can't keep your hands because it's wrong and it's deceiving, catching the ball is wrong but it's not deceiving.

it's deliberate. Yeah in my in my opinion it's a hole in the ball game but I think like it will be share this song If you play soccer you know that you can do this he he think like I can try to steal the ball from behind as the South Korean player was like he didn't imagine it but he the Korean guy should have game sense about what is happening around him. you know I mean Spain got rocked harder than a hard rock rocking stuff. Is that like then you're you're in my opinion, you're shaping the game in a way that shouldn't.

You're making the game so like people are intentionally doing dog. it's just yeah I don't know why they do that though. it doesn't make any sense for the game, it's actually unhealthy for the game. and I think it ruins the spirit of the game and it it people who can't actually care about the the actual sport.

I think it's lame because you I think you're new to soccer right? Yeah, but that's even better. You know what they say like like in society like kids are like really smart or whatever because they're not. they don't have a a developed full thought yet so they think outside the box a little bit right? and I mean me being dumb is good because yeah, is that that what I'm trying to say like you can see I take like not being on the middle and understanding everything you can make the sport better. Yeah okay yeah it makes sense.
Let me um my English is kind of. you're good bro. Let me um I'm gonna slice this other than um yeah and uh it wasn't talking to you man. Love you please I Love you Peace out Enjoy! Devin crap let's see this guy, um replace this.

Are we gonna get bum in? China He has no camera. Basically, we learned nothing. Yes I Want something to do the term? Um, it's just gonna give me like a black and white type. Um, Okay, okay, where's the camera because I'm broke.

Okay, fair enough. Okay, so the offensive player. It's not his fault that the defensive player that is tackling doesn't know that he's behind him. Why? it's not the fault of the offensive player.

that, uh, that the tackler is not aware. It's nobody's fault. No, but why it's a penalty because the defensive player is not aware. You know.

Okay, and the offensive player knows he's aware. a kick is going to get made in a second. Here, it's yeah. Exactly okay.

He's taking advantage of it. No, No. I Think you understand it? You're saying you're saying it. The guy on the events is unaware and then the guy goes in.

the back is injured while being aware and he's transferring it. Well I Mean he knows that if he knows at the ball, the foul is to prevent injuries. Pretty much. that's just how it is.

No, that's not how it is. What would you fail to prevent an injury? Okay, rules are in place for a reason. If they could do that you the people there would be one more injuries I am right the nature of why it is. So the problem here is the offensive player can poke at The ball is not aware at all that is behind them.

so he pokes at the ball to take advantage of it. That's just the rules. Okay, um okay. you watch UFC and some guy punches from the back of the head right? that's not and then and then they they say yo yo Joe and they punish him.

Why did it happen? Why is this ruling place to prevent an injury I Lost The rule is not in place to prevent injuries in football like the penalty kick. No, no, it's not to prevent injuries I Understand that if you're gonna go tackle right, you're going for the ball. but if you tell the player instead, right? Yeah, then it's a foul. It's about why didn't Why do you think that's in place? Uh, to protect the AOC to protect the players candle.

Okay so forth. an injury. Okay, but how does that kick like Okay, you don't understand. That's what I mean you don't play or watch football.

You watch highlights. bro. you're like watching five minute clips and like okay, this is how the sport works. Okay, like I said I'm I'm not being a purist, but I'm telling you it's how this I mean it's how the Port, the sport should work and how the store is competitive integrity So you know how the sport should work based on your five minute highlight watching.

Well I mean I Made 150k last week a based on my knowledge and you know the Chairman. So I don't know. did you know that much? because I'm broke man. Okay, don't poor shame, that's not what I didn't That's how I said it anyway.
Um, listen. Also I was starting with the game. Whatever, wasn't it. The thing is, there's is that.

um, you're missing the point though. What you want to do? Okay, what? by doing fouls and you want the players of struggling fouls right? right? Yeah, if something is a foul, it means don't do that right? Okay, just don't do it. I'm simplifying it. Why is the thing? Why did it ever rules in place to stop something from happening right? So it's a foul.

Because don't do this right? Yeah, with the information that the guy has, how could he have done better? But it's not the offensive player's fault that he that the defender doesn't have information either. So what kind of behavior are you attracting in by doing that? What is the thing that they did wrong? They should be doing anything that the defender should be more aware. That's the problem. It's his fault that he's not aware of the defensive player and I'm firing back at you.

I'm saying it. It's the offender's fault. he should be more aware. A kick is coming in right and he will get hit on his foot if he died like a dumb and he did.

Yeah, so he takes advantage of the rule. It's more deliberate. Yes, exactly. Yeah.

So taking advantage means should be happening. You should always punish people taking advantage so they shouldn't take advantage of the rules. Okay, okay then. otherwise.

otherwise if I see a ball coming for a goal, right? it's 100 a goal. Why? Why Why can't I catch up with my hands? You can. But to take the consequences? Hey, yeah, exactly right. And what are the consequences? The consequence of this is the penalty.

Okay, and what is the consequence of? uh, the consequence of diving is the penalty? Nope. A yellow card? Nope, Yeah. a yellow card. If you're diving, it's a yellow card.

Okay, okay, but they gave it to him though. Yeah, they gave the penalty because that's the question. There should be Defenders zero. And if you dive, you're getting out of it.

Zero percent chance. zero. But he didn't dive though. he just took advantage of them.

You know. he got kicked though. He jumped in front of a foot. 31 months.

Can I get a Welcome to the Jungle xqcl Okay I I go in the Blessed of a car I joined one of the wheels and I said X Aren't you arguing? Listen I'm here to help you. You say What? Aren't you here to argue? The fact as a viewer, a spectator of the sport that it's the Integrity is less? It's lessened because as a viewer, we're seeing people getting hit. And yes, it makes sense that they're taking advantage of the rules. But as a viewer, as a spectator, isn't it lame to watch someone abuse that shouldn't happen like Hey Listen, that's the whole point is.
the point is us watching things like that. things like that disintegrate the Integrity of the game. Okay, Sarah Purists: Andy Utopia Okay, it's not about being a purist. Okay, it's about things that can be done and are being done.

They literally go outside and they look at age replays with 80 cameras and lasers. Right when it comes down to the automatic offside, right dive? Nobody. Nobody looks. But it wasn't a dive, it was a kick.

you know, So it doesn't matter Bro. Okay, then I'll give you another layer of things. Then, did did him being touched affect the outcome of the mechanics? Yes, it affected him. Yeah, because he jumped on the ground like a dumb because they got kicked so he fell.

No, he did not. That's literally how it works. She did not take advantage of the kid, took advantage of the defender not being aware of him being behind him. So he jumped ahead and he got the front penalty.

Nope, you're misconstruating what happened. No, even if that was the rule. And yes, he got hit and that's the rules. It is the same thing that he faked getting hurt.

Yeah, that's the thing. Like look at this. he could get hit and be like oh, he hit me, it's fine and that'd be much better. that'd be I would be less Wait.

cringe. Camera is blocking. Does that make sense of Okay, How does the kid affect anything here? How does the mechanics? How does whose kick affect who the defender affects the offensive player? Because he jumps ahead so he films. He falls.

he made contact with the ball right, then his foot's separated from the ball. Then he gets touched. How does that affect the mechanics? It affects him because he gets kicked down. So because he doesn't have control, jumps down like a yeah.

So you think because he doesn't have control of the ball anymore, he can't get followed it. Wait I'm saying they should 100 always go to the replay booth and before giving a penalty shot which is game changing. do I review everything. They review everything.

like even if you don't see it on the screen. yeah they're always reviewing. they review who's the guy who fell Neymar This guy is famous I'm paid off I'm bribed I have to give the penalty shot I Get yeah, they didn't review you right little actual actual joke sport was it? Neymar Yeah Yeah yeah, Who can with this. it's some some famous Andy paid page referee about.

it was Demilo. it was dude. it was Bill Gates No I Think the problem here is you don't understand that the offensive player can take. Yeah, aren't you putting the hand of the winner based on the referee, not the actual player.

The problem with you is you play a sport with spineless and ironic ironic. spineless. Andes People died for this people know guys. Go watch your pucksport.

Not okay Andy Hockey I Watch no sport I'm based it I did it I'm like a fan I'm like a Centrist I watch nothing here I Make fun of everything they just did on the on the fence. That's nothing to be proud of man. Yes, it is why. Because I wouldn't lose it I Pick and choose.
No that's called being a yeah it says the guy who encouraging people to fall on the ground and fake for I Don't encourage it I I I Encourage taking advantage of the rules in place. Okay, then I you should. You should definitely always pick up the ball with both your hands when it goes for a golden. Yes, if you can win by doing that, Sure, and you don't think this is the problem for the game, No.

Okay, you should always take advantage of of the rules in place. They should instantly get a goal if you shoot towards the goal. In a offensive player audience, a player that isn't a goalie grabs the ball in significant. just go watch.

uh Suarez against Ghana Yeah God is in jail. No, he's not in jail he said on the goal line and he got a red card. but they said okay. so they won the game.

This put Brazil Won Zero up in just the seventh minute and a few minutes and a lot of South Korean Fans are upset. Dude, you're you're you're comparing it using tax loopholes fraud I Yeah, they're upset because of this. We can see here that the South Korean Defender had his eyes on the ball looking to clear it away with regardless anymore like Korean Defender potential anymore. What? Any more arguments against the football? Any rules you don't don't like? Well I mean I mean it's just it's just dog.

It makes a sports trash quite literally did not see regardless coming from behind and continued to clear the ball away. And while the South Korean Defender yes as it wasn't it wasn't it's about competitive integrity That's it. You need to clear the ball yeah, causing Richard releasing to trip and fall and living off the game like come on, take advantage of the rules. If they're in place, you take advantage of them and you win.

You see? Okay, what I'm telling you is that the rules shouldn't be abusable. If they were Stern and firm about their ruling and the referees and the Federation should crack down on that stupid before it ruins their game entirely and it becomes a massive meta which is already so. But here's the problem with this situation. though he did get kicked so him falling wasn't diving.

Oh so if there's any contact then you're dead. Pretty much you you and at this point I just want to just call it. just hire the Medics and then get touched one time do a backflip and crack your neck and then be oh yeah I Thought this game was about a sucker and not uh acting. Yeah, it's uh.

football. Okay, so they wanna so isn't it? you seem to do competing it um for a soccer trophy but in fact they should be competing to get a an Emmy Award or a or an officer an Oscar I mean if it helps you in the game and the the referee or the ones watching don't catch on, Yeah, sure, why not. Okay then then it bro. I it next bit up.
I Take off my shoe and I threw out the goalie and try to hedge on him. That's kind of like launch it. How's that illegal? Yeah, but I mean you should bend the rules right? So throw your shoe bro. Okay, so it's a red card.

It's cool. As I said yeah, some people shouldn't take it some tax rules because you know that it ruins the game based. always. Always protect.

Interview of the game always yeah. but you get a yellow car if you're diving though. Should be Rather he didn't die instantly. Read it easily.

How because it ruins the Game in what way the Integrity we're back to this. this integrates Integrity yes it should be instantly red card I Don't agree. Okay well I mean you're like you're really sorry in place. you get a yellow card for it.

so if you Dives again I'd be so mad if I play my whole life and some guy beat me because he he cheated with the Reps because he told like a dumb yeah but he didn't dive this time because he got kicked, they reviewed it and he got the penalty. Yep Sports bribed uh referees. um garbage and then um, it makes the game unwatchable and unplayable. And honestly, because people die yet you're sitting here arguing about it and watching every highlight.

Yeah, people die for this. Yeah true people die for a flaw. The cheater game? Yeah true. um I'm not gonna argue against that.

Fix the game, Fix the game. Call Mr Infantino and tell him to fix the game I Know that is everybody else to get the together in your country bro. If Europe lost South Korea I'm the dumb, brainless dumbass reactor streamer. Okay, and with the amount of money that it takes to buy these guys for the World Cup I could literally get the World Cup and I would set up to show up to Montreal Imagine that I as this dumbass dreamer I have enough money to really bribe the whole committee and get the World Cup to Montreal Does that? You should do it.

Is that insane? But the the next World Cup is in Canada and USA so you can get it just to show you how how easily it's stupid how dumb it is. It's a comparison. Okay, it's billions. it's not.

You did not. I was like one guy took like 1.5 million. Just one point. five mil for one vote.

All you needed was what? 14? No, no, he needed the majority of 14 right? So at least at least eight. Basically think about it's 1.5 mil times eight 12 mil and you have a 800 billion dollar um, event in your country. Yeah, I think it was like 200 billion. Sorry, it was the opposite.

Yeah, I'm not gonna argue against the Qatar being shitty and stuff. but the the sport itself I think it's fine the way it is. Kim Yeah I Well I mean I think I think diving is and ruins the game. Actually just this just cracked down.

but I mean how do you? uh 22. oh okay, bro says you yeah, aren't you like third four? Yeah. I'm 27. yeah, that's cool.
Also, I'm I'm old enough to be your dad. Uh, that's kind of work. so we're like five. That's kind of odd.

Nice math bro. if you're 27 I'm on I'm 22. you were like five when I when you got me, got him, Got him man Hi man well um, enjoy. Uh, enjoy your games today man.

I hope uh Brazil wins. Yeah, sure you want to beat me I'm always chatting um no. um friends will win and your team is gonna get cut. Uh yeah, true and PayPal for he's good I like him.

just wait till Ghost 3 touches his limb with one unit of pressure and the wind blows in his ear and he does a backflip and snaps his neck on purpose. Oh my. God Holy if I see me insane and he gets the penalty and they win the game easy. Yeah, fair enough.

And after that quit soccer well moves down to acting. Boom, gets a granny, gets an Emmy, moves to LA and I I get to hear your own stream. that sounds sounds like a good thing yeah and then gets too. He does.

He does. He does. and then I'm gonna enjoy yourself. Enjoy your sport man.

Okay, all right peace, You did not roll me. You're not roll me. it's it's a matter of opinion there. Okay, it is.

I I See where they're coming from now too I I Like that but didn't really prove anything really well. I Think it sucks because it puts the people in the position What they have to predict: Somebody will abuse a rule so they can't do the the right competitive, most efficient move. This is the one that'll look the best not to get abused and that's really lame. It's so lame it's I think I think the the um the equivalent I guess would be like if like you're you're in UFC whatever and you're fighting it and you purposely moving away.

That makes you get like a hidden behind the head or something. no in OverWatch League Imagine if the other player crouches three times and that triggers your PTSD to getting your ball, someone's balls in your forehead and you saw him Crouch three times and you're like ah and you're able to pause the whole game and get a free cap on their point because that's bad. That's production body catcher I'm kidding I'm trying to trigger the soccer people I grew up on soccer though. these guys have no clue I did not I did not get myself.

that is that's just trash dog pushing it though. um what's that? What a first half between? Poland Yeah, these type of things don't happen too often. It's more common for a team to not get awarded a penalty that they deserve through the other way. I did a cinnamon OverWatch Okay, okay there's a story of my team.

I was the most hated team. Well no, we're so hated. No. Watch it they.

You are never allowed to have a spectator in a watch right? Uh, in the in in the game of your of your own team. The the casters of the tournament were all the coach of the enemy team and he said you're allowed to have coaches or whatever right? So no we did. We failed the whole lobby with all of our friend lists. we had 12 Spectators in the middle of a tournament game.
okay with 12 and it keeps taking a chance. Hello this Observer one report again and everyone's against us. but the rule was you're a loud as Spectators Okay then we fill the whole Lobby upper it's dog then it's so trash it's like it's cheating. Well I mean we just abused the rules LOL it's so it's so the images Messi heads the ball first before she gets any contact on Messi hits Messi's face but only after Messi heads the ball away.

However, this was given as a penalty because according to the rules, if a challenge is made on a player while the ball is still in play, then it's the penalty kick. This is despite the fact that Messi already made his move on goal when strategy's arm hit Messi's face. Very controversial penalty call and scheduling in Poland Could not believe it. but all in all it did not matter because Messi missed yet another important penalty kick in his career.

It was a pretty weak penalty, but all credit goes to voice me who made a fantastic diving save to stop Messi's Palace They went up to schedule right away while the ball is still in play. Then it's the penalty kick. This is despite the fact that Messi already made his move on goal when strategy's arm hit Messi's face. and that is why this was a very controversial penalty call and Sajni in Poland could not believe it.

But all in all, it did not matter because Messi missed yet another important penalty kick in his career. So it says that message. wash puts another better plus L plus washed plus type in Merchant plus Dog absolutely Garbanzo plus absolutely overrated and Timofail Pac-Man I Got it man. makes sense Yeah, I actually agree with that Anyway, Um, what else?.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “The worst foul in soccer history”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Demi Dyke says:

    how is watching no sports on the fence? that’s literally being on the side of the fence that isn’t sport fans LMAO

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nebek says:

    The referees are dogshit this WC, if you disagree you either don't watch football or you are delusional. So many dives were awarded penalties it's a joke. We are experiencing a shift from football being a physical/contact game to literal Oscar awards, and the better you act, the higher chance for your team to win. Disgustang!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Pereira says:

    so when the korean player went to kick the ball, the ball itself was deemed in contention.
    so both players are trying to go for the ball. but yes the brazilian player got there first and touched the ball. and then the korean player went for the ball but didnt get the ball, he got the brazilian players foot. thats the foul.
    you are allowed to get the ball when your opponent has it, you dont have to wait for them to Pepega and pass it to you or out of bounds. you can go up to them and take it off them. and if they kick you or you them.. then a free kick is awarded.
    people want to win a game no matter what. it doesnt have to be "fair" for some countries or players. and this ingrained in their minds from early age. so this is why the VAR video replay system so theres a team of refs off screen can review the play and tell the on field ref if the decision was good or not. so the bad decisions of 10 years ago, shouldnt be happening now.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cerulium says:

    The refs after the match: 🚨BAG ALERT 🚨 MAJOR BAG ALERT 🚨

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HWave says:

    why do they think football fans don't know that this is dumb

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cerulium says:

    Just full sprint into player from behind before they finish kicking and get free goal EZ Clap

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xtrys says:

    simple let's break this down "Lusio was not here …K in all seriousness u can't tackle one from behind coz its hard tackle and opponent is not unaware so u can tackle from behind and dive and that's ok coz it's in a penalty box and that's a penalty xqc is right hes learning gud retarded points argument 🤓☠🤓

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cesar Avendaño says:

    The player is putting preasure on the Korean area, and the defender fucked up

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars itsdennisbro says:

    I love when Pepega andy #1 thinks he knows what he's talking about. this is why i watch xqc so i can just point and laugh at his stupidity, not his pepega takes about anything outside of his paygrade

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jkmo says:

    100000000 iq play by richarlison the south korean player had 0 awareness thats what distinguishes the good and elite players is awareness obviously the theatrics are cringe but its a foul regardless and as a player you have to over sell in order to make sure it goes in your favour

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammed Al says:

    I used to like football when people used to play foot bal now its semi brawling and who starts loosing the brawl dives and takes a free kick just like the video he saw he lost control of the ball even tho he barley got touched he falls game changed and its shit now

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars imt says:

    The foul is not there to protect the player from injury, it's to enforce the rule that you have to play the ball. Otherwise everyone would start kicking everyone and deal with the hospital bill.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars enderdog3 Gaming says:

    For yt frogs who weren't there, let me add some more context, like hours before this, I think when xqc was discussing about kanye, he said he isn't a Utopia andy (Making Utopian arguments and believing in Utopia).
    So the second guy contradicting him and proving how he is an utopia andy added more flavor to the argumetn.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacky_39 says:

    Legendary stunlock PogU

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hope says:

    I swear brazil has the best skills but also the best dives

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