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Certain dude that we're gonna react to for the bro bro, it's this one. Oh you, it's this one. Eric Scroll down mother you oh my God Would you guys date this guy? uh no, what do mean no I feel bad because this is a real person but no it's like a picture though with a PE on. Would you guys date this guy just by looking at his picture not knowing him? Yeah no he looks too young for me I think I outweigh him what 150 give or take? Okay what said what he said what? he looks too young for me I think I outweigh him.

How much do you weigh? 150? Yeah I'm I'm 138 Okay what the is that 12 for me? Okay the guy was that the guy who Andrew Tay got in fights with on TCH So okay, just show of hands. would you guys would any of you date him? Holly Holly not my type, not your type. what's your type? what's your type Holly not that he looked like 18 yeah but what? What's your type? is your type? um I like quite masculine men. so I like facial hair I like um um Jason Mamoa no I mean I don't have like like I've not like who's your? who's your crush? who's my crush like celebrity crush? well gosh darn it I'm good I'm still in porns and not yet sry sorry jubile sorry Well dude that makes me feel like no I don't have like a specific I like nothing I I don't type like I'm not set on a height or a race or whatever.

the I just not attracted to him chat I Feel like we get offended by this Brian right? The guy. You're just kind of a ass. He's kind of a soy boy. Yeah, no.

does not pass the phiom test. What you guys? Because people look for something specific and it's like if I'm not a specific a thing then so be I don't want him either. Oh you wouldn't take that guy no look I'm I'm freaking engaged. She thinks you're cool dude, she's a keeper bro.

she she committed. um okay so uh, that is Xqc Eric if you can pull it up really quick, oh yeah Eric The thing I just didn't want you to I didn't want you to show the top the top there just so they didn't see the follow. Let's let's see the physique right there. Yeah, Go! The Chad needs to eat more calories I am bigger than.

Let me. Let me put it to you this way: Does it change anything that he happens to be one of the most watched Twitch streamers? This guy's probably making millions of dollars a month. That makes it worse. You don't care, he's got to.

Yeah, yeah, they don't care until it's time. they pay the bill and they look at the person at the other side of the table. Mother sucker. Holy beautiful fren J accent or I think the thing is, the thing is, the thing is, well.

I'm I'm not offended it, it's just that I Okay, is that a lot of times I wish people were, um, more forthcoming with um, what they say or or what they wanton man I think I'm not offended I think it's the true thing. saw him speak, they'd be like absolutely not. We already said it, You don't Yeah, All right. so try again.

It's noted I think just said it Eric pull back up the twitch. aara Ry said they probably don't know him. all of them would date him if they knew about his bank account I'm going to be honest I Do not I don't give absolutely not I've seen way this guy talks. People are roasting me in the chat from for my skinny legs I know I do have skinny legs right now.
ribs What you talk I mean if if you look at them from the front, they're like little chicken legs. you look at them from the side, they're uh, they pretty jacked I don't know they're vascular okay uh people saying Chase with his legs Tak ex guys go to Twitch.tv/ whatever I say I was squatting a lot before then you don't need to defend yourself. These guys are probably F squatting a lot shows a woman to the smell of men there. Immune system variety.

um what immune system variety? You don't need to defend yourself? These guys are probably F LIF that are watching and I want you to know if my back was intact my my my legs would be pretty beefy right now. Okay I I've got a first seat view on your quads here buddy. they're pretty good. Bridget Do I have chicken legs? ch ch ch ch it's just a common theme like like I I think like Club goinging very Normandy outside like super party girl type Vibe They like a more masculine beard.

cool guy that's going to fit that sort of scene in environment and they want to be proud of that and whatever. and I I'm all for that man. they have specific that they want to so be it. I don't give a f I'm not off about that I I can't see stand again bro.

look at less smaller pool that that is what it. Isen legan muscle bro he's got some quad. Okay please Skip is already doing red I hate it starts. wait wait no I don't thinky is doing red.

Wait mad cuz you are getting called ugly. You won't go on the show because you are scared. Why so scared Lil B oo What the because it's all about life is about fulfillment. You understand, you understand and the Fulfillment you get out of getting these things you think it's like a oh my God I feel so good it's it's a it's a Hollow win.

What you want in life is a good win that you work for and care about. So why the do I care if I don't get a win that I don't want in the first place an article um The Little Mermaid they're remaking it um re so updates original lyrics to include consent. Songwriter says about Kiss the Girl I I don't think Disney's doing a red pill Arc though I think it's kind of the opposite don't he doesn't he he like on on these shows. whatever and and he I r it's like the opposite of like a red pale Arc You know.

listen, you never make me feel bad for talking the way I talk okay if if I change my talking to match everybody's talking I become everybody else I don't care I will find 27 months excuse I somebody that that likes that or tolerates that what do I do I care that I don't fit all the boxes. This is something that you need to understand for yourself as well I wish I wish that you guys do this as well. Okay that if you if you want to be everybody else okay you will never be yourself. and if you if you date somebody on the fact that you are everybody else then it's it's just a hollow thing.
It's it's bad. You're living a life that you don't even want that you don't even that you you don't even are Why? So this is Felix he's a very they did it again T they did it again The most popular. Stop it he recently I Get it. I'm a Go I Think it was a 2-year non-exclusive deal for $100 million.

Those of you who said no, does that change the calculus of when it comes to uh why would they out themselves if you would dat or not, why would they out themselves $100 million to I think it was a two-year deal. No no no. I'm I'm so sorry I that's like retire you money. You never have to work a day in your life.

Money: A million is not what it used to be. 100 million 100 million still isn't what it used to be. Are you out of your mind? Are you out of your mind? $100 million is used to. It's not Yeah true.

When inflation, taxes, um hats, um Road Speed bumps, tolls on the bridge? No. I'm not saying it's true. $100 million is not what it used to be, but it's a lot. you could.

You could burn through $100 million. Pretty. But that's only if you're smart with it. Hold hold on how much.

Let me ask you a question. How much do you want your significant other to earn? Bare minimum I mean honestly I like homesteading? So oo so you like making your guy like a house husband or no noit can you expand on that because I'm not sure I don't think I've heard that CH homesteading isn't that like a isn't that a horse turn before homesteading 100 Mil Homesteading is um, kind of like when you're self-sufficient and you can grow your own food. Okay, kind of like solar hold on where do you you you currently live? Where in? Fresno Fresno Okay how what's the average Homestead house price in for Real Estate uh to rent or to I don't know what that is. Do you own your own property currently? No.

Okay, so I was I would assume you need to buy a land and buy property or construct it. How much would that cost you? You don't just get gifted, Am I just doing it for myself? or do I have like, um, dependence that I need to 550 that for a really really good one. Want kids? Yeah okay well depending upon how many kids I want you know the land needs to increase per person. I me close 100 million I Think you're just if you're thinking about like Mak it like making a good family home in a good place and in a around like obviously 550 500.

I'm not saying that you can't do anything with $100 million. I'm just saying it's let. let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question.

Okay, so how much money would you like your partner to make a comfortable amount? What is that? I don't know 100 100,000 personally I don't know how much to estimate So I feel like I can't really I'm not like a finance person I'm not a numbers person. so I can't like estimate. So what's the lifestyle? You see yourself like do you see yourself middle class farmer? Okay, so when it's time to choose how much, not a F person, not with numbers, but when it's time to judge the value of money, we have an expert I don't stay home. That's that's my ideal I don't want to be a girl boss I don't want to do any.
You want to be a stay home mom. Okay, so then hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

hold on I'll take what I can so you want to stay at home you want. So just to be clear of the household income, you want the guy to provide 100% of it. Correct? Okay, so I mean I can can have Investments well hold on and like I can contribute that way. Yeah, but but yeah, the way you have Investments is by having money and then placing it right.

If you have no money, how can you have Investments That makes no sense at all. So what chat. This is the equivalent of saying like like oh yeah well I I want chips to gamble at the table? Oh money, No no no no I don't I don't want money I want chips to gamble at the table? Okay, well, that's money you. You just said you.

You haven't really given the much your potential partner needs to be making. However, you actually need to give it even more thought because you want your partner to be contributing 100% of the household income. MH Okay, so how much does that need to be? You think what? Wait six figures. You want to put the math around while I think about it.

wait wait chat. It's easy. The answer to question is is it doesn't matter if it's 100 and and and they can live, that's all that matters right? Uh, that is a discussion that I would have to have with my partner. probably around two to at least two.

but I'm to more Okay, not like not like a crazy amount I mean I want to be able to like walk when I'm older you know 2 million reminder you're you're 24 correct? Okay, what's the when you're going to like? settle down. What's the ideal age of the guy that you'd be looking to marry? Uh I don't I mean as long as they're not like geriatric, that's fine. But I'm not looking for like a Hugh Hefner like I want them to like have a pulse. Okay so and you said you want a homestead So you want to self not necessarily like a homestead but I want to have like a garden for myself like I Still I don't mind being like on the grid and like having power.

Okay, how big of a house do you want square footage? Um I can Chad Chad this is this is Intel Bait Chad I'm sorry Chad this is Intel bait I said it I said it I said it. People want a 0 point CH people want someone who's normally Rich goodlook good. We're talking about 0.00000000 1% of people right? and and and they look like a like a like a top 28% like tell you like bedroom wise yeah sure How many bedrooms like my my dream house that I have? It's how about your your realistic house My realistic house that you think you'll get I I don't even know? Well that depends on cuz my dream housee would be a billion dollar house. You know Well my my dream housee isn't a billion dollar house though.
My dream housee is barely over a million huh? My dream. Your dream house is barely over a million. It's like it's under a million and a half. Okay, but realistically like what? that depends where it's built though.

So okay, how many bedro rooms you said? you want two kids right? At least two at least two. Do you want the kids to each have their own bedroom? Yeah when they when they first start off that's not like super important. But yeah eventually yes yes. and I want to have a guest room too and then you want a master bedroom I'm assuming so four bedrooms is that I mean if if you want to be like if that's my realistic house then yeah, like then what's your dream house? Uh, the dream house.

it's I think it's I think it's eight bedrooms, six bathrooms? no no no no I think it's maybe seven. How many bathroom? How many bathrooms six. So they want somebody who's constantly upgrading and constantly getting more and doing more and being more successful. yet they want to contribute the same amount.

but if the person doesn't improve and doesn't do better I I suppose they they you leave uh I I think it's a little bit of California I think it's a little bit of an uneven exchange type uh, want stay in California Interaction: you're open to living in. been watching since the SC set up stream not North Dakota the Georgia Could you my wife the specific dream wanted one house for a long time I've been on Zillow needs to sponsor me because I've looked at that house so many times. Do you want to go on vacations? Yeah I EV this this is Devil's been R is what it is yo this is X x on the be yo okay voice as well that anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so sry anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so s.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “These girls attacked my ego”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! SwiftXQ says:

    she wants to go on a vacation when she's already in a vacation as a stay at home mom lmaooo

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Дмитрий Киселёв says:

    The fact that the same girls said "yes" to BillyApprove Ass MaN Gold is hilarious. Also they're not really his type either, they don't appear to be psychotic enough

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HaZe PrO says:

    But if they seen you pulling up to the club in ur McLaren, as they are getting out there Uber shit will change my boy

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrJ says:

    Title says they attacked his ego, but she hurt herself in her confusion, so it wasn't much of an attack tbh

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DonBugatti says:

    These girls look absolutely busted lmaoooo, they really do think they're all that. They are literally average looking, and that's with all the makeup on!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hippowafflesify says:

    not everyone is a gold digger Felix. He's gotten too used to whale-dept

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P1Tz0N says:

    the music in this video made me think my doorbell went off 50 times holy shit cut that shit off

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chris Audi1 says:

    xqc just find out he not hot and no girl had a hit on him hahaha

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kai says:

    npc looking ass women

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CAL says:

    “100 million isn’t what it used to be” she’s never accumulated 100 mil

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabriel Angelo says:

    -I want a man that makes MORE THAN 100mil
    -Wears a 1kg of makeup even though she wants to be self sufficient
    -Lives off grid
    -Thinks solar each solar panel costs 40k and a single battery 70k
    -Has no idea of what´s even 1mil
    -Wants to invest while being self sufficient even tho she has no way of making money,because she´s the one on the kitchen
    -Most man make good money, I will eventually find a billionaire that wants to live offgrid with me and have 2 kids and steal 500 million for herself!
    -Wants to have her garden and produce her own vegetables even tho their man has more than 100mil.
    -Did i mention that her man needs to make "enough" money?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Niel Dadee says:

    "He's too young for me"
    well, yeah. these women looks like they have grandchildren

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slosh Poke says:

    What the fuck is the point of the copy-right free music playing at random points of the video?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iskiiwizz says:

    bro the girl in red made me want to kill myself

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blakee says:

    literally none of these women are attractive either though

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