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Wait CH looks interesting though. No, the country you can't just get out of the country I'm somebody Oh I Would only date a millionaire? What? three two one I mean they're all going to say no, What the hell no Oh crap. the person I want to date I want to be able to show them you know all those experiences firsthand. like I've been with girls who have money and it's like the worst thing ever.

like for example, like the one thing for me and it's a test I do is like for example, if a girl knows how to get into my car like my Lamborghini like you have to like specifically know how to open the door I specifically let them figure it out if they figure it out, that's the last last. that's the last date. Seriously, that's the last date we're going on I Want my husband to be like a really good dad and be like chat. What am I watching correct? And if he doesn't have a lot of money, you know what? That's fine I Don't know if men really are comfortable with that to be completely honest from my personal experience or not.

they want to be the ones providing which kind of sucks. but you know personality and morals and like their mindset is way more important than money I Feel like money doesn't define a person at all I'm going to dat you for your personality, not your looks, not your money I don't care from personal experience, money has absolutely nothing to do with a relationship. So um I agree with you guys. but as a woman I don't want to be the one paying the bills and taking care of their house.

And so for me, like, you don't have to be the richest person in the world. But if I'm going to be a millionaire or multi-millionaire or whatever it is, I at least want to be the person that encourages you to do the same. but I don't want to be I just I've I've had it done before and it's been the most exhausting thing because it's like you can be the sweetest man ever. But if we go out and I'm paying for everything and I'm doing everything, it's too much.

That's why I'm just like I I Somewhat agreed that I need you to be a millionaire, at least be making enough money to where I'm fully taken care of and then we can be a Powerhouse together like Beyonce and Jay-Z So I think I think a lot of the times it's different from a girls perspective versus a guy I think girls want to be taken care of I think that's a beautiful thing I've always just been the one to take care of girls and pay for everything I it's just I think as a guy, you should be doing that. but I mean on this topic, my point is, you brought up something of saying oh, if the girl doesn't know how to open up my car door I wouldn't even date her I feel like you know I feel like crypto entrepreneur God it later I feel like you know I feel like it's ever so selfish because you feel like oh I want to get Happiness by making this girl you know spending money on her at the same time I feel like the only binding factor in your relationship is money at that point right? because if you stop providing money to her then she gets used to that lifestyle then she's like okay I'm going to find someone else. The reason I say that is cuz I feel I wasn't looking at it like a sense of like that but more like getting used for it like girls will want to go on dates with you because you can take them to that dinner you know they can. They want all of that.
so I feel like that's very common CH when I see that chat I don't I don't be a judging Andy it makes me feel like it's like guy guy who had money before who got all in on like like Ripple or Tron or some coin that skyrocketed and then pulled out like instantly when it when it did good and it's like bro bro I'm basically Warren Buffett I Get it, you guys are brokies I'm busy waren Buffett so back the up I A crypto entrepreneurial like use you for that and it's it's a a thing I'm scared of. you know, like it's it's happened to me many times so it's like I said it like that and it sounded kind of crazy. um and everyone was like oh what the hell but like you know what I mean you know like it's common. girls will only come to you because you have the lambo because you make the money.

this just kind like me for real. When he talks my brain starts to self-destruct them and they don't care about like you know. So that's what I was kind of going at I Like a girl who just doesn't care about money at all. you know something that I do whenever I meet people is I don't tell them my name I don't tell them my Instagram I don't want them to be able to search me up, know how much money I make know where I live and know the lifestyle that I live because that's how I avoid people using me for money yeah I have two different Instagrams so like me too me too I have one instagram I'll send to them and like if you know it's kind of test you know if they look through it there's no cars, nothing flashy, it's like me and my mom and like Marshall's clothing and like if they if they with that like then we then we go on you know yeah no I I actually have a rule if you know who I am you're officially like off the list like I cannot talk to you at all Um because what happens is in the past like when I've met guys and they know like what I do we'll go out and I'm like okay we're going out to dinner you know I I look nice everything and then they're like so do you know if you could teach me how to trade and I'm like okay and it's just like Dread the rest no way that's no no no there's a guy he like pulls out like a notebook like my name is Kelly OG and I am the biggest secret that youve probably never heard which is okay cuz it's a secret.

My net worth is about $20 million. What do you think makes you a great entrepreneur? My relentlessness to never give up I've never believed that I couldn't do anything even in the cases where it was probably not the most likely. I've just always worked towards it saying one day it's going to come and I think that work ethic and tenacity just continue to compound and roll over and snowball itself into what I that AP is a little bit too. um, it's too loose.
I should take a couple links out of that. Look at that. How loose that is. Look at that Jesus Christ Bro Aity just to compound and roll over and snowball itself into what I have today.

It is easier to make money. It's so loser. It's not a it looks like it is it not three, two, one it is. Go My What: It is easier to make money if you're white, is not white and he's worth $24 million.

So I think I Seen it firsthand. You know most of my friend group is not whites and they do very well for themselves. I Would say you're almost an exception with what the majority is. I Think majority wise if you look at just the demographic of the unit.

States You know whenever you think of trust fund babies, whenever you think of houses in the Hamptons whenever you think of that luxury lifestyle it's not usually the black demographic or people of color Chat did outliers and andle evidence or really bad in an argument or when trying to make a point like saying well racism isn't real because we had a black president, it's like a okay in general. For example, when slavery was a thing, white people had a 200e head start to start their businesses to set up up their um, families for success and all that. So when black people finally had the opportunities which was not until recently 1965 to really be in the same rooms as white people, you're looking at a large discrepancy in time and success and achievement. So I Think Just naturally.

in general, white people are taken as more serious because of the stereotypes that have been put on people of color. So that's where I'm like I agree with that statement. Not saying that people of color cannot be successful, but just saying that it's more likely for someone is white to have better opportunities than someone who isn't I mean maybe in past Generations What you're saying is 100% true, right? If you're based on race, people perceive you differently I Feel like now this new generation, you can become wealthy from the internet, right? like you're in Forex I'm in crypto I Don't have to have any face on the products I Create. It doesn't matter what race I am because if they don't know who I am selling the products to them I I Don't think it's at, you know a valid a point today than it used to be in previous generations.

I Agree, your your face doesn't always have to be T chat these crypto Bros Dude doesn't matter dude. if I'm if I'm white, black or Asian I'm on a blockchain, it doesn't matter I'm decentralized bro. Oh my God dude. She changed my mind a little bit because I feel like I was a little bit too harsh cuz you did make like a really good point.

Statistically, you are 150% correct like you are right. But I think in my firsthand experience, just the people I've been around a lot of them are not white and they are successful. So that's why I was like so yeah all the way to the right now I'm like here I think we forget that not everybody's job is online and not everybody's job. You can hide behind a screen and most people work everyday jobs in person doing you know, customer service where people have to look at them.
So I think if we're talking about if it's easier to make money as a white person I would say yes because applying to jobs most of the time, if they go into an interview and they're a person of color, they're probably Mo like less likely to get that job than a white person and also a white person is probably going to get paid more than a person of color. We've seen it in the statistics. so I think it is easier to make more money as a white person I think two things specifically for one although I'm right here Indians make the most amount of money in America when it comes to any racial demographic gr which is great so shout out to the Indians But two with that being said I Remember when I started my business I Had a very in-depth conversation with my father and he said Jay if I were you I would highly recommend staying behind the scenes and letting a right a white man run the business because they get along with people a little bit better than we do just because people don't understand Indians But even in that you could you know develop yourself to be a great great CEO Regardless, I mean there's huge companies in America that they're all ran by Indian-americans or Indians Starbucks I mean whether it's Google whether it's Microsoft I mean these are all ran by Indian-americans I'm Jay I'm the CEO and principal of Bodair. A quick 30 seconds and regards to who I am I Started programming at the age of nine at 11 I started freelancing I got my first contract with a local Salon to build their website and then at 14 is when I got my first large contract with a company at 15 I dropped High school to pursue my agency full-time and at 18 I moved to Dallas Texas I'm originally from is that legal What? I'm Isabella and I am a designer, entrepreneur and reality TV star I started out on reality TV on the show Todders and Tiaras I was 6 years old when I was named one of the youngest self-made Millionaires and I really loved fashion.

so I created my first brand which was a Sue and Blazer line sold that to JC for private labeling Uh started a jewelry company where your Wi's accomplishment bracelets I created House of Brady which is now my Global business which has made me more than a million now. and I'm also writing a book called 18 Teens's Guide to Business to show people how to become who I am today I have flaunted my wealth Three 2 one go. she said what I was bullied as a kid so flating my wealth was kind of my way of saying hey I made it and then kind of looking back at it I wasn't as satisfied as I thought I would be like I thought like oh I got the lambo and like everyone's like oh my God you know I agree and like I feel like I don't flaunt it but like I've worked very hard. So if I want to post my nice car I'm going to post my nice car because I made the money to buy that I want to post me buying something at Gucci I'm going to do that because I worked hard for that.
It's not flaunting, it's more of like self. You know you're proud. Yeah, I'm proud of it exactly. Do you ever feel guilty doing that cuz sometimes I do like yeah like I I agree with you on the the I used to get bullied like crazy I I just feel I it's I'm like some people it just because it's just it's it's how you do it and the amount of uh, the density.

my mindset around it I feel bad sometimes but at the same time it's not like we're Trust kids, we worked for it. Anyone have a trust fund? ch ch it's about the density of it. Okay if you always remain the same I don't think it's a problem. Chat anytime anytime Growing up when I bought something, I' post a picture of it all the time.

Doesn't matter what it is right if if that ramps up, so be it. But the density doesn't doesn't change. Who gives a why if the behavior is the same, why does the results change? If the if the intention is the same, it doesn't it doesn't I wish it's like um no nope no okay continue. I Definitely remember when I first started making a little bit of money I would have those little corny Instagram flexes on your story I won't lie uh on the steering wheel right? It was like like it's not a big deal.

it's not a big deal but uh I think as I I would be a different person if I didn't have this money. three two one go ad ad I can't hear ad I can't see person I always preach on my social media. Be authentic and be you and people will love you for who you are I think for me when I didn't have money and I was living at my parents house I had a lot of mental health issues I was depressed and I was suicidal and I think having the money to be able to move myself out of that environment completely changed my life. Having money has boosted my confidence so much.

just in a way where I have uh a nose job so I was able to do that and I used to look in the mirror every single day and just cry and cry and cry because I thought I was so ugly and having money now to be able to live wherever I want live with whoever I want and being able to you know change things about my appearance. So I think that money completely changed my life and without it, my personality wouldn't even be the same because when I was young I just like me I'm going go just say I just AG Mee and I was in that toxic household money every single day that made me such a Negative I was not the optimistic positive person that I am today and I think that having money and getting myself out of that has completely changed my personality. MH You know I would agree: money gives you a lot of opportunities, allows you to afford a lot of things, get out of different environments, and I want that experience for everyone. So I love that you were able to take care of not only your family, but how your confidence is and allows you to hold your head higher.
I love that for you I think there there's a saying that money doesn't change you. It amplifies who you already are. If you're usually selfish person, you're going to think everybody sees you for the money. For the most part, you're going to think everyone needs to owe you if you're a cocky person you're going to make the this feels like all like like fortune cookie SL like like horoscope like magazine advice type this is going to give me.

he genuinely feel like I'm the same kid as I was when I started programming at the age of nine, like just a hardworking kid that wanted to make something out of himself. If I feel as if if I was just in college right now, it would still be like people have a quote for everything right? Oh oh this. if this is like this, how you are and it's like every I'm still the same time, dress a little bit nicer or eat better food but fundamentally the same Wait, just like me? yeah um I I I 100% agree with what you're saying that you know your fundamentals stay the same. but to say you were the same I am lonely 3 2, 1 go oh man I think it's the same everybody.

don't forget y'all I think like in a work aspect. No I'm not lonely in a personal aspect. Absolutely like a lot of my friends, we don't do the same things I love them to death. They have great morals, they're great people but like mentally wise it's very different and like a I just feel different I feel lonely I prefer being kind of alone grown I enjoy it a lot.

What did I say I had Noday sometimes I literally Just want want to go out at night and don't know cook me for having takes I I didn't even have a take today I didn't I didn't say anything me for because I was forced to be like that as a young kid because people did not like me, they bullied me, they did not want to spend time with me. so I guess that kind of molded me into being like preferring to be alone. It's hard to find likeminded 18, 19 and 20 old and actually I was going to say being in this room right now that completely I was like that's like the first time I don't feel lonely like all my friends are 24 25, 26 yeah same oh my God they're all about to have like kids are married like what like this like the first time I've been able to have like a educated conversation with someone my age like usually an 18 19y old like yeah, dude, college party man tonight let's go. The thing I disagree with the other girl earlier.

Okay and you guys got mad at me for disagreeing with the girl. Okay is that is that it's important to build a a strong intrinsic value in yourself. So the value that you have isn't related to other things that that you have or things things around you. Okay, so things that are your value within you, the way you see yourself inside.
That's so important dude. Because no, when you have that, it doesn't matter what's out, you'll still be confident and what not. And that's that matters a lot. That matters a crazy amount and and needing to have all these things all lined up for you to feel good or feel ful.

that's a problem that I don't I don't agree with that. That is a problem you know I feel lonely in that sense too. I think um when it comes to actually having friends because then life is going to you over getting old will you over? because then then you won't look as good. get a bunch of life will overall grinds that down and the only thing that will remain is who you are and you give yourself cuz there's always a difference I mean if you're talking about it, gets to the point.

if I want to hang out with my friends then I'm the one paying for everything and and it's a really difficult position for me. like one of my biggest prayers that I've been praying for like the last. Any anyone can make themselves a millionaire 3, 2, 1 go Really? I think so I There's so much free advertising YouTu Reon What's your argument to say that not everyone can make themselves a millionaire? Is it the like non-equality thing or like resources? If you really look at the likelihood you have to make a$ thousand a thousand times? I'm G Keep it a bu which is just chat I used to be so agree with the take I think it depends how absolutely uh I think it depends on the type of things you want to do. I chat I think these days people come from nothing to make something with just a phone and Tik Tok doing the dumbest to ever come up and I think that has value I I I think that's that's possible I Get it not, it's not for everybody.

Nobody can do it and I get that so it's like it's not everybody to make, A Thousand Times which is just insane like I think everyone can try their hardest but you won't always get the right exposure to have a million dollars put into. You won't always get the right opportunities. It's easy for us cuz we've done it to be like well I did it so anybody else can do it. but there are many people that do exactly what we do.

but yet you are in the position you're in for a reason. There's a lot of people that build apps and have like a company surrounded by that, there's a lot of Chad didn't Nico make a full career out of okay Boomer is n Tik Tok okayer okay Boomer People that have done crypto and now their lives are in shambles. There's a lot of people that have done Drop Shipping and it was the worst thing they ever did. There's a lot of people that have built different companies and it was next to nothing.

and there's millions and millions of bloggers on YouTube and it's amounted to nothing even for me. There's a lot like that and I'm like it's going to be very hard for you to get to where I'm at because I traded and built a company. but to trade to a million dollars is insane. But it's still possible for them to do it.
Now it's possible n okay okay this guy. okay, this guy, this guy is cooked. This guy is listen. it's going to be very hard for you to get to where I'm at because I traded and built a company.

but to trade to a million dollars is insane. But it's still possible for them to do it. It's possible. But to say anyone? ch ch Chad Let me make a very very a very good analogy: CH Chat Please listen to listen to me.

Listen to me. Listen to me. Don't let yourself be discouraged by these dumb Lord Like these guys who are saying oh yeah, everybody can do. Everybody can do it If you go to the roulette table.

Okay and you have one chip you can put on the one number out of 32. Okay, and you lose. Okay for you, it's you only have one chip. So these guys have like 800 chips and they bet one chip.

One chip and they can try and try and try because they have a cushion of their parents money or some other that that cushions the fall and they can keep trying it. and then and then one time a chip lands and they win on that one and they say well all you needed was one chip and one bit and boom I mean you got it. Yeah, no you wad no. Most people, no most Americans have zero chips.

Okay, some are lucky enough to have one, you have multiple. Stop comparing yourself with the people who have zero when you have over we can do over and over and over and try again every time. It's not. It's not fair, it's stupid.

Don't be like looking at it this anybody can you? I The reason why I mean I Also think I'm very privileged to be honest with you because I have like my my mentor he comes from like the projects like from the projects and he's worth nine figures. So for me I go if he came from that circumstance in life. but I also think that most of us are in the US and that's where a lot of money is made but a lot of people don't get granted a visa to come here. Think about the people that don't have internet they don't have the library to go to to get the internet and also think about the people that from their family situation.

um for some reason now they're homeless and in order to I people always say well then get a job but in order to get a job you need to be able to have a home address and not everybody has that. It's just those little things that we don't think about to even get to that first step of getting a job. But here's the thing right? Like you were mentioning earlier, you're basically saying that oh, people's life are in Chamel because of crypto or Forex but it's very rarely the the mistake of external factors. It's because they did a mistake along the way right.

They were too Reckless with their research and they just dumped all their money into it I Feel like the reason why I'm here I wish there was Maybe is because um I feel like is possible but depending on your circumstance it could be exponentially harder. right? If you're like someone from like Ethiop, here's here's a daily take chat. The luckier people got to get to where they're at. The delusional their takes are okay.
the more luck it takes, the more delusional. What they say is that's just how it is. has no internet access for instance and it's going to be so much harder but still possible I mean if say like it's easier cuz I'm Nigerian I recently just came Nigeria they get paid like $100 a month and that's insane them So I feel like if you're going to say okay, well if you don't have internet access, it's still possible. Give an example of how it's possible I know someone who's actually Nigerian but then there was a public library he went to which was like 3 hours away and then he created a cryptocurrency from that.

So while I feel like to say it's impossible is too much cuz I believe nothing in this universe is impossible, There's always a certain extent where something can be achieved I Think you know even the most craziest situ. So what this Gu saying is that the guy that had one Chip he didn't in it on the right spot and then I mean he has to take accountability for failing. If he's poor because he didn't he didn't invest on the right thing. What a noob! What a I I did I did 800 and I got one this guy He made a mistake.

99% impossible but nothing's 100% impossible right? So I feel like to say there's a type of person that can 100% Can't Be A Millionaire is very rare, but it's not about making money there certain and like a millionaire. that's that's a crazy completely different yeah, but anything's possible I Think okay if somebody asked you right to to put it in your terms, what is your prediction for Bitcoin For example, you wouldn't tell them anything's possible, could go to 100 million you would actually back like facts and statistics as to why. So when I think of just logically thinking can anyone become a millionaire it's like you want to BTC to 150k within 10 years. Back that up.

And if you say I mean yeah, they really get paid and they don't live in a house and they're eating and drinking water from a river. but anything's possible. It's like where do you think somebody's going to magically come down and be like this is how you're going to get from this I think it's also a mindset I Think truly, it's a mindset. like you have to be mentally strong enough to go through the work, put like at your all into something pause.

um can you, uh, choose a side if you can. This is a hard question. go through the work I'm staying in the middle defend it game. There you go.

I mean I just haven't done research on third I mean this comes out as very as very dismissive. People are like oh dude, you have to put in all the work and Sh like that and they're like 16 17 I Don't mean to say like you cannot put hard work when you're young, but like, um, you're a data outlier and you're like either lucky or spawn in lucky or a lot of external factors. Um when you have the privilege to say yo dude, because most people they can't they can't have that at 16 17 they they have they have. to work and grind to get a certain cussion that they they could play with.
And they could they could do something with. Most of their money is going to survival. Of course you can. You can have disposable money and income when you don't have to fight for survival.

Okay, most Americans most people, um, have to have to take care of surviving. That's just this is just privileged. I'm sorry countries, but if you like it is possible. Like again, you may have to take that 4-Hour walk to that popup library with like one antenna or whatever the case may be.

but again, it's possible. Yeah, but at the same time like she shifted me on this side because what she said is 100% true. You know it is theoretically possible. You know, just even though it isn't, anyone can become a millionaire.

You know, because like if even 0.1% chance, let's say you have the worst situation possible. Even though you know it is theoretically possible in a real Wor scenario, that's not true. It's like saying you know what's the probability you roll other number While there's like a really small probability at the same time, you can't say oh yeah, it's possible it's possible. You know because it's such a small chance.

which is why I'm more in this side now. Yeah I Chat guys. This is a tutorial on how to be grateful for the things around you you. need to be grateful because in some countries like even for China like China like they don't have fortnite you need to be grateful because yo this is X x on the be yo okay my voice as well that is anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so s.

By xQcOW

11 thoughts on “These millionaires are delusional”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eastwood Fps says:

    Middingtons all around.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars myojoo says:

    Chat is dumb as shit, if you actually make a point you’re a nerd but if you don’t make sense or you’re wrong then you’re dumb and then they’ll shit on these millionaires because their rich knowing they’ll never reach this point in life.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zou says:

    wait chat thisghloolathiscoulhlokintrestintho no?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Remmaint says:

    I agree with some of the topics of what the millionaires talk about. I do believe that ANYONE can become a millionaire. The base statement is, “can anyone become a millionaire”.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars raulmmusik says:

    pfffff just Only Fans – insta $$$$

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars raulmmusik says:

    wtffffffffff lol

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew says:

    It is sad that a group of 7 millionaires has 7 brain cells combined

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ducky Orwell says:

    X is so dumb, does he even know that racism did NOT start by the hands of white people but DID end by the hands of white people? more over, on lower levels it goes both ways but on higher levels in the public domain for example the politically influenced people its indeed Racism today and it's focused on whites.

    From a 'white' guy myself in the Netherlands, people of color have it insane easy, get so much money while letting every Native Dutch person get left behind, and this is not recent nor only in our country, the COPS in USA and Netherlands and trust me many more countries cops shoot whites easier then colored people, why? cuz with whites its never about cops being racists, but EVERY single time even if the person of color being killed was an insane risk to society he will be praised as a hero, and the cops as racist, X must be one of those who's indoctrinated to think otherwise, but opinions don't matter, facts do.

    Also didn't X get C shot? seems to me to be the dumb kind of person to fall for that

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Yokai says:

    They should work FF for a month

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Behind you says:

    This was really hard to watch 💀

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LOL MAN says:

    Please translate intro someone for me

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