xQc faces off against Tyler1 in the PogChamps 5 Chess Tournament!
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#xQc #tyler1 #chess

But after he's 900 rated ret people are almost a whole 1,000 points above him because I leave every game can't take him. there's there's a lot of pressure. but I Gotta say that just shows how impressive it is that he's made it to the championship bracket because let's make that clear. Championship bracket figh against some really strong players later on.

So it's very impressive that Tyler one was able to do this and I'm super happy to see him in podcast Be honest. Probably won't be back though because you guys need to need a. He's still not back guys. we got to have a serious chitchat.

By the way, whoever runs this after, where's that Dan guy? isn't he the CEO of chess.com What's up bro? you got to get up and leave. oh he got put his eye drops in. okay he's you hungry bro. you you want to go get lunch or something? yo oh he's fake crying yo oh that's what we're going to do.

oh he's trying to get sympathy from the the the organization. Runners that's cute. that's cute bro cute. He is awake you know I chat.

haven't seen it yet but I heard that he can see the pieces better actually. Oh wow. Well Andrea who are you roting for? Are you going to be uh, taking my side or the opposite side? All right. we're starting guys.

All right. Oh let let's see what I can do after an hour and a half and a plus a week wait? Let me cook. Bye no no no no Well you know it's hard for me to ro do I Want to do do I Want to do Str How about the better player? Let's see who go on Then come on or stick. 29 Tyler 29 Come on man, you can do it brother I think I'm going to do the what you were doing earlier I I didn't I don't know I only know like five moves of it.

but I'm gonna do it. He won't expect it because it's out of nowhere. Oh what is that What is opener right now right? This is the start. All right.

They're bringing in their audio chat this start. he's doing it. Wait a second she is. no, he is.

Excuse me stop going the C Mr Cow the Mind Games right there. This is absolutely amazing. No I am definitely for for T Big Cow Energy. Apparently he was prepping it.

That's pretty cool yo the YouTube short didn't say anything about that. By the way Anna you're the one I seen it of hello. Where's that? The allegations today bombard my though I should have stuck to what I know I knew it was going to be bait. Let me think he can get a lesson on the cow if he wants to.

I'd be happy to give one. Yeah Speaking of the cow, run it down Ming It is honestly a good Strat for him. it's very good for beginners because it's very safe and it's hard to blunder. This is honestly amazing I Can't believe that the cow made it wait.

Can we? uh, tune in? Come on Big ton got brother I mean Mr Producer run it down mid. That is the one thing that I've learned about gaming. That is how Tyler plays chess when I'm in this position when I'm I'm in this position I'm in right now I don't know how to develop I'm I'm going to be honest with you I don't know how to developer I have no idea he's probably like oh my God I could go like this: What is he planning? What is he? What has he cooked up in practice? nothing I'm not leaking any strategies that works with you little last boy. not particularly well though.
Um, for your BR you're a hater of the cow opening Andrea I' I've heard that. So the one thing I was going to say but it hasn't been punished is the cow is such passive development that if you know how to properly punishment the out, they work out. and then for now though I want to man what happened today. what was I thinking about I was thinking about um I was thinking about a lot of things.

Run it down mid strategy open. that's the only way I know how to check me to be honest no I'm going to go like this I want to get my my my my pwns out here to get better development. This Gu is blocking my pawns from going up bu Bumm sorry chess people I got to do this move this I got he moves that um that works well. he's actually playing PR these now maybe I could lock it up if I goes here.

move this one too. no way he does that right. Bad I want to get I want to do something that make his his queen go up so I can maybe do a fork on his uh his looking King at the top. Oh smart actually.

yeah he actually knows the game. Oh you know what I can do now pass. they're going back. You capitalize on this.

Oh no, but Tyler is also keeping the pressure on the night if excc doesn't push I take that and maybe he does what Anna says maybe sacrifice take, take, take Queen takes for trapped Mr Krishna in chat. Yeah the the funny thing is that it's actually that is spicy that what I lose though what? I lose point you cringers were backseat gaming going to say but yo it's a pretty cool play all right and he doesn't tra it's a pretty cool play. he blunders a bishop he blers are full Bish oh my God is Tyler going to see it Fork it's a free Bishop this is huge. This could be huge and it's such a natural move to just take the bishop.

you see something and you take it all has Tyler has to do is take and he's up a no He he does and he just pushes the bishop away. All right. that was the first blunder we should get a blunder counter for how many we think we'll see this game. Um oh Andrea I no doesn't work because he would have just taken my queen.

Yo What am I saying? wait wait he's trapped Now why he's be trapped now. Wait he's Bishop on the right side he f for The Fad Cage cast over. That's a a classic. the far cage Beach WAP right side.

Holy holy Chad So is it worth the trade? my last night for a bishop that is absolutely insane. This is incredible. If he takes it with this, she is actually trapped in there. He sees the pin Tyler rising up to Xqc's level and maybe even better.

I think he just I think he just likes the cow. He understands it. You know this wasn't supposed to happen but y if I take this I lose my my queen. Nice.
Xcc has to keep the pressure Now he has to get another piece to come back in this game. Yeah, this is now a tricky moment because at this moment Tyler needs to see Knight takes F three Pretty much no, it's trapped Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's trapped. It l is.

No, it's trapped. It's trapped. It doesn't matter. It is trapped.

No, it's trapped. Um I I Have a a true oppon attack here. I have attack attack attack I have attack attack attack and he's got to move this out And you can't do this position to get my on the way way out because this is blocking now so we're takes that. Take this.

maybe I Played smarter by not knowing. Boom if I ran away. what if I ran away so it's a one for one trade. Wow dude.

I don't We didn't get to finish the rest of his calculation but he made the right decision. He has saved his pie and he's keeping the advantage. Very strong play on Tyler's part. He's winning right now.

He's a obviously at piece is maybe not so much but I mean it's a full piece up. He's objectively winning, He just needs to keep his advantage and not is. But let's not forget what this is. Ladies and gentlemen it is.

POG Champs I've seen Tyler not take free Queens but he has taken those check yeah I'm going played her CH I Don't know how long this bishop will last I'm honestly very impressed. Very impressed This good. very good representation for the cow Community though I Have to say this is good Mar I didn't I didn't tell Tyler to do this, he just let's move some pwns up boys. I Got a castle the mar of the ponds Boys the march of the ponds begins.

We are chill. Is it okay to Castle on this side I mean excuse. Doesn't really seem like he's too stressed about being a piece down yet to be honest. Yep.

I think he's he still hasn't completely woken up. That's this is I think something's going to kick in mid game and he's just going to come to life. Okay, hold up one two one take take take H Who am I k do I'm just I am PR can think right now I'm not. Wait let's do this and let's do that.

Maybe open my king up a little bit like it's going to make him vulnerable. but I get I Have a nice work here so I kind of chill out with it. No, we're good. We are good.

100% Minus three is fine. so numbers are all projections right. If you lose a minus three, it's only minus three. In in in the world where you're going to use all your pieces right? and they're all going to have a value.

If you don't use your pieces, they have no value. So this is a rook has been used in the game yet. that's that's five, right? That's five. That's 10.

It's not being used. So what? Why might have a plus three if there's Aus 10 on the map a TR I open use it I don't know. Also I could move these I still got my queen all I got do is make sure I actually use the advantage. Um in my favor.
like here. what what Excc needs to do is that he needs to just push and just try to create an insane attack like open up over here, open up the gfile and just try to get a queen on. G3 Get the king up, get a rook and just try to go for the G7 Pawn that's what I think he needs to do right now to get any chances. It's a very ambitious attack, but I think he has what it Tak as long as this is here I'm fine I think so too.

I mean it is a scary attack although this is the famous Checkmate that Tyler has been doing right with the queen and Rook lined up Tyler wouldn't fall for his own his own medicine I don't think so I don't think he would. he's learned that one quite well. So it is a little bit risky that Tyler is opening up his King but at the same time excuse gets his King oh opened up B in take but he's continuing the pressure. This is still good.

B B doesn't want to open up that it is going to be too dangerous. That works. Now What? This is a very bad B B position though it's terrible I think it's just temp though. he is stuck like crazy.

he is so SL out he cannot breathe. He cannot. he can't breathe. Ton is out of O2 man is that what? Ox I woke up so this doesn't count.

Okay I don't know. Maybe he takes that I and I take it and then we're pretty much even I'm Mak sure that the B doesn't go through. Maybe I go and I force this piece to finally. maybe I go here.

No is um, carbon. um theide cuz there's two monoxide's only one and that's the worst one though. it's this I guess should go like this I don't think I want to retreat here. To be honest.

Do I want to retreat? not particularly. I I'll I'll do that trade I'll do that trade and I can position my pawns up and I have control of the map entirely. You know, the problem with chess problem chess is that whoever made this game then make a fun name for the map. A chess board isn't a fun map name.

When you play one one in COD you say yo dude? um one r or shipment or whatever right? and it's going to it's going to cool and baller this game have a lot of one one I'll see you on the chest board. it's just going to nerdy like just give it fight to lose like it the plate or Plateau yo dude I do not want to lose this one one on Plateau Got it man. Boom. You know like otherwise it's just kind of boring.

What did he just do? Stuck so his extra piece doesn't really do much. The beads are kicking in, chat The game is about to change. Yeah that LE this open you know I mean this doesn't have to really like. look at Exc's King as well.

This is a fantastic move. targeting Wow I get this too. Yep, yep, he only has one two ways to defend with his Queen. But still thing about this Pawn structure is he's down.

but that Bishop on H7 is kind of useless. If Tyler wants to activate the bishop, he has to find king h8 and then Bishop G8 It's not an easy maneuver, typically a bishop, a very long range piece. You don't want it to be blocked by ton of Pawns and right now it has literally no safe squares. Bing Bang: Bing Can't do bang because of Bing then bang do do I Do it now though.
get this for fre. I'm just a freak Pawn right? King is not going to be safe at all. so Tyler is not playing like an underdog right now. He's seeing everything that he came so prepared today.

I mean I wonder what's going to happen if, uh, if he beat Xqc to be honest I I Don't want to know honestly I I'm if after that pencil snap I'd be like but this is good reminder: there's two games Tyler's game. It's just going to make the second one even more entertaining. Absolutely there is one more game and I Do think that all right. We got double up or trible up boys.

That's it. We are going for checkmate boys. We are going for it. Letting your own King be a little bit vulnerable, but it could.

It could work. although it's easy to Def fend exactly like there is a clear threat, but it's clear for both both sides and since Tyler has been seeing everything, it's hard for me to believe that he won't see a move like Rook. F7 Also, I thought this map would be um bit low a 10 Z or a 10. All right, 10 ancre of 5 Seconds on 10 minutes I was not aware of this.

They have two turns though, right? It Changes Everything Changes Everything Hold up, let brush my hair a little bit. Tournament and don't read any of the rules at all. Most of them don't know the time control, but all his games has had an additional 5 seconds per move. However, if he goes into tiebreakers I think X wants to use his advantage in Blitz chest which he could, but to do that, he has to win a game at least one.

Yep, he does and look at Tyler I mean he played very safe getting the Rook Now there's no way for excc to Checkmate this is a very zoned in like he's sitting in the dark. He's got that. he's very focused and I like to see it that way. He can't take this.

I'm loving this. This is amazing. Wow. like what X could try right now is a very big battery where he doubles both Rooks on the G foul so bringing one to G So at this point in the game if I can't here like this I don't lose to this I get a Checkmate when he when he fudges up The Rook so if he go sideways I get free Checkmate Now I can move on the map.

however I want to under the guys that I have a Checkmate for free so his Rook is dead. pretty much I can act like his Rook is not the game and just I just PL my PS and he has one m and when he makes a mistake if I go up Pawn I'm misunder understanding something on the board right now. Only thing that could go wrong is if Tyler breaks under pressure he just needs to keep the solid defense and not touch pawns. That is the worst under push upon right now.

otherwise he's completely solid. He can move any other piece. All right. this is going to get very that good.
I'm sorry and I saw it a couple moves earlier I'm so sorry I couldn't I couldn't contain myself. What he can defend his Bishop takes he brings in The Rook but he's he's making it hard for himself but they're still very solid defense. it's just a little bit more calculation to spot. Come back now.

Andrea I Think that this game. what a comeback though. He really gave me that though. you really gave me that.

This is why developing your pawns is a silent killer. The killer you don't notice until he's at your door. That is the that. That's the take that pawn.

nice PA Defended yeah, keeps it defended. Very important move now. plan for I going push, push five and then uh, that's a slower land. but yeah, that was so smart I was this was the more tricky one but he saw the sack.

oh now we just can't my life could there be a state under I don't know why he's going for the pawns oh my God he's pre-moving Pawn pushes oh Tyler need his SP oh my God oh my God think oh my God okay he sees it oh my God how I get so much time. oh that was way too close for comfort. Why is he pre moving? He has 4 minutes and 44 seconds. Why is he pre-moving You have so much time.

Oh now he got the Checkmate close I actually did decent that game. he suck ass. he sucks so bad you're so bad at all video games. you're so bad you are so terrible I had that too bro.

it was this left side play. whatever like I think when we when I traded my queen and my Bishop right here. that's what it was. Hold on I actually watch this one.

That's what it was. bro. True that I messed up the pawn fight too. oh my God he's so terrible.

he's so trash garbage ass kid. you're an idiot. Yeah you're not good at chest cuz you don't have a brain starting you. Okay I just dropped 30.

you couldn't tell me. oh but we'll wait for ex you see for 5 weeks you're not going to tell me when the game starting the is wrong with you people. bye let me just say something. I did not tell TI one to do this.

this is his choice. He saw this and he loved it and he wanted to play it so I just inspired him with something. the truth is kind of. Genius Also what's this? Cool out Period I don't get time to cool down because he was 30 minutes late.

Has the emal Now the guys guys guys somebody in the pregame did some did some mental mental like weird assault to me in the in in the chat and it's not what is he doing. he's doing the Miss see opening. Beatable bro. This kid is ass.

This kid is ass by the way. Beatable for sure you are ass. xq he is bad. You better pray you don't see me when the actual bracket starts scrub ass showing up like terrifying on.

But I bet money and if they were to show up, they'd be the nicest people ever. They'd shake hands what happened. but who knows I want to see it though I wouldn't I to be honest getting his night out but he's allowing Tyler to pick up the bishop and I mean obviously excuse would be able to take back but typically I mean you don't really want to get rid of your Bishop so early on. So like I said I don't actually know what the strategy does I I only remember the first 10 seconds of the YouTube short she I like it like what? what little I know about it I like the line that I was student, what you need to do against all locked up um is doing very solid but evenly okay.
Me too I actually really really love okay everyone yo yo I was ready I was ready today I was I'm in my head right now I'm in my head lucky I'm in my head right now I'm in my head right now. He's got me one for one I don't know how to use Bishops though I don't know how to use these so I need my Rook the only damn things I'm good I'm good I'm good I don't I don't care about none of that. Let's get it. move him over there and he'll help.

Also I should say that the queen probably see Tyler's good at realizing good moves after he does them, but very common in new players I mean honestly I feel like that's common in Old Players like I do it all the time I constantly feel like I should have done a different move the moment I did it and as we can see both players are getting into their own head was his own head. Tyler is realizing he's making mistakes and it is hard because once you start looking down on your game, you're more likely to play. Yeah, he needs to keep the confidence up and still think that he can be even though a lie I felt a lot better. Last but last he was aie up and he was able to to change it.

so this might be the same thing ter might be able to make a come see much Cann yeah just go push it's F this is this is the victory Runner I'm pushing I'm pushing for victory. We about to win this look I got this unless the position closed. Yeah oh he's doing. he seems to be doing it.

Maybe is putting his night over there Danny Wrench in the chat with 100 gift know Daddy I hope there's some new viewers in the chat who got we know that Danny wish he's been hyping up forward as Welling Danny that's absolutely amazing. Okay I'm happy he did a switch night he brought the night up Dad I'm tring I don't think Danny is getting the profit from still. okay yeaha only what if if he goes for sure right? should I'm scared going to go Knight B7 and go there. That's an immediate night long.

He might see it. He's thinking out loud here. that's the move that's the GM move. He does it.

He's baed all of youed. This is beautiful. He's attacking the pawn on his side now see has to see that attack has to defend the pawn and if not then his Center is going to fall apart. But this is nice keeping the game and the match competitive for sure.

And you know I'm seeing some people saying that we're very onesided. The thing here is that XC won the first game so we want to see a tie break that would be epic you know? and I think that people forget that we are chess players for a living. We like to see good chess checked out p T got B depend the no one plays chess here. hey don't Don't Spill the Beans okay supposed to know okay the KN is hanging now he's got to move the KN somewhere.
but will you find a good spot I think going back to E6 is a good one is retreating it very safe be he can do something similar to Tyler where he brings his Knight onto that kind of probably start moving or the he's going to move this. obviously there's a few different ones. How many people in chat is this your first time watching a game of CH Let me think, probably not as many as first champ. Yeah yeah I Want to see is this your first time I Feel like I need to move my king I do not like whatever the this right here? All right I'm back I Feel better I Not like this at all guys I Feel better now.

Um is this the song I Like a lot. Not at all I Could you are now tuned in the ending of the chess tournament kind of prot upper brackets I'm about to dismantle Tonka T Tonka Tfoot two foot T1 I'm going to clap him it is done I'mma put him piece by piece. Always remember this. Always remember this.

It doesn't matter where you stand in life. At the end of the game, all the pieces go back in the same box. pawn bishop Rook king queen. It don't matter in the end it is all back in the same box.

Also could lead to a a a run it down mid angle on his King No that move does what it's back in the same box. That's right and you need to live a life worth living it. Everything else is irrelevant. So let's say that I move got it I Live my life as a Victor Wait does that open up me for my Bishop of the POG Champs X Ver Tonka T Big Ton T Let's say I move here.

He will move this. Where are you move it now here. Move one Move anywhere. Move one.

So if I go here I Move this. Move it here and we start like trading mid this daily reminder that that one of Tyler's favorite VIPs is named Big Head Tyler one he's said hate Watcher in every chats daily reminder I Really like it for Excy I think he's playing very actively. Let's check out Tyler one and see what he's thinking right now. Very careful here.

He's clearly not if I was born in the way back when times way back when I would been either a symphony orchestra lord it's free oh he can't take it or a musician or a chess. God I have been famous well he watches all of Xqc's games so he could watch a little bit of our commentary too. Fisher Tasarov goes okay Magnus I want to move my knight like here? Who? Maybe I'll go here so no cuz anywhere one of these I move I should just move it here. Oh no no no no big brain X Going massive here boys.

this guy's done. Just leave the game already. You better give the Pwn see one your corner. It's done.
It's done. It's done Bro it's done Yeah, may just give the Pwn Tell one it's Listen, it's going to play your best move here. It is time to play his best move on the board which is running downstairs and crying to Michaela to cheat for him Exactly. That's a great answer Andrea that's a great answer.

So um this is a great move. He is defending everything. Okay here we have the light position Bishop F1 defending the now own option. he is defending everything.

Do about this Christ he develops his Bishop Way X needs to do is activate his Rooks and queen or open this. This is also a good plan that doesn't do anything at all if he takes this Knight C5 Andrea it's gonna be very hard but does see it. let's tune in he we that happen right? This is a critical position. very critical.

he the Bas Mo Knight C5 threatening the bishop Ty needs to bring up the king then go go go. All right delay saved. let's go. What is X thinking about he can win a piece.

wait hang on Anna but there a queen takes a it's still winning. It's just so much calculation there's no shot. He sees it. no offense.

it is. Actually what am I doing? See it myself? Yeah, see, that's the best way I going to do here I Think this all right dud. You know what I feel like right now I feel I'm in like the medieval times and I'm having dinner in the garden here. actually no it's it's too.

It's too rustic actually. I'm in the I'm in the the king's Hall Maybe it just means that he's having a good time. You know, eating in the garden I'm going to try I think the garden is the symbol Andrea has ever been to a garden. This music is so sad.

Yeah, he's playing pretty good. Maybe he actually is cheating. No. I'm not say that I'm not.

I'm not going to hint at it. he's cheating. Okay So somebody, let's do a mic check. Let's do a mic check.

Let's do M on one. Maybe Maybe he's muted now and and M saying night be 6 kh+ 3. He just doesn't know how to move the pieces in those directions because he he hasn't studied the annotations. Tru I'm not playing for I'm dud I don't think they even know the names I should I was to say probably pleas is flexing that 200 points.

He's been talking a lot of a fight. it gets in your head and I'm one to talk who lost time mod games to Xqc myself. So I get it? Yeah, no, it's easy to to think that there's something more uh going on here. but I What do you think that CH discover Andre It is still difficult because he's literally still losing.

He's still down material, but he's defending so well. Yo ter playing pretty good. This is really scary. I'm seeing some ideas here Andrea I'm seeing some ideas Bishop takes B5 at some point.

do you think that could be a move that terer could do cuz the rook and the Queen on the same fou I didn't see depends on does wait. it's working because the queen can't take the pawn because the knights. Is he going to notice? no he gets a pieza. he get a pie that stop from no Come on.
Tyler Oh my. God Discover bro. No not with that piece, the other one, the other one. he'll get there.

Process elimination, move back. he's playing with my head, he's playing with my head and this one's in G Major Dude, it's in G major oh my God I Don't like G Major I Just hope he doesn't move a piece back. You know he needs activity this would. oh oh well.

uh I play The threat is just gone. He had it coulden knows any better. He should move his Queen off the file now before it's too late. I'm not even looking at his King by the way.

I I haven't looked at his King the entire game I'm TR oh my God oh my God if he moves the Knight there could be a Bz Gambit there'd be Bishop check but he's not. Don't move the Knight because Bishop Discovery then he sexs but he's only getting bishop and a rook for a queen. Take wait a minute, take, take, rushes it down, take then lose the game. Yeah I mean queen takes would be you know, catastrophic for Ty Okay in eventuality that I don't feel good about this anymore Sor I Found a way to lose the game.

Okay, okay, this is progress wa a minute. Welcome to this is good I can't play for that is good I didn't even hear it I was just completely zoned out. Push push I need more time all right I'm worried I'm worried about that night but there's like so little chance that but that that check but also take okay take I mean Knight C5 it looks like he's going to do it. but Bishop C4 Chuck would be an epic move.

Sadly, even though he Tyler still down three moves, not very efficient. Is it? Nope. That would be a big comeback. Yeah, there's something I'm not thinking about I have four minutes this there's something I'm not seeing here.

Push can't take actually no push, no push push. There's a window. No, we get this piece moved. Wait Pawn Push can't take take take Yeah.

I'm very very impressed putting Tyler Under Pressure Tyler is under almost under a minute and he's under great attack I more con is defended but he needs to get his King off that file and he's getting it the other The Rock he needed to go the other way. oh this is so scary now so far I got him that was such a stupid move by me oh my God about to lose off that it's I got him both strats here work. they both work this that works for the midd trade but this looks really spicy I Don't have enough time I'm going lose on time I need too much time that is extra spicy I think I just have to. that's extra spice on a stack that is extra spice.

Oh you want to play like that I need a Sa I need to get this piece up. Okay I go back then I do this. Then it's only up man. Fair game.

Game is game. Game is game. You're against a clock. He's sweating, all of his muscles are St to break down and they rushing to his head.

Every fiber of the muscles are reorganizing it in order to get more brain power but he's still struggling it. Go. He doesn't know what this move is. He doesn't He's recognize what is this move.
What is it doing? What does it mean he does not know I'm five moves ahead. Bing Bing Bing can't take protected take. Boom. He doesn't even see it.

He doesn't see it, takes it. It's like three pieces right here. A poorly organized mind is a blind eye I might try and protect this somehow. Wait 18 seconds.

He is seeing his life unveil in front of him. He doesn't know what to do about it, but he knows it's going to hurt. It is what it is I it is what it is I have three minutes to think about this. This protects it though.

I don't know we're playing. He's he's. the clock I Go fast. know what to do I got 18 seconds left I should have done it from the start.

Que Take Queen Take Knight Take Knight Take Take It is what it is I had to too low on time block take take. It is what it is. Bro push push push check Check I'm not getting checkmated I'll tell you that much. Check You will not meet me.

you piece of check. Check. You will not meet me. Check.

You will not mate me check check Checkmate Loser: He's trash bro. He is so bad by the way. So bad bro. Look at me coming here like an ogre making him sweat his ass off.

First game was free as by the way. first game was free as he's so trash. By the way, you don't want to see me in quarters. Man look at this bro.

I just leveled up in one probably two three games I leveled up you are TR that is insane Horrible player xq is what I call him I should have had that first game bro. Oh that second game was done. but that first game if I had that first game bro xq L Dude I Shaking Chat guys guys my body is not. It doesn't know what's going on right now I I Really I Chat F That didn't matter.

You are so bad at the game by the way. Sweating. We are not live yet. We are not yet.

we're gonna be. You can? We're not live yet. We're gonna be live in 30 seconds. Anna Anna Anna You're gonna bring us back in with the winner reveal like we did with the last interview.

um announ actually see we have them both on the air and then y y'all can go crazy. Y'all can go crazy once we're on the air. everyone can hear each other. Yes yeah I can hear but if he keeps barking we not be able to hear him proba you got like a he's got like a sound thing that vampin the sound when when he does that man I'm just saying I'm shaking you're so lucky yeah I'm shaming I just woke up but that's all I took to beat you two one and Anna go.

we are back here with xcusy and Tyler one excc just beat Tyler one 2. we got them here. Was this the most important match of Po champ so far? Sorry was that question for me? my I know I don't know what the question was but let me say my piece excc was 35 minutes late after being I should have given at least 15 minutes of extra time to play I would have smoked him the first round he was panicking. he's 700 rating above me and I had him shook move for move.
it wasn't even close. Sure second game wasn't wasn't competitive, That was my bad. I still did some trolling. He's garbage at chess.

It's uninstall forever guys. A little bit. he showed up, he made me reschedule the last last week and then he's 30 minutes now late now. EXC see you're trash.

Is he done talking? Holy can I Is it like a time bank? I I had to talk P now I I talking now right? I'm going to say I said it earlier when I was talking to the broadcast I said it he he was cheating I get it I won I Michela in the room and he's she's she's giving him the moves I could tell I I could tell the way he's moving Micho is giving him the moves. it's obvious it's he was playing way above his rating. He was playing way above his rating. He was playing an average of like 900 1.1k average as a 200 actually cheating I This absolutely right I played above my level when the pressure's on time and time again.

I Perform I Play up to my opponent even at games I'm not even the best at and unfortunately you play down to your opponent. he's going to pip squeak and squ in real life. xcc You're lucky. This is all you have is is this little video game career.

I Play this for front while I'm working actual labor jobs in real life and I still dusted you almost Labor job What kind of Labor job you play League of Legends what is he talking about? No Labs no you don't Service and repair pools actually. Okay so for the broadcast I don't know how he's lying, he's this your like start pop Champs I'll let you talk oh well I I have a landscaping job and an office job and I stream and I play chess and I be you got fired from both I I'd imagine probably. Um Anyway, you probably showed up an hour late to that too. and in the real world xqc that's not acceptable.

and hopefully in the chess.com world that's not acceptable for the quarters either. You show up an hour late for that. Maybe you he'll face some punishment one point for time for this one. But listen you to understand that there's lore behind this.

Okay, easy th this small person bigheaded muscle head is still Ming it because I cheated against him in Twitch Rivals and I got banned I got banned for a week for it and I couldn't stream and he wanted to take revenge. He called Michaela to cheat against me to get his revenge and even with M 2v one I beat them 2v one. two brains can even get to mine. Any comment? Tell her yeah I have I have about 15 comments Number One X You see, you have to bring in IRL stuff about that because look at you, you're pale.

you look like a ghost bro that can't be healthy. You weigh 75 pounds Again, remember me snapping the pin I can snap you bro. First of all, you don't want to bring iron to this because I beat you at everything in that. Secondly, stop accusing me of cheating.
It's just a compliment because I wasn't okay. And then thirdly about the cheating comment with with you cheating yes hello. he's admitting to cheating in a previous tournament. Hello! Okay anybody, is this just okay.

Are this okay with XC cheating and being scum? XC Yes, you beat me this time. You won't. By the way, you will Not go to sis. You are terrible by the way.

No. no character aside, you are actually terrible. He's right, he's right's, right. I I did put you're not going to Simis I Will I did play terrible.

Okay, but when your opponent is way way way way down, it's more than enough. It's it's more enough. I Watched your BS bro you strugg to get squeaks and that dude sucks. Well I mean yeah, he he is mad.

15 minutes against him. Well okay, well. squeaks is really really really really bad. You're not wrong.

Um I mean the guy was. he was. he was wearing a wig. That's is enough about him.

He was wearing a wig during a tournament I Think that's true. True? That is insane. At least you're not. At least you're not wearing a wig secure from the start.

That's true. that's true. was horrible. Let me let me get this right.

We could both play a year of Chess You would beat me I we if I lifted if I lifted for a year I would beat your PB I said it say I 450 pounds say that loud 450 pounds bro I squat 600 pounds, put the arms away. you have nothing seen to show Hima Crew are we gonna allow him to embarrass production like this. Dude, you're not serious. Also, you've been coached at chess I You' been coach for sure have you not I Heard that you were getting GM pointers by that Hiru guy.

that guy's name is and he was B reviewing me and then leaking it to you. Probably true actually. and you've been playing. this is your like second POG Champs right or your third I don't know how many of these have there been I Don't keep track.

this is my first one. Yeah um yeah. I saw dude OFW actually I was watching. um he gave up on you entirely.

He he he he actually retired. Yeah Hikaro he watched your gaml. He actually retired. He hasn't streamed in a long time and he watch you play.

He just said I'm done with this. he's out. You probably seen my potential while playing and he was like oh I'll never match this guy and he retired I made him quit chess Congrats I'm a freak Okay so well you know it's lovely to see you guys really passionate about the game and Pog Champs and you know Tyler there's plenty of grand Masters Who could coach? This was a really lovely professional interview which um talk for a second. Give me your honest opinion I played impressive chess compared to before you did and at the End by the way, no I I Yep, we were going to say at the end of the day, no matter what's going on with, who can Flex harder who has bigger muscles Let's not forget that the people: United for chess today and Tyler you played a great game.
The truth is you're 200 rated and Xqc was a big favorite. at least 1,000 rating I am not 200 ra I think you deser I'm saying what the number for sure that's what I was trying to I didn't finish my sentence I Was going to say you played much above your level and today you Rose to the ranks and we are very excited because both of you guys are going to be making it to the championship braacket which means you may battle again and now there's going to be even more more insane chess competition. Um so really, we really love how much you guys love chess and you know how competitive you are. and Tyler it was nice to see you do some stuff studing.

It was good to see the cow today. We're happy to help with chess lessons. Pearo has retired so um you know you'll have to settle for a different grandmas big. Tonka 200 I'll see you on the next game.

Brother or not 200, he's not 200. He's not 200. It's the it was a glitch in the system you'll get. You'll get the rating titer.

Um who are you guys most excited to play in the championship bracket? Yeah I'm excited. Why is he playing it? What is he playing it? How you guys are both in the championship bracket? You guys are there. We both go to to the bracket work. You're yeah, you both made it.

This game was just for pride and stuff. You're in the same bracket. Okay I don't think Genie has ever seen a chessboard before and squeaks was busy playing Connect 4 in the middle of the game. How is it fair that he gets a free pass to the bracket? Why? who did he bribe for this? Uh, he's 200 and he played very well.

So I think it's very well deserved. Um I don't know anybody on this list unfortunately. So I don't know. Looks like you guys are each other's greatest enemies.

You don't know. Sapnap he plays Minecraft Topa called the German xcc and Frank is awesome but he's not really well known outside of the chess. Community Yeah I Played snap I Played league with him once. Yeah, how are you feeling about a you guys are kind of.

You know it's an identity crisis. If you guys play each other, someone's going to have to change their hair. You can be a golden egg. Okay, but I'm the Golden Goose Okay, there's multiple version of X's okay from all other languages, it doesn't matter I am better.

How many copies of Tyler One is there? None Nobody Nobody wants to copy Ty One Nobody wants to copy him. Who the want to copy Tyler One E is pretty close I'm just kidding. I'm sorry. Okay, we're we're we're we're by Blood Only relax.

Okay, Final question: Do you think that you will face each other in the live finals in La if he makes it to the finals. So so, uh, I don't Chess.com will let you guys be in the same room. To be honest. I'm flying from Sweden CH to see that I promised that I will do it I'm not SC I'm not scared to one.
Okay I I I would do chess boxing against him even though even though he's he's muscle. I do chess boxing. Second round I would turn into the 5c round and I'm going to be talking about the boxing portion. You loseing 5 seconds on the chess portion.

Yeah, your arm, your arm's your. His wingspan is like two foot. It's like a toddler. You're actually just mad.

I'm 6'5 measured on stream. Don't listen this guys. go watch my V 6'5 6'5 6'5 6 Also 1200 My sister weighs more than you actually see and she's nine. Okay, but that doesn't change the fact that you have a T-Rex build T-Rex Andy So what? how? How do it work guys guys? He's flexing for the camera.

We all know this. It's fine. Do we have to win the whole thing on each side of on how many people go to La Exactly only the two finalists. so you guys would both have to be top in your group to meet and the consolation finalist.

So four people in total I hope you makes it I actually hope he makes it La uh even though I didn't really want to go back to LA because I just left La I escaped La and I have to go back now for for y tournament man. I don't know. Awesome. Now we it is what it is I'm just kidding I I win the whole tournament and I'm an embarrass onlan.

Okay Lan Chess isn't the same as online chess. if you thought you had it hard I Will you up in real life in in the Game X You see now you're talking crazy now. watch it. Watch yourself.

See Well this is I Think the matchup that we all need to see to settle this once and for all. Tyler if you want to get coached to Prodigy they will do it. Same for Ux but we know You' like to do your own type of studying but Tyler I want to see you guys go face to face I Think this is the chat match that chat wants to see most. Yeah, keep on playing the cow Tyler Keep on playing The cow made very happy.

so did G that first game I had I messed it up but you were shut yo. What is this glazing? What? Oh I say for 35 minutes for you Okay, rescheduled your match a a week in advance. you were still look for it. okay I was eating chicken right there and I thought about you and the and the G a chest and I fell asleep.

it doesn't count I took a small impromptu nap. okay I was dreaming about you. Can't wait to see you Tyler okay I yeah xcc why you keep saying that? Okay, can we move on now? he's being weird? Yep. all right ladies and gentlemen, thank you guys for joining us.

This was a really lovely interview. We're looking forward to more chess and um, let's let's go to the standings. Yeah, thank you so much let's check out guys! Thanks so much there's no waiting. All right CH Guys Guys guys Guys: I'm sweaty I am um chat.

my heart's racing, my brain is actually losing it guys I will do I will break the law and do a non-react react segment where I will put a video on and I will go um I'll go change, put all my stuff and wait 31 months with the Gaming Warlord. We're going to do all that.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “This chess match got heated xqc vs tyler1”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HOSTOBI HD says:

    tyler1 : you are so bad
    gets checkmateed

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BestBoi. says:

    This was so entertaining

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronin Guts says:

    Hahah that was hillarious

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Confiscated Zyra says:

    Anna was polite the whole time too. very professional 🙂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tersus says:

    – wins against 290
    – litterally Hikaru 😎💪🧠

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paranormal says:

    lol anna had bigger arms

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Runner says:

    Okay upload without the other talking

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZeoThatZomi says:

    Crazy how XQC twitch chat hops from against him to with him in seconds back and forth

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sim Les says:

    Bro said developing pawns 💀

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Sanderson says:

    Jnxy is the T1 copy, blood looks almost the same just smaller

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asger Degn says:

    Yooo this sh*t got me laughing for hours

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sumbayasimo says:


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